What does a killer in white gloves mean. The most terrible serial killers are women (16 photos)

The situation that has developed in our troubled world is such that every day on TV or in the newspaper we are told about new crimes committed, which sometimes amaze with their bloodthirstiness and inhumanity. At all times there have been mentally ill people who simply went and killed, killed a lot and with particular cruelty. And most of the perpetrators were men. Therefore, when we find out that a woman committed a deliberate terrible crime that has no justification, it becomes doubly terrible.

Bella Sorenson Guinness

This killer was nicknamed "The Black Widow", on account of which 42 victims. The motives for her actions were greed and money, and the woman received perverted pleasure from her actions. Bela was born in Norway, then moved to the USA. Here she became the wife of an entrepreneur from Chicago. Her two daughters strangely died over time. The symptoms resembled colitis, but historians believe that this may have been the work of their mother. After all, all the signs spoke of poisoning / The death of the children made it possible for Bella to receive insurance. Soon the husband also died, unexpectedly poisoned by his own medicines. The widow received insurance in this case as well. The funds received enabled Bella to purchase the farm. But her husband's relatives decided that the death was not accidental, suspecting Bella herself of the crime. She, without wasting time in vain, meanwhile put on stream the murder of her lovers. She advertised, organizing love correspondence. Middle-aged men came to her house, wishing to meet an interesting widow. Bella easily lured guests into her bed, they did not assume that the pretty woman was a cold-blooded killer. All men have had accidents. As a result, the woman was able to bury 42 husbands, eventually accumulating more than a quarter of a million dollars. However, evil could not go unpunished. Black Widow also ended tragically. She simply disappeared, eventually her body was found in the forest. Someone beheaded the woman, and then burned the body. True, there were rumors that the found body did not belong to Bella at all, but she herself was able to hide and avoid punishment.

Jane Toppan

In this list, this is the first representative of medicine. Jane, as a nurse, attacked her sick and infirm patients. : the woman grew up restless, thanks to her difficult childhood. Her father was insane and refused to care for her. She herself ended up growing up in Boston, in an orphanage. Foster parents were also extremely poor, which only increased her anger towards others. When Jane was studying to be a nurse, her teachers noted her strange interest in photographs of autopsied bodies. But this behavior did not prevent her from completing her education and starting to work with patients. Patients immediately liked her, a pleasant nurse was called "Jolly Jane." But in the course of her work, the woman discovered that she literally gets sexual pleasure from injecting drugs into patients and then finding them on the verge of life and death. Jane took care of many sick people. When they were unconscious, she touched them, while experiencing sexual arousal. In 1885, Toppan tightened her experiments, turning them into murders, as a result she was arrested, convicted of proven 11 deaths. When Jane was under arrest, she confessed to another 31 murders. The examination proved that "Jolly Jane" could not be found guilty due to her insanity. After sentencing, the killer spent the rest of her life in a psychiatric hospital.

Countess Elizabeth Bathory

The exact number of victims of this "bloody countess" remained unknown, historians speak of 30-650 victims. Legends say that a capricious woman loved to take baths with the blood of her victims, who certainly were young girls. The countess believed that such bathing could prolong her youth, and even improve the condition of her skin. The woman abused her power in every possible way, bringing to death many of her subjects. The crimes were characterized by extreme sadism, while the Countess herself experienced sexual pleasure. The woman forced her subjects to lick the blood from the bodies of her naked victims. This addiction to blood ranked Elizabeth Bathory among the historically reliable vampires. She lured the most beautiful girls to her castle, and then to the dungeon, promising them work. The accomplice of the bloody killer was her husband, Ferenc Nadashdy. He gave his wife a castle so that she could use her wedding gift to carry out bloody torture. Rumors of numerous murders reached the Habsburg court. The emperor ordered to deal with the bloody killer. However, the high-profile trial did not take place. Noble relatives preferred to hide the countess in the dungeon of their own castle, where she died three years later at the age of 54.

Rosemary West

The only confirmed number of victims of this killer was 10 people. This woman was a colleague of another serial killer, Fred. Rosemary (or Rose) together with him made a pair of dangerous criminals, evil and heartless. Fred and Rosa pretended to be kind, inviting young girls to their place, promising them help with accommodation and food. But a terrible fate awaited the unfortunate victims. Rosemary herself had eight children, she worked for a long time as a prostitute in her own house-brothel. They also sold drugs there. The woman began to receive perverted pleasure from inflicting pain. The couple sadistically mocked the victims, tearing off their fingers, removing their kneecaps. Together with her husband, Rosa eventually managed to kill 10 people, including her own daughter Heather. The corpses of the wife were buried in their own garden, wielding during 1967-1987. The court subsequently found the woman guilty of the murder of her stepdaughter Michelle. Most likely, the number of victims was much higher, because Fred testified that he could be the killer of 20 more girls who went missing at that time. A jury sentenced the killers to life imprisonment. After the trial, all the judges were assigned to a session with a psychotherapist, the picture of deeds that opened up was so terrifying.

