How to prevent dental pain at home. Remove strong dental pain at home

The cause of acute detentious pain can be carious cavity, pulpitis, periodontitis, weakened crown, which dropped the seal, injured gum, cutting tooth of wisdom. Simptitoms are able to manifest itself otitis, sinusitis. A reliable way to get rid of pain one is visiting a dentist. But sometimes the problem arises at night, you need to alleviate the fate of the patient until the morning. It is advisable to provide in advance how to calm the toothpaches at home. The stock of painkillers, herbal infusions, essential oils are very useful in such a situation.

What to do if the tooth hurts

First you should rinse your mouth, take advantage of the toothbrush. Sometimes it is enough to remove the toothpache, provoked by stuck food fibers. Damage the patient tooth will help an analgesic or tampon tablet, impregnated with an anesthetic medicine. You can weaken sharp pain with the help of a multitude of folk methods that use herbs, vegetable juices, salt, cold bulls. It is impossible to cure tooth in such methods, but you can cope with the dental coverage of the sensation.

Prayer from dental pain

A request for help from overwhelming the soul rather than the text. So a child who complaining of parents does not pick up specially memorable words, but puts feelings and believes in advance in sympathy, support. Prayer can be pronounced arbitrarily, faith in God, trust, sincerity of circulation. Aloud or mentally ask for relief of dental pain - also does not matter, any thoughts are available to the Lord.

Medicine treatment

Toothproof is, first of all, inflammation. Frequent rinsing with appliant solutions (salt, soda) helps to subscribe it. From pain in the tooth you should drink the drugs-analgesics "", "Salpadein", soluble aspirin. It is impossible to put the pieces of the tablet aspirin directly on the sore tooth, so you can burn the gums, the pain will return with a double strength. Effective tableted means combining anesthetic and anti-inflammatory mechanisms of exposure: "Ibuprofen", "Ksefokam", "", but drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy.

A sharp toothaches one tablet will not eliminate, most likely will have to be reused. It is important to comply with the dosage, use according to the instructions. At home, you can combine analgin and aspirin. If the tooth roses - the meansmolytic agents will help: "DROTAVERIN", "but-shpa". Powerful painting drugs "Ketanov", "Naz", "Aktasuld" contribute to the elimination of even unbearable dental pain, but are purchased by prescription.

Than rinse

First warm water to remove food residues. Next, rinse with a solution containing a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water, it contributes to the elimination of an unpleasant plaque, relieves inflammation, helps to take pain. Soda can be replaced with salt, useful to add 4-5 yeod drops. It is impossible to use hot rinsing when the tooth is hurting, the gums swell, the consequence will be an aggravation of the process. It is useful to suck pieces of ice, cold will stop the development of edema of the gums.

Furacilina-based rinsing, potassium permanganate acts beneficial. There are ready-made antimicrobial effects that reduce swelling: "", "Stomatofit", "". The nozzle-spray at home aiming the sick tooth, the desired section of the gums. It is suitable for rinsing herbal fees "Fitolux", "Tea Herbal No. 5". Adults can be made alcoholic irrigation, holding a small amount of alcohol in the mouth. The alcohol penetrates through the dental defect, causes numbness.

Massage for dental pain

Mechanical impact on certain parts of the body will help improve the condition in the pain in the teeth. Own sinks are associated with the oral cavity. Massage movements should be made first gently, then amplify, moving away from the top to the lobe on the side of the patient's tooth. Innervation of ear and gums partially overlaps, so massage will have a distracting, soothing effect.

Purples pain pulses massage of the skin fold between large and index fingers on the opposite sick touba body side. Macely follows the ice cube, providing push movements. Nervous signals from this area of \u200b\u200bthe brush are transmitted by the same ways as the toothache, so the pain impulse is suppressed. Relief comes quickly, but the massage should be continued for 6-7 minutes. Ice cube can be smoothly, carefully massage the sick gum to reduce the edema of the tissues.

Another way, as at home to stop a novel dental pain - crying. Filling the tear bags reflexively reduces the pressure in the gums, facilitates the state. Specially to upset yourself for the sake of tears is not worth it, it is better to clean the bow for culinary needs. An unpleasant procedure can compensate for positive emotions - to see a funny video, read jokes. The body is easier to fight with dental pain, when specific "hormones of joy" are produced.

Folk remedies from dental pain

Folk Medicine keeps dozens of ways, as at home to reassure strong toothpow. The components of the beams, infusions, powders were harvested in advance, by the time of collecting healing plants. But there are available methods that use familiar culinary ingredients. The tooth can accelerate in nature, then folk tips for the use of herbs, roots will be used.

