Sonic toothbrushes. Glister ™ Smart Sonic ™ Sonic Electric Toothbrush

Electric toothbrushes CS Medica appeared on the Russian market in April 2014.

The lineup is constantly expanding and today it will suit users with any requests and with any budget. The range of electric toothbrushes includes devices with sound technology and a rotating head. There are special toothbrushes for children of different ages. There are brushes for travel, for the young and active, for the solid and stylish. Find your perfect electric toothbrush.

All CS Medica sonic toothbrushes have a built-in high frequency generator that generates sound vibration waves. As a result, the bristles on the head of the toothbrush perform about 16,000 - 33,000 movements per minute.

The bristles perform micromotions with a sound frequency and when combined with the paste, saliva form a dynamic flow of liquid that penetrates deep into the spaces between the teeth and along the gum line, allowing for high-quality teeth cleaning.

* Data of LLC "ICUVIA Solutions", "Retail audit of medical devices in the Russian Federation", CES Medica position No. 1 in terms of sales in packages in the category of electric toothbrushes for the period May 2017 - April 2018.

Efficiency and safety of the CS Medica sonic toothbrushes. In January 2015, СS Medica sonic toothbrushes passed clinical trials at the Department of Prevention and Communal Dentistry of the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimova. The results obtained prove that the daily use of СS Medica sonic toothbrushes does not harm the tooth enamel and does not injure the gums, but the main thing is that sonic brushes effectively fight plaque.

Electric toothbrushes are replacing conventional manual brushes. This is due to a number of advantages that electric brushes have.

For example, to thoroughly clean your teeth with an electric brush, you do not need to have special skills. At the same time, you need to be able to clean with a manual brush - with sweeping gentle movements, for a long time. When brushing with an electric brush, it is enough to lightly touch the teeth and gums - this way you can clean your teeth with high quality in just 2 minutes.

Many CS Medica toothbrush models are equipped with an intermediate timer for 30 seconds. This makes cleaning even more convenient, as it allows you to calculate the time for each of the zones of the oral cavity.

Toothbrushes with sound technology are recommended by dentists for various gum diseases, as well as when wearing fixed dentures, orthodontic constructions, and implants. Also sonic toothbrushes are recommended for wedge-shaped defects, erosion, increased tooth wear.

Oral hygiene is impossible without a toothbrush. And even a small child knows about it. But why is there a dream about her? The dream book will tell you in detail what awaits you if you saw this hygienic accessory in a dream.

Everyday affairs

It should be said right away that this accessory, dreamed of at night, of course, has nothing to do with real hygiene. For example, Miller's dream book claims that such a dream can be seen by the person who in reality takes very careful care of his teeth. That is, almost any.

And if you are really very puzzled by the state of your oral cavity, then it is not surprising that even in your nightly dreams you see toothpaste or a scary dentist. Such a dream does not require decryption. Another thing is, if you are all right with this matter, then you definitely need to figure out what the hygienic thing is dreaming of.

Basic interpretation

So, you dreamed about a toothbrush, which the dream book considers a symbol of development and wisdom. But only if the product is completely new, beautiful and comfortable. Then, in reality, progress awaits you in business, study or relationships.

At the same time, Miller's dream book, for example, considers an old toothbrush a sign of degradation and stagnation. After such a dream, you should certainly reconsider your behavior, affairs and relationships with others.

Another unexpected interpretation of the subject carries the opposite meaning. So old and dirty, it is the guarantor that the fears of the sleeping person are actually groundless and in reality he is not in danger of any danger.

Product condition

As you can see, the appearance and condition of the toothbrush is very important when interpreting night vision. An old one with a broken handle and disheveled bristles promises minor obstacles in the path of the main business in the dreamer's life.

If you dreamed that several products of varying degrees of wear were lying in front of you, then probably both new and old ideas are ripening in your head at the same time.

It is extremely bad to brush your teeth with a dirty and, moreover, someone else's toothbrush. Why is this dream? The dream interpretation believes that he is a harbinger of a disease.