Eileen Wuornos

This woman had a very difficult childhood, moreover, disfigured by incect on the part of her grandfather. Is it any wonder that in the soul of a growing girl there was nothing but hatred for society and for men. Early sexual experience led to swagger. Already at the age of 13, Eileen became pregnant, and at the age of 15 she was kicked out of the house by her own grandfather. The woman had all the signs of a personality antisocial disorder. She repeatedly broke the law, robbing stores with weapons in her hands. Eileen even got married, the 70-year-old husband began to be subjected to physical violence. An elderly husband left his strange wife a month later, accusing her, moreover, of wasting his money. But she found herself another mate - a woman, Tiria Moore. Eileen was forced to work as a prostitute, earning a living for both. But such an occupation was quite dangerous. One day Eileen killed a man. According to her, he had previously brutally raped her, so it was an act of self-defense. The feeling of blood took possession of the woman, she soon killed 6 more people in Florida. They were all drivers without passengers, middle-aged. They agreed to give the woman a ride and have sexual contact with her. The gun was invariably the murder weapon. Based on the story of Eileen, the film "Monster" was filmed, starring Charlize Theron. She received an Oscar for this, and the killer herself received the death penalty in 2002.

Andrea Yates

Often a series of crimes are committed under the influence of severe mental disorders. Schizophrenia can "reward" criminals with a voice that gives them instructions for action. Andrea Yates had just such a situation, it was a serious mental illness that caused the woman to kill her five children by drowning them in the bathtub. The woman was never diagnosed with schizophrenia, but she had serious mental disabilities. This includes prolonged severe postpartum depression and a suicide attempt. The birth of a large number of children with a minimum interval as a result plunged the woman into a psychological hole. Her husband, a computer engineer from NASA, who wanted to have many descendants, can also be considered the culprit. True, he subsequently shifted the blame for what happened to the family psychiatrist. The specialist was accused of failing to realize the severity of the situation and signal it. As a result, one day a woman decided to achieve a state of rest in a terrible way - for an hour she methodically, one by one, drowned all her babies in the bathroom. The oldest was only 7 years old, and the youngest was 6 months old. After the deed, the woman called 911 and her husband. Giving an interview, the criminal then confessed that she wanted to kill the children, since they were not righteous. Being a zealous Catholic, Andrea suddenly realized that her own sins would not allow her children to grow up to be exemplary Christians. In the end, taking their lives seemed like the best solution to her.

Beverly Alitt

And this serial killer was a nurse. The Englishwoman abused her position to satisfy her secret fantasies. Beverly attacked not the elderly, but defenseless children. She gave them an injection of potassium chloride or insulin, causing cardiac arrest. As in the case of other serial killers, the thirst for new crimes grew. In her ward, a nurse abused 13 children, killing four of them. All this happened over the course of two months. The victims were babies aged from two months to five years. In the case of two-month-old Becky Philips, the parents were so grateful to Beverly for taking care of the baby that they asked to be her godmother. But it was the nurse's injections that caused the subsequent paralysis and brain damage. Only after the last case with one and a half year old Claire, the hospital administration called the police, suspecting something was wrong in such a frequent cardiac arrest in children. It turned out that in all cases, Beverly was on duty. After the arrest of the nurse, psychiatrists talked to her, who revealed that Beverly had a disorder known as Munchausen's syndrome. Alitt was sentenced to life imprisonment in a special clinic that houses the criminally insane.

Karla Homolka

This Canadian girl of Czech origin became addicted to Satanism in her youth. At one time she worked part-time in veterinary clinics, killing animals. Soon, 17-year-old Carla met 23-year-old Paul. He was interested in the sophisticated fantasies and sadistic orgies of his girlfriend. Having tried their ideas on themselves, the couple decided to move on to "live material". Carla lured young girls into her house, creating a real prison for them there. The sexual atrocities carried out by the couple surpassed anything ever known. As a result, three girls aged 13-15 became victims. Paul made them beg him for sex by raping and filming it all. His girlfriend also took an active part in the action. After her arrest, Carla gave evidence that allowed her to be sentenced to only 12 years. But Paul will spend the rest of his life behind bars. Carla shied away from responsibility, shifting all of it to her partner. He acted as the executor of the plans of his girlfriend, the director. Psychologists also proved that the girl is practically healthy, although some deviations could provoke such a wave of cruelty.

Susan Smith

This woman also suffered from a personality disorder, which caused the death of her two sons, Alex and Michael. The woman was unhappy as a child, experiencing sexual abuse and incest. She claimed that her stepfather had raped her, and when the relationship opened, her mother blamed her for everything. This was the impetus for Susan to develop her narcissistic illusions. A young mother strapped her children into the back seat of her car, letting the car roll off the boat dock and into the lake. At the same time, Susan claimed for a long time that the children were kidnapped by a black man. The woman asked for help on television, the case received great publicity. But Susan was unable to pass the lie detector when asked if she knew the whereabouts of her children. As a result, her guilt was proven. The motive for the crime was the love of a rich admirer who did not want to see other people's children around him. The woman received a life sentence, already in prison having entered into a sexual relationship with at least two guards.

