How to learn easily to get up in the morning. How quickly and easily wake up in the morning - Lightweight and effective tips

"Raise - raised, but they forgotten to wake up," this phrase became a sad motto of those who stand on the alarm signal on the machine and then for a long time and unsuccessfully trying to cheer up. "I can't wake up" - the poor fellow is complaining, firmly clutching into a cup of smoking coffee, placed on the drink of hopes on awesome awakening.

However, even strong coffee does not always help wake up in the morning in the active condition and the positive arrangement of the Spirit. To get up without any problems in the morning, you need to find causes of difficult lifting And depending on them to make changes to the life routine.

Do not curse an alarm clock and drink hard coffee with liters. Find out why it is so difficult for you to wake up.

Distribution in life circumstances

Surely you know the situation: go to bed, and thoughts run in the head in a circle. Problems at work, household troubles, family circumstances: What to do with all this ... He can't talk about a healthy dream: it will not be possible to fall asleep immediately, sleep quality will be desired. Outcome - morning breakiness and reluctance to get up.

Sleep hygiene violation

Sleep is a delicate business, it is easy to spoil banal things. If you go to bed before midnight, sitting at the TV, enjoying the fragrant strong tea, the next day it will be difficult to wake up. Looking to bed after midnight, you lose the most valuable hours during which the body is restored.

Evening overeating

This reason crosses with sleep hygiene, but it is so often found that it should be considered separately. "I go down early, but I still can not wake up in time," the lovers complain to dinner tight after a busy working day. Gastronomic joy in the form of smoked, fried, fatty dishes load the body, create a weight in the stomach, the result - difficulties with the morning lifting.

Discomfort in the setting

Note how comfortable sleep conditions are. Perhaps indoors where you sleep, too stuffy, hot, or very dry air. Maybe the bed is unnecessarily soft, or vice versa, too tough. Create conditions in which sleep will be easy and pleasant, And then you can easily get up in the morning!

Behavior during sleep

Not all people in a dream behave calmly. Some produce very active actions: snore, move the limbs, turn a lot. These phenomena prevent sleeping not only by others, but also to the person itself, since the structure of sleep is disturbed.

Lack of sleep

It is believed that the man on average requires 8 hours of sleep per day, women and children - 9 hours.

Of course, these are average indicators, each person has these needs individual. Someone is enough to save 5-6 hours, and someone only after 9 hours spent in bed is capable of active livelihoods.

interesting fact

The famous woman politician Margaret Thatcher slept no more than 4-5 hours a day.

If, when complying with all other conditions of healthy sleep, it is difficult for you to wake up in the morning, review your schedule. It is possible to facilitate early raises it is enough to learn how to turn off the TV or exit the Internet.

And how often do you have problems with the morning lifting?

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    Only when late a bullet and I do not sleep at night 25%, 56 votes

    I have no problem, I accidentally wandered here (s) 3%, 6 votes

    And I just want to know the results of the survey 1%, 3 vote


Awakening Strategy: Five Steps to Comfortable Lifting

The joke about the fact that the signal of the morning alarm clock is associated with a shot - a person lies like the dead - near the truth. She went to bed early, did not overseen the night, the bed comfortable, did not snore, but how to make him get out of the cozy bed - it is not clear.

Motivation decides everything

Morning rise is the very case when the success of the case directly depends on motivation. How attractive is the prospect of an early rise in gray cold morning? Many in such a situation in such a situation - click on the alarm button and go to "Dosbel": even at least 10 minutes! We account for the cost of tremendous effort to make yourself get up. In other words, the motivation to the beginning of a new day is so insignificant that it makes no sense to talk about her.

Imagine that you have to spend a long-awaited vacation at sea, and you need to get up at 4 am by the plane. Will early rise in this morning painful? How many times do you put an alarm clock on the repeat, wanting to sleep another 5-10 minutes? Motivation is the main answer to the question "how to get up quickly"!


