The reasons for the decrease in the level of neutrophils in adults and children. How to raise the level of neutrophils in the treatment of tumors: Medical blog of an ambulance doctor What foods increase neutrophils in the blood

Sometimes I am asked how to raise immunity and increase the level of leukocytes in the treatment of tumors (after a course of chemotherapy).

My wife is now undergoing a course of chemotherapy, or rather, the first course is over, in 10 days there will be a second. Immunity dropped dramatically, leukocytes and something else, they said, the blood became almost sterile. The temperature is 37.5 - 38 every day. We don't leave the house, we are afraid. The doctors said, God forbid, to pick up something, up to a detailed outcome. As for oncology, the prognosis is generally good, but the immunity is confusing. Will Galavit help in this situation and can it be used for chemotherapy? Doctors do not even recommend vitamins during chemotherapy, they say, so that the tumor is not stimulated. I would like to hear your opinion.

Galavit is unlikely to help here. The anti-inflammatory immunomodulator Galavit is used to prevent postoperative complications, including after surgery for tumors. Galavit normalizes the function of cells of the immune system, but cannot increase their number to normal. In our case, we need a drug of a completely different action. This article is for reference and informational purposes, so that you represent the current possibilities of restoring the level of neutrophils in the blood. The drugs described below are not intended for self-medication, they are expensive and can only be used under the guidance of an oncologist or hematologist.

What Happens With Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy in this case is the treatment of tumors with drugs. Many drugs used to treat cancer also damage healthy, rapidly dividing cells, causing diarrhea in the intestines and disrupting red bone marrow function. Besides cytostatics, a serious dysfunction of the bone marrow occurs when radiation therapy (ionizing radiation) of important hematopoietic zones - sternum, spine and pelvic bones.

Tumor drugs affect all cell lines in the bone marrow ( erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets). Of these, the shortest half-life (6-8 hours) has neutrophils, therefore, education is suppressed before all granulocytes (neutrophils + eosinophils + basophils). The half-life of platelets is 5-7 days, so they suffer less than granulocytes. Anemia due to suppression of erythrocyte maturation also occurs, but it is usually not clinically significant due to the 4-month life span of red blood cells.

Neutrophils are the "soldiers" of the immune system. Neutrophils are numerous, small in size, and have a short life. The main function of neutrophils is phagocytosis (absorption) and digestion of microbes and fragments of dead body cells.

Norms of neutrophils in the blood

Normally, from 4 to 9 billion (× 10 9) leukocytes per liter of blood, or 4-9 thousand (× 10 3) per cubic millimeter (mm 3).

Neutrophils, together with eosinophils and basophils, belong to granulocytes (polymorphonuclear leukocytes, PMN).

  • neutrophilic myelocytes - 0,
  • young (neutrophilic metamyelocytes) - 0 (appear in the blood only with severe infections and reflect their severity),
  • stab - 1-6% (the amount increases with infections),
  • segmented - 47-72%. They are mature forms of neutrophils.

In absolute numbers, the normal blood count for 1 mm 3 should be 40-300 stab neutrophils and 2000-5500 segmented neutrophils.

Leukopenia and neutropenia

Leukopenia - low level of leukocytes in the blood (below 4 thousand / mm 3).

Most often, leukopenia is due to neutropenia - a low level of neutrophils. Sometimes, not separately neutrophils are considered, but all granulocytes, because there are few eosinophils and basophils (1-5% and 0-1% of all leukocytes, respectively).

Degrees of neutropenia:

  • 0 degree: more than 2000 neutrophils per 1 mm 3 of blood;
  • 1st degree, mild: 1900-1500 cells / mm 3 - mandatory antibiotic prescription at elevated temperature is not required;
  • 2nd degree, medium: 1400-1000 cells / mm 3 - requires oral antibiotics;
  • Grade 3, severe: 900–500 cells / mm 3 - antibiotics are given intravenously;
  • 4th degree, life threatening: less than 500 cells / mm 3.

Febrile neutropenia (lat.febris - heat) - a sudden rise in temperature above 38 ° C against the background of a level of neutrophils in the blood of less than 500 mm 3. Febrile neutropenia is dangerous with severe infectious complications and possible death (the risk is more than 10%), because the immune system cannot limit the site of inflammation, and it is difficult to identify it. And when the focus of inflammation can still be detected, the patient's condition often approaches death.

