Who is a dermatologist and what does he do? What a dermatologist treats.

The integuments, as well as the genitals, are quite widespread in modern society. A dermatovenerologist is involved in the treatment of such ailments. At the same time, many still do not know who to contact with problems of the skin and genitals.

Dermatovenereologist - who is he?

Doctors of this specialty deal with the treatment of skin and genital diseases. Today their services are in great demand. In addition, consultation with a dermatovenerologist is necessary for those who have problems with nails and hair.

There are two ways to get this specialty. The first of them involves the passage of an internship in this profile. In this case, the young specialist works in the dermatovenerological department, where he gets his initial skills. The second option involves additional training of a doctor of a therapeutic specialty for 4 months on the basis of a specialized center for advanced training of higher medical personnel.

Where can you consult a dermatovenerologist?

Currently, dermatovenerologists are a fairly large group of doctors. They receive visits not only in specialized centers, but also in ordinary clinics. Naturally, the full range of examinations is available only in dermatovenerological hospitals. However, a simple consultation can be obtained without visiting it.

Also, dermatovenerologists are often taken in cosmetology centers. There, they not only deal with the treatment of skin diseases, but also carry out various procedures aimed at improving the condition of the outer covers, hair and nails of a person. Currently, this is in great demand.

About cosmetology services

Among the services that a cosmetologist-dermatovenerologist is able to provide, there are also procedures carried out to improve the condition of the skin. They acquire special significance when it is necessary to eliminate any defect. This is about:

  • scars;
  • scars;
  • warts;
  • moles;
  • corns;
  • subcutaneous nets of small vessels, etc.

Currently, their removal is most often carried out using cryodestruction (local exposure or mechanically.

What dermatovenerologist treats

Such a specialist has the skills to effectively deal with a variety of diseases. Among them are diseases:

  • skin;
  • nails;
  • hair;
  • genitals.

Treatment of skin diseases

Many people to the question: "Dermatovenereologist - who is this?" - answer with confidence that such a doctor is engaged in the fight against all kinds of skin problems. Diseases of this particular area most often force a person to contact this specialist.

The dermatovenerologist begins the medical examination by asking the patient to show the affected area. In this case, he is interested in the circumstances after which the patient noticed that he had skin problems. The fact is that many ailments in this area arise after contact with all kinds of irritating substances. In this case, we are talking about contact dermatitis. Such a disease in modern society is not uncommon. This is due, first of all, to the fact that now the number of chemicals used in various fields is much greater than before.

Infectious skin diseases

In modern society, ailments such as scabies and head lice are not so common. This is due to an increase in the level of hygienic culture of people. But, unfortunately, such diseases can sometimes still occur. Naturally, a dermatovenerologist treats them. Who it is and what he does, every person who has an excessive amount of acne should also know. If the body is weakened, then various bacteria can threaten its skin. In this case, furunculosis often develops. Unlike ordinary acne, the cause of which is hormonal changes in the body, the presence of this disease indicates significant problems with immunity. A person with such a problem must be examined by a dermatovenerologist. Whoever ignores this may face even more serious consequences. After all, it may well spread and go into a generalized form. In this case, you may need serious antibiotic therapy in a specialized hospital.

If an infectious skin disease is suspected, the dermatovenerologist will take the scraping. What does he check with this research method? Of course, a specific type of microorganism that caused the development of the pathological process.

About hair problems

Currently, there is a separate specialty for the treatment of diseases associated with hair - a trichologist. Unfortunately, there are very few of them. As a result, a dermatovenerologist is most often involved in such problems. Whoever does not know this, he risks aggravating the condition of his hairline. It would seem, what problems, besides dandruff, can affect this area? In fact, there are a lot of hair diseases. This is about:

  • alopecia;
  • seborrhea;
  • folliculitis;
  • trichoclasia (increased hair fragility);
  • trichonodosis and others.

All these diseases require timely treatment, otherwise their course becomes chronic.

