How can you make a beautiful craft of paper. Interesting crafts from paper do it yourself and fresh ideas for creativity

Each of us probably has already made something from paper with your own hands, for example, a mouse on a thread for a kitten or a flower for mom on the 8th of March. Now you can go online and ... Wow, how much is all! Here are funny animals, and mysterious birds, and fabulous flowers, and extraordinary snowflakes .... All do not count! How to figure it out in all this and what crafts from paper to choose to repeat?

We tried to demonstrate various types of paper crafts and distributed them into groups in appearance, purpose, method of manufacture and complexity. Moreover, we made the most attractive and simple needlework and prepared available master classes.

Cut and glue colored appliques from strips, circles and torn paper

Before doing something, you need to get acquainted with the fact that others have already done. Of course, we will go on this path, observing the principle: from simple to complex.

These cheerful flat applications are easy enough: you first need to draw a pencil on colored paper images of individual elements, then cut them with scissors and paste in turn on the usual landscape sheet. To comply with the proportions, you must first make the largest fragment of the crafts, and then apply it to the sheets of a different color to draw other elements.

You can do it differently: first, to portray the cradle on white paper, and then cut separate parts from it, apply them to a color sheet and circuit with a pencil. The most affordable flat applications will be able to make kids age from the 2nd to the 4th grade.

These original flat applications are interesting because they are made of paper circles. When repetition, it is important only to comply with the proportions of the diameters of individual elements. Let's learn how to make such an example of a squirrel.

We need the following materials and tools:

Now it is necessary to prepare the following circles:

We glue the blanks to the bottom in the following sequence:

  • yellow segment of the upper paw;
  • brown details, that is, the torso and ears;
  • now the second yellow paw, tail and muzzle;
  • rear leg, eyes and nose;
  • It remains to draw the mouth of the animal with a black marker - and the protein is ready!

Amazing crafts are obtained from pieces of torn paper! For their manufacture, you must first apply the contour of the pattern with a pencil, and then stick the torn pieces of the desired color.

In this way, really get a variety of plots. It is important not only to accurately apply the original pattern, but also choose the color of the paper and the size of pieces. At the same time, very affordable and spectacular images are possible.

This short guide demonstrates the manufacture of crafts of the autumn tree with fallen foliage. It is not entirely scary if the tree is shown not very naturally, and the leaflets are stuck unevenly. The main thing is that the result is impressive, even if a child is taken for business.

Charming crafts are made of paper strips. Many of them can be made without the use of glue, with a weaving.

To do this, the holes are cut in the monochrome application, in which multi-colored stripes are inserted. To secure individual items it is possible to use a stapler. The slots are made using a stationery knife on a metal line, and all work is performed on a solid level basis.

As an example, we will make a beautiful fish of strips. We need the following materials and tools:

  • paper format A4 two colors;
  • line;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • leaf.

We collect the fish in stages:

Fish can be made both two-color and monochrome. If you hang fish of different colors with threads, then we will be in the Red Sea.

Schemes of simple and complex volumetric crafts for beginners and experienced

Of course, spatial forms provide great opportunities for making paper homemade. Children successfully create funny, bright and funny figures of this kind do it yourself.

Again, before us, strips from colored paper, but now they form spatial figures. Stripes can be placed on a flat base and complement pattern.

Undoubtedly, surround crafts are somewhat more complicated by flat applications, but there are pretty simple and successful examples. So, the scales of fish, the plumage of the parrot and the mane of the lion is very successfully simulated by this method.

Let's learn how to appliques from strips on the example of the hedgehog. We need the following materials and tools:

  • paper yellow and brown;
  • white paper A4 format;
  • line;
  • glue;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • black marker.

The sequence of actions is available to schoolchildren of about 2 - 4 classes:

Volumetric figures of animals can be made in various ways. So, the usual cone imitates the fox perfectly, and the cylinders of paper are converted into elephants.

It is important to choose the form of the components of the parts correctly, and then the masterpieces are obtained: a bright humpback bug, fish with merry tails, graceful swans or bunnies with shifted legs.

Let's make a bright fish together. It will take color sheet, glue, pencil, black marker and scissors:

Peacock with a chic tail is especially successful! The fact is that the folded by the harmonic paper is well holding a form in one of the directions, which makes it easier to create spatial figures. Bright fish from the Red Sea, temperamental Spanish dancers and nimble hedgehogs from our forest are made of paper folded by harmonica.

As can be seen, both sun, and mushrooms, and foxes, and Russian beauty girls are not less successful using the same method. Let's make a beauty male. Cardboard format A4, paper, white, yellow, beige and blue, glue, pencil, red and black markers and scissors. Very good, if there are eyes, flowers and beads from a children's set for creativity:

Special parchment or corrugated paper has a wavy structure, and it is not necessary to fold the harmonica. From such a material, original children's crafts are obtained, but the colors that we will demonstrate further from corrugated paper are.

Wonderful appliqués can actively make out of napkins, and ripped and crumpled. Each lump will have to fasten with glue and it turns out a colorful mosaic.

As can be seen, this method can be depicted literally any plot: from bugs and butterflies to a natural landscape. To create a good picture, you need to properly apply the contours of the image to a flat sheet, carefully pick up the colors and be prepared for painstaking work.

Let's learn how to make appliques from the napkins on the example of an apple. Red napkins, green paper, cardboard, glue, pencil and scissors:

Volumetric paper applications turn into works of art if they are competent and tastefully. Any of the pictures presented in photos can take a worthy place in the house as a picture.

Obviously, we are pretty cool crafts, in the manufacture of which a certain experience will be required. It is difficult to take a look from such work, but painstaking work will be appreciated by relatives and friends.

Original products and stuff from colored paper almost without glue in various techniques

Paper handicrafts are widespread in Japanese culture. Accordingly, many original techniques for working with non-ferrous paper are called in the language of this country.

These paper animals are made in Origami technique. Crafts have original forms and seem very complex. However, if there is a template, the assembly schemes and descriptions of such beasts will all be able to repeat schoolchildren.

These photos demonstrate simpler crafts that students will be able to make the 3rd, 4th or 5th grades. Most of them can be made without the help of glue.

It is interesting to make a moving origami toy - a frog that can jump. For this we need green paper. Such a handicraft is easier to make using the supplied video.

The photo shows crafts made of pre-prepared colored paper modules. Products collected in the technique of modular origami affect the imagination as textures and forms.

