Tailbone hurts from below. Pain in the lower abdomen after removal of the uterus and how to deal with it

Not all diseases of the female reproductive system are amenable to drug treatment. Often, in order to preserve the health, and in some cases the life of the patient, radical measures are necessary, that is, the removal of the body of the uterus, sometimes along with the appendages - the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

This operation is called a hysterectomy, it is indicated for diagnosing uterine cancer, endometriosis - excessive growth of tissue outside the boundaries of the mucous membrane (endometrium) of the reproductive organ and other pathologies in the uterus. Complications in the postoperative period are inevitable, and for each woman they manifest themselves in their own way, depending on the characteristics of the body and the type of surgical intervention.

Postoperative period

All women who decide to have a hysterectomy should be informed about the possible complications and the length of the recovery period. An emergency operation is mandatory if there is a threat of the spread of metastases to neighboring organs.

In this case, the fallopian tubes, cervix and even part of the vagina are removed along with the uterus, after which the woman will no longer be able to have children.

In other cases, alternative methods of treatment are possible, which, although long-term, are no less effective. In any case, here the choice remains with the patient.

The duration of a woman's stay in the hospital after the operation directly depends on the method of its implementation. There are only three ways: abdominal surgery, when the organ is removed through the deep, through the vagina and laparoscopy. The first two methods are the most traumatic and involve the woman being in the hospital under the supervision of gynecologists for ten, fourteen days.

Laparoscopy is a more gentle method, in which the risk of postoperative pain manifestations is significantly reduced. The patient returns home on the fifth day.

After surgery, women experience severe pain in the abdomen, which is considered the norm, since the removal of the organ cannot pass without consequences. Many unpleasant moments have to be experienced after coming out of anesthesia, such as: nausea, often accompanied by vomiting, headache, intense thirst and weakness. This condition is due to the fact that against the background of abundant blood loss and the introduction of anesthetics, a general intoxication of the body develops.

In the first week, the pain after removal of the uterus is especially severe, for their relief, narcotic analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. To prevent the development of complications in the form of bacterial infection of the wound, the introduction of antibiotics is provided. In order to avoid the occurrence of blood clots in the first three days, the use of anticoagulants is practiced, as well as intravenous infusion of a glucose solution, which will reduce the symptoms of intoxication. To replenish the volume of blood in the body, its transfusion is carried out.

Causes of complications

There are two postoperative periods: early and late, each of them is characterized by its manifestations.

The appearance of pain in the early postoperative period is associated with the following factors:

In the late period, the appearance of pain is due to:

  • adhesive processes;
  • prolapse or prolapse of the vagina;
  • development of mastopathy.

Important! After the removal of the reproductive organs, a hormonal failure occurs, an early menopause develops, which can lead to poor health and pain, the occurrence of which in women is not associated with postoperative complications.

Complications of the early postoperative period

After surgery, many women experience pain in the lower abdomen, chest and in the intestines. After removal of the uterus through an incision in the abdominal cavity, pain is felt especially strongly in the area of ​​​​the suture. Acute, pulling nature, pain persists for several days, and covers the entire wound surface, extending to the lumbar region.

If the operation was performed by the transvaginal method, the pain is localized in the lower abdomen, in the groin, spreading to the genitals. The full recovery period is two months. The remaining manifestations of pain signal the complications that have arisen after the operation.

The most common complication is inflammation of the scar formed at the site of the soft tissue incision. It is very important to monitor the condition of the postoperative suture, as it can lead to the development of a purulent abscess, which is fraught with blood poisoning.

There are several main causes of the pathological process, the most common of which is infection of the wound edges with pathogenic bacteria. Infection can occur both during the operation, due to an insufficient level of sterility, and after it, for example, with improper suture processing.

Such a complication does not develop overnight, sometimes it takes several days for its manifestation and is characterized by aching pains not only in the wound area, but throughout the entire peritoneal cavity. Also, the following symptoms indicate inflammation of scar tissue:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • the appearance of a tumor;
  • redness of the skin around the scar;
  • sharp pain with pressure during the examination;

Pain sensations increase many times if the inflammation is complicated by the formation of pus, in which case the sutures may open. Then urgent measures are required, up to a second operation, and the cleansing of the wound prevents the development of fatal consequences. To treat the superficial suture, the drug curiosin is used, which accelerates healing and prevents the formation of keloid-type scars.

Problems with urination

Another complication associated with pain after surgery is urinary tract dysfunction, indicating damage to the urethra or weakening of the muscles that support the bladder and uterus. The removal of one organ leads to a violation of the integrity of the body, which affects the work of other systems.

There are several types of urinary disorders:

  • Acute form - such a violation is manifested by frequent ineffectual urge to the toilet. With a feeling of fullness of the bladder, a woman cannot empty it, and there is heaviness, it hurts in the lower abdomen.
  • Chronic form - a patient who has undergone a hysterectomy has to make incredible efforts to urinate. This is a sure sign of incomplete recovery of urinary functions. Due to unsuccessful attempts, painful tension of the abdominal muscles occurs and the risk of suture divergence increases.
  • Pollakiuria - characterized by frequent urination, uncontrolled urination, or vice versa, its delay. Symptoms are similar to a disease such as cystitis. When urine is released, which can come out drop by drop, a woman feels a sharp pain and burning sensation in the urethra.


The most dangerous complication of the early postoperative period is peritonitis - inflammation of the petals of the abdominal cavity, often spreading to neighboring organs. In this case, sepsis may develop, which poses a threat to the life of the patient. Such a severe pathology mainly occurs after an emergency amputation of the uterus, when there is a necrotic lesion of the tumor node or a malignant neoplasm.

Typical symptoms of peritonitis:

  • a sharp jump in temperature to maximum values;
  • weakness, accompanied by a rapid deterioration in well-being;
  • pulling pains in the area of ​​localization of the lesion, which manifest itself constantly;
  • severe headache, aching muscle and joint pain against the background of progressive intoxication of the body;
  • increased tension of the walls of the peritoneum, on palpation, responding with unbearable pain.

At the initial stage of development of peritonitis, external changes in the wound surface are observed, the sutures swell, their suppuration and divergence of the edges begin. Pain can be felt throughout the entire abdomen, sometimes shifting to the side, right or left - it depends on the place of suppuration, in these cases the woman cannot accurately indicate the place of its localization. If positive reactions are observed with a lesion in the lower abdomen, pain is felt above the pubis.