Regulatory molecules for the treatment of neutropenia

In the 1980s, intensive work was carried out on the development of artificial (genetically engineered) analogs of human molecules that regulate the growth and reproduction of blood cells. One of these molecules was named G-CSF (granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, G-CSF). G-CSF mainly stimulates growth and development neutrophils, and affects the development of other leukocytes to a small extent.

G-CSF acts at the stage of converting a neutrophilic progenitor cell to a neutrophil

G-CSF drugs include:

  • filgrastim (simple G-CSF),
  • pegfilgrastim (filgrastim combined with polyethylene glycol),
  • lenograstim (G-CSF linked to the glucose residue, i.e. glycosylated).

Of these, the most effective is pegfilgrastim.

There is still GM-CSF (granulocyte-monocyte colony-stimulating factor), which was sold under the trade names molgramostim and sargramostim, but now it is not used due to the large number of side effects.

Filgrastim and Pagfilgrastim

Filgrastim and Pagfilgrastim are essentially the same drug, but Pagfilgrastim additionally contains a molecule polyethylene glycolwhich protects Filgrastim from rapid excretion by the kidneys. Filgrastim should be injected daily (subcutaneously or intravenously) for 11-16 days until the level of neutrophils is restored, and Pegfilgrastim is administered once (provided that the interval between chemotherapy courses is at least 14 days). The action of Pegfilgrastim is remarkable for its self-regulation: when there are few neutrophils, the drug circulates for a long time in the body and stimulates the production of neutrophils. When there are many neutrophils, they bind Pegfilgrastim with their receptors on the cell surface and remove it from the body.

G-CSF preparations are injected later 24-72 hours after the end of the course chemotherapy if the expected risk of febrile neutropenia exceeds 20%, including due to HIV or low bone marrow reserve). There are known chemotherapy regimens for various malignant tumors, for which the risk of febrile neutropenia is always higher than 20%. If the risk is below 10%, prophylaxis with G-CSF is not given. With a risk of 10% to 20%, additional factors are taken into account, for example:

  • over 65 years of age,
  • previous febrile neutropenia,
  • lack of antimicrobial prophylaxis,
  • severe concomitant diseases,
  • poor general condition,
  • open wounds or wound infection
  • malnutrition,
  • female,
  • chemoradiation therapy,
  • hemoglobin less than 120 g / l.

G-CSF drugs should not be used before and during chemotherapy, as this leads to severe thrombocytopenia (a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood with an increased risk of bleeding). Also, G-CSF preparations should not be used during radiation therapy to the chest area, as this suppresses the bone marrow and increases the risk of complications and death. These drugs are contraindicated for acute leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromesbecause it can enhance the growth of malignant blood cells.

Of the side effects, 24% of patients have bone pain due to the increased work of the bone marrow. They are usually mild to moderate and are relieved with conventional analgesics ( diclofenac, meloxicam and etc.). Several cases of hyperleukocytosis (more than 100 thousand leukocytes per mm 3) have been described, which ended without consequences.

Filgrastim, Lenograstim, Pagfilgrastim have been widely used in the West since the 1990s to raise neutrophil counts in tumor treatment. G-CSF drugs do not act on the tumor itself, but they restore the level of neutrophils in the blood 2-3 times faster, which makes it possible to shorten the intervals between chemotherapy courses and to adhere to the planned treatment regimen as accurately as possible. For example, the overall survival of patients with resectable breast cancer who received more than 85% of the planned dose of adjuvant CMF chemotherapy was 40%. At a dose less than 85%, the survival rate decreased to 21%, and with a dose of less than 65%, it did not differ from that in untreated patients.

If G-CSF drugs are not used, you have to wait longer for the natural recovery of neutrophil levels, and this leads to a worsening prognosis, because the tumor will not wait. In addition, the use of G-CSF drugs reduces the cost of antibiotic therapy and inpatient treatment.

Despite 20 years of experience with these drugs, their active study continues. Not all questions are yet known for answers, therefore the instructions indicate that treatment with filgrastim should be carried out only under the supervision of an oncologist or hematologist with experience in the use of such drugs.