Modules are different sizes, and it is really practically all of them. Separate elements of the crafts are bonded without the use of glue, but it is often used, seeking to provide the necessary strength of the structure.

To try the technique of modular origami, make a small flower or an asterisk. We will need paper of two any colors, we will use yellow and pink colors:

  1. We need to make modules from sheets of paper, for this color sheet A4 we need to divide on 16 identical rectangles.
  2. We take a rectangle and fold it half the horizontal.
  3. Next we fold the blank by half the vertical, and then immediately extend.
  4. The upper corner of the details are folded to the vertical line of bend.
  5. Now you need to turn our workpiece.
  6. We begin the peaks from the bottom.
  7. Again bending parts that look out around the edges.
  8. We fold the item vertically and get the module.
  9. For the crafts, we will need 10 modules for the core, in our case they are pink color, and 45 modules for petals, we have yellow.
  10. We begin the manufacture of a flower with its core. We place together two pink modules.
  11. We fasten them with the help of another module in which they must be tight.
  12. Apply another module to the edge to an existing billet.
  13. Also attach it to another module.
  14. In the same way, we drag on the side of another module and attach it.
  15. We repeat the previous step, now we have the very first and most recent modules in contact.
  16. We put on another module into two extreme, connecting them.
  17. Now make a petal. To do this, place a two yellow module next to each other.
  18. We bind them with the help of another.
  19. Following one module on the left and right in the extreme sash of the second row modules.
  20. In the same way, adding two more modules on each side. Petal ready!
  21. We will need 5 pieces of such parts.
  22. Now you can proceed to connect the details. We take the core and put on her extreme petal modules, as shown in the photo.
  23. We do the same with the rest of the petals and align them.
  24. That we got a flower!

Crafts in the technique of Kusudam are also collected from the same type of modules, but in this case they glue them. The components may have a variety of designs, providing a variety of finished products.

Best of all the Cosudam technology, multi-colored balls of fantastic structure are obtained, as well as flowers. Let's learn how to make a flower bowl of Kusudam. Orange sheets of paper, glue and scissors will be required:

The photo presents samples of a relatively new technology for making crafts from paper called Pencraft. ("Popper" is not about dad, but about paper. "Kraft" is power, so we can talk about dad.)

With the help of the technique, Pappercraft can be made of remarkable volumetric figures of animal special style. Probably, it is not easy to develop a similar craft, but to cut on the pattern and glue quite real.

Let's do a cheerful peel on this technology. In this case, it is allowed to make a template in two ways: either cut out of white cardboard, and then paint, or make it from a beige cardboard, and then paste parts from colored paper. The combined option is possible.

The template can be prefixed or transferred to the cells. Next, the figure glued into the places unpainted in the image. At the time of drying the glue, the craft is better to fix the stationery clips and cash rubber bands.

Another Japanese word - Kirigami reminds us a fairy tale from the National Theater of this country. Possible various crafts and plots.

Interesting "open books" in the technique of Kirigami with a bulk plot. Of course, for the manufacture of such crafts, a certain work experience is needed.

We will produce a pretty simple lawn with green grass and flowers in the style of Kirigami. You can minimize such a craft, as a book, and carry in a backpack, and then deploy again.

We need the following things: cardboard, colored paper, scissors, ruler, pencil and glue:

Interesting homemade homemade and coffee tubes, kraft paper

For the first time, seeing the craft from newspaper or journal tubes, do not immediately understand what they are made. Meanwhile, such products have good strength and are suitable for practical use in everyday life, so they can be safely used as gifts.

Coloring and paper color, its quality and density matter: In one case, a color magazine is suitable, in another version you use the newspaper.

Quite often used wrapping or kraft paper. Her brown is perfect for many crafts. In other cases, the wrapping paper is paint.

Consider the process of manufacturing a small owl from newspaper tubes. We need the following things: newspaper, glue, construction soil and kel, spokes with a diameter of 1.5-3mm, scissors and clothespins. For weaving, we need seven tubes with a length of 30cm - five brown and two green:

As you can see, kraft paper is optional to turn into the tube. Of it, as well as from packaging packaging, it is possible to make, including original and uncomplicated children's crafts.

From the usual gray package it is easy to make a colorful autumn tree. In addition to the package, glue, scissors, yellow and red paper are required:

Classic Toys and Domes Cardboard Templates

Cardboard provides special opportunities for making crafts for children. Of these, you can make big toys using which can be triggered in the house, buried in a bulldozer or cluster on the plane. Old cardboard boxes are perfect for these purposes.

Cardboard house is very popular and can be manufactured in a variety of options, including for a cat. To assemble such structures, a special adhesive gun or tape is very convenient.

As follows from the photo, it is possible from cardboard as pretty simple children's crafts and design decorations. Obviously, it is quite realistic to repeat this.

Construct a house of cardboard for children. The following things will be required: Large corrugated box, stationery knife and tape:

Funny paper decorations for interior and life

Both professionals and amateurs developed a considerable amount of crafts for interior design and useful in everyday life. Actually, anything: We look together and evaluate.

Let's start with the simplest children's applications that serve bookmarks for books. Perhaps several versions.

For example, bookmarks in the Origami technique can be made without the use of glue. In this case, designer paper is well suited.

Let's make the most simple bookmark Origami:

So looks like our bookmark on the book page. Keeps well.

Colorful fish, bats, cranes and butterflies will serve a worthy exclusive decoration of anyone. Probably, such work can be made by the whole family together.

In nature, the butterflies seek the light that you can portray around the chandelier in the apartment. Flowers for decorating housing walls can be applied in different versions.

For interior decoration, literally any techniques considered by us are important, it is important to only give fantasy will. Paper decorations with your own hands can be made according to an illustration that does not require explanation.

Paper snowflakes - classic genre. They are cut and adults and children, both at home and at work, and at school.

Volumetric snowflakes are especially pretty. Their complexity is apparent, such easily make small children.

Let's go back to the interior decoration, now for the new year. Collecting paper crafts in this case are particularly appropriate, as their bright unusual is especially good in combination with the cheap and short service life.

Unusual paper flowers can be made in different ways.

Undoubtedly, flowers from the most detached paper occupy a special place. Let us estimate the most common technologies for their manufacture.

The most simple are the most appliques from which we started our story. For many, this is a first gift to mom on the 8th of March, made on its own.