The appearance of symptoms indicating a pathology requires an immediate medical response. A secondary incision is made at the suture site, damaged tissues are cleaned, the peritoneum is washed, and a drainage system is installed. After surgical manipulations and a course of rehabilitation therapy, pain manifestations, as a rule, decrease.


There are two types of complications - external bleeding and internal. The first is manifested by bloody discharge from the genitals or wounds. The greatest danger is the second type, when a hemorrhage inside the body leads to a sharp decrease in blood pressure, which can cause fainting. In this case, aching pain is localized at the site of the amputated organ.

An accurate diagnosis is established using ultrasound (ultrasound). Anticoagulants are administered to eliminate bleeding. If the blood loss is large, repeated surgical intervention and blood transfusion are required to replenish its volume.

Pulmonary embolism

PE is a serious complication in which there is a blockage of the pulmonary artery by a detached blood clot that has entered the bloodstream. This pathology poses a threat to the life of a woman who has undergone hysterectomy.

Symptoms of complications are pain in the thoracic region with a deep breath, the appearance of shortness of breath and palpitations, a drop in blood pressure. With an external examination, you can notice a change in the color of the skin (blue), which is due to a lack of oxygen. There is also a discharge of blood when coughing - hemoptysis.

The patient's well-being directly depends on the size of the blood clot and its location. If a blood clot enters a small artery, then a small area of ​​the lung is affected, which is manifested by spasms and the development of pneumonia. Blockage of a large artery can be fatal.

To prevent thrombophlebitis - the formation of blood clots in the blood vessels of the lower extremities, compression stockings are put on before the operation and blood thinners are administered.

Complications of the late postoperative period

The rehabilitation period after removal of the uterus is 1.5 - 2 months. During this period of time or after it, late complications may occur, accompanied by pain.

Adhesion formation

The adhesive process is an inevitable complication after operations of any kind, especially after intervention in the deep layers of soft tissues. Initially, exudate is formed, which covers the damaged area. Then, for two days, a febrinous formation is formed. Provided that normal intestinal motility and minor damage are maintained, they resolve on their own. If the wound surface is extensive and the patient is immobilized for a long time, collagen adhesions grow, causing a lot of inconvenience and discomfort.

The first thing you should pay attention to after removal of the uterus is pulling pains in the lower abdomen or side, depending on the place of development of the adhesive process, and disruption of the intestinal tract.

The occurrence of pain is associated with the following points:

  • due to the tension of adhesive formations during movement, the nerve endings of the organs involved in the process are irritated;
  • pain sensations arise due to stretching of blood vessels and nerves located in the adhesions themselves.

In the peritoneum, which covers the intestines, there are many receptors, and if they are connected by adhesive tissue, even a slight impact causes severe pain. This pathology leads to constipation, bloating, increased gas formation, and in the most advanced cases, intestinal obstruction.

After removing the body of the uterus, the anatomical arrangement of the organs is disturbed, while the muscles designed to hold it weaken. Since there is no attachment of the vagina to the uterus, it can fall, and sometimes even fall out.

At first, the symptoms of the disease are hardly noticeable, over time, the process is aggravated by the appearance of pain in the sacrum and perineum. There is a feeling of the presence of a foreign object between the genitals, in addition, everything is aggravated by urinary incontinence.

Special exercises will help strengthen muscle ligaments. Motor activity, moreover, will prevent muscle atrophy, help get rid of chronic pain in the pelvic area.


This disease stands aside from postoperative complications, but still the breasts can hurt after surgery, as other female reproductive organs continue to work. In the ovaries, if they are not removed, the production of sex hormones continues. Therefore, depending on the cyclicity, chest pains occur, against this background, an inflammatory process may develop, and then neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature.


After the operation, the patient stays in the hospital for a certain time, under the supervision of experienced specialists, and the complications of the early period cannot be ignored. Timely medical assistance will help to eliminate all negative consequences.

However, after returning home, many women ignore the onset of pain and other symptoms of late complications, mistakenly believing that these are normal phenomena after a hysterectomy. A condescending attitude towards one's health can result in irreparable consequences.

Therefore, it is necessary to regularly undergo preventive examinations and the necessary studies. Indeed, after the removal of the main female organ, life does not end and you can continue to enjoy every day you live and work fully.

Video: Removal of the uterus and possible consequences

Coccygodynia is a pain syndrome localized in the coccyx region, most often of traumatic origin. More often it occurs in women, this is due to their anatomical structure and childbearing. The coccyx is the terminal segment of the spine and has little mobility.

  • Excessive pressure on the coccyx area.
  • Tumors or infections in the coccyx.
  • Diseases of the neuromuscular apparatus in the sacrococcygeal region.
  • Degenerative changes in the spine and herniated discs of the lumbar spine.
  • Diseases of the pelvic organs.
  • Diseases of the anorectal region.
  • Coccyx injury.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth.

Pattern: coccyx

Pattern: coccyx back and front

Symptoms of coccygodynia

Signs of coccygodynia depend on what exactly caused this pain. The doctor considers each case individually.

However, there are a number of common features that are characteristic of the pain syndrome in coccygodynia:

  • Increased pain during sitting, often prolonged.
  • The pain is localized in the coccyx area.
  • Exacerbation of pain when changing the position of the body from sitting to vertical.
  • The occurrence of pain during the act of defecation and constipation.

To correctly diagnose the cause of coccygodynia, you need to know what it is combined with. So, for example, pain in the coccyx, temperature, discomfort in the perineum can be signs of paraproctitis, rectal abscess.

If secretions from the genital tract with an unpleasant odor join, then there is a possibility that you are dealing with diseases of the genital organs - colpitis, endometritis, adnexitis, tubo-ovarian abscess, etc.

Pain in the coccyx after childbirth occurs due to injury to the ligamentous apparatus of the sacrococcygeal joint. Anatomically, the coccyx is mobile; at the birth of a child, it is able to lean back when the fetus passes through the birth canal.

Due to the large head of the baby, the anatomical features of the structure of the pelvis, degenerative changes in the spine, the ligaments can tear, which causes the coccyx to separate from the joint, which leads to pain syndrome - coccygodynia.

Pelvic floor prolapse after childbirth can lead to similar pain.

Pain can also occur during early pregnancy. The occurrence of such a pain syndrome is not always associated with the expectation of a child.

Also, pain in the coccyx can be the cause of a threatening spontaneous abortion. In later pregnancy, coccygodynia can be caused by a distended uterus pressing on the coccyx area or pinching a nerve.