  • Raw a glass of steep boiling water with a glass of a glass of steep boiling water, rinse the mouth, while the decoction is warm, then sprout, score a new sip.
  • Valerian leaf to put the drug between the cheek and tooth, keep to relief.
  • Valerian leaf or horse sornery to warm up, crawling on the sick tooth of half an hour.
  • Swimmed by cologne tampon must be inserted into the ear on the sideline side, go to bed for an hour.
  • Slice of the root of the plantain is rinsed, attached to the inflamed gum, hold, until the tooth stops whining.
  • In the hollow tooth, put a maminated maminated with onion juice.
  • Salah slice (fresh or weakly salted) lay between the cheek and the tooth, the pain subsides quickly.
  • Attach the sick place with a slice of red beet or cashem out of it, remove when it takes up.
  • Mix equal parts of the ammonia and lemon juice, to impregnate the vatka, put on a sick tooth.
  • Cashitz Khrena root to grate into the sick sick.
  • It was insisted two spoons of leishes leaves in a liter of boiling water, rinse the mouth, the fifth of the infusion to drink in one reception, the dental pain subsides.
  • Shoot the color of the souls for 5 minutes.
  • Impure with fir oil, apply to a sick tooth for 15 minutes.
  • Toothproof MiG calm down if the gum to lubricate the Aira tincture (20 g root to pour 100 ml of vodka, to insist two weeks).
  • Pain pain with the words "tooth squeezes, my heel retreats, month (or sun, in time) the world illuminates, my pain drives," repeat 12 times.

Navitnaya infusion

Infusion of cloves - painful, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic agent. The operating component of Eugenol is able to anesthetize, accelerate the healing of the wounds, relieve irritation, redness. To facilitate the dental pain at home, the carnation is impregnated with a vaccine, put on a sore tooth, slightly rub in a small amount in the gum. If there is a hollow, a drop of infused directly into the cavity.

Essential oils

Anyicraft or at least muffle the toothaches can essential extracts of many plants. Mint oil has a cooling effect, soothes the inflamed tissues of the gums, dental nerve. Clove, chamomile, sage oils have an anesthetic, antibacterial, antispasmodic effect. Castabre oil has a relaxing effect not only on the sick tooth, but also on the whole body. Essential oils impregnate tampons, tours, apply to a sick tooth. Therapeutic action of vegetable oils reduces the threat to the removal of the tooth.


Proponated anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anesthetic action has propolis - the product of vital activity bees. The granule of propolis can be applied to the sick tooth, it quickly occurs in numbness, even a significant sharp pain relieves, after which the tool must be removed. Similar effect has a tincture of propolis. Industrial preparations "Preosol", "Stomapin", propolis extract, gel "asepta" are used to treat inflammatory processes of the oral cavity, eliminate dental pain.


The composition of garlic includes a unique antiseptic, created by nature - allicin. By destroying malicious bacteria, it is anesthesia, has a distracting effect. When the garlic is handed over to the appearance of juice, laid on the wrist opposite to the patient's teuba, fixate the bandage. Allicin stimulates certain skin points, acting like acupuncture; At the same time, the doctor does not need. For direct use, a quarter of garlic slices to warm up with black bread, keep the casseling on a sick tooth for about ten minutes. We need caution, the sharp mass is capable of burning gums.

Toothpache is one of the most unpredictable and can achieve such force that a person will forget about everything in the world. When to get to the dentist is not possible, and the pain is unbearable, will help the folk remedies, helping to reduce or completely eliminate the discomfort.

Why the tooth hurts

Teeth may be hurt for different reasons, and they are not always related to dentistry.

The main dental are, availability:

  • the deep carious damage to the tooth tissues, which has not yet begun to be treated - appear when cold, cold, hot, sweet food, after cleaning the teeth;
  • periodontitis - inflammation of tissues around the dental root, every day, after taking food, pain is enhanced;
  • periodontitis - inflammation of the tissues of the tip of the tooth, have a pulsating character, appear after pressing the gums and tooth;
  • gingivitis - gums inflammation;
  • injury tooth (cracks, chips, bruises);
  • pulita - inflammation of the soft part of the tooth, in the acute phase of pain become the bakery, more often at night with the return to the temporal part or ear;
  • hypersensitivity of dental fabric - arises against the background of enamel, pain appear after or while taking too hot / cold food.

But there are no dental causes of dental pain: Migraine (headache is felt like a tooth), some heart disease, otitis (ear inflammation), etmoiditis (inflammation of the mucous sinus), sinusitis, neuralgia of a trigeminal nerve. Therefore, a visit to Dentist is obligatory, only the doctor will be able to determine whether the patient is true of the patient treats problems in the oral cavity.