Unusual 3D handmade flowers, of course, more complicated. But there is the possibility of creating a real work of art.

One of the options - Flowers in Quilling technique. Above such creations will have to work a lot, but the result is clearly worth it.

In the photo before us already mentioned paper stripes. Separate types of colors from such material are obtained as real.

We fulfill our promise to present flowers from corrugated paper. Obviously, this material is suitable for their imitation better than anyone else. Both individual flowers and bouquets are very close in appearance to their natural fellows.

Paper toys do it yourself

Most different things are made from ordinary paper! All homemakes are definitely not counting.

Before us is a paper machine that shoots the same bullets. To make a toy, you should use the article article

Pilot paper? Yes, who did not do it! In the article, create health and safe work on the rules of safe work ...

Rules of safe work with glue and scissors for children and adults

Scissors and glue, and especially the stationery knife, may be the cause of very unpleasant injuries and consequences. We will very briefly list those circumstances that should be taken into account both children and adults responsible for them:

  1. scissors for children must have rounded ends;
  2. they should be sharpened to sharpen and adjust;
  3. you do not need to play with scissors or a knife, swinging them on the sides, closer to the face;
  4. give the scissors to comrade rings forward, put during the work of rings to themselves in a closed state;
  5. (5 Rate on 4,60 of 5 )

Today, among the huge variety of materials for handicrafts, the most popular paper is. It can work with both children and adults. However, among the variety of paper crafts, I want to find and make really the most interesting and unusual.

In this lesson, I will show how to make such crafts from paper with your own hands with step-by-step unique photos.

In view of the sufficient prevalence of such material as paper, creative people come up with all new and new techniques of its use - origami, Kirigami, Quilling, PopperKraftting and many others. In case of failure, such a material is not sorry to throw away and start making the cradle. Try together with the child to master a wide variety of directions of paper creativity!

Please note that the creation of paper crafts together with children will not only be an interesting and exciting occupation, but also useful, as they will help develop creative fantasies, accuracy and small motility.

How to make crafts from paper

Rocking chair - Funny handicraft for children

Fun paper duck can be done with the child. In the finished form, such an exercise can swing, because it is based on a circle. But first things first. This master class shows a step-by-step manufacturer of duckling.

For work, prepare:

  • yellow sheet of paper;
  • compass;
  • simple pencil;
  • black marker;
  • line;
  • adhesive pencil;
  • scissors.

First, from the yellow leaf, cut a big circle. To do this, first use the circus, and then scissors.

Perform parallel bends along the edges of the circle. It will be the basis of our duckling.

From the left of the yellow leaf, cut a rectangular strip of about 6 cm wide. It will become a blank for the head of the duck.

With a rush strip and fix glue.

From a white leaf, cut a small circle. It will be Jewel's eyes. Black marker will designate pupils. We glue your eyes.

From the red leaf, cut the beak.

We glue it into place, slightly startping the base.

Back back to the workpiece of the body. In the sections of folds will perform shallow cuts.

In this place, turn the yellow workpiece.

Now we use glue and connect individual elements with each other.

On the other hand, the workpiece will be tail. To create it, you will perform frequent cuts.

Slightly spin them up. To do this, it is convenient to use scissors.

From the remains of a yellow leaf cut the root of the cliff.

We glue them on the sides of the body.

Fix the head of our dock.

Left to make paws. To do this, cut out 2 blanks of red.

Lightly bend them at the base.

We glue the legs on the sides.

Our rice rocking paper is ready.

Funny paper craft - bee on finger

The ease of working with paper allows you to quickly create a variety of crafts from it, including toys for children. It is such a fun toy that is a bee, it can be put on a finger and play, imitating the flight of this insect. You can create such a bee, focusing on step-by-step photos, shown in this master class.

For the manufacture of crafts you need to take:

  • yellow paper;
  • a little black and white paper;
  • scissors;
  • red felt-tumbler;
  • black marker;
  • adhesive pencil.

The creation of a bee is starting from cutting out a small rectangle, in our case we used the workpiece with dimensions of 10x8 cm.

We twist the sheet into the tube and fix glue, it will be a bee taurus.

The edge on one side of the tube is slightly flatten.

We make a small fold and fix it with glue.

At the edges we make a semicircular cut, it will be a fruit bee.

From the black sheet, cut 2 strips with a length of about 9 cm, and 1 cm wide.

We glue them on the Böbel Taurus.

Cut out small mugs from white sheet and in the center put a black marker point. These will be our insect eyes.

We glue them into place.

Red felt-tip pen draw mouth.

Beehing wings cut out of white sheet.

We glue them on the body of the insect.

It remains to add a mustache. To do this, cut out thin strips from the black sheet and glue them to the muzzle. Our exercise Bee from paper is ready!

You can wear such a crawl on your finger and use as a toy.

To make a cute hedgehog, you should show sharp spines and little spout. Offer children to perform such work using corrugated paper. With this material it is convenient to work, and the rolls are not so expensive. The basis of the crafts is better made of cardboard, but the needles themselves are from the strips of soft corrugations. In this case, no one will be lit - only imitation of acute wool will be performed, which protects the little animal from enemies.

Hedgehogs are figures that love to perform children. Such a task may be given educators in kindergarten if it comes to the craft of autumn themes. The execution of such a forest inhabitant of paper does not take long.

The longest process is twisting thin needles. But it can be safely trusted to children, their deft fingers will quickly cope with the task, while parents will prepare the rest of the details or tell them interesting information about prickly animals, make riddles or read poems.

To create a paper hedgehog prepare:

  • Yellow cardboard;
  • Pencil;
  • Small scissors;
  • Roll of brown corrugation or separate small sheet;
  • PVA glue or other;
  • Black marker or black handle;
  • Black bead or a piece of black plasticine size with a bead.

Take to work all those materials that are listed in the list. Yellow paper-cardboard will need for cutting the base of the crafts - the very taurus and face of the animal, brown corrugation - to create thin spines. That's all the billets that are needed, so the cost of the craft is low.

Draw on the cardboard the outlines of the planned figurine. The torso must be oblong and rear rounded, nose - small and sharp. Cut the item. Brown soft paper cut into short and narrow strips (approximate length 2 cm, width 0.5 cm).

