Erespal suspension instructions for use. Erespal - official instructions for use (in the form of syrup for children and tablets), description of the drug, analogues are cheaper

Erespal (fenspiride) is a drug with a bronchodilatory and antispasmodic effect, which is often used in the complex therapy of bronchial asthma. It has a clinically proven ability to increase the activity of the cilia of the bronchial ciliated epithelium, normalize the volume of bronchial secretions and reduce its viscosity. Effectively relieves bronchial obstruction, restores pulmonary gas exchange.

  • Not recommended for the treatment of pregnant and lactating women. Children from 2 years of age can only be prescribed in the form of syrup.
  • Included in the list of essential drugs.
  • Available in two dosage forms for oral administration: syrup and tablets.


A drug with anti-bronchoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory activity.
Pharmacological group of the active substance of the drug (fenspiride): H1 antihistamines.

The composition of the drug

Active substance Excipients Shell


80 mg fenspiride hydrochloride 104.5 mg of calcium hydrogen phosphate, 100 mg of hypromellose, 0.5 mg of anhydrous colloidal silicon dioxide, 12.8 mg of povidone-K30, 2.2 mg of magnesium stearate. 0.841 mg titanium dioxide, 0.263 mg macrogol 6000, 0.263 mg glycerol, 0.263 mg magnesium stearate, 4.37 mg hypromellose.


200 mg fenspiride hydrochloride (per 1 ml syrup -2 mg fenspiride) 500 mg honey flavor, 400 mg vanilla tincture, 200 mg licorice root extract, 10 mg Sunset S yellow, 90 mg methyl parahydroxybenzoate, 22.5 g glycerol, 60 mg sucrose, 45 mg saccharin, 35 mg propyl parahydroxybenzoate, 190 mg potassium sorbate, purified water up to a volume of 100 ml.

Release form, price

  • Erespal syrup: a clear liquid with an orange color, in brown plastic bottles of 150 or 250 ml, in a carton. Price:
    syrup 150 ml - 210-264 rubles,
    syrup 250 ml - 333-428 rubles.
  • Erespal tablets: white round biconvex film-coated tablets, 15 pieces in a blister, in a carton pack of 2 blisters (30 tablets).
    Price: 299-430 rubles.

pharmachologic effect

According to the instructions for the use of Erespal, the active ingredient of the drug - fenspiride - has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-bronchoconstrictor effect, due to a decrease in the production of the main biologically active substances that play a key role in the development of the inflammatory reaction and bronchospasm: cytokines, free radicals, metabolites of arachidonic acid.

It inhibits the metabolism of arachidonic acid, simultaneously blocking histamine H1 receptors, since it is histamine that stimulates the chemical reactions of the conversion of arachidonic acid into final metabolites-inflammatory factors. Reduces the production of other inflammatory mediators - serotonin and bradykinin.

Blocks α-adrenergic receptors, the activation of which enhances the secretion of bronchial glands. The complex action of fenspiride reduces the pathological effect of a number of factors that promote hypersecretion of anti-inflammatory substances and cause obstruction of the bronchial tree. It has a pronounced antispasmodic and myotropic effect.


The drug is well absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract. Erespal's instructions indicate that after oral administration of 1 tablet, the maximum concentration of fenspiride in the blood is detected after 6 hours, the use of syrup determines the effective concentration after 2.5 hours. The half-life (T 1/2) is 12 hours, it is excreted mainly through the urinary system (up to 90%), a small part is excreted by the intestines (about 10%).

Indications for use

The drug is indicated in the complex therapy of diseases of the respiratory tract (upper and lower sections):

  • pharyngitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • bronchitis (with or without chronic respiratory failure);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • respiratory symptoms in influenza, measles and whooping cough;
  • sinusitis;
  • otitis;
  • infections of the respiratory system, in the symptom complex of which there is a cough.


  • Hypersensitivity reactions to the main or excipients of the drug.
  • Tablets - up to 18 years
  • Syrup - children under 2 years old

Use in pregnant and lactating women

The use of Erespal during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended due to the limited clinical safety data for these categories of people. However, therapy with Erespal and analogues during the gestation period is not a basis for artificial termination of pregnancy.


Syrup Erespal

Erespal tablets

Adults and teenagers over 18 years of age 45-90 milliliters (3-6 tablespoons, respectively) per day. 1 tablet (80 mg) twice or thrice a day. The maximum daily dose is 240 mg (3 tablets).
Children from 2 years old - at the rate of 4 mg per 1 kg of weight.

Children under 10 kg: 10-20 milliliters (2-4 teaspoons respectively) per day.