In order to get up without any problems in the morning, it is required gradually, step by step to increase the level of motivation of early raises.

Unfortunately, not every day when we awakened, the plane awaits us, ready to carry on rest to the sea. How in a series of gray everydays to create a necessary motivation to easily wake up in the morning? The path to its formation consists of 5 consecutive steps.

1. Make: Evening Thoughts of Morning Awakening

Preparation to sleep should include not only a set of standard hygienic procedures. Every evening you need to consciously form a positive expectation in my head with respect to the next morning.

Falling asleep in anticipation of the fact that the next day is a birthday (the first day of vacation, the long-awaited holiday), in the morning the person will stand quickly and easily, happily meeting a new day. And on the contrary, if the last thought before falling asleep is similar: "Tomorrow you need to get up at 6 o'clock. How can you wake up so early? I definitely do not sleep and I will break all day, "a speech can not go about the booder.

Go to bed, configuring yourself to the joyful meeting of the new day, On an easy and pleasant lift. Let the morning associate with freshness, activity and positive. It is just such proper thoughts before falling asleep to go early in the morning easily and easily start the day.

2. Do two: away from the alarm

How to learn to get up on the alarm clinic without torment and on time without translating it to a repeated signal several times? In the evening, lay down the tricks as far as possible from the bed. In this case, in the morning, it will not be possible to press the repeat button in the ulus, simply extending the hand. Sometimes the sleeping person perceives the alarm signal as a continuation of sleep and does it without waking up.

We will have to get up and take a few steps. This is forced the movement will be treated, and drive drowsiness will be easier.

3. Do Three: Fresh Hygiene

Turning off the alarm clock, you need to immediately do standard hygienic procedures: clean your teeth and wash Cool water.

This banal and at the same time an effective recommendation. The feeling of the refreshing taste of toothpaste in the mouth and cool moisture on the face will be treated and driving the remains of drowsiness.

4. Do Four: Water

After the night hours, the body is somewhat dehydrated, and this is one of the reasons for morning letters. Fill the reserves of the liquid Drinking a glass of water. It can be prepared in advance, at night putting on a prominent place

5. Do Five: Active Morning

Wear clothes for sports, the one that pleases you with one appearance. Morning physical activity is not in vain is called charging: it allows you to achieve the level of emotional and psychological state, in which the coming day will be the most productive as possible.

If a morning work-out It will become a mandatory element of the routine, the question is how to quickly wake will disappear by itself. Even if it takes only a few minutes, it will increase the level of vital energy, It will strengthen health and self-confidence, make it possible to think more effectively. Will this run, walk, occupation in the gym or a small set of exercises at home - is solved individually.

How to make yourself do in the morning charging? "I don't have time for morning exercises," a very common argument. Of course, if you wish, you can find any excuse instead of revising life principles.

Morning physical activity is good, that its duration varies dependence on individual capabilities. Running on site, squats or push ups for a minute can wake up the body and make a person active, concentrated capable of productive actions.

Having formed the necessary motivation, you will soon realize that it became easier to get up in the morning. To hold a positive attitude on an easy lift, we advise you to adhere to simple rules that will improve sleep quality.

Evening power mode

Recommendation do not eat heavy calorie food in the evening Relevant not only for weight loss. This is also the answer to the question - how easy it is to get up in the morning. The body should have time to digest dinner before you go to bed, so it is undesirable to ride before bedtime. Complete the evening meal a few hours before sleep. Let it be easily digestible products. Exclude chocolate, coffee, alcohol from the evening menu.

Drop negative

To easily wake up in the morning and do not want to sleep, when falling asleep, you need to put it in order. It is impossible to dive into sleep in an embittered, irritated, alarmed state. Attach every effort to restore sincere equilibrium.

Shortly before falling asleep, stop the active correspondence on the Internet, do not list the news feed, turn off the TV, do not lead strain conversations. Turn on classical music, read the book.

