Large soybeans. ESR - the norm for age

Most residents of Pskov in the new 2017 have already received receipts from their management companies and were surprised to find in them three new lines on payment for "KR on SOI" - utilities [hot and cold water, as well as electricity] for the maintenance of the common property of an apartment building. With even greater surprise, many found that they would pay significantly more. The most common question to me from friends over the past few days is something like this: “Alexey, hello! In January 2017, our house was exposed to 930 kW of ODN electricity. Over the previous months, the values \u200b\u200branged from 125 kW to 718 kW. Where to go to determine the correctness of the calculation of ONE for electricity? " Or more simply: "Tell me, please, has the rent increased by 1000 rubles for everyone?" Here. What is this .... and where does it come from? And most importantly, what will happen next? Let's try to figure it out ...

All these changes are related to the decree of the government of the Russian Federation No. 1498 "On the provision of utilities and maintenance of common property in an apartment building", which was at the end of 2016 - December 26. According to this document, since January 2017, the cost of water (cold and hot) and electricity for the maintenance of common property (SOI) were retrained from communal on the housing service. In this regard, they began to be included in the general payment for the maintenance of the dwelling. It is indicated in the receipts of managers, not resource supplying organizations. Hence, there are 3 new lines in the receipts of "controllers": HV for SOI, GW for SOI and EL. on SOI.

But this, of course, is not the main thing in this innovation. The amount that tenants from now on must pay for various general house needs (those same ODN) is now calculated in a new way.

In the past, many tenants have complained about exorbitant numbers on their receipts for ODN. These figures were calculated on the basis of the 354th government decree based on the actual readings of general house metering devices (meters). The essence of this scheme, to put it simply, was in a simple principle: from the indicators of the general house meter, on the basis of which the managing organization calculates with the resource supplying for water and electricity, the indicators of the meters in the apartments (where they exist) were subtracted, and for apartments without meters, the approved standards were applied - this is how the sum of expenses for general household needs was obtained. But, since in some premises much more tenants live than prescribed, and some tenants pay for utility services, to put it mildly, out of time or do not pay for a long time at all, conscientious tenants often had to pay "for themselves and for that guy" (and for abnormal losses caused by violation of the requirements for the operation of in-house engineering systems, and for non-payment of neighbors). To solve this problem, in the December government decree it was said about using only the calculation method.

Thus, starting this year, payment for utilities consumed when using common property in an apartment building, based on approved standards and tariffs, is included in the documents for payment for residential premises. That is, the payment for these services will be fixed and constant until either the standards or tariffs change.

Residents will see the results of the calculation method in full in the receipts they receive in February.

So, for cold and hot water supply in houses up to 5 floors, the monthly standard will decrease from 0.223 cubic meters and 0.124 cubic meters per 1 square meter of total area, respectively, to 0.034 cubic meters (both for cold and hot water), in houses from 5 to 9 floors. - from 0.106 and 0.126 cubic meters to 0.024 cubic meters. Agree, this is very significant - here the standards have dropped several times at once.

As for the rest of the maintenance standards (for sewerage and electricity supply), they (so far) have remained unchanged relative to those that were approved by Resolution No. 123 of the Pskov State Tariffs Committee in November 2016, that is, even before the December government decree. And if, for some reason, the owners have almost no questions about water (why are they the same for cold and hot water?), Then water disposal and electricity make many people remember calculus.

Let's start with water: the very logic of determining the standard for wastewater disposal in order to maintain common property in an apartment building as the sum of standards for cold and hot water seems to be correct. But only if you do not take into account the fact that the maintenance of common property is not simply pouring water onto the floor of the staircase or straight into the sewer. However, these are issues of federal regulation.

We are more interested in the standard for electricity, because it was this item of expenditure that increased in January payments the most. Earlier, let me remind you, the electricity bill for the ONE was calculated by subtracting the consumption of all apartments from the total consumption of the house. Now the calculation standard is in effect. For the Pskov region, the following parameters are adopted: 2.6 kW / h per square meter of area for houses without an elevator, 5 kW / h - for houses with an elevator, and 6.1 kW / h for apartment buildings of corridor and sectional type (dormitories) equipped with elevators. It must be said right away that these standards are quite consistent with the figures that were approved a few years ago in other regions.

The standard is being formed from the consumption of electrical energy for lighting, the operation of locking devices and amplifiers of TV antennas for houses without an elevator. In houses with an elevator, this is added to the cost of electricity for the operation of elevators, as well as fire-fighting and smoke removal systems.