Children over 10 kg: 30-60 ml (2-4 tablespoons respectively) per day.

special instructions It is taken before meals. Be sure to shake before use. For young children, adding to a bottle with food or drink is acceptable. It is taken half an hour before meals with water.
Duration of treatment Determined by the doctor

Side effect

  • The main adverse reactions during therapy with Erespal are observed from the gastrointestinal tract: gastrointestinal disorders, pain in the epigastric region, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and vomiting are somewhat less common.
  • From the side of the CCC, tachycardia, palpitations, a non-critical drop in blood pressure are possible.
  • From the side of the central nervous system, the development of drowsiness and dizziness is likely.
  • On the part of the skin: urticaria, erythema, angioedema, pruritus, epidermal necrolysis of a toxic nature.
  • General disorders: asthenic phenomena, increased fatigue.
  • Extra for syrup: Hypersensitivity reactions to Sunset Yellow S.


When taking syrup or tablets in a dose of more than 2320 mg, contact a medical facility immediately. Symptoms: agitation or drowsiness, lethargy, nausea and vomiting, tachycardia with accelerated sinus rhythm.

drug interaction

Due to the possibility of developing an adverse reaction in the form of a sedative effect, it is not recommended to combine Erespal with drugs with sedative activity and alcohol.

special instructions

The presence of parabens in the composition of the syrup can provoke the development of allergic reactions (immediately after administration and delayed).

Patients with diabetes should take into account the presence of sucrose in the composition: in 1 tsp. - 3 g (0.3 XE), 1 tbsp. contains 9 g (0.9 XE).

During therapy with Erespal, due to possible sedative reactions, caution is required if it is necessary to drive vehicles, work with precise mechanisms and activities that require a high reaction rate.

Shelf life and storage

Valid for 3 years from date of manufacture. Does not require special storage conditions. During storage of the syrup, sedimentation is likely, which disappears when shaken and does not affect activity.

Erespal's analogs

Siresp, Eladon, Inspiron, Fosidal, Fenspiride.

Erespal - has an anti-inflammatory effect, inhibits exudation, prevents bronchoconstriction. This medication from French manufacturers is very popular in otolaryngological and pulmonological practice. It is prescribed in the complex therapy of many pulmonary diseases, as well as for the treatment of the upper respiratory system.

It has a clinically proven ability to increase the activity of the cilia of the bronchial ciliated epithelium, normalize the volume of bronchial secretions and reduce its viscosity. According to the instructions for use, Erespal has an antispasmodic, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect.

If antitussive and expectorant drugs act on the consequences of a dry or wet cough, then Erespal affects its root cause, namely inflammation. At the same time, it works simultaneously in several directions.

Due to the complex effect on the respiratory tract, the mechanism of mucus formation and inflammation, Erespal also has an antispasmodic effect, and its intake helps to relax the bronchi, and, therefore, their expansion.

When taking Erespal in tablets or syrup, the highest concentration of the drug in the blood is reached after about 6 hours. After another 6 hours (12 in total), the dose of the drug is already excreted from the body along with urine (90%), through the intestines 10%.

The active substance of all dosage forms of the drug is fenspiride hydrochloride. The active substance of the drug has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-bronchoconstrictor effect, due to a decrease in the production of the main biologically active substances that play a key role in the development of the inflammatory reaction and bronchospasm: cytokines, free radicals, arachidonic acid metabolites.

Fenspiride reduces the action of a number of factors that contribute to the hypersecretion of pro-inflammatory agents, the development of inflammation and bronchial obstruction.

Erespal is available as:

- film-coated cough tablets, each containing 80 mg fenspiride hydrochloride;

- cough syrup, 10 ml of which contains 20 mg of fenspiride hydrochloride.

Indications for use Erespal

Indications for the use of Erespal are diseases accompanied by cough and other symptoms of respiratory diseases. Indications for the use of syrup are similar to those for the use of the drug in tablets.

The medication is prescribed for:

  • treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes of the upper respiratory tract and respiratory tract (otitis media, sinusitis, rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, tracheitis, rhinotracheobronchitis, bronchitis),
  • therapy of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD), as part of the complex therapy of BA;
  • treatment of seasonal and year-round allergic rhinitis and other manifestations of allergies from the respiratory system and ENT organs;
  • therapy of respiratory manifestations of measles, influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections;
  • as a symptomatic treatment for whooping cough.

Instructions for use Erespal, dosage

The drug should be taken before meals, 15 minutes before the main meal.

The syrup should be shaken before use.

Adults Erespal is prescribed 80 mg (1 tab.) 2-3 times / day. or 3-6 tablespoons (45-90 ml) of syrup per day.

1 tablespoon (15 ml of syrup) contains 30 mg of fenspiride hydrochloride and 9 g of sucrose.

The maximum daily dose is 240 mg. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor.

For the treatment of children and adolescents under 18 years of age should use Erespal ® syrup.

- Children weighing up to 10 kg - 10-20 ml per day (it is possible to add syrup to a bottle with baby food);

- Children weighing more than 10 kg - 30-60 ml per day;

- Children from 2 years old - at the rate of 4 mg per kg of body weight per day;

- Adolescents and adults - 45-90 ml per day.

The course of taking the drug can last from 20 to 30 days. The period of taking the medication is determined by the attending physician in each individual case.