Trade names in Russia

At the time of this writing, the following were registered and sold in pharmacies in Russia:

  • Leukostim (from 10 to 20 thousand Russian rubles),
  • Neupogen (from 5 to 50 thousand),
  • Neipomax (from 3 to 7 thousand),
  • Tevagrastim,
  • Zarcio,
  • Mielastra,
  • Leucite;


  • Inelastic (from 30 to 62 thousand for 1 bottle);


  • Granocyte 34 (from 15 to 62 thousand Russian rubles for 5 bottles).

Thus, treatment with G-CSF drugs is quite expensive and therefore not used often enough in Russia. Especially when you consider that such a drug may be needed after each course of chemotherapy. Wealthy Russians prefer to be treated abroad, in Germany or in Israel, where oncologists constantly use the entire range of modern drugs and techniques. After all, you can't be good at a tool that you don't use every day.

The material was prepared on the basis of the articles Modern methods of preventing neutropenia in oncology (2008) and Practical recommendations for the appointment of colony-stimulating factors to prevent the development of febrile neutropenia in cancer patients (2015)

It goes without saying that a decrease in the level of these cells threatens to weaken the defense, and a high probability of the development and spread of infection throughout the body.

Varieties of neutrophils

As you know, the white blood cell population is not homogeneous and includes our neutrophils, as well as lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils. Neutrophils make up the largest group of white blood cells. In turn, granulocytes are subdivided into segmented and stab. Neutrophils are formed in the red bone marrow from the myeloblast. During the ripening process, they are transformed.

It is clearly seen why an increase in immature forms is called a shift to the left.

Thus, segmented granulocytes are a mature form. They have a segmented nucleus and circulate in the blood. When they encounter a microbe or foreign particle, they die by absorbing and destroying it. These are such small and heroic cells.

Myelocytes, metamyelocytes, stab - young and immature forms of neutrophils. It goes without saying that the population of cells dying during infection must be replenished. The bone marrow intensively produces young neutrophils. Their number in the blood increases, and the content of segmented lymphocytes decreases. This pattern, characteristic of the presence of an infectious and inflammatory process, is called a neutrophilic shift to the left.

What is accepted as the norm and how to determine

The rate of neutrophil content is indicated as a percentage of the total number of leukocytes. Segmented cells make up a percentage. The stab should be no more than 5 percent. No other immature forms should be found in the blood. If young neutrophilic cells are detected in the blood, then there is a massive consumption of mature forms, from which it follows that a serious infectious process develops in the body.

Determine neutrophils in a detailed blood test.

For these purposes, capillary blood is taken from a finger

When neutrophils are low

The reasons for the decrease in the level are varied. Low neutrophils can be due to:

The condition when neutrophils are low is called neutropenia.

A decrease in the absolute number of neutrophilic leukocytes below 0.5 per 109 / liter is called agranulocytosis.

Neutropenia can be absolute or relative. It is important to take this into account when interpreting the results. Only the absolute number of neutrophils will be reliable. Although in most cases the content, both in percentage and in numerical terms, is the same.

Decreased neutrophilic leukocytes against the background of increased lymphocytes

The reasons for this condition may be that the person has recently had an acute viral infection or flu. They will quickly return to normal on their own. However, this combination can be a sign of the following diseases:

This is important to take into account when diagnosing, based on clinical data.

Features of the course of the infectious process against the background of neutropenia

As noted above, neutrophils are the primary link in response to a foreign agent. When an infection enters, they rush to the place of its dislocation and form a focus of inflammation, preventing the spread of microbes. Pus in the wound, intoxication and inflammatory syndrome are the results of the struggle of neutrophils with a foreign agent.

Pus is a decay product of spent granulocytes that lysed a foreign object

The disease may be asymptomatic if the person initially has neutropenia. Subsequently, the infection will quickly spread throughout the body, leading to sepsis.

Neutropenia may first appear clinically:

  • purulent-necrotic sore throat;
  • stomatitis and gingivitis;
  • cystitis and urethritis;
  • asymptomatic inflammatory process with the subsequent development of osteomyelitis, abscesses and subsequently sepsis.

It is very important for patients with neutropenia not to come into contact with infectious patients. Avoid hypothermia, drafts. Avoid crowded places. It is necessary to carry out the prevention of seasonal infectious diseases. Microbes, which are absolutely safe for a person with a normal white cell count, can have serious consequences in patients with low neutrophils.

