Acute abdominal pain in a child: the main causes and signs. Pain in the abdomen of the child reasons how to help? Causes in the abdomen

Children in four years often complain of stomach pain, and they cannot accurately indicate where it hurts, as a rule, they show the area near the navel or on the entire stomach, which significantly makes it difficult to diagnose. Also, small kids cannot differentiate the pain and sensations that occur if necessary to empty the intestine.

Most often discomfort occurs due to the use of "incorrect" food, overeating, against the background of emotional experience. And although in rare cases, it hurts a very stomach in a child at 4 years due to organic lesions, they are still likely, so you should not leave the complaints of crumbs without attention.

Features of digestion in children

The amount and activity of enzymes produced in the digestive channel affects the digestive function. For children, the digestive system does not work as in an adult, since there are structural and functional differences.

In the first months of life, the secretory device of the tract can process only breast milk or its artificial substitutes. The number of cells generating a secret is not so much, and the activity of enzymes is insignificant. During the transition to the lore, the further development of the digestive glands and their adaptation to the type and composition of food occurs.

The more diverse the diet of the child, the faster the adaptation of the gastrointestinal adaptation is. The activity of the stomach enzymes increases to 14-15 years of age. By three years, the activity of proteases (enzyme splitting proteins) reaches a maximum, and lipases that digest fats, and amylases that convert carbohydrates into simple sugar, increase their activity for another 6 years.

Thus, the food digestion process takes longer, which leads to a delay in the intestine. In the process of fermentation and rotting gas will be highlighted, due to which pain appear, discomfort in the abdominal cavity.

In terms of the composition of the gastric secret, children are similar to an adult, but acidity and enzyme activity is significantly lower, which affects the protective function and digestion

In young children, the digestive system has not yet matured, which makes it difficult to digest food. If the food used does not correspond to the development of digestion, the barrier function of the gastrointestinal tract is reduced, which leads to frequent diseases and forms the prerequisites for allergic reactions.

The process of cleavage of food begins in the oral cavity under the action of enzymes located in the secreet of the salivary glands. In the saliva of the child, the activity of amylase (enzyme splitting starch to oligosaccharides) is five times lower than in adult, respectively, complex carbohydrates are worse in the intestine.

The number of saliva affects the digestion processes. Than it is more, the better the food is moistened, it is faster thanks and dissolve. In a four-year-old person, saliva distinguishes about 1.82 ml in 10 minutes, and six-year-old one and a half times more (3.14 ml). Only to seven years, the child is distinguished as much saliva as in an adult.

Salus performs digestive, protective, remineralizing, trophic and buffer function.

Causes of abdominal pain

In children of four years, abdomen may be sick due to the characteristics of the digestive system, but sometimes discomfort occurs as a result of morphological changes, functional disorders or changes in the bacterial microflora of the intestine. Pains that are associated with functional disorders are usually not enhanced and pass quickly. Often they arise against the background of emotional tension.

If the abdominal pain is becoming more and more symptoms, such symptoms appear as vomiting, diarrhea, feces with impurity, an increase in temperature, it can be provoked by surgical, organic disruption or intestinal infection. In this case, hospitalization is required.

The surgical pathology indicates:

  • severe abdominal pain;
  • failure to eat;
  • forced body position;
  • the tension of the muscles of the abdominal wall;
  • modified behavior (concern or low-liament);
  • awakening of pain;
  • because of the pain, vomiting begins, there is a stool delay or, on the contrary, diarrhea;
  • the appearance of the child changes;
  • the heartbeat does not match the body temperature.

In children of preschool age, abdominal pain appear against the background of urinary tract infections, respiratory diseases, if there are melted invasions. Often discomfort occurs due to constipation or irregular nutrition. When urinary tract infection, urination is disturbed, it becomes frequent, painful.

If the cause of pain in constipation, then the unpleasant sensations are held after defecation

Painful Syndrome Diseases

Often, periodic abdominal pain in a small child arise because of such pathologies, such as dysbacteriosis, wicked invasions, hernias, intolerance of some products. It is impossible to establish the cause of discomfort without a doctor, since the diseases of the digestive system have similar signs.

But if parents know that they precedes pain, what additional symptoms arise how long the belly hurts, it will speed up the production of the correct diagnosis and relieve a child from unnecessary medical tests and surveys.


In digestion is involved in the intestinal microflora. Microbes that populate a fat intestine have the following positive effect on the body:

  • split plant fiber;
  • milk acid, having antiseptic properties;
  • reduced in a thick intestine the activity of trypsin, amylases, enterokinases;
  • enhance immunity, suppressing the development of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • synthesize some vitamins;
  • participate in metabolic processes.

Many factors affect the microflora: the flow of microbes with food, the features of the diet (the predominance of carbohydrates over animal proteins), the motor function of the intestine, drug therapy, the activity of digestive enzymes. Chronic foci of infection, such as bottled caries or adenoids, also affect the intestinal microflora.

In children, enzymes are not yet active and are not able to ensure the protection of the body from pathogenic flora, therefore the risk of developing dysbiosis and intestinal infections increases.