Diana Downes

In 1984, this woman killer was convicted. The court proved her guilt in inflicting severe physical injuries on three of her children, one of whom later died. Diana changed her love for children to a passion for a strange man. Her lover, Lew, somehow made it clear to her that other people's children did not appear in his plans for a life together. Then Diana began the cold-blooded destruction of the "hindrances" to her happiness. It was late at night when the woman put the children in the car and drove them to a deserted place. There, she killed 7-year-old Cheryl with a pistol, injuring Christy and Danny. The unfortunate until the last moment did not understand what their own mother was doing to him. Three-year-old Danny, as a result of shots at point-blank range, was paralyzed from the waist down, and eight-year-old Christy - speech failure and paralysis of half of the body. In court, Christie had difficulty explaining to the jury what had happened. Now child murderer Diana Downes is serving a prison sentence.

Katherine Knight

Katherine Knight is the first woman in Australian history to be sentenced to life in prison without parole. In October 2001, during a family quarrel, she bludgeoned her partner, John Charles Thomas Price, with a butcher knife, after which she abused the dead body. She stabbed him about 30 times with a meat-cutting knife, after which she removed the skin from the corpse. To top it off, Katherine Knight dismembered the corpse and stewed the severed head along with the vegetables. The motive for the crime is a banal insult. As the investigators found out, Knight's roommate decided to break up with her, kick her out of the house and disinherit her.

Queen Mary I

The daughter of Henry VIII and his first wife went down in the history of England as a monarch who tried to return the country to the bosom of the Roman Catholic Church after her father, having quarreled with the Pope, declared himself the head of the new Anglican Church. The restoration took place against the backdrop of brutal executions of Protestants, persecution and murder of innocent people, for which the people nicknamed the Queen Bloody Mary. Under this name, she went down in history.

Myra Hindley

Myra Hindley and Ian Brady were the performers of the Moor Murders, in Manchester in the 60s. Together, these two monsters were responsible for the kidnapping, sexual coercion, torture and murder of three children under the age of 12 and two teenagers, aged 16 and 17. Hindley was turned in to police by her 17-year-old half-brother, but she pleaded not guilty to any of the murders. Myra was found guilty of three murders and sentenced to life in prison. She never left the prison walls and died in captivity in 2002.

Irma Grese

The overseer of the death camps Ravensbrück, Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen went down in history under the nicknames "Blonde Devil" and "Angel of Death". One of the most cruel women's concentration camp guards in Nazi Germany. While torturing prisoners, she resorted to both physical and psychological violence, beat women to death, and amused herself by shooting prisoners. She starved her dogs to set them on her victims, and personally selected hundreds of people to be sent to the gas chambers. Grese wore heavy boots, she always had, in addition to a pistol, a wicker whip. She was sentenced to death by hanging.

Isabella of Castile

Isabella of Castile and her husband Ferdinand of Aragon stood at the origins of the unification of Spain and the formation of a strong state: a dynastic marriage led to the union and unification of Castile and Aragon into one kingdom - Spain. Notorious for her cruelty towards non-Catholics: a passionate and devout Catholic, she appointed Tomás Torquemada as the first Grand Inquisitor of the infamous Spanish Inquisition and ushered in an era of religious purges. The Inquisition persecuted heretics, Moors, Marans, Moriscos. Under Isabella of Castile, most of the Jews and Arabs left Spain - about 200 thousand people, and the rest were forced to accept Christianity, which, however, rarely saved the converts from death at the stake.

Ilsa Koch

German NSDAP activist, wife of Karl Koch, commandant of the Buchenwald and Majdanek concentration camps. Included in the list of the most cruel women in the world. Best known under the pseudonym "Frau Lampshade". Received the nickname "Buchenwald Witch" for the brutal torture of the camp prisoners. Koch was also accused of making souvenirs from human skin. The skin of gypsies and Soviet prisoners with tattoos on their backs and chests was of the greatest value to the devil-needlewoman. Prisoners of war disfigured their skin in those places where there were tattoos, they preferred to die in gas chambers. Ilse Koch committed suicide by hanging herself in a women's prison on September 1, 1967.

Who supplies dangerous medical products to Russia and why?

In terms of toxicity, such medical gloves are second only to radioactive waste. Therefore, they cannot even be disposed of. Doctors who are forced to wear them have ulcers on their hands. And this is attention! - medical gloves! That is, medical examinations are carried out in them, all kinds of operations are performed, during which the poison, perhaps, penetrates directly into open wounds, into internal organs ... And no one knows how many patients could not get up from the operating table because of this. Do you think officials and suppliers of these gloves to Russian hospitals are not aware of the scandal? Wrong! Who and how imports toxic products into Russia and supplies our consumers with toxic products is under investigation by MK.