Application features

Studies to study the effect of Erespal on the ability to drive vehicles and work with mechanisms have not been conducted. Patients should be aware of the possible development of drowsiness and weakness when taking Erespal, especially at the beginning of therapy or when combined with alcohol.

Taking the drug during pregnancy is not recommended.

In the treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, Erespal should be combined with a course of antibiotics. Treatment with the drug does not replace antibiotic therapy.

Use with caution while taking sedative, sedative and hypnotic drugs, since their interaction can lead to potentiation of the sedative effect and cause excessive weakness and drowsiness. For the same reason, it is undesirable to combine ethanol and Erespal and refrain from drinking any alcoholic beverages during the period of therapy.

The drug is not recommended to be combined with acetylsalicylic acid and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs due to the possible risk of developing allergies and other body reactions, which include bronchospasm.

Side effects and contraindications Erespal

Possible digestive disorders, diarrhea, nausea, stomach pain, drowsiness, dizziness, moderate tachycardia, increased fatigue, asthenia.

The dye and excipients in the composition of the syrup can provoke the development of allergic reactions.

If any adverse symptoms occur, the dosage form should be discontinued and medical attention should be sought for the appointment of adequate therapy.


Symptoms: drowsiness or agitation, nausea, vomiting, sinus tachycardia.

Treatment: gastric lavage, ECG monitoring. Support of vital body functions.


  • Hypersensitivity (allergy) to the active substance or to any of the components of the drug.
  • Children's age up to 18 years (for tablets).
  • Age up to 2 years (for syrup).

The composition of the drug includes sucrose, therefore contraindications to the use of the drug are congenital fructose intolerance, malabsorption syndrome of glucose and galactose, deficiency of sucrose - isomaltose.

Analogues Erespal (list)

Preparations analogues of Erespal, a list of medicines:

  1. Inspiron;
  2. Ascoril;
  3. Ambrobene;
  4. Lazolvan;
  5. Prospan;
  6. fenspiride hydrochloride;
  7. Eryspirus;
  8. Cinnabsin;
  9. Nux-Vomica-Homaccord;
  10. air-sea;
  11. Incena;
  12. Softovak;
  13. Vinblastine-teva.

The drug "Erespal" is a fairly potent medicine. In this regard, it should not be used, guided only by your own opinion and the recommendations of friends or Internet reviews. The drug should be prescribed only by specialists, according to strict indications.

Erespal's instructions for use, price and reviews are not related to analogues and cannot be used as a guide to prescribing, replacing or dosages of drugs. All therapeutic manipulations must be carried out by a doctor. Replacing Erespal with an analogue may require adjustment of dosages or course of treatment.

Erespal syrup for children is an anti-inflammatory and antitussive drug. Almost all parents are faced with the problem of a cold in children, which appears along with all the accompanying symptoms.

To date, more and more cases of colds in children are complicated by inflammation in the tracts of the respiratory system, the appearance of a cough. Various medicines are used to eliminate them in a child. The most acceptable dosage form for the treatment of cough in a child of any age (including children under one year old) is syrup.

Most pediatricians prescribe Erespal syrup to eliminate cough in children. Parents are concerned about the age at which cough syrup can be used for children, when it is possible to use this remedy, and when it is not worth it, what side effects can be from its use..jpg" alt="erespal" width="582" height="597">!}

A drug called Erespal has several dosage forms. Among them is a tablet form of release, which is more often prescribed for adults and children from 14 years of age. Children's age involves the use of cough syrup (the drug is not used in tablets for babies - this is what the instructions for use say).

Erespal syrup, which is used even for children under one year old, is a thick transparent liquid, with prolonged storage of which a thick precipitate may appear, it will disappear after shaking the container with the medicine. The color of the drug is brownish-yellow.

Syrup is taken orally. It contains ethanol, this should be taken into account when using a one-year-old child and children under one year old. Tablets are not prescribed for children at this age. You should not self-medicate using the medicine on your own, because for children up to a year or a year there may be contraindications and side effects. In addition, it is important to know what the remedy is used for, at what cough it is prescribed - with dry or wet.

What substances are included in the composition of the drug

Before giving Erespal syrup to a child a year old or up to a year old when coughing, you should familiarize yourself with the ingredients of the drug and what it is prescribed for. The main active active element of the drug is fenspiride hydrochloride, its main task is to block the appearance of mucus in bronchitis, laryngotracheitis or other diseases of the respiratory system.

It is important to remember that the drug in tablets is not prescribed to a child up to a year and a year. Tablets are prescribed for adults. This happens due to the influence on the receptors that provoke the appearance of sputum.

The composition of the medicine also includes such elements:

  • extract from licorice root - this plant is often prescribed for coughing for children from a year old, sometimes a year, this plant is antimicrobial;
  • thanks to vanilla essence, the medicine has a pleasant taste for the child;
  • thanks to the glycerol in the composition, the occurrence of constipation is prevented;
  • with the help of a yellow sunset, Erespal syrup turns bright yellow;
  • also instructions for use says that the drug contains saccharin;
  • preservatives;
  • additives for long-term storage;
  • flavoring - honey;
  • preservative potassium sorbate;
  • water.

