The problem of love in the play cherry garden. Piece Chekhov "Cherry Garden": problems, the movement of historical time, the question of genre

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Chekhov - Creator of the so-called "new drama", characterized by the novelty conflict, refusing to external intrigue, the compound of dramatic, comic and lyrical principles, a large role of the subtext created by the author's remarks, pauses, pictures of nature, "underwater flow." Although the writer himself, obviously, sought to achieve the maximum realism of his plays ("Let everything be on the stage will be the same ... as in life"), there is an opinion that it was Mayerhold who came to his conditional theater.
As you know, the "cherry garden" is the result of the creative path of Chekhov, his last word facing the reader, the word about how imperceptibly for anyone the inner drama of a person is incapable of "attach" in life. The main problem raised in the "Cherry Garden" is the problem of debt, responsibility, the question of the fate of the Motherland.
The actors of the Pieces Chekhov are not just heroes, but the heroes in time and space.
The cherry garden, which is simultaneously the background of action, and the acting person, and a comprehensive symbol, can be viewed in three main aspects: the garden is an image and a character, a garden - time and garden - symbolic spaces.
An animated and spiritualized (opoetized Czech and is idealized by the associated actors), the garden, out of doubt, is one of the characters of the play. He takes his place in the image system.
The garden is given at the same time as an accusation (emphasizes irresponsibility, wipeness) and an excuse (sense of beauty, storage of traditions, memory) of all other heroes.
The garden plays a stratifying role. Recall the judgment of Chekhov: "It is better to be a victim than the executioner." Obviously, the sacrifice is the only positive hero of the play.
The garden sets the upper moral plane (the fact that Chekhov is the norm, but for his heroes, due to the distortion of the world order and their own inferiority, becomes an ideal), just like Yasha, finished Ham, asks the lower. Vertical, which should connect them, no. Therefore, all other actors are located between, in the middle ("average" people), as if frozen in a free fall, not touching any of the planes (deviated from the norm, but did not fall completely), but reflecting them and reflecting them - hence the ambiguity , multifaceted images.
Gaev is inextricably linked with the garden. But the nature of this connection cannot be interpreted unequivocally. On the one hand, Gaev is one of the most irresponsible heroes of the play, he all his state "drove on lollipops", and to a greater degree of wine in the death of the garden lies on it. On the other hand, it is naive to the last in front of the last and dusty and stopping the garden.
Ranevskaya is associated with a kind of "effect of multiple mutual affiliation": Ranenevskaya - the acting face of the play of Chekhov "Cherry Garden", that is, it belongs to the "Cherry Garden"; The cherry garden is in the estate of Ranevskaya, therefore, belongs to her; Ranevskaya is in captivity in the garden created by it and thus belongs to him; The garden, like the image and symbol of the "cute past", exists in the imagination of Ranevskaya, then belongs to her ...
You can interpret Ranevskaya as a soul of the garden. This thought, in particular, observations over the temperature in its direct and figurative meaning - before the arrival of the Ranevskaya repeated, the topic of the cold is repeated (in the remarks of Chekhov and the heroes replicas): "In the garden is cold", "Now the matinee, frost is three degrees "," Wonderful all "and so on; With the arrival of the Ranensk cherry garden and the house are warmed, and after the sale of the garden again, it is cold: "just cold", again "three degrees of frost". In addition, there is a motive of the "broken thermometer" (a sign of the absence of a sense of measure and the impossibility of returning to the old life).
For a shovel garden - a double symbol. This is the attribute of the nobility, where to him, a man, "with pork digging", the road is ordered (social subtext is far from the main thing in the play, but it is important), and the spiritual elite, where he also seeks to seek ("read the book and fell asleep").
So not everything fit

The theme of the past, present and future of Russia. The past is connected with the images of Ranevskaya, Gaeva, Simeonov-Mainic, Firs. They are agitated by the legacy of serfdom, in which they rose and in which were brought up. Their parasiticism is inevidated, as well as the slavery of a company who does not think of life without Lord. Proposed by Peter Trophimov (Monologue Petit from the 2nd action) The path of redemption of sins of the past - righteous work - for them is unacceptable, moreover, it seems absurd. The theme of the present is associated with a shovel in which two starts are adjacent. On the one hand, Lopakhin is a person action, tireless worker; His ideal is to make land rich and happy. On the other hand, there is no spiritual principle in it, it wins the thirst for profit. The theme of the future is associated with the images of Ani, which breaks with its past, and the petition, the so-called "democratic intellectual". Both of them are obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreative labor, although weakly imagine, what exactly this work will be both to conclus for them.

