Do Huhmer prescribe with cough. Hewer: instruction for children, description and reviews

Hello everyone!

Probably one of the most exciting moments in care for the newborn is to clean the nose . Yes, and for matured children, it is no less important, for worse than snot and laid nose, sometimes there is nothing more. Our assistant in this matter Nasal care tool Hummer monodosis, nasal drops, solution, 5 ml in a bottle, 18 bottles.

Member with Hewumer✵✵✵.

Having appeared on the light, my son in the first day in the maternity hospital began ... bump out. Later, I learned that this is due to the narrow nasal strokes of newborns and does not represent any discomfort to the baby. Nevertheless, a neonatologist's agitated mother handed the monodosis of a Humer's isotonic solution with words to periodically bury it into each nasal passage for moisturizing the mucous membrane.

Also in the first days already at home, a pattering nurse on my question about how to properly carry out hygienic procedures with a spout, answered briefly - to dig by a hemer and remove the goat inspirator. I sent a husband in the pharmacy and since then a means for the care of the cavity of the nose Hewer Monodoza in our children's shelf is constantly.


In the cardboard box there are 18 pieces of 5 ml of plastic mini-vials Hewer, as well as instructions for use.


Laboratories of Urgo, France.


About 170 UAH for packaging. In pharmacy networks, there are also uncompressed monodosis of Humer. But it goes a bit more expensive.


3 years. The shelf life of monodosis after the first opening is 24 hours.


100 g of drops contain: 100 g of undressed isotonic sterile sea water.

In appearance, the isotonic solution of the Hewer is similar to ordinary water.

✿✿✿ Indications for use

What is the helpful of a HUMER solution and when to apply it:

Daily nasal cavity hygiene

Moisturizing the nasal mucosa in dry air conditions

Purification of the mucous membrane of the nose from dust, allergens

Prevention of infections of the nasal cavity in the autumn-winter period

Reducing the dryness of the nasal mucosa

As for any medical device, indicated contraindicationsBut then the general phrase:

Increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug of medical purposes.

Means Hummer Monodoza suitable all:

Suitable for newborns, children and adults.

But honestly, for adults, although it is declared, such a packaging format is clearly not very convenient. It is more comfortable to use the same Humer with isotonic sea water, only in the spray format.

Also Hewumber Monodosis refers to a little medical facility that can be used during pregnancy:

Use during pregnancy and lactation. There are no contraindications.

✿✿✿ Application


Children with age up to 1 year - 1-2 drops in each nasal course 1-3 times a day;

Children from 1 to 7 years old -1-2 drops in each nasal move 1-3 times a day;

Children from 7 to 12 years old and teenagers are 13-16 years old -2 drops in every nasal move 2-4 times a day;

Adults -2-3 drops in each nasal move 3-6 once a day;

Principle of application:

Before use, check the integrity of the packaging.

Newborn: put a baby on the side.

Children, adults: sitting or standing, tilt head head. In turn in each nasal pass, a disposable container is introduced and gently pressed.

The injection must be carried out in the left nasal hole, tilting the head to the right and on the contrary - to the right nasal hole, turning the head to the left. The procedures are most effectively carried out before eating.

After the procedure, it is necessary to keep your head straight so that the fluid can flow freely from the nose, wipe it out with a hygiene napkin.

The container can close the back side of the cap to use later.

Immediately I will say that we use the solution not entirely as the manufacturer recommends. Why? First, it is not always no snot and the goat makes themselves after swinging. Secondly, the packaging of plastic monodosis, as for me, not quite safe. I'll tell about it below. What I do: overflow the monodozo into a glass and corner the usual pipette of a Humer solution for a couple of droplets into each nostril. In the evening, also additionally, the goats suck aspirator.


As I wrote above, to say reliably - helped the tool or not - difficult. However, the isotonic solution of Humer, we regularly apply in our carcass of the baby.