From each band individually, create a barb for an animal. Hold the band with two fingers on one side, the fingers of the second hand start twisting the paper into the flasher from the opposite side. Thus, it turns out a soft thin wand, the mass of such chopsticks will further replace the fur coat. But the small part, held with the fingers, will remain flattened.

Make a sufficient amount of thin needles to fill the entire head of the hedgehog thick layer. Stick the first row of parts, lubricating the glue wide and pressing the fingers to the cardboard. It is better to make the first at the top so that all subsequent laying on top.

Continue work until you finish a barbed back. At the bottom of the protruding ends seal under the bottom and glue.

Crafts are almost ready, only you need to paint the eye. It will be a black point. And also need a small black nose. Make it from bead or plasticine.

An interesting lesson for children will not pass unnoticed. They will have crafts from paper that will be clogged for a long time in the most prominent place. And the Creator himself will always show the fruit of his creativity.

Be sure to come up with any other ways to simulate the hedgehog, because there are so many of them. Thus, you will create a friend for your newly baked pet.

Rainbow Caterpillar from Paper in Origami Technique

To create interesting crafts together with children, paper is most often used. If it is supposed to make a toy with a child, then it is best to choose a simple variant that is easily embodied. This is our rainbow caterpillar made from individual modules in Origami technique. With its step-by-step creation can be found in this master class.

To work on the caterpillar, take:

  • 12 multicolored squares of 8x8 cm sizes;
  • adhesive pencil;
  • 2 plastic glazes.

Our rainbow caterpillar will consist of individual modules that need to be connected to each other in the future. Let's start working with the creation of one module. For this we fold a sheet in two transverse directions.

Then make another 2 fold, but diagonally and in another direction.

The folds performed allow us to fold the square in the form of a double triangle.

From one side of it, we begin the side corners up, aligning along the midline.

After that, we turn the workpiece to the other side.

It also requires the side corners to the middle, but at the same time we combine them with the bottom edge.

So it should look like one of the elements of our future caterpillar.

We carry out the same scheme for another 11 modules.

The first of the modules will be the head of the caterpillar. To do this, we chose the blue, we make fibos of the upper corners to the sides.

On the same Blue module glue the eyes.

Now connect it with the next module. For this, the protruding corners of the yellow module are inserted into the blue. For a better connection to the corners of the yellow element, some glue should be applied.

By the same principle, fix the third red module.

We continue to work until all the elements are connected.

Our rainbow caterpillar in the form of crafts from paper is ready.

3D handicraft "Mushroom"

Often there is a question in front of the parents - what to take a child at home? The easiest answer is to make it up with it together paper. For example, you can make a pretty mushroom. Its step-by-step manufacture is given in this master class, equipped with photos.

To create a fungi, take:

  • green, brown and white paper;
  • compass;
  • line;
  • pencil;
  • black marker;
  • scissors;
  • red felt-tumbler;
  • adhesive pencil.

Let's start working from the manufacture of feet fungus. For this, from a white sheet, cut a rectangle 15x11 cm and lay it into the tube.

In the upper part of it, perform 4 cuts, after which it will be elements. They will serve in the future base for the fungus hats.

Cut the circle with a diameter of 7 cm and glue it to the base.

Speakers outside the circle of part cut off.

From the green sheet, cut off the rectangle 15x4 cm.

We make cuts on it, imitating grass.

We glue herbs on the bottom of the legs of the fungus.

Slightly by the opposite of the blade.

Now we will deal with a hat. For this, the brown sheet requires 8 round elements with a diameter of 7 cm. The size of the base (white circle) and brown blanks should be the same.

Each circle is folded in half.

Then make another fold.

At the place of the last fold, it is necessary to apply a little glue. So the finished element should look like.

We start connecting brown elements with each other. We do it with glue.

As a result, a hat should be obtained, to create which we used 2 shades of brown paper.

We glue a hat on a white base.

If desired, you can draw eyes and mouth.

Our paper mushroom is ready.

Snakes can be not only dangerous, but also fun. This is our serpent made of paper. She is not only a handicraft, but also an interesting toy. After all, our snake can handle the language if he pour into the tube. Step-by-step production of such a funny snake is given in this master class.

To create it, you need to take:

  • green leaf;
  • small pieces of red and white;
  • compass;
  • pencils (simple and brown);
  • black marker;
  • adhesive pencil;
  • solominka for a cocktail.

First on green paper with a circulation draw a circle and cut it out. It will be a billet for the snake body.

I draw a spiral line on it and cut through it with scissors.

Simple pencil outlook the zigzag line along the entire length of the snake.

We designate it with a brighter brown pencil.

Now we will create the head of our snake. For her, we will need two green blanks and a narrow strip of red.

We glue the red stripe on one green part, it will be a snake tongue.

On top, we glue the straw for a cocktail, pre-a bit of its rooting.

From above, we all cover the second green part, smearing it with glue.

On the reverse side, fasten your eyes. We make them from the white sheet, and pupils draw a black marker.

At the tip of the tongue, we make a small longitudinal incision in the middle.

Using a pencil tie the tongue.

So the head of our snake looks like.

It remains to glue her to the body.

Speaking corners cut by scissors, giving the head more rounded shape.

Our funny snake made of paper is ready.

Craft paper "Pirate" for boys

Pirates are fearless people who loved water spaces, freedom and treasure. Therefore, it is impossible to imagine such a character from history without a ship with a pirate flag, a chest with jewels, vests and a black thematic hats with a pen. Such an image can be easily made of colored paper.

Necessary materials:

  • colored paper of red, orange, white, light yellow and black tone;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • thin marker of black color;
  • glue;
  • line.

As the basis, we take a light yellow leaf, from which I cut a 12 x 7 cm rectangle to create a pirate body.

Then we will make a striped pirate. To do this, we take white paper from which we cut a strip of 12 x 4 cm. Next, from the black sheet, you should cut one strip of 12 x 1.5 cm. We also prepare two thin black stripes with parameters 12 x 0.5 cm.

We glue the black stripes on a white rectangle to get the vest.

We glue the finished striped element to the bottom of the light yellow rectangle.

Draw a black marker face of the pirate and turn the rectangle into the tube. We get the character's torso.

We attach three beard details to the face of the pirate. We use glue for this.

Now we create a pirate hat. To do this, cut two parts of black hats along the drawn contour, two white bones and one feather.

We connect all the elements with each other with the help of glue. Then "wear" a hat on the head of the pirate.

