Adapal for the treatment of acne is a rash: features of application. Medicinal Reference Gootar Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

Adapalen is known as a substance that contributes to getting rid of the junior acne (acne) and comedones. But recently it is actively used in cosmetology as a means of aging skin. The impetus to such developments gave the program "Health" with Elena Malysheva on the first channel. Part of the ether was devoted to the topic of using the cream adapal from wrinkles. The drug belongs to the group of dermatological means and as an antense age is not declared. Therefore, before using an indirect destination, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions, and weigh all the "for" and "against".

Release form Adapalen

Composition and form of release adapal

In pharmacy chains, adapal is implemented in the form of a cream or gel. This is a homogeneous white or transparent substance with a peculiar smell. Packing Standard - Tuba with a capacity of 15 or 30 g., Passed into a cardboard box with invested inside instructions. The concentration of the active substance is 0.1%. In addition to adapal, the drug contains:

  • methyl-4-hydroxybenzoate;
  • propylene glycol;
  • diodatrium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • acrylic acid polymer;
  • poloxamer 188;
  • glycolic ether;
  • water.

These are all auxiliary substances that are designed to strengthen the action of the active component - adapal. It is a synthetic analogue of tertinin (retinic acid), made of naphthenic acid. The ingredient has anti-inflammatory and cleansing properties, which means the cream based on it will contribute to the elimination of infectious processes on the skin and removal of "black dots".


Doctors recognize that until the end, the effect of adapal is not studied. Clinical studies have shown that local application stimulates proper keratinization (oroging) and differentiation of follicular epithelium cells. Failures in these processes lead to inflammation, the formation of acne and pore blockage. The result of stimulation is to align the production and deposits of keratin, which is why the upper skin layers become more elastic. Such a feature and allows the use of gel or cream adapal from wrinkles.

In essence, the active component of the cream is an artificial analogue of vitamin A. But the principle of its impact is radically different. The substance interacts with tertinin receptors, but at the same time it does not come into contact with the proteins that bind it. Such selectivity does not allow keratonocytes to be closed with follicles, which contributes to the rapid exfoliation of the damaged layer and skin regeneration.
Important! Like any other anti-aging cosmetology external use, adapal is able to influence only shallow wrinkles. In other cases, it is recommended to resort to more radical methods.

Mode of application

The method of use will depend on how the purpose is used. To eliminate acne, the cream is applied point to the place of inflammation or commercial. Adapalen is capable of drying the skin, so in adolescence (namely, during this period, acne appears most often) use the tool is extremely neat. Otherwise, you can provoke increased dryness.

Application adapal for cosmetic purposes

Use adapal for the purpose of getting rid of wrinkles is necessary otherwise:

  • it is better to spend the procedure in the evening before weekend;
  • clear skin from pollution and cosmetics;
  • remove moisture with a face with a towel;
  • apply a thick layer without rubbing;
  • when hitting the mucous membranes (eyes, mouth, nose) you need to quickly wash off with water;
  • leave one and a half or two hours;
  • wash warm water.

Cream is applied by points

The next day, the skin will redden, and in the day will begin to actively peel. So the drying effect is manifested. During this period, it is possible to start using lightly moisturizing means, the main thing is not to try to remove the peeling from the face mechanically, wipe away with alcohol solutions, to use the tonal means - this can provoke the appearance of inflammation and even scars. To show a visible result, it is necessary to carry out at least three procedures. But not in a row - a break between sessions should be at least a month.

Important! For some time, after the procedure, it is impossible to substitute the processed areas of the skin under the sun rays. During this period, the epithelium is very sensitive to ultraviolet.

Features of exposure

The effect of adapal is similar to peeling, which removes the upper burner layer of the epidermis. This stimulates cell regeneration, the formulation of collagen and the result becomes a visual decrease in wrinkle depth, tightening the skin. The resistant effect is observed after 3-4 procedures. Adapal cream, from wrinkles is applied or from acne rams, can cause local irritation. Therefore, for the period of its use, it is recommended not to use a scrub, a healing soap, purifying agents based on ethyl alcohol. It is impossible to use other dried or irritants in parallel with the adapal.

Adapal not absorbed into blood through the skin

The negative consequences of the internal organs of a person does not have a means, as practically not absorbed into the blood through the skin. Testing on rats showed that the adaplated is able to cause cancer of the thyroid gland and the tumor of the adrenal glands. But the animals fought the dose several times higher than the maximum permissible person. With external use, carcinogenic effect has not been detected. This is possible only with a substantial overdose, but for this, the tool should get inside in very large quantities. And since adaplen is not absorbed into the blood, the possibility of overdose is extremely small.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any other medicinal agent, adapleeled has its own contraindications. It is not recommended to use the cream:

  • during pregnancy and feeding;
  • if there is on the skin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, irritation and tumors;
  • with individual intolerance or with an allergic reaction to any of the composition components;
  • children, younger than 12 years old.

If there are any skin diseases before using the drug, you must consult with the doctor. Dermatitis, Seborrhea, eczema are serious contraindications to the use of the means. It may cause exacerbation or complication of the course of the disease.

Aggressive impact adapal on the skin

The adaplee cream is quite aggressively affecting the skin, so it can provoke an atypical reaction. Most often, patients complain about:

  • obtained solar burns;
  • allergic reactions;
  • irritation, itching, burning;
  • eveniness, redness.

The use of the drug must immediately stop as soon as one of the listed features appears on the skin. It is necessary to not harm health, and not spoil the appearance is irrevocable.

Impact adapal on the skin

Analogs of Adapalen

The cream or gel with adapleelen is available at cost. Its price fluctuates within 250-500 rubles in 30 g. In pharmacies, several types of drug distinguish between some ingredients are sold, but with similar properties. Among the most popular can be allocated:

  • Adaklin (India) - regular application eliminates inflammatory processes, purifies the pores, the skin smoothes and acquires a smooth natural color;
  • Differin (France) - on the effects are identical to adapal, since this component is the active substance. Adjusts the production of skin fat, adjusts the epidermis energization, stops the spread of acne. Efficiency is increased by adding antibiotics into the composition;
  • Adolan (Russia) - produced in the form of gel. By chemical components, the adapalne is similar. Designed for the treatment of acne. It is recommended to apply daily before bedtime, without rubbing. The stable result will appear in three months of application, which is a good result in the treatment of such violations;
  • Klenzit (India) - can be used to treat the heavy form of acne. It may be addictive, therefore it is used only by appointment of a doctor.

All drugs are available in pharmacies and are released without a recipe. Any of them is suitable for the rejuvenation procedure, because they are similar to the chemical composition, and the concentration of the active substance is the same.

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Many families know the problem of oily skin and black dots. Its consequence is an inesthetical appearance and a spoiled mood for a whole day. But do not despair. The joint newest developments of pharmacologists and cosmetologists allowed to create a unique tool for combating acne and acne - cream "Adapal". Reviews of this wonderful means are suggested that this drug perfectly copes with its task.

What is the means "adapal"

The effect of this drug is directed to the deliverance and black points, as well as to give the skin of fresh species. With medium and lightly form, the cream is prescribed without additional healing agents. But with the serious course of the disease, the appearance of adaplen guns is used in combination with other drugs for treating acne.

In this case, the means are used alternately. For example, in the morning - one drug, in the evening - the cream "Adapalen". Reviews of those who used a combination of funds during problem skin, in the main mass of positive. The drug perfectly acts both alone and in tandem.

Beneficial features

  • Fatty skin decreases. This is due to the fact that as a result of the use of the Molecule, the composition of the molecule is associated with the cells of the skin fat and remove them from the pores. Over time, the amount of salla decreases at times, and its development is also adjustable
  • Prevents the formation of acne and black dots. Substances that are part of the product, slightly dilute the skin fat and do not give it to thicken. Therefore, in the hair follicles are not formed by slim traffic jams and, accordingly, comedones and black dots.
  • The removal of the "adapal" means of acne contains medicinal substances that block the growth of the colonies of bacteria, which are the perpetrators of the appearance and spread of acne and various inflammation.
  • An obstacle to the effects of free radicals in skin cells. The "Adapalen" molecules react with free radicals. This avoids excessive dryness of the skin and the appearance of wrinkles.

What is "adapal"?

This is an analogue of vitamin A, only not natural, but the resulting synthetic path. It is much easier absorbed into the skin and fastest eliminates the problem. The medium under consideration is widely used in the cosmetic region for the treatment of oily and problem skin, prone to the formation of acne and guns.

This drug refers to the analogues of retinic acid and has a consistency of white powder, practically non-dissolving in water. Forms forms: "Adapalen gel" for external use of 0.1% in a tube of 15 g and 30 g, as well as a solution and cream.

Contraindications for use

Currently, almost all drugs for acne and acne treat are not only effective, but also safe enough for health. The category of such funds also includes "adapal". After applying the gel, we warn us that there are still some groups of patients, which are undesirable to be prescribed, that is, there are some contraindications to use. These include:

  • Brightly pronounced dryness and sensitivity of the skin of the face. The effect of the drug is based on the dissolution of the skin and remove it from the pores. The skin as a result of the use of this tool becomes still land.
  • Status of eczema. When exposed to "adapal" on the epidermis, it covers its finest film. With all types of eczema (wet or dry), the presence of such a film removes the process of skin healing.
  • Age. It is undesirable to use the drug to children, since at this age is the formation of skin cover. Only in adolescence (from 13 years) it is recommended to use "adapal" from acne. Feedbacks say that the application of this means at an early age is able to affect the condition of the child's forming skin.
  • Dry Seborrhea. In this disease, the substance cannot be applied. The skin will be still land, and the problem will be aggravated even more.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding. A small amount of drug when applied to the skin is absorbed into the blood. During pregnancy, this can lead to some disorders in the development of the fetus. During the lactation, Adapalen Gel enters the child's body together with maternal milk.

Features of application

When going to use this medicinal product, it will be very useful to familiarize yourself with some nuances that can worsen the general condition of the body or to reduce the effect of the adapal gel.

Instructions for use warns us that when used, you need to try to avoid the following actions:

  • Before use, you should not clean the skin with a scrub or peeling. The cream has a pronounced effect, and this can cause strong itching, redness and irritation.
  • In no case do not need to wash or take a shower after applying gel, otherwise the effect will be reduced to zero.
  • Be careful when using the adapal gel. Instructions for use, reviews of fine sex representatives are reminded that in no case the decorative cosmetics cannot be used immediately after applying means. You need to wait for a while. Therapeutic gel can enter into a chemical reaction with substances belonging to cosmetics.
  • During the application, it is worth forget about the use of so familiar lotions for a person containing alcohol or acid - when they are jointly applied skin irritation inevitably.
  • Also during the deliverance from acne with the drug Adapalen, you need to forget about visiting the beaches and solaries. Substances included in the product make the skin very susceptible to ultraviolet.
  • Before using the gel, it is enough in 20 minutes to solve the face with warm water without the use of soap or other means. They are an additional source of irritation
  • Special attention must be paid to those who apply jointly antibiotics. For example, it is impossible to use together "erythromycin" and "adapalen gel". Reviews of doctors and cosmetologists warn together that medications are desirable to apply separately at different times of the day, since the mechanism of the interaction of drugs with each other is not studied to the end.
  • Deciding to use the gel, you need to observe the precautionary measures specified in the memo, and do not forget that this substance reacts with alkalis and alcohol.

How to apply?

The drug is easy enough to use. To achieve the best result, you should adhere to very simple rules. An ideal time is the evening to use the adapal gel. The instruction that lies in the package recommends removing the remnants of cosmetics with neutral cosmetic milk or cream, wash slightly warm water and flush the face with a towel. You can not use soap or foam.

  • When makeup is removed, apply a small amount of means on your finger and distribute it with a point method.
  • Uniformly smearing the gel on the distribution area of \u200b\u200bacne and acne, do not rub and leave until complete absorption.
  • The tool must be applied to the skin approximately an hour before sleep.
  • Other anti-vaulting drugs should be used in this case in the morning.
  • If the means considered on the mucous membranes of the mouth, the nose or eye must be thoroughly rinsed with their flowing water. Make it necessary without delay.
  • In the usual practice, the dermatologist at the beginning of treatment prescribes the use of a medication 2-3 times a week. After a couple of weeks, you can go to daily use.
  • At the end of the course of treatment, it is also necessary to gradually reduce the frequency of application of the means, gradually reducing it to no.

The effect of using the gel is noticeable after the month of regular application. The persistent result appears on the third month. Many specialists and people who treated rashes say that the epidermis is aligned, the manifestations of inflammatory processes disappear. But after the cancellation, the caustic rash appears again. This means that the course of treatment will be needed again and perhaps more than once.

Side effects

With the proper use of the drug, side effects and discomfort occur very rarely. Usually allergic reactions or burning appear in the event that the means is used more than 2 times a day or rub the skin with alcohol-containing lotions. As noted above, this is not recommended. When choosing funds, it should be remembered that with a fatty type of epidermis you need to give preference to gel texture, and with dry skin you can get the cream "Adapalen".

The instruction attached to the package describes possible side effects:

  • Burning, itching, redness and discomfort. If the drug is appointed correctly and corresponds to the type of skin, then such manifestations occur extremely rarely. This is usually the result of the application of soap.
  • Soreness and swelling of the skin. They may arise at the very beginning of the use of the means "adapal". Reviews of people applying gel or cream explain this phenomenon with reaction tools with particles of the skin and withdrawing it through the pores.
  • Edema, itching and eye inflammation. Such a nuisance can happen when applying the drug to the region. In no case do not allow it. If you get into the eyes immediately rinse them.
  • Sunburn. During treatment with the drug, it is better to forget about the adoption of solar baths and visits to Solariyev.
  • The appearance of pigment spots. Patients having freckles or pigment stains should be carefully applied to these areas of the person "adapal". The use of the means can increase the number of pigment stains and even change the complexion, since the gel has a property of accumulating melanin.
  • Formation of rash. It may occur when applied too thick layer of cream. In order to avoid this, the cream should be applied a very thin layer so that the epidermis can completely absorb it.

On the basis there are a number of effective preparations used in the treatment of acne and acne.


The preparation contains 0.1% of the adapal substance. Produced in the form of a cream or gel. The consistency of the means is quite viscous. With oily skin on pharmacy shelves, you can find a gel, for dry - cream "Differin Adapalen". Reviews of people about this preparation indicate that the consistency saves the means when applied. In addition, it has no medicinal, but a very pleasant fragrance. "Differin" refers to the fourth generation retinoids. This is a novelty in pharmacology.

The synthesis of the active substance is still expensive, so the price for the thirty-gram tube is about 15 dollars. At the moment, the drug is produced in Moscow Pharmacological company Galderma. The "Differin" means does not contain substances with antimicrobial activity. Therefore, it is better to use it together with other antimicrobial drugs from acne. As mentioned above, the cream in question is desirable to use before bedtime, and the other preparation in the morning.

Tool "Adaklin"

The drug is produced both in the form of a cream and in the form of a gel. The concentration of the active substance is 1 mg / g. The gel is quickly absorbed and leaves no bold film on the skin. The remedy can be unhindered in a pharmacy. The medicine is produced in tubes weighing 30 g of Indian pharmacological company. The price of the tube is about 12 dollars. After regular use, patients note not only the disappearance of acne, but also other positive results: the overall state of the skin is improved, its color is aligned, peeling and redness disappear, scars and wounds are tightened.

Dermatologists advise for the period of treatment to abandon sunbathing. At first, the patient can feel small redness, itching and burning on the face, and in some cases it is possible to increase the amount of acne. But you should not interrupt treatment - after a while, these annoying manifestations will disappear. The tool is applied to clean skin an hour before sleep. Treatment starts with small doses, gradually increasing intensity. The duration of the use of the means depends on the degree of propagation of acne.

Means "Kleplazit C"

The drug is produced in the form of a gel and contains 0.1% of the active substance adapal. This is a combined medicine. As part there is also a substance of clindamycin, which reduces the presence of pathogenic organisms. The gel quickly relieves acne, while there is no need to use other drugs based on antibiotics. Thanks to the viscous consistency, the gel is very quickly absorbed without spreading. It leaves no film on the skin after use.

The cost of the tube 15 g is about $ 20. Dermatologists are often praised by the drug "Klenzit Adapalen". Feedbacks of those who have already used this gel say that the tool has an impact on both open and closed comedones. Due to this, a good and persistent result is achieved. The high cost of the drug is due to the fact that it is produced in India. However, by selecting the drug in question, it is possible to save on the fact that there is no need to acquire additional medicines.


This medicine is produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company "Synthesis" in the form of a gel in aluminum tubes weighing 5, 10, 15 and 30 grams. The approximate cost of packing 15 g is about 5 dollars. Since the drug is produced only in the form of a gel, it is intended for the treatment of fatty epidermis. At the first stage of treatment, small short-term irritation of the skin can occur.

In this case, the treatment is suspended to completely disappear by side effects, and then with caution, renew. It is necessary to exclude alcohol-containing cosmetics. Since there are no antibiotics as part of the drug, it can be used in combination with other antimicrobial means.

Rules for storage of drugs

All of the above-described drugs based on adapal should be stored away from sunlight at a temperature not higher than 25 degrees in unavailable places for children. The shelf life of each of them is 24 months. The manufacturer warns that funds belong to drugs. The use of them after the expiration date is strictly prohibited.

Anti-inflammatory dermatotropin OE drug. Application: Acne. Price from 200 rubles.

Analogs: Differin, Alaklin, Adolan. More about the analogues, prices for them, and whether they are substitutes, you can find out at the end of this article.

Today we will talk about the adapal cream. What kind of means, how does the body act? What does the testimony and contraindications have? How and in what doses is used? What can be replaced?

What kind of cream

The group of dermatotropic anticoned drugs includes adapal cream . Instructions for the use of this drug contains a detailed description of the pharmacological properties of the active substance and the description of the principle of its action. Adapalen has properties similar to retinoic acid.

Active ingredient and composition

The main action in the preparation belongs to the adapal substance. it The fourth generation is a synthetic analogue of retinic acid and naphtage derivative. It is well soluble in oxolane, and almost dissolved in ethanol and water.

As part of the cream, in addition to the active substance, are present:

  • glycerol;
  • methylparaben;
  • water;
  • PEG-20;
  • cyclomethicone;
  • sodium edetat;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • Carbomer 934 p;
  • Methyl glyucose sekvisteratearate;
  • perhydrozalen;
  • Phenoxyethanol.

Pharmacological properties

Adapalen blocks inflammatory processes and comedone development. Pharmacological properties are anti-inflammatory, anti-vulture, comedonolytic, sealing (reducing seminal seal).

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Naphtomic acid derivative adapal inhibits the secretion of greasy ducts, blocks the formation of comedones, eliminates inflammation and prevents new inflammatory processes.

The mechanism of action of adapal is to prevent the hyperkeratosis of the follicle, stimulating the processes of death and the lunch of dead epithelial particles, weakening the links between keratinocytes and accelerate the renewal of the skin. Slisses slightening plugs, clean the pores from black dots.

Protects the skin from the introduction of infectious agents. The substance does not bind to cytosolic proteins that are able to cause increased sensitivity to adapal and skin irritation.

Does not lead to an increase in benign neoplasms on the skin. Inhibits the activity of mediators of inflammation, including arachidonic acid and lipoxygenase. According to the power of the adapal, it is possible to compare with a corticosteroid betamethasone.

Increases sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.

Therapeutic effects appeared gradually, the improvement is achieved after 2-3 months of treatment.

Available from the surface of the skin is low, only traces of a substance that does not have clinical meanings are found in the blood.


Raw acne is simple. In the case of attachment of bacterial or fungal infection, it is necessary to use the integrated use of the corresponding antibacterial or antifungal drug.

In cosmetology use adapal as a means of wrinkles, especially associated with the lack of vitamin A.


The tool is prohibited for use in some characteristics of the body and skin diseases.

The ban is:

  • allergy to retinoids;
  • allergies to any component of the drug;
  • in the period of exacerbation;
  • wound and skin damage;
  • gestration;
  • lactation;
  • tumor neoplasms.

Not applied adapal simultaneously with acid-containing cosmetic preparations and drugs for outdoor use, dried skin - ,. Not applied during the period of therapy for skin care with alcohol content.

Method of application and dosage

The course of therapy, on average, is 3 months. Gel or cream adapal apply one day a day, at night.

The skin before applying the LAN is prepared using gentle cosmetics. Before applying the LAN, the skin is given to "rest" for 10-15 minutes. Then the means is applied. If possible, the cream is applied point. With multiple rashes, they are applied to the entire surface of the skin, without rubbing. Use for the treatment of all parts of the body with acne rams.

If necessary, adapal is prescribed in a complex with other drugs for external and oral administration.

The dosage depends on the size of the area with acne. For applying a face on the skin, a cream or gel with a magnitude with a pea.

In childhood, during pregnancy and guv

Adapal not prescribed during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Allowed to treat acne rashes in children from 14 years.

Side effects

HP in the first days of use often leads to the exacerbation of the disease. This does not apply to the true side effect, but is the result of the pharmacological effect of the substance. These phenomena take place independently 4-6 days from the beginning of treatment.

Some patients may develop persistent side effects in the form of skin irritation, dryness, enhanced peeling, redness, burning and dryness. The burning can be felt not at applying a substance, but when using any cosmetics. Very rarely marked swelling, rash, changing skin coloring, and aggravation of acne.

special instructions

The gel is designed for patients with fat and normal skin, the dosage form in the form of a cream is shown for dry and sensitive.