How to remove dental pain

Receiving medical preparations with an analgesic action is the fastest solution to the problem, they will not be able to cure, but for a while, it is possible to take pain with them. Depending on the individual sensitivity to the components of this series of medicines, you can choose:

  • Nimesulid, Naz, Aponyl;
  • Ibuprofen, nurofen, abalgin;
  • Analgin, Baratgin, Tempalgin, Decalgin 25;
  • But-shpa, papaverine;
  • Ketanov, Ketorolak, Ketorol.

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Each group uses a different active substance, so you need to independently observe the action of the drug in order to understand how much it helps. Some approach even such a means as diclofenac or ordinary aspirin, and there are people with a resistant nervous system to any painkillers.


But for the admission of anesthetic, there are a number of contraindications: hypertension, ulcerative disease, liver and kidney dysfunction, pregnancy, lactation period. Also, the long-term use of analgesics causes an addictive body to them and each time the dose will need to increase to achieve the expected effect, and this is fraught with health problems.

For such cases, safe and effective folk methods have long been known, which, if they cannot completely stop pain, will help to significantly reduce them.

Recipes for removing dental pain no tablets

What to do when to endure the power?

  • Cotton swab with valocardine. It is applied to a sick tooth and keep until the pain appears.
  • Removal of pain lard. A small piece of fresh unsolved bass applied to a sick tooth. Through 10-20 minutes Painful sensations will disappear.

  • Carnation. One of the fastest ways to facilitate the state. Several pieces are crushed, mixed with vegetable oil and applied to the teeth. It is possible to grasp the sick tooth with cloves or dissolve several of its drops in warm water and rinse the mouth.
  • Cut the pain will help a small sliced \u200b\u200bof raw potatoes or beets attached to the teeth.
  • With the hypersensitivity of the tooth, you need to make a paste from salt and black pepper. It lubricate the tooth a couple of days, but not more often once a day.

  • Garlic. The coast of fresh garlic is cutting in pressure and through the gauze applied to the wrist of the hand (in the place where the pulse is torn) the opposite side, where the pain in the tooth is felt. Brushed the bandage or fix the leukoplasty. Already through 10-15 minutes The pain will begin to disappear.
  • Ice. Having attached to an alarming place or to the forehead a piece of ice, it is possible for some time to "freeze" it, it will muffle the sharp pain. Only in no case towards the most teuba. So, as it is not known why he was painted, you can provoke the attack even stronger.
  • Iodine mesh from the outside of the cheek in the area where the tooth hurts.
  • The solution of manganese. It is used as rinsing, the procedure is repeated until the pain starts to fond. The liquid should not have a dark purple shade - the mucosa of the mouth can get the burden at such a strong concentration. It is also prohibited to swallow the solution.
  • Sea salt with iodine. In the glass of water, dilute a tablespoon of ordinary sea salt (without additives and dyes) and add 3-5 yeod drops. This composition is rinsed with mouth several times if the pain has not decreased, the concentration increases.
  • Asafhetide or ferul stinking (spice dried resin). The chipping of the spices is mixed with lemon juice, heated, woven cotton swabs in the solution and applied to the teeth. To instantly stop pain, asafhetide is roasted in oil and put in the mouth. This is a very ancient recipe for Iranians and Afghanistan.
  • Food salt and soda. Dissolve 1 tsp in a glass of warm water. Stripping is done while acute pain does not decrease.
  • Silver with apple vinegar. Swimmed in vinegar tampon applied to a sick tooth. Important! Vinegar must be natural and you can not keep such a compress no longer 3 minutes.
  • Rinsing the zone of the patient's tooth with a strong alcoholic beverage will temporarily remove pain.
  • Fresh leaves and roots of the plantain. They must be checked and move to pain. Hold down the dental pains will appear.
  • Vanilla extract. They are wetted tampon and apply to the teeth.

  • Aloe and Kalanchoe. The bottom leaf of any of the plants, which is at home, is finely crushed and applied to the teeth and the gum. These vases very quickly help reduce the unpleasant sensations and suspend the inflammatory process.
  • Stripping with infusion Sage, calendula, hunter, oak bark and chamomile. For cooking you need to take 1 tbsp. spoonful of herbs, pour boiling water and let stand 1-2 hours. Use warm.
  • Infusion of dried pumpkin tails. To the glass of boiling water you need to take 1 tbsp. A spoonful of crushed tails and hold an hour in a closed enameled dishes. After that, infusion to strain and make a bath for a sick tooth from it or just rinse the oral cavity.
  • Applying to the sick tooth the tincture of the root of Aira. This method is already for 5-10 minutes It will help completely remove pain. But such a means should be housed already harvested. Cooking: Warved roots of AIRA are flooded with extruding alcohol 70% and insist in a dark place 10 days, after which the medicine can be used. Watch tampon is wetted in the tincture, and applied to the patient's teuba, not tasty gums before the residue of pain.

