How to manage your man. How to subordinate to yourself to manage them? Several simple ways to manipulate

Which of us does not dream to subordinate, to rule, but it is so that people who obey unquestionably did what we want. With the help of magical rites, you can manipulate people, damping their will, making slaves from them. However, such actions are unlikely to become useful for whom they are conducted, and on rituals conducted, all these manipulations may return boomerang in a four-fold. Therefore, before you start such actions, it is very good to think - the punishment for them is inevitably.

The rites for the suppression of the will and the subordination of a person belong to black magic and are based on interference in the energy field of another person without his consent, due to which this person can get sick if he is weakened energetically. Yes, the effectiveness of such manipulations depends on the aura of what a conspiracy is made. If the person is energetically interspersed, confident, then his aura is absolutely healthy, has no damage, through which magical blows can be applied, and your actions will not be able to get it, and will not cause such a person any harm, but you can "auch."

We all want to be loved, however, feeling is, unfortunately, very often does not have reciprocity. And if there is no reciprocity, is it worth it to continue such relationships, even with the help of magic? Make yourself forcibly, resorting to magical rites, is violence over personality, so think about how this person needs you? Would you like to tie yourself with him for life, or is it just a momentary whim? If a person belongs to you cold, no magic will help here. No, after the ritual he will be with you, but his attitude to you will not change, and both you will suffer. If you still decided to resort to magical actions, then at least do them on such a person who does not apply to you with open hostility, otherwise, a further life with him will be for you the utmost hell. And one more thing - to spend such rituals must be based on the purity of the soul of their and thoughts. If some mercenary goal of the type of revenge is persecuted, you understand, you can not wait for good from the deed.

Below will be conspiracy to subordinate to the man (woman), her husband (wife), a guy (girl), or cause interest in you, who are more harmless to you and, with their correct execution, will help you to achieve the desired result in the smallest losses.

Rituals on her husband's submission

How to subordinate yourself a loved one

  • to the guy who you like was only yours, you can make such a love binding. To do this, take the rope and wind it around the waist. Such a piece of piece will be needed for the rite. On this rope, you will need to tie 12 knots, repeating the words of the conspiracy on submission: "My favorite will leave me when my hands will be unleashed. May it be so!" The rope should be attributed to the forest and put in any hollow. After that, magic will start acting. This ritual is good because it can be held on a person who is far from you;
  • to fall in love with a guy, they take such a ritual - they take a thing that after the rite is given to his loved one, and told her words for it: "As birds are boldly flying in the sky, so we would have (names) always in love. As the sun always illuminates the land, so my beloved one loved me. As the new day comes, and people illuminates the light, so we would have (names) were rare, and the happiness is aptive. As in the river, the water flows endlessly, so would life in happiness with us (names) were not conclusable. May it be so!" After the thing turns out to be in the hands of your guy, the plot will start acting.

Objects of subordination of a man on blood

Rituals conducted on blood are considered one of the strongest and more effective in black magic. They will certainly act, so to carry out such manipulations, please think about everything thoroughly - back the road will not. And the consequences will inevitably overtake you.

Rites with blood participation are carried out, as a rule, at night on a growing moon. Blood made of finger, mix into alcohol - red wine.

You need to pierce the processed needle the ring finger and pour an odd amount of droplets into a glass of red wine, pronounceing the spell: "How to drink this wine to nothing, so I will wake up a passion for me. All your Duma will be about me - and at night, and the day. Amen!" After your favorite swarms of this wine and the spell will start acting.

The following conspiracy is made on sugar. You need to light a candle of red, take a piece of raffinad and drop a drop of blood on it, saying: "How does this drop for me for me, let me (name) so the road will be! Amen!"

At the increasing moon make such a rite. Three drops of their blood drip in the red wine, reading the spell: "(Name) Pei to the bottom, finish! My blood is absorbed. My blood is stronger, and your will is weak. (Name), you are my servant now, I am your mistress. Your life is for me, no strength you have. No others you have, now you are mine - forever. Amen!"