The nature of the conflict and features of the stage action

In the article "On the question of the principles of building Pieces A. P. Chekhov" A. P. Skaftomov pointed to the surceitivity and stretching of the play, the weakness of the fabul, lack of action. In contrast to this point of view, other researchers, in particular, K. S. Stanislavsky and V. D. Nemirovich-Danchenko celebrated the unusual of the dramatic conflict and the presence in the play of Chekhov "Submarine currents - intimate-lyrical flows that are felt behind external household details" It is considered a comedy genre "Cherry Garden", although the satirical pathos of the play is strongly weakened. Chekhov continued the traditions of Ostrovsky (image in the plays of life). However, the island life, the basis for the actual dramatic events. Chekhov events only externally organize the plot. Drama is experiencing every hero - both Ranevskaya, and Gaev, and Varya, and Charlotte. At the same time, the drama is not in the loss of the cherry garden, but in everyday life. Heroes are experiencing a conflict "between data and desired" - between the fumes and the dream of the true purpose of man. In the souls of most heroes, the conflict is not allowed.

The value of "submarines"

The meaning of individual replicas of the characters is in no way connected with the events. These replicas are important only in the context of an understanding of the conflict between the data and the desired (Ranevskaya: "I'm still waiting for something as if the house", "Billiard" replicas of Gaeva, etc.).

The role of details

The item for Chekhov is an essential visual means in the transfer of psychology of heroes, conflict and other things.

Replica Heroes

a) the replicas of the heroes who do not help in the development of the plot, but illustrating the torn consciousness, the alienation of the heroes from each other, their inorganicity with the outside world. "Everyone is sitting, thought. Suddenly there is a distant sound, accurately from the sky, the sound of the bunting string, served, sad.
Love Andreevna. What's this?
L about p and x and n. I do not know. Somewhere far in the mines fell out of Badja. But somewhere very far.
G A E. Or maybe some kind of bird ... like heron.
Trofimov. Or Filin ...
Love Andreevna (shudders). It is unpleasant for some reason. (Pause.)
F and P s. Before misfortune was the same. And Owl shouted, and Samovar buzzed unversrate.
Gaev. Before which misfortune?
F and P s. Before the will. (Pause).
Love Andreevna. You know, friends, let's go, already the evening. (But not). In your eyes tears ... What are you, girl? (Hugs her.)
Anya. It's so, mom. Nothing".

Sound effects

The sound of the bundled string ("voiced longing"). A knocker cutting the cherry garden.


"Andreevna's love (looks out the window to the garden). About my childhood, my purity! In this nursery I slept, I looked from here to the garden, happiness woke up with me every morning, and then he was exactly the same, nothing has changed. (Laughs from joy.) All, Whole White! About my garden! After the dark, rainy autumn and the cold winter, again you are young, full of happiness, Heavenly angels did not leave you ... If you take off my chest and with my shoulders of my heavy stone, if I could forget my past!
Gaev. Yes. And the garden will be sold for debts, oddly enough ...
Love Andreevna. Look, the deceased mom goes around the garden ... in a white dress! (Laughs from joy.) It is she.
Gaev. Where?
Varya. Lord with you, mommy.
Love Andreevna. There is not anyone. It seemed to me. To the right, on the turn to the gazebo, the white village bent, similar to a woman. "


The cabinet to which Ranevskaya, then Gaevs pay their speech.

Copyright remarks

Yasha always says, barely holding back from laughter. Lopakhin appeals to Vare always mockingly.

Features of the conflict in the play.