Awakening attributes

Awakening lays the foundation of the upcoming day, so it can not be trifles. Let the early rise accompanied by attributes of convenience and comfort. From yesterday, prepare a glass with water to drink it after lifting. Place a prominent place of spectacular sports equipment, one view of which will increase the mood and give cheerfulness. Purchase beautiful dishes for breakfast.

Make friends with alarm clock

You should not perceive the alarm clock as an enemy, you just need to understand how to wake up right on it. Responsibly approach the selection of the signal that will wake you up. Periodically change it: the body can get used to the same melody and not respond.

If you use the alarm clock in the phone, you may have a message setting function. From the evening, leave for yourself a motivational record, something like "Get up on a jog! You can!". As an option - write such notes on paper and apply to the alarm.

Create a habit

Psychologists assure that the formation of a habit of a person needs 21 days. Stop in the morning at the same time, And after 3 weeks, early raises will become a habit and will not cause discomfort.

The first hour, next immediately awakening, determines the success of the coming day. It is not necessary to spend this time in torment and suffering, trying to get out of the cozy bed. Create the desired motivation and conditions for healthy sleep so that early rise gave birth to the feeling of joy and completeness, which is enough for a successful day.

1. Do not roll in bed, get up immediately as you woke up!

According to Ayurveda, the morning habit of not falling under the blanket is fraught with drowsiness, apathy and bad mood during the day. And the longer we do not get up after waking up - the less we will have a tone and energy. Dermatocosmetologists agree with the need for rapid lift: the longer our body will be in a horizontal position - the slower will "wake up" lymphision and the more noticeable morning swelling will be.

2. The sooner you get up - the easier it is to configure the organism to the wake mode.

According to the same Ayurveda, it is believed that it is necessary to get up at the most prominant at 6 am, this is the easiest way to feel in a tone and avoid the development of many chronic diseases caused by the wrong regime and lifestyle. Modern chronobiologists adhere to a similar point of view: our internal organs "wake up" in 5-7 in the morning. But, of course, this advice is suitable only if you went to bed at normal time: saving on a dream will not add or cheerfulness or health.

3. Immediately after awakening, drink a glass of warm water with lemon (Unless you have no reduced stomach acidity).

It is necessary to do this 25-30 minutes before breakfast. It charges you with energy, will help the body quickly wake up and. Ate to work out the habit to do so every morning - this will help maintain weight in the norm. In addition, there are a number of studies of doctors and nutritionists proving the undoubted benefit of such morning health: it normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the immunity, gently stimulates the work of the digestive system, does not allow clusters in the uric acid body ...

4. Do not forget about such a simple way to quickly wake up in the morning like a contrasting shower.

Not necessarily cold: warm water can be alternate with cool, it is the contrast of temperatures: it contributes to the development of endorphins. In addition, such a shower will become excellent gym for vessels (therefore, the complexion of the face is improved) and even will contribute. And do not forget about aromatherapy: Tools for a soul with natural essential citrus oils will be aslended you no worse than strong coffee.

5. By the way about coffee. It is not necessary to drink it in the morning - you can simply ... sniff.

How did scientists find out Seoul National University (SEOUUL National University, Japan) The smell of freshly frozen coffee beans or just grinding coffee is even better, and at the same time it does not cause the nervous voltage of the body, in contrast to drinking the drink inside. They even advise to keep a coffee bean bag in the table box to drive drowsiness with it. Do not ignore and cosmetics with coffee flavors (Best of all - with natural fragrances): They are simply created for the morning!

6. If the bedroom is constantly working air conditioning, put the air humidifier next to the bed.

Otherwise, skin cells, instead of recovering at night, how to spend all the forces on the fight against dehydration. In addition, the optimal moisture level in the air (about 30%) makes small wrinkles less noticeable.