An important role can be played by old injuries of the coccyx, diseases of the neuromuscular apparatus and spine, genitourinary system, diseases of the anorectal region - tumors, hemorrhoids, proctitis, etc.

Pain in the coccyx with hemorrhoids have the character of "reflected", they radiate from the main place of localization of pain - hemorrhoids. Such pain can spread along the entire anal canal and intensify during bowel movements.

Post-traumatic coccygodynia occurs as a result of a traumatic effect on the sacrococcygeal region. So there may be pain in the coccyx after falling directly on the coccyx area.

As a result, damage to the sacrococcygeal ligaments, separation of the coccyx, its fracture, damage to soft tissues, which will give pain, may occur.

Treatment of tailbone pain

How to treat coccygodynia? The choice of method depends on what caused the pain syndrome and is aimed primarily at eliminating this cause.

1. How to get rid of pain?

This question largely depends on the cause of the pain. After childbirth and with an injury to the coccyx, it is recommended to spend more time in a supine position, it is allowed to sit only on hard surfaces.

During pregnancy, a bandage will help well, it will reduce the pressure of the uterus on the coccyx area. If diseases of the pelvic organs, anorectal region, tumors and infections are established, then in this case it is these conditions that must be treated.

Pain syndrome will help relieve painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs: diclofenac, meloxicam, ibuprofen, ketorolac, etc. They can be used in various dosage forms.

Physiotherapy has become widespread:

  • diadynamic currents;
  • darsonvalization of the rectum;
  • UHF therapy;
  • ultrasound therapy in combination with hydrocortisone.

For hernias of the lumbar spine, skeletal traction can be used. If the pain syndrome is associated with a spasm of the pelvic floor muscles, massage can be used.

With serious injuries and significant pathological mobility of the coccyx, it is necessary to raise the question of removing the coccyx.

Treatment of coccygodynia with folk remedies is possible only in cases where serious injuries, infections and tumors are not involved. There are many recipes.

Here are some of them:

  1. Therapeutic mixture of vodka and honey. For 0.5 cups of vodka, 1 tbsp. honey and 2 tbsp. radish juice. This mixture is taken orally in 1 tsp. twice a day or used to massage the painful area.
  2. lavender angustifolia will help eliminate pain in the coccyx. Lavender flowers are poured with sunflower oil at the rate of 1:5, respectively. This mixture should be infused in a dark place for about 1.5 months. Then, for 1 month, it is rubbed into the area of ​​pain localization.
  3. Potato sprouts infused with medical alcohol have an analgesic effect. Parts of the plant with a length of at least 2 cm are used, they are washed, dried and placed on the bottom of a glass vessel, after which 0.5 liters of alcohol are poured. It is necessary to insist for 10 days in a dark place under a plastic cover. The tincture should not be taken internally, it is poisonous. It is used for rubbing the coccyx area. It can also be used for sciatica.

For the treatment of coccygodynia, not only these recipes are suitable. You can also use folk remedies used for herniated discs, spondylosis, deforming spondyloarthritis, arthrosis and arthritis of any localization.

Have you been scheduled for a back examination? Read the article about, it will be useful.

Lower back pain radiates to the buttocks? It looks like you have vertebrogenic lumbalgia and you need to start treatment urgently, read about it.

Is it hard to turn your neck? Most likely, this is vertebrogenic cervicalgia, you can read about the methods of its treatment.


For the treatment of pain, ointments based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used.
These include ointment:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Quick gel;
  • Nise gel;
  • Ketonal gel, etc.

Ointment for pain in the coccyx can be warming if it was caused by a muscle spasm.
Such ointments include:

  • "Finalgon";
  • "Capsicam";
  • "Apizatron", etc.


Is manual therapy indicated for tailbone pain?

Yes, manual therapy can be indicated for coccygodynia if the pain is associated with the pathology of the intervertebral discs and is caused by pinching of the nerve roots.

In all other cases, manual therapy is useless, and in case of traumatic injuries of the coccyx, it is even dangerous.

Does coccygodynia affect erection?

No, rather, these concepts are connected differently. Often, coccygodynia and erectile dysfunction simply accompany each other. This occurs with herniated intervertebral discs. Also, erection and ejaculation can increase the pain in the coccyx.

Diseases of the male genital organs often cause coccygodynia.

Is physical therapy effective?

Yes, physiotherapy has found wide application in coccygodynia. In combination with traditional methods of treatment, it is possible to achieve a faster recovery.

The following procedures apply:

  • diadynamic currents;
  • darsonvalization of the rectum;
  • UHF therapy;
  • mud and paraffin applications;
  • ultrasound therapy in combination with hydrocortisone;
  • other methods;

Below is a therapeutic gymnastic complex:

1. ball exercise. Position horizontally on the back. We grab the ball between the feet, imagine that we stretch the coccyx in the opposite direction from the crown, squeeze the ball between the feet for 5 s. We repeat 10-15 times.

2. Variation of the first exercise. Difference: the legs are bent at the knees, the feet rest on the floor, the ball is sandwiched between the knees.

3. pelvic lift. The legs must be bent at the knees, positioned shoulder-width apart, feet placed on the floor. We do pelvic lifts, the shoulder girdle remains on the floor. Each lift for 5-10 s. We repeat 10-15 times.

When a patient complains that his tailbone hurts, the doctor prescribes a full examination, because pain in this part of the body occurs for various reasons. And only after that, depending on the results and the condition of the patient, therapy is prescribed.

What is a coccyx in humans?

The coccyx is a section of the spinal column, consisting of 4-5 fused underdeveloped vertebrae. The coccygeal bone is a rudiment, an organ of no importance. If the coccyx itself hurts - doctors call this pain coccygodynia - it is more likely that this is a consequence of injury. Pain in the coccyx region caused by other causes - anorectal - may be reflected sensations from nearby internal organs.

Can the tailbone hurt?

Based on the cause of the disease, patients characterize pain in the coccyx as:

  • "shooting", sharp, aching, burning;
  • extending to the lower back, legs;
  • aggravated after sitting or standing, long-term stay in one position, prolonged lying, pressure in the lumbar region;
  • sharply increasing during the act of defecation.

Tailbone hurts - causes

In order to understand why the coccyx hurts, the patient sometimes has to undergo a large-scale study. Causes of pain in the coccyx:

  • injuries -, cracks, dislocations, displacements, bruises;
  • coccyx cyst;
  • tumors;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the spinal column - displacement of discs, hernia, osteochondrosis, pinched nerve endings;
  • diseases associated with the nerve endings and muscles of the pelvic floor;
  • diseases of the pelvic bones;
  • diseases of the rectum;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • the consequences of childbirth - pain in the coccyx in women occurs when the perineum is lowered, a fracture or injury to the coccyx and surrounding tissues during difficult childbirth;
  • the habit of sitting on too soft or hard;
  • the habit of spending a lot of time in the toilet;
  • wearing excessively tight clothing;
  • pain of unknown origin is also possible.