"Cherry Garden" is one of the most famous plays in the world repertoire, and the fact that the theater is constantly drawn to it, and the possibilities of different readings, and the constant opening of new meanings is all connected with the new drama language that he created Chekhov. What is the unusual "Cherry Garden"? It can be seen when analyzing the main elements of the play: the nature of the dramatic conflict, the device of the character system, the speech of the acting persons, genre features. Earth, from the point of view of classical, daughre drama, the course of dramatic action. All its elements are present in the play. At the very beginning of the first action, the lattice is given - the possibility of dramatic deployment of events: this is the upcoming sale for the debts of the Ranevskaya estate. Culmination - the sale of estates - occurs in the fourth action, in the junction - all the inhabitants of the estate leave it, travel around in different directions. But where are those actions and events that develop, connect these main knots of the dramatic plot? There is none of them. There is no external intrigue existing in any play, the action is developing on some other, internal laws. From the very beginning, the play is given the topic that organizes the conflict, the theme of the cherry garden. For the play, no one speaks of the loss of the estate (the old Ranevskaya house only in the first action reminds of itself - in the exclamation of the love of Andreevna about his children, in the appeal of Gaeva to the century of the cabinet) - about the Cherry Garda, there are disputes between Ranevskaya, spady and peter, cherry The garden buys Lopakhin. According to cherry trees in the last action, the ax will hit the ax, denoting the end of the prevailing lifestyle. He, associated with the life of several generations, will be a symbol of a cross-cutting theme of the play - the themes of a person and time, man and history. The absence of a consistently developing external action is caused by the special nature of the conflict in the Chekhov play. Usually, the conflict is associated with the collision of the opposite forces, the struggle of the interests of different people, the desire to achieve the goal or to avoid the danger that is determined in the string. In the "Cherry Garden" there is no such conflict. Traditional for Russian literature the situation of the collision of wasteful and unsuitable for the life of a nobleman-landlord and a predatory and aggressive merchant (cf. with the relations of Gurmozhskaya and Vilimibratov in the "Forest" of Ostrovsky) is not in the risen. Moreover, there is no real threat of ruin for Gaev and Radernan.

In the initial situation of the first act, Lopahin explains to them how it could be preserved and even increase the income from the estate: breaking it into parts, to hand over land for rent to summer houses. As if by the way, Lopahin says that in this case the cherry garden, the old and stopped fruit, of course, must be cut out. This can not make Ranevskaya and Gaev, they prevent their special feelings that they are experiencing to the Cherry Garden. It is this area of \u200b\u200bfeelings that becomes the subject of conflict. Conflict in the daughre drama necessarily implies a clash of the suffering hero with those who act against him represents the source of his suffering. Suffering is not necessarily material in nature (Wed with the role of money in the island comedy), it may be caused by ideological reasons. Millon Torzania is experiencing the hero of Griboedov, and "Torzania" is associated with people, antagonists - to the whole Famovsky circle, which are in the play.

In the "Cherry Garden" there is no source of external suffering, there is no evil will and directed against the hero of actions. They are separated by their attitude to the fate of the cherry garden, but are combined by the overall dissatisfaction with the existing life, the passionate desire for its change. This is one line of dynamic development. There is also the second. The feelings of each of the heroes of Chekhov gives as it were in a double lighting - from the inside and from outside, in the perception and understanding of other people. It becomes a source of sharp drama. The feelings of Gaeva and Ranevskaya does not share the leopown: for him they are strange and amazing; He does not understand why his reasonable arguments on the device do not act on them. And for Petit these feelings alien. What loves and is afraid of losing Ranevskaya, for him is to be destroyed; What she sees her happy past, childhood and youth, for him a reminder of an unfair device of life, about tortured people here. The feelings and the truth of the blades are understandable and the roads only for him. They do not understand and neither Ranenevskaya nor Petya takes. Petit Trofimova has its feelings and performances ("All Russia is our garden"), but they are funny for the blades and are incomprehensible to Ranevskaya.

Cherry Garden Problems and Character System

This most important topic of misunderstanding and discrepancies of people, their isolation in their own feeling and their own suffering increases in the play by the role of secondary persons. Each of each of them has their own experiences, and each among other lonely and is incomprehensible. Charlotte, not sleepy and lonely, laughs others and is not taken seriously. Above the Varai, immersed in his world, foys Peter Trofimov and Lopakhin. Simeon-Picker is immersed in his circle circle - he is constantly looking for money and as constantly thinking about his daughter Dasha, causing mocking irritation around. Epiphans are ridiculous for everyone in their "misfortunes", no one takes seriously the experience of the Dunya ... The comic party is really strongly expressed in these characters, but in the play Chekhov is not absolutely funny, absolutely tragic or absolutely lyrical. Their complex mixing is carried out in each character.