According to the composition, it can be judged that Erespal cough syrup may not be suitable for a child under one year old or a year old who suffers from frequent allergic reactions, or its use is combined with taking antihistamines. Tablets are not prescribed to a child one year old and younger. From what age can Erespal in tablets? From the age of 14.

Of these components of the drug, a sweetener, flavoring, dyes or preservatives can provoke the development of an allergic reaction.

Therefore, when drugs are prescribed for allergic children with bronchitis from coughing, these features should be taken into account (especially for a child a year old). The medicine in tablets at this age is not used, this is also indicated by the instructions for use.

Erespal syrup is able to partially replace the action of an antibacterial agent, it relieves the child of the unpleasant symptoms of a cold, in particular, cough. At the same time, the drug does not have a negative effect on the general condition of the baby, unlike antibiotics, which can disrupt the microflora in the intestinal tract of the child (side effects from antibiotics).

When and why is the drug used, for what type of cough? Instructions for use, as well as the well-known pediatrician Komarovsky, says that Erespal syrup is prescribed for bronchitis and a wet, productive cough. With a dry cough, the drug is usually not given. Tablets are also not given to children. But sometimes the pediatrician can prescribe the child and pills (often this happens if the baby is allergic). With this appointment, an accurate dosage is needed so that there are no side effects or overdose.

Indications for appointment

This medication relieves inflammation in the organs of the respiratory system, normalizes their functioning.

It should be taken in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases, the main symptom of which is a wet, productive cough.

It helps in the treatment of such ailments:

  • with laryngitis (inflammation in the pharynx and larynx);
  • with laryngotracheitis (inflammation in the larynx and trachea);
  • otitis (disease of the middle ear of infectious genesis);
  • rhinopharyngitis (inflammation in the nose and throat);
  • rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • whooping cough (inflammatory reaction in the pathways, which is accompanied by a paroxysmal cough);
  • bronchitis (inflammation in the bronchi);
  • bronchial asthma;
  • colds;
  • rhinotrachobronchitis (in which there is swelling of the throat and bronchi).

Since this medication has the ability not only to relieve the manifestations of coughing, but also eliminates the inflammatory process, it is not necessary to drink any drugs in parallel.

This reduces the additional load on the liver and other organs that remove the breakdown products of drugs from the body.

Children's dosage

Instructions for use says that the dosage of the drug for children under two years of age is limited to 20 milliliters. This dosage is for three doses. For infants or a year old, syrup can be given directly with baby food.

The dosage for each baby is calculated according to its body weight. The approximate single dose is as follows:

  • for babies up to the age of two, the medicine is prescribed at the rate of 4 mg per kilogram of body weight per day;
  • babies weighing less than 10 kilograms should be given no more than four teaspoons per day, the medicine can be poured into a bottle with food;
  • children weighing more than 10 kilograms should take no more than 4 tablespoons per day, before meals.
  • children over 14 years of age with a cough should be given no more than 80 ml or mg of a drug per day, while using both a liquid remedy and tablets. At this age, the drug in tablets should also be prescribed by a doctor in order to avoid negative consequences and overdose.

The medication is taken three times a day, before meals. The duration of the course of therapy is prescribed only by the doctor. This is due to the severity of the manifestations and the speed of recovery of the child, the form of the disease itself.

Sometimes with a certain type of cough, the remedy is taken up to 20 days. Shake the child well before giving the syrup. Tablets are not used for babies, only when prescribed by a doctor, the dose is calculated, the tablets are divided into halves when coughing or in another way.

Contraindications for use

A contraindication to use is individual intolerance to the individual components of the drug, which is manifested by an allergic reaction, for example, a rash on the skin, redness, drowsiness or nausea may also develop. The child may also become excitable and irritable.

With caution, you need to give the drug (both in syrup and in tablets) for bronchitis and other diseases to those patients who have a history of fructose intolerance, sucrose deficiency, diabetes mellitus. From what age is it used in tablets - from 14 years old.

A drug called Erespal effectively overcomes the symptoms of a cold, relieves inflammation and swelling of the respiratory system, and speeds up the healing process.

There is not a single child who has not had a cold. ARVI is almost always accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, throat, sneezing, runny nose and coughing. Erespal syrup has a triple effect on the patient's body: it relieves inflammation, has an antispasmodic effect and blocks the production of mucus in the bronchi. The medicine is very practical for the treatment of young children. In addition, the drug is highly effective and relatively safe, so many parents prefer it when a child develops a cough.

Release form and composition of the drug

Erespal for children is available in two forms: tablets and syrup. The tablets are covered with a hard white shell, packaged in a blister pack of 15 pieces, in boxes of 30 pieces. Children are prescribed them quite rarely, since in most cases up to 14 years it is recommended to take medicines in liquid form.