Diseases of the nails

Diseases in this area are very common. Most often we are talking about mycoses. They are fungal infections of the nails. These diseases are also treated by a dermatovenerologist. Anyone who does not know this and turns to a specialist too late is forced to suffer for a long time from serious problems with nails. The fact is that with untimely treatment, the fungus quickly leads to pronounced changes in the structure of the nail. If antimycotic drugs are prescribed by a dermatovenerologist on time, then the pathological process will be local and will not cause much harm.

About sexually transmitted diseases

Many believe that a dermatovenerologist deals only with skin problems. What does he check besides the skin? Of course, the condition of the genitals. At the same time, it is recommended to visit this specialist for tests not only for those who have already had serious problems, but also for every person who has a promiscuous sex life. The fact is that even one casual relationship can cause infection with the most dangerous sexually transmitted diseases. So for your own reassurance and early detection of pathology, it is better to consult a specialist as soon as possible.

A dermatovenerologist can issue a referral to both one specific analysis and their full complex. Mono-studies are the most rational option in cases where one of the partners has already been diagnosed with a particular disease. If there was an accidental unprotected contact, then it is better to check completely.

Among the most famous sexually transmitted diseases are syphilis, human immunodeficiency virus, gonorrhea, as well as trichomoniasis and chlamydia.

Syphilis and gonorrhea are quite dangerous diseases, but only in those cases when specific treatment is not carried out. If the dermatovenerologist prescribes the appropriate medications, then in a few months his patient will be able to return to an absolutely normal life.

A much more serious disease is HIV. The fact is that at present there is no sufficiently effective medicine for it. There are drugs that can reduce the rate of progression of the pathological process, but not a single dermatovenerologist and infectious disease specialist can get rid of it.

How should a specialist's office be equipped?

The peculiarities of the diseases that the dermatovenerologist treats predetermine the list of equipment necessary for conducting productive work. First of all, this specialist must have a large number of disposable gloves. The fact is that after examining each of his patients, he is obliged to change them. Otherwise, there is a possibility of infection of the dermatovenerologist himself and his clients.

Also, any doctor of this specialty always has a couch in his office, which is closed with an opaque partition from prying eyes. At the workplaces of many dermatovenerologists, there is also that greatly facilitates the diagnostic process. Such specialists also have sets of instruments for removing warts and papillomas. Also, the dermatovenerologist's office is equipped. After a few hours of admission, the doctor leaves his workplace for about 10 minutes. At this time, lamps are turned on, emitting rays that are destructive to microorganisms. In the future, patients are resumed under relatively sterile conditions. Such a scheme of work makes it possible to almost completely exclude the possibility of nosocomial transmission of infection in a dermatovenerological office.

For skin diseases, consult a dermatologist. With what symptoms you need to make an appointment with a specialist, as well as how the appointment goes, we will consider in more detail.

Dermatology as a field of medicine

Dermatology is one of the oldest branches of medicine, which is aimed at:

  • Study of the structure of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Revealing the features of the functioning of the skin during the period of normal and pathological processes.
  • Formulation of methods for the diagnosis and treatment of skin and mucous membranes.
  • Ways to prevent possible skin diseases.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of hair and nail lesions.

Dermatology is divided into general and specific. General studies the questions of anatomical and histological structure, physiological and biochemical processes, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of skin diseases. Private dermatology is aimed at identifying a specific problem, a detailed study of the influence of hereditary factors and the environment, a possible therapy for the disease.

What does a doctor do?

The dermatologist is necessarily included in the staff of the children's and adult clinics. The doctor performs the following functions:

  • Diagnoses a disease of the skin or its appendages (nails, hair).
  • Prescribes therapeutic or surgical treatment.
  • Eliminates unwanted cosmetic defects.
  • Gives advice on prevention and lifestyle (diet, exercise).

What a dermatologist treats:

  • Warts, moles, acne.
  • Eczema and psoriasis.
  • Dermatitis of any etiology.
  • Fungal lesions of the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Dandruff.
  • Allergic rash and other problems.

Treatment is selected individually for each patient. It takes into account gender, age, physique, skin type, chronic diseases, a tendency to allergies, external environmental factors.