At the same time (attention!), The total annual consumption of electrical energy by each group of equipment that is part of the common property of an apartment building is determined in accordance with a regulatory document determined by an order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR already in 1989. It turns out that the calculation of the standard did not take into account modern energy saving measures: neither motion sensors, nor energy-saving lamps, nor modern elevator equipment. Therefore, it turns out that the light in our entrances (as well as basements and attics) should burn for 4300 hours (or 179 days) a year, and the specific power of lighting systems for public places in apartment buildings per 1 square meter is 7.8 W ... The same story is with elevators, which, according to the developers of the regulations - one Moscow institute - consume electricity 24/7. In Russian speaking, for our days it is rather mono.

The second component of payments for utilities (including electricity) for the maintenance of common property are the tariffs for these resources themselves. They are approved by the Pskov Region State Committee for Tariffs and Energy, they are repeatedly checked and controlled - and personally I have no reason to doubt the accuracy of the calculations.

The third component of the board is also an ambush. There are still disputes about what area to take into account when calculating the fee. Now the entire area is taken into account, through which this or that communication passes. For example, for electricity, these are attics and basements, even if there is only a small room in the basement, in which the resource metering unit is located.

And there are questions about the initial data. Not always the information on the Housing and Utilities Reform website and the data used by the UO coincide. The technical documentation for apartment buildings is often lost. So it can be problematic to check the reliability of the accounted area of \u200b\u200bcommon areas.

Meanwhile, it is not yet clear why the actual consumption of electricity for general household needs, which was calculated earlier on the basis of subtracting the indicators of the general household meter and meters in apartments, turned out to be less than what was calculated according to the standard, to the method of which, at first glance, there are no serious complaints except for the above ...

What will happen next? And then we have to find answers to the questions - can the owners make a decision to pay for utilities for the maintenance of common property (the same KR for SOI) using a metering device, being limited by the standard? Who will control the charging of this? Will there be an established practice of penalizing management organizations for inflated amounts in receipts? And there are still many questions. In the near future we will look for answers to them together with all interested parties. Tomorrow, for example, we have scheduled a meeting with representatives of the prosecutor's office.

Currently, medicine has ample opportunities, however, for a separate type of diagnosis, research methods developed almost a century ago have not lost their relevance. ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), previously referred to as ROE (erythrocyte sedimentation reaction), has been known since 1918. Methods for measuring it have been defined since 1926 (according to Westergren) and 1935 according to Winthrop (or Winthrob) and have been applied to this day. Change in ESR (ESR) helps to suspect a pathological process at its very beginning, identify the cause and start early treatment. The indicator is extremely important for assessing the health of patients. Within the framework of the article, we will consider situations when people are diagnosed with increased ESR.

ESR - what is it?

The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is really a measurement of the movement of erythrocytes under certain conditions, calculated in millimeters per hour. For the study, a small amount of the patient's blood is needed - the count is included in the general analysis. It is estimated by the size of the plasma layer (the main blood component) remaining on top of the measuring vessel. For the reliability of the results, it is necessary to create conditions under which only the force of gravity (gravity) will affect the erythrocytes. It is also necessary to prevent blood clotting. In the laboratory, this is done thanks to anticoagulants.

The erythrocyte sedimentation process can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Slow settling;
  2. Acceleration of sedimentation (due to the formation of erythrocyte columns formed in the process of gluing individual erythrocyte cells);
  3. Deceleration of subsidence and complete stop of the process.

Most often, it is the first phase that matters, but in some cases it is necessary to evaluate the result even one day after blood sampling. This is done already at the second and third stages.

Why is the parameter value increasing?

The level of ESR cannot directly indicate a pathogenic process, since the reasons for an increase in ESR are various and are not a specific sign of the disease. In addition, the indicator does not always change in the course of the disease. There are several physiological processes in which the ROE increases. Why, then, is the analysis still widely used in medicine? The fact is that a change in ROE is observed at the slightest pathology at the very beginning of its manifestation. This allows you to take emergency measures to normalize the condition before the disease seriously undermines human health. In addition, the analysis is very informative in assessing the body's response to:

  • Medical treatment performed (use of antibiotics);
  • If you suspect myocardial infarction;
  • Appendicitis in the acute phase;
  • Angina pectoris;
  • Ectopic pregnancy.