The syrup is a liquid with a yellow-brown tint. Release form - bottles of 150, 250 ml. Each medicine package contains instructions and a measuring cup with a scale. 1 ml of syrup contains 2 mg of the main active substance - fenspiride hydrochloride.

Also, the composition of the drug includes several auxiliary components:

  • licorice extract - has an antimicrobial effect;
  • glycerin (as a dispersion medium);
  • water;
  • honey flavor;
  • vanilla tincture and saccharin - make the taste of the liquid pleasant;
  • preservatives.

Erespal has a number of advantages:

One of the advantages of the drug is its compatibility with other drugs (except sedatives), antibiotics and the absence of the effect of suppressing their action. Erespal goes well with analogues - Mukaltin, Fluditec syrup and Ascoril.

Indications for use Erespal

The main indication for the use of the drug is the presence of inflammation in the respiratory tract and ENT organs. According to the instructions for use, the syrup is used for the following diseases:

  • bronchitis in acute or chronic form;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • otitis;
  • rhinitis or sinusitis;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • whooping cough (to relieve the symptoms of the disease);
  • flu;
  • bronchial asthma (as part of complex therapy).

Quite often, the drug is prescribed for bacterial infections that are accompanied by a cough (for example, pneumonia).

Taking Erespal together with antibiotics for the treatment of pneumonia can reduce the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract and ENT organs.

The drug is recommended for use in dry and wet cough. In the first case, it relaxes the muscles, and in the second, it acts on histamine receptors, blocking the production of mucus and providing an easy sputum output. Most often, Erespal is prescribed to children for complex treatment, especially in the treatment of bronchitis, laryngitis and other diseases that are accompanied by a painful cough.

Due to the fact that the drops not only eliminate the cough, but also relieve inflammation, the use of other medicines may not be required. This feature of the drug eliminates the possibility of cross-reactions that can occur with the simultaneous use of several medications. But we must remember that Erespal is not an antibiotic and cannot replace it - if there is a bacterial infection, the doctor must prescribe additional treatment.

Contraindications for admission

Children's syrup is not prescribed in the presence of:

  • diabetes mellitus type I and II - the preparation contains sucrose;
  • sensitivity to the main substance or individual components;
  • malabsorption syndrome, in which the process of digestion and absorption of carbohydrates is impaired.

Sometimes the medicine can cause a decrease in concentration in children, so it is recommended that babies be given bed rest for the period of therapy. In rare cases, the child may become unbalanced or irritable. If his behavior changes, it is advisable to contact a pediatrician.

Instructions for use for children

At what age can this medicine be taken? According to the instructions, Erespal should not be given to a child under the age of 2 years, as it can cause allergies or poisoning with nausea and diarrhea. If treatment of respiratory diseases in babies up to a year is required, pediatricians select analogues. In individual cases, Erespal syrup is used, but the weight of the child must be more than 10 kg.


Dosage for children is calculated based on body weight: 4 mg of active ingredient per 1 kg of body weight. It is advisable to shake the medicine before use, as sediment may form at the bottom of the bottle. Usually children take the medication according to the following daily dosage:

  • 10 - 20 ml - for a child in the first year of life. The syrup is added to a formula bottle or mother's expressed milk. It can also be poured into the child's mouth using a sterile syringe without a needle.
  • 30 - 60 ml - for children from 2 to 14 years old. It is advisable to drink the drug before meals.
  • 45 - 90 ml - for teenagers from 14 years old. Adults are prescribed pills.

The daily dose of the drug is usually divided into 3 doses, but the therapist can change the treatment regimen depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's body and the type of disease.

The duration of treatment is influenced by the form of the disease. For example, in acute bronchitis, the remedy is given for a week, but in chronic diseases, the course of therapy can last up to 3 months.

Usually, the drug is recommended to take up to 20 days, due to the fact that prolonged use of the drug can cause adverse reactions. Practice shows that an improvement in the child's condition is observed 3 days after the start of therapy.


Erespal in tablets with a dry or wet cough is given to children only from the age of 14. When treating, it is important to follow the recommendations of a specialist. Rules for taking medication in tablets:

  • consumed before meals;
  • for chronic diseases, it is recommended to take 2 tablets of 80 mg per day - in the morning and in the evening;
  • in the acute course of the disease, the drug is taken three times a day, 80 mg each.

Due to the wide mechanism of action, Erespal replaces three drugs: bronchodilator, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory. The drug relieves swelling, bronchoconstriction, reduces excess mucus production in the bronchi and facilitates breathing.

Side effects

Against the background of the use of the drug, the following adverse reactions of the body may appear:

  • nausea, vomiting and diarrhea;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • tachycardia, lowering blood pressure;
  • dizziness;
  • drowsiness and fatigue;
  • redness, rash and itching of the skin;
  • angioedema (if the baby is prone to allergies).