When concluded the nose and noise

My son is 6 months old, but alas, a cold has not bypassed us twice. The first time the kid fell ill when he was only 3 weeks old. Nozzles, no, many green cutlets, and no more cold signs. At the same time, the baby began to squash the nose. On the recommendation of the doctor in a complex with other appointments (air humidification, ventilation), we started to pump a Humer solution to each nostril and remove the socks with aspirator into each feed. Such a procedure must be carried out in order for the noise and bad microorganisms to be found. There must be transparent postal. If non-ferrous snot is sucked off, then they are stirred in the nasal passages and the injection procedure must be involved. The snot in the end passed about 2 weeks. At the same time, we were all the time under the control of the pediatrician.

The usual ritual for cleaning the spout of the goat

As a rule, I bury the nose with a solution of Houmer Crook twice a day: in the morning (for moisturizing mucosa) and before bedtime (to remove the goat). Aspirator use only before bedtime. He tried on himself, in a dry room, the isotonic solution of Humer really in sensations well moisturizes the nose mucosa.


One digs of Humer's bottle is enough for me for 3 cleaning procedures. Just stated in the stated shelf life of the open bottle - 24 hours. As a result, the packaging is enough for a month.


What I do not like in this age?

At first, price, it is clearly overestimated. Well, it cannot cost a sterile saline, albeit on sea water, for daily procedures so much cost. Now I have found a cheaper analogue - isotonic solution of the modimer also in monodos, but I still can not catch it in pharmacies. If I try, I will definitely write about it.

Secondly, monodosis packaging is not quite safe. When it is autopsy, very often on the spout of the bottle remains sharp pieces of plastic, which can damage the mucous membrane. So once I did not get out and the sharp piece was slightly scratched the baby's mucous membrane, then I was afraid, I was not a joke, seeing blood impurities in the fellings. Of course, the manufacturer warns us to check the packaging of monodosis after opening and before use, but I can not be seen ...


We summarize:

Promotes moisturizing the nasal mucosa.

Assistant when carrying out daily hygienic cleaners.

Assistant with a cold, contributes to the disheve of the cutlets and mucus.

Easy to find, Hummer Monodosis is in all pharmacy chains.

■ overestimated price.

■ Not a completely safe monotosis packaging format.

In any case, with its direct task, the Hewer means copes, I can recommend it for the procedures for cleaning baby nose.


medical use of medical use for consumer

Product namem.union destination

Prince Nasal Hummer 150 for adults; For babies and children (marine water undiluted isotonic sterile), 150 ml №1.

Composition and product description

Natural undelivered isotonic sterile sea water rich in trace elements.

Transparent colorless solution without visible particles.

100 g spray contain: 100 g of undelivered isotonic sterile sea water.

Application area

  • Daily nasal hygiene.
  • Moisturizing the mucous membrane of the nose in dry air conditions.
  • Cleansing the nasal mucosa from dust, allergens.
  • Prevention of the infections of the nasal cavity in the autumn-winter period.
  • Reducing the dryness of the nasal mucosa.
  • Comprehensive therapy

With rhinitis of any etiology: infectious, vasomotor, allergic

With acute and chronic inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity, apparent sinuses and nasopharynses

With adenoid hypertrophy in children, adenoy

After surgical interventions in the nasal cavity

Persons living and working in rooms with heating devices and air conditioned air in order to preserve the physiological characteristics of the mucous membrane in the changed microclumatic conditions

People who in whom the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract is constantly exposed to harmful effects (smokers, drivers of vehicles, people working in dyed shops, as well as in the regions with harsh climatic conditions).

ActHummer 150 Spray Nasal:

It helps to maintain the normal physiological state of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.

It effectively purifies and moistens the nose mucosa, dilutes the mucus and contributes to its removal, improves the nasal breathing, has anti-inflammatory and anti-refective effects, enhances the reparation of the nasal mucosa cells and restores its function.

The irrigation of the nasal mucosa is gently due to the spraying by microcapors, ideal for the procedure for washing the nasal cavity (nasal soul).

Method of application and dose

Children aged 1 month to 1 year:

Children aged 1 to 7 years:

With a prophylactic and hygienic goal: 1-3 times a day 1-2 injection, in each nasal pass;

In order to treat as an aid to basic treatment: 4 times a day at 2 injection, each nasal passage.