Important! Before using any tool, you need to make sure that Oneon is an allergen for the body, especially for children and pregnant women.



It happens that there is no screwdriver from the removal of dental pain at all (travel, ride, vacation in nature). In such a situation, you can take a strong pain by making self-massage of certain zones, which are responsible for pulses coming from a damaged tooth.

Such pains help such actions:

  • massage of the ear of the ear from the side of the patient tooth will help weaken the pain;
  • strong pressure in place located between the phalanges of the large and index finger 6-8 minutes or the ice cube applied there and massage it;
  • rottening the area between the lower jaw from the pain and cheeky.

What to do during dental pain can not

  • It is forbidden to apply it to a sick place hotter, warming it with heating or compresses, even if it helps to muffle pain.
  • If there is a feeling that the pain is intensified under the action of an inhaled air, try not to open it.
  • With incorrect bite, try not to wash the jaw, it can cause even stronger bouts of pain.
  • Do not drink any antibiotics before inspecting the dentist. Such drugs are prescribed only under certain diseases and are accepted according to the scheme.

Unconventional ways of dental pain

If there are no ingredients than to remove pain - the magnet will help. It needs to be attached to the cheek, from the side where pain. After 30-40 minutes, it will completely save from unpleasant sensations.

Homeopathic preparations. Arnica - eliminates pain in mechanical damage to the jaw, and after removing the tooth - will stop the bleeding and accelerate the healing of the wound. Athonite - will help to eliminate the toothaches with ORVI.

When falling out of sealing material, and associated with these pains, it can be brutened using propolis. The tool is layered in the resulting hole, it has good painful and anti-inflammatory properties.

Mummy solution (1 tablet on a glass of warm water). It smears cotton swab and apply to the teeth for 15-20 minutes. When the pains disappeared, the tampon is cleaned, but for half an hour it is impossible to eat, drink and smoke.

Application for rinsing warm, strong, black, unsweetened tea can drove unpleasant sensations for a while. Rinsing must be repeated until the pain is shed.

On a note

It is possible to relieve the toothaches with pills, and without them at home, it is possible, but the effect will be short-lived, because the problem that caused the unpleasant feeling will not disappear anywhere. If inspection and treatment is not quickly spent, the pain will be returned, the disease will be aggravated, and the consequences can be dangerous to health.


Toothpick is one of the most unpleasant phenomena capable of making our lives in black and white. When pain becomes acute, impulse, a person cannot think about anything but about the sick tooth. And if at the time of the exacerbation there is no possibility to go to the dentist, reduce or temporarily soothe pain can be independently.

Causes of dental pain

If something hurts - it means that there is a reason, and it must be solved. Toothproof may be stupid and nozzles, and can pulsate, giving up in whiskey and causing headaches. The reason is the sensitivity of the dental nerve to change the meal temperature, inflammation, infection, in general damage to the dental nerve.

Consider the most common reasons:

  1. Dental pain after removing the tooth. As a rule, it is natural, and in a day or two it calms down. After all, after removal of the tooth, an open wound remains, which gradually must heal. In no case can not be climbing there with foreign objects or language, it is necessary to eat on the other side, so as not to interfere with the wound to heal, and do not make an infection. But if the pain does not subside, and over time it does not pass - consult a doctor, it may have complications.
  2. Caries. The pain occurs if the disease is launched, the focus of destruction has reached the teeth and the dental nerve. Under such conditions, it is possible to reduce the pain for the time, but the appeal to the dentist must.
  3. Perodontitis. Pain occurs when pockets near the tooth appear, and bleeding appears at the same time. Without the intervention of the dentist, the disease cannot be cured at this stage.
  4. Incorrect sealing. With incorrect treatment of the tooth, the disease continues to develop, reaching the depth of the tooth and the rigging nerve. Output one - the dentist must remove the seal, childish the tooth and grasp it again.

In any case, with a strong constant toothache, it is necessary to contact the dentist to determine the cause and elimination.