Drowsiness, skin rashes and palpitations are quite rare - in 0.001 - 0.01% of cases. Various digestive disorders disturb 1% of patients who take Erespal. If adverse reactions occur, you should immediately consult a doctor - he will reduce the dosage or replace the drug to continue therapy.

Exceeding the recommended dose of the drug is accompanied by drowsiness or agitation, the patient is worried about periodic vomiting and palpitations. In case of an overdose of Erespal, it is necessary to wash the stomach and drink activated charcoal, Smecta or another enterosorbent.


Erespal can be purchased at any pharmacy. The average cost of a 150 ml bottle is 260 rubles, 250 ml - 430 rubles. The medicine is imported, so its price is quite high, and many parents are looking for cheaper analogues.

The following drug substitutes can be distinguished:

  1. Syrup Lazolvan. The main active ingredient is Ambroxol. The medication is suitable even for small children, effective for the treatment of dry cough, dilutes sputum. The cost of the drug depends on the volume of the bottle and the content of the active substance - from 170 - 190 rubles.
  2. Ambrobene. The syrup is allowed for babies from birth. The active substance is ambroxol. The cost is about 150 rubles.
  3. Ambroxol tablets and syrup (we recommend reading: instructions for use of Ambroxol syrup for children). The tool has an expectorant effect, but works well only in tandem with antibiotics. Price - 50-130 rubles.
  4. Synekod. The medicine is used for unproductive (dry) cough. The main component is butamirate. The cost depends on the form of release and the volume of the bottle - from 220 rubles.
  5. Prospan is a plant-based mucolytic agent (dry extract of ivy leaves). The cost is about 360 rubles.
  6. Bronchicum is a preparation based on herbal ingredients, the main active substance is thyme extract. The tool is more expensive than Erespal, but is considered more effective. The drug thins sputum and has an expectorant effect.

Medicines Epistat, Siresp, Erispirus, Codestim, Fenspiride, Eladon contain as the main substance, like Erespal, fenspiride hydrochloride (we recommend reading: method of application and dosage of Erisspirus syrup for children). They can be used to treat young children, the dosage is similar. But you should not replace the medicine at your own discretion - consultation with a doctor, especially when treating babies, is required.

Erespal syrup is most effective for the treatment of coughs and colds of infectious diseases. Let us consider in more detail the properties of the drug, its composition, instructions and dosages.

In cold rainy weather, it is easy to get sick with a cold, SARS and flu. Children are especially often at risk, as kindergarten or school activities contribute to the spread of infections. Nowadays, there are a lot of medicines, but there is one medicine, a children's syrup, which is produced in France and is called Erespal.

It is a cough syrup medicine prescribed and used when there is inflammation and infection in the upper respiratory tract and bronchi. Cough very often, especially if it is running, is a danger to the health of a child at any age. It is both a protective reaction of the body and a consequence of colds of any type. Often causes spasms in the bronchi and bronchoconstriction, that is, a violation of patency. Cough brings a lot of suffering to children and prevents them from going to kindergarten and school, and resting at night.

Dosage form

Syrup 2 mg/ml in a 150 ml golden brown plastic bottle. In a carton box 1 bottle with detailed instructions.

This medicine is also available in the form of convex tablets, the amount in a pack is 30 pieces, the total content of fenspiride hydrochloride is 80 mg per 1 piece. Children under 14 years of age are not recommended.

Producer: JSC "Pharmstandard - Leksredstva", Russia

Syrup 2 mg / ml - capacity 150 ml and 250 m, the bottle is also golden brown. In a carton box 1 bottle with instructions for use.

Shelf life 2 years - tablets, syrup - 3 years.

The main physical and chemical properties of this children's syrup: a yellowish-brown liquid, transparent, sometimes a precipitate from the flavor may appear. Shake the bottle before use.


All cough medicines can be conditionally divided into several varieties: some are aimed at curing the so-called dry cough, others thin the mucus that accumulates in the bronchi and causes irritation.

This drug does not belong to any of the above varieties. It can be called a drug of a new generation. He fights with the cause of the inflammatory process, and not with the inflammation itself. Erespal, without affecting the brain and its centers, eliminates cough urges and clears the respiratory tract from infection.

Active Active Item

Fenspiride (Fenspiride) - a substance that has anti-inflammatory, bronchodilatory (expansion of the airways in the bronchi), antihistamine and anti-asthma action. If it is included in the composition of the medicinal product, then it is used for such diseases as:

  • Rhinopharyngitis.
  • Laryngitis.
  • Otitis.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Chronic bronchitis with difficult breathing.
  • Bronchospasm syndrome (shortness of breath, shortness of breath, spasms).
  • As an additional therapy for bronchial asthma.
  • With respiratory diseases, measles, whooping cough, influenza.