Children aged 7 to 12 years old and teenagers 13-15 years:

With a prophylactic and hygienic goal: 2-4 times a day for 2 injuries, in each nasal pass;

In order to treat as an aid to basic treatment: 4-6 times a day, 2 injections, in each nasal passage.

Children from 15 years and adult:

With a prophylactic and hygienic goal: 3-6 times a day at 2-3 injection, in each nasal passage.

In order to treat as an aid to basic treatment: 4-8 times a day, 2-3 injection, in each nasal passage.

  • Turn the baby's head to the baby side and slightly tilt ahead (i.e., without throwing the heads).
  • Enter the tip of the cylinder into the top nose.
  • Rinse the nasal cavity within 2-3 seconds.
  • To put a child, wipe the liquid that follows and help it clear the nose (viscous).

Children over 2 years old and adultwashing is recommended to call standing, leaning slightly (above the sink)

  • Turn the head of the side, slightly tilting forward.
  • Enter the tip of the cylinder into the nasal stroke located on top.
  • For 2-3 seconds, rinse the nasal cavity.
  • Throw nose to clean it from mucus (unimpressing).
  • Conduct a procedure with another nasal move.

If necessary, repeat the procedure.

The nasal washing procedure is most effectively carried out before meals.

Features of application

Pregnant and breastfeeding women:there are no contraindications to use.

Precautionary measures

Do not apply for children up to 1 month.

You can't wash your nose when the child's head is trapped back, in this position the liquid can get into the throat!

The container is under pressure, heating can cause an explosion. Store away from heat sources, hot surfaces, sparks, open fire or other ignition sources. Do not smoke near the packaging. Inert, non-flammable gas propellant, not in contact with solution: nitrogen.

Children's runny nose can be different and is transferred differently to a child. However, whatever it is, the child suffers greatly, so such a parable needs to be treated with special drugs. Naturally, for the treatment of a child, it is impossible to imagine "adults" drops or sprays thoughtlessly, it is necessary to choose their children's form or wondering, from what age is it possible to use the usual form to children.

Today we will tell about drops Hewomer. This drug is good because it is tested and for the treatment of children is completely safe. It can be used both for the treatment of rhusing of different etiology and the prevention of colds.

Hummer for children and adults: benefits

These drops are good in that they help from the runny nose and nasal congestion, regardless of the cause of their appearance. After all, different means can render different action - antiviral, vasoconstrictor, antibacterial or cleansing, Hewber will help to cope with the symptoms in most cases.

Its key advantage is the ability to exposure so that the human body itself can restore breathing through the nose. In addition, Humer is hypoallergenic drops into the nose, so they can be used to children from the first year of life, as well as pregnant women.

The drug practically does not cause complications and side effects.

How is Humer?

The composition of Humer is a natural marine water that contains:

  • minerals;
  • trace elements.

Water in production takes place filtering and processing, as a result of which it is identical in terms of plasma composition of blood. This allows the means Act in the body naturally and not provoke negative complications.

Components of droplets Hummer have such a positive effect on the body%

  • deliver from edema;
  • dilute the secret;
  • eliminating breathing through the nose.

On the Internet about the drug Hummer for children and adults there are quite a few positive feedback. Often these drops use not only with a cold, but also under a number of allergic diseases. And all due to the fact that the drug can clean the mucous membrane of the nose from external stimuli, which provoke allergies, for example:

  • dust;
  • pollen;
  • animal wool particles;
  • pooh, etc.

The use of Hewer helps to reduce the inflammatory process and improves human immunity.

Hummer and testimony for its use

The means called the Hewer is used for daily use as a nasal cavity processing in the following cases:

  • for the prevention of colds with an increase in the seasonal epidemiological threshold against ARS or ARVI;
  • for moisturizing mucosa nasal shell during a long stay in places with reduced humidity;
  • in order to clean the nasal mucosa From microscopic dust particles, pollens and other substances causing allergies.