Finally, we will make the hands of the character who will be dressed in a vest. Therefore, cut the rectangles of white paper, thin strips - from black, and the silhouettes of the hands are made of light yellow. We connect all the small parts with each other with glue to get a pair of hands.

We glue the sides of the body of a pirate of a hand in a vest. Also add plastic eyes to our craft from paper.

On this, our fearless paint paper pirate is absolutely ready, but this does not mean that he can not add details. For example, you can cut the sword and stick to your hand or on the shoulders to plant a parrot.

Craft paper pirate ready!

Crafts for girls "Fairy" from paper circles

Crafts from paper circles are a type of creativity that is increasingly gaining popularity. Agree that children love all sorts of creative experiments. They are always happy to carry out crafts from paper.

But, if you find out the performance of the figures, for example, simulate them from multi-colored circles of different sizes, then such a job will like them even more. Everyone knows what a circle is, for example, you need to draw a round, flower or sunshine. But so just take and make a beautiful figure for many difficult.

This lesson shows a way to create a small charming fairy paper. It will be completely performed from paper wheels, only they will be folded in a different way. So look attentively, you can even count in advance how many and what circles you will need to do everything as quickly and not lose interest.

To perform a small fair prepare:

  • colored paper;
  • compass;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Circle is needed for drawing circles of different sizes. Sometimes the circles are drawn on paper, simply arouses a pencil any suitable object. But this method is uncomfortable in this case, since the figure will consist of circles of a completely different size, and such a number of objects can not immediately be at hand. In addition, children need to be learning to work with a circulation, if they are still small, then work is needed under the ready leadership of adults.

After the paper craft is performed, a bright match will be left for memory. Fairy can even take off, if you bind it on the rope, because it is just weightless - paper.

Cut the desired circles. All of them are presented in the photo. Parts of the crafts are: dress with sleeves, head with hairstyle, hands, wings, eyes. Here are shown circles of yellow, orange, blue and white colors that are needed to create fairies.

Bend in half a large yellow circle for the body and 2 blue circles for wings.

Bend the yellow semicircle 2 more times. The triangular item can be put down - it is a dressing blank. Make two yellow semicircles smaller and the same for the collar for sleeves.

Sing the semicircle to the sharp portion of the triangular part perpendicularly, as shown in the photo 5. Two small white mug bend them in half, remove them to the sleeves to show hands.

Start assembling dresses. Sleeves with hands with hands. Behind add wings.

Now take your head and hairstyle. Make halves of orange details.

On a white face, get 2 orange halves to get a hairstyle, add small tails on both sides.

Shoot on face cilia. More you can not show no features of the face - everything is so extremely clear. Shill your head with a dress collar.

Bright fairy of paper is ready. Give the crawl, of course, wings, as well as bright hair. All this looks beautiful together. Creative fantasy is completed, the experiment passed successfully and gave positive results.

To all those who like to read, fond of books, useful little things are simple - bookmarks. It is always customary to marry the last read page in order to immediately open the book on the desired page. The easiest and most reliable option is a paper strip, and the paper clip is suitable as a bookmark.

And I would like this clip to somehow decorate, turn into someone's face - bright and smiling. Then this bookmark will like children, they will definitely use it after reading. We offer to do with children a useful thing for school or home use - bookmark on paper clips in the form of a lion glass. It will be a sweet couple, which is conveniently located on the pages. We give the photoumas to make the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing ideas.

To create such bookmarks, you can use:

  • Color clips of standard shape and size;
  • Yellow color cardboard;
  • Orange corrugated paper;
  • Glue;
  • A pen;
  • Scissors;
  • Gel sparkles;
  • Black, pink, orange or any other bright markers.

Prepare everything you need to work. From a thick sheet for children's creativity, we will make the face of African animals, made of soft - magnificent mane, so the color scheme corresponds to this. Markers (black and color) draw eyes, nose and so on. Sequins or bright markers will be suitable for additional decorations.

From the yellow cardboard cut the circles - small and the same. It will be the central part - the base of the face of the animal. From orange corrugations, cut the circle too, but with wavy edges. You can make it figured scissors or after drawing a line with a handle. An orange circle should be more than yellow, since the mane is performed from it.

Stick yellow parts on orange soft. Draw your eyes, mouth and dots on the cheeks (showing the shaggy) with a black marker, nose - orange or pink. Add brilliantly on the mane by using a special gel or other way. The brighter, the more interesting the product.

When the face will be ready, fasten the paper clip - the bulk of the bookmark. It is possible to do this with a reliable glue or even a thermopystole. Caps from the very base, stick the top of the paper clips.

Remember that in the future you will mount the entire design to the thin pages of the book, so turn the detail at the time of attachment to the right side.

When the glue, sequins and a marker on the face can be used, you can use amazing accessories for books. Waiting will not have long, but the bookmark will definitely delight its creator. So very simply, unique school accessories are performed, such as the service will also serve in the diary, notepad or general notebook. Make so many instances as you think fit.

Fox - Craftsman Crafts

From the corrugation, you can make the same bright volumetric application in the form of a fox, if you repeat all the steps of this lesson. Soft and pliable rolls, like a fabric resembling fabric - this is a great raw material for children's crafts. Moreover, even the smallest artists can create appliques in the competence technique, simply collecting details in colors.

To help the kids, you can outline the filling lines of the applique with colored chats with a pencil, help them handle glue and scissors, tell and show all the wisdom of working with paper. The proposed handicraft will be a fox figure, perhaps even movable if you carefully secure individual parts by the stapler. And this option can be replaced with another beast using other colors.

To create crafts from paper fox prepare:

  • Cardboard sheet;
  • Orange and white Skidmagu;
  • Black and blue paper (to create one lump of each color for nose and eyes) or semi-graysca of the specified color, if there are in stock;
  • PVA glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Stapler;
  • Simple pencil.

How to make a fox from a glassmag

Prepare the specified materials for work. From the cardboard, we will create the central template of foxes, from orange and white paper - a beautiful fur, the scissors will need to cut the animal figures and soft paper figures, PVA glue - for attaching lumps to the cardboard.

Cut from cardboard Figure Fox. Either immediately draw the animal with a lush tail and four legs and cut down the contour, or cut your feet and tail separately. Then there is an opportunity to get a moving toy.