But if in a dream you choose a new model for yourself or loved ones, then in reality there will be a carve-up. In addition, the very process of selecting a new accessory indicates that you really need an assistant in business.

Who owns

The dream book also recommends paying attention to who exactly owns the hygienic item that you dreamed about. In this light, someone else's toothbrush becomes a sign that in the near future the dreamer will have quarrels with loved ones, as well as minor disagreements with others.

Moreover, if in a dream you use someone else's toothbrush, then apparently you have taken on responsibilities or matters that you cannot "pull". Therefore, the dream book recommends abandoning some of them.

What the dream of a product that belongs to you personally is not difficult to understand. His appearance in a dream indicates that the dreamer is at odds with himself.

Additional details

When decoding a dream, it is imperative to take into account additional details. It's about toothpaste. She just clearly indicates that soon you will have to visit the dentist. Therefore, if you had such a dream, then it's time to pay close attention to your teeth.

Hello! 🤗

Now let's find out together whether your dream will come true? 🔮 Who dreamed just today. It was on this night ️ 🌃.

The Irrigator Ru company presents to your attention a novelty in April 2017 - sonic toothbrushes CS Medica - Sonic Pulsar. Thanks to their excellent functionality and affordable cost, they are rapidly gaining popularity among the residents of our country. Sonic Pulsar - CS Medica toothbrushes for the whole family and for every taste.

One of the main features of the Sonic Pulsar range is that cs medica sonic electric toothbrushes are designed for a wide range of consumers who prefer to have at their disposal a reliable and effective oral hygiene product at an affordable price.
CS Medica sonic toothbrushes are equipped with a built-in high-frequency generator that generates sound waves up to 33,000 movements per minute. Thanks to this, as well as the combination of paste and saliva, a dynamic fluid flow is formed, which, in combination with mechanical sweeping, ensures a flawless cleaning of the oral cavity.
Functions of sonic brushes:
- high-quality cleaning of tooth surfaces, contact surfaces, gaps between them, grooves and pits;
- cleansing plaque without causing injury to the enamel of the teeth and gums;
- enhancement of blood microcirculation and prevention of gum disease.

In our online store, models of cs medica electric toothbrushes are presented, from which you can buy the one that suits you best in terms of its functionality and cost.
Model Sonic Pulsar CS-161, simplicity and compact, one mode of operation, allowing the brush head to develop more than 22,000 vibrations per minute, which is quite enough for effective cleaning of the entire oral cavity. At the same time, the model is economical - one AAA "finger" battery or battery charge is enough for standard operation of the device for a week. The more advanced Sonic Pulsar CS-262 has two cleaning modes. The first mode, "Normal", provides a normal standard cleaning mode for the oral cavity. The second - "Super", involves an increase in the intensity of the effect of the cleaning head of the toothbrush on the treated part of the tooth surface, which is more acceptable when cleaning the oral cavity using whitening pastes.
The third model, the Sonic Pulsar CS-131, is a compact dual-mode brush that is ideal for travel and runs on battery power.
And the Sonic Pulsar CS-233-uv model concludes this delight - it is a modern brush with three modes of operation, which comes with a UV disinfector and 4 attachments. which makes it the most comfortable of all the company's brushes. We receive the best reviews about each of the above cs medica electric toothbrushes, and we trust our customers, as they do us.
By contacting us, you can choose the right brush for you and place an order. Our managers are ready to receive your calls from 9 am to 7 pm every day, ready to answer all your questions.