Pathological increase in the indicator

Increased ESR in the blood is observed in the following groups of diseases:
Infectious pathologies, more often of a bacterial nature. An increase in ESR may indicate an acute process or a chronic course of the disease.
Inflammatory processes, including purulent and septic lesions. For any localization of diseases, a blood test will reveal an increase in ESR
Connective tissue diseases. ROE is high in SCS - systemic lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic scleroderma and other similar diseases
Inflammation localized in the intestines in ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease
Malignant formations. The highest indicator rises in case of multiple myeloma, leukemia, lymphoma (the analysis determines an increase in ESR in bone marrow pathology - immature red blood cells that are unable to perform their functions enter the bloodstream) or stage 4 cancer (with metastases). ROE measurement helps to assess the effectiveness of treatment for Hodgkin's disease (cancer of the lymph nodes)
Diseases accompanied by tissue necrotization (myocardial infarction, stroke, tuberculosis). About a week after tissue damage, the ROE indicator rises to the maximum.
Blood diseases: anemia, anisocytosis, hemoglobinopathy
Diseases and pathologies, accompanied by an increase in blood viscosity. For example, profuse blood loss, intestinal obstruction, prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, postoperative recovery
Diseases of the biliary tract and liver
Diseases of metabolic processes and the endocrine system (cystic fibrosis, obesity, diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis and others)
Injuries, extensive skin damage, burns
Poisoning (food, bacterial waste, chemicals, etc.)

Raising above 100 mm / h

The indicator exceeds the level of 100 m / h in acute infectious processes:

  • ARVI;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Flu;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Cystitis;
  • Pyelonephritis;
  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Fungal infections;
  • Malignant formations.

A significant increase in the norm does not occur at once, ESR grows for 2-3 days before reaching the level of 100 mm / h.

When an increase in ESR is not a pathology

Do not sound the alarm if a blood test shows an increase in the rate of red blood cell sedimentation. Why? It is important to know that the result must be assessed over time (compare with earlier blood tests) and take into account some factors that can increase the significance of the results. In addition, the syndrome of accelerated erythrocyte sedimentation can be a hereditary feature.

ESR is always increased:

  • During menstrual bleeding in women;
  • When pregnancy occurs (the indicator may exceed the norm by 2 or even 3 times - the syndrome persists for some time after childbirth, before returning to normal);
  • When women use oral contraceptives (oral contraceptive pills);
  • In the morning. There are known fluctuations in ESR values \u200b\u200bduring the day (in the morning it is higher than in the afternoon or in the evening and at night);
  • With chronic inflammation (even if it is a banal runny nose), the presence of acne, boil, splinters, etc., the syndrome of increased ESR can be diagnosed;
  • Some time after the completion of treatment for a disease that can cause an increase in the indicator (often the syndrome persists for several weeks or even months);
  • After eating spicy and fatty foods;
  • In stressful situations, just before the test or the day before;
  • For allergies;
  • Some medications can cause this blood reaction;
  • With a lack of vitamins with food.

Increased ESR level in a child

In children, the ESR indicator can increase for the same reasons as in adults, however, the list above can be supplemented by the following factors:

  1. When breastfeeding (neglect of mom's diet can cause accelerated red blood cell sedimentation syndrome);
  2. Helminthiasis;
  3. Teething period (the syndrome persists for some time before and after it);
  4. Fear of testing.

Methods for determining results

There are 3 methods for calculating ESR manually:

  1. According to Westergren. For research, blood is taken from a vein, mixed in a certain proportion with sodium citrate. The measurement is carried out according to the distance of the tripod: from the upper border of the liquid to the border of the red blood cells that have settled in 1 hour;
  2. According to Winthrob (Winthrop). The blood is mixed with an anticoagulant and placed in a tube with divisions. At a high sedimentation rate of red blood cells (more than 60 mm / h), the inner cavity of the tube quickly clogs up, this can distort the results;
  3. According to Panchenkov. For the study, blood is needed from the capillaries (taken from a finger), 4 parts of it are combined with a part of sodium citrate and placed in a capillary, graduated to 100 divisions.

It should be noted that analyzes carried out according to different methods cannot be compared with each other. In the case of an increased indicator, the first method of calculation turns out to be the most informative and accurate.

Currently, the laboratories are equipped with special devices for the automated calculation of ESR. Why is automatic counting widespread? This option is the most effective because it excludes the human factor.

When making a diagnosis, it is necessary to evaluate a blood test in the complex, in particular, great importance is attached to leukocytes. With normal leukocytes, an increase in ROE may indicate residual effects after a previous illness; at reduced - on the viral nature of the pathology; and at elevated - for bacterial.

If a person doubts the correctness of the blood tests carried out, then you can always double-check the result in a paid clinic. Currently, there is a technique that determines the level of CRP - C-reactive protein, it excludes the influence of external factors and indicates the response of the human body to the disease. Why hasn't it become widespread? The study is a very costly undertaking, it is impossible for the country's budget to implement it in all state medical institutions, but in European countries the ESR measurement has been almost completely replaced by the PSA determination.

What is soy and how is it useful? This question interests almost everyone. What is the reason for this? The fact is that recently more and more of the mentioned ingredient has been added to our usual food products. Thus, he began to gradually replace meat, as well as other components.