In the intestinal dysbiosis, the number of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli decreases, and the number of pathogenic microorganisms increases. The disease is manifested by a violation of the chair, a meteorism, belching, hodgeing in the abdomen, intestinal colic, an unpleasant smell of mouth.

In addition, signs of hypovitaminosis, anemia, a change in the ionic composition of plasma, lack of calcium are found. Often, children develop allergic reactions that can manifest themselves with skin itching, urticaria, a foam chair, intense, sudden abdominal pain and other intestinal disorders.

The treatment of dysbacteriosis involves eliminating the causes of the disease, symptomatic therapy, strengthening of common and local immunity, the restoration of the intestinal microflora.

Lactase insufficiency

The disease occurs because the body does not have an enzyme that cleaves milk sugar (lactose). Since the substance enters the intestine is unchanged, it begins to wander, which leads to a decrease in pH and increasing gas formation.

The lactase insufficiency may be congenital, that is, genetically deterministic, constitutional, when the activity of lactase is gradually decreasing, starting from 3-5 years of age. Probably and secondary failure, which arises due to the infectious disease of the small intestine and is eliminated when it is stopped.

In children, the belly hurts after the use of products, which includes lactose (especially whole milk). The sign of the disease is frequent, liquid, frothy chair with sour smell, which appears up to 12 times a day. Because of the diarrhea, in young children, symptoms of dehydration and low weight gain are observed.

Changes in the work of the CNS are also occurred: children become irritable, hyperbands, crystal, there is a delay in psychomotor development. To confirm the lactase deficiency, a biochemical study of Cala is carried out. Also, when excluding the milk menu disappears clinical manifestations of the disease (bloating, diarrhea).

Treatment lies in diet therapy at which milk is excluded in any form, as well as some medicines (probiotics). If hypolactasia is insignificant, the use of fermented dairy products and butter is allowed.

Hernia belly

The hernia is formed as a result of moving internal organs into the neighboring departments of the abdominal cavity through the tears of the muscular-aponeurotic layer. The defect can be seen when the patient is worth (it looks like a protrusion). Select a diaphragmal, umbilical, inguinal, femoral hernia and others. Most often there is a disease in children of preschool age and people over 45 years old.

The hernia arises due to the congenital weakness of the ligament and the acquired changes that contribute to the formation of weak points. Migrates hernia with increasing hand pressure (strong cough, constipation, abdominal bloating). Outdoor hernias are isolated (protrusion comes under the skin) and internal, when the organs are moved inside the abdominal cavity.

As a rule, children are diagnosed with an umbilical hernia, at which the intestinal or large gland is dropped through an increased nailed bowl. This disease occurs in 20% of dundar and 30% of premature babies. After drying out the cord ring, the ring is closed, to which it takes some time.

If during this period there was an increase in intra-abdominal pressure, then it can provoke the loss of peritoneum, intestinal loops or the gland to the octopile space.

Usually the umbilical hernia does not lead to discomfort, but if the defect is large, then the children complain about pain in the stomach near the navel, nausea, constipation. Infringement in children rarely happens, but it can cause serious consequences, for example, intestinal obstruction or necrosis of the bowel tissue.

In most cases, if the diameter of the umbilical hernia is no more than 1.5 cm, then the protrusion disappears to the 5-7-year age. If there is no spontaneous cure and the defect dimensions are large, and also if the digestion disorder is noted or the hernia has occurred, then surgical treatment is shown.


The child can disturb the skin rash, temperature rise, inflammation of lymph nodes, articular pains, dry cough, sword, chest pain. Typed for helminthozes Abdominal syndrome (stool violation, meteorism, nausea, belching). Pains can be short-lived or strong, similar to the clinic of acute abdomen.

In the chronic course of the disease, symptoms of intoxication appear (due to toxic products of vital activity), injuries of organs, metabolic disorders, secondary immunodeficiencies. Children are sluggish, they eat badly, lose weight.

Among all the infected 80-85% are children under 14

Sonic diseases, diseases of the respiratory tract or genital organs may appear. In assetscaridosis, intestinal obstruction, jaundice, pancreatitis can develop, and with trichinosis, perforation of the intestine walls can occur. Optiorhoz is sometimes complicated by inflammation of the stomach and intestines.

The presence of helminths can be detected in the study of blood, feces, bile, sputum. Most often a study of feces on the eggs of worms and a coprogram. Ostritz eggs ripen on perianal folds. To confirm their presence, scraping is done.

What to do if a child has a stomach hurts

Before deciding what to do with the problems in a child with a tummy, the cause of discomfort should be established. To do this, contact your doctor and pass the survey. If organic pathologies are not detected, you need to carefully consider the child's diet and its emotional state. It is possible that pain around the navel is caused by negative experiences.

If the baby hurts the belly due to the latency of the chair or increased gas formation, while the general state is normal, then it is necessary to give folk remedies that contribute to the acceleration of peristaltic (boiled beets, prunes). It is also necessary to monitor the amount of liquid consumed and adjust the diet.

If a child has a strong diarrhea, then it is necessary to give absorbents (sweep, activated carbon, white coal) and means for restoring the water-salt balance (regider, oralitis).