When do you need a physical examination?

Regular dermatological examination reveals dangerous skin diseases at an early stage, especially for tanning enthusiasts. Timely detection of progressive processes significantly increases the chances of recovery.

A dermatologist's examination is necessary if:

  • The appearance of irritation, rashes or itching on the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Cracks on the surface of the skin.
  • The appearance of ulcers on the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Pathological discoloration of the skin.
  • An increase in the size or shape of warts and moles.

People associated with the production and sale of food products, employees of children's institutions, employees of a pharmacy and a hospital undergo an annual medical examination.

How is the appointment going?

A dermatologist's appointment takes place in a warm room. A prerequisite for inspection is good illumination, providing a detailed examination of the problem.

A dermatologist appointment includes:

  1. Interviewing the patient, clarifying complaints and anamnesis.
  2. Examination and diagnosis of the disease.
  3. Appointment of therapeutic or surgical treatment.

If necessary, the doctor prescribes the taking of tests before making a diagnosis.

When do I have to come to my appointment?

To prevent the occurrence of dangerous diseases, an annual examination by a dermatologist is necessary. If pathology occurs on the skin, appendages or mucous membranes, an immediate visit to a doctor is required. This is important to prevent the spread of the disease to large areas of the skin, to prevent possible complications. Regular examination of moles and warts is recommended to detect malignancy.

How does it look?

Reception of a dermatologist begins with a detailed history collection and identification of the patient's complaints. Subsequent inspection includes:

  1. Consideration of skin pathology from a distance of 1 step. This allows you to study the general picture of the rash, the degree of its prevalence on the body, localization in certain places.
  2. A detailed study of the problem, a preliminary diagnosis.
  3. Palpation of the affected areas, including pressure, light scraping. Performed to study peeling, swelling, possible discoloration.
  4. Careful examination of the pathology using a dermatoscope. This is a device that allows you to analyze skin problems under multiple magnifications. With its help, neoplasms are checked for goodness.
  5. Taking the necessary tests (scrapings, smear, discharge).
  6. Final diagnosis, prescription of complex treatment.

In case of a disputable situation, additional tests and studies may be prescribed (blood and urine tests, allergy tests).


After taking anamnesis, studying the tests and making a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment. It can include:

  • The use of external medicines (hormonal, healing, antiherpetic).
  • Antihistamines (for oral administration and in the form of an ointment).
  • Antibiotic therapy.
  • Antifungal agents (internally and externally).
  • Medicinal cosmetics that provide deep hydration and nutrition.

In addition, the dermatologist gives advice on nutrition, water procedures, optimal clothing. The doctor can send for consultation to other specialists of a narrow profile (trichologist, cosmetologist, oncologist). If necessary, surgical elimination of the problem (removal of moles and warts) is prescribed.

What is the difference between a reception at a dermatovenerologist?

Should I go to a dermatovenerologist with a rash? This doctor also treats skin diseases. He is also approached by people suffering from sexually transmitted infections.

Reception is associated with questions of a personal nature, which should be answered honestly and without hesitation. You cannot delay a visit to the doctor, since late diagnosis can complicate subsequent treatment.

Among women

Reception of women includes taking anamnesis, examination, taking tests and making a diagnosis. Features:

  • Mandatory examination in the gynecological chair.
  • Taking a smear from the vagina, urethra, cervix.
  • Treatment of the possible consequences of a genital infection (infertility).

The dermatovenerologist examines and treats pregnant women with relevant problems.

In men

More often men turn to a dermatovenerologist. Their reception is as follows:

  1. Identification of complaints and chronic diseases.
  2. Visual inspection.
  3. Rectal examination with fingers.
  4. Taking a smear from the urethra.
  5. Analysis of the secretion of the prostate gland.

After receiving the results of microscopic examination, the dermatovenerologist prescribes the appropriate treatment. It is possible to correct the complications arising after the infection, including various sexual disorders.

What diseases does a venereologist deal with?

