Love horoscope for Cancer sign for November. Love horoscope for sign Cancer for November Cancer horoscope for November work career

November 2020 will be productive for Cancers in business. At the beginning of the month, they will discover new talents in themselves and will want to find use for them. However, friends will not support such an undertaking, which will ruin the high spirits. You will have to independently think over a plan to conquer a new peak. It will be difficult to achieve the goal alone, but thanks to perseverance and desire, everything will work out. In the second decade, relationships with friends will improve. The comrades will understand that they were wrong.

The month will end with a successful vacation with your family, which will bring positive emotions.

Cancer Woman.In November, the representatives of this zodiac sign will achieve success in business. Some will start their own business. The hobby will grow into a full-fledged source of income.

In terms of love relationships, the month will be difficult. Concentrating on work will reduce your chances of meeting your future groom. Therefore, take time to relax. Go to the movies, cafes, karaoke, and other places where you can meet a good man. Don't be shy and take the initiative.

At the end of the month, take a couple of days off and make time for your family.

Cancer man.Men of this zodiac sign will be busy with their careers. Striving for a better life will bring success. The bosses will decide to promote them. However, such dedication to work will hinder the development of personal relationships. The second half will not support the excitement of Cancer men in terms of work activities. The horoscope advises to pay more attention to the family in order to avoid quarrels and controversial issues. Plan a joint trip out of town or a day of fun with going to the cinema, bowling, pizzeria.

Love horoscope

November 2020 will be a difficult love story. Quarrels with a loved one will disrupt the harmony in relationships and unsettle for a long time.

Lonely Cancers will pursue a career and will not pay attention to their personal life. The horoscope advises you to think about the future and resume your attempts to find a partner. Do not be afraid to come up and speak first, take the initiative into your own hands, otherwise you risk not waiting for a meeting with your soul mate.

For those in a relationship, disagreements await with a loved one. Try not to say too much during a quarrel, otherwise your partner will be offended even more. Watch your speech and do not go into high tones, discuss everything calmly.

Business horoscope

November 2020 will be successful for Cancer careerists. They will achieve the desired goal and prove that in vain no one believed in their self-realization.

Job seekers will understand that being a hired employee is difficult and does not bring good income and moral satisfaction. They will risk starting their own business. Thanks to perseverance and self-confidence, the representatives of this zodiac sign will become successful.

Employees will work hard. The boss will appreciate such efforts and propose career advancement. It won't be easy to gain a foothold in your new position, so please be patient.

Executives will increase the company's budget by attracting new clients. This will be a joint merit of all team members, so do not skimp on awards.

Financial horoscope

Cancers in November will replenish their budget with new infusions thanks to a salary increase. However, don't be too wasteful. Save some of the money in reserve. Big purchases this month will disappoint. Therefore, don't waste your money on unnecessary things. At the end of the month, you will have to fork out for family vacations. It will not hit the budget if managed correctly.

Health horoscope

In the first decade, there will be a risk of worsening health by strong pressure on the cardiovascular system. Be less nervous, avoid conflict situations, drink chamomile tea. Think about what calms you down and where you feel comfortable. Get enough sleep so you don't drain your body.

The second half of November will be calmer, but you shouldn't relax. Get involved in restoring health and giving up bad habits.

Believe in yourself

When people around you begin to dissuade you from another new venture, do not rush to give up your dream. Only strong personalities achieve everything they want.

You will run smoothly as long as you show courage, determination and leadership. Luck will help you in a risky business and help you achieve what you want. The main thing is not to wind yourself up with various fears and suspicions, then everything will work out.

November will be a good month for Cancers, who will show courage and determination, perseverance in achieving their goal. They will be able not only to realize themselves in what they love, but also to take leading positions in communicating with people. If before something did not work out or insurmountable obstacles arose on the way to your own goal, now you can easily overcome all difficulties. The main thing is to overcome pessimism and fears that prevent you from living and moving towards your goal. Then everything will turn out exactly as you need it.