If a close communication with a man is impossible, make a ritual of subordination at a distance. To do this, you will need a photo of your favorite, where he is in full growth, and a room flower, which is constantly growing in your home for a long time. Before the full moon, in a few days, burn a red candle, tear off a branch or leaflet from the flower, burn it on the flame of the candle, saying the spell: "I give you sacrifice, for a misunderstanding, for this triggering. May it be so!" Safety from the plant to fold into the sudine. It is believed that this flower will undertake all the consequences of the attitude. Then, take a photo of a loved one, completely on it concentrate, thinking about your love, knock your finger, spend blood to the line in the photo from the bottom up, which extends from the genitals to the head, then again repeat the words of the conspiracy and burn the photo. The remnants from the photo are also put in the dishes with the ashes of the flower. The ashes stirred, half up in a pot with a flower, and the second half it is necessary to sprinkle the threshold of the affected one.

Conspiracy on the subordination of the Will Men

Each girl dreams of being desirable for men. To attract the attention of the opposite sex, read the following spell: "How long we are waiting for the spring, they wait for the Red Sun smile, so I would be happy to guys and men. We would look, admired, for me, beautiful, saw - and mature men, and young, and very young. They would have respected with honor, they would have taken with honorable, when I got up to my knees, I would have been kneading to be melted, and dreamed of kissing with me. Words - keys, work - castles. Amen!" This is a simple conspiracy that attracts the attention of men to his person, very effective, however, the action of it is quite short, so to be constantly in the attention of men and guys, you need to repeat it more often.

Now we will tell about ritual stronger. It will take:

  • nominal icon of the affected;
  • nominal icon of the attached;
  • two black candles;
  • cross from the church;
  • one ripe apple.

Conduct manipulations at night, with light candles, between which the icons put on the left - the female, on the right - men's. The cross is placed between icons. An apple is put on the center of the Cross. The words of the conspiracy are: "That is not the sacrament of the church, then the petition of the night. Today it is not a prayer, but the bird is black, and there is a guy lovely, yes night black. Everything is coordinated, yes, everything is done, yes through the cross the fate (name) to fate (name) is coming. They are loved on the apple, and the bodily predominant is kept, the fact that he is crammed through the apple, and the man was seeded with a sin, so an apple, and the crude is false, two fates are intertwined, and two hearts with love of uniform. Kohl sophisticated, yes Adam and Eve are nicknamed, then now loved, and they are delivered to one destiny, then (name) and (name) are informed, and one life is awarded, and one way is depicted. Amen!"

In the morning an apple is buried in the courtyard of the church. Going from the yard - without turning around, not talking to anyone at random meetings until at home. The result is waiting in full calm, without taking any other magical actions that can slow down the action of this ritual. You do not need to respond to each phone call and a door knock, which can also only harm.

Good luck in love!

Despite the fact that every person, and especially a man, unique and unique, in some cases, for the prosperous development of relations, it has to suppress his own "I".

Of course, you initially choose the young man who suits you, along with all the advantages and disadvantages. Meanwhile, as it is known, during the period of love of many minuses of your partner, we simply do not notice, and after a certain time, these features of nature do not allow us to live peacefully and build a happy and strong family. If you want to eradicate the shortcomings of the spouse, you need to subjugate it to yourself and do it in such a way that he does not suspect anything. Submission and management of the representative of the opposite sex is the most complex section of psychology, and to master it, it will take a lot of time. In this article, we offer you a few simple tips and recommendations from professional psychologists, with which you can figure out how to subjugate to yourself, and what to do that in the future you could manage them.

Why do we need ways to control a man?