The main content of the "Cherry Garden", which is that all his heroes are equally suffering from the unpleasant life and at the same time they are all closed in this alone suffering, inaccessible to others affects the nature of the dramatic dialogue, many statements in the play are not related to the total line Talking, not addressed to anyone. In the third act, Charlotte occupies all focus. All applaud. Ranevskaya reflects on his: "And Leonid is not all. What he does in the city for so long, I do not understand. " Charlotte's words about their loneliness at the beginning of the second act are not addressed to anyone, although it is among others. Varya serves Ranevskaya telegram. Ranenevskaya: "This is from Paris ... with Paris over ..." Next replica Gaeva: "Do you know, Lyuba, how much is this closet?"

Even more significant in this situation, the unhealthy of others becomes cases when the heroes seem to answer the replica, but the connection is mechanical - they are rewarded again in their own thoughts. Trofimov says that they are with Ane "Above Love." Ranenevskaya: "And here I must be below the love ... (in strong anxiety.) Why not Leonid? Just to know: sold the estate or not? "

Genre originality of the "Cherry Garden".

The complex genre nature of the play, which Czechs called the comedy and in which so many serious and sad, corresponds to his submission of a drama in which everything should go as happening in life. Chekhov finally destroyed all genre certainness, removed all the limitations and partitions. And it was necessary for this new to drama a combination of comic and serious, their flowing into each other. It has already been said that the comic element is present in every hero of the play, but each has its own lyrical intonation. Farcovoy in the play connects with tragic. It's not about the fact that in the play about the suffering of good people of Chekhov applies a female technique (blows stick, drop from the staircase), more important: every moment the play is like double lighting. Thus, the water-wing confusion with the sending of a company to the hospital connects to the end of the end of the house and the garden, the end of the human life, the end of the era. Sad and funny find themselves in the play reversible. The lyric start helps to understand the deep emotion and sincerity of the hero, the comic laugh at its self-absorption and one-sidedness.

1. Call the main problems of the play Chekhov "Cherry Garden" 3
2. Could the old owners save your garden and why? four
3. What is the new life of the blades? five
References 6.
1. Call the main problems of the play of Chekhov "Cherry Garden"
"Cherry Garden" ... It's impossible to find a person who would not know this play Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. There is something surprisingly touching in the very sound of these words - "Cherry Garden". This is the swan song of the writer, the last "sorry" to the world that could be humane, merciful, more beautiful.
The main event of the play is the purchase of a cherry garden. All problems, experiencing the heroes are built around this. All thoughts, memories are associated with it. It is the cherry garden that is centrally play.
The author does not see the hero in the Russian life, which could be a real owner of the "Cherry Garden", the keeper of his beauty and wealth. Deep ideological content carries itself the name of the play. Garden is a symbol of outgoing life. The end of the garden is the end of the outgoing generation - nobles. But in the play grows the image of a new garden, "Luxuriously". "All Russia is our garden." And this new blooming garden, with his fragrance, its beauty to be grown by the younger generation.
The play "Cherry Garden" raises the social problem: for whom the future of Russia? The nobility leaves from the status of the leading class, but the future is not for such as a lopahin who appreciates himself: "My dad was a man, an idiot ..., I did not taught me, but only Beil Spyan and all the stick. In essence, and I am the same boy and idiot. " These people are ignorant, although business, but you can not allow them to high posts.
Another of the main problems of the play is that people are unable to turn the course of life in their favor, even in trifles. This is the main pathos of the play: the conflict between heroes and life that breaks their plans breaking their fate. But in the events that occur in the play, this is not pronounced in the fight against any attacker who has become the goal to destroy the inhabitants of the estate. Therefore, the problem of the play goes into the subtext.
2. Could the old owners save your garden and why?
A wonderful cherry garden can be saved if divided into cottages. But this path to salvation is not for the main characters of the play - Ranenskaya and Gaeva. Turn the estate in the revenue place means to betray the luxurious garden, and yourself. Brother and sister prefer to surrender to the inevitable. Ranevskaya surround loving people. They can sympathize, but can not help. And the one who can help and loves all of all, it bows the cherry garden himself. In existing persons inhabiting the estate of the heroine of the play or coming to visit, there is something funny. Everyone has their own topic, their own melody, their habits. All together they create an elusive, touching, sometimes sad, sometimes a fun atmosphere of the "Cherry Garden".
All attempts to save the estate turned out to be vain. In the fourth act of Chekhov introduces a knock on the tree. The cherry garden, the central image of the play, grows to a comprehensive symbol expressing the inevitable death of the outgoing, decaying life. All the heroes of the play are to blame for this, although they are all sincere in their pursuit for the better. But the intentions and results are diverged, and the bitterness of what is happening is able to suppress even the joyful feeling of a leopard, which turned out to be in the struggle, to the victory in which he did not strive. And only one fours left to the end of a devotee of life, and that is why he turned out to be forgotten in a ciphed house, despite all the concerns of Ranevskaya, Var, Ani, Yasha. The wines of heroes in front of him is also a symbol of universal guilt for the death of the beautiful, which was in the outgoing life. The words of Firsa Piece ends, and then hear only the sound of the bundled string and a knock of the ax cutting the cherry garden.
Indeed, the only way to save the manor is to break the cherry garden under the cottage. But although Ranevskaya sheds the flows of tears of losing his garden, although she cannot live without him, she still refuses to save the estate. Sale or delivery of the garden plots for rent seems to her unacceptable and offensive.