Drawing by Alexey Merinov

“I felt like the victims of Hiroshima”

Every story, no matter how dark, must have a beginning. But from what moment should this story begin, because no one can unequivocally say when exactly toxic gloves began to enter Russian hospitals? The Russian firms Medcom-M and Medbusinessservice-2000 signed a contract with representatives of the French company Ansell back in 2002-2004. In our country, this manufacturer is well known, approximately 40 to 60% of medical latex products used in Russia (and these are not only surgical and examination gloves, but also blood transfusion systems, etc.) are produced by it.

The noise started 4 years ago. At the end of 2006, the phone of the head of the Moscow company Medbusinessservice (which had just collaborated with Ansell) began to ring with calls from outraged doctors. One of the first to call was a friend of the head of the company, Alexander Demyanenko, the chief urologist of the Krasnodar Territory, Vladimir Medvedev. He said: what's the matter - I have ulcers all over my hands from your gloves! Then several official letters came from the heads of medical institutions in different cities, which said that doctors refused to wear gloves that this company supplied them. And the Rostov Oncological Institute and the diagnostic center broke the contracts altogether. Yes, they are not alone.

“I examined a woman - I checked how her pregnancy was proceeding,” recalls Galina Videnina, a gynecologist at the Ryazan Clinical Hospital No. 8. — As usual, I used disposable gloves. I wore them for three minutes, no more. And after another 5 minutes I look - my hands have become bluish-red. And there was a strong itch. Colleagues introduced me to a solution with diphenhydramine, with which I lubricated my hands. I didn’t wear gloves anymore that day, and since there were many patients, I forgot about the unpleasant incident. Only all the time I felt that I was itching in one or another place under my clothes. And when I came home and looked in the mirror, I was horrified - my body was exactly the same bluish color. I immediately realized that it was from gloves, that they were highly toxic and the poisons got into the blood, since the reaction spread throughout the body after 6-8 hours.

Videnina told the head nurse about the unpleasant incident, she told the head doctor, but the dangerous gloves were not seized, and the doctors continue to use them to this day!

“I know many doctors in our hospital whose hands were covered with sores from gloves, eczema appeared,” continues Videnina. - One of my colleagues even retired earlier because of this. In general, everyone reacts differently to gloves. Later, when I began to compare the facts, I realized that the papules on my back, which I had appeared and disappeared for a year and a half, were the result of intoxication. And any doctor knows that if something appears on the skin, then the internal organs (and primarily the liver, kidneys) have already suffered greatly. Then for a long time I removed toxins from the body with strong drugs, which were used even by victims of the explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Most of all, Galina Konstantinovna worries that she examined more than one pregnant woman with toxic gloves. Did she harm the fetus? And the doctor, after all, performed operations in them, during which she directly came into contact with toxic latex with the uterus, ovaries, intestines, liver, spleen of patients ... But what if the internal organs of patients after contact became the same as her hands?

Doctors at the Russian Children's Clinical Hospital, located in southwestern Moscow, share Videnina's horror. They complained about gloves for a long time. As a result, all employees of the anesthesiology-reanimation department and the operating unit were once examined by dermatologists. And it turned out that because of these gloves, doctors and nurses developed contact dermatitis, cracks and peeling of the skin from the hands to the forearms appeared. The doctors of the hospital wrote a letter to the Ministry of Health and Social Development, they have been waiting for an answer for three years ...

Do not believe it, but not only doctors and their patients, but even ... cars suffered from strange gloves. At the end of 2006, at the Ford plant in St. Petersburg, the managers and workers of this enterprise had complaints about the quality of the goods supplied by Medcom Spb through CJSC Trade House Vostok-Service (a major distributor of Ansell S.A. in Russia). It was a model of Dermaclean gloves, which, after contact with the body of the manufactured car, left traces of unknown origin (as if after lubrication). And even after painting the car, these most strange spots remained on the metal.

Your hands smell like poison

Demyanenko ordered an independent examination at the Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Expertise. Scientists' verdict: "Not recommended for use in terms of toxicity." A month later, another examination was made at the Research and Testing Institute of Medical Technology. The result is that all samples of diagnostic and surgical gloves are toxic. In February 2008, the company "Medbusinessservice-2000" seemed to have had its distributorship revoked. But gloves through other suppliers continued and continue to come to Russia now.

Here is the correspondence with Roszdravnadzor, Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Health and Social Development and other departments. They all either translated the arrows to each other, or unsubscribed. Here, for example, the deputy head of Roszdravnadzor indicated in her response, they say, since the gloves have certificates of conformity and sanitary conclusions, there are no complaints about them. At the same time, note that even the available certificates confirmed that the gloves corresponded in terms of tightness, strength, etc., but they did not confirm their non-toxicity.

True, after an appeal to the Minister of Health, the head of Roszdravnadzor, Yurgel, signed an order in July 2008 that suspended the registration certificate “Medical gloves: surgical and diagnostic, latex and synthetic, sterile and non-sterile manufactured by Ansell”. Argumentation - in connection with the identification of facts and circumstances that pose a threat to the life (!) And health of people. Although the order may seem like a certain progress in this story, but, alas, everything is not so rosy. After all, in pursuit of him, an order was not issued to suspend the supply of gloves to Russia. In September, at the direction of Roszdravnadzor, another test was carried out at VNIIIMT, which once again (what a number!) Confirmed that gloves are dangerous.

