The use of cabbage leaves for arthritis and arthrosis

Cabbage leaf treatment of joints is one of the most popular methods of traditional medicine for arthritis and arthrosis. According to folk healers, this therapy helps to reduce the activity of inflammation, relieve the patient of pain, and reduce swelling.

There are many proven ways to treat joints with cabbage leaves. It is necessary to find out if the cabbage leaf helps with joint pain, what is its therapeutic effect, what are the most effective recipes based on this improvised remedy.

benefits of cabbage leaves

To find out how cabbage is useful for arthritis of the joints, it is necessary to study the vitamin composition of the product. In fresh leaves of white cabbage there is a significant percentage of moisture in the complete absence of proteins and fats.

The chemical composition of the vegetable:

  • Vitamins U, C, PP, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12. Cabbage is especially rich in ascorbic acid, a natural bactericidal agent.
  • Folic, pantothenic acid.
  • Natural sugars are fructose and glucose. There are no less of them in white cabbage than in sweet fruits and vegetables - carrots, apples, oranges.
  • A large amount of fiber containing light carbohydrates useful for the body.
  • Valuable macro- and microelements are selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, aluminum, chlorine.

Such a rich composition of the vegetable allows it to be used in the treatment of joint diseases, both independently and in combination with drug therapy.

Therapeutic effect

Thanks to the healing components, ordinary cabbage can be an effective help in the treatment of a huge number of diseases. Eating a vegetable helps to remove decay products, toxins and toxins from the body, reduce the risk of peptic ulcers, normalize blood glucose levels, and lower cholesterol levels.

The use of compresses based on cabbage leaf and juice in the treatment of joints helps not only to reduce symptoms, but also accelerate tissue repair.

The healing effect of external means of cabbage consists in these aspects:

  1. The feeling of pain decreases, the mobility of the knee, hip, ankle joint gradually returns.
  2. The intensity of the inflammatory process in the soft and bone tissues of the articular joint decreases.
  3. Puffiness is eliminated due to the withdrawal of excess fluid.
  4. The juice of the vegetable can help in healing open skin wounds.
  5. If you treat arthritis with a cabbage leaf in the initial stages of the disease, you can achieve a complete recovery of the patient.

Cabbage leaves contribute to the activation of metabolic processes, replenishment of the water and vitamin balance of tissues, which is important in the treatment of arthritic and arthrotic joints.

The advantages of this method of treatment also lie in the availability of the product throughout the year, its reasonable cost, ease of storage and use.

Given the enormous benefits of vegetables, you need to learn more about how to be treated for joint ailments with the help of cabbage leaves.

The general rule for using cabbage leaves for a compress is as follows: you need to choose a juicy and large leaf, separate it from the head, soften it with a rolling pin or a meat hammer. Everything, now our raw materials are ready for use.

Recipe 1

It involves the treatment of joints with a cabbage leaf with honey. Let's prepare the sheet in the indicated way, for greater softness, additionally steam it in the microwave or in another improvised way. On the back side, we will make several deep knife cuts.

Apply a small amount of not too thick honey to the leaf, distribute it evenly over the entire surface. We will apply our compress to a sore knee or other joint, fix it with a film, then with an elastic bandage and a warm cloth. We will withstand the compress throughout the night.

The duration of the course of therapy is at least 5 sessions. You can use the remedy immediately if you experience characteristic pain in the joints.

Recipe 2

Another way to treat joints with cabbage-honey compresses. We take a leaf softened and steamed in advance, apply a mixture of honey, camphor and mustard powder on it in proportions of 1: 3: 1.

We evenly distribute the mixture over the leaflet, fix the compress on the affected joint, wrap it with an ordinary gauze bandage. We warm additionally with a woolen scarf, we sit alone for 2 hours.

Cabbage leaf with honey for arthrosis and arthritis allows you to quickly eliminate pain, reduce inflammation, and restore joint mobility.

Recipe 3

A mixture of the following components is applied to the softened leaf: 2 dragees of acetylsalicylic acid pre-crushed in 1 tsp. honey, a little flour for a bunch. We fix the bandage with a bandage and a layer of warm cloth, hold for 3-4 hours.

Recipe 4

You can treat sore joints with cabbage in its pure form, without honey. Just tie the softened sheet to the joint well, cover with a warm cloth. For greater effectiveness, you can leave the bandage overnight.

Juice-based drugs

Cabbage juice helps to reduce pain, relieve inflammation, normalize metabolic processes in soft and bone tissues, restore cartilage structure, replenish synovial fluid.

To get juice, take a cabbage head, cut into pieces, pass through a meat grinder or food processor. The resulting slurry is passed through a sieve, laying a piece of cotton cloth or gauze on its bottom. Let the liquid drain, wring out the gauze.

For the prevention and treatment of joint ailments, natural cabbage juice should be drunk 150-200 mm per day. With a weak gastrointestinal tract, a tendency to disorders and diarrhea, you need to start with 1-2 tablespoons of the product, diluting it with a little water. If there are no side effects, the dosage should be gradually increased.

To reduce the risk of flatulence, you can season the juice with a small amount of turmeric powder.

This juice is also used as a compress. Saturate several layers of gauze with healing liquid, apply to the damaged joint. Fix with polyethylene and an elastic bandage, insulate additionally with a scarf or wool shawl. The compress can be left on all night, however, to avoid an unpleasant odor, lotion from cabbage juice should be changed every 3-4 hours.

The duration of such therapy is practically unlimited, since there are practically no contraindications when using cabbage leaves externally.


As mentioned above, when using cabbage compresses, there are almost no contraindications, with the exception of severe damage to the skin that requires enhanced medical treatment.

Taking cabbage juice inside is harmful for ailments of the gastrointestinal mucosa, such as gastritis, colitis and ulcers, pancreatitis, flatulence. Is a replacement possible?

The benefits of white cabbage for joint health have long been known. Is it possible for patients suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system to eat other varieties of this vegetable?

  • Cauliflower. Alas, the opinion of doctors is disappointing: this product helps to remove calcium from the body, so dishes based on it must be excluded. This rule applies to arthritis of different types: rheumatoid, gouty, reactive.
  • For the same reason, Brussels sprouts should be avoided.
  • But sauerkraut, on the contrary, is highly recommended for arthritis of the gouty type. This vegetable helps to change the acid-base balance of the body in such a way that the removal of uric acid salts, the deposits of which are the cause of gout, is significantly accelerated.
  • Seaweed (kelp) must be in the diet of a person suffering from arthritis or arthrosis. The fact is that seafood is truly a storehouse of the healing substance “selenium”, which accelerates the absorption of sulfur by the body, which is very important in restoring joint tissues. Therefore, eat kelp salad with confidence without fear of harming your joints.

Baths based on this medicinal algae are very useful. They are made like this: pour half a pack of dry product with 5-7 liters of hot water (40-45 degrees). We lower the sore leg into the container for 30-40 minutes. A minimum of 15 sessions is required for a sustainable therapeutic effect.

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