Record on the Outwater Channel 179. For the prevention and control of AIDS and infectious diseases

Hundreds of suppliers are carrying medications from hepatitis with from India to Russia, but only M-Pharma will help you buy Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir and at the same time professional consultants will answer any of your questions throughout the therapy.


Go to the reception system

View doctor's reception schedule

Dear patients!

A convincing request to pay attention to the dosage of the active substance in the preparations, as it may vary depending on the manufacturer:

Lamivudine 150 mg and Lamivudine 300 mg (Amiviren, Lamivudin Canon, Lamivudine)

Abacavir 300mg and 600 mg («Olitid», "Ziagen", "Abakavir")

Atazanovir 150 mg, 200 mg and 300 mg ("Simoda", "Reataz")


Active substance and dose

Number of tablets per day


Abacavir 300 mg

Abacavir 300 mg

Abacavir 600 mg


Lamivudin 150 mg

Lamivudine Canon

Lamivudin 150 mg


Lamivudin 300 mg




Take the preparations strictly according to the appointment of your attending physician!


Each Monday and Thursday from 12.00 to 15.00 in the lobby on the 3rd floor (next to the office 305) SNB specialists lead consultations on obtaining free state drugs and services provided by the hospital.

From September 4 to October 31, the Flu Vaccine Vaccine Vaccine Vaccine vaccine is held in St. Petersburg AIDS.

In the Procedure Cabinet number 15 on the third floor of the old building:

tuesday - 15.00 to 18.00 and Thursday - from 10.00 to 13.00.

Before vaccination, it is necessary to obtain a direction from an infectious doctor.

From 09/07/2018 to 05.10.2018 Procedural Cabinet №15 does not work. Blood fence in office number 107.

The X-ray Cabinet works in normal mode, Mon-Fri 9.00-19.00

In the office of issuing drugs the first working day of each month of the month - will overcome. Issuance of drugs from 15.00

Last Wednesday of each month Sanitary day in procedural offices, blood fence

Planning a visit to the doctor, please pay attention to vacation schedule.

During the holidays of your infectiousness, please contact your doctor, replacing it, or to the duty officer.


Bratkov V.V. - 04.10.18 No reception

Logvinenko A.A. - 09/20/18 to 10.10.18

Nikitin P.V. - 09/10/18 to 10/07/18

Shakhova F.F. - 25.09.18 to 15.10.18

Other experts:

Head of the infectious compartment of the Polyclinic St. Petersburg Center for AIDS Majorova S.O. - from 09/27/18 on sick leave

Therapist Dunaeva N.V. - from 09/26/18 on sick leave

Psychiatrist Narcologist Petrikov D.A. - from 09/12/18 to 02.10.18

Neurologist Stavitskaya T.V. - 09.10.18 Reception from 9.00 to 14.00 (instead of evening)

Neurologist Stavitskaya T.V. - from 10/23/18 to 26.10.18

Okulist Vashanova I.V. - from 08/20/18 on sick leave

Hepatologist Vysotsky I.V. - from 10/01/18 to 10/07/18

Hepatologist Master O.A. - from 10/15/18 to 10/21/18

Hepatologist Romanova S.Yu. - from 10/29/18 to 04.11.18

Buzunova S.A. (MCEC) - from 09/13/18 to 01.10.18

Dentist Trofimov A.A. - from 09/10/18 to 05.10.18

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