For example, let's say he drinks a lot, frustrated and constantly lazy and dirty lies on the couch with a can of beer, how to make you and your mom, and you do not know what to do about it. This happens by definition with those girls and women who looked at and read too much romantic nonsense, or their upbringing was too torn off from real life. Therefore, if girls like romance, they must create it yourself or use the secrets of managing a man. Note the fact that not psychological not other wisdom of the type of training on manipulation male floor will not be given any result. If a man is dragging around the babs, he will be dragged into any outfits, and borscht and other stupid trainings to stop him. If the man drinks driving friends and does not bring salary, there are also no psychological courses to help you. Also no arguments that you have common children and you are ready for marriage it will not make you marry you. Male behavior varies certainly a lot of many types of men, but you can only manage them only with a certain set of secret keys.

We need one hundred percent working methods, we simply disagree with less. If you were attentive, it was possible even among our friends, they noticed that their husband or simply satellites were behaved very strangely, they did not have enough of your girlfriends for different places there were expressed culturally and in the first call of their women did everything exactly they need. And you sat and the envy were ready to grind your teeth. Although there is nothing surprising in this, just this women knows one secret that is possible to be transmitted from generation to generation in their family. And every girl is given the secret of managing a man carefully protected from the eyes of the uninitiated. That's why there are always peace and prosperity in their families in their families, there is no weight of scandals and other troubles.

Remember the hanging tongs on the hinges and the hysterical pans never in life will not be able to control the man. Therefore, if you can further even read everything that it will be written further is not for you. In the same way that they consider themselves quite feminine and demolitions, we will now open one secret. In order for your man to make what you need you need using a specific methodology to enter Kaba in his subconscious mind bypassing his mind. To do this, in esoteric there is a secret method called, "accepting on himself" in the most direct sense of the word, when you seem to penetrate the men in the thoughts and speak of his behalf. A man does not notice this and all your orders, and the actions will be considered their own, you will only have to watch what is happening all the strictly on your plan.

Secret Esoteric Men's Impact Method

Immediately I want to notice this is not hypnosis and not NLP and has nothing to do with psychology. Also, not everyone will be able to master this method, for many women this secret will remain secret. If you can also finish reading on this place for more than fifty. But, for the rest, we now describe this interesting way in terms of application.

Sit on the chair breathe calmly and smoothly, then make a very deep breath and hold your breath as much as you can, without causing discomfort. Make a row 10 such breaths then imagine your beloved face, see his hands to the torso leg. When you can see it all imagine that you are transparent as the light you do not have a shell and you penetrate gradually in his body thereby replacing it with itself. You must see hear and feel, as if from the inside the men you want to control. As soon as you have this feeling immediately do from his behalf what you would prefer, for example, if it did it. Do it quickly because you will be pushed through a very fast period of time.

You can, for example, inspire that after work he went home, and not in the garage with friends, smallerly wanted fishing and bars. Also did not lay all day on the couch watching TV, but took up the deeds for the benefit of the family. What you need to decide for yourself, but you will not have anything if you want him to fulfill any negative in harm to anyone. For such purposes, completely different methods are used, for understandable reasons, which we will not describe here.

As soon as you feel that I got out of the body, say the words "Sator Ana Mans Bahur Manas Welzevul Hat!" Then imagine yourself in warm water that blends all the dirt from you. As if you are sitting in the bathroom, at this moment you can have vision from the past and present moments of life of your beloved before your eyes. Let it not confuse you after all your souls have just come into contact and therefore you must make mental cleansing. As soon as the visualization starts to evaporate, stop your experience. With the words "clean" and accept the real shower after that. It is all necessary in order to remove mental memories, in principle, if you are not very impressionable you can skip this procedure.

This is the easiest of man management methods, but it is sufficient to manage your husband a guy or even a neighbor. More complex methods require some preparation and are not always acceptable to some part due to their secret skills. Who has questions on the topic or something personal, can ask questions. Good luck in endeavors on the path of extrasensory perception!

The content of the article:

From nature, women possess the arsenal of the world of weapons who are terrible in the world, namely by beauty and cunning, charm and cunning, charm and soreness, in front of which men's half of humanity is simply powerless. The story cites a lot of examples when women were either forced to "dance under their drawing", or neatly manipulated them. This is Marilyn Monroe, and Catherine II, and even the Egyptian queens of Cleopatra and Nefertiti, and another great many others. All of them were able to reach the vertices, turning it into a formidable weapon, which is not protected. All this weapon women can use both in the modern world, and very soon you will be aware of how to manage a man.