Methods of calm at home at home

With an unexpected appearance of dental pain, it is possible to calm it at home. In addition to the adoption of anesthetic, you can make a rinse solution or herbic decoction:

  1. The easiest solution that does not require any special means and always have at home is soda. A glass of warm boiled water is enough 1 teaspoon of soda. It is important to stirrel to stir her to be left for a minimum of sediment. Such a means disinfects well and soothes pain: the soda is known for antobacterial properties, as well as it softens the tissues in the gum and relaxes the nerve, which helps to reduce pain spasms. It is recommended to add a pair of iodine drops to the solution, it will only improve the positive effect.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide is bred in proportions 1: 2 with water. The tool disinfects well and relieves inflammation.
  3. Plate of garlic with salt or compress made of loss garlic and salt. The compress is done like this: in a small piece of gauze, a cashem is made of gripped salt and garlic and is applied to the patient area of \u200b\u200bthe gums. Garlic perfectly destroys bacteria and relieves pain.
  4. As a reduction pain and prophylactic agent against caries, there is an infusion of onion husks: three spoons of plants account for 500 ml of boiling water, it is brought to a boil and boiled up to 10 minutes. Then the means is fastened and insisted for about 8 hours.
  5. Carnation oil is well quenched with pain: a few drops of oil are applied onto the mill and applied to the patient of the gums.
  6. Any strong unsweetened alcohol (vodka, whiskey, brandy). But it is not worth taking it inside - just hold for a few minutes of the breath of alcohol near the sick gum, and then spawn. Thus, under the influence of alcohol in the beverage, the nerve and fabric are numb, and the pain subsides. Well, the antiseptic properties of alcohol are well known. Such a method is suitable for strong recreation pain for "killing" nerve.
  7. With a very strong pain, it is possible to impregnate a piece of the battle of iodine and attach to a patient. The effect will be approximately the same as when using alcohol.
  8. Herbal decrains. Many diseases have long been treated with herbs, and dental pain is not an exception. Suitable chamomile, oak bark, lilac leaves, melissa and mint. The herbs are brewed as tea, leave for 10-20 minutes, then fastened through the sieve of the full-table infusion and is left until the temperature acquisition is slightly above room. The procedure lies in such actions: infusion is inserted into the mouth with small sips and is bezed from the side of the patient nerve for about a minute. Repeat 3-4 times. After the procedure, do not drink within an hour.

Important! If the nerve hurts after the removal of the tooth, it is not necessary to rinse, otherwise the resulting film is damaged at the site of the wound. Just type the decoction in the mouth and hold 1-2 minutes from the sick nerve, repeat 3-5 times.

After applying any means of the above, it is recommended not to eat, and do not drink fluid for 1 hour. Also smokers are not recommended to smoke at this time, since the cigarette smoke annoys the inflamed area.

If some of the means (such as herbs and soda solutions, hydrogen and iodine solutions) are used as preventive, then the time of the procedure is recommended after meals or in the morning after breakfast and in the evening before bedtime.

Remember: Toothpay signals us about the appearance of some disease. If you delay the hike to the dentist for a long time, then a small temporary toothache may grow into a constant and strong, which indicates the complication of the disease. And the lack of proper timely treatment can lead to loss of teeth.

It is recommended to undergo a prophylactic inspection at the dentist for the timely identification of possible diseases, as well as not forget to carry out standard procedures for maintaining the oral cavity hygiene - tooth cleaning in the morning and in the evening, the use of toothpicks or dental threads after meals.

Video: how to take a toothpow and not pull the tooth

About the unpleasant sensations experienced in dental pains, everyone knows. New, cutting pain, with a gradual edema of the face - a sign of the beginning of the disease of the teeth. At the first manifestations of teeth disease, it is recommended to immediately visit the doctor, because only he can correctly establish the type of pain, its causes and appoint competent treatment accordingly. If you do not seek medical care on time, you can run an inflammatory process and give starts to develop a number of unpleasant diseases.

How to take dental pain at home

The main causes of dental pain

The main cause of dental pain is the damaged tooth nerve. The sensitive nerve is painfully reacting not only on all external factors, such as the meal temperature, and the process of inflammation or the presence of infection.
The most common types of pain in the teeth are:

Soda shoots the enemy instantly

Let's look at how to take a toothpacker at home.
If there is a dental pain, you urgently need to make an appointment with the doctor for the diagnosis of the problem and the designation of the methods of its treatment. However, there are cases when the toothed pain found surprise, and to seek help to professionals at the same minute there is no possibility.
I propose to consider the main options for the preparation of solutions or decoctions designed to eliminate the toothache at home:

  1. The first embodiment of the dental pain can be rinsed with food soda. The soda is well known for its antibacterial properties, as well as it affects the softness of the tissue, as a result of which the pain eats a bit. To prepare a solutions for rinsing from food soda, you will need three hundred milliliters of boiled warm water and a teaspoon of soda. Ingredients need to be thoroughly mixed, and you can start riding.
  2. To stop pain in the tooth, you can use hydrogen peroxide, which is available in every home. To prepare a solution, take ordinary water and peroxide and mix the ingredients in proportion one to two (for example, by 50 grams of peroxide there is 100 grams of water).