So what is soy and how is it useful? Photos of this product and its features will be presented below.

General information

Soy - what is it? This annual herb belonging to Cultivated soybeans is actively cultivated in southern Europe, Australia and Asia, as well as in South and North America, South and the islands of the Indian and Pacific Ocean.

Product features

Soy - what is it? The seeds of this plant are a fairly common food product. According to experts, such fruits have the following characteristics:

  • high protein content (up to 50%);
  • high productivity;
  • the possibility of preventing cardiovascular diseases and osteoporosis;
  • the presence of a large amount of B vitamins, calcium, iron, polyunsaturated fatty acids and potassium.

How is it used?

Soy - what is it, and what properties do the fruits in question have? Their unique properties enable the production of a wide range of different products.

Before I tell you about why soy is harmful, it should be told that it is very often used as an inexpensive substitute for meat and dairy products. Also, the fruits are part of feed for farm animals.

Product benefits

What properties does soy have? The benefits and harms (for health) of this product are the subject of frequent debate among many experts. Moreover, most of them consider such fruits to be unique in a number of indicators.

Scientists have found that the product in question contains a huge amount of genestein, phytic acid and isoflavonoids. They have an effect that is similar to the action of such a female sex hormone as estrogen. This feature of soy is responsible for some of its healing properties, namely the ability to reduce the risk of cancer.

It should also be noted that it suppresses the development of benign and malignant tumors, and genestein is a unique substance that slows down the growth of oncological neoplasms.

Basic properties

Soy - what is it and what are its properties? which were obtained by fermentation are very often included in the daily diet of both adults and adolescents. Such dishes are used not only as a prophylactic agent, but also for the treatment of diathesis, diabetes mellitus, various kinds of allergic reactions, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis. Moreover, soy is indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system and liver.

Not so long ago, experts found that the composition of the product in question includes lecithin, acetylcholine and phosphatidylcholine. These substances effectively restore and reconstruct the cells of the brain and nervous tissue, and also have a beneficial effect on learning, thinking and memory.

It should be said that all of the above elements play an important role in supporting the sexual function and reproductive system of a person. In addition, they restore strength after mental and moral stress, and also support the patient's physical activity.

What else is the product in question useful for? Lecithin, which is part of it, is able to control the level of cholesterol in the blood, increase the metabolism of adipose tissue and participate in other metabolic processes of the body. Also, this component inhibits tissue degradation and aging processes, reduces signs of arteriosclerosis, treats amnesia, muscle dystrophy and glaucoma.

Why is soy harmful in products?

In addition to an impressive list of useful properties of the product in question, it also has a large number of harmful qualities. By the way, the latter can easily negate all the benefits of its use in the daily diet.

Most soy products on the local market are hazardous to health. The only exception is the food that was obtained through fermentation.

The most dangerous thing is genetically modified soybeans. Experts say that such an ingredient is contaminated with herbicide residues and does not contribute to the maintenance of normal health at all.

How is GM soy obtained?

Why is genetically modified soy so dangerous? The fact is that in the process of its cultivation, agricultural producers process plantations with a huge amount of such a potent poisonous herbicide as Roundup. The latter is intended not only to control weeds, but also to significantly increase yields.

How does it affect human health?

In the course of numerous studies, experts have found that regular consumption of soy products causes the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, diseases of the immune system, reproductive disorders and as well as infertility, heart problems and even cancer.

Here are some of the consequences that have been associated with frequent consumption of soy and soy products:

  • mammary cancer;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • brain damage;
  • food allergy (severe);
  • disturbances in the thyroid gland;
  • diseases of the immune system;
  • violations in the genital area in women.

It should also be noted that American scientists found that those representatives of the stronger sex who consumed soy products 3 times a week for a long time, the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease increased almost 2 times. Also, the abuse of this food often led to a weakening of memory, a decrease in brain mass and a violation of thought processes.

Negative impact on a person

As mentioned above, soy contains phytic acid. Its excessive intake into the body helps to block the full absorption of zinc, calcium, iron and magnesium. In addition, with the help of soy products, scientists have learned how to control the birth rate of laboratory animals. The fact is that in large quantities, phytoestrogen is able to suppress the reproductive function of the body and significantly reduce its ability to conceive.

It should be noted that many manufacturers add soy to infant formula. This often leads to early puberty in girls and developmental (physical) disabilities in boys. In this regard, the introduction of soy products into baby food is completely unacceptable.

Diagnosis of a patient begins with laboratory examinations, and a complete blood count (CBC) is a must on the list. It allows you to determine the number of red blood cells and their main characteristics.