How to learn how to manage a man? The main weapon of women.

To learn how to manage a man, you need to master some features. Some women from nature are endowed with them, others have to learn. However, absolutely any girl in the world will be able to comprehend this art, because every woman in the world has its personal advantages. The main thing is to teach them right.
So, the first rule of manipulation should sound like this - a man should feel that he is the main one. That his actions and solutions is absolutely his merit, and not your little trick, otherwise why manipulate it? He will only support this illusion, let him think he wants, because you know the truth.

What can be manipulated, or how to manage a man.

How to learn to manage a man? Yes, very simple. Use the following your trumps.

  • Femininity. You should always be at the height. Looks attractive, but not corrupt.
  • Sex is the strongest female weapon. However, do not prohibit, but on the contrary, try during the process. Since the prohibition of sex is blackmail. And you will not achieve anything blackmail.
  • Tears will probably take the second honorable place on manipulation. After all, most men are lost and perplexed at the sight of female tears. Do not forget that tears should not be from yours.
  • Possess a fool. Men underestimate women's mental abilities. You need to stop offended and start it to use for your own purposes. Even if you areted and educated woman and your husband knows it, it's just because he is pleased to feel the main thing, he will believe in your helplessness.
  • Weak points. Each person has weak points, men are no exception. Use these points and you will achieve the desired result.
  • Flattery. No matter how surprisingly, people are conducted on flattery. Even knowing that you are roughly flattered, you still can not remove a smile with a satisfied person. And men are susceptible to the charm of the lets even more than women, so it is necessary to use flattery as a weapon.

Psychological features of manipulation, or how to subordinate to themselves.

First of all, you need to create an atmosphere of trust and understanding. At the beginning of the relationship let him scatter socks or smoke in the house. Capturing in trifles and ordering your chosen one, his goal is to answer the question of how to subordinate to the man - you will not get. And later, you can slowly seek your interests. Require, again, in no case do not need. To achieve your goal, namely to subjugate to the man and manage it, your desires should speak in the flowing forms, or even better in the form of light regret. If you have a good, relationships are built on love, respect and affection, then your man will suffer and fulfill any of your whim, because the conscience will not allow him to do otherwise.

Has a strong floor guess, about what they manipulate? Most likely guesses, but they try not to notice this, or simply do not pay attention to it, and some - even like it. They want to be superheroes, in the eyes of loved womens. In essence, it is women's removals and leprosy, and in fact it is simply necessary for your overall happiness. However, even with all your desire and the ability, you will not be able to influence absolutely all men. For example, if a man loves his wife, a child and does everything for their happiness, then you run back in front of him, and you will not achieve anything. Therefore, do not overestimate your abilities and opportunities, subordinate and manage only those men who know for a long time. Train yourself and you will definitely work out.

See also:

Orthodox calendar

Thursday, March 26, 2020(March 13, Art.)
Sedmian 4th Great Post
Transferring relics SVT. Nikifora, Patriarch of Constantinople (846)
Holy Memory Day:
MCH. Savina (287). Mchch. African, publication and terents (III). MCH. Alexandra (305-311). MC. Persian Christians (IV). PS Anine Presbyter.
Day of the memory of the confessors and new martyrs of the Church of the Russian:
Schishmch. Nikolai Popova Prester (1919); schishmch. Gregory Pospelova Presbyter (1921); schishmch. Mikhail Ozolovich Presbyter (1938).
Great post.
The brain is not committed in the continuation of the Great Post.
Reading a day
Gospel and Apostle:
At verse: -Gen..10: 32-11: 9; Proverbs.13: 20-14: 6 On the 6th hour: -IS.28: 14-22.
On the morning: -PS.37-45; PS.46-54; PS.55-63; PS.91-100; PS.101-104; PS.105-108. At verse: -PS.119-133 On the 1st hour: -PS.64-69 On the 3rd hour: -PS.70-76 On the 6th hour: -PS.77-84 On the 9th hour: -PS.85-90.