Sharp pain in the tailbone

A piercing, sharp pain in the coccyx in most cases occurs with a serious injury from a fall or blow in the pelvic region. Pain due to injury can be constant or paroxysmal, aggravated by walking, and pain in the coccyx when sitting is also likely. Localization of unpleasant sensations - in the coccyx or next to it. The tailbone hurts after an injury for a long time. Sometimes pain sensations reappear long after the injury, but their localization and character may change.

Severe cutting pain in the coccyx, radiating to the buttocks or spine, appears during periods of aggravation of diseases of the spine or with a cyst. In this case, acute pain spreads widely around the focus of the disease, and sensations "give" to the coccyx. A similar picture is observed with, which can occur in the sacral or lumbar region of the spine. Pinching of the sciatic nerve - sciatica - is accompanied by a sharp burning pain in the coccyx and lower back. A sharp pain in the coccyx area also appears during exacerbation of hemorrhoids and diseases of the rectum.

Aching pain in the coccyx

A dull pulling pain in the coccyx is inherent in inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. If the tailbone hurts, the causes in women are the ovaries or a gynecological pathology that causes painful periods. If the coccyx hurts in men, it may be an inflammation of the prostate. In addition, a strong aching pain in the coccyx is caused by a "jeep" disease, which occurs due to the habit of driving hard unsprung vehicles. Such a load first causes inflammation of the coccyx cyst, and then its purulent inflammation.

Pain in the coccyx when sitting and standing up

The reason that the coccyx hurts when sitting may be the habit of spending a lot of time on a soft sofa. At the same time, the coccyx is displaced and stagnation develops in the vessels supplying it with blood, which causes the accumulation of uric acid salts, which are the cause of pain. Pain in a sitting position in the coccyx also occurs in athletes, for example, cyclists and equestrians, who injure the coccyx bone while riding. The coccyx hurts when sitting and in women in whom it was deformed during childbirth (excessively unbent).

Thrills in the coccyx when standing up are characteristic of scars after surgery in the perineum, with. When standing up and in a sitting position, the coccyx also hurts with a dermoid cyst - a congenital anomaly, which consists in the formation of a cavity in the coccyx, which is filled with foreign tissue. In an inclined position, the coccyx hurts with inflammation in nearby organs - the intestines, bladder, uterus. Pain when bending over can occur due to endometriosis, cystitis, colitis, dysbacteriosis.

Tailbone hurts during pregnancy

The solution to the problem of why the tailbone hurts during pregnancy is tried by many representatives of the weaker sex. Pain in the coccyx during pregnancy can have a variety of reasons:

  • an old trauma, the consequences of which are aggravated when carrying a child;
  • inflammation of the internal organs, including the genital area.

In addition to the above reasons, there is one that is characteristic only for this stage in a woman's life. During the bearing of a child, the body of the expectant mother undergoes multiple physiological changes. The internal organs under the pressure of the growing uterus shift and some of them put pressure on the coccyx and shift it back. And since the coccygeal bone lacks flexibility, pressure on it is very painful.

Tailbone hurts after childbirth

Suffering from soreness in the coccyx during pregnancy, a woman dreams of getting rid of it after the birth of a baby. However, becoming a mother, she often wonders why the coccyx hurts in women even after childbirth. If the discomfort persists or intensifies, the cause may be an injury in the birth process, which went unnoticed due to pain from contractions or attempts. The most common injuries during childbirth are a fracture of the coccyx (often habitual) or an outpouring of blood in the tissue around the coccyx.

What to do if the tailbone hurts?

If a person suffers from pain in the coccyx area, a visit to the doctor is almost inevitable, because most of the causes are serious diseases, and the treatment of some problems is surgical. Before a visit to a medical institution, the patient should remember whether there have been recent injuries or falls, whether chronic diseases of the spine or internal organs have worsened, or whether inflammation has begun in the urogenital area.

Pain in the coccyx - which doctor should I contact?

With the question - what to do when the coccyx hurts, which doctor to contact - it is quite possible to approach a specialist in the registry. Most likely, the patient will first be referred to a surgeon who will conduct a comprehensive examination and determine if there is a problem in his specialty. If the surgeon does not find cracks, fractures, bruises and displacements, he will redirect the patient to a neurologist, osteopath, gynecologist or proctologist. The patient can go through these specialists on his own.

How to treat tailbone pain?

Patients with a complaint that the coccyx is very sore are first tried to be treated conservatively - without surgical intervention. He is prescribed rest and analgesic anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs - ibuprofen, naproxen, and so on. These drugs in this case are prescribed in the form of suppositories, microclysters or intramuscular injections. If they are ineffective with severe pain, the doctor may recommend an analgesic blockade using novocaine, lidocaine, or another drug that is injected into the tissues around the coccyx.

If the coccyx hurts due to some other disease, for example, inflammation of the internal organs, the treatment will consist in removing the inflammatory process and pain relief. In order not to take too many drugs, the patient can relieve pain in the coccyx with special circle-shaped seats that reduce pressure on the painful area. Pregnant women also have to reduce pain in the same way, due to the fact that they are prohibited from potent painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

To speed up the healing process, the doctor may advise physiotherapy (ultrasound, laser therapy, darsonval, paraffin or mud applications), massage, manual therapy, acupuncture or physiotherapy exercises. All these techniques help relieve severe pain, restore blood circulation, and promote healing of damaged tissues. At home, iodine will help relieve pain and inflammation - they need to lubricate the coccyx every night before bed.

Pain in the coccyx in women occurs not only after a bruise or fall, but also against the background of diseases of the urogenital area, birth trauma, with a deficiency of minerals, damage to bone structures. Coccygodynia causes discomfort, it is difficult for the patient to get up, sit, any physical activity increases discomfort.

What to do, which doctor to contact if the coccyx hurts a lot? What diseases provoke pain syndrome? Answers in the article.

Causes of discomfort

Pain in the coccyx area occurs in women under the influence of negative factors. Discomfort is manifested in patients of different ages.