7. If you need a charge of cheerfulness for a long time - drink a cup of freshly saved green tea.

The invigorating effect of coffee is preserved for about four hours, from green tea - twice as long as theory, or "tea caffeine", as it is also called, acts softer and longer than his closest relative coffee caffeine. In addition, it is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that improve the work of our skin cells and protect them from aging.

Alexey Kovalkov

nutritionist, leading programs "Food according to the rules and without", "Family Size"

Tea is rich in Calcium, Zinc, iodine, selenium ... It makes the biochemical cleaning not only the gastrointestinal tract, but also the liver, kidney, removes toxins from the body, and most importantly - normalizes the metabolism. The main thing is not to save and do not buy cheap tea in bags.

8. Quickly bring skin to the tone and purchase a light blush will help a light self-massage of a person with a cosmetic ice cube.

9. The easiest and fastest way to cope with the morning "bags" under the eyes - with caffeine.

You will help the roller cream for an eyelid with caffeine or coffee extract (best, also with a cooling effect, which is achieved, for example, thanks to menthol), or simply cotton wheels that need to wet in a strong fresh coffee to put on the eyelids for 5-7 minutes .

10. To always look good in the morning, sleep on a silk or satin pillowcase.

Hollywood stars have always actively used this technique so that their hair is fluffy less, and wrinkles-chases have not been formed on the skin. And do not forget that if your problem is the morning swelling on the face, the pillow must be high enough. You can even sleep on two pillows to ensure blood outflow and lymphs from the head.


Regular dedication to work or an important meeting, discontent of the head, cash fines and the lack of awards - weighty arguments in order to think about their routine of the day. Irresponsible people who are forcing those who surround others, they simply do not know how to organize their time correctly, competently arranging priorities. In order for in the rapid rhythm of megalopolises to manage to cope with the upcoming affairs, many bring their own vacation in the "sacrifice", increasing the duration of the day. However, such an action is consistently accompanied by a negative tinge - difficult awakening in the morning.

To correct the usual set of circumstances, it is important to plan the task list in advance for the day. In the formation of tasks, it is necessary to rationally assess our own forces - to perform more than you can, it will not work. Preparation for upcoming events is an opportunity to evenly distribute your energy for the entire length of work. Changing the appointed goals, you will dispute confidence, avoiding the emergence. By correctly organizing your schedule, you will learn to get up in the morning easily, in time staying at the appointed place. Getting used to the new regime, you will notice how to change the attitude towards you in a positive way.

How to quickly sleep?

It is originally important to realize that it is easy to get up in the morning it turns out only for those people who earlier go to bed. To replenish internal resources, the body requires a certain period of time, so it is almost impossible to awaken before the designated period. In this situation, it is especially difficult to "owl", the routine of the day of which involves wakefulness under the cover of the night. Insomnia and useless stay in bed, an uncomfortable sleeping place and thought, overwhelming consciousness - the diversity of the reasons that do not allow to fall asleep. Following the simple recommendations, you will learn, awakening in the beautiful arrangement of the Spirit and with positive emotions:

Turn off the electrical devices and instruments in the room for relaxing to plunge into complete darkness. At night, a special hormone is distinguished in the body, causing drowsiness, so the lack of light becomes a kind of team for changes in the work of biological mechanisms.
Get rid of, tuned to a positive spectrum of emotions. Positive thinking will allow you to quickly fall asleep, without focusing on the cold or heat, extraneous noise or chore chosen.
Put the bowl with water next to the sleeping place, which is pre-adding 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil, bergamot or geranium. The properties of such extracts will help relax, reassuring the nervous system.
Mind before bedtime, ordering in the head of thought. Think about the events that occurred during the day. Do not leave unresolved tasks, going to bed. Find in advance the way out of difficult situations in order to relax in the peaceful state.
Discard meals before bedtime, so as not to provoke the work of the digestive tract. Such activity will surely prevent you from relaxing, because you will regularly get up to the toilet or distracted by extraneous noises, "sponsored" by the stomach.