It is forbidden to give a small child without consulting a doctor enzyme preparations, antibiotics, laxatives

If there are signs of acute abdomen, it is required to call ambulance. Until her arrival, do not give painkillers, to do the enema, apply heat to the stomach. When the temperature is raised to the febrile, it is necessary to give antipyretic (Efferoralgang, Panadol, Ibuprofen).

To understand why the tummy has a tummy in crumbs, it is required to conduct a study. The doctor will appoint to pass blood tests, urine, feces, it may be necessary to conduct an ultrasound, CT, endoscopic research. If organic lesions will be discovered, the doctor will prescribe medication or surgical treatment.

Each parent came across a problem when his child began to hurt his belly, after which the baby became restless and nervous. In such cases, some cope with the help of a home aid kit, the majority still prefers not to risk, and cause a doctor to the house.

If your baby complains of severe abdominal pain that does not pass within a few hours, then what measures need to be taken and what kind of symptoms should pay attention to first?

Causes of abdominal pain

All children at different ages may have a belly. The nature of pain is completely different, ranging from stupid cutting pain and finishing with colic. Also, abdominal pain can be accompanied by additional symptoms, such as vomiting, high temperature and dizziness. With sharp pain, children are enough for the stomach, lie in one position, cannot move normally.

So, newborn babies and infants often suffer from infant colic, which are characteristic of such age. Loudly screaming and crying child who slept restlessly and refuses food, trying to notify his parents that he feels not the best way. In such cases, special preparations are used against colic or use soothing champs from medicinal herbs.

As for the older children, everything is more complicated here, since the cause of acute pain may be poisoning or an infectious disease. Therefore, diagnose the cause will be difficult if parents face such a problem for the first time.

The reasons why children hurts the belly incredibly much and they all have a different nature of origin. Carefully watching your own child, you can understand how serious the problem is.


Pain in appendicitis is talking about the presence of an inflammatory process of the outflow of the blind intestine. This problem is distributed more than 50% of children aged 6-12 years.

The main symptom, talking about the presence of appendicitis - acute pain near the navel, which moves to the right side over time. Vomiting, as well as periodic nausea - possible, but optional symptoms that may accompany the inflammatory process.


Constipation is the most common cause of the appearance of abdominal pain in children. The factors provoking this ailment are quite different.

In most cases, constipation provoke:

  • unhealthy nutrition;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • a change of scenery.

With this problem, children complain about the terrible gravity in the abdomen, the pain, which is periodically responding across the entire gastrointestinal tract.


Poisoning by non-salary food, tablets can cause strongest attacks of gastric pains, which almost always accompanies intestinal disorder, vomiting, strong nausea and weakness. For a short time, the child becomes pale, the body temperature can increase significantly.

During the reception of the abdominal antibiotics, a child has a short time. That this is no longer repeated, it is necessary to put the course of drugs that restore the intestinal flora.

Intestinal invagination

Intestinal invagination implies a process in which one sector of the intestine is embedded in another. This is caused by a disorder of intestinal peristals. In this disease, the child against the background of absolutely normal well-being can feel a sharp pain in the abdomen.

  1. Periodic attacks may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and a sharp increase in body temperature.
  2. For invagination, a certain periodicity of the occurrence of pain is characteristic.
  3. After an attack, the baby may again become a playful, it appeates for his appetite, and the mood rises.

After a certain time, the child again hurts the belly, but more pronounced more pronounced. The longer the disease is ignored, the stronger the attacks.


In this disease, the child feels within the normal range. Painful sensations appear during palpation and more often focus on the left side of the abdomen.

When pressing the belly of the child is solid. Pain feeling go after the enema. The child has an abundant chair and rapid relief, the stomach becomes soft.

Circum and stomach

Turnorous guts most often happens in children until six months. At the same time, the part of the intestine turns and causes unpleasant symptoms. Breasts suddenly becomes restless, shouts and feels a strong pain.

Children have a latency of stool and gases. The cavity of the belly of the baby becomes asymmetric and often he is experiencing nausea and vomiting.

The stomach turn is different from the ward of the intestine. The disease is developing due to a diaphragm pan. The kid feels sharp pains of an attached character.

For the disease, vomiting with blood and strong stomach stretching is also characteristic. In this case, hospitalization is a necessary, emergency measure that can save the life of the baby.

Inguinal hernia

Packing hernia develops mainly in infants and children up to 2 years. The baby becomes unmotivated restless, sweating. Skin covers become pale, there is a frequent vomiting. In particularly launched cases, children can diagnose signs of intestinal obstruction.

Among them:

  • strong bloating that manifests itself and visually;
  • frequent vomiting;
  • pain;
  • stool delay;
  • ingressive gases.

When this disease is found in children, the main measure is emergency hospitalization and surgical intervention to eliminate threats to the child's life.


The disease begins sharply and accompanied by aggressive symptoms. The child has vomiting, fever, a constant nausea, weak pain, a frequent liquid stool with mucus or blood clots. When palpation, the intestines become solid and dense.

The diagnosis of this disease is very simple, out of 100 cases, dysentery is detected in 98. Dieseneria often develops into the acute form of appendicitis. It is characteristic that at the same disease, the painful syndrome in children is weak, the abdominal muscles are not strained.