Doctors distinguish two groups of causes that provoke pain in the coccygeal region:

  • coccygodynia. Discomfort develops against the background of coccyx diseases;
  • anococcygeal pains. Cause discomfort damage to organs and tissues of the pelvic zone.

The main causes of pain in the coccyx:

  • neurological diseases;
  • trauma to the lumbosacral zone at home or during training in the gym;
  • bruises, consequences of accidents, falls, accidental hitting the edge of a chair;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • period of menstruation;
  • stagnation of blood in the pelvis with hypodynamia;
  • bone destruction due to calcium deficiency;
  • malignant or benign tumor;
  • coccyx injury during childbirth;
  • purulent coccygeal cyst;
  • cancer of the pelvic bones;
  • inflammation in the bladder, ovaries, urethra, inner layer of the uterus and fallopian tubes;
  • bowel diseases: painful anal fissure, hemorrhoids, proctitis, dangerous pathology - rectal cancer;
  • persistent constipation, frequent diarrhea;
  • expansion of the pelvic bones in late pregnancy;
  • adhesive process after surgical treatment in the area of ​​the uterus and appendages, bladder or rectum.

Clinical picture

Main features:

  • pain in the coccyx area is acute or aching, it bothers you constantly or occurs periodically: when a woman gets out of bed / chair or sits down, when bending over, exerting herself, after a long walk;
  • with pain syndrome against the background, with not only acute pain in the lower back, but also neurological disorders appear. The patient complains of numbness of the lower extremities and toes, tingling sensation, cold, decreased sensitivity along the affected nerve. Mobility is often limited, it is difficult to overcome even short distances on foot;
  • when the coccyx is bruised, every movement causes pain, it is difficult to sit down, get up and lie down, analgesics give only temporary relief;
  • with inflammatory processes in the genitals, urethra, rectum, bladder, tumor process, pain in the lower abdomen and in the anus is disturbing. In infectious and inflammatory diseases, concomitant symptoms often appear: problems with urination, profuse vaginal discharge, often with pus and blood, burning and itching of the genitals, hyperemia of the external genital organs.

Probable diseases

The main types of pathologies:

  • external and internal hemorrhoids;
  • coccygeal cyst;
  • proctitis - an inflammatory process of an infectious nature in the rectum;
  • osteochondrosis in the lumbosacral zone;
  • oncopathology of the rectum;
  • inflammation of the ovaries, tubes, vaginitis, endometritis, colpitis;
  • urethritis, cystitis;
  • oncopathology of the pelvic bones;
  • injury to the coccyx during labor.

Note! Painful sensations in the coccyx area cause pathologies of a different nature. Among the diseases, both severe types and problems that are easy to deal with. The exact cause of discomfort can only be determined by a doctor based on the results of a patient's examination, after examining the data of x-rays, tomography, ultrasound, blood and urine test data.

Effective Treatments

What to do if the tailbone hurts? The doctor prescribes treatment according to the type and stage of the identified pathology.

Important points:

  • in case of injury or severe bruising of the coccyx zone, cold should be applied to the problem area in order to stop the development of swelling, reduce pain. Be sure to visit a traumatologist, make an x-ray of the lumbosacral zone in order to exclude a fracture of an important area;
  • if coccygodynia develops during pregnancy, the gynecologist prescribes an examination by an endocrinologist, traumatologist, neurologist, recommends an ultrasound scan, urine and blood tests to identify the cause of discomfort. Therapy is carried out taking into account the identified pathology and taking into account the condition: during pregnancy, many drugs and procedures cannot be carried out in order to exclude a negative effect on the fetus;
  • the appearance of acute or aching pain in the coccyx after childbirth is a sign of injury (excessive deviation of the bone process), against which a hematoma appeared. Most often, a negative condition develops at the birth of a large child, during difficult childbirth. When identifying a birth injury, the help of a specialist is needed, physiotherapy, analgesics, application of local remedies;
  • if discomfort in the lower spine sometimes develops during menstruation, then special measures are not needed to eliminate the negative syndrome. The repetition of negative symptoms, intense pain in the coccyx is a reason for a visit to the gynecologist and neurologist. Perhaps the cause of discomfort is a tumor in the genitals or a chronic inflammatory process has become aggravated;
  • in violation of the functioning of the sigmoid and rectum, the help of a proctologist is required. The doctor prescribes conservative therapy or surgery, depending on the stage of the disease. It is important to eliminate the prerequisites for relapses: at the end of the rehabilitation period, you need to move more actively to prevent blood stasis, pay more attention to the toilet of the genitals and the anus after defecation, monitor the quality of food, refuse dishes that irritate the intestinal mucosa;
  • when gynecological and neurological diseases are detected, a woman undergoes a course of treatment under the guidance of a narrow specialist. The best option is a combination of several types of therapy: medication, physiotherapy, limiting the load on the spine and lower limbs, reducing the risk of hypothermia and injuries;
  • if the pain appeared against the background of an acute deficiency of minerals, then the doctor prescribes vitamin-mineral complexes, effective preparations containing magnesium, calcium, vitamin D;
  • in the presence of an inflammatory process, the patient takes a blood test, bakposev from the vagina for microflora to identify dangerous pathogens. According to the results of the sensitivity test, the doctor prescribes the most effective antibiotics that suppress the activity of the infectious agent. Effective not only systemic drugs (injections, tablets), but also local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory action: vaginal suppositories, creams and ointments;
  • with the development of the tumor process, control of formation is required, timely removal of the coccygeal cyst. Small purulent tumors are removed on an outpatient basis, with active inflammation, a large affected area requires hospitalization in the surgical department. Next, the doctor excised the abscess under local anesthesia, then treatment takes place with the use of antibiotics, disinfectants, regenerating local agents;
  • in case of damage to the intervertebral discs, pinching of the sciatic nerve, violation of bone density, treatment is required under the guidance of a vertebrologist or orthopedic traumatologist. With osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral zone, negative changes in rare cases affect the coccyx zone. The sooner a woman pays attention to numbness in the lower back, pain in the hip, stiffness when sitting for a long time, the higher the chances of avoiding destruction of the intervertebral disc. Treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis is long-term, complex therapy: analgesics (tablets, injections and local remedies), exercise therapy, physiotherapy, acupuncture.

Learn about the symptoms and treatments for spinal deformities.

Instructions for the use of Movalis 15 mg tablets for the treatment of diseases of the spine are described on the page.

Go to the address and read about how and how to treat dorsal diffuse protrusion of the spinal discs.