Negazed by the above councils - an irrational solution, because healthy sleep allows you to gain strength and fill the energy necessary for new achievements. If you learn to fall asleep earlier, then awaken in the morning it will be much easier. During the rest, the body will recover after a difficult working day, prepared for the conquest of the uncharted peaks.

First 5 minutes after awakening

The first five minutes after awakening is a fundamental time interval from which you need to extract the maximum benefit. At this interval, you can get rid of the nap, having charged the positive energy for the coming day, or vice versa - to adjust yourself to negative outcomes of events, remaining in bed to lunch. It is important to realize that thoughts are material, and the future depends directly on your actions in the present. If you do not neglect the rules of 5 minutes, then wake up in the morning will become much easier. It is enough to apply recommendations in practice, following the following sequence:

First minute. Highlight these 60 seconds on positive emotions, immersed in the world of dreams and pleasant memories. Imagine the future machine to which you delay money diligently, or reproduce your graduation in school on the subconscious mind, think about your favorite and loved ones, imagine the desired position at work - do not limit your fantasy.
Second minute. Pay attention to your body. It is paramount to recking to help the body to activate. Be sure to carry out 2-3 dimensional inhales, saturating light oxygen.
Third minute. Slowly massage the occipital part of the head, the uche and whiskey, improving blood circulation. Uncomplicated actions are intended to activate life processes.
Fourth minute. Lightly climb away from bed, sowing at the corner of the bed. Collapse with thoughts, drinking 250 ml of pasteurized water with a slice of lemon or orange. A similar drink helps to run the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, which will not allow you to stay in bed for a long time.
Fifth minute. Stand out of bed, going to the window. Spread the curtains, looking into the street. Imagine yourself next to people who are already hurrying to work or warm cars. To be among the volitional personalities, you can only lead yourself in order and breakfast.

It is important to take into account that a light awakening becomes possible only if you really slept. There is no recommendations, with which you can easily wake up after a hard working day, rested 60-120 minutes. Do not forget to go to bed on time, highlighting a healthy sleep for at least 7-8 hours. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to accommodately approach the preparation process. You must realize that rest is an integral part of life, to neglect which it is impractical.

Having learned to go to bed earlier, you will already make a tangible step towards the cherished goal. However, it is possible to ease their awakening in the morning with the help of other practical recommendations that allow you to easily get rid of drowsiness:

Come up with yourself a significant reason to wake up before (increase in productivity or meeting with your loved one).
Drive a diary where you can celebrate your progress and display failures (in the schedule of awakens and fall asleep, specify the exact time, regularly tracking changes).
Send the alarm clock to the distant corner of the room by selecting the most unpleasant and loud melody (to turn off the electronic device, you will have to get out of bed).
Take advantage of the help of close people who are already accustomed to waking up early (let relatives or friends call you at a pre-agreed time).
Contact the service of morning alerts, where at the appointed hour, the company's employees will definitely achieve their own, waking you up with all sorts of money.
- Another weighty argument to wake up (during intimate proximity, hormones are produced, accelerating cerebral activity).
Refuse the use of stimulants negatively affecting sleep (caffeine, alcohol, narcotic drugs and tobacco products).
Change your routine of the day gradually, enjoying young victories on the way to a cherished goal (start awakening earlier first for 15 minutes, then at 20, etc.).
Come up with a reward for the task completed (please yourself by going to the cinema or restaurant, buy a gadget or clothes element).

If you follow the uncomplicated rules, then you will provide a positive charge of emotions over the coming day. It becomes an essential component of good morning when a person is correctly awakened from sleep. It is not surprising that the people have slept distinguished on the everyday crowd of a smile and "fire" in the eyes.

Adhering to the above councils and recommendations, you, adjusting your own reputation among others. Waking up in time in the morning, you will have time at the right place at the appointed time, getting rid of the status of an irresponsible person. The attitude of close people and work colleagues will improve, and the length of the day will increase significantly. To achieve the desired goal during the day when everyone is passionate about the employment, much easier.