It seems that manipulations in love relationships are unthinkable. In fact, more and most often people manipulate each other, being in close relationships. This is especially true for men and women. When a couple meets, everyone is trying to influence another to achieve its goals. And here the woman is interested in questions, how to manage a man and subjugate him.

Women - capricious and unpredictable creatures. This is attractive. At the same time, a woman will not agree to meet a man just like that. He should be interesting to her, profitable, promising. A woman often reaches its goals through a man who manages ..

But here you can immediately answer: no way! You can use the manipulations and techniques given in this article. However, it should be understood that the woman does not have the power over a man if he does not manage. After all, it is often the question of how to subordinate to yourself, appears in Femin, who see that they cannot affect partners. If you can not do this, then you can't be able to change one thing - you do not want to change.

Only changes in your behavior manner and character qualities can lead to a change in the partner's attitude towards you. If you want to change, then read further that you need to develop.

What you want to do is called manipulation. However, this process does not need to be negative. In fact, people are absolutely all engaged in manipulations, especially with respect to relatives, loved ones and friends. Manipulations are normal because they are aimed at achieving their happiness at the expense of other people. Otherwise, why do these people need, if they do not help, but only interfere, take away, take away?

What are the manipulations of loved ones? It all depends on what exactly the other person is trying to achieve. So, for example, psychologists very often note that the children are ill not because they are really cold or picked up an infection, but because they want to draw their parents to themselves. Older people also resort to a method of chronic illness to get the necessary care from their children. Often, manipulations are carried out through aggressive behavior or threat. In such situations, people cannot otherwise express their desires, how to scare close relatives or order them to do something they want.

You should not immediately flee to your family and loved ones, accusing them that they are manipulated by you. First, understand that they are the same people, like you, and otherwise they simply do not know how to express their desires. Very often, manipulations between close people occur because they experience loneliness, are subjected to fears that stretch from childhood, or they want something, but can not say about it straight. So, for example, a woman can meet her husband with screams and discontent every night, thereby causing him a response, only because it is not able to find a different way to tell him that he misses him. Or a man after each quarrel with his wife drinks, thereby causing her feeling of guilt or care, because it is not able to voice his fear of losing relationship with her.

Secondly, think, and what kind of actions do you say other people that a certain manipulation is valid for you? It is meaningless to impose the blame on another person, since at least two participate in manipulation. And one of these people, who shows another, how to manipulate them, you yourself are. If you did not react to any kind of impact, you would not do with you as they do. But since I don't like something, it means that you already give a signal to a relative or a loved one that you need to see exactly in this way to achieve the desired one.

Of course, manipulation is bad. However, you yourself sometimes do not allow a person to reveal to you and express your feelings or hidden fears. Often you yourself do not want to see and hear the other until it proceeds to manipulations. And your reaction to manipulation and its absence during sincere communication give a person to understand what is better to manipulate you to get the necessary protection or attention that you do not want to give when you are just asked about it.

What are characteristic of manipulation?

Manipulations should be distinguished from other actions. This can be done according to the characteristics peculiar to them:

  1. Manipulation is not recognized by the one to manipulate. Otherwise, he will begin to defend themselves.
  2. Manipulations are effective when exposed to the emotional sphere. If a person does not control the emotions that the manipulator is needed, then he makes the steps they need.
  3. Manipulations are forced to perform actions. The person who manipulates, thinks he made a certain decision. In fact, it was forced to do it.

The manipulations are different, so it is impossible to clearly talk about what they are bad or good. Positive manipulations become when a person encourages to do what will benefit him. So, for example, you can call any urge that makes a person abandon smoking or alcohol.

However, there are negative manipulations - they destroy the identity of the one who manipulates. Such can be called actions when one suffers after another, when one cannot forget the other when one uses the other, humiliates, insults. At the same time, the one who manipulates cannot understand what happens to him, and abandon these relationships.