Most often, the primary infectious process develops on the mucous membranes in contact with the external environment (purulent tonsillitis)

How to restore proper neutrophil levels

To increase the content of neutrophils, first of all, it is necessary to determine the reason for their decrease. Most often, after an infection, they recover on their own. Treatment is directed at eliminating the primary factor causing neutropenia.

Drug treatment includes several types of drugs. They are prescribed only for persistent and manifest neutropenia. With moderate neutropenia, the appointment of leukopoiesis stimulants is indicated. Methyluracil, pentoxil are widely used. Treatment is carried out under the control of an immunogram with the obligatory consultation of an immunologist. If it is not possible to raise the content of neutrophils, preparations of colony-stimulating factors (filgrastim, lenograstim) are prescribed. In addition, these drugs are prescribed to patients with initially pronounced agranulocytosis. Colony-stimulating agents are potent. They have a number of side effects. They are prescribed only in stationary conditions.

In any case, with neutropenia, a thorough examination is necessary to identify the cause. The treatment is carried out by experienced doctors, including a hematologist.

It is very important to detect neutropenia and choose the right treatment tactics before serious infectious complications develop.

Leukopenia: how to increase the level of leukocytes in the blood

Leukocytes perform an important protective function in the body. They are able to penetrate the walls of capillaries and other tissues, getting to the focus of inflammation, where they destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

A decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood is called leukopenia and it is dangerous because it weakens the body's resistance to various infections, bacterial and viral.

Leukocytes: features, diagnosis and age norm

White blood cells are white blood cells that protect the body from infections

A feature of leukocytes is the ability to phagocytosis. They consume foreign harmful cells, digest them, and then die and decay. The breakdown of leukocytes causes a reaction of the body: suppuration, an increase in body temperature, redness of the skin, edema.

The main method for diagnosing the level of leukocytes in the blood remains a complete blood count. To get tested, you need to come to the laboratory in the morning on an empty stomach and donate blood from a vein. No special preparation for the analysis is required, but it is recommended to refrain from fatty foods, alcohol, smoking and taking medications for 1-2 days before donating blood. You also need to minimize physical and emotional stress.

A low level of white blood cells in the blood is called leukopenia. To understand how to increase the level of leukocytes in the blood, you need to find the reason that caused it to decrease, since leukopenia is a symptom or effect, but not an independent disease.

The rate of leukocytes in the blood changes over the course of life.

The highest level of leukocytes is observed in the newborn age and is 9-18 * 109 per liter. Over the course of life, the level of leukocytes decreases and returns to normal. So, by the year of life, it is 6-17 * 109 / l, and by 4 years - 6-11 * 109 / l. In an adult, the normal number of leukocytes is 4-9 * 109 / l, regardless of gender.

A deviation in the level of leukocytes in any direction indicates a pathological process and can lead to complications. There are 3 stages of leukopenia:

  1. Lightweight. With a mild form of leukopenia (at least 1-2 * 109 / l), symptoms do not appear, and the likelihood of infection is low.
  2. Average. With moderate severity, the level of leukocytes is 0.5-1 * 109 / l. In this case, the risk of attaching a viral or bacterial infection increases significantly.
  3. Heavy. With a severe degree of leukopenia, the level of leukocytes does not exceed 0.5 * 109 / l, the patient almost always has complications in the form of severe infections.

Reasons for a decrease in leukocytes

A low white blood cell count indicates the development of inflammation, disease, or even neoplasm in the body

Leukopenia can be congenital and acquired. Congenital leukopenia is associated with various genetic disorders and irreversible disorders in the production of these bodies in the spinal cord. There can be many reasons for acquired leukopenia. Before prescribing treatment, it is necessary to identify the cause of the decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood and eliminate it.

Leukopenia can manifest itself in different ways, depending on the reasons that provoked it. Slow leukopenia is harder to detect but easier to normalize. Rapid leukopenia, accompanied by a sharp decrease in the level of leukocytes, is considered a more dangerous condition.

The level of leukocytes in the blood decreases either due to a violation of their production in the bone marrow, or due to their rapid destruction in the blood.