March 24, 2014, 14:43

Morning is the most important day of the day. From how it will be, sometimes depends on the whole day. Easy awakening sets up a person for a wonderful day, gives new strength and energy. How easier to wake up in the morning? This question is asked by many people who are forced to get up. Make your morning vigorous, fill it with great mood for everyone. How easy to wake up in the morning?

Go to the same time

Timely departure to sleep guarantees a slight awakening. To teach your body to fall asleep every day at the same time, including the weekend, hard, but the result will not make yourself wait long. Such a hard mode guarantees high-quality sleep, and after a while the body will wake up without alarm clock. In addition, it is worth floating up to 12 pm, it is in this watch that the body rests best.

Alarm clock - in the morning

Answering a question about how easier to wake up in the morning, alarm clock will help. It is not difficult to buy it. It is best to buy a device that loses calm and pleasant music. Avoid sharp signals, since a loud sound causes stress. On the Internet, you can find many sites that fulfill the function of the social alarm. When registering on this site, the phone number is entered, the desired time is set, and the call distributes in the morning. Usually call robots that include a pleasant melody and wish a great day.

Another way to learn to get up in the morning is to put alarm clock not near the bed. Place it in such a place to quickly and easily turn off it was impossible. For example, place it on the closet or under the table, in another room or on the window. When the annoying sound is getting bored, you have to get up and off the device. By the way, the stores sell original alarm clocks "for lazy" in the form of aircraft or beasts. In the evening, the right time is set, and in the morning such an airplane will be spinning around the room until the owner presses on the switch. There are also such devices that "devour" money. Any bill is inserted into a special hole, and if in the morning do not climb and not turn off the alarm clock, he just sparkles money into small pieces.

Do not rush to get up

After waking, you should not immediately get up and be accepted for affairs. You can afford it is meaningless to lie in a warm bed for a few minutes. A sharp awakening is stressful for a person, the exception is to be late, there is no longer before stress, would have time. But it is not worth not sleeping in bed for too long, you can again fall into the arms of Morpheus. Massage of the ugly and the back will help wake up faster and easier.

Early ascent

How easy to wake up in the morning? The answer to this question knew since ancient times. Than in the morning, the easier it is to wake up, the head does not hurt, and the sun gives a good mood. Our ancestors began their day with sunrise. So laid and nature, all our bodies "wake up" at 5-6 in the morning. For many, get up in such an early nightmare, but getting used to such a regime, you begin to understand all its advantages. Yes, and hard work is easier to perform in the morning. Be patient, get up early in the morning, especially if there is a habit of sleep until 12 days, it is extremely difficult. It should be used to the new regime gradually. Put the alarm clock 10-15 minutes earlier than usual, every day, and at the end of the week you can see that the climb clock changes.


How fast and easy to wake up in the morning? It often depends on the supply. Do not eat food 2 hours before sleep. At night, the food is poorly digested, it creates weights and discomfort. Also refuse to eat heavy, greasy and sweet food: meat, legumes, desserts and cakes. It is easy to observe if dinner was dense and satisfying. If necessary, you can eat with something easy, cottage cheese or yogurt, it will not only help quench the hunger, but also useful for the digestive tract. You should not use strong drinks before bedtime, tea, cocoa or coffee. These drinks excite the nervous system and interfere with the organism to fall asleep. Beautiful tools will be boiled grass, mint or Melissa. Also, folk remedies are recommended to drink before bedtime hot - the drink warms, helps to relax and quickly sleep.

Do not give up breakfast in the morning. It is useful to drink a glass of water with lemon in front of it, it will not only take up the body, but also strengthens the immune system. Breakfast should consist not only of a cup of coffee and it must be balanced, contain dairy products, fruits and cereals. How to learn to get up in the morning? The answer to this question is also looking for scientists, they came to the conclusion that in the morning it is better not to drink a cup of coffee, but simply breathe his fragrance. The energy and vigor of the body are guaranteed for several hours. In addition, doctors advise to refuse coffee in the mornings, since this drink is harmful to human health, it can be replaced with green tea. He not only gives a charge of cheerfulness for many hours, but also contains vitamins and minerals that prevent the aging of skin cells.