At the time of treatment, you should take care of staying under the right sunlight. Procedures are prohibited using ultraviolet radiation. The skin is covered with sunscreen before entering the street. If a long stay on the street is planned, the remedy is not applied on the eve, on the day of the outlet and day after it.

Bad weather conditions like wind, cold, frost, can provoke the appearance of skin irritation during the therapy.

In pronounced reactions of increased sensitivity, the use of the drug is canceled.

Not used with a solar or thermal burn, when weathered. Use on sections with eczema can lead to its exacerbation.

Do not apply on the lips, near the eye, mucous. With random hit of the means to these places, they are thoroughly washed.


It is manifested by the strengthening of side effects. The process is reversible after the abolition of drugs.

Medicinal interaction

Adapal is not used simultaneously with drugs for external use containing alcohol, zinc oxide, sulfur, salicylic acid, resorcin.

Possible combinations with clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide. In this case, drugs alternate.


There are available Creams with adapalin Under other names:

  • Klenzit - gel. The price is within 300-700 rubles;
  • , price range 500-600 rubles;
  • Adolan;
  • Differin - gel and cream for outdoor use. The cost is 700-900 rubles.

Analogs may well replace adapal.

With adapal, produced combined LS:

  • Klenzit-with gel cost from 800 rubles. The second active substance is clindamycin;
  • Effectul gel - HP with two active substances (adapal + benzoyl peroxide) at a price of 1100.

Interesting video: adapal cream - errors when using

Preparation for treating acne. Retino

Release form, composition and packaging

Gel for outdoor use 0.1% White color.

Auxiliary substances: propylene glycol - 5 g, carbomer (carbopol) - 1.1 g, methylparaben - 0.10 g, Dinatari Edettat - 0.1 g, Poloxamer 188 - 0.2 g, phenoxyethanol - 0.25 g, sodium hydroxide - 0.2 g, purified water - up to 100 g .

15 g - plastic tubes (1) - packs cardboard.
30 g - plastic tubes (1) - packs cardboard.

pharmachologic effect

Adapal - metabolite of retinoide, has a comedonolytic and anti-inflammatory activity, normalizes the processes of keratanization and epidermalal differentiation.

The mechanism of action of adapal is based on interaction, with specific receptors of epidermal skin cells. As a result of the action of adapal, in particular, there is a decrease in the "clutch" of epithelial cells in the mouth of the sila-hair follicle and the decrease, the prerequisites for the formation of microcomedones. Adapalen has an anti-inflammatory effect in vivo and in vitro, affecting the factors of inflammation by imigibling the migration of leukocytes in the focus of inflammation and metabolism of arachidonic acid.


- acne.


-, lactation period;

- children's age up to 12 years;

- Hypersensitivity.

Carefully: Dermatitis, Seborrhea, Eczema.


Outwardly, apply 1 time per day before bedtime on clean dry skin, evenly, light touch, avoiding getting into the eyes and on the lips. The clinical result occurs after 4-8 weeks of treatment, persistent improvement - after 3 months of treatment.

Side effects

Hyperemia and skin peeling at the place of application.

Medicinal interaction

Perhaps simultaneous purpose with or benzoyl peroxide. Abide by cooperation with preparations that provide annoying or drying effects, including
preparations containing sulfur, resorcinol or (possibly increasing side effects).

The instruction will introduce the patient with the rules for using the drug adapal in treatment, and also leads all the necessary information regarding the testimony for treatment and caution in application.

Form, Composition, Packaging

The drug, being a synthetic analogue of the acid is retinoev, as well as naphtage acid derivatives has several dosage forms and is used in the treatment of acne.

For therapeutic purposes, adapal is used mainly in the form of a water-based gel or a cream obtained by dissolving a white powder substance in tetrahydrofuran. Water and ethanol are not suitable as solvents.


Pharmacologically, the drug is characterized as a means with anti-inflammatory and gamonicolitic effect. Being a chemically stable retinoid-like compound, adapal allegedly modulates cellular division and energous processes, while suppressing inflammation and development of acne. The reliable mechanism of its operation is not yet determined.

Due to the effect of the active substance of the drug in the mouth of the follicles of the hair, the coatinocyt's adhesiveness is significantly reduced and their separation is accelerated. In this case, the epidermal hyperplasia is not induced and the patient does not suffer from dryness and peeling of the skin. The drug does not entail the use of irritation and is applied in almost extremely anti-inflammatory purposes.