There may be various reasons for this:

  • Malignant tumors. Oncological diseases often lead to inhibition of the production of all blood cells in the spinal cord. A similar phenomenon can be observed not only with leukemia, but also with other oncological diseases, leading to the appearance of metastases in the spinal cord.
  • Taking toxic drugs. Certain medications lower the level of white blood cells in the blood. Often this side effect is observed in the treatment of cancer, therefore, for the duration of treatment, the patient is isolated and in every possible way protected from infections.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals. Lack of B vitamins, as well as folic acid, leads to a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood, which disrupts metabolic processes in the body and weakens it.
  • Infection. Some infections cause an increase in the white blood cell count, others a decrease. Leukopenia is often observed in tuberculosis, hepatitis, cytomegalovirus infection, as well as HIV and AIDS. HIV and AIDS cause the destruction of bone marrow cells, which leads to a decrease in the level of leukocytes and immunodeficiency.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. In this case, both the disease itself and drugs for its treatment can provoke a decrease in the level of leukocytes.

Medication-assisted normalization and chemotherapy

Drug treatment of leukopenia depends on the causes of its occurrence.

If it is necessary to increase the level of leukocytes with medication, the doctor will prescribe a complex therapy. With a bacterial infection, antibiotics are prescribed to suppress the reproduction of the causative agent of the disease, with various autoimmune diseases - corticosteroids, which can quickly relieve inflammation.

Drugs that increase immunity may also be prescribed. With vitamin deficiency, multivitamins and folic acid are prescribed. In some cases, vitamin B injections are possible.

For cancer, chemotherapy is often treated. These are drugs that suppress tumor growth. They destroy young cancer cells, but often affect healthy cells in the body, leading to various side effects, such as decreased immunity and leukopenia.

Useful video - How to increase immunity:

Chemotherapy is carried out in courses, and between them additional therapy can be carried out aimed at increasing the level of leukocytes in the blood:

  • Methyluracil. This drug improves metabolic processes in tissues and accelerates their regeneration, is a powerful stimulant of leukopoiesis. It is often prescribed for leukopenia during chemotherapy, but not for leukemia. Courses can be lengthy and last for several months.
  • Lenograstim. The drug acts on the bone marrow and stimulates the production of leukocytes, in particular neutrophils, is often prescribed during chemotherapy. The drug is taken in courses, the dosage is determined depending on the body weight. Among the side effects, thrombocytopenia is observed.
  • Neupogen. Neupogen belongs to immunostimulants and is often prescribed by injection. The drug increases the number of neutrophils in the blood. Neupogen is prescribed for neutropenia, but not at the same time as chemotherapy. The drug has many side effects and must be prescribed by a doctor.

Folk recipes for the treatment of leukopenia

Not every leukopenia requires medication, sometimes diet is enough

Slight decreases in the level of leukocytes in the blood can be corrected with the help of nutrition and various folk recipes, but severe forms of leukopenia caused by systemic or oncological diseases should be treated medically and only after consulting a doctor.

In this case, alternative methods of treatment serve as additional therapy:

  • With leukopenia, it is recommended to eat more meat, fish and lean poultry meat, as well as cereals, vegetables, fruits and berries, seafood, eggs, dairy and dairy products. Proper nutrition improves metabolism and provides the body with adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals.
  • It is believed that dry red wine in small quantities helps to normalize the level of leukocytes. However, the cause of leukopenia must be considered. Not every medical condition allows alcohol consumption.
  • Beer and sour cream helps to quickly raise the level of leukocytes. Beer should be taken fresh, dark and always of high quality, and sour cream - natural with a sufficient percentage of fat. You need to mix 3 tablespoons of sour cream and a glass of beer and drink. However, this medicine can negatively affect the digestive system.
  • Fresh green beans are an effective remedy for leukopenia. Squeeze juice out of it and take it within a week.
  • It is very effective in increasing the leukocyte count of oats. From it you need to prepare a decoction, which, with regular use, will raise the level of leukocytes within a week. Pour two tablespoons of unpeeled oats with two glasses of water and cook for 15 minutes, then cool and drain. The resulting broth is taken half a glass at least 3 times a day.
  • Wormwood and chamomile can also help normalize white blood cell counts and reduce inflammation. