There was a lump on the wrist - what to do

If a person has a neoplasm that is noticeable at first glance, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible. If a bump appears on the wrist, people endure and delay the visit to the doctor for later.

This should not be done, because the disease causes pain on palpation, and also causes discomfort and does not look aesthetically pleasing.

Definition of neoplasm

If a person finds a hard bump on the wrist on the arm, then you need to keep in mind that this is a benign formation that looks like a cyst in terms of characteristics.

Outwardly, this formation is a capsule, inside which is a viscous liquid. The contents are similar to not too dense gelatin jelly.

The neoplasm is easily eliminated, but there is no guarantee that it will not reappear.

For the reason that the hygroma of the hand is related to the joint, then it is located next to it.

Depending on the location, the hygroma has the following structure:

  • Dense, similar to bone disease.
  • Soft and elastic.

Hygroma in half of the cases is typical for women whose age is younger than 35 years. This disease is quite easily cured, but there is a risk of its recurrence.

Causes of neoplasms

It is difficult to name the causes of the resulting bumps on the arm under the skin on the wrist.

Doctors name several reasons that lead to the onset of the disease:

  1. Heredity - if the human body is prone to inflammatory processes, then this may be the cause of the development of benign neoplasms.
  2. . One of the causes of the disease is frequent tension of the hand. This disease is often found in those who play musical instruments or type a lot on the keyboard.
  3. The onset of inflammation in the area of ​​the hand.
  4. The hand was damaged. A bump on the wrist on the outside is formed if a person pulled the ligaments hard, got a broken arm, or had another injury.
  5. Complication after surgery. Sometimes a bump forms as a complication after surgery, even if it was performed elsewhere.

If nothing is done, the cyst will only grow. If the bump appeared due to excessive physical exertion, then it is necessary to reduce their intensity.

If nothing is done, then over time, removal will be required in an operable way.

Main features

The cyst appears on top of the wrist, but it can also appear on the inside of the arm. The disease is easy to recognize, because it is a ball on the wrist of a child or an adult.

In certain cases, the disease may not be noticeable at first glance if the bump grows deep into, and not to the surface. The photo shows what the hygroma of the hand looks like.

The main signs of a cyst:

  1. The skin over the bump has not changed.
  2. The diameter of the cone is not more than 5 cm.
  3. The neoplasm is elastic and soft.
  4. When pressed, no pain is felt. But there are exceptions if the bump is located close to the nerve endings.
  5. Clear boundaries are easily defined.

Ways to get rid

Treatment is both surgical and conservative. You can get rid of hygroma for medical reasons or for aesthetic reasons.

Conservative treatment does not always give a good result, most often the disease recurs. Therefore, you can permanently get rid of the cyst only in an operable way.

If the patient flatly refuses the operation, then conservative treatment is recommended:

  1. Puncture. With this method, the seal on the wrist on the tendon is pierced with a thin needle and the contents are removed. After the contents are removed, special medicines are injected into the cavity so that there is no suppuration. The bump is often re-formed, because its shell remains in the same position.
  2. Crushing neoplasm. This method was used before, but now it has been abandoned, because it is quite painful and harmful to the patient.
  3. Sclerosis. First, they perform the same actions as during a puncture, and then special substances are injected inside, due to which the capsule decreases and its shell is removed. This method brings much better results, but still repetitions are not rare.
  4. Physiotherapy. Small neoplasms are treated with physiotherapy, after which it is necessary to limit the mobility of the diseased joint. They can prescribe procedures such as wraps, electrophoresis and warming up. In some cases, these procedures help to permanently get rid of the cyst. But it must be remembered that this cannot be used if there are inflammatory processes in the joint.

Surgical intervention

This method gives results. Relapses occur in exceptional cases if the surgeon does not completely remove the tissue.

The operation is prescribed in the following cases:

  • the neoplasm is large and does not stop growing;
  • neoplasm is infected;
  • the cyst compresses the blood vessels;
  • looks like a cosmetic defect;
  • the hand is not fully functional.


Hygroma is a common disease. Most often, this disease occurs in those who lead a mobile lifestyle. The hygroma will not disappear on its own, so it is recommended to consult a doctor.

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