Stapler attach legs and tail to the body. If used for fastening in each case, only one bracket, then the tail, the legs will move.

Cut the glassmagu small squares. Orange parts will be used much more than whites. And gradually you will have to add them again and again.

Skate from each square of the lump. Let these procedure be performed by children. Rocking paper lumps is an excellent simulator for children's fingers, the development of shallow motility.

From ordinary paper you can make a lot of crafts that the baby will take a pleasant and useful business. As you know, cutting and gluing parts from paper develop a small motorcycle of the child, as well as allow the child to show his fantasy and creative. After all, you can make absolutely all that is enough for the imagination. And we will help you with the kid to get a portion of inspiration and tell you what can be made of paper.

What can be made of paper for children?

We make appliques from paper for children 1-3 years

Basket with mushrooms

We will need

  • Template
  • Paper
  • Pieces of colored paper
  • PVA glue

At this age, it is too early to handle scissors and perform complex elements of the crafts. Therefore, it is better to start with simple applications.

  1. Take a sheet of paper and draw a basket on it or circle her pattern.
  2. Cut the child from colored paper mushrooms of different shapes and sizes.
  3. Cut small pieces of brown and yellow paper.
  4. Ask the baby to shock a basket with pieces of paper. You need to try to fill all its space without leaving the edges.
  5. Then let it fill the basket of mushrooms. We glue the mushrooms to the basket.

Also, the basket can be cut out of paper and glue, or color it with paints.

Aquarium with fish

We will need

  • Colored paper
  • Scissors
  • Feltolsters

If the child still does not know how to cut items, it is better to do it for it. Prepare all materials in advance.

  1. Take a blue sheet of paper and cut the semicircle. This is an aquarium. You can leave the sheet as it is - rectangular shape. After all, the aquariums are of different shapes.
  2. Prepare the baby small details, cutting fish, algae, pebbles and bubbles.
  3. Ask the crumb to make the bottom of the aquarium, placing it with pebbles from paper.
  4. Then, so that the fish were cozy, set out their house by algae.
  5. Now you can "run" fish - glue them.
  6. Fish is also breathing, only by gills and under water, so add air bubbles to fish.
  7. Dorisite the scales and eyes at will.

What else can be made of paper kids?

Children at such an early age it is best to start mastering creativity by creating simple appliques from small pieces of paper. Be sure to make crafts under an adult supervision.

  • From pieces of paper you can do anything, even a cow. Do not forget to decorate it with a flower:

  • They say the bears and fish are not very friendly, although the first seconds are very loved:

Crafts from paper children from 3 years

Employed "CTUN"

We need:

  • Sheet of colored paper
  • White paper sheet
  • Scissors
  • Paper for paper
  • Feltolsters
  1. Ask a child, what a book is loved by him. Sogns leaf white paper A4 in half to get a little book and ask the baby to draw the cover of the book on it. Let it also write on it her name and the name of the writer, if he can do it. If not, help him in this.
  2. Cut the three strokes from the colored sheet of about 2.5 cm. In width. Of the two we will make legs, and one divided into a couple of Khtun handles. Feet to fold the harmonica.
  3. The remaining rectangle paper is the torso of our being. Stick legs to it.
  4. Lead for hands. Cut in half and on the tips. Let the child draws his fingers. It is easy to do, drawing the grid: 4 vertical strips and one horizontal below. Stick your hands to the body. Insert the book with glue.
  5. Begin the top of the body forward. Make scissors torn bangs, cutting with a zigzag.
  6. From white paper cut out a couple of circles and draw inside their pupils. Stick them to the body. You can also draw glasses from them, as shown in the picture.
  7. Now it remains to draw parts of the person: a smile, nose, etc.

Attach "Khun" near the shelves with books. So he will remind the baby about reading and will be some call to read something.

Volumetric bunny

We will need

  • Paper (White or Color)
  • Scissors
  • Paper for paper
  • Flomaster
  • Rule
  1. We take a sheet of paper and horizontally cut out two strips on the width of the line.
  2. The first strip bend into two unequal parts and cut. We turn each of them in the ring and glue. Both rings stick to each other.
  3. The second strip is cut into three equal parts. One of them cut along two thin strips - it will be a bunny ears. Make from each loop and glue. The resulting ears glue with your head - a smaller ring.
  4. From the second part we make legs just like the ears. We glue them from the bottom of the body.
  5. The third part cuts along two thin strips, but now we are twisting its corners with scissors. We skip this strip through a large ring - a torso and glue inside that the paws stick out.
  6. From the last strip we make a small ring - the tail. To do this, it is worth shorting her a bit. We glue from behind.
  7. It remains only to draw the felt-tip pen and the nose bunny.

Cap - dinosaur

We need:

  • Colored paper - 3 sheets
  • Paper for paper
  • Scotch
  • Scissors
  1. First, it is necessary to cut 4 strips with a width of about 3 cm along the length of the sheet. Two of them will go to the circle, and the rest - across the "caps" (spikes will be attached to this part).
  2. Of the two remaining sheets of paper, make a strip of a width of about 5 cm, but now across the sheet (less long). 10 strips should get. Of these, we will make spikes.
  3. Match each piece in half. Return about 1-1.5 cm from the bend line and draw the markup of the triangle to the edge of the part, as in the picture below. Cut without reaching the fold line.
  4. Spread the strips for the transverse part and glue the spikes to it, as shown in the photo.
  5. Give the glue to dry. At this time, measure the size of the baby's head. By its diameter, glue the rim of the caps using the tape. The same with the transverse side.
  6. Now the triangles of spikes are tightly covered with glue. While the glue dries out, it is better to fasten the sparkles with clips or clips so that they do not break down.
  7. Stick the ridge to the cap in the front and rear.

What else can be made of paper for a child?

From paper you can make any headdress that will be an excellent accessory for a festive or any other holiday.