If you need to diagnose a sexually transmitted disease, you should visit a venereologist. The doctor will study the problem that has arisen, carry out a deep diagnosis, and prescribe a comprehensive treatment.

The venereologist treats:

  • In women - vaginosis, endometritis.
  • In men - prostatitis, urethritis, the appearance of microbes in the semen.
  • Both sexes have syphilis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia.

You can not be ashamed of the problem that has arisen and delay the visit to the doctor. It is worth visiting a venereologist if:

  • Pain during urination and sexual intercourse.
  • Rash in the groin and on the genitals.
  • Ejaculation disorders.
  • Discharge accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  • Any discomfort in the genital tract that gets worse during sex.

The doctor will help get rid of the pathology, avoid relapses and complications. The prescribed treatment significantly improves the quality of life, improving well-being and sexual relations.

Dermatovenereologist - differences

Many people believe that a dermatovenerologist and a dermatologist are one and the same. These specialists were interned in the same profile. The difference lies in the places of work and certain nuances. A dermatologist can be found in a regular clinic. The dermatovenerologist works in the skin and venereal clinic, and conducts appointments in private offices.

The dermatovenerologist treats only adults. The range of pathologies studied includes skin problems, sexually transmitted diseases and infections, and cosmetic defects.

Who should you go to with allergies?

Often, an allergic reaction occurs as a skin rash accompanied by itching, burning, and redness. If such a problem occurs, you need to urgently consult a dermatologist or allergist. The specialist will prescribe competent treatment, recommend a suitable diet and water regime. In the event of rashes on the external genital organs, it is worth consulting with a dermatovenerologist.

Dermatology studies the functioning, structure and diseases of hair, skin, nails and glands (sweat and sebaceous) of a person. You can also find the name dermatopathology, which will be a more accurate definition for this branch of medicine. Dermatology has a close relationship with venereology, endocrinology, allergology and oncology. Specialists dermatologists include trichologists (doctors dealing with hair diseases), cosmetologists and dermatovenerologists.

What does a dermatologist treat?

At least once in a lifetime, every person has faced or will face skin problems. After all, it is the epithelium that is the largest human organ, and it is it that performs the most important functions to maintain the vital activity of the body, including respiratory and barrier ones. In turn, a dermatologist is a specialist who deals with diseases of the dermis.

The skin is most susceptible to the negative effects of the external environment, it is attacked by many infections and the risk of developing oncological formations is not excluded. The influence is exerted by temperature fluctuations and other environmental factors. In addition, the dermis, like any other organ, is aging and depends on internal processes in the body. Taking this into account, the work of a dermatologist is being built: both the diagnosis of skin diseases and its treatment.

Among the diseases that a doctor of this specialty faces:

    Diseases caused by mycotic lesions of the dermis (trichophytosis, epidermophytosis, macrosporia and others);

    Viral diseases of the epidermis - multiple varieties of lichen, herpetic lesions, skin papillomas;

    Diseases of allergic origin, eczema and neurodermatitis;


    Inflammation of the glands due to somatic and infectious factors;

    Rash on the dermis due to HIV, due to exposure to drugs and toxic agents;

    Derma problems that occur during puberty;

    Acne, etc.

In addition to these diseases, a dermatologist is consulted for various cosmetic defects and skin pathologies that can lead to the development of dermal cancer.

Dermatologist's office: reception features

For any skin problems, consult a dermatologist. To begin with, the doctor will perform a visual examination of the patient, and then send the patient to the diagnostic room for the necessary examinations. As for therapy, it can be medication or consist of physiotherapy procedures (sometimes an integrated approach is required). If necessary, the patient is referred to the surgeon for surgery. It is important to seek the advice of a dermatologist immediately after detecting skin problems, as many of them are infectious in nature.

When to see a dermatologist?

If one or more of the following signs are found, then you should not postpone the trip to the dermatologist:

    Furuncles or formations containing purulent masses appeared;

    The skin is swollen and itchy for a long time;

    Rashes on the dermis (bright or pale) appear;

    There is an overgrowth of warts or moles, they increase in size;

    The skin is flushed and flaky;

    Weeping areas or zones of inflammation form on the dermis;

    A person is worried about acne or acne.