This disease occurs in children of almost any age category, adolescents and schoolchildren are most susceptible to it.

The most frequent causes of the disease become:

  • improper nutrition;
  • lack of a day;
  • bacteria;
  • reception of drugs;
  • the intolerance to the food of this or that type.

In the acute gastritis of crumb can feel pain in the field of solar plexus and nausea. Frequent symptoms are vomiting, heartburn, stomach disorder, dry mouth, weakness, reduced efficiency and hypodynamia. In rare cases, temperatures are possible.

During the examination, doctors reveal ulcers in the oral cavity and in the language, cold sticky sweat, pallor, increase temperature. The child is determined by pain in the epigastric, bloating, heaviness, pain after meals and hungry stomach spasms. Most often, to form a diagnosis of sufficient data of the history and clinical picture. For accuracy, doctors can use the Gastroscopy method.


A frequent mucosa, the casczyce chair is characteristic of this disease in children. In addition, the disease is accompanied by painful sensations.

The most common cause of acute enterocolitis in children is an intestinal wand.

With enterocolitis caused by staphylococcus, the bloating, signs of intoxication, elevated temperature and severe general condition are noted. Also, Kroch may experience pain in the navel area or lower abdomen.

How to understand when you should worry?

As you already understood, sharp and long-term pain in the child may indicate the presence of serious diseases that may be a threat to health and life.

If the pain is localized in the navel area, that is, it makes sense to assume that this is a small spasm and soon it will be held independently. But the farther from the center of the abdomen is the pain to which the child indicates, the more seriously the estimated reason can be.

Urgent medical care is needed in the following cases:

  • paints do not pass within 24 hours;
  • skin pale;
  • temperature drops or rises;
  • cold sweat appears;
  • there is a loss of appetite and refusal to drink;
  • vomiting;
  • nausea;
  • there appears lethargy, the child becomes sleepy;
  • in vote, blood may appear;
  • diarrhea that does not pass more than two days;
  • rash;
  • urination becomes painful, urine muddy.

If the baby has vomiting, it should not give him any anti-ansulistic funds independently, since drugs are able to cause a deterioration in the state and provoke internal bleeding and pain, the temperature can increase.

First aid

If the stomach pain is localized in the navel area, then parents can try to help themselves as follows:

  1. put the child on the diet, eliminate the products that, according to your suspicion, could cause the problem;
  2. understand the child with non-carbonated water or special oral resources for rehydration;
  3. if the baby has excessive gas formation, then you can help him, giving a simethicone drug.

In the first time, provide a child with rest and peace, as well as dietary food, which will restore the strength and normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Watch that vomiting does not repeat.

Each parent is tremendously and carefully treats the health of his baby and tries to create all the conditions so that their child has not experienced any discomfort, not to mention the pain, which is the first call that the child is bothering. Unfortunately, even increased care of the health of the child, it can not always protect him from the appearance of abdominal pain, which can manifest itself for a variety of reasons and is often found both in infants and children of preschool or school age. The reason for the appearance of pain in the tummy is a lot, but what to do if the child has a stomach hurts, and how dangerous can it be?

Pain in the abdominal child - what happens?

One of the main rules for parents, is considered no incident to panic if the child has a stomach hurts, since such a symptom often does not bother anything ominously and takes a short time. In addition to the fact that the baby feels abdominal pain, it is important to determine the character, intensity and localization of pain. Pain in the abdomen of the child can have a different character and manifest as a result of a wide variety of diseases. So some diseases cause acute and stupid pain, while others - grapple-shaped, cutting or sting. In addition, abdominal pain can be pulsating, noving, manifest themselves to periods or attend constantly, noted at the bottom or at the top of the abdomen, give to the right or left hypochondrium or side.

The nature of pain directly depends on the cause, so before you know why the child has a stomach hurts, you need to know the factor that provoked this symptom.

The main reasons for abdominal pain

There is no little reason for which pain in the abdomen of the child appears. Some of them are completely harmless and do not carry any threat to the health of the child, but there are also those that require an immediate help of a specialist or even surgery. To identify and eliminate the cause can only be a doctor after inspection and survey results. If this symptom is worried about a long period or there are sharp bogs in the abdomen of the child, then do not cost to slow down with a visit to the doctor. Self-medication or its complete absence can harm the baby's health and lead to negative consequences. Consider the main causes and diseases for which soreness in the abdomen is characteristic.

Dyspeptic disorders. Develop against the background of an insufficient number of enzymes in the intestines, which are involved in digestion of food. The child feels a stomach overflow, belching, heaviness under the spoon, nausea, possibly vomiting. Dyspex disorders are often accompanied by a stool violation, pain in the abdomen.

Food poisoning. A rather dangerous and common phenomenon among children of different ages, which manifests itself after the use of poor-quality foods. In addition to pain, there is nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, general intoxication of the body, an increase in body temperature. It is important for parents to remember that the poisoning of food products can harm, so the timely appeal to the doctor is the only output if the poisoning is quite strong or symptoms are preserved for 2 days.