Professional electric toothbrush Xiaomi Mijia Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush White, has a classic white color. High quality professional electric toothbrush that will provide extra careful oral care. At the heart of the device; technology of sound vibrations transmitted to the bristles. The vibration frequency of the bristles of a toothbrush is very high; it can reach 31,000 times per minute.
Such an impressive speed of operation is provided by the built-in electric motor, which uses the energy of the magnetic field it creates inside the body of the gadget. In this case, the gadget requires relatively little energy for continuous operation from a single charge. The brush is equipped with a 700 mAh battery, from which it can work autonomously for up to 18 days (when using the brush up to 4 minutes daily). The waterproof level of the gadget is IPX7, which means that the device can withstand short-term immersion in water up to 1 meter deep without damaging the internal mechanisms. In other words: You don't have to worry about splashing accidentally on the case. And even if, suddenly, you drop the brush into the sink with water, this will not damage the mechanism of the device. We have designed a vibration-resistant design of the toothbrush and spent a lot of time designing its body .. Everything so that you get real pleasure just by touching the gadget. With regard to the body material of Xiaomi Mijia Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush White, it is composite, which prevents mold from forming on the brush, which is in a wet room. A special pride of our electric toothbrush is the density of the bristles, their arrangement and shape. Due to a certain grouping of bristles in the form of a kind of geometric shapes (oval, trapezoid, rhombus), we were able to achieve an increase in density of up to 40%, compared to the circles of classic toothbrushes. This facilitates more efficient removal of calculus and plaque while brushing your teeth. The fibers of the bristles are semi-circular, while the fibers of classic toothbrushes are sharp. Thanks to this innovation, our toothbrush does not damage the sensitive gum tissue, taking care of your health. The capabilities of the device can be increased using a special mobile application on your smartphone. In addition, you can independently adjust the brushing time, its intensity, and many other parameters. The gadget is controlled using Bluetooth. The brush is equipped with an ST G Sensor, which analyzes the state of the oral cavity during brushing. Thus, you can see regular statistics on the degree of cleaning your teeth right on the smartphone screen. Moreover, on the basis of the information received, the gadget itself may offer you to re-brush your teeth if the quality of the initial cleaning was regarded by them as insufficient! Plus, thanks to the mobile application, you can always understand what the current battery level is and when to change the cleaning head of the toothbrush. It takes 16 hours to fully charge the gadget's battery. And for maximum convenience, the developers have provided wireless charging with a special protective function.

The Glister ™ Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush does more than just effectively cleanse, whiten, polish and gently care for sensitive teeth and gums. She teaches how to brush your teeth correctly, carefully monitors the quality of brushing in real time and helps to correct mistakes using a special glister Smart mobile appavailable for download in the App Store and Google Play.

The Glister ™ Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush is clinically proven to clean your teeth better than a conventional toothbrush **.

Permitting documents:

User manual (download PDF, 3 Mb)
Declaration of Conformity (download PDF, 1 Mb)
Certificate of Conformity Toothbrush Glister Toothbrush Smart Sonic (download PDF, 1 Mb)
Certificate of Conformity Charger for Glister Toothbrush Smart Sonic(download PDF, 1 Mb)
Registration certificate (download PDF, 1 Mb)
Certificate of the Dental Association of Russia (download PDF, 86 Kb)

* Smart Sonic
** In accordance with the conclusion of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "TsNIIS and ChLH", Protocol of clinical studies of the electric toothbrush "Amway ™ Glister ™ Smart Sonic" with 2 interchangeable attachments, separate items and a set (model 1741-03), 2018

GLISTER ™ Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush Set:

  • 2 brush heads in a case;
  • 1 brush body;
  • 1 charging dock with USB cable;
  • 1 instruction manual;
  • 1 warranty card;
  • 1 adapter.

Rated power of the brush: 2.0W

Moisture resistance class: IPX7.

Battery capacity: 800mAh.

Charging method and duration: wireless, about 8 hours.

Guarantee: 12 months.

Key Benefits of the Glister ™ Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush

1. The Glister ™ Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush delivers better brushing performance than a conventional toothbrush *.

The effectiveness of the Glister ™ Smart Sonic electric toothbrush is due to the high vibration frequency of the cleaning head, which results in a complex effect on the oral cavity. It consists of mechanical destruction and cleaning of dental plaque in contact with the moving bristles of the cleaning head, as well as from the so-called irrigation effect, or fluid dynamics effect: a high vibration frequency creates multidirectional fluid flows (a mixture of saliva, water and toothpaste) that exert hydrodynamic pressure on microorganisms on the surface of the teeth. According to several studies, this can help clean out areas within 3 mm that are not in direct physical contact with the cleaning head.