There are many pathologies characteristic of the dermis; it is quite problematic to list all their symptoms. In this regard, people should seek the advice of a dermatologist if any skin abnormalities appear. It is he who is able to accurately diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment, or redirect to another doctor.

Dermatologist - who is this and what does he treat? This specialty of doctors is quite in demand, they have a narrow focus - treatment of the skin. But everything is more complicated than it seems.

Dermatologists are physicians who have a deep knowledge of the physiology and anatomy of the skin, they should be well aware of modern, effective principles of treatment and therapy for a variety of dermatological diseases.

If you develop strange spots or acne on your skin, this indicates damage to healthy tissue. Such signs may indicate other diseases or are themselves, therefore it is necessary to contact a specialist, in this case a dermatologist.

The doctor will diagnose you after examination and some tests (as needed), then he will offer you the main treatment and therapy as an addition. If the disease is serious, then you can take a sample from the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin and send it to the laboratory for a more thorough examination. So specialists will be able to determine the reaction of the sample to various drugs and choose for you what will help, but will not harm you.

It is very carefully selected for the duration of the treatment, since it is the main therapy. It is worth sticking to it even when you are healthy. It prescribes foods that should be included in the diet, and which should be avoided.

Individual treatment may include drugs and procedures that the doctor prescribes after the examination. In case you have to use strong drugs, the diet is adjusted and constant monitoring of health is added, in case of deviations from the norm, they can either reduce the dose or completely exclude the use of the drug. Usually, the kidneys and liver are monitored, as drugs have a strong effect on them.

If questions arise or new suspicions arise, the patient should contact his attending physician. Thanks to modern technologies, this can be done even through electronic messengers.

The profession of a dermatologist itself is very ancient, the first recipes for treatments date back to BC. For such a huge amount of time, a lot of knowledge in the field of dermatology has accumulated, so it is not possible for one person to own all or at least half of them, therefore there are varieties of this profession:

As with all specialists, an appointment with a dermatologist has its own specifics. Diseases of the skin arise from both the external and the internal environment, they are influenced by many different factors, so the first thing that a dermatologist will do after your conversation with him is to begin an examination.

Upon completion of the examination, the doctor will be able to say which tests need to be passed, what kind of illness and will prescribe primary prevention, therapy and diet. After the test results become available, the doctor will prescribe a thorough treatment for you and name drugs and procedures that will help you cope with the disease.

A dermatologist for both men and women treats the same diseases, but you can turn to him even when there is a suspicion of them, so it is possible to cope with the pathology before that. How she can develop to a full-fledged disease.

There are many different diseases that a dermatologist can cure. But let's consider in general only the most common of them:

  • scabies;
  • acne;
  • syphilis;
  • skin cancer;
  • various forms of lichen;
  • psoriasis;
  • leprosy;
  • hives;
  • candidiasis;
  • ichthyosis;
  • dermatitis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • warts;
  • balanoposthitis.

Speaking of analyzes, they are also different. They are prescribed as needed, either to clarify the diagnosis, or to check its accuracy, in addition, some of the procedures may be tests for the body's reaction and infections, here is their complete list:

  • allergological panel Ig G;
  • a blood test from a vein for syphilis, measles or similar diseases;
  • blood test;
  • analysis of urine;
  • scrapings from the skin and nail on fungal foci;
  • analysis for herpes;
  • herpeviruses (the analysis is divided into six types, the required doctor chooses);
  • herpes infections;
  • immunoglobulin E (IgE);
  • puncture cytology;
  • allergic screening of different directions as needed;
  • scrapings from the skin and eyelashes to ticks.