Constipation. With the manifestation of constipation, sharp pain in the stomach, nausea, frequent calling for defecation, which do not allow empty the intestines. Treatment can be carried out at home, but the consultation of a specialist does not prevent. If constipation is worried too often, it should cause a doctor's appeal. Diet, receiving sorbents, laxatives, will help facilitate the condition of the child.

Colic. The common cause of pain in the stomach in children, which is manifested as a result of accumulation of gases in the intestine. Most often manifest in children up to 6 months. In addition, children suffer from bloating, refuse to eat food, become capricious. The cause is often the wrong diet of a nursing mother, a poorly selected mixture or congenital intestinal pathology.

Gastroenteritis. Manifest in children of different ages. The cause of gastroenteritis is most often intestinal infections. It is characterized by nausea, vomiting, an increase in body temperature and other pronounced symptoms. The most dangerous gastroenteritis for children of early preschool age.

Incagination of the intestine. It is characterized by a violation of the chair, the lack of appetite, the general intoxication of the body. With the manifestation of this ailment, the child is marked with grapple-shaped periodic abdominal pain, which are manifested in independence from meals. Timely appeal to the doctor will help to do without surgical intervention.

Diseases of a thick or small intestine. With these pathologies, the child hurts the left side of the abdomen, there is a violation of the chair, constipation or break.

Pancreatitis. Pain in the abdomen under pancreatitis is manifested in the left hypochondrium, can give to the lower back, the navel.

Abdominal injuries. With severe abdomen after injury, a surgeon is needed. Such damage can cause a separation of spleen, hematoma kidney and other disorders that often require urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention.

Glice Invasii - Frequent cause of pain in the stomach, bowlishness, excessive accumulation of gases. Children who are infected with gloves have a tendency to develop allergic reactions, they have a bad appetite, pale leather. Symptoms of melted diseases depend on the type of harvest of the child living in the body.

Anxiety and stress - as the cause of the intestine pain. Most often occurs in children under 10 years old. Sensity in the abdomen, diarrhea is noted when experiencing fear or experiences. Such symptoms are on their own after the elimination of fear. To avoid the appearance of abdominal pain against the background of fear, parents should communicate with the child as close as possible and helping to solve his problems.

Appendicitis. Pain in the abdomen in a child in appendicitis is one of the dangerous and requires urgent hospitalization of the child to the surgical department. In appendicitis, there is pain in the lower right side of the abdomen, vomiting, the body temperature rises. Any movement enhances soreness.

Based on the above, it can be concluded that many diseases have a similar clinical picture, so it is almost impossible to determine the cause of the cause. Only timely appeal to the doctor, the results of laboratory and diagnostic surveys will help the doctor - a gastroenterologist or surgeon to determine the cause and appoint the necessary treatment.

What abdominal pain is dangerous

The attacks of abdominal pain in a child who lasts more than 30 minutes, should cause a doctor to see a doctor, which should exclude complex intestinal pathology that require surgical treatment. It is important to note that when the abdominal pain occurs, the child is strictly forbidden to give any pain reliever, especially without the appointment of the doctor. Any painting drug can "disguise" complex diseases, such as appendicitis, intestinal obstruction and others. There are several symptoms that may indicate that the child needs urgent hospitalization.

  • sharp and acute abdominal pain;
  • increasing and wandering pain;
  • multiple vomiting;
  • increasing body temperature;
  • long and incessant diarrhea;
  • sunken eyes;
  • severe concern;
  • fainting;
  • blood in chair or vomiting masses;
  • chronic constipation or broach.

The manifestation of such symptoms may indicate the development of complex intestinal diseases that require the immediate hospitalization of the child and surgical treatment. Involveral assistance was able to harm the child's health.

First help to the child in abdominal pain

If the pain in the child manifested itself against the background of a nutritional violation, then parents need to closely monitor the nutrition of the kid: refuse to eat gas-forming products (raw milk, kvass, mushrooms, salty sin). Parents "at hand" should always have medicinal preparations of first aid with pain in the stomach. So, when the intestine is bloated, you can give the child "Espumizan" or "Diephalect". If the abdominal pain manifested after meals, any sorbent can be given: "Enterosgel", "Mezim", "Festal". With a break - "Linex", "Laktovit". The use of such drugs will help to eliminate minor violations in the intestines, which developed against the background of food intake.

If the pain in the abdominal child is sharp and lasts more than 30 minutes, while there are other pronounced symptoms, the only right solution will be the challenge of ambulance with the subsequent hospitalization of the child.

Prevention of abdominal pain

Protect a child from abdominal pain is quite difficult, since this symptom can develop with many violations and diseases. However, there are several elementary rules that will help reduce the development of some violations associated with the emergence of the child's intestine.

  • Exclude from the diet of the child fatty, sharp, salty food, also smoked.
  • You need to drink water or other liquids as much as possible;
  • In the nutrition of the child only fresh and high-quality products must be present;
  • Portions should be small;
  • Eliminate overeating;
  • Refrain from products that increase gas formation.