Friendship will come to the fore in the middle of the month. Cancers will want to spend more time with their buddies and relax. The information you receive may turn out to be false, but it will make you spend a lot of time and effort on solving various issues and problems.

You will be worried about a suddenly soured relationship that will negatively affect your reputation. If you want to maintain your dignity, admit your mistakes, but be gentle. Otherwise, the situation will not develop in your favor. Towards the end of the month, try to find time for a photo shoot in nature with a loved one.

Cancer Woman: Horoscope for November 2020

A period of activity will come for you, which will alternate with days when you do not want to do or undertake anything. Attacks of laziness will alternate with increased activity: on some days you will move mountains and do what others do not have time for a month, while on others you can hardly force yourself to leave the house. It is for this reason that successes and achievements will alternate with constant failures and failures.

Get more fresh air to stabilize your mood and overcome the blues. Talking to your friends will help you achieve the desired result. Try to spend as much time as possible in a pleasant company or alone with a book. Do not overload yourself with business, especially in the first half of the month. Do only what requires your direct intervention. Then you can pick up the pace you want. The main thing on those days when laziness overtakes you is to recuperate and get positive emotions.

This month will be favorable for updating your appearance, buying expensive things, including an apartment and a car. Nice gifts made by you to friends and acquaintances will bring you a lot of joy and help you build relationships with loved ones. If you want to be successful, be proactive at work. Try to find new sources of income that will allow you to earn good money and afford what you have long dreamed of.

Cancer Man: Horoscope for November 2020

November will be a productive month for men. You will be able not only to establish the necessary contacts at work, but also to complete tasks for which there was not enough time or energy before. Many Cancer men will spend more time at work than before, so they will be able to achieve a lot. The result will not be long in coming if you act wisely. It is possible that some kind of intrigue will emerge behind your back, which will force you to reconsider relationships with friends and colleagues.

In the second half of the month, Cancers will pay more attention to their family, home or significant other. Many will want to start a new hobby or just lie on the couch with a cup of coffee or a sandwich. Leisure at home with loved ones will allow you to find out what is happening behind your back, and films and books watched alone will solve many problems and fill in the missing knowledge.

Full description on the topic: "love horoscope for cancer of a woman (girl) for November 2018" from the best astrologers.

There is no doubt that the year of the Yellow Dog will open up brilliant love prospects for the underwater zodiac sign. It's a pity that not all representatives will be able to take full advantage of them: cautious and prudent, stellar arthropods have a habit of thinking and weighing everything for too long, which does not always benefit them. However, it is the tendency to sober calculation that will help protect oneself from many troubles associated with the romantic sphere, so, whatever one may say, the period is expected to be prosperous. The main thing is to try to balance what your heart and mind will dictate to you. This will help the tips of the love horoscope for Cancer for 2018.


Already January will prove to lonely Cancers that cold weather and drizzle are not an obstacle for ardent feelings. For the whole month, charming arthropods will be here and there waiting for supposedly random meetings, in fact cleverly arranged by the Dog, guarding secret and obvious fans and besieging romantic moods.

But married couples will have a hard time. The emotional background of Cancers will be unstable, so any everyday little things or habits of the second half that previously seemed harmless will begin to cause bouts of irritation. In addition, the pink love fog floating in the head of the representatives of this sign will begin to incite Cancers to spin a romance on the side. Think three times before succumbing to the temptation: for your family life, adultery can end very badly.

Not everyone will be able to restore the trust of the second half after infidelity

Alas, he does not have February for love. Cancers in a relationship will need all of their patience to endure the whims of the other half calmly and not get a nervous breakdown. Well, those who are in search will be forced to do boring routine things for the whole month, and only at the very end of winter will they get a chance to grab the elusive luck by the tail and meet the main love of their life.

December will be the month of renewal. Some Cancers will look at their partner with different eyes, discerning unexpected but pleasant character traits in him; others will strike up a new relationship almost under the chimes ... Well, those who will celebrate the New Year in the status of bachelors will feel an unprecedented surge of energy and will begin to realize their long-cherished dreams.