General description of comedy.

This lyrical comedy, as Czech himself calls it, is aimed at disclosing the social topic about the death of the old nobility estates. The comedy action occurs in the estate of L. A. Ranenevskaya, the landowner and is tied to the fact that due to debts in the inhabitants have to sell so beloved by all the cherry garden. Before us nobility in a state of decline. Ranevskaya and Gaev (her brother) - people are impractical and not able to manage. Being people are weakly accomplices, they change their mood sharply, with ease shed tears along a trifling occasion, willingly wigitate and arrange luxurious holidays on the eve of their ruin. In the play of Chekhov shows people of the new generation, perhaps for them the future. This is Anya Ranevskaya and Petya Trofimov (former teacher of the deceased son of Ranevskaya Grisha). New people should be strong fighters for coming happiness. True, Trofimova attributed to the number of such people is difficult: he is "inequer", not too strong and, in my opinion, is not enough for a great struggle. Hope - on the young Anya. "We will put a new garden, luxuriously ..." - she believes, and in this faith - the only one in the play is the option of a happy development situation for Russia.

1) The form: a) the problem part (subject matter), the world of the artwork: Main characters (images): Anywhere Ranevskaya Love Andreevna, her daughter Anya and Varya, her brother Gaev Leonid Andreyevich, merchant Lopakhin Yermolai Alekseevich, student Trofimov Petr Sergeevich, landowner Simeonov-Pischik Boris Borisovich, Governess Charlotte Ivanovna, Refrigerated Refrigerated by Semen Panteleevich, Dunyash Maid Yasha, as well as several minor heroes (passerby, head station, postal official, guests and servants). In addition, we allocate the "garden" as an independent hero, it occupies its place in the system of plays. b) the structure (composition) of the work, the organization of the work at the Makrotek level: the comedy consists of four actions. All of them intertwined between themselves plot and chronologically, forming a single picture of events. c) artistic speech

This work is a comedy, so it is very emotionally. We note that the text of the play is full of historians and archaisms, denoting objects and phenomena from the life of people of the beginning of the 20th century (lacquer, nobles, barin). There is a conversational vocabulary and conversational forms of words in the replicas of servants ("I am good, what a fool put it!", "Charming, still one hundred eighty rubles I will take you ... I'll take ..."), also numerous borrowings from French and German languages, direct transliteration and foreign words as such ("Pardon!", "Ein, Zwei, Drei!", "Grand-Rond dance" in the hall).

    subject -this phenomenon of the external and inner life of a person, which is the subject of study of the artistic work. The studied work polyathemsbecause Contains more than one topic.