Compliance with simple rules will help reduce the frequency of pain in the stomach, thereby saving a child from unpleasant sensations. Every parent who cares about the well-being of his baby should take care of his child's health, create all the conditions for healthy growth and development. Therefore, be sure to make sure your child is powered correctly, in sufficient quantity uses useful vitaminized products that will help to provide its body with all the necessary nutrients, increase immunity, protect against pathogens and other adverse factors.

What to do parents when their chad has a stomach hurts? How to find out the cause of pain and eliminate it quickly? When you can cope with your own, and when you need to urgently consult a doctor? And how to distinguish the usual indigestion from appendicitis? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

Causes of stomach painters

A complaint against abdominal pain, according to statistics, the most common from children's complaints. Why is the child in 8 years often a stomach hurts? This question worries every parent. There are a lot of reasons.

It is impossible to identify the etiology of the disease yourself, it is necessary to consult a doctor, and not to wait for the pain on its own. All the more, it is not necessary to take the baby with painkillers or folk remedies.
  • Indigestion. Reaction to a specific product. In this case, you need to clean the intestines and restore the microflora. Many children have intolerance of some products. Such a violation does not bear significant negative consequences. It is just important to know which product from the diet should be excluded, and find it a worthy replacement for proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Chronic diseases, such as gastroduodenitis, gastritis, pancreatitis.
Schoolchildren at 8 years old may appear signs of such diseases, as they can be hereditary and not acquired. They are accompanied by heartburn, a bitter taste in the mouth, an unpleasant feeling after eating, belching and gravity in the stomach. Such diseases do not require a call to the house. But it is worth contacting the pediatrician to the clinic. It will appoint a diet, compliance with which will help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. The basis of such a diet is fractional nutrition with small portions, an exception from the children's diet of harmful, fried, saved and acidic food.
  • Food poisoning. If the schoolchildren tears and his temperature rose, it is better to call a doctor. Poisoning can be both insignificant and serious and require stomach washing.
  • The disease of the unwashed hands is still one of the reasons that are fraught with diarrhea and abdominal pain in eight-year-old guys. It will help the cleansing of the body. Do not forget to give the baby to drink plenty of water. And limit in food - strong tea, crackers and porridge - diet for two days. After all the symptoms go, you can slowly include the familiar food in the children's diet.
  • Popps are accompanied by increased gas formation, bloating, pain in defecation and require systematic treatment and transition to another type of food and an increase in motor activity.
  • Appendicitis. The most serious reason for which special attention should be paid. The condition that occurs in children with inflammation of appendicitis is very dangerous for life and is called "sharp belly." The most frequent cases of inflammation of appendicitis are just the age of children from 8 to 15 years. Therefore, you need to be vigilant. Parents should find out what pain their son or daughter feels if it is acute, similar to a repeating spasm and moves from the navel to the lower abdomen - is a bad sign.
If a girl or boy has pain at the bottom of the abdomen, accompanied by a high temperature, a liquid chair and vomiting - do not hesitate, urgently call the hospital. Perhaps the baby will need surgical intervention. Please note that you should not deal with self-medication. It is not necessary to give a patient an painful and layer on the stomach, it can cause peritonitis. Refrain from feeding to a doctor inspection - food can make it difficult to inspect and worsen the symptoms, and can also lead to vomit.
  • Psychosomatic reasons. So, for example, a schoolboy may have problems in school, and he does not want to go there, the body includes its protective function to protect against stress. A child begins to hurt. It is worth staying at home as pain passes. Here the parents are important in time to see the psychological component of the situation and help to eliminate the cause of such strong stress.

Probably, every parent at least once in his life heard from his child that his stomach hurts. Despite the prevalence of this symptom, few people know how to deal with it with it, what medicines can be given, and which drugs should be categorically avoided.

Conduct painful sensations can the various violations in the body: pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcers, constipation, appendicitis. Not always causes are associated with dyspeptic disorders, cause discomfort can be allergic, infectious diseases, wicked invasions, kidney problems and another.

Cause the pathological process can affect both internal and external factors. In most cases, unbearable hands can provoke the development of the infectious process. Incompatible products, overdue foods, injuries, stressful situations are far from all the reasons that can cause abdominal pain.

It is extremely important not to miss a state that requires emergency medical care. That is why it is impossible to do self-diagnosis, and it is better to entrust his child's health to a professional.

Internal reasons

Consider a list of diseases that can provoke discomfort:

  • colics that appear due to gases;
  • dysbacteriosis. Disrupting the intestine microflora can provoke improper nutrition, stressful situations, antibiotic therapy. Condition may be accompanied by problems with weight, constipation or diarrhea, flatulence, exhaust, heartburn, a change in the taste in the mouth;
  • constipation. Improper nutrition, as well as psychological discomfort - these are common causes of the pathological process;
  • infections: intestinal flu, rotavirus infection. The infectious process is exacerbated by high temperature, vomiting, nausea, runny nose, cough, increased gas formation;
  • appendicitis. Painful sensations first appear in the navel area, over time they are localized in the right side;
  • allergy. Along with pain, a child of two years has skin rash, nausea, vomiting, constipation, cough, runny nose, abundant tearing, inflammation of conjunctiva;
  • disps disappointments. The violation is manifested in the form of belching, heartburn, nausea, gravity, vomiting. Usually after emotional shocks, soreness is enhanced;
  • helmintosis. Most often is a consequence of not proper compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Glice invasion is manifested in the form of nausea, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, rash, weight loss;
  • pancreatitis. The acute process is manifested in the form of a stuff pain, which can be given in the blades and shoulder;
  • gastritis. After eating, pain and sense of gravity appear in the field of solar plexus. Accompanied by nausea, belching, loss of appetite.