Compared to the seething passions in winter, spring will pass quite peacefully, so the winged Cupid will have time to get bored: there will be almost no work for him.

In March, the love horoscope for Cancers predicts: you will feel the desire to engage in self-development. As a result, some of them will enroll in courses, others will try to realize themselves in creativity, and others will take a long journey, as a result of which they will rethink some of their life priorities. All changes will affect your relationship with your soul mate.

In April, business will demand attention and the over-busy arthropods will again have no time for love. You will have to twist on your tail with all your might, flip the claws at competitors and desperately wiggle your mustache in search of profit. And at the end of the month - also to improve relations with his soul mate, who gets tired of neglect of Cancer and starts talking about parting.

May will reward all lovers for their patience

Fortunately, May will put everything in its place. Shaky alliances will fall apart, but in most cases Cancers will be able to overcome differences and achieve idyll. The last month of spring can be devoted to entertainment, rest and gentle relaxation in the arms of a loved one.


The harmony that reigned in Cancer relationships in May will continue into June. The main thing is that restrained arthropods do not hesitate to more often demonstrate to partners - real or potential - a romantic gentle soul hidden under a tough shell.

True, lonely representatives of the watermark can get caught in a cool cover in June. Fate will give them so many chances to strike up new relationships that some of the handsome men armed with claws will wake up an adventurous streak, and they will start making dates right and left. And at first everything will go just fine, but by the end of June the formed love triangles, quadrangles and other geometric shapes will disintegrate with a terrifyingly loud crash.

Fortunately, in July, lonely Cancers will come to their senses and again go all out. However, you should not lose your head, because it is in the middle of summer that arthropods will sharply increase the chances of acquiring unplanned offspring.

July and August is a time of light flirting, romance and love, but not fateful changes

The end of July and August for both married and free Cancers should be devoted to communicating with their relatives and arranging their home - say, a slight cosmetic repair. A trip to warm countries will be successful, which will allow not only to escape from the gray everyday life for a long time, but also to get a boost of vigor for many months in advance. But the wedding scheduled for this period has too great a chance to fail, so it is better to postpone it to autumn.


In the fall, Cancers will be able to do two opposite things: fix old mistakes in relationships and stick even more new ones.

September will provide everyone with an opportunity to restore the once severed love and friendship ties. If there is a person in the past of Cancer that he regrets about breaking up with, the first month of autumn is the best place to take a step towards reconciliation. But if, despite the help of the stars, the broken cup cannot be glued together, Cancer will not have time to be upset, because at the very end of September fate will give him a meeting with an extraordinary and extremely attractive person. The relationship will be long, bring with it a lot of positive emotions, and possibly acquire the status of permanent.

October will not bring surprises to singles. But it will shake the nerves of established couples a lot! Finances, jealousy, everyday life - everything will become a reason for quarrels and mutual reproaches! In order to keep their union intact, and the psyche healthy, the representatives of the watermark should hide their claws for a while and more often trust the reins of the second half.

In November, many Cancers will want to diversify their intimate life, which has long ceased to pamper arthropods with vivid impressions. If the star owner of the pincers undertakes to solve the problem with a partner, everyone will be happy. If he goes to the side for help, there will be one.

Video: love horoscope for 2018 for men and women Cancers

Most of the coming year Cancers will spend, as if on a swing, alternately falling from love euphoria into a period of squabbles and whims, as if specially created in order to test their feelings for strength. But don't be afraid of turbulent periods! Wise Cancers are endowed with sufficient composure to pass them without problems and find a calm backwater where they can fully enjoy happiness with their soul mate. Everything is in your claws!

My name is Svetlana Rozhenko. 35 years old, a psychologist by education

(November 2018)

This month in terms of love relationships will be quite chaotic for Cancers. More than once, representatives of the sign will want to break off relations with their partner, so the stars recommend Cancers to try to abstract from the situation and try to look at it without unnecessary emotions.