    The peroxide is aimed at removing the inflammatory process, which in many cases serves as an impetus for the appearance of dental pain.

  3. The following composite designed to relieve the toothaches can be garlic and salt. You can prepare from them to make ripples for rinsing, and you can apply as a compress that is more effective in the fight against pain.
    The recipe cooking is very simple. Called garlic throw into the water and cook for about five minutes, after adding salt and leave to cool.
    To create a compression, you need to take the usual gauze on which to lay out a predetermined mixture of thoroughly crushed garlic and salt.

    The resulting compress must be applied to the patient. Garlic is famous not only by its antibacterial properties, but also helps to calm pain.

  4. Solution from the onion husk. Here you will need about three spoons of onion husks and five hundred milliliters of water. The husk must be pouring boiling water, put on the stove and bring to a boil. You need to cook it about ten minutes. After it is necessary to strain the resulting decoction and leave it to be (somewhere for eight hours), after which you can start riding. Onion husk is used not only to reduce dental pain, but also as an excellent prophylactic agent in the fight against caries.
  5. You can use carnation oil, which is sold in pharmacies. To reduce pain, it is necessary to throw a few drops of this oil onto cotton tampon and gently apply to the patient.
  6. Use of alcohol. About the antiseptic properties of alcohol is known, in any one. Alcohol for this method is suitable in the form of vodka or skate. It is necessary to dial a small amount of drink in the mouth and hold it for some time on a problem area. Then the drink need to spit. This method is very effective against a strong, sharp pain, as the alcohol contained in alcohol contributes to the numbness of the patient and relieves pain.
  7. If the use of alcohol is not suitable for removing a strong pain, it can be replaced by the usual iodine, which will give the same effect and will bring peace of pain. On your cotton disk a few drops of iodine and just attach it to a problem area.
  8. Herbal decoction from sage. For the preparation of such a decoction, a dry grass of sage and 200 milliliters of boiling water are needed. Grinding herb to pour boiling water, after recommended to the container with the decoction to cover something and leave to appease.

    When the decoction cools, you can start riding. You need to rinse about fifteen minutes. The procedure can be repeated until the pain is not retreating.
    For such a type of ragland, you can also use chamomile, oak, melissa bark and other herbs.

  9. To prepare a ragger for rinsing, you can use several dry herbs at once. For example, you can take the dry grass of the oak bark (four tablespoons), the grass of Celenela (three tablespoons), sage (four tablespoons) and pour the presented herbal collection 0,5l boiling water. Mixed herbs with water to send to the fire and cook for about five minutes, after which it is strain and let it cool to such a brave.

    Rinse can be spent five times a day. In addition, in the intervals between rinsing, you can moisten cotton with this infusion and apply to a problem place. This will help you quickly reduce the level of bacteria, the level of inflammatory process and pain.

  10. For rinsing, take rosemary and sage. For the preparation of the solution you will need two hundred milliliters of red wine, one teaspoon of honey, and one teaspoon of dry grass rosemary and sage. We mix the grass and add red wine into it, after which we put the resulting mixture on a small fire, bring to a boil, and approximately three minutes boil. After that, the solution is fixed, slightly cool and add honey. Rinse two or three per day. This means not only helps to quickly alleviate pain, but also popular for the prevention of all diseases, well helps in strengthening teeth in general.
  11. Kalanchoe. This plant is perfectly coping with bacteria and pain.

    You only need to cut one sheet of calangean, smat a little (so that the juice is more active) and attach to the patient.

  12. Birch renal tincture. The recipe is very simple, you need only fifty grams of kidneys and half liters of water. Pre-prepared kidneys are poured with water and leave in a dark, cool place for ten days. After the tincture is filled. When everything is ready, you need to mix with a small piece of watts with this solution and attach to a patient. It will quickly help eliminate pain in the tooth.
  13. Decoration based on aspen chips. Aspen chips (about one tablespoon) pour boiling water (200 milliliters) and, putting on fire, cook for about twenty minutes. Further, as in the previous methods, the decoction must be strain, cool and start riding.
  14. Chamomile and carnation.

    Massage from dental pain with aromaslas

    Very easy method for which you need to purchase chamomile oil and carnation oil. Wat it well in the resulting oil mixture and attach to the patient. This method helps to remove the dental pain.