Improper nutrition can provoke abdominal pain in a child in 2 years

External factors

The following reasons for painful sensations in the abdomen include the following: abdominal injuries, use of incompatible food, long-term medical therapy, anxiety, fears, experiences.

Related signs

If the child complains of painful syndrome, then it is important to carefully treat his complaint and trace what accompanies this discomfort. Localization of painful sensations play a big role in the formulation of accurate diagnosis:

  • under the right hypochrit - liver diseases;
  • left hypochondrium - spleen;
  • painter area - Helmintosis, infection, nutritional disorders. So, the appendicitis may begin;
  • region of solar plexus - gastritis, dysbacteriosis;
  • the characteristic character of pain with irradiation in the shoulder and the blade - acute pancreatitis;
  • lower belly - infections of the urogenital system;
  • low belly on the left side - problems with the kidneys or intestines;
  • on the right below - appendicitis.

Pay attention should also be on other symptoms arising along with pain:

  • if the pain is accompanied by vomiting, then most likely we are talking about gastritis, constipation or dyspeptic disorders;
  • high temperature indicates an infectious process;
  • diarrhea may indicate a variety of pathologies: infections, dysbacteriosis, long-term antibiotic therapy, stress;
  • headache - Ascaridosis or the initial stage of a cold;
  • if pain sensations are accompanied by a cough, it can occur due to overvoltage of muscles with bronchitis, laryngitis, cold or pneumonia.

An important meaning to which caring parents can pay attention to, is the connection of pain with food intake. If discomfort occurs after meals, then, most likely, gastritis or gastroduodenitis is present. In the event that the problem appears during food intake, then perhaps the child simply does not want to use this dish.

With violations of the stomach, abdominal pain occurs after meals

It is also worth mentioning about the nature of pain:

  • if the belly of pain often also becomes a permanent character, most likely the causal factor is psychological discomfort. As a rule, other symptoms are absent;
  • for diseases of the stomach and kidneys, point pains that are localized in a particular place are characteristic;
  • during appendicitis and pancreatitis are characterized by a spilled type of pain;
  • catch-shaped type is a sign of glisted invasions and meteorism;
  • spast pain is characteristic of food intoxication and with exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases.

Diseases with abdominal pain in children

Acute appendicitis as a cause of pain

As a result of the inflammation of the draft-like film, an unbearable pain appears. According to statistics, in seventy percentage of cases, the cause of complaints of abdominal pain in children's practice is precisely appendicitis.

With appendicitis, the pain first appears in the navel area, and then moves to the right area

The stomach discomfort is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and increasing temperature. Sometimes children have diarrhea in response enhanced intestinal abbreviation. When examining a specialist can pay attention to the cased language.

Painful sensations acquire a constant and more character. Discomfort causes the child to look for the position of the body that could ease his pain. The position on the left side only enhances the pain, so the child lies on the back or on the right side.

The clinical picture of acute appendicitis in children can be very different, this is due to the location of a worm-like process. For example, if the process is in the field of a small pelvis, then a child may have a rapid painful urination.

If it is located near the rectum, then the urge to the act of defecation will be painful. Also, the process can be located in the field of liver. In this case, intensive pains appear in the right hypochondrium, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Intestinal invagination

The mechanism of the pathological process is associated with the introduction of one sector in the other. The ailments occur quite rarely and appears mainly in boys. Incorrect administration of feeding can cause a distillation of the peristaltics.

The disease appears suddenly. Against the background of complete calm, the child becomes restless, he shouts, crying and presses the legs to the tummy. The face becomes pale and covered with cold sweat. The child appears capture pain.

The attack is accompanied by vomiting and temperature lift. At first, the child tears the residues of food, and then the vomit's masses acquire a fearful character.

The pain may also appear as unexpectedly as it appeared. Caliac masses acquire a view similar to crimson jelly. In some cases, blood impurities appear in feces. Intestinal invagination is an indication for surgical intervention.


For acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa, severe pains in the epigastric area, belching, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, saliva, dry mouth are characterized. The skin becomes pale, the pulse is studied, while the blood pressure drops. If gastritis has acquired a chronic course, then the child is concerned with moderate abdominal pain, appetite decreases, and dyspeptic disorders appear: nausea, vomiting, heartburn.

In the sharp period, the child is shown bed regime, as well as abstaining from food for eight or twelve hours. In some cases, the cleansing enema and washing the stomach is shown. The child is shown abundant drinking in small portions.

When gastritis, pain appears in the epigastric area (the place of the stomach projection)


Acute inflammation of tissues and pancreatic ducts causes an approached pain in the epigastric zone, an increase in temperature, dyspeptic disorders (loss of appetite, nausea, meteorism, diarrhea, vomiting). The discomfort in the abdomen is acquiring a sinking character and can give back and right hypochondrium.