But Russian firms posing as Ansell distributors sued and won the case, canceling the order to suspend the registration certificate. On the grounds that the studies carried out were laboratory and not clinical in nature.

Since representatives of the company questioned the results of Russian examinations, it was decided to do the analysis in France itself. The world-famous NAMSA laboratory determined whether extractable compounds from the material could have cytotoxicity. The French experts concluded, and I quote from the paper, “significant cytotoxicity with an average cell reduction percentage of 96.9”.

But all this for Russian officials and justice is like an empty phrase. The Prosecutor General's Office correctly kept silent ... Then the entrepreneurs rushed to the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry: they say, how is it that Russian people are being poisoned, but no one cares. The President of the Chamber made an inquiry to the largest institutions.

Before me are the results of the examination of the testing laboratory of the Federal Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in 2002, the Testing Laboratory Center of the Federal Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision in 2004, the accredited testing laboratory of the NIIR Research Institute of Rubber and Latex Products in 2005 ... All of them still said then, that Ansell gloves are toxic and not recommended. But why didn't they listen to the experts?

“There are about 35 laboratories in Russia that have the right to issue certificates,” explains Demyanenko. - So, representatives of the company gave gloves for examination to one, and if they were rejected there, then they carried them to another, third ... tenth. In the end, there were those who agreed to give a positive conclusion. And since information about such examinations is considered confidential, the laboratories that detected the toxins did not have the right to declare this to the regulatory authorities.

Another interesting fact turned out - back in 2005, American consumers refused to purchase gloves from this company. The reason was a scandal at the Oregon Ophthalmological Institute, where it was found that the use of these medical latex products leads to diffuse lamellar keratitis (corneal inflammation) in patients in 85% of cases. And in Russia in 2007 alone, and only according to official data, 26 million pairs of surgical gloves and 255 million pairs of diagnostic (examination) gloves were delivered hazardous to health.

Radiation "frying pan"

Where, you say, does toxicity come from? We can only guess, - sighs the head of the National Scientific Center for Toxicological and Biological Safety of Medical Devices (gloves were also examined here), Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Negmat Benyaev. — One of the stages of production is the washing of gloves. After that, by the way, a huge amount of heavy metals is formed in the water. This water is then disposed of - it cannot be dumped into a conventional sewer. The costs for this are huge. Apparently, manufacturers, in order to save money, violate this technological cycle.

Other experts have another suggestion that gloves are not properly sterilized (this is done using radiation). To speed up the process, they put a whole package in a special pipe instead of several pairs. And so that they are definitely “fried”, they increase the dose of radiation. What happens to the latex in this case, how it “regenerates” and what dangerous substances appear in it, even chemists cannot say for sure.

By the way, almost all the gloves to which there were claims were made at 8 factories located in Asia - Thailand, China, Malaysia, Sri Lanka. And none of the Russian officials who gave permission for their use in our country has ever been there to make sure that all technologies are observed at the plants ...

What do Ansell think about this?

“They don't even know anything about contracts with Russian firms,” says Alexei Vashchenko, an independent expert who conducted his own investigation.

- Interpol gave the following answer: the head office of Ansell is not located in France, as indicated in the contracts of our distributors, but in Belgium. And the most incredible thing: an employee of the company, a certain Adria Xorgo, whose signature is on contracts with the largest Russian distributor Medcom, had no right to sign such contracts. Moreover, contracts were concluded on her behalf even after she no longer worked at Ansell. It turns out that Interpol confirmed that all this time the gloves were supplied to Russia under invalid contracts. Then the question arises: what products were purchased? Was it really an Ansell product? Or the same fake, i.e. counterfeit?

“This story is the rarest example when a company violated everything that can be violated,” says the head of the department of the Russian State Technical University, Professor, Doctor of Economics. Marat Musin. According to Musin, now, using the example of the gloves story, he shows his students how corruption schemes operate in Russia.

“Medcom-M acted as a major importer of Ansell products,” says Musin. The company imported a significant part of the goods at a reduced price. At the same time, funds from its sale were transferred to the accounts of numerous one-day firms. We have an unprecedented picture in which a fictitious representative office of a transnational company imported dangerous goods, sold it at the expense of the state budget of the Russian Federation, and then concealed and diverted profits, minimizing tax payments both in the supplier country and in the consumer country. It is quite obvious that this was accompanied by lobbying and corruption schemes both in Russia and, possibly, beyond its borders.

According to Musin's rough estimates, the net profit from the sale of gloves in Russia was about 70-100 million dollars a year. That is, for all the time on the poison, someone has earned billions of rubles.