Tailbone pain during pregnancy

Why does the tailbone hurt during pregnancy? One of the causes of discomfort is the expansion of the pelvic bones during the prenatal preparation of the body for the birth of a child. During pregnancy, not only the coccyx area often hurts, but also other organs that experience excessive pressure from the growing uterus. After childbirth, the discomfort disappears.

Among the causes of pain syndrome: neurological disorders, chronic injuries, prolapse of the perineum, scars in the anus after surgery, pinching of nerve fibers at the exit from the coccyx, orthopedic pathologies.

If the pain syndrome has intensified, uncharacteristic vaginal discharge has been added to the discomfort, the temperature has risen, pain during urination is disturbing, then doctors suspect infection, inflammation of the urethra or bladder mucosa. Proximity to the uterus and ovaries increases the danger to the fetus: the penetration of infectious agents into the amniotic fluid and tissues of a growing organism can cause severe lesions and malformations at the prenatal stage. It is important to diagnose the disease in time, treat a bacterial, fungal or viral infection.

With complaints about the development of coccygodynia during the period of bearing a child, the gynecologist prescribes an in-depth examination, directs the woman to narrow specialists to determine the cause of discomfort. Further treatment is carried out depending on the identified abnormalities.

Prevention of pain in the coccyx area is the prevention of injuries, falls, bruises, timely detection and treatment of diseases of the urogenital area, physical activity to prevent blood stasis, proper nutrition. Special exercises to strengthen the muscular corset prevent the risk of developing lumbar osteochondrosis.

With increasing discomfort, frequent pain in the coccyx, a woman needs to consult a specialist so that later she does not face advanced cases of osteochondrosis, a tumor process, and inoperable stages of rectal cancer. Particular attention should be paid during pregnancy: pain may indicate not only the natural expansion of the bones, but also inflammation in the pelvic area.

Video - a set of exercises for the treatment of pain in the coccyx in women:

Pain in the coccyx is a fairly rare phenomenon, which accounts for about 1% of cases of spinal problems. Pain can completely disrupt the usual way of life or cause significant discomfort. In addition, such pain can sometimes go away on its own without consequences, but in most cases it serves as a signal of serious pathological conditions of the body. Therefore, when pain appears in the coccyx area, it is necessary to visit a neurologist, orthopedic traumatologist or therapist.

The coccyx is the end part of the spine, which is attached to the sacrum with the help of a semi-movable joint and, in fact, is a rudiment. Namely, in animals this bone is responsible for the mobility of the tail, in humans, respectively, the coccyx remains, but the tail is absent.

The bone itself includes several tail vertebrae, which are not distinguished by anatomists and are considered to be a single whole. In its shape, the coccyx repeats the sacrum, while forming a bowl of the human pelvis. There are 4 types of coccyx configuration, which differ in direction and angle between the sacrum and the coccyx. Accept that in most cases pain that appears for no apparent reason (idiopathic) falls on type 4.

Coccyx Configuration - 4 Basic Types

Despite its rudimentary origin, a number of important functions are assigned to the coccyx. Many tendons, ligaments and muscles are attached to it, which support the internal organs, forming the pelvic floor. In addition, in a sitting position, the weight of the human body is distributed to the sit bones and tailbone.


Pain in the coccyx, or coccygodynia, in most cases occurs after 40 years, while women suffer from such manifestations much more often than men. The characteristic features of this syndrome are:

    discomfort during intercourse (in women);

    there may be difficulty in defecation;

    in a sitting position, when leaning forward, relief occurs;

    the pain intensifies immediately when standing up and when sitting for a long time on a hard surface;

    touching the coccyx area is palpable and painful;

    the pain has a clearly defined localization (between the buttocks in the region of the anus or just above it).

Causes of pain in the coccyx

Pain emanating from the sacrum and coccyx


Traumatization is one of the most common causes of pain in the coccyx. The following mechanisms of injury can cause coccygodynia:

    Chronic effect on the coccyx (in horseback riders, cyclists).

    Birth injury.

    Direct blow directly to the coccyx (when doing martial arts).

    Falling on the coccyx in a sitting position.

From a blow or a fall to the first signs of pain in the coccyx, a large amount of time can pass, so quite often the connection between injury and complaints is not compared. A fracture of the coccyx in most cases appears from a blow to its area, and subluxation most often occurs during childbirth. In the normal course of childbirth, as the fetus moves along the birth canal, the coccyx moves back slightly, thereby expanding the exit from the pelvis. But there are situations when, due to some features (rapid delivery, large fetus, narrow pelvis), the coccyx goes beyond its capabilities. In such cases, this bone becomes hypermobile, causing pain when standing up and sitting down.

During pregnancy, in contrast to the above causes, pain in the coccyx is physiological in nature. In a pregnant woman, all ligaments are in a state of increased stress, which is the cause of pain. This condition just needs to be endured, but do not forget that a pregnant woman is prone to cysts, tumors, hemorrhoids.

Pilonidal disease

Pilonidal disease (epithelial coccygeal duct, pilonidal cyst) is a process that begins in the hair follicle of the skin of the back (in the coccyx area). The hair, which is embedded under the skin, forms a passage for bacteria. This leads to the development of a cyst, which can break out through the fistulous opening with pus and cause a lot of inconvenience. Quite often, epithelial passages are asymptomatic and are detected incidentally.

It is generally accepted that there is a hereditary predisposition to the formation of pilonidal cysts. In addition, risk factors include poor hygiene, excessive hair growth, sedentary lifestyle, and obesity. Also, the disease has another rather unusual name - jeep disease. This name appeared due to the frequent complaints of American soldiers, who had abscesses opened after a long drive in jeeps on impassable roads.

Pilonidal cyst symptoms:

    soreness, sometimes unbearable, in the area of ​​​​the cyst;

    redness and swelling of the skin in the area above the inflamed area;

    visible passages and openings during a breakthrough of pus;

    fever (sometimes).

To confirm an accurate diagnosis, an ultrasound and x-ray examination is performed, in some cases a sample of discharge from the fistula is taken. The main treatment for suppuration of the epithelial passage is surgical cleaning. If during the diagnosis a large number of fistulous passages are found, then a dye is injected into them before the operation. All passages and cysts are excised during the operation, after which a bandage is applied to the wound. If necessary, antibiotics may be prescribed. Pilonidal disease tends to recur frequently, but if the operation is performed correctly, in most cases the disease recedes.