The acute process is an indication of inpatient treatment. The child must observe the bed and food pause for several days. Children give mineral alkaline water and parenterally administered glucose.


Intestinal colic is an approached stomach pain. Children become restless and refuse to eat. At the same time, the muscles of the abdominal cavity are tense and painful. During an attack, the child approaches his legs to the stomach, and then they lower them again. After fatting gases and the act of defecation, the child's condition is improving.

Colics most often appear during feeding or a few minutes after it. The duration of the attack can last from a few minutes to two or three hours. The pathological process appears as a result of meteorism, intestinal motility disorders or spasms.

Colics may also occur when the air ingestion is swallowed with improper feeding, stubble, incorrect mother power.


Children are most often discovered by sharp or ascarides, the penetration of which causes such symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • stool violation;
  • reducing body weight;
  • disruption of appetite;
  • abundant salivation during sleep;
  • skin rash;
  • increase lymph nodes.

Increased sensitivity may appear on certain foods. Conduct an allergic reaction can honey, nuts, milk, chocolate, citrus and much more. In essence, any product can become an allergen.

Increased sensitivity in the form of vomiting, colic, constipation, appetite loss, diarrhea, enterocolitis. Usually tears a child after meals. A variable reflex can continue from a few minutes to four or even six hours.

In most cases, abdominal pain is intensive. But even if discomfort is less pronounced, it is constant and accompanied by a decrease in appetite, the appearance of mucus in the carte masses and other disorders.

A frequent liquid chair is the most characteristic symptom of food allergies, especially if the increased sensitivity developed to the milk. At the same time, the pain is sharp, a meteorism appears, and the chair moves together with the vitreous mucus.

Combating food allergies is a multi-step process that is aimed at eliminating signs of increased sensitivity and warning of exacerbations. It is important to exclude a product from the diet, which previously arose symptoms of allergies. It may be necessary to take antihistamine.

First aid

Remember, independent attempts to alleviate the condition of the child can cost much. The treatment of children should be engaged in a qualified specialist who will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and appoint proper treatment.

Before the arrival of a specialist, the following recommendations will help facilitate the condition of your child:

  • do not create panic, calm down;
  • take the child to the hands of the tummy in the direction of the clockwise direction;
  • it is better to wear a child in a vertical position so that he can make a belch;
  • if your child has colic, then put it on the bed and gently press the legs bent in the knees, to the tummy, and then straighten;
  • in no case, do not give children any painkillers;
  • every five to ten minutes, let the child have small portions of simple water;
  • do not apply heat to the place of pain, it can seriously aggravate the situation.

Before the arrival of the doctor, it is better not to give a child to any medicines, it can lubricate the clinical picture and prevent accurate diagnosis, it is better to give a small amount of natural water.

What to do with abdominal pain?

Actions in painful sensations largely depend on the cause of their occurrence. If a child has constipation, then he can give a means based on lactulose. If the symptom appeared on the background of the introduction of a new dust, then this product should be eliminated from the children's diet. In case of meteorism to cope with high gas formation will help a means based on Simeticon.

Infectious processes, inflammation of the digestive tract and the urogenital system - all these serious conditions can serve as a reason for the inpatient treatment of the baby. Depending on the main diagnosis and accompanying symptoms, such drugs can be assigned:

  • solutions will help to cope with diarrhea: oralitis, recider, touring;
  • in hyperthermia prescribed preparations based on paracetomol in the form of candles or suspensions;
  • absorbent agents will help to cope with food poisoning that bind and remove toxins: polysorb, smecta, enterosgel;
  • torming the dysbacteriosis will help drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora: bifiform, acipol, lactobacterrine, lines;
  • antibiotics are prescribed to combat intestinal infectious processes: gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, furazolidone.

Eliminate the diskship in the abdomen will help the funds of traditional medicine. Nevertheless, apply them before the diagnosis is not worth it and better advocate to consult with the doctor. Consider effective recipes for alternative medicine:

Diarrhea will help rice decoction

In what cases should the doctor urgently?

Consider a list of situations under which it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist:

  • pain does not pass after 24 hours;
  • discomfort is accompanied by vomiting, which during the day does not pass, as well as diarrhea, from which it is not possible to get rid of for three days;
  • the skin became pale and cold sweat appeared;
  • heat;
  • skin rash;
  • the appearance of blood in the vomiting masses or feces;
  • painful urination;
  • vomiting has become green or even black;
  • the child became drowned and sluggish, and also refuses meals.

So, in a child of two years old abdominal pain can arise over a number of reasons. We reviewed only the most common diseases: gastritis, helminthiasis, pancreatitis, allergies, colic, intestinal invagination. This is not all provoking factors. Even stressful situations can provoke spasm and the appearance of severe pain.

Be that as it may, the diagnosis and formulation of an accurate diagnosis should be engaged in a qualified specialist. Do not give any medicine to the child without the appointments of the specialist and do not self-medicate. Remember, the operational action of parents to assist may even save the life of the child!

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