ESR (this indicator stands for erythrocyte sedimentation rate) is a basic parameter, it allows you to diagnose the presence or absence of an inflammatory process, and after a course of therapy, check how effective it was.

Along with it, the term ROE is used in medicine - the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction. These concepts are identical. The blood that, after being drawn from the patient, is placed in a test tube or high capillary, gravity acts.

Under this influence, it is divided into several layers. Heavy and large erythrocytes settle to the very bottom. If this happens quickly, inflammation occurs in the body. It changes in millimeters per hour (mm / h).

Important: Constantly elevated rates are a consequence of chronic inflammation. But sometimes, with acute inflammation, an increase is not observed.

Determination of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is a mandatory parameter of the general blood test.... Although ESR will not help determine an accurate diagnosis, it will give some hints - especially when combined with the results of other studies.

What value of ESR is considered the norm?

Chronic disease can also affect the deviation of the result from the conditional norm, but is not pathological.

The ESR rate differs among people of different sex, age and even physique.

For women, due to the characteristics of the body, this rate is higher than for men - it is associated with more frequent blood renewal, as well as a number of hormonal changes that the female body regularly undergoes.

An increase in ESR in pregnant women from 4 months of age is normal and does not require additional diagnostics.

This table illustrates the normal ESR count for an adult.

The definition of indicators and their interpretation should also be carried out taking into account the age of the patient.

In pregnant women, there is a dependence of the acceleration of red blood cells on the physique.

In thin people in the first half of pregnancy, ROE reaches 21-62 mm / h, in the second - 40-65 mm / h.

For full ones - 18-48 mm / h and 30-70 mm / h, respectively. The norm is any indicator in the specified range.

Important: In women taking oral hormonal contraceptives, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is always higher.

ESR in children during the period of infectious diseases (intestinal infections, respiratory tract diseases) increases by 2-3 days of illness and reaches 28-30 mm / h.

In infants, the change in this indicator depends on teething, the mother's diet (during breastfeeding), the presence of helminths, vitamin deficiency, and also when taking certain medications.

Below are the average erythrocyte sedimentation rates for children.

If the ESR level is increased by 2-3 units, this is a variant of the norm. Additional examination is required if the indicator exceeds the norm by 10 or more units.

Important: In the morning, the ESR indicator is always higher - this is important to consider when interpreting the analysis results.

When does ESR level rise?

With inflammation, the level of proteins in the blood increases, so the red blood cells settle faster. If all indicators are normal, except for the erythrocyte sedimentation reaction, then there is no serious cause for concern. After a few days, you can retake blood and compare the results.

The most likely reasons for the increase in ESR:

  • Inflammation of the respiratory system, genitourinary system (including sexually transmitted diseases), fungal infections - almost 40% of cases;
  • Oncological processes - about 23%;
  • Rheumatic and autoimmune diseases, including allergies - 17%;
  • Endocrine and gastroenterological diseases - 8%;
  • Kidney disease - 3%.

Inflammation of the genitourinary system

Important: An increase in ROE up to 38-40 mm / h in children and up to 100 mm / h in adults is critical. This value of ROE indicates serious inflammation, kidney problems, and oncology. Such a patient needs additional examination - special tests of urine, blood, ultrasound or MRI, consultations of several specialized specialists.

Diseases in which ESR increases

A temporary increase occurs after acute conditions accompanied by a large loss of fluid and an increase in blood viscosity (diarrhea, vomiting, severe blood loss).

For a longer time, the ROE value grows in some diseases:

  • Endocrine system pathologies - diabetes, cystic fibrosis, obesity;
  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract, including hepatitis, cholecystitis;
  • Diseases that are accompanied by tissue destruction;
  • With a heart attack and stroke (increases a few days after the onset of the disease);
  • Diseases of the blood;
  • Infectious of any etiology.


Important: Bacterial infections cause an increase in ESR by 2-10 times. With viral, it increases slightly - by several units. In a man aged 31, an increase to 17-20 mm / h indicates the viral nature of the disease, up to 58-60 - bacterial.

When the reasons for the increase are not established

In this case, the patient needs a more thorough examination. More detailed blood tests are prescribed, during which the average volume of erythrocytes, the number of leukocytes and lymphocytes, and the leukocyte formula are determined.

It is also worth taking a blood test for tumor markers, urine analysis.

During these examinations, it is important to take into account the initial state of the body:

  • Previously diagnosed infections;
  • The presence of chronic diseases.

What does a low ESR level indicate?

A decrease is typical for such conditions:

  • Exhaustion;
  • Blood viscosity;
  • Muscle atrophy;
  • Epilepsy and some nervous diseases;
  • Erythrocytosis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Long-term use of drugs based on calcium, mercury;
  • For some types of anemia.