November promises to be extremely difficult for Cancers in the field of love relationships. This is especially true of free representatives of the mark. Finding a mate this month can be hindered by their emotional instability. Due to the fact that Cancers constantly doubt their abilities, their plans during this time period may not come true, therefore the astro forecast advises the representatives of the sign to be more persistent and decisive. Also in November Cancers should not make new acquaintances and engage in flirting.

This month will be difficult in terms of relationships, not only for free Cancers, but also for those who already have their soul mate. The frequent mood swings that Cancers are prone to can darken a relationship with a partner. Confusion can also play a bad joke on them, which constantly arises in their feelings. Guided primarily by emotions, Cancers can sort things out all month, and also seriously think about breaking up.

Love Horoscope for Cancer Women: November 2018

This month, free representatives of the sign will be more absorbed in their personal experiences than the goal of acquiring their second half this fall. Such an attitude towards the love sphere can awaken negative emotions in women-Cancers, which, in principle, will be caused by themselves. To prevent this from happening, the stars advise the representatives of the sign not to cut off the shoulder and immediately not deny attention to their fans, because this is how Cancer women can miss the person they need and be left with nothing.

Most married women of the sign will have problems with their loved ones this month. Basically, they will be associated with an increased level of emotionality. As a result, disagreements can arise between spouses, as well as long, protracted quarrels.

But in any case, the stars advise women-Cancers not to make any hot-headed decisions, since in the future almost any situation can be resolved.

Love Horoscope for Cancer Men: November 2018

Free representatives of the sign this month will be subject to excessive sensitivity and emotionality. Such behavior for the representatives of the sign is fraught with loneliness, as well as strong experiences, which will not always turn out to be positive for them. In most cases, the opposite will happen.

Astro forecast warns Cancer men that such an emotional period in their life is short-lived and can be experienced with minimal losses if Cancers are able to keep their feelings in check and not be offended by trifles.

November promises to be more successful in terms of love relationships for those representatives of the sign who have already managed to know the joys of married life. After all, it is they who during this time period will be able to experience new favorable emotional experiences that will be directly related to their other half. The passion that has arisen between partners will be able to bring a fresh stream to the relationship, as well as renew them. In addition, astro forecast advises you to remember that you are the head of the family, so most of the responsibility lies on your strong shoulders.

Other horoscopes for Cancer for November 2018

Love horoscope for November 2018 for all signs

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This year, you better come out of the shadows, as you may miss an interesting and vivid acquaintance. Many representatives of the sign will be able to meet their happiness if they open up to new people.

Representatives of the sign will be able to improve relationships in their personal life if they can pay attention not to old sympathies, but to new acquaintances. There will be many surprises, including very pleasant ones, if you stop controlling your relationship with the opposite sex and show determination and activity.

Free Cancers will be able to tune in to a serious relationship and meet their fate in a restaurant or with friends. At the same time, you are unlikely to be in the mood for romanticism from the very beginning - the relationship will be friendly and only after a few months it will be clear that you will fall in love. The best time for the favor of fate to you is spring and early summer. It is at this time that Cancers will be able to meet their soul mate and find out what real happiness is. It will be difficult for representatives of this sign in love. You will temporarily lose understanding with your significant other, but then success awaits you, and you can find new common points.

Marital Cancers will have a difficult time this year, as the relationship will not develop according to the scenario you have chosen. However, in your situation, you should not be upset, as you can support each other in a difficult situation, and romance will return to your life again.

Cancer Woman: Love Horoscope for 2018

In the new year, you will be able to fulfill your dreams of great love and real feelings. Some representatives of the sign will be able to marry for love and feel real happiness with their loved one.

However, such a turn of events will not happen right away, since you will not immediately see in a pleasant man the one you need. Most likely, he will not correspond to your ideas about beauty, but unexpectedly for everyone you will fall in love with him and you can feel like a happy woman. The main thing is not to let your friends and relatives interfere in the situation, otherwise you risk missing your lucky chance.