It is easiest to manipulate those who are a close man. So, the manipulations are engaged in children and parents, men and women, in love with each other, friends, even work colleagues.

When a woman manipulates?

Manipulations do not occur constantly. Usually it starts only at the moment when a person wants to achieve the desired one. Often, some manipulations occur unconsciously. That is why it was said that if you do not manipulate a man already, then it will be difficult for you to change something. Either a woman is already pressed on male buttons, while remaining herself, or she has to learn to influence the partner, resorting to the actions that she is not inherent. When does a woman begins to manipulate?

  • If a woman is afraid or shy about to ask for a man.
  • If the woman has already asked for a man, speaking about her request openly and straight. If a man ignored or did not fulfill her requests in which she hardly needed, then she begins to encourage him into the necessary actions.
  • If a woman is confident that her request will definitely be rejected.
  • If the lady wants to keep his "clean" and "beautiful" face in front of a man, and her request will slightly spoil this image.
  • If a woman just loves everyone to manipulate and does not recognize open methods for solving the issue.
  • If a man definitely dismisses her request, it will be categorical, selfish.

The fact that women manipulate men speak the following points:

  1. It is customary to say that a man is head, and a woman is a neck. The neck must turn the head in the one to which it is profitable.
  2. It is believed that the man should come to some thought to implement it. And so that this thought arose in a man in the head, a woman should make manipulative actions.

It can be concluded that the man himself his behavior and character creates a situation where the woman is forced to manipulate them to get the desired. And by which ways you can achieve:

  • In bed, ask for anything when a man does not protect against a woman.
  • To be feminine, that is weak, so that the man is involved in the defender's instinct.
  • Stroking the male self-esteem on the fur. What should a man do to get another approval?
  • Create competition situations. That is, a man must once again prove to himself that he is the best and the very first, committing the actions that are beneficial to the woman.
  • Watch him to take actions that emphasize his male dignity.
  • Meet a man enthusiastically and with a smile. Then he will be happy to come to you again and fulfill your requests.

What should not be done?

Manipulating, you should know about what you should not do:

  1. Do not use phrases "So do real men", "you should", etc., because they do not encourage, but forcing. You like a man with someone compare or make a slave.
  2. Treat a man on an equal footing. No arrogance.
  3. If it did not work out again to achieve your own, you need to change the way of presented request. You do not need to repeat the same way if it does not work.
  4. Do not compare a man with other men.
  5. Do not blackmail, do not threaten.
  6. Avoid ordinary tone. There are more weakness and vulnerability.
  7. Do not use the male language. You are a woman - stay it!
  8. Avoid hysterical. They encourage a man to throw you.

Despite the fact that you manipulate a man, you need to respect him and stay with him on an equal footing. He is not your slave. He should not do anything. If you do not know how to encourage, it means that you use incorrect techniques. Treat a man with gratitude and love, then you will achieve much.

How to manage a man?

Consider how to manage a man:

  • Be delicate and feminine. Weakness conquers a man, removes all his protective mechanisms.
  • Speak about your feelings. Describe the situation so that the man understands you.
  • Let a man take their decision. You do not force it to fulfill your request, but just ask - feel the difference. If you begin to insist, the man will immediately turn on the protective mechanism.
  • Be grateful for all the man done for you. Even if it turned out not what you were asking for, remain grateful, and then tell me what you really wanted. After that, he can fix what incorrectly did.
  • Stay weak on it. Constantly demonstrate to him that he is always strong in any situation.

How to subjugate to a man in the end?

Other ways of manipulation will be: say that a man is the head of the family, if he wants to be, and also offer alternative solutions to the problem, if your first version does not suit it. You can subjugate a man yourself, if you just stay a woman, do not compete with him, do not demonstrate strength and always say that he is the main one.