Most of the gloves came to state and municipal hospitals through public procurement, says Vashchenko. - But you won't believe it - these gloves are, in fact, the most expensive of those that are sold on the market today (good, high-quality ones are much cheaper). How did their suppliers win the tender? You can't call it anything other than the medical mafia.

Let's add on our own: how were the false contracts concluded? Why did supplies of toxic, possibly counterfeit products continue? Why did the Russian suppliers not terminate their contractual relationship, but continued and continued to buy these bad gloves for many more years? For reference, one of these distributors CJSC Medcom-M was liquidated back in 2009. But in this story there are other persons involved in Medcom, who differ from each other by one or two letters.

Without end and without beginning

This unthinkable story has no end just as there was no beginning. After all, poisoned gloves are still imported and sold in Russia. They respond to all appeals on this matter to the Federal Customs Service that they sent a request to Rosstandart, and since the answer did not come from there, they cannot miss the next batch at the border. In Rosstandart they assure that they have become hostages of the imperfection of the legislation. At one time, certificates of conformity for Ansell products were issued by commercial firms accredited by the department, and so they should also revoke them. But they are slow, and Rosstandart cannot influence them. This position seems to us to be cunning, because the registration certificates for the mentioned gloves, issued in 2005, expired in May 2010. So what are they waiting for in Rosstandart, at customs, in other competent and interested authorities?

- In one of the district departments of the Investigative Department of the UPC for Moscow, at the request of the deputies of the Moscow City Duma, they conducted an inspection, - says Vashchenko. “We presented them with the conclusion that certain types of company gloves are toxic. And what does the SKP do? He seizes completely different types of gloves from the warehouses of Medcom and gives them for examination, and not to anyone, but to the one who once let the products of this company into the Russian market - the Institute of Biomedical Research. In his testing laboratory called “Biomir”, they conduct an examination for toxicity, despite the fact that, according to its status, the institution (as indicated in the audit materials) has the right to examine only the technical characteristics of latex. But even they give out a killer conclusion in the end: these (that is, other) gloves are toxic! However, the Investigative Committee decides to refuse to open a criminal case even before the results of Biomir's examinations are ready. The investigators did not initiate him even after a document from Rosstandart arrived here, which said that out of 38 types of gloves, only 4 meet Russian GOSTs.

The circle, as they say, is closed. What should doctors do? Moscow was more fortunate - the then head of the Department of Health Andrei Seltsovsky banned the purchase of toxic gloves by municipal hospitals. The federal authorities did not follow his example... Many Russian hospitals (especially in the regions) signed a contract for the supply of gloves for several years ahead. And they can't break it of their own accord. Doctors, if possible, try not to wear them and secretly throw them in the trash. In some clinics, they give these gloves to cleaners (oh, I don’t envy them), and they buy new ones for doctors.

Is there really no way to get rid of dangerous gloves? No one gives permission for their disposal. The Faculty of Soil Science of Moscow State University made a conclusion in which it classified the gloves to the second class of toxicity (note that the first one is radioactive waste). Scientists have even found cadmium in them, which is one of the four most dangerous metals in the world. And there are no methods for disposing of such gloves in Russia today.

We most often think of serial killers as men. It is hard to imagine that a tender and fragile woman is capable of killing people right and left from just one sophisticated villainy. Meanwhile, there are a lot of such villains-maniacs, from the acts of which the blood runs cold in the veins, in the history of world criminalistics.

Jane Toppan

Jane Toppan, who committed her atrocities at the end of the 19th century, is considered America's first female maniac. She grew up without a mother, and her father suffered from mental illness. Even as a child, he abandoned Jane and her sister, giving his daughters to an orphanage. From there she was taken by Ann Toppan, who, however, regarded her as a servant, and not as an adopted daughter. The grown-up Jane trained as a nurse and got a job in a hospital. There she performed sadistic experiments on patients by injecting them with strong doses of morphine. As she later admitted to the police, she felt sexual arousal, trying herself in the role of a god holding human life in her hands. Jane's first victim was her half-sister, daughter Ann Toppan, whom she poisoned with strychnine. Then she got a job as a nurse to an elderly man, having previously killed his wife, and killed him and his two daughters. When Jane was arrested in 1901, she confessed to killing 31 people, saying that her goal was "to kill as many people as possible." Jane Toppan was declared insane and placed in a psychiatric hospital, where she spent the rest of her days.

Elizabeth Bathory

About the "bloody countess" Elizabeth Bathory, who lived in Hungary in the XVI-XVII centuries, terrible legends were composed during her lifetime. Having married at the age of 15, Countess Bathory asked her husband to build a torture chamber in the castle, which for many years became the main place of her bloody entertainment. With the help of her intimate maids, Elizabeth kidnapped village girls and young girls and taunted them in the torture chamber until they died of torment. According to rumors, she forced her victims to eat their own flesh and bled them with her own hands to take blood baths. However, historians believe that the bloody baths of the "Countess Dracula" are most likely a legend. But the stories about her numerous victims are pure truth: this was established by the Hungarian authorities, who could no longer turn a blind eye to the atrocities of the countess. Dozens of mutilated corpses were found in her castle. In total, the number of its victims, according to approximate estimates of historians, exceeds six hundred. And today, the Guinness Book of Records calls her the bloodiest female killer in history. Only the influence of the Bathory family saved her from trial: in 1610 she was sent to life imprisonment in the Hungarian castle of Ceyte.