According to the method of expression, the topic shall be divided into: 1) explicitly pronounced: the theme of love for the native home ("Children's, sweet, my beautiful room ...", "Oh, My Garden!", "Dear, a durable cabinet! Greetings to your existence, which for more than a hundred years has been sent to the bright ideals of good and justice"), theme of the family, love for relatives ("My dulling came!", "My beloved," "I suddenly became sorry for my mom, so it's a pity, I hugged her head, squeezed my hands and I could not release. Mom then everything caught, crying"), theme of old age ("You're tired, grandfather. Most like you," Thank you, Firs, thank you, my old man. I'm so glad you still alive "), theme of love ("And what to hide or silence, I love it, it's clear. I love, love ... This is a stone on my neck, I go with him to the bottom, but I love this stone and I can not live without it," " It is necessary to be a man, in your years it is necessary to understand those who love. And you need to love yourself ... it is necessary to fall in love with "; 2) implicitly pronounced: the topic of conservation of nature, the theme of the future of Russia.

2) cultural - historical topics: Theme of the Future of Russia

According to the classification of a philologist Pothebni:

2) internal shape (shaped structures, plot elements, etc.)

3) external form (words, text structure, composition, etc.)

Problems of work.

The main problems of this play are questions about the fate of the homeland and debt, the responsibility of the younger generation. The problem is implicitly pronounced, as the author comes this thought through the symbol of the cherry garden, disclosed from various aspects: temporary, shaped and spatial).

Specific issues:a) social (public relations, building a new life, the problem of the noble festive society); b) socio-psychological (internal experiences of heroes); d) historical (the problem of addictive nobility to the cancellation of serfdom).


Straightforward, actions occur in May 1900s, immediately after the cancellation of serfdom, and end in October. Events occur in the chronological sequence in the Ranevskaya estate, however there are references to the past of heroes.

Characteristics of heroes.

It is worth noting that there is no sharply positive or sharply negative heroes in the work.

Exterior appearance heroes are given very briefly, and only clothing is described mainly. The text contains a characteristic not all heroes.

    Lopakhin - "In a white vest, yellow shoes", "with swine slices", "thin, tender fingers, like an artist"

    Trofimov - 26-27 years old, "In a worn old uniform, with glasses," "hair is not thick", "What a ugly, Petya," "Strict face"

    Firs - 87 years old, "in a jacket and white vest, on the legs of the shoes."

    Lyubov Ranevskaya, the landowner - "a good man. Easy, simple person, "very sentimental. He lives idle the habit, despite the fact that all in debt. The heroine it seems that everything is formed by itself, but the world's collapse occurs: the garden gets the lopakhin. The heroine, losing the estate and his homeland, leaving back to Paris.

    Anya, Ranevskaya's daughter - in love with Petya Trofimova and is under his influence. It is passionate about the ideas that the nobility is to blame for the Russian people and must redeem their guilt. Anya believes in future happiness, a new, better life ("We will put a new garden, luxuriously", "Goodbye, house! Farewell, an old life!").

    Varya is characterized by his Ranenevskaya's adopted mother as "from simple, running all day", "good girl."

    Leonid Andreevich Gaev - Brother Ranenevskaya, "Man of the Eighties of the Eighties", a man fusing in words, whose vocabulary consists mainly of "Billiard Lords" ("I cut into the corner!", "Dwuples in the corner ... Croisie in the middle .. . ") And perfect nonsense (" Dear, a durable cabinet! Greet your existence, which for more than a hundred years has been sent to the bright ideals of good and justice; Your silent appeal to fruitful work has not weakened over a hundred years, supporting (through tears) In generations of our kind of vigor, faith in the best future and educating the ideals of good and public self-consciousness in us. " One of the few, which invents various plans to save the cherry garden.

    Ermolai Alekseevich Lopakhin - a merchant, "He is a good, interesting person," characterizes himself as a man's man. He himself from the kind of serfs, and now is a rich man who knows where and how to invest. Lopahin is a very controversial hero in which the worn and rudeness are struggling with hard work and a mixture.

    Peter Trofimov - Chekhov describes it as a "eternal student", already aged, but still not graduated from the university. Radaneskaya, angry with him during the dispute about love, shouts: "You are twenty-six years old or twenty-seven, and you are still a second-class gymnasister!", Lopahin ironically asks "How many years old, how do you study at the university?". This hero belongs to the generation of the future, he believes in it, denies love and is in finding the truth.

    Epiphans, the Ranenevskaya and Gaev's office, Madly loves their maid Dunyash, who responds about him a little ambiguous: "He is humble, and only sometimes it starts talking, you will not understand anything. And good, and sensitive, only incomprehensible. I seem to me and like it. He loves me crazy. He is unhappy man, every day something. It is also teased with us: twenty two misfortunes ... " "You walk from place to place, and do not do it. The railway is kept, and unknown for what ": In these words, Varia is the whole life of the Epodova.