It is this substance that affects the respiratory tract from all sides:

  1. Reduces inflammation in the bronchi and lungs.
  2. It acts on the histamine receptors of the child and reduces the production of mucus that stagnates in the bronchi and causes coughing.
  3. Expands the bronchi.
Syrup 100 ml
Main Component:

Fenspiride hydrochloride

0.2 g
Additional components:

Composition with honey aroma (flavors including natural ones: honey, rum, water, rose and neroli alcoholates, ethanol*)

0.5 g
Licorice root extract (licorice tincture concentrate, sugar syrup, anise oil) 0.2 g
Vanilla extract (water-alcohol extract with vanilla bean) 0.4 g
Glycerol (E422) 22.5 g
Methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E218) 0.09 g
Propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E216) 0.035 g
Saccharin 0.045 g
sucrose 60 g
Potassium sorbate (E202) 0.19 g
Purified water up to 100 ml
* The amount of ethanol in 100 ml of syrup no more than 0.29 mg

Pharmacological group

Anti-inflammatory, anti-bronchoconstrictor agents.

pharmachologic effect

The drug has anti-bronchoconstrictor and anti-inflammatory properties due to the following interdependent processes:

  • Blocking H1 - histamine receptors and antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the bronchi.
  • Elimination of the main foci of inflammation, achieved by reducing the production of various anti-inflammatory factors in the body (cytokines, TNFa, arachidonic acid derivatives, thromboxane, free radicals). Some of these substances cause a bronchoconstrictor effect, bronchospasm and the development of inflammation.
  • Blocking a1 - adrenoreceptors that contribute to the formation of thick sputum that causes coughing.


The syrup relieves inflammation in the nasopharynx, lungs and bronchi, has an anti-exudative effect on the respiratory tract (protects blood vessels and prevents the penetration of fluid (exudate) into tissues), and helps to stop bronchial spasm. Blocks foci of inflammation and allergies. The drug has a myotropic antispasmodic effect.


The agent is well absorbed by the intestines and organs of the digestive system. The maximum effect of drugs is achieved after 2.3 hours if it is a syrup, and about 6 hours if the drug is in tablets. The substance is excreted 90% in the urine and 10% through the intestines.

Indications for use

  • Rhinopharyngitis and laryngitis.
  • Tracheobronchitis.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Bronchial complicated or isolated asthma (as an additional remedy).
  • Respiratory diseases of the respiratory tract, measles, whooping cough, influenza.
  • Respiratory tract infections with violent attacks of coughing.
  • Otitis, sinusitis and allergies with swelling.


  1. Intolerance and / or hypersensitivity (possible allergic reaction) to any of the components of the product.
  2. Children under 2 years old.
  3. Suffering from diabetes. It is better for such patients to take the medicine in tablet form.
  4. It is necessary to carefully take Erespal syrup for people who do not tolerate fructose.
  5. Experts do not advise giving syrup to children who are already using antihistamines or sedatives. When a child takes several medications, it is necessary to tell the doctor about all of them, especially those that are not sold in a pharmacy by prescription. It is necessary to check whether the drugs are combined with each other, whether one remedy inhibits the action of another.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

It is also not known whether the main element fenspiride is excreted in breast milk. Therefore, when breastfeeding, you also do not need to use this medicine. In case of illness, it is recommended to purchase medications prescribed by the attending physician, and only under his supervision.

Treatment with Erespal syrup is not a reason for terminating a pregnancy.

Methods of application and dosage

The medicine is taken only inside. The drug and duration of treatment is prescribed only by a doctor and is a prescription drug. It may be necessary to take additional tests.

Syrup should be consumed before meals for better digestion of the gastrointestinal tract. For very young children, medicine is added to a bottle of water or porridge, mixture. Although older children drink syrup with pleasure due to its pleasant taste.

How to take syrup? When using, you must use the measuring spoon that is attached to the vial. You need to know that one teaspoon contains 5 ml of syrup, and one tablespoon contains 15 ml of syrup.

1 tsp syrup contains 10 ml. fenspiride hydrochloride and 3 g of sucrose.

1 st. l. contains 30 mg. fenspiride hydrochloride and 9 g of sucrose.

If the doctor prescribes the drug, then he himself calculates the dosage for children of such a young age. Usually treatment lasts 7-8 days. But if necessary, therapy can be continued up to 14 days. It is necessary to give the amount of the drug strictly prescribed by the doctor and in no case self-medicate. How much syrup to give - only the doctor makes such a decision.

According to doctors, children feel relief within a few days after starting the medication. The swelling of the nasal mucosa, redness of the throat, nasal discharge and coughing attacks are sharply reduced. But you can not use the drug for prophylactic purposes in acute viral respiratory infections.

Numerous reviews show that Erespal syrup is quite effective for colds and bronchitis, processes that cause inflammation in the airways. It has a beneficial effect on the bronchi, lungs and the condition of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

The medicine is so effective that it is sometimes prescribed as the only remedy for ailments. Its effect is so good that it is simply not necessary to use other drugs. As a result, parents can significantly save money and the risk of negative side effects on the child's body when using other drugs.