Marie Delphine Lalaurie

Portrayed on screen by Kathy Bates in American Horror Story, Delphine LaLaurie terrorized New Orleans for years. In the 18th century, she belonged to one of the richest and most influential families in the city. In her rich home in the French Quarter, she, feeling completely safe, killed and tortured black slaves, to whom no one could come to the rescue. Only when a fire broke out in her house did Delphine Lalaurie's deeds come out. When firefighters broke into the burning house, they found an elderly black woman chained in the kitchen and a room in the attic where slaves in spiked collars were locked. Their bodies bore traces of torture and abuse. The arriving police found several torture chambers in the house, and the stories of the slaves about the cruelty of LaLaurie made even the policemen go cold with horror. But Delfina Lalori was not punished: she managed to escape, and her traces were lost in Europe. And her house can still be seen in New Orleans; Not so long ago, actor Nicolas Cage bought it for some reason. Maybe the cops don't mind taking a closer look at him?

Nanny Doss

The press nicknamed her "Giggling Nanny" for the constant wry smile that never left her face during interrogations. Nanny Doss. She was born in 1905 in Alabama. She grew up with her brother and three sisters, suffering from the cruelty of her overbearing father. At the age of seven, she hit her head hard and suffered from headaches for many years. She later stated that it was the trauma that first awakened her sadistic tendencies. She was married five times, while four of her husbands died at her hand. In addition, her own mother, one of her mother-in-laws, a sister and a grandson were on the list of her victims. Nanny always used arsenic as her murder weapon. For each of the murdered relatives, she received solid insurance, although later, during interrogations, she admitted that money was never her goal. In 1955 Nanny Doss was sentenced to life imprisonment; ten years later, she died in prison from leukemia.

Amelia Dyer

Born in 1837 in Britain, Amelia Dyler was the eldest of five children in her family. In addition to her younger siblings, as a child, she had to constantly look after her mother, who suffered from mental illness. The grown-up Amelia went to study as a nurse and often welcomed under her roof young girls who became pregnant out of wedlock and took their babies under guardianship. Then she became a "baby farmer" - that was the name in the 19th century in Britain for women who cared for illegitimate children abandoned by their parents, and subsequently handed them over for adoption. However, Dyer was not going to take care of the children - having received their money, she killed them, buried them with her own hands somewhere in a deserted place and recruited new pupils. She moved from city to city several times to cover her tracks, but was eventually arrested on charges of four murders and hanged. However, the investigation, which did not end even after her death, established that the real number of her victims was much higher - perhaps several hundred. Amelia Dyer is still considered the bloodiest child murderer in Britain.

Miyuki Ishikawa

Born in 1897 in Japan, Miyuki Ishikawa was a professional midwife. Newborn babies became its victims. The Tokyo hospital where she worked was constantly overcrowded, and it was mostly poor women who were unable to feed their children who gave birth there. Miyuki decided to help the babies and their mothers - but in a terrible way: together with her accomplices from among the doctors of the hospital, she killed the newly born babies. She either left the children without care, because of which they soon died, or killed them with her own hands. After some time, she even began to demand money from mothers for her deadly services, declaring that it would cost them less than raising a baby. It wasn't until the police accidentally found the bodies of the five babies that Ishikawa and her accomplice husband were arrested. She was sentenced to 8 years in prison, but four years later she was released and lived her life in peace.

Eileen Wuornos

Everyone now knows about the atrocities of Eileen Wuornos - thanks to the film "Monster", where Charlize Theron played her role. She was born in 1956 into a troubled family: her father, even before the birth of her daughter, went to prison on charges of pedophilia. Her mother abandoned her and Eileen was adopted by her grandparents. At the age of 11, she was already regularly running away from home, engaging in prostitution and using drugs. She later accused her grandfather of regularly raping her and allowing her buddies to use her. Soon she gave birth to a child and, having given it up for adoption, finally left home. In 1989, she killed her client for the first time, taking his money and belongings. In total, she killed seven men in this way. After another murder, Eileen Wuornos was arrested, sentenced to death and executed in 2002.

Karla Homolka

Karla Homolka was born in 1970 in Canada. Together with her husband, serial rapist Paul Bernardo, she killed two teenage girls and her own sister. Paul has always had an unhealthy attraction to Carla's younger sister, Tammy. By collusion with her husband, Carla invited Tammy to dinner with them, slipping sleeping pills into her food. Paul raped a sleeping 15-year-old girl, but Tammy woke up during the act. She began to feel sick, and in front of her sister, she choked on her own vomit. Carla and Paul themselves called the police, saying that they found Tammy already in this form. The girl's death was written off as an accident. After that, two more teenage girls became victims of the couple, whom Carla and Paul raped and tortured for a long time before killing them. In the end, the couple was arrested. Paul Bernardo was sentenced to life in prison. Carla, stating that she acted under the influence of her husband, made a deal with the investigation and received only 12 years in prison. When she was released, she remarried and, having changed her name, left the country.