Tumors of the sacrococcygeal region

Most often, teratomas (tumors originating from germ cells) appear in the region of the sacrum and coccyx. These teratomas are usually benign and may contain a variety of tissues, including nails and hair. Germinal tumors in most cases are found in children, and the majority of cases are determined by ultrasound before birth. But there are times when teratomas begin to appear already in adulthood. When the tumor becomes malignant or infected, symptoms may appear that include redness of the skin, swelling, pain, sensation of a foreign body in the coccyx area. Benign germinal tumors are treated with surgery, malignant teratomas require aggressive chemotherapy, the prognosis in such cases is rather doubtful.

Metastases from tumors in other tissues and organs quite often get into the coccyx and sacrum. Cancer of the bladder, ovaries, endometrium, cervix, and intestines can metastasize to the bone. The defeat of metastases has characteristic features:

    the fact of having an oncological disease in the past (not always);

    most often metastases appear with the growth of the original tumor;

    pain is poorly relieved when using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;

    metastases in the spine lead to its destruction (pathological fractures);

    the appearance of weakness, the occurrence of subfebrile temperature and weight loss.

Obesity with an excess body mass index in men of more than 29.4, and in women - 27.4 is a powerful factor for the appearance of coccygodynia. Excess weight causes an incorrect position of the pelvis when sitting, which is accompanied by subluxation of the coccyx.

Idiopathic pain

Pain in the coccyx without a clarified cause is quite often a manifestation of coccygodynia. Such symptoms are characterized by a sudden appearance, and sometimes an unexpected disappearance. In some cases, the pain is chronic. Such patients are recommended anesthesia with analgesics and the occurrence of preventive physiotherapy.

Pain radiating to the coccyx area


Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins that are located in the lower part of the rectum. This disease has two forms - external and internal, which depends on the depth of the pathology. There is a predisposition to the disease in certain people. When exposed to certain factors, hemorrhoids appear. These triggers include chronic diarrhea or constipation, a low-fiber diet, and pregnancy.

Typical complaints of hemorrhoids are itching and bleeding from the anus. In some cases, excruciating pain can develop, which is most often associated with vein thrombosis. A prolapsed and pinched hemorrhoidal node becomes clogged with blood, which can lead to severe bleeding or necrosis of the tissues of this node. Therefore, if there is severe pain in the coccyx area, which is accompanied by profuse bleeding, it is necessary to immediately undergo an examination by a specialist.

Hemorrhoids are often combined with fissures near the anus, which can cause pain and discomfort, which is aggravated by defecation. Accordingly, an examination by a proctologist in combination with the use of rectoscopy is necessary for people who complain of pain in the coccyx area. Surgical treatment and compliance with a sparing regimen during an exacerbation of the disease can eliminate or minimize the feeling of discomfort.


Colon cancer can have a variety of manifestations, including pain in the coccyx. With the growth of the tumor inside the intestinal lumen, difficulties with defecation and bleeding come to the fore. However, there are cases when the tumor begins to grow outward. In such cases, it can cover the rectum, affect the bladder, the wall of the uterus (in women), as well as the coccyx and sacrum. This process is accompanied by the involvement of a large number of nerve pathways, which causes severe pain.

Signs of the presence of malignant neoplasms:

    have been treated for bowel cancer in the past;

    fever to subfebrile levels, general weakness;

    pain localized to the left of the coccyx and not dependent on posture;

    rectal bleeding containing pieces of tissue and blood clots;

    weight loss in the last 6 months that is not dependent on diet;

    pains of a "gnawing" nature, which primarily torment at night.

These items do not necessarily indicate the presence of cancer, but require consultation with a doctor.

piriformis syndrome

Soreness in the sciatic nerve, which is associated with spasm in the piriformis muscle, is called piriformis syndrome. Such a pathology occurs with a curvature of the spine, after unusual physical activity, due to the anatomical features of the muscle, due to injury. In this case, the spasmodic muscle begins to compress the nerve, which can lead to its inflammation.

Complaints characteristic of the symptom of the piriformis muscle:

    pain radiating to the coccyx and groin area;

    pain in the leg of a burning or aching character;

    pain spreading down the outer side of the lower leg;

    the focus of pain, localized in the center of the buttock.

Piriformis syndrome is a rather rare diagnosis, which can only be confirmed by carrying out novocaine blockade in the area of ​​the corresponding muscle. When the pain subsides after this procedure, it can be concluded that the cause of the pain was compression of the sciatic nerve. In addition, such a blockade is a medical procedure. Another way to treat this pathology is to take muscle relaxants and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, nise).


Endometriosis is the process of invasion of the cells that make up the inner lining of the uterus into other organs and tissues. The topmost layer of the membrane is shed monthly, causing the woman to menstruate, during which it is excreted from the body. If endometrial cells appear in the ovaries, cervix, uterine wall and other organs, then they will continue to “menstruate”. Pain is caused by the release of blood.

Pain in the coccyx in women appears when foci of endometriosis form in the region of the posterior wall of the uterus, rectum, utero-sacral ligaments. The main feature of such pain is the intensification of pain before menstruation and weakening after it.

Diagnosis of this disease is carried out by ultrasound. With a strong pain syndrome, laparoscopic surgery is often performed, during which the largest foci are found and cauterized. Less pronounced pain can be relieved by using oral contraceptives. In some cases, hormonal drugs may be prescribed.

With inflammation of the uterine appendages (andexitis), in addition to the typical pain on the left or right, pain may appear that radiates to the rectum. In addition, pain in the coccyx area may indicate the termination of an ectopic pregnancy (blood accumulates in the Douglas space).

Diseases of the lumbosacral spine

The spine experiences a tremendous load in the region of the spine, so almost every person after 40 years of age has osteochondrosis of this department. In addition, various degrees of curvature, spondylolisthesis, and intervertebral hernia are quite common. If the nerve roots are involved in the pathological process, it develops a radicular syndrome:

    pain in the leg, most often in the lower leg;

    pain in the coccyx and lower back of a periodic nature;

    discomfort in the rectum and groin;

    tingling and burning, which manifests itself in parallel with pain.

Spinal diseases are diagnosed using MRI. If changes dangerous to health and large hernias are detected, an operation is performed, but in most cases the pain syndrome is removed by conservative methods. To do this, use painkillers (nise, ibuprofen and NSAIDs), sparing regimen, epidural anesthesia (injection into the lumbar anesthetic). As the pain subsides, physical procedures, massage, swimming in the pool are prescribed.