It is important to take into account how low the ESR indicator is. A value of 4 mm / h is the norm for a small child, but for a woman over the age of 20 it is an alarming symptom.

Important: Low speed is the norm for those who follow vegetarian (no meat) and vegan (no animal products) food.

False positive ESR tests

A false positive is a temporary increase, which does not depend on pathological processes in the body, provoked by certain drugs, age or metabolic characteristics.

When the result is false positive:

  • In elderly patients;
  • In the presence of excess body weight;
  • After vaccination against hepatitis B;
  • With anemia;
  • If the patient has impaired renal function, diseases of the urinary system;
  • While taking vitamin A;
  • In case of violation of the algorithm for blood sampling and analysis, as well as in violation of the purity of the used capillary.

If you suspect a false positive result, you should retake the test again after 7-10 days.

In cases where the test result is false positive, the patient does not require additional examination and treatment.

Methods for determining ESR in blood

Fingertip blood test

There are several research techniques, the results of which differ by 1-3 units. The most common is the Panchenkov analysis. Westergren's method - the technique is the same as for the previous method, only a higher capillary is used. This method is more accurate.

Wintrob analysis is used with anticoagulants... A portion of blood is mixed with an anticoagulant and placed in a special tube.

This technique is effective for readings below 60-66 mm / h.

At a higher speed, it clogs up and gives an unreliable result.

Features of preparation for analysis

For maximum reliability of the result, blood sampling must be carried out correctly:

  1. The patient should not eat at least 4 hours before the procedure - after a rich and fatty breakfast, the ROE indicator will be falsely increased.
  2. It is necessary to make a deep puncture (when taking blood from a finger) so that you do not have to squeeze out the blood - when pressed, a significant part of the erythrocytes is destroyed.
  3. Make sure that no air bubbles get into the blood.

How to lower ESR in the blood?

You should not take medications on your own to lower this indicator. If necessary, they will be prescribed by the attending physician. It is important to remember that simply decreasing the rate does not eliminate the root cause of the increase.

Since often such test results are associated with a low level of hemoglobin, a weakened state, the patient is prescribed iron preparations, B vitamins, folic acid.

Corticosteroids are prescribed if you have rheumatic disease.

Independently, the patient can use folk methods to strengthen the immune system and purify the blood from the waste products of pathogens. This will improve the general condition, support the body and improve blood composition.

For this purpose, the following are used:

  • Beet juice (100-150 ml on an empty stomach before breakfast);
  • Tea with lemon;
  • Honey (1-2 teaspoons a day, diluted in a glass of warm tea or water);
  • Infusions of chamomile and linden (1 tablespoon per glass of boiling water, drink this volume during the day in several doses).

When a person comes to the clinic complaining of any disease, he is first of all offered to do a general blood test. It includes checking such important parameters of the patient's blood as the amount of hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).

A comprehensive result allows you to determine the patient's health status. The last indicator is especially important. It can be used to determine the presence or absence of inflammatory processes in the body. Based on changes in the ESR level, doctors draw conclusions about the course of the disease and the effectiveness of the therapy used.

The importance of ESR for the female body

In the general blood test, there is a very important parameter - the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, in women the rate is different and depends on age categories.

What does this mean - ESR? This indicator indicates the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation, the rate of blood breakdown into fractions. When performing a study, gravitational forces affect the blood in a test tube, and it gradually stratifies: a lower ball of greater density and dark color appears and the upper one is of a light shade with some transparency. Erythrocytes settle, which stick together. The speed of this process is shown by a blood test for ESR.

When conducting this study, it must be taken into account that:

  • women have a slightly higher ESR level than men, this is due to the peculiarities of the body's functioning;
  • the highest rate can be observed in the morning;
  • if there is an acute inflammatory process, then the ESR increases on average one day after the onset of the development of the disease, and before that there is an increase in the number of leukocytes;
  • ESR reaches its maximum value during recovery;
  • if the indicator is overestimated for a long period, conclusions can be drawn about inflammation or malignant tumor.

It is noteworthy that this analysis does not always show the real state of the patient's health. Sometimes, even in the presence of an inflammatory process, ESR may be within normal limits.

What is the normal ESR level?

Many factors affect a woman's ESR level. The general rate of erythrocyte sedimentation rate in women is 2-15 mm / h, and the average is 10 mm / h. The value depends on many factors. One of them is the presence of diseases that affect the level of ESR. Age also affects this rate in women. Each age group has its own norm.

To understand how the ESR limits in women change, there is a table by age:

From the onset of puberty until the age of 18, the ESR rate for women is 3-18 mm / h. It can fluctuate slightly depending on the menstrual period, vaccinations for the prevention of diseases, the presence or absence of injuries, inflammatory processes.