Dorothea Puente

"Deadly Homeowner" Dorothea Puente was the owner of a boarding house in California, where she murdered her guests in cold blood. Puente first went to prison in 1960 on charges of running a brothel. When she was released, she got her own boarding house, where mostly elderly people lived. She killed them to take advantage of their money and Social Security checks. In order not to bother herself with digging holes, she attracted prisoners sentenced to corrective labor, and they were engaged in digging graves, not knowing what they were doing. However, after the disappearance of one of the guests was noticed, the police came to the Puente guesthouse. In total, she was charged with nine murders and sentenced to two life terms. Dorothea Puente died in prison at the age of 82, without pleading guilty until the end of her life.

Christine Gilbert

Nurse Christine Gilbert was convicted of systematically killing patients at the Elderly Care Center, where she joined in 1990 after a total of about six years. She provoked cardiac arrest in patients by injecting them with lethal doses of epinephrine, and then brought them back to life. Like Jane Toppan, she experienced sexual arousal, teetering on the edge of someone else's life and death. However, Gilbert was not always able - and wanted - to bring her victim back to life. For a long time, the Center did not suspect anything, and the abundance of deaths of elderly patients on her duty was written off as an accident, jokingly calling the girl "the angel of death." However, Gilbert's colleagues soon became suspicious and initiated a police check. The investigation proved Gilbert's involvement in the deaths of seven people, but the number of her alleged victims is likely to be in the tens. In 2001, she was sentenced to life imprisonment without the right to pardon.

Beverly Allitt

In 1993, British nurse Beverly Allitt was accused of killing four children. While working in the children's ward of a hospital in Lincolnshire, she tried to kill other patients as well. Beverly injected children with huge doses of insulin in an attempt to cause an overdose. The deaths of children remained a mystery for a long time: after all, all the dead and injured patients, the youngest of whom was only seven weeks old, were admitted to the clinic with minor illnesses like a cold. In total, she tried to take the lives of 13 children. After that, the increased number of heart complications in the clinic aroused the suspicion of doctors, and the police launched an investigation. Beverly Allitt, who did not admit what exactly pushed her to the murders, was sentenced to life in prison.

Juana Barras

Juana Barras, nicknamed the "old lady killer", is a Mexican wrestler and probably the most famous serial killer in Mexico. Life from the very beginning did not indulge her. By the age of 16, she had behind her life in a troubled family, two miscarriages and prostitution. She eventually began her career in professional wrestling, wrestling under the ring name "Lady Silence". During her non-fighting nights, she took to the streets of Mexico City and killed elderly women by strangling their cords or beating them to death. The exact number of her victims is unknown: the police managed to prove her involvement in 11 murders, but the investigation believes that at least 50 corpses are on her conscience. For her crimes, Barrasa was sentenced to 759 years in prison.

Joanna Dennehy

In 2013, the small British town of Peterborough was shocked by a series of murders committed here. Local residents were horrified to learn that the murders of a total of three men were committed by a young local resident, Joanna Dennehy. She beat all three victims to death. In addition to the three victims, she has several attempted murders on her account, and their victims were also men. Joanna stated that she killed her victims "for pleasure" and that she "adores killing". Dennehy was sentenced to life in prison. However, this did not make much impression on her: the words of the judge that she would meet death behind bars, she met with loud laughter.

Rosemary West

Born in 1953 in Britain, Rosemary West was abused throughout her childhood by her father. When she met her future husband, Fred West, it turned out to be a real salvation for her - she ran away to him and never again appeared in her father's house. True, the savior turned out to be a sadistic maniac, but his wife was a match for him. Fred and Rosemary West lured girls and young women into their home, abused them, tortured and raped them, and then killed them. In total, since 1973, the pair of killers have had 12 victims. Among them were Fred's adopted daughter, as well as Fred and Rosemary's own daughter, 16-year-old Heather, who was raped and killed by her parents in 1987. Their deadly orgies continued for more than 10 years. Charges against them were brought only in the early 1990s. The evidence was body parts of the victims and corpses that the couple had been burying for years in the backyard of their own home. Fred West hanged himself in prison in 1995, and Rosemary was sentenced to life in prison.

Myra Hindley

One of the most brutal child killers in modern Britain, Myra Hindley, was nicknamed the "swamp killer" because of the place where her bloody games unfolded. In the early 1960s, Myra Hindley and her boyfriend, Ian Brady, raped and murdered five children after burying them in the swampy wastelands of northern England. At the time, the killers were in their early twenties and their victims between 10 and 17 years old. The couple were arrested in 1965. Myra Hindley, described by the press as Britain's most vicious woman, has become the first woman in the country to be sentenced to life in prison.

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