In addition to such special analyzes, diagnostic studies of the body or samples taken from the affected skin areas may be required. Various techniques are used:

  • diagnosis of pancreatic disease;
  • diagnostics of liver diseases;
  • cytology (if simpler, the study of cells. Thus, you can detect dangerous viruses and pathologies at the initial stages of development);
  • PCR diagnostics (detects infectious foci);
  • immunofluorescence study (diagnose autoimmune diseases);
  • microscopy (skin scraping, in which diseases such as scabies, mycosis or the like can be detected);
  • rheumatoid factor;
  • histology (used to confirm the diagnosis).

Symptoms for which you need to see a dermatologist

Doctors are consulted when a disease is suspected. Specific symptoms that are not inherent in healthy skin can become grounds for concern.

Pay attention to:

  • "bags";
  • excessive fat content;
  • discoloration of the skin;
  • wrinkles;
  • unhealthy discoloration of the skin;
  • neoplasms;
  • swelling;
  • acne;
  • spots of various sizes and colors;
  • moles;
  • spider veins;
  • strange structure;
  • rash of various kinds;
  • cracks;
  • cellulite;
  • excessive dryness.

Dermatologist - who is this? This is a specialist who deals with the treatment of various diseases of the skin. It is necessary to contact him when there are suspicions of a disease, but if you did not notice them immediately, then do not hesitate when you notice an already formed sore. The earlier you come to see the doctor, the faster you will be cured.

Since some venereal diseases are characterized by lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, the dermatologist is also responsible for the treatment of venereal diseases.

Since the skin, which performs a respiratory and protective function, reflects a variety of changes in the external environment and the work of internal organs, with persistent changes in the epithelium, it is advisable to visit a dermatologist.

Diseases of the skin and mucous membranes can be the result of damage to internal organs or infectious diseases, so the dermatologist can refer the patient to doctors of other specialties (to, etc.).

In addition, a dermatologist deals with the treatment of malignant skin diseases.

What dermatologist treats in adults

A dermatologist treats:

  • Epidermophytosis is a contagious (contagious) infectious disease that occurs when fungi of the genus dermatophytes are affected. There is epidermophytosis inguinal, which is caused by the fungus Epidermophyton inguinale, as well as the epidermophytosis of the feet, which occurs when the fungus Trichophyton mentagrophytes is affected. With inguinal epidermophytosis, the femoral-scrotal folds, inner thighs, pubis and armpits are affected (with an advanced disease or obesity of the patient, the pathological process can affect the skin of the chest and abdomen). With epidermophytosis of the feet, not only the skin of the foot is affected, but also the nails. Both types of fungi are very contagious, and since they prefer high humidity and high temperatures, infection often occurs when visiting a bath, pool, etc.
  • Trichophytosis or "ringworm" is a fungal disease caused by fungi of the genus Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton. Fungi are transmitted from a sick person or animal through direct contact, the use of common clothing and other items. The fungus affects the skin, including under the scalp, and in some cases also affects the nails. Signs of the disease are reddish ring-shaped itchy patches, damage to the hair roots and hair loss in the anterior region of the skull.
  • Microsporia (a type of "ringworm") is a contagious disease of animals and humans, which is caused by fungi of the genus Microsporum. The fungus mainly affects the skin and hair, but sometimes the lesion can also affect the nail plate. The causative agent of infection is transmitted from sick animals to a person with hair affected by the fungus, which has fallen on care items, etc. The pathogen can be transmitted from person to person with hats and household items.
  • Versicolor versicolor, which occurs when the fungus Malassezia furfur is affected. The fungus normally lives on the skin of humans and animals, but with increased sweating and a change in the pH of the sweat mantle, it affects the mouths of the follicles and the stratum corneum of the epidermis, forming spots on the skin (on the skin of a light shade, a spot of the shade of coffee with milk, on dark skin - a whitish shade). In most cases, the disease is not contagious.
  • Rubrophytia is the most common contagious fungal disease (80-90% of all mycoses of the feet), which affects smooth skin, nails and vellus hair. The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Trichophyton rubrum, which is transmitted from person to person in high humidity conditions (baths, swimming pools, etc.) and with the help of common household items.
  • Scab (favus) is a fungal disease that forms a hard crust when the scalp or skin is affected. With this disease, nails are also affected, possibly damage to internal organs. The disease can have a scutular form (accompanied by dry hair, loss of its shine and elasticity, baldness), a squamous form (accompanied by diffuse scaling, tiny sculls may be present) and an impetiginous form, in which yellow-brown crusts are formed. Infection occurs through contact with a sick person or when using common household items.
  • Candidiasis, which is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida with endocrine disorders, hypovitaminosis, gastrointestinal diseases and violation of personal hygiene. The fungus is part of the normal microflora of the oral cavity, vagina and colon, multiplying in large quantities only when immunity is weakened.
  • Deep mycoses (blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, sporotrichosis, etc.), which are located in the skin and underlying tissues, affecting the internal organs.
  • - a contagious disease in which the skin is affected by streptococci and staphylococci. The disease can be primary (occurs when pathogenic strains get on the skin in the presence of microtrauma or softening of the skin under the influence of fluid (maceration)) and secondary (is a complication of dermatoses). With streptococcal lesions, there is a slight reddening of the skin and foci with small lamellar peeling (dry pyoderma). A variety of streptococcal impetigo are streptococcal seizures, which are more common in children.
  • Papilloma - benign tumor-like formations of the skin and mucous membranes, which are warty in nature. The formation of papillomas occurs when the human papillomavirus (HPV) is affected by a decrease in immunity. Infection occurs by contact, the virus is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person in the presence of skin lesions (usually this is the spread of vulgar, filamentous and flat warts) or sexually (genital warts, which are rarely transmitted in the household). The virus often enters the body during childhood.
  • Herpes is a viral disease, which is characterized by a rash in the form of grouped bubbles located on the skin and mucous membranes. It is caused by the herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. Almost all people have contact with the virus of the first type by the 18th month of life. Usually, the virus enters the body through the respiratory tract, after which it enters the trigeminal nerve and remains latent in the ganglion cells for an indefinitely long period. Herpes simplex virus type 2 enters the body sexually, and also becomes latent in the cells of the sacral ganglion. Virus activation is triggered by impaired immunity, stressful situations and other diseases.