The age group 18-30 years old is in the physiological dawn, in which the birth of children most often occurs. Women at this time have an ESR level of 2 to 15 mm / h. The result of the analysis, as in the previous case, depends on the menstrual cycle, as well as on the use of hormonal contraceptives, compliance with various diets.

With the onset of pregnancy, the value of this indicator rises sharply and is considered a normal value up to 45 mm / h. This happens due to hormonal changes and other factors.

Also, the amount of hemoglobin can affect and during the period after childbirth. Its decrease due to blood loss during childbirth can provoke an increase in the number of leukocytes and ESR.

The norm for women in 30-40 years old is increasing. Deviation may be the result of poor nutrition, cardiovascular disease, pneumonia and other pathological conditions.

When women reach 40-50 years of age, menopause begins. The norm in this period is expanding: the lower limit decreases, the upper one rises. And the result can be from 0 to 26 mm / h. It is influenced by hormonal changes in a woman's body under the influence of menopause. At this age, it is not uncommon to develop pathologies of the endocrine system, osteoporosis, varicose veins, and dental diseases.

The limits of the ESR norm in women over 50 years old do not differ significantly from those for the previous age period.

After the onset of 60 years of age, the optimal boundaries change. The permissible value of the indicator can be in the range from 2 to 55 mm / h. In most cases, the older a person is, the more diseases they have.

This factor is reflected in the conditioned rate. Conditions such as diabetes mellitus, fractures, high blood pressure, and taking medications affect the test result in the elderly.

If a woman has an ESR of 30 - what does this mean? When a pregnant woman or an older lady has such a test result, there is no cause for great concern. But if the owner of this indicator is young, then the result for her is increased. The same applies to ESR 40 and ESR 35.

ESR 20 is a normal level for middle-aged women, and if a girl has it, then she needs to be wary and carefully consider her health. The same can be said about ESR 25 and ESR 22. For age groups under 40, these indicators are overestimated. Further examination and clarification of the reason for this result are required.

Methods for determining ESR

There are several ways to get a result from a blood test for ESR:

  1. Panchenkov's method. This diagnostic method is carried out using a glass pipette, also called the Panchenkov capillary. This study involves blood taken from a finger.
  2. ... To obtain the result, a hematology analyzer is used. In this case, blood is taken from a vein. In a special test tube, it is combined with an anticoagulant and placed in the device in an upright position. The analyzer performs calculations.

Scientists compared these 2 methods and came to the conclusion that the result of the second one is more reliable and allows obtaining the results of the analysis of venous blood in a shorter period of time.

Application of Panchenkov's method prevailed in the post-Soviet space, while Westergren's method is considered international. But in most cases, both methods show identical results.

If there are doubts about the reliability of the study, then you can check it again at a paid clinic. Another method determines the level of C-reactive protein (CRP), while eliminating the human factor of distorting the result. The disadvantage of this method is its high cost, although the data obtained with its help can be trusted. In European countries, the ESR analysis has already been replaced by the determination of the SBR.

In what cases is the analysis assigned?

Usually, doctors prescribe a study when a person's health deteriorates, when he comes to the doctor's office and complains of poor health. A general blood test, the result of which is the ESR indicator, is often prescribed for various inflammatory processes, as well as to check the effectiveness of therapy.

Doctors refer the patient to this study to make the correct diagnosis for any illness or suspicion of it. The result of a blood test for ESR is needed even for passing a routine health check of each person.

Most often, a referral is prescribed by a therapist, but a hematologist or oncologist can send for research if such a need arises. This analysis is carried out free of charge in the laboratory of the medical institution in which the patient is being observed. But at will, a person has the right to undergo research for money in the laboratory of his choice.

There is a list of diseases in which a blood test for ESR is mandatory:

  1. Possible development of rheumatic disease. It could be lupus, gout, or rheumatoid arthritis. All of them provoke deformation of the joints, stiffness, painful sensations during the work of the musculoskeletal system. Affects diseases and joints, connective tissues. The result in the presence of any of these diseases will be an increase in ESR.
  2. Myocardial infarction. In the case of this pathology, blood flow in the cardiac arteries is disturbed. Although there is an opinion that this is a sudden illness, the prerequisites are formed even before its onset. People who are attentive to their health are quite capable of noticing the appearance of the corresponding symptoms even a month before the onset of the disease itself, so it is possible to prevent this ailment. It must be remembered that if even mild pain occurs, you should consult a doctor.
  3. The onset of pregnancy. In this case, the health of the woman and her unborn baby is checked. During pregnancy, there is a need for repeated blood donations. Doctors thoroughly test the blood for all indicators. As already mentioned, due to hormonal changes, a noticeable increase in the upper limit of the norm is allowed.
  4. When a neoplasm occurs, to control its development. This study will allow not only to check the effectiveness of therapy, but also to diagnose the presence of a tumor at the initial stage. An increased rate of erythrocyte sedimentation rate may indicate the presence of inflammation. It has a variety of causes, from the common cold to cancer. But you need to conduct a deeper examination.
  5. Suspicion of a focus of bacterial infection. In this case, a blood test will show an ESR level above normal, but it may also indicate a viral disease. Therefore, only ESR cannot be guided, additional tests should be carried out.