  • Headdress is a great addition to a costume holiday. Such a cap you are unlikely to find in the store:

Paper crafts for a child from 5 years


We need:

  • Colored paper
  • Scissors
  • Flomaster
  1. The principle of creating crafts is similar to rabbits. Also make 4 strips of paper. Two of them divide into equal parts. We will need about 10 not long strips.
  2. Roll into the ring one strip. Other impose inside the rings and also glue. It looks like the creation of a paper garland.
  3. From another strip, take a piece and fold in half. Draw an elongated triangle, slightly retreating from the fold line. Cut, not assigated seam. It will fall crocodile. Bend the nose of the crocodile so that it becomes like a crocodile face.
  4. Cut two small triangles and pose inside the grazing. Strokester test fangs.
  5. He head through the top ring of the torso and secure scotch.
  6. Cut thin strips. One round over the edges and impose inside the triangle and glue. It will be eyes. Dorisinate them felt-tip pen.
  7. From other thin tapes, create 4 paws and attach them under the crocodile rush.
  8. Paper strip Impact at the end of the body, glue into the loop and cut the corner at the end. It will be a crocodile tail.

Rainbow and clouds

We will need

  • Colored paper - Rainbow colors
  • Thread - 60 cm
  • Beads - 3-4 pcs.
  • Scissors
  • PVA glue
  • Sewing needle
  • Stapler
  1. Cut the 7 strips of each color of the rainbow with a width of 4 cm, and a length: red - 29 cm, each next color is 2 cm less than the previous one.
  2. In the center of each strip, draw a pencil line. Now fold the ribbons to each other so that the sequences coincide.
  3. In the center all ribbons pinched the needle. Let it make an adult. Through this hole will continue to do thread.
  4. Now fold the strip so that the edges coincide (see picture). Purge the stapler in this place.
  5. The other side of the rainbow also crowd over one line and sew the stapler. You must have such a workpiece.
  6. 6. Now inwing the thread in the needle and plan one beads, and tie it with a nodule to do not fall. Take a thread through the rainbow in the hole, which we did at the very beginning of work. Upstairs bind the thread of the loop.
  7. You can still add a few beads if desired. Cut 9 droplets of the same size, bend them in length. We glue one droplet on the thread, but do not go to the end. One bulk droplet should consist of three flat. Therefore, we fasten their sides with each other (the photo below).
  8. Decorating the ends of the rainbow. Also to last in them a thread with a bead and add around the droplet.
  9. Now it remains only to add fluffy clouds, sticking them to the ends of the rainbow with the help of cotton and glue.

The suspension can decorate the child's children's room, pleased with his bright colors in cloudy days. And you can hand over the Dad to Pope so that he placed this gift at his workplace. He will always remind him that he is waiting for a loving family at home.

DIY Origami from paper for children from 7 years

Organizer for the Office

We will need

  • Dense paper - 6 sheets (different colors)
  1. Each compartment must be executed separately. To do this, we take a sheet of paper, fold the triangle and cut it up to make a square format from it.
  2. Then we fold in half, the resulting side doors bend in the inside of the halves. I turn over the sheet, make the same bends. According to the result, the sheet should turn out all in square lines.
  3. We begin every corner inside, as shown in the picture and turn the two sides inside.
  4. Then we turn the craft and bend inside on both sides. In the resulting pockets insert a piece of colored paper, cut it in size, if necessary.
  5. Insert one side into the opening of another, forming a trilateral cup.
  6. Repeat these simple movements with 5 remaining paper sheets.
  7. The resulting cups glue together. Druel on the usual sheet of paper bottom, cut out and stick to the cup.

Paper is a universal raw material, which is used in a wide variety of human life spheres. In the work of many people take this material as a basis. As adults, it will be very interesting to find out what crafts can be made of paper.

Original paper products

Beautiful crafts from paper at home do not be completely difficult to do. The fair number of all sorts of figures require the presence of drawn schemes for which the product is collected. Armed with a pencil and ruler, each can be created by the template for the crew. It is only possible to portray the scheme, and you can easily create furniture items or gift boxes, for example.

Each interesting idea has instructions, how to make a craft. It is important to consider that the dotted lines of the circuit are the folds of the folds.

Photo Crafts from paper, as well as detailed instructions and descriptions of the necessary materials and tools can be found on the network. In our article, we offer some options for crafts of different levels of complexity.

For the smallest

Even with a very young age, kids begin to show interest in paper. We offer parents along with children to make a bright and beautiful bird. She can play your baby or decorate the room.

Before starting to work, you should prepare. You will need a poultry template, cardboard, thin paper (square) and colored pencils or markers. By this template you cut the bird. Then draw the beak, feathers and tail.

From a thin square sheet of paper, wings are made. To do this, it is required to fold the harmonica, and then fix in the body of the bird in the hole pre-cooked.

It is important to remember that the cutting process should pass under the strict control of the adult. And do not forget to explain the baby that after work all tools should be put in places.

Decorate the bird, sticking ribbons, sequins or praises.

Volumetric paintings

All crafts from paper can be simple and complex. Applique is considered one of the simplest techniques for performing paper crafts. Such a type of creativity is studied by children in the early stages of training.

Work algorithm

  • Fold the napkin 4 times and copper in the stapler in the middle. Cut the angles to get a circle.
  • Shape flower, disconnecting the circle layer.
  • Cut several green leaves.
  • Cut a basket.
  • Stick all the details on the cardboard sheet.

Please note that the manufacture of a basket is allowed to use corrugated paper or foil.

Applique torn paper

Another way to appliques without using scissors is working with confetti or torn paper.

To work it is necessary to have:

  • glue;
  • ripped paper (or confetti) of different colors;
  • cardboard for the base;
  • pencil.

Work algorithm:

  • We apply to cardboard image.
  • Out alternate image details with glue.
  • From above on glue we put pieces of paper or confetti.

If you wish, you can decorate the picture from any other materials, or insert a photo frame. Attach on the back of the loop, and you can hang such a children's masterpiece on the wall.


There is a huge variety of ways to learn how to make crafts from paper in weaving technique. This is a very original approach to create an exclusive work.

The simplest in this technique is considered weaving from strokes in a checker order. For those who do not seek easy paths, work with paper tubes.

It is worth considering that the properties of the product will depend on the material you choose. You can work with:

  • ordinary paper;
  • newspaper;
  • ribbon for cash registers;
  • glossy magazines.

So you will have a solid and high-quality product. When the product is woven, you can decorate it, as you wish. There are no restrictions here.


One of the most complex techniques of work with paper is called Origami. Next, we offer a workshop on paper crafts in this technique. As an example, we will make chicken.

To work on the product, you will need a square sheet of thin paper and pencils (black and red).