It is unlikely that you can easily wake up in the morning, if you do not know, for which early rise is needed. We will reflect on what you can do in these free hours: work, sports or personal affairs. You can use this time on activities to which your hands do not reach or lack time after work. For easy lift, motivation is needed - because when the day is to have fun and interesting, get up much easier.

For most, the incentive to get up in the morning is the work, get up to 8 in the morning, ride through traffic jams - a serious step. Work is an iron stimulus. Responsible people will always wake up on time and in any condition. The easiest way to formulate a goal for early lifting is obtained from the individual who is painted by the clock, it becomes possible to work even more, and therefore getting more profit. The same applies to people of free professions, freelancers. The main thing here is not to be lazy and develop iron to get up early in the morning.

Water charge

How to get up in the mornings, not feeling fatigue and lethargy? This question is relevant for many people. In the morning will help souls. It is not necessary to injure your body with cold water, the main thing is to alternate cool water with warm. It is important to change temperatures, in addition, such a warm-up harden the body, improves can be used fragrant oils or other flavors.

Radical method

How easier to wake up in the morning? Computer geniuses have come up with many new programs that allow in the morning to wake up, for example, the computer can work instead of alarm. A new and rather radical method that helps answer the question of how easy it is to get up in the morning, serves a special program. Its essence is that at a certain point, the computer begins to work and format a hard drive. Each user stores many important data on the device and, of course, do not want to erase them. Therefore, to disable formatting, you will have to get up and canceled the action, and do it quickly. In such an extreme situation, the dream will pass by itself.

Perfect conditions

In order for the morning to be pleasant, you need to create "ideal conditions." The temperature in the room should not be too low, so as not to freeze and do not stay under the warm blanket, but it should not be too hot. Purchase an automatic coffee machine, the aroma of the drink will help quickly wake up in the morning. Place your day in advance, prepare clothes and documents, a hurry does not give any pleasure. Family people wake up, because to wake the other, pushing in the side, more interesting than waking up himself. Let family members share their experiences how easy to wake up in the morning. Ask relatives or partners to wake you up, but not just saying: "Get up, late", "Wake up, Sonya!", And sit on the bed, and start talking. As easy to wake up early in the morning, Dr. Bangkok are prompted. Having twisted the eyes in the morning, look at your hands and palms. We do so much with our own hands and look so little on them, without paying for them. Not quite a traditional way to lift our citizens, but, nevertheless, it exists and is popular in many countries.

How easier to wake up in the morning? Observing uncomplicated advice and recommendations, you can not only make your morning joyful and leisurely, but also to revise your schedule. Make your awakening pleasant for everyone, the mood depends on the whole day.

Probably the morning is the most unloved time of any adult. What could be worse than getting up with a warm and cozy bed, if on the street dark and damp? But still: why are some people always meet a day with a smile, despite what time of year enters the window, and for others, to start work "with roosters" - a real feat? We will try to understand how to get enough sleep and wake up so that every morning it became truly good.

Why are all people like people, and I am a sleepy fly: root causes problems

If dawn for you begins with a dilemma, it seems to "exteract" the eyes, and the face at the beginning of the day resembles such a cast tablecloth that even scared in the mirror to look; If you just get out of bed for you - already carrying punishment, and the understanding of the "how easy it is to get up in the morning" sounds, as if the opening of a new satellite of the Earth, it means that you consider the category of so-called owls.

And the root of all problems is hidden in the fact that the world is ideally adapted for the larks. In order to "with new forces in battle", they are practically nothing needed, while owls without a contrasting soul, strong coffee and loud rhythm will not be able to turn into a "man."