The cleaning head of the Glister ™ Smart Sonic electric toothbrush is capable of up to 35,000 strokes per minute, which corresponds to ~ 292 Hz - a frequency that lies within the audible range of the human ear of 20-20,000 Hz. This is 100 times more than the number of movements that a person makes when using a manual toothbrush (250-350 per minute). This frequency allows for effective and gentle cleaning of the oral cavity. The declared values \u200b\u200bare confirmed by stroboscopic and oscillometric methods.

* Confirmed as a result of clinical studies at the Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery.

1) Stanford C. M., Srikantha R., Wu C. D. Efficacy of the Sonicare toothbrush fluid dynamic action on removal of human supragingival plaque // The Journal of clinical dentistry. - 1997. - T. 8. - No. 1 Spec No. - S. 10-14.
2) Johnson B. D., Mclnnes C. Clinical evaluation of the efficacy and safety of a new sonic toothbrush // Journal of periodontology. - 1994. - T. 65. - No. 7. - S. 692-697.
3) Parini M. R., Pitt W. G. Removal of oral biofilms by bubbles: the effect of bubble impingement angle and sonic waves // The Journal of the American Dental Association. - 2005. - T. 136. - No. 12. - S. 1688-1693.

2. The geography of consumers' residence often shapes their diet, which directly affects the characteristics of dental plaque. Therefore, the Glister ™ Smart Sonic electric toothbrush has passed clinical trials directly in Russia at the Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

3. The Glister ™ Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush has five brushing modes, including the Sensitive mode, which reduces trauma when brushing sensitive teeth *.

Clean, Soft and Sensitive are the main modes recommended for daily use. They have a constant frequency of movement and are designed for people with different sensitivity of teeth and gums. The cleaning head will perform the most bristle movements per minute in Clean mode (~ 35,000). If the user feels that this mode causes discomfort, it is suggested to try the Soft (32,000 movements per minute) or Sensitive (28,000 movements per minute) mode. It should be noted that the recommended time for daily brushing of teeth using the Sensitive mode can be increased. Follow the instructions in the app.

The White and Polish modes are functional and are intended for occasional use in order to achieve additional smoothness and whiteness of teeth. In White mode, the brush will increase the vibration frequency of the head evenly up to a maximum instantaneous frequency of 42,000 strokes per minute. In Polish mode, the cleaning head also has a variable frequency of movements, but the maximum instantaneous frequency does not exceed 34,000. For maximum efficiency, these modes are recommended to be used according to the instructions in the application. Careful adherence to the instructions will allow the brush to complete a full cleaning cycle each time.

* Confirmed as a result of clinical studies at the Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery.

4. Electric toothbrush Glister ™ Smart Sonic and attachments for it have been approved by experts of the Russian Dental Association.

5. The Glister ™ Smart Sonic Electric Toothbrush features a new lithium-ion battery that reduces charging time to 8 hours and extends battery life to 4 weeks (battery life after a full charge of 8 hours when used in Clean »2 minutes 2 times a day when connected to the application via Bluetooth).

These indicators exceed the same parameters of similar devices of most famous brands on the Russian market.

6. Glister Smart mobile appSynchronized with the Glister ™ Smart Sonic toothbrush via Bluetooth using sensors built into the brush, it accurately records every brush movement and allows you to control the quality and duration of brushing. The application will help you choose the optimal brushing regimen based on the physiological characteristics and habits of the user. It is adapted for Android and iOS devices.

7. The high level of protection against water IPX7 and the indicator for changing the nozzle create additional convenience for the owners of the device, allowing you not to fear accidentally dropping the brush into the water and reminding you to replace the nozzle.

Body material: propylene carbonate + ABS plastic.

The brush should be held at a 45-degree angle to the gum, just touching the surface of the teeth without pressing.

After brushing, it is important to rinse the brush with clean running water for a few seconds and place the toothbrush in a place where it dries quickly.

Comprehensive oral care is also important, so it is recommended that after brushing you also use dental floss and GLISTER ™ rinse to remove plaque, food debris and dirt between teeth, as well as reduce bacterial plaque not only on the teeth, but also on the gums.

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