Also a HUYMER can be used comprehensive therapy With the following diseases or states:

  • inflammatory processes in gaymorovy sinuses, nasopharynx and nasal cavity on the background of sharp and chronic diseases;
  • an increase in pharynses or nasopharynx almonds in children;
  • rhinitis that are accompanied by allergies;
  • rehabilitation after operations on the nasopharynx organs.

Formation form

Houmer for children and adults Can be purchased at a pharmacy in such forms:

  • children's spray (for the smallest) in cylinders by 150 ml;
  • spray for children and adults in cylinders (150 ml);
  • drops in a bottle of 5 ml.

Cylinders where spray equipped with a special nozzleThrough which the injection process in the nose is much easier. But the drops to apply somewhat more complicated in this respect.

Instructions for use

To introduce a drug in the nasal cavity to a child up to a year, it is neatly laid on the left side. To the balloon with drops attach a special nozzle And the tip is introduced into the right nostril to the safety collar. Injecting is carried out within a few seconds.

Then the child is turned over to another side and repeat the same actions, but with another nostril.

After injurities, hold the baby's head straight to the drops without any problems flow from the nasal moves. Then the liquid wipe the soft handkerchief or napkin.

Very it is important to monitor the position of the child's head.if he has no year yet. The procedure cannot be performed when the head is trapped so that the fluid does not hit the throat and did not provoke asphyxia.

If we talk about the features of the use of funds in children from year and adults, then you need to take a comfortable position or ask the baby to sit down. Tilt your head left And I introduce spray to the right nostril. Then we til out the head on the other side and instress the second nostril.

Hummer dosage for children and adults

In order to prevent children under the year they are injected into each nostril dropped to 3 times a day. From year to seven years a procedure can be performed up to 3 times 2 drops accordingly. From seven and to 16 years old - 2 drops to 4 times a day. Adolescents and adults are recommended to do 2-3 injection into each nostril every 6-8 hours as needed.

For therapeutic purposes, in the absence of special prescriptions, the doctor as auxiliary treatment Hewer is accepted as:

  • up to 7 years - every 8 hours 2 drops in each nostril;
  • from 7 to 16 years - 2 drops every 4-6 hours;
  • from 16 and adults - 2-3 drops every 3-4 hours.

Treatment can last from 15 to 30 days, you can take breaks between therapeutic courses in the month. If you purchase a Hewer in the form of droplets in the bottle, make sure when buying is that it has retained integrity.

Contraindications and interaction with other drugs

Humer can be used together with other drugs in comprehensive therapy according to the application instructions. Medicinal interaction It was not revealed, since the drug does not have a systematic impact on the human body.

As for the contraindications, but the drug cannot be taken to those who have sensitivity to its main component. However, it is extremely rare. And back not recommended Apply Hewer in the form of a spray with the tip of children immediately after birth, since the nozzle does not correspond to the structure of the nasal cavity of children under the age of the month.

The rest of the Hewer is safe, the side effects with its use are practically not found. In very rare cases There is a feeling of burning and skin irritation. When the hypersensitivity is detected and the appearance of allergies, the use of the means must be stopped.

Without seas and without consultation with a specialist Hewer, you can use not only for the treatment of children, but also pregnant women. but before use Read the instructions carefully. Remember that with improper use of the drug rises the risk of otitis.

Hummer: price in pharmacies of Russia and Ukraine

On average, the prices of this agent in the pharmacies of Russia are:

  • Hummer for children 150 ml - about 600 rubles;
  • for adults - about 550 rubles;
  • monodita funds - about 500 rubles.

On the territory of Ukraine Prices are as follows:

  • children - about 150 UAH;
  • adult - 150 UAH;
  • monodosis - 100 UAH.

Analogs of the drug

The drug Hummer for children and adults has such analogues:


Reset filter


Composition and form of release:

Spray nasal Hummer 150. for adults

Spray nasal Hummer 150. 150 ml in spray gun spray plates for children, in a cardboard pack 1 cannon.

Drops Nasal Hewomer monodoza 5 ml in polymer vials, 18 polymer bottles were invested in a cardboard pack.