For those who enjoy freedom and independence, male attention, the stars predict an unusual turn of events. You will be happy if you can correctly understand your intentions and change the usual tactics. For holidays and dates, choose a romantic and sexy look that emphasizes youth and beauty. He will allow you to win over a man who is pleasant to you.

Women in love will have to fight for their own happiness. You will have to overcome such qualities as capriciousness and resentment. Well, the family representatives of this sign will be able to enjoy romance and establish relationships with a loved one, if they more often arrange small family holidays for two.

Cancer Man: Love Horoscope for 2018

Cancer men will be able to meet their soul mate in a familiar environment. If you dreamed of great love, then this dream will come true at the height of summer, when you are in the mood for romance and love. It will seem to many that this is a common hobby and a resort romance, but it will receive an unexpected continuation.

For those who value freedom, the stars will give not only creative inspiration, but also many pleasant meetings and novels. However, those who want to get married are in luck after September. At this time, you can not only understand what you need, but also take a closer look at your woman.

The family representatives of the sign will have to overcome many difficulties. However, despite all the obstacles, you can come to a single solution. Try to reject those who interfere in your life and try to control you. A love triangle is possible, into which you will be drawn against your will. However, you can eliminate the unwanted person effortlessly and peacefully.

Your personal compatibility horoscope!

A new, more complete and deeper horoscope of compatibility. Analysis of relationship expectations, degree of compliance and detailed description of compatibility. The horoscope is built for compatibility in personal relationships.

How will Cancer's emotions affect their meetings and mutual understanding with members of the opposite sex? In November, the feelings of many people born under this zodiac sign will be very stormy. How not to be in an awkward position because of them, will tell you the exact love horoscope for November 2018 for Cancers.

Cancer love horoscope for November 2018

The influence of stars on the personal life of single Cancers in November will be stronger than ever. This can manifest itself as some emotional instability and unpredictability. The long-awaited events planned by Cancers for this period of time risk not being fulfilled due to the experiences and doubts of the representatives of this constellation. The love horoscope for November warns Cancers that it is better to start new acquaintances, make appointments and flirt in the quieter months.

Family life for many Cancers in November will be quite difficult. Mood swings and confusion of feelings in people born under this sign of the zodiac can severely impact relationships with a loved one and the rest of the household. For many Cancers, it is quite difficult to control their emotions, therefore in November in such couples conflicts can often arise and conversations about breaking off relations can come. The astrological forecast advises Cancers not to be ashamed of their problems, but to recognize them and ask for help from more experienced relatives or a specialist.

Love horoscope for Cancer woman for November 2018

The search for happiness and stable love relationships in the last weeks of autumn for free Cancer girls will cease to be such a tempting goal. In November, many representatives of this constellation will be too carried away with their inner experiences to notice young people in their environment, ready to show feelings and start a romance. The love horoscope for November advises single girls under the auspices of the constellation of Cancer not to give empty promises and hopes to their fans at the end of autumn.

Not all married Cancer women in November 2018 will be able to show willpower and keep communication in the family in a favorable atmosphere. The increased level of emotionality of the representatives of this zodiac sign can affect the understanding and warmth between spouses. Some Cancer women, because of their experiences, may decide that their marriage is doomed and that it is only a matter of time to break up with a loved one. The stars warn Cancers that such an outbreak of negative emotions cannot last long and a happy family life can soon be continued, because the passion and tender feelings of women belonging to this sign of the Zodiac have not cooled down at all.

Love horoscope for Cancer man for November 2018

Various not always pleasant feelings will influence the happy life of Cancer men during this period of time. The emotionality of men born under the sign of Cancer always especially affects his ability to build relationships, and in November it will be especially pronounced. Of course, these experiences will not always be unfavorable, but they will not help to achieve success in love. The exact love horoscope for November for Cancers warns that soon this period of imbalance will pass, then new acquaintances and meetings with interesting girls will return to their places

November will give many Cancers, married or in a serious relationship, the opportunity to experience new experiences and feelings associated with a loved one. In some couples, this period will be remembered for passionate love and attention to each other, while in others, the level of emotions will exceed the Cancer's ability to control them, which could result in rather serious disagreements in November 2018. The star forecast reminds Cancer men that the responsibilities of the head of the family include creating a calm and supportive family environment for their loved ones. Therefore, you should not violate it due to inability to control yourself.

Love horoscope for Cancer for other months of 2018

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Fate seemed to set itself the goal of testing each Cancer's strength at the end of autumn. For this, she has a bunch of surprises in store, which are not always wrapped in light-colored foil. In general, the representatives of this sign will have to sweat hard, achieving their goals and even acquire a certain amount of bumps. This will make them, at times, sadly lower their claws and move back to take a little break from such a starry "pattern" in the sky.

Cancers will think in November that the environment has set itself the goal of provoking them into endless conflicts. The habit of observing from the side will soften the situation a little: representatives of crustaceans will be able to restrain themselves until the negative reaches the upper bar. The Universe recommends its wards not to react strongly to tweaks from the outside, but to draw appropriate conclusions, adding them to the piggy bank of experience. After all, everyone has black bars, so don't get too hung up on what's going on. Better maintain the confidence that the glimpse is coming soon and, smiling to everyone around you, climb further to the top. Believe me, your analytical mind will not fail this time too!

The personal front will delight Cancer women with big changes, the star of which will be a man a la dream. Be careful, as he is able to immediately capture the lady's heart in captivity, from which it will be very, very difficult to get out. And this may have to be done: there is a possibility that the prince will turn out to be a gigolo who wants to sit tightly on his neck. What can you do, our time has spawned lovers to live at someone else's expense, not only of the weaker sex, but also of the strong.

Work does not prepare the Cancer woman anything new: if she worked selflessly, she will continue to do so in the future. It is possible that conscientiousness will not go unnoticed by the authorities. But even faster it will notice you shifting your work onto someone else. So prepare for the best with the worst in mind. And let this be the motto of November!

The second decade of the month can bring with it an exacerbation of chronic diseases. So be as careful as possible!

Auspicious days in November 2018 for Cancers: 1, 3, 6, 9-10, 13, 15, 17-18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28-30.

Relationship horoscope

Positive feelings and emotions will sweep over the head of Cancer women so that they feel the wings growing behind their backs. Free persons will be surrounded by several interesting fans at once. Ladies will be exhausted from the obsessive question: to be or not to have sex on the first date? In order not to rack your brains in vain, you can use the “5 dates” rule, that is, intimacy is strictly at the fifth meeting. And before that, just chirp sweetly with your gentleman, attend interesting events and graciously accept bouquets, candies, compliments. And only on the fifth date, arrange a passionate sex, perhaps even using intimate toys, if your addictions coincide. After all, the representatives of Cancers only at first glance seem to be good-girls, inside which an undying passion rages. Right?

Couples in love will have something like a honeymoon - they are lucky to meet a true soul mate. Every day the confidence in going to the registry office will increase and the degree of happiness will rise. This is good, but do not forget that both partners should invest in the relationship. If there are any small stumbling stones, it is better to immediately remove them from the road so that there are no omissions and hints of the stones growing into boulders. Otherwise, an explosion of emotions can come suddenly and at the most inopportune moment. This is especially true for representatives of the Cancer sign, as they are famous for their conservatism and are more waiting for wonderful moments from a partner. But you can wait both days and years for miracles to happen. Wouldn't it be better to soften your temper a little and try to tread the path of diversity? Believe me, your companion will appreciate your sincere impulse!

Married couples with Lady Cancer continue to enjoy the idyll created over the years of living together. Your happiness is not afraid of even such an ambush as the sudden arrival of your mother-in-law with a claim to living under one roof. The spouse will be loyal to the visit, as he managed to get used to turns of this kind and is no longer afraid of anything, probably.

If you honor the holiday on November 7, be aware that this year it falls on the new moon. Therefore, it will be better to refrain from family events and heart-to-heart talk.

Financial horoscope

In the professional field, Rakov is waiting for stability despite all the difficulties. You will not be able to passively go with the flow, lowering your claws, since your optimism and creative inspiration simply will not allow this. Anyway, you are a strong and strong-willed person, so to allow this is nonsense for you. If you decide to change something dramatically, be sure to think over and weigh all the nuances. Especially ask yourself why there are not enough funds even when incomes have increased significantly? And the blame for everything is your exorbitant spending. It's time to start carefully monitoring your daily income and expenses, so as not to “shoot” all your family and friends before the advance payment. Grasp, in the end, the mind!

It is possible that some of the Cancers will think about changing jobs at the end of autumn. Why? Yes, if only because the boss may become somewhat "insolent", demanding to do double work, without promising additional payments for it. Therefore, you can not hesitate and look for a part-time job for the weekend right now - why not an alternative option for the first time? Just do not schedule any business meetings for November 23rd, because the full moon is the enemy of any new initiative and profit!

The stars assure that now is the time for a job change. There is an opportunity to get a job that will surpass the wildest expectations, do not be lazy just to listen to your own intuition.

Cancer ladies are famous for their ability to procrastinate for a rainy day. But they are also famous for the fact that in one instant they can lower their stash on something grandiose. And we are not talking about a small purchase, say, a dress from an expensive boutique. More bulky things are involved here: an apartment, a car, in extreme cases, household appliances, a furniture set.

Health horoscope

Even Cancers who have never complained about cardiovascular and digestive systems this month may feel some bells from their side. This is due to the fact that the usual dietary rules are not followed: there is frequent ignorance of breakfast, quick snacks, a huge amount of coffee and sweets. By the way, maybe this is exactly the hole in the family budget - have you ever thought about it? Try to normalize your diet, pay attention to fruits and vegetables, give up spicy, fried and fatty foods. Agree that gnawing apples is much healthier than cookies!

It is common for each Cancer to shirk from sports. If you want to continue to ignore a healthy lifestyle, then do not be surprised later that things suddenly became small, the figure does not please the eye, and the mood is not to hell. Do you want this result? Urgently take care of your daily routine: in the morning and in the evening a 15-minute warm-up, a contrast shower, good sleep and food! If you can't handle it yourself - visit a nutritionist, or even a psychologist. Believe me, there is nothing reprehensible in this, but say goodbye to nervousness, extra pounds, channel your rich imagination in the right direction ... And in general, suddenly you become a happy and successful person who starts his own business and will have the opportunity to personally communicate with world stars!

In November, Cancer will have to go through a bit of everything - both losses, and luck, and unpleasant surprises. Challenges like these will make you stronger, so don't be discouraged. The main thing is that you do not step back out of habit, but confidently walk towards your goal. Then, fate will generously reward you with both success in work and mutual love.

Horoscope for November 2018 Cancer advises to become an observer, and not get involved in conflicts with people around. Try to communicate more with those who wish you well, and not provoke a quarrel. Well, if a black streak comes in life, then look at everything philosophically. After all, there is always no good and well-being, is it? Cancer in November should more often turn to past experiences so as not to make new mistakes. Think positively, then all dreams will come true, as if by magic. You need to be not only reasonable in your actions, but also clearly analyze everything that is happening around.

In his personal life, the horoscope for November 2018 for Cancer promises a meeting with a person who will fully meet his standards. Perhaps this is a real ideal that you could not even dream of. A lonely Cancer needs to be extremely careful in choosing a chosen one, otherwise he will desperately fall in love with a gigolo and a rogue. You can be used for personal gain, fishing for money and acquired property.
At work at Cancer in November, everything is the same, so calmly and responsibly carry out your tasks. Just don’t worry about projects not being completed on time. Everything will turn out even better than you thought. The horoscope does not advise Cancer to take on someone else's work. After all, the chef sees and understands everything. Although, in the end, the award may go to a more nosy employee.

The horoscope for November 2018 for Cancer has prepared the necessary preventive measures. They will come in handy at the moment when old sores show themselves. For half a month you will live in a tense and nervous state. It is as if you are at a crossroads, where to step - into the past or the future. Such funny situations are possible, from which Cancer will not get out for a long time. If not for loyal friends, then you would have remained in a "suspended" state.

In November Cancer will suspect everyone and everything. Colleagues constantly deceive you, relatives do not like you, and a loved one cheats on all sides. If it goes on like this, then you will be known as paranoid. Horoscope for November 2018 Cancer recommends to be more peaceful and firm in your decisions. Drop suspiciousness so that it does not interfere with the implementation of your plan. With business partners, everything will turn out favorably, so you can count on profit and promotion.

Health horoscope for November 2018 Cancer

Cancer in November needs to focus on the condition of the stomach, intestines and heart. If you are less nervous, as well as eat right, then we will not talk about any doctors and hospitals. In general, your health is in your hands! Stop biting and eating on the run. If you schedule a diet by the hour, you will not only improve your health, but you can also lose a couple of extra pounds.

Horoscope for November 2018 Cancer recommends buying only those foods that are healthy and full of vitamins. You spend a lot of money on chocolates, smoked sausages and sodas. Add vegetables, herbs and fruits to the diet to boost immunity and become more invigorated. Much depends on nutrition, especially y. Horoscope advises to forget about fatty, salty and sweet food in November. Limit the use of starchy foods if you feel that they are detrimental to your figure and overall health.

Cancer is lazy to play sports and walk. Although, in November this will allow him to replenish his energy costs. Get up early, do your exercises and douse yourself with cool water. You cannot be negligent about your health, especially if you are a little over forty. The horoscope advises Cancer to buy something new and stylish to transform outwardly. Visit a nutritionist to help you get slimmer. It is not necessary to sit on the strictest diet, but you can only reconsider your diet and move more. Be more confident in yourself, then people will be drawn to you the same - bright, interesting and, most importantly, supporting a healthy lifestyle.

Horoscope for November 2018 Cancer advises to get rid of those problems that he invented for himself. You have a rich imagination, so use it as intended. Find something you like, meet new people and make your life sunny in summer. Maybe you will become famous and be able to surprise the world with your talents?

Career horoscope, finance for November 2018 Cancer

Cancer is not used to going with the flow, even in difficult moments of their lives. He will still flounder like a frog in a can of milk to make thick sour cream. You will be able to get out of problems in November, if you do not give up and become more self-confident. Stability in everything will definitely come if you are not lazy and envious of more successful people. Horoscope for November 2018 Cancer advises to calculate every step, word and action. Then, you will find yourself in chocolate, and not head over heels in problems. Income will exceed expenses only if you start saving. Otherwise, money will be chronically lacking, and you will have to constantly borrow it until your next paycheck. It is better not to remember about loans to Cancer, especially if you have recently paid off your debts. Work hard and think of good things, then it will definitely come into your life.

The horoscope of a career, finance for November 2018 for Cancer has in store a decent amount so that you can afford not only things and food, but also large acquisitions. For example, a car, an apartment or a new scooter. Save up finances for whatever you want more. By the way, it is better to refuse major repairs until next year. Then there will be more funds and free time from work.

In November, Cancer may have clashes with the boss, which he decides to shift all responsibilities onto him. Let him first add your salary, and then load you with overtime work. If there is a desire and opportunity, then it is better to look for a part-time job. Collect the necessary information and, on occasion, use it in a new and profitable business. Horoscope for November 2018 Cancer does not recommend making hasty decisions. Leave only when intuition prompts. Decent work will not leave you, so weigh everything carefully in advance. On the Full Moon (November 23), Cancer is not advisable to invest money and make appointments with business partners.

Auspicious days: November 1, 3, 9, 10, 13, 17, 18, 22, 29, 30
Cancer's bad days in November: 7, 14, 23

Horoscope for November for other signs of the zodiac:

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