Remember that if the cause of pain is the nerve after the recently remote tooth, the rinse is prohibited. When rinsed, you can damage the film already formed on the wound. Therefore, to remove pain, you can simply dial a small amount of beam in the mouth and hold on a problem area.

In order to external irritants did not interfere with the process, after receiving any of the presented methods of folk medicine, the reception of food, various drinks, and the more nicotine, are contraindicated.

We treat teeth by folk remedies

When using the presented methods as prevention, it is recommended to use them twice a day, namely in the morning and in the evening (after receiving food).

Pharmacy against dental pain

If at a severe pain, home resources did not help, it is possible to use drugs whose action is aimed at eliminating certain pain.

Such are Ketanov, Nurofen, Ibuprofen and others. You can also use analgin or spasmalgon, but these drugs have a weaker effect.
Use Lidocaine, watered with cotton by this drug and putting on a sore place. Everyone knows that Lidocaine is used at local anastheticia, so when applied to a problem or tooth, freezing it, you get rid of pain. However, you should not forget that many people have allergies to this drug.

During pregnancy or the presence of allergic reactions, take dental drops in the pharmacy, as part of which mint oil, camphor, Valerian. Cat disk, swallowing drops, apply to the patient, and leave it there for ten minutes. You need to change the disks until the pain is completely.

Prevention of dental pain

The main method of preventing the appearance of dental pain, and therefore the various diseases of the teeth serves high-quality care for the oral cavity, namely:

  • cleaning teeth ideally should be carried out after each food reception, or at least twice a day;
  • do not neglect the auxiliary means of protecting the oral cavity, such as rinsers or various antibacterial agents;
  • use dental thread or toothpicks after each meal. This will help reduce the level of development of bacteria;
  • get rid of bad habits. Smoking, coffee, sturdy tea and other habits adversely affect the state of your teeth;
  • try to visit the dentist at least twice a year, it will help you to notice the beginning of a disease of the oral cavity in time and begin the early treatment accordingly. The earlier start the treatment process, the faster and easier it will pass.

After reading this article, you learned how to calm dental pain at home when you contact a specialist there is no possibility.

Today, the health of the teeth is very relevant, because it gives not only a shining smile, but also ease when communicating. If the pain started spontaneously, and for one or another reason it is not possible to come to the reception to a specialist, the methods of traditional medicine will come to the aid, which will help to cope with both the inflammatory process and with painful sensations.

However, do not forget that the temporary absence of pain in the tooth is not a solved problem. Therefore, at the first opportunity, it is necessary to refer to the doctor in order to determine the cause and pass proper treatment.
Remember your health in your hands!

With which only do not compare the dental pain. It can be a new, sharp, which arose spontaneously.

To tolerate her is unbearable, and only one thought in my head - how to get rid of it? Let's talk about the methods of eliminating such pain at home.

Also share secrets of how with the help of people's methods, medical drugs and procedures to "smile" to the tooth pain.

Why and how the teeth can hurt: causes of dental pain

To lead to pain in the teeth and the gums may have a number of reasons, which should include:

  • Increased sensitivity. It appears due to the wear of the upper layer of enamel (erasing of the teeth), microcracks are formed in it. The sensitivity is manifested in the form of discomfort and sharp pain in the mouth of the cold, hot.
  • Pulpitis. In this disease, inflammation proceeds inside the tooth, in its soft tissues, where the nerve endings are concentrated. This causes spontaneously appearing pain. Such a pain may be in the area of \u200b\u200btemple or ear. In most cases, pain syndrome appears at night.
  • Caries. This is one of the first stages of damage. If you do not start the treatment, then the dentition will be collapsed, and the torn teeth fall out. This process is accompanied by painful sensations. For caries characteristic pain that appears during food.
  • Perodontitis. Characterized by a pronounced gum tumor. The disease is accompanied by a pulsating pain that increases, if you touch the affected area. Tooth with periodontitis can be loosened.

In addition to dental problems, the teeth be sick due to the presence of related pathologies:

  • chronic hymorite;
  • ear diseases;
  • problems with cardiovascular system;
  • neuralgia;
  • migraine.

Emergency first aid for dental pain: how to quickly remove pain at home?

Food particles that remained after eating in the oral cavity are a favorable environment for breeding bacteria. Therefore, at the first hints of pain in the teeth, it is necessary to clean them well.