The main types of pain in the coccyx

The nature of the pain

Other symptoms

Diagnostic methods

piriformis syndrome

Pain radiating down the coccyx. The source of pain is in the middle of the buttock and extends down the leg.

    pain worse at night;

    pain when the bent leg is abducted to the side;

    pain in the leg and coccyx increases with uneven load on the spine

Doctor's examination

Diagnostic novocaine blockade


Chronic pelvic pain that gets worse before menstruation

When combined with endometriosis of the cervix - bloody discharge

Ultrasound, examination, laparoscopy, vaginal examination


Acute severe pain in the region of the rectum and coccyx with thrombosis of the node

    prolapsed hemorrhoids;

    itching in the anus;

    rectal bleeding (scarlet blood)

Rectoscopy, examination

Tumors of the coccyx and sacrum

Aching sharp pain, especially at night, which is poorly relieved by NSAIDs

    recurrence of a malignant neoplasm;

    weakness, fever, weight loss;

    visually identifiable mass under the skin

Examination, osteoscintigraphy, CT, MRI, ultrasound

Pilonidal cyst

Pain in the area of ​​the fistula or abscess


    discharge of pus from fistulous passages;

    swelling and redness of the skin

Examination, ultrasound, use of dye before surgery

coccyx injury

Pain after a difficult birth, blow, fall

    symptoms of coccygodynia;

    bruise in the coccyx area

Rectal examination, MRI, x-ray,


Severe pain in the coccyx when sitting and standing up

Heaviness in the coccyx area

Examination, rectal examination

Diagnosis of pain in the coccyx


During the examination, the doctor, first of all, to determine the source of pain, examines the problem area with his hands (palpates). External palpation puts pressure on the coccyx, which can cause or increase pain. Also, discomfort can be when touched around the tail bone within 5-6 centimeters.

Also, a rather informative way is to feel the coccyx during a rectal examination. In this case, it becomes possible to assess the mobility of the bone joints, as well as exclude neoplasms in the region of the vagina or rectum.


With the help of x-ray examination of the sacrococcygeal region, it is possible to identify chronic or recent injuries that led to pain. However, the coccyx in many patients has its own individual anatomical features that are not associated with pain. Therefore, an x-ray does not guarantee an accurate diagnosis.

ultrasound, MRI

    Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs in order to exclude inflammatory and neoplastic diseases.

    MRI makes it possible to exclude pathologies of the spinal column in the lumbar region, since the presence of a large vertebral hernia in this section can lead to the development of a severe pain syndrome.

    In addition, with the help of MRI diagnostics, it is possible to exclude diseases of the female genital organs and the bladder, the pathology of which can cause pain that radiates to the coccyx.

    Bone scintigraphy is performed if metastases to the spine are suspected. It consists in introducing radioactive isotopes into the patient's body and recording their radiation.


Treatment of pain in the coccyx depends on the immediate cause of the pain. In inflammatory diseases, antibiotic therapy is carried out. Malignant or benign growths require chemotherapy and surgery. Fracture and dislocation of the coccyx primarily require qualified observation, and, if necessary, surgery or rectal reduction. When making a diagnosis of coccygodynia, treatment involves a set of standard measures:

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Symptomatic treatment allows you to relieve pain in order to eliminate their influence on the normal rhythm of the patient's life. There are a large number of NSAIDs, among which the most common are: piroxicam, diclofenac, indomethacin, ibuprofen. All these drugs have similar side effects, the main of which is the occurrence of gastrointestinal ulcers. Accordingly, it is not recommended to exceed the daily dose and take the drug for longer than 5 days.


With coccygodynia, problems with defecation appear. Straining leads to increased discomfort and pain, the fear of which causes "psychological constipation." Thus, a vicious circle is formed. The use of laxatives makes it easier to go to the toilet.

    Local anesthetic injection.

If painkillers in tablets do not have the desired effect, local anesthetics are injected into the coccyx area. The procedure is not painful, while it allows you to remove the spasm of the tissues surrounding the coccyx, which in some cases leads to the retreat of coccygodynia.

    Use of special pillows.

In orthopedic salons and pharmacies, special donut- or wedge-shaped pillows are sold. They allow you to unload the coccyx area and eliminate its contact with a hard surface. In the presence of true coccygodynia, this method is also used for prevention purposes.


Any physical impact is allowed only after the exclusion of the inflammatory process. Apply darsonvalization, paraffin applications, magnetic, ultraviolet, laser treatment. Such procedures are especially useful for patients with chronic pain, when muscle spasm prevents recovery.

    Removal of the coccyx.

Very rarely, the removal of the coccyx (coccyxectomy) is used. In the absence of the effect of other types of therapy, a decrease in the quality of life, severe pain, the surgeon can apply surgical treatment. The postoperative period implies the occurrence of infectious complications, so coccycotomy is the last method that doctors resort to.

    Pain relief at home.

When confirming the diagnosis of coccygodynia, the attending physician will recommend that you follow simple rules that are aimed at controlling pain in the coccyx.

    Eating foods rich in fiber (to prevent constipation).

    Taking NSAIDs (for example, ibuprofen) with intense pain, but not longer than 5 days.

    Using orthopedic donut pillows for forced sitting.

    Limiting time spent in a sitting position.

Questions asked by the doctor at the appointment

Before contacting a doctor, you should determine the answers that may be needed for an accurate diagnosis of the disease.

    Where exactly is the pain located (area, point, or generalized feeling)?

    What is the degree of pain intensity on a 10-point scale?

    Was the pain associated with surgery or a fall, and when did it first appear?

    What factors provoke the appearance or increase of pain (defecation, sexual intercourse, walking, standing up, sitting)?

    How long can you sit before the pain becomes unbearable and you have to get up?

    Have you used orthopedic pillows before?

    How does the body react to the use of analgesics?

    Is there blood in the stool, what are the difficulties with defecation?

    Do you have urinary incontinence or trouble urinating?

    Have you had cancer?

    How was the last birth and when were they?

    Are there or were there gynecological pathologies?

    Are there any discomfort in the legs?

    Has there been any recent weight loss?

When is it necessary to urgently contact a specialist?

    If you have had cancer before.

    If fistulas or redness and swelling of the skin appear in the coccyx area.

    If the pain is not stopped by painkillers and grows.

    If there is rectal bleeding.

    If the body temperature rises with pain.

The prognosis for the appearance of pain in the coccyx

The development of pain syndrome is directly proportional to its causes. In the case of competent treatment, even oncological processes can have a positive outcome. Without proper therapy, pain can develop into chronic pain, which will affect the quality of life of the patient and his performance. Therefore, to avoid complications and a favorable outcome, two components are necessary: ​​timely treatment and correct diagnosis.

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