Treatment begins to give results through 7 or 14 days of applying gel. To achieve persistent effect, the drug is recommended for use for several months.


In the external use of the adapal gel is practically not adsorbed through the skin of the patient. Prolonged use also does not contribute to the flow of a substance in a blood plasma, where only minor quantities of trace substances can be detected, which are removed when the bile is removed.

Gel adapal tests for use

Contraindications and restrictions

When the patient has hypersensitivity, the drug is not recommended to be prescribed, since this diagnosis serves as a serious contraindication to its intended purpose.

Limit the use of adapal gel with seborrheic or eczema dermatitis.

Adapal instructions for use

The drug is intended exclusively for outdoor use.

On the dry cleaned skin section in places of lesion gel is applied in a small amount. The layer of applying is thin. Rubbing is not required.

Apply 1 times per day before bedtime at least per hour. When co-treatment with other medicines, the break between the application of drugs should be at least 12 hours.

The duration of treatment determines the dermatologist.

Adapal gel during pregnancy

During pregnancy, adapal is possible in applied with extreme need for a woman, because there is no reliable information about the safety of medication for this category of patients. When conducting experiments on animals, the teratogenic effect is not marked.

Adapal for children

Children until the twelve age appoint adapal not recommended, due to the lack of reliable information about the benefits of the drug for a child and its safety in the treatment for patients of this age category.

Side effects

The phenomena of a side effect is usually reversible and pass almost immediately after stopping the use of the gel by the patient.

Basically, side effects show themselves in the initial weeks of application, gradually reducing their frequency of occurrence and severity.

Most often, patients have marked local reactions in the form:

  • erythema's development;
  • itching;
  • burning;
  • dry skin cover accompanied by peeling.

Less often, the feelings of itching and burning have come complaints after using the gel in applications.

In rare cases, there was an increase in the rash of acne, skin irritation and a burning sensation, accompanied by tingling. Sometimes burns from the sun appeared on the processed areas.


Some patients in the desire to quickly get rid of hated eels try to apply gel more often than recommended by the doctor. Such behavior is fraught with the development of overdose, which is expressed by redness of the skin and peeling of the skin, while delivering sensations of long discomfort. It should be known: such behavior of treatment will not accelerate and will not lead to a better result.

Interaction with medicine

When using the adapal gel, the treatment of other anticron therapy drugs is not excluded, including antibiotics whose dosage forms of which allow them to be applied locally. However, in order to avoid reducing the therapeutic effect of medicines, due to their incompatibility, or other reasons should be practicing drugs at different times of the day with an application interval of about twelve hours. Such distribution will help to avoid excessive irritation of the already affected skin.

In order to prevent the cumulation of irritating agents, adapal should not be combined with those means that have proven themselves as potential skin stimuli:

  • soap or detergent with medicinal or abrasive properties;
  • cosmetic preparations with drying effect;
  • perfumery and other means with ethanol content.

Special care is recommended for combined treatment with adapal and medicine, which includes salicylic, sulfur or resorcin acid components. It is advisable to avoid such a combination or withstand the interval between their use while the effect of the use of one or another drug will not leave the skin.

Additional instructions

If there is a skin erythema in a patient, which can be caused due to the exposure to sunlight or temptation to apply the treatment of acne gel adapal, should not be completely removed from this ailment. If the skin is amazed by eczema, it is also treated with treatment, because the gel will significantly increase the irritation of its problem areas.

When the treatment of acne is prescribed by this drug, a doctor, as a rule, prevents the possible strengthening of ease of acne in the first few weeks of use of the drug. Termination therapy in this case is not necessary. However, if the phenomena of an adverse nature in the form of excessive dryness and irritation of the skin will disturb the patient, the application of the gel should be temporarily suspended or cancel it at all.

The abolition of the drug is envisaged in the case of a patient with a reaction of hypersensitivity. The same can be said in the preparation of sunburn, the patient should be informed that this situation does not contribute to the further normal course of treatment.

In order not to provoke the premature cessation of the patient, it is necessary to take care of the effects of ultraviolet. When the stay in the Sun is deleted, it is impossible to temporarily stop using the gel per day to forced solar baths and the entire subsequent day does not use the drug.

As a measure of prevention to the patient, recommend to protect the skin with clothing from direct rays of the sun, as well as from other adverse atmospheric influences (wind, cold air) that no less contributes to the development of irritation when using adapal gel.