Shoot yourself or learn how to live correctly?

Of course, if such is the biorhythms of a person, however he tried, "born by the owl, the lark should not be." Nevertheless, with these subtleties, it is very realistic to learn how to coexist.
  1. Start the routine of the day and enter into habit to live according to plan. It is absolutely not necessary to create the most clear list of cases and try to perform them for a certain time in the strictest order.

    It is enough just to divide the day for 4 times: the morning, day, afternoon and night. The most important thing is to make yourself perform all the most difficult in the first half of the day.

  2. Try not to use food, invigorating, energy and alcoholic beverages 4 hours before departing to sleep - this will increase the likelihood of waking up the next day without problems. Also, if possible, refrain from horror strokes, gatherings and entertainment to a deep night.
  3. No matter how ridiculously sounded, but the guarantee wake up in a good mood and always get enough sleep is the habit of go to bed at 10 pm. To get used to the guest of the kingdom of Morpheus together "with good night, kids" such techniques will help:
    - relaxation in a hot tub with essential oils under relaxing musical accompaniment - for example, noise of a sea wave, birds singing, classic;
    - a glass of warm milk with honey;
    - Reading a good book - settling more comfortable, just plunge into another world.

Good morning: how to make it always?

How to wake up in the morning cheerful if it never succeeded without problems?
  1. Make every morning, at least 10 minutes.
    It is not necessary to try to make themselves to make everything in sports canons, it is enough just to actively move and warm up - so you will not only succeed to understand how to quickly wake up, but also to activate the cardiovascular system, which is very useful for health.
  2. Drink cocoa instead of the usual coffee - Scientific studies have proven that in his beans there is a unique substance Theobromin, which operates according to the type of adrenaline and has greater efficacy due to the increase in physical activity. Do not refuse a contrasting soul.
  3. Befare for healthy food: Scrambled eggs or sausage sandwich. Sweets to cheer up ice cream: do not worry about the figure, because the best time for consuming carbohydrates is the morning.

Early get up: how to turn the rise in a pleasant habit?

To understand how to teach yourself to get up early, you need to start in the evening. First of all, in order to be elementary. Sleep 4-5 hours is too small for an adult, so it's not surprising if, after such a "rest", the only desire is to break the alarm clock, and with him and everyone who falls under the arm.

If you lie down on time, no later than midnight, but for a long time you can not force yourself to sleep, peeling with my side on the side, try to limit communication with gadgets immediately before bedtime. Abstract from problems and never think about the night.

In the question, how to wake up correctly, the key point is the sound of the alarm. Given the possibilities of modern technology, do not use sharply loud sounds for awakening. Install the voices of nature and gentle, the growing tones that you like, and not annoying. Do not "undermine" sharply - this is a direct way to make the body be dissatisfied. Listen to silence, chirping birds, admire the sky outside the window and relatives, carelessly sleep nearby.

An important aspect of proper wakefulness is light. If the room is too dark, it contributes to the development of melatonin, which is why so often in the morning the person is in a state "rising, but not waking up." Therefore, before getting up, it is desirable to turn on the lamp for a few minutes and only when the eyes are accustomed to, starting your day. To compensate for the shortage of sunlight, it is better to use the daily lighting elamps, as well as create the illusion of the Sun with the help of yellow-orange shades in the interior.

To meet the morning in a good mood, start it from a glass of pure water, which will help bring slags from the body. Plan immediately after awakening something positive: it can be like something delicious for breakfast, such as a favorite cookie or chocolate, and a quarter of an hour for pleasant little things, in which you are used to refuse yourself.

It remains time - make a short walk in the fresh air, watch the nature - it is accurate and always knows how to learn early to get up. Swell your favorite song, make an entry in the diary, if you used to keep everything under control, dance in front of the mirror, do the meditation to fill yourself with energy and in good mood to continue the day.

Smile to your reflection in the mirror with a wish of a great day!

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