Side effect

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated by different age groups of children. But sometimes the following side effects are possible:

  1. Feeling of nausea, infrequently vomiting.
  2. Pain and discomfort in the stomach, diarrhea.
  3. Drowsiness, lethargy, dizziness - symptoms are possible in the first days after the appointment of the drug.
  4. Cardiopalmus.
  5. Lowering blood pressure.
  6. Increased fatigue, weakness or, conversely, increased excitability.
  7. Sometimes allergic reactions, which are expressed in the form of a rash, itching of the skin, very rarely angioedema may appear (swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, which in most cases is allergic, is very dangerous, as it makes breathing difficult, the first signs are cyanosis of the skin of the face and asthma attacks).


Cases have been recorded when more than 2.32 grams were consumed, which is too much. In this case, either psychomotor agitation or drowsiness is observed, as well as diarrhea, vomiting, rapid pulse and palpitations.

In case of overdose, you should immediately call a doctor. The treatment is washing the stomach, intestines, an additional ECG is done to check the work of the heart and blood vessels, diet, drinking plenty of water. Erespal's specific antidote is not known, so all help and treatment is aimed at removing the drug from the body as soon as possible.

How does Esperal syrup interact with other medicines?

Such observations have not been made. But with a possible increase in the calming effect, it is not recommended to use the drug in conjunction with others that have the same effect. This can cause inhibition of reactions, drowsiness.

The cost of the drug

The price may fluctuate a little, but the average cost is as follows:

  • Erespal syrup, 150 ml, made in France - 253 rubles.
  • Erespal syrup, 250 ml, made in Russia - 457 rubles.

Erespal's analogs

There are some drugs that can replace this medicine. They may be recommended for use in children. Let's consider the main ones.

  • Producer Poland.
  • Recommended for children over 2 years old.
  • The main substance is fenspiride hydrochloride.
  • It has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect, tidies up the bronchi, prevents the formation of sputum.
  • Allergic reactions are expressed as side effects in the form of a rash and itching, they are rare.
  • A cheaper medicine, but often recommended as an analog remedy.
  • Removes spasms of the bronchi.
  • Relieves inflammation in the upper respiratory tract.
  • Similar in composition to Erespal, won the trust of many doctors and parents.
  • Recommended for children from the age of two.
  • Eliminates respiratory symptoms of the upper respiratory tract and diseases of the ENT organs.
  • Similar in composition to Erespal.
  • It has an antihistamine, anti-inflammatory effect: relieves the respiratory manifestation of bronchitis, inflammation in the auricles, nasopharynx.
  • Contraindicated in children under 2 years of age.
  • Available in liquid form (syrup) and tablets.
  • The medicine is effective, has gained popularity among many.

Why syrups should not be given to children under two years of age

Such drugs are prohibited and are not prescribed by doctors to very young patients. And there are reasons for this.

  1. they do not know how to expectorate the collected sputum well, and the syrups are aimed specifically at expectoration, as they dilute the sputum. As a result, children may have difficulty breathing. In some cases, the case may reach hospitalization.
  2. Cough occurs when mucus accumulates in the airways. Small children can be given plenty of fluids, preferably warm water. Doctors also recommend to ventilate the bedroom where the sick child is located more often (not only sleeps, but also plays).
  3. The best prevention and treatment is rinsing the nose with saline. The doctor may prescribe other remedies that are specially adapted for very young children. Some are used even from birth.
  4. Basically, in Russia there are drugs that contain acetylcysteine ​​and carbocysteine: Dr. Mom, Mukomist, Bronhobos, Fluditec. Mucolytic drugs are not contraindicated in children under two years of age, but they are taken under the constant supervision of the attending doctors.
  5. Acetylcysteine ​​can seriously harm the health of a small patient: for example, cause a number of negative manifestations, including bronchospasm. In large quantities, this substance can cause bleeding in the lungs, lead to hypersecretion of accumulating mucus, disruption of the liver, and kidney failure.
  6. Carbocysteine ​​is similar in its effect to acetylcysteine, but in Russia it is among those allowed for children. Although in some countries, for example, in France, the United States, cough syrups are strictly prohibited and even seized from those who previously purchased them. At many consultations, scientists and leading experts in the field of medicine and pharmacology have come to the conclusion that cough syrups, especially those containing the above substances, as well as preservatives, flavors and dyes, do more harm to children than good.

Erespal syrup for children may well be used as a remedy, but only at the age of two years, unless, of course, the attending physician himself prescribes this remedy for the baby. Although many pediatricians, despite contraindications, prescribe this remedy, parents need to be more vigilant and study the rules for use and contraindications, from what age this or that medicine can be used.

For children over 2 years of age, this syrup will help cure coughs and bronchospasms. According to some reviews, it is better to use it at the last stage of the disease or when the cough is dry. It is important to know which drug and which cough can help. It is believed that Esperal is an antispasmodic and antihistamine. It is used both as a main and as an additional. Often he is discharged in tandem with Lazolvan.

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