Performance algorithm:

  • Bend paper diagonally.
  • Expand.
  • Bend into two equal parts
  • Expand the left and right corners of the square.
  • Breast of these angles in the middle in such a way as to combine them and result in a pentagon.
  • Bresh the top of the cone in the middle.
  • The same cone is in-off in the opposite direction, but so that outside the leaf remains a small corner, which will be the beak.
  • Combine the left and right edges of the product, but so that the beak be on the left side.
  • Upper right corner Breast into the middle of the product.
  • The right lower angle, which consists of two sheets, bring out. By producing these movements, it is important to combine the lower sides. Also at this time, you need to withdraw a small corner for the extreme left border. Thus, the paws turned out.
  • Remove to the outer side of a small corner-tail.
  • Beak slightly lower.
  • Draw an eye with a black pencil.
  • Put the beak with a red pencil.

Origami magic surprises and intrigues children. Having mastered the technique yourself, you can teach a child to make new interesting toys.

If you show a fantasy, then everything you can do from paper. Your handicraft will be exclusive first because it is handmade. And only you depends on how people will see it: color or black and white, flat or volumetric. In addition, we are now available to choose from all kinds of raw materials for creativity and decor.

Photo of paper crafts

Paper is the most popular and affordable material for creativity. Create crafts from it equally interesting and children, and adults. Work options There are many. Consider how to make the most entertaining and unusual products in this article.

Advantages of paper

The homemade decor of it has the following advantages:

  • ease of creation;
  • fascinating pastime;
  • financial availability of material;
  • saving money;
  • uniqueness;
  • no need to have experience.

Similar creative classes help to form children's fantasy and imagination, as well as develop a small motorcy.

Decorations for home

Interior designers have long been advised to look at decorations from paper. This is rather rational, because the use of such decoration is the simplest solution if you want to update the appearance of the room. Moreover, Hand Made's things always appreciate high. Here are some original ideas.

Paper baskets

Compact beautiful baskets are an excellent choice to maintain order. They are appropriate to store various minor items. But it should be remembered that such accessories have strength and moisture resistance significantly lower than among traditional products, although the appearance can be almost identical.

For weaving baskets use paper twine or hand-made harnesses. On the Internet, you can find detailed master classes of any of the manufacturing techniques. All of them require only desire and free time.

Pyramids for the wall

This type of paper and cardboard crafts is a three-dimensional decorative element that fits perfectly into a modern stylistic direction. The ideal basis for this kind of accessory is the monochrome surface.

You will need to prepare:

  • dense colored paper;
  • cardboard;
  • pVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • rule.

Step-by-step sequence of actions:

  1. Cut from cardboard the basis of the desired value.
  2. Mark a pencil with a place for pyramids.
  3. Cut the required number of paper squares and put them in the billet for the pyramids using the Origami technique. Each of them consistently folded with each other so that one whole module is.
  4. Secure panel to cardboard basis. The edges fix the scotch.

The final stroke can be a non-standard frame.

Touching butterflies

The scope of butterflies is wide enough. They draw up both walls and other surfaces, for example, frames for photos, paintings, mirrors, lighting, ceilings. Adorable images are obtained from different types of "raw materials" (Watman, Tin). However, the paper is most in demand.

First of all, it is worth deciding on the concept and make stencils. Templates can be drawn or print out from the Internet. Next, with their help you need to cut the desired number of pictures. Elements are recorded in several ways - on glue, pins or buttons.

Exquisite lamps

Decorators often spend demonstrations of non-standard lamps. The price of exclusive "clothes" for lamps is rather big. Therefore, it is much more profitable to try to construct them personally.

Improvised rosary, Chinese flashlight, wicker desktop lamps - it's all possible to make it possible to make it possible from ordinary paper.

Paper crafts for children

In view of the sufficient prevalence of this material, the technician of its use by kids every year becomes more and more. We will analyze the individual popular ideas of children's paper crafts.

Volumetric crafts

Cheerful cat. It is extremely easy to create. The kids will surely come to delight, if they offer them to implement such a volumetric craft of colored paper.

For the most older guys there is a thinking person - make an entertaining bird. Instructions in both cases the same:

  1. Download, print and cut pattern.
  2. Fold all the folds of the fold and glue the part between themselves in the desired order.

Wall panels and applications

Applique is a very useful thing. It develops visual-motor coordination, perfection and fantasy, and also teaches combining colors, forms and textures.

In order for the child to enjoy the lesson, he needs to offer the topic that will correspond to his age and interests.

Children are always interested in animals, birds, insects, trees and flowers. They see them every day and will be very happy to embody in work.

Options for paper toys

Crafts from paper "Pirate" for boys

Pirates, Corsairs, Flibusters - all this names of marine robbers. These people were famous for fearless and freedom. This image can be easily implemented using multicolored paper. Here are the required steps:

  1. From a pale yellow leaf cut a rectangle with parties 120 and 70 mm. This is a billet for the body.
  2. Make a vest, sticking three black strips with a size of 12 * 1.5 cm, 12 * 0.5 cm and 12 * 0.5 cm on a light rectangular strip 12 * 4 cm.
  3. Attach the resulting striped item to the bottom of the billet.
  4. Draw the face of Corsaard and minimize the yellow rectangle into the roll. The hero is ready torso.
  5. From the orange leaf to make a beard. To do this, draw a silhouette, cut it and cut into a fringe. Finished element stick to the face of the character.
  6. Make a traditional corsarsky headdress and "dress" him on the head of the pirate.
  7. Create handles (they will be dressed in a vest) and stick them to the sides of the body.
  8. Add plastic eyes - work on a children's homemade for boys is completed.

Option for girls "Fairy Fairy"

This fairy will be fully made of complicated by different methods of paper circles. Circle and scissors will be required of the tools. First you need to find the appropriate scheme. Next cut the necessary circles. Five elements are shown here - dress, head, hands, wings, eyes. Color of blanks - your choice.

Stages of creating figures:

  1. The circle for the dress is required to fold 3 times and put down.
  2. The next step is to prepare 2 semicircles for sleeves and 1 for a collar. Attach them to the blank of the outfit.
  3. Cut and glue hand brushes (2 white circle). Behind to the torso add wings.
  4. Emboss your head and create a hairstyle. Hair is also made of paper circles.

We only told about the few entertaining things that can be made of paper for interior design and children's games. You can use them or come up with something else. The main thing, do not be afraid to hold and fantasize. Create the beauty around yourself and delight your loved ones.

Photo ideas of homemade paper crafts

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