Moving woman experiences are confident that before the subtleties studied science, how to manage men. In this category, compassionate girlfriends, not indifferent colleagues and kind neighborings can be attached. It turns out that most of them do not succeed in personal life. Fear the advice of such sorrow-friendly people: instinctively or consciously, they predict unsuccessful ways to develop relations.

To learn how to properly manage men, it is better to resort to professional workshop of manipulations. Only a little happy chosen, this art managed to absorb with mother's milk. Rare women instinctively feel how to subordinate to themselves, without experiencing resistance. The remaining representatives of the beautiful sex female secrets will help learn knowledge of male psychology.

This allowance is intended for those enterprising women who want to comprehend how to manage men, seeking them to fulfill their desires. Extended female manipulation manuals include up to 50 rules. We offer our readers quintessence from the most efficient and trouble-free techniques.

Art of being a woman

Since Nature has prepared the role of the daughter of Eve, it is worth playing this role in the full program. Remember, your chief trump card is that you are a woman, and most of the bosses, colleagues, teachers and other significant persons of our world belong to the opposite sex. Sin does not take advantage of such luck to learn how to manage a man.

Subconsciously, a man will see you as an assessing look, even if the relationship does not imply an intimate continuation. To achieve protection and condescension, try to wake in your Visazy Natural instincts, which for a while bolds sound logic and cold mind.

The seduction maneuer should be prepared in advance. Ascending to a meeting with the man you are interested in, get dressed out the usual. The main secret is not to rearrange. Hints, visiting male fantasy, preferably a vulgar mini skirt or a deep neckline. Do not try to demonstrate all available charms. Carelessly unbuttoned overhead flouses, skirt cut, slightly opening a lace stocking, work much better.

If the object of interest is not higher than you according to the status, for example, a colleague or friend, learn the method of tactile exposure. Approving patches on the shoulder, stroking on the hand will create a field of friendly comfort, when to refuse your request will be simple inconvenient.

However, beware of violating the person's personal space that occupies a higher position: boss or teacher. Such touches can be perceived as disrespect and imbalance.

If from the first attempt to achieve the desired failed, the mantra of the "most charming and attractive" need to strengthen additional secrets of manipulation.

Do not put a man into a cage

Learn to manage a man - does not mean completely limit his freedom. Like birds, it is quite freedom-loving creatures that feel in captivation in captivated. Any attempts on independence - whether it is controlled or a ban on gatherings with buddies is perceived as disrespect of his personality and humiliation of dignity.

Your reproaches will raise the opposite effect: it will make it come called to approve your authority. This will inevitably lead to a conflict situation that can be resolved in several ways:

  • "Dictatorial": The weak side is surrendered to the mercy of the winner. The position is unstable, since in a men's camp sooner or later a riot may occur.
  • "Did not get along": The conflict leads to a quick parting.
  • "Manipulative": A woman takes a brazard of hidden control in her hands, leaving a man imaginary freedom. He believes that he makes actions independently, although it has long been under his wife's heel / beloved.

The task is maximum - to implement the last script so skillfully, so that your beloved does not notice that it dances under the female duff. Ideally, in a relationship even there is no place for treacherous thought about manipulation.

Let us give a few real examples how hidden managing a man:

  1. Avoid imperative inclination in circulation. Instead of request-order, use a request question: "Dear, I go to the store, could you help me with bags?"
  2. Offer an alternative. Your faithful is going to a sports bar with buddies (on football, fishing, bowling)? Do not prohibit this to do in an ultimative form. Offer a worthy replacement for joint leisure, bringing an intrigue notch. For example, order tickets for the film premiere, which he dreamed of seeing, or prepare a romantic dinner.
  3. Learn to make transparent hints that prompted the solutions you need. Do not get the desire to spend the evening on a beer party with his friends? Hints not enough that the place is not quite successful. Invite it to taste the real living beer and Bavarian sausages in a more authentic institution.

Perfect attempts by male manipulation

Cute ladies, do not forget that not only you are striving to learn how to manage the partner. For its part, he is making responses and himself is not averse to pull for the invisible threads of the dice.