Do not allow the drug to enter the eye and the mucous membranes and lips. With a non-accurate handling of the gel, the means that fell into the wrong place is immediately rinsed with a large amount of warm running water.

For those patients whose skin is normal, fat or prone to fatty is appointed adapal in the form of a gel. Those who from nature got skin dry and sensitive should be used by therapeutic cream.

When treatment held for several months has not led to a positive effect, you should contact a specialist and revise the therapeutic program.

Adapple analogs

Among the analogues of the drug there are several identical drugs for similarities of similar effects. It gels Adaclin, Kleplazit, Differin, Adolan.

Gel adaplen price

The cost of the adapal gel may differ somewhat depending on the location of the pharmacy, however, the price of the drug almost in each of them ranges from 200 to 250 rubles.

Adapalen Reviews

In specialized resources today you can find quite a lot of reviews and opinions about many drugs and gel adapal is no exception. Judging by the statements in his address, many of which have been used by this medicine, among which there are, like those who remained satisfied with his effect, and those expectations that were not justified.

Since the opinions about the drug are very contradictory, we give, perhaps, several reviews that will reflect the judgments of the other side.

Milan: Being still a teenager, tormented with acne on his face. Then when, matured, got rid of the problem as a natural way, did not remember this for a long time. Six months ago, the acne began to appear again. Especially suffering from the forehead and nose. At first, I thought that would pass by itself, however, individual ache nodules quickly developed into a rash and, I realized that without the help of special drugs not to get rid of them. He turned to the doctor and received an appointment on adapal gel. I have been using it for five months and I can say - almost got rid of unpleasant rash. In addition, noticed that the drug has some rejuvenating effect. At least, my wrinkles are noticeably smooth, and the skin has fun, a small pigmentation disappeared, which remained after the birth of the second child. Girlfriends, seeing a similar result, took the drug for weapons.

Valentine: Gel Adapalen bought on the advice of a familiar, who, sawing acne on my face, immediately scored anxiety and led me to the nearest pharmacy. She herself chose him among the whole list of analogues who offered the pharmacist, explaining his awareness of personal experience in the use of the drug. After three weeks of using the gel, I began to expect the promised result, but it could state that the tool only dries the rashes, but it does not interfere with their appearance again. In a word, the drug almost did not help me with nothing. A little sorry of spent time and money.

Igor: This drug used on the recommendation of the cosmetologist. Due to the hormonal failure, a lot of small acne appeared on my face, which threatened to grow into a terrible mask on the face. It must be said that before that there was no successful experience in using a similar means, which led to terrible redness and peeling of the skin. Therefore, adapal began to use with a big caution. However, no allergic manifestations followed. Enjoy this gel. Apply and distributed on the skin is very easy. It can be used for makeup of course, protecting the face as a moisturizing cream. The only thing that had to beware was solar rays, but, perhaps, this is not the biggest sacrifice.

Galina: Recently, my face literally trembled acne. I did not go to the doctor, I decided to find the product independently and plunged into the information expanses of the Internet. Found a lot of good reviews about Gele Adapalen and decided to buy it for yourself. I have not yet noticed improvements recently. However, irritation and dryness of the skin are already noticeably concerned. The instructions for the drug write that it is normal at the beginning of treatment. Judging by the reviews is true. However, with each subsequent day of the use of the gel, it is increasingly strengthened in the thoughts to stop the treatment. Apparently without a council of a specialist can not do. Perhaps adapal my skin is not suitable.

Boris: And I adapal really helped get rid of acne on the face, from which there was no trace. True, in order to achieve a strong result, I took three months of daily use. At first, it was a little disappointed in his actions, since it was almost no way manifested. But I patiently put it on my face every evening, because not only heard a lot of good words to the drug, but also personally saw people were transformed under its impact. I recommend to everyone who suffers from this not aesthetic problem, treat the skin of the gel adapal, but before you begin to be patient and everything will turn out. After all, I did it!

Eugene: I know the problem of subcutaneous acne. However, successfully coped with it almost independently. Just went to the pharmacy and explained the situation. The pharmacist is familiar with me and therefore suggested me everything that is on this topic briefly describing the effectiveness of each of the drugs. The choice is immediately quite successful on the gel adapal. Showing the maximum exposure and patience, since the result will have to wait, I got rid of this problem. In addition, it was noticed that the skin became less fat, and I suffered from greasy shine constantly. Thanks to the wonderful tool for having got rid of this shortage.

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