The dermatologist also treats non-infectious inflammatory skin conditions:

  • Eczema, which is accompanied by a rash and itching and can be acute or chronic. It occurs under the influence of external (thermal, mechanical, etc.) and internal (gastrointestinal disease, etc.) factors. It can be true (idiopathic), microbial, mycotic, seborrheic, occupational, pediatric, varicose and sycosiform.
  • Neurodermatitis - a chronic disease that occurs as a result of a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system, metabolic disorders and diseases of internal organs. The disease is also provoked by harmful environmental factors. Neurodermatitis is accompanied by severe persistent itching, infiltration and, its redness and the presence of a rash or lesions with epidermal-dermal papules.
  • Dermatitis of an allergic nature, which occurs as a result of contact with an allergen (allergic contact dermatitis, atopic and drug-induced dermatitis) or natural skin irritants (simple contact and actinic dermatitis).
  • Urticaria is a skin disease in the form of pale pink itchy blisters that quickly appear on the skin after a person's contact with an allergen (resemble a nettle burn).
  • Seborrhea is a painful chronic skin condition that occurs as a result of increased sebum secretion associated with disorders of the nervous and neuroendocrine regulation of the functions of the sebaceous glands, etc.
  • scabies caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei;
  • demodicosis, which is caused by the Demodex follikulorum tick;
  • head lice caused by lice;
  • leishmaniasis caused by mosquito bites;
  • strongyloidosis caused by worms of the genus Strongyloides and others.

Children's dermatologist

Since the skin of children is more delicate, and the child reacts more sharply to external and internal factors, inflammatory processes on the child's skin require the consultation of a pediatric dermatologist.

Children's dermatologist treats:

  • inflammatory and pustular skin diseases (diaper rash, etc.);
  • dermatitis (atopic dermatitis is a common reason for visiting a doctor);
  • fungal skin lesions ("ringworm" in most cases occurs in children);
  • acne (youthful acne);
  • various diseases of the hair and scalp;
  • fungal and non-fungal nail diseases.