Do not please the prospect of spending leisure on washing, cleaning and classes with children, watching your chosen one is resting in front of the TV? Unfortunately, male psychology is characteristic of the desire to limit themselves from boring homework. We will reveal several typical tricks that need to learn to competently resist.

"Hands are not from that place"

A favorite male reception is to do homework "Sleeves." At the request to wash the dishes, driven a nail, etc. They are enthusiastically accepted for business. The result becomes a broken service, shot down by a hammer finger and loud regrets that nothing comes out again. As a result, the work has to be redone, and even console the unlucky master. A similar situation is repeated once by time until you decide what is easier to do everything yourself. That is what a man sought.

What to do? Learn how to create conditions when an inept assistant will have to redo the work itself. For example, as if by chance, put a caustic device before him, noticing that it was his fault, and ask to wash again.

Rule of the first date

The first romantic meeting is a real duel, from which the continuation of the relationship often depends on the expenditure. Just as in hostilities, a woman in it has its own strategy - to achieve the start of a strong connection. The man manages, as a rule, more prosaic desire: to conquer the lover, bowing it to the night of love.

Mastery of manipulation is complex art that requires not only knowledge, but also a rigid self-control. To subordinate a man, sometimes you have to restrain my desires. If you do not want to finish the relationship with the standard male phrase "I will call", use the manipulation that has become the commandment of the psychology of relationships: do not allow intimate contacts on the first date.

Learn to refuse to correctly not seem indifferent or fan of special. The phrase works well: "It's hard for me to lose your pleasure to spend the night with you, but I want to check the feelings and find out better than you." This form contains a transparent hint of continued relationships. Even if a man did not plan a long-term connection, the proud pride wants to win, and you will have time to make relations with stable, skillfully controlling the situation.

Create a territory of psychological comfort

To establish a close mental connection and strengthen confidence, you are unnoticed to translate the conversation on the memories of happy childhood. Psychologists have proven that early childhood is associated with a carefree world, where there is no place to deceive. Immersed in children's dreams, the man returns at the time when everyone was small and unable to manipulate. At this time, he ceases to control his emotions and it is easy to manage.

To learn how to use this technique, be the most sincere. Share the real children's memories, causing a desire to tell funny cases from childhood. Tactics can be recognized as successful if you managed to exchange 2-3 nostalgic stories before moving towards your "tiny" request.

Compliments for the best man

Smart wives use the trouble-free technique: "You want to point out mistakes, first praise." The simple rule is valid in any partnerships, because strong men value compliments not less than weak women.

Having learned to make compliments correctly, you will get a careless weapon into arsenal. A skillful manipulator does not operate with surface praise appearance or new clothes. Banal compliments will work out that on blonde, but a man is a different matter. He lives rather reason than feelings, so everything is analyzing and doubt.

Deciding to resort to this manipulation, you must calculate everything in advance. The compliments should seem as an interlocutor as objective as possible, without causing doubts about sincerity. If you praise the partner's working quality, spend time to master a pair of professional terms. Hearing from your mouths such words as the "perforator", "compressor" or "marketing analysis", it will immediately understand how much is not indifferent to you.

Look for common interests

Almost spy manipulation, which is specifically trained in certain professions. Remember the unforgettable phrase Gleb Zheglov, who wants to locate a witness: "Yes, we are with you fans! How yesterday "Spartak" played? "

In order to competently learn how to manage male psychology, you need to explore the fight. Try to find out what he lives, what books, music, films, sports prefers. Good for this purpose to use old acquaintances your chosen one's own search for a perfect gift for a holiday.

If the overall passion is removed - excellent. Develop a conversation on this fertile topic at the first opportunity. If the points of contact could not be found, create them artificially, even if for this you have to learn to understand the conflicts of football battles.

Rule last and decisive

All of the above councils use a fair share of caution. Observe the measure between obsession and sincere interest, friendly discrepancy and familiar synthesis. On this unpretentious balance and the art is kept to manage a man.

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