When a doctor is sent for this study, it is necessary to fulfill all the requirements for proper preparation, since the ESR blood test is one of the main in the diagnosis of diseases.

How to get tested correctly

To examine a patient's blood, it is usually taken from a vein. The analysis shows not only ESR, but also a number of other indicators. All of them together are evaluated by the medical staff, and the complex result is taken into account.

In order for it to be truthful, you need to prepare:

  • It is better to donate blood on an empty stomach. If, in addition to the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, you need to find out the sugar level, then 12 hours before donating blood you need not eat, brush your teeth, you can just drink a little plain water.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages one day before blood sampling. The same goes for smoking. If you have a strong desire to smoke, you must stop doing this at least in the morning. These factors are eliminated because they easily influence research results.
  • It is of course necessary to stop taking medications. First of all, this concerns hormonal contraceptives, multivitamins. If it is impossible to take a break in the use of any means, then you need to let the attending physician know about this, and he will make an adjustment in the result obtained, taking into account the intake of this medication.
  • In the morning, it is advisable to come in advance to collect blood in order to calm down a little and catch your breath. On this day, it is better to be balanced and not give the body heavy physical exertion.
  • Since the ESR test depends on the menstrual phases, before donating blood, you need to consult with your doctor about the time at which it is best to undergo the study.
  • The day before blood sampling, it is necessary to limit fatty and spicy foods in the diet.

The manipulation with the delivery of the analysis passes quickly and without much pain. If you still feel unwell or dizzy, you should tell the nurse.

If a woman's ESR level is elevated, what does this mean?

The above describes what the norm for women of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate should be according to age and condition (for example, during pregnancy). So when is ESR considered elevated? If the age indicator has deviated from the norm in the direction of increase by more than 5 units.

In this case, the presence of diseases such as pneumonia, tuberculosis, poisoning, myocardial infarction and others can be detected. But this analysis is not enough to make a diagnosis on its basis. It happens that even a hearty breakfast can cause an increase in this indicator. Therefore, there is no need to panic if an ESR is found above normal.

With a normal erythrocyte sedimentation rate and elevated lymphocytes, a viral disease may develop. Taking into account the inertia of this level, in case of doubt as a result, you just need to re-pass the examination.

The state of health of a woman with a low level of ESR

Having told what the ESR rate in the blood in women and the increased value mean, we will explain what reasons can lead to a low level of this indicator. This result can occur due to:

  • insufficient blood flow;
  • epilepsy;
  • liver disease (hepatitis);
  • taking certain medications, in particular, potassium chloride, salicylates, mercury-based medications;
  • erythrocytosis, erythremia;
  • neurotic illness;
  • diseases that provoke a change in the shape of red cells, in particular anisocytosis;
  • strict vegetarianism;
  • hyperalbuminemia, hypofibrinogenemia, hypoglobulinemia.

As you can see, a low value of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate should be no less alarming than an increased one. In case of deviations from the normal indicator in any direction, it is necessary to look for the cause of such a state of health and treat the disease.

What is the easiest way to bring the ESR indicator back to normal

By itself, an increased or decreased erythrocyte sedimentation rate is not a disease, but it shows the state of the human body. Therefore, to the question of how to lower the ESR in the blood of women, one can answer that this value will return to normal only after the causes that caused it are eliminated.

Realizing this, sometimes the patient just needs to be patient and diligently heal.

The reasons why the ESR indicator will return to normal after a long time:

  • there is a slow healing of the broken bone, the wound heals for a long time;
  • long-term therapeutic course of treatment for a specific disease;
  • carrying a child.

Since an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate during pregnancy may be associated with anemia, you should try to prevent it. If it has already arisen, you need to undergo a course of treatment with safe drugs prescribed by a doctor.

In most cases, ESR can be lowered to an acceptable level only by eliminating inflammation or curing disease. An even higher result may be due to a laboratory error.

If, when passing an analysis for the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, an indicator was found above or below the norm, it is necessary to re-pass the examination and make sure that there is no accidental distortion of the result. You should also review your diet and say goodbye to bad habits.

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