A cosmetologist-dermatologist is a doctor with a medical education, thanks to which individual means of treatment are selected after diagnosing the condition of the skin and hair.

A dermatologist-cosmetologist treats various diseases of the skin and hair, and also removes minor skin defects (acne, papillomas, spider veins, moles).

It is this specialist who helps to eliminate skin defects with the help of peels, cryotherapy and other methods, and also conducts procedures to rejuvenate the skin.

If the malignancy of the detected neoplasm is suspected, the procedures are postponed, since the patient needs additional diagnostics, which is carried out by a dermatologist-oncologist.


Since the prevalence of skin cancer worldwide has increased 400 times over 80 years, in most cases, consultation is necessary before removing skin lesions.

A dermatologist-oncologist determines the degree of benignity of a neoplasm using a dermatoscope, which makes it possible to multiply the area under study. The doctor examines the symmetry, structure and appearance of the neoplasm. If malignancy is suspected, additional morphological studies are carried out.

When to see a dermatologist

Consultation with a dermatologist is necessary for people who:

  • rashes of any shade and shape appeared on the skin;
  • there is swelling of the skin, which is accompanied by itching;
  • pustules or boils appear;
  • there are numerous moles or moles that change size, shape, and shade;
  • papillomas formed;
  • the skin turns red and flakes, weeping inflamed areas are formed;
  • there are acne, the skin is too oily or dry.

You should also make an appointment with a dermatologist in case of changes in the nail plates, the appearance of cracks in the feet, hair loss, skin itching, which intensifies at night.

Stages of a medical consultation

A dermatologist appointment includes:

  • study of patient complaints and medical history;
  • visual examination, which allows in most cases to make a diagnosis;
  • referral for additional examination (if necessary).

Since skin rashes can be a symptom of diseases of the internal organs, the dermatologist may refer the patient for consultation to other specialists.

An appointment with a dermatologist is carried out in a polyclinic or in a dermatovenerologic dispensary at the place of main registration, but it is also possible to visit this specialist in private clinics.

Since the patient cannot always visit the doctor at the clinic (inconvenient work schedule, bedridden patient, etc.), it is possible to call a dermatologist at home. A dermatologist will also come to your home in case of skin diseases in a child, since it is difficult to queue with small children.


Although in most cases the dermatologist makes the correct diagnosis, focusing on the clinical picture of the disease, the following are additionally carried out:

  • scraping from the affected area and microscopic examination of the material, which allows to identify the causative agent of the disease;
  • diascopy, which allows you to examine the elements of the rash and establish their true color by pressing on these elements with a glass slide or lens;
  • analysis for PCR or Digene test for HPV virus;
  • ELISA - a method that helps to identify antibodies to the causative agent of the disease;
  • videodermatoscopy, which allows non-invasive diagnosis of skin diseases, precancerous conditions and skin tumors at the initial stage of their development.

If a malignant neoplasm is suspected, a dermatologist takes a part of the tissue from the tumor mass for morphological examination (if melanoma is suspected, the tumor is removed entirely).

Treatment methods

The dermatologist prescribes treatment based on the type of disease and its causative agent.

In the presence of fungal infections, the dermatologist prescribes antimycotic drugs for external use (ointments "Mikospor", "Clotrimazole", etc.), and in case of serious inflammatory processes - combined drugs that combine antimycotics and corticosteroid hormones. In severe lesions, systemic antifungal therapy is prescribed ("Griseofulvin", etc.).

In case of viral lesions, the dermatologist prescribes antiviral drugs (Groprinosin, Panavir, etc.) and vitamins.

If papillomas are present, a dermatologist can remove them with:

  • laser;
  • radio waves (apparatus "Surgitron");
  • liquid nitrogen.

Electrocoagulation and removal with a scalpel are now rarely used.

For bacterial lesions, ointments containing an antibiotic are prescribed, or general antibiotic treatment in combination with vitamin therapy.

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