  1. Applied Ice Cube to the location of pain. This will help "calm" the unpleasant sensation, freezing the patient tooth.
  2. Rinse alcohol (vodka, moonshine). This is an option that can eliminate pain. Also alcohol will serve as an excellent disinfectant tool for the oral cavity.
  3. The usual fresh fat, you need to put a small slice to the novice (sweat) part of the gums or tooth. Such a move will make painful syndrome less bright.
  4. Disinfection and relieve well-being will help salted water or solution using soda.
  5. Perfectly cope with the task of minimizing pain stripping with the use of decoction sage.

Warm or cold: how to remove dental pain at home?

There are two different opinions that in case of pain in the dentition helps the impact of heat or cold. Both opinions are erroneous.

When exposed Heat (Heated, Watching) The inflammatory process will proceed faster, which will lead to the "gain" of the flux. Warm fluids (decoction, water) can only be rinsed.

If speak about cold, It is he who provokes the appearance of pain, affecting the tooth fabric, irritating the nervous endings. Therefore, the cold for the elimination of pain in the teeth is ineffective.

Anesthetics with strong dental pain

Some of the best means to relieve pain is considered painkillers, as they are able to quickly cope with the task. But it should be noted that their frequent use can provoke health problems.

Conditionally, all painkillers can be divided into three large groups:

1) Narcotic ones. They resort to their help in extreme cases when the pains are unbearable, and standard medical preparations do not give a sensible effect. They are sold only by a doctor's prescription, and it is impossible to buy them in a free sale.

2) Not narcotic. They are taken at the dental pains of different intensity. In addition to anesthesia, such funds have an anti-inflammatory effect.

3) Antispasmodic agents. It is applied if the pain is caused by problems with the gums, as antispasmodics are aimed at relaxing smooth muscles.

How to remove toothaches at home by folk remedies?

If your teeth hurt, then for help you can refer to traditional medicine. Consider some effective recipes:

  1. Massage the ush.To eliminate the pain, you should massage the uha uhmo, where the localization of pain is fixed. It is necessary to carry out such actions for 10 minutes.
  2. Apple vinegar. Mix the robe in the apple vinegar and attach it to the location of pain. Hold three minutes.
  3. Potato. Scroll of raw potatoes must be chewed by the part where it hurts.
  4. Manganese. Dilm manganese potassium powder in warm water to rich pink. Rinse your mouth until the pain becomes calming.
  5. Garlic. Folk recipes offer to mix garlic with salt in the same amount and apply a resulting mass on a novice tooth.
  6. Kalanchoe. The method helps with gum inflammation. Plant Grind and wrap in gauze (bandage). Such a tampon is applied to the inflamed gum.
  7. Mummy. Dilute mummy in warm water. Mix the tampon from the wool and keep 15 minutes in a patient site. After such a bummer it is impossible for 30 minutes.
  8. Sheet of plantain To delay the resulting cleaner as long as possible to delay in the location of pain.

List of effective dental drug removal drugs

To help yourself doubt the dental pain, you can resort to the use of such drugs:

  1. Analgin. Used with non-emergence of pain. Cheap tablets are accepted according to the instructions. It should not put a tablet to the tooth, as it provokes the destruction of enamel.
  2. Aconite. It helps perfectly if the pain in the dentition is triggered by colds.
  3. Baratgin. Take pills need no more than two pieces for one reception, not exceeding the norm in six pieces per day.
  4. Tempalgin. It is equally good with pain of any intensity. The daily rate of reception is no more than six tablets.
  5. Ketarol. A potent painkiller, which is powered by a large amount of water. It can cope with strong painful sensations. Do not exceed a dose of three pills per day.
  6. Naz. Tablets capable of eliminating the strong manifestations of dental pain in just 5-10 minutes. The effect of the drug is preserved up to 8 hours.

How to make relief toothpick in a child?

During the course of pregnancy in the body of a woman there are a lot of changes that affect and teeth. They become more sensitive, begin to deteriorate, stagger and root. How to help yourself, because during the toasting of the fetus, the use of some medicines can be dangerous to the health of the child.

With the appearance of light painful syndrome, you need to clean your teeth, in order to eliminate the residues of food, stuck between them. After you can rinse the oral cavity with a decoction of herbs. For these purposes will suit chamomile sage or flowers. If these methods are inactive, and it is impossible to get to the dentist to receive, you can use cotton swab, which is pre-mixed in carnation oil. This agent has an excellent anesthetizing effect and is completely harmless both for the mother and for the "Puzzist".

Video: How to remove toothaches in 5 minutes at home without a doctor?

Get rid of pain in the teeth at home is possible, but for a short period. Without the help of a professional, do not do, because you need to eliminate the problem itself, and not its symptom in the form of pain.

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