Nasal spray Hewer 050 50 ml in the canopy, in a carton, 1 cannon bundle with a spray nozzle.

100 g spray Hummer 150. Contain:

  • Isotonic sterile sea water - 100 g

100 g of drops of nasal heather monodosis contain:

  • Sterile isotonic seawater - 100 g.

100 g spray nasal Hummer 050. Contain:

  • Undressed hypertensive sterile sea water (23 g / l sodium chloride) - 100 g

Pharmachologic effect:

Hummer is a local drug for intranasal use, which has a cleansing and moisturizing effect. Humer eliminates irritation of the nasal mucosa with increased dryness of air, facilitates breathing, and also contributes to the purification of the nasal mucosa, both in healthy patients and in patients with inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.
Pharmacokinetics of the drug Hewumber is not represented.

Indications for use:

Hummer is used for daily hygiene of nasal moves, including with excessive dryness of air and dusting of the premises.
Hummer is also prescribed to prevent infectious diseases of the nasal cavity during epidemics.
Spray Hewomer is also prescribed in complex therapy of acute and chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, nasal cavity and sinuses, hypertrophy of adenoids in children, year-round or seasonal allergic rhinitis, as well as during the rehabilitation period after operational interventions on the nasophaling.

Mode of application:

Spray Nasal Humer:

The drug is intended for intranasal applications. Before applying the spray, clean the nasal moves. The most efficient use of a spray Humer before meals.

When applying the drug, Hewer Head is recommended to tilt the side, while spraying the spray should be in the nasal stroke. After applying the drug, the nasal moves should be repeated.
Spray with a spray nozzle for children is recommended to apply for the treatment of children from 1 month to 1 year.

Children over 1 year old and adults should use spray with a spray gun for adults.
As a rule, 1-2 injection in nasal moves from two to 4 times a day are prescribed. If necessary, you can increase the frequency of applications to 6 times a day.
The hygienic use of the drug is possible for a long time.
As a preventive and therapeutic agent for acute respiratory diseases, the Hewer is recommended to be used within 2-4 weeks, after which it is re-conducted after 1 month.

Drops Nasal Humer Monodoza:

The drug is intended for intranasal applications. Before use, make sure that the polymer bottle is not damaged. Before using nasal droplets, it is recommended to clear the nasal moves. Drops should be made in the nasal moves, tilting the head of the side pre-slightly (the droplets are entered into that nasal stroke, which is above). Children should be made of drops in the lying position on the side. The most efficient use of the drug Hewer Monodosis before meals.

Newborn and children under 7 years old should be made 1-2 drops in nasal moves from 1 to 3 times a day.
Children over 7 years old should be made 2 drops of the drug Hewer Monodoz in nasal moves from 2 to 4 times a day.
Adults should be made at 2-3 drops of the drug Hewer Monodosis in the nasal moves from 3 to 6 times a day.

Side effects:


Humer and Hewer Monodoz, as a rule, are not well tolerated by patients. In isolated cases, the development of hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the nose and allergic reactions was noted.


During the pregnancy and lactation, the Hewumer can be applied on the recommendation of the doctor.

Interaction with other drugs:

Without features.


Data on the overdose of the drug Humer has not been received.

Storage conditions:

The drug Hewomer is suitable for use for 3 years after the manufacture, subject to storage in rooms with a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius.

Spray Humer should be stored away from direct sunlight and open fire. It is forbidden to calculate the canister.

Drops Hewer Monoditis are suitable for use within 24 hours after opening the polymer bottle.


This is a description of the drug Houmer There is a simplified author's version of the site APTEKA911, created on the basis of the instructions / IA for use. Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult a doctor and familiarize yourself with the original manufacturer's instruction (attached to each packaging of the drug).

Information about the preparation is provided solely with an informational purpose and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor may decide on the appointment of the drug, as well as determine the doses and methods for its use.

Children's colds happen very often, one of their most common symptoms is a runny nose. Due to the laid nose, the child can not sleep, he can start headaches, but worst that if it does not take action on time, the disease begins to progress and ordinary runny nose can be the beginning of severe respiratory diseases such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

Pediatricians with a cold necessarily assign solutions for washing the nose to moisturize the mucous membrane and facilitate breathing. One of the most popular drugs is Humer. In what cases should it be used and what properties does it have?