Portraits, as we have already described earlier, brief - non-independent element of the work.

The interior is self-concrete element in the work (i.e. needed to describe as such),since in addition to other things, it creates an image of time: in the first and third action, this is the image of the past and present (the comfort and the warmth of the native home after a long separation ("My room, my windows, as if I did not leave," "living room, separated by arch from the hall . The chandelier burns ")), in the fourth, the last action is a picture of the future, the realities of the new world, the emptiness after the county of the heroes (" the decoration of the first act. There are no curtains on the windows, no paintings, there are few furniture, which is folded in one corner, Exactly for sale. Emptiness is felt. About the output door and in the depths of the scene are folded suitcases, road junctions, etc. left door open ").

Thus, the interior is a descriptive-characteristic function.

The origins of the creation of the play.

A. P. Chekhov finished her play "Cherry Garden" in 1903, when the new century knocked in the door. There was a reassessment of centuries of established values. The nobility was ruined and resolve. It was a class who was doomed to death. For a change, he was a mighty force - bourgeoisie. The dying of the nobility as a class and the arrival of the capitalists is the basis of the play. Chekhov understands that the new owners of life will not be held for a long time as a class, as the other, young power grows, which will build a new life in Russia.

The genre features of the plays.

The play "Cherry Garden" is imbued with a light, lyrical mood. The author emphasized the author that the "cherry garden" is a comedy, since he managed to combine dramatic, sometimes the tragic start with comic, as in real life.


The main event of the play is the purchase of a cherry garden. All problems, experiencing the heroes are built around this. All thoughts, memories are associated with it. It is the cherry garden that is centrally play.

Comedy conflict and its features.

Truthfully depicting life, the writer talks about the fate of three generations, the three social sections of society: nobility, bourgeoisie and progressive intelligentsia. A distinctive feature of the plot is the absence of a pronounced conflict. All events occur in one estate with regular characters. The external conflict in the play is replaced by the drama of the experiences of the heroes.

Basic comedy images.

The central image of the play is a cherry garden that combines all the characters. The cherry garden is a particular garden, the usual for the estates, and the symbol image is a symbol of the beauty of Russian nature, Russia. The whole play is permeated with a sad feeling of the death of an excellent cherry garden.

In the play we do not see a bright conflict, everything seemed to go with their own totea. The heroes of the play behave calmly, between them there is no open quarrels and clashes. And yet the existence of a conflict, but hidden, inner. For ordinary conversations, for a calm attitude towards each other, the heroes of the play hidden their misunderstanding of each other. The main conflict of the play "Cherry Garden" in misunderstanding between generations. It seems as if three times crossed in the play: the past, present and future.

The old world of fortress Russia personifies the images of Gayev and Ranevskaya, Var and Firs. Today's world, the world of business bourgeoisie, is represented by a blades, the world of undefined trends of the future - Anachi and Peter Trofimov.

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe play.

Waiting for change is the main leitmotif of the play. All the heroes of the "Cherry Garden" will oppress the temporaryness of all things, the bezdom. In their lives, as in the life of the modern Russia, "the days of the binder thread broke out," the old one was destroyed, and the new is not yet built, and it is not known what this new will be. All of them unconsciously grab the past, without understanding that he is no longer.

Hence the feeling of loneliness in this world, the incompetence of being. Alone and unhappy in this life not only Ranevskaya, Gaev, Lopahin, but also Charlotte, Impochets. All the heroes of the play are closed in themselves, they are so absorbed by their problems that they do not hear, do not notice others. Unknown and anxiety in front of the future still gives rise to their hearts hope for something better. But what is the best future? This question of Chekhov leaves open ... Petya Trofimov looks at life exclusively from a social point of view. In his speeches, there is a lot of fair, but they do not have a specific idea of \u200b\u200bpermission from eternal issues. He understands little real life. Therefore, Chekhov gives us this image in contradiction: on the one hand, this is an accusatory, and on the other - "incoming", "Eternal Student", "Slantable Barin". Anya is full of hope, vitality, but there is still so much inexperience and childhood.

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