General description of the drug

Hummer - Medical preparation for intranasal use, which is used for nose cleansing and moisturizing. The advantage of using the drug is that it facilitates breathing at ARVI and ORZ, as well as moisturizes the mucous membrane in case there is dry air, which is fraught with inflammation and advent of allergic reactions. The local action of components that make up Humer is as follows:

  1. Elimination of swelling.
  2. Massage secretion.
  3. Melting nasal breathing.

Is it possible to children

Humer is prescribed to children from one month, since this is an effective means of prevention of ORZ and ARVI, which is considered hypoallergenic and non-softener. Very often, the drug is prescribed during the complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity and sinuses and with an allergic rhine in children.

Hummer is absolutely safe for children, its use does not have side effects, because using it can not worry about the fact that some complications of the disease may arise. Children up to the month to use Spray Humer is not allowed due to the structure of the tip, for their treatment on the appointment of the doctor, the use of droplets is possible.

Indications for use

For hygienic procedures of the nasal cavity:

  • In conditions of reduced humidity (dry air indoors) for nasal moisture.
  • In the conditions of a dirty environment, in dusting rooms (pollen and dust) for cleansing the mucous membrane from external stimuli.
  • In the ORZ and ORVI epidemic season as prevention.

As additional therapy:

  • With an increase in tonsils in children.
  • With inflammation of the cavity of the nose, nasopharynx and the gaymers.
  • After operational action on the nasopharynk during rehabilitation.
  • During allergies that are accompanied by a runny nose and nasal congestion.

Release form and composition

The active component of Hewer is concentrated sea waterAdditionally enriched with minerals. After filtration and processing, its composition becomes almost identical to the plasma composition of blood. It is for this reason that the drug is well tolerated by patients and does not cause side effects.

Humer is produced in three forms: drops in a bottle for disposable, spray for children and adults (150 ml in a cylinder) and spray for babies (150 ml in a cylinder). Each balloon is equipped with a special nozzle, with which it is easy to injected the drug into the nasal cavity.

Mode of application

Using the drug for infant children, you need to be very neat. So, to make injection into the left nostril, the baby is placed on the right side and the tip is introduced into the nose. The baby's head in no way should be trapped, as if at least a little Humer falls into the throat, the risk of asphyxia is possible.

Sea water injection should take at least 2 seconds to achieve the desired wash result. After the procedure, you need to hold a little child's head straight to leaving all the liquid. So that it does not have any irritable effect on the skin, you should use a scarf or napkin.

To use Humer in childhood, the child's head also need to turn on the left side and inject the contents into the right nostril. Dosage of the drug as a means for prevention as follows:

  1. Baby age from 1 to 12 months - 1 injection up to three times a day. If nasal drops are used, then the multiplicity of reception is preserved, the number of droplets is one in each nasal passage.
  2. Children from year to 7 years 1 injection (drops) up to three times a day.
  3. Children from 7 years to 16 1 - 2 injections, 2-3 times a day.

Hewer dosage during the treatment of ARVI and ARZ and other diseases:

  1. Children up to the year - 1 injection / drops every 8 hours.
  2. Children from year to seven - 2 injections \\ drops every 8 hours.
  3. From 7 years to 16 - 2 injections every 4-6 hours.

Typically, treatment is from two weeks to a month, usually before facilitating the state. The preventive course should be necessarily interrupted for a month.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug can not be prescribed to people who have sensitivity to sea water (allergies, appearance of irritation). Spray Hewer cannot be used for newborns to one month.

The drug is well tolerated by infants and children of older. We rarely may appear such side effects as irritation on the mucous membrane and a slight burning sensation. In the event that an allergy appeared on Humer, it needs to be immediately stopped using it.


Humer has several analogues, namely:

  • Maeruse.
  • Aqua Maris.
  • Zilch.
  • Salin.
  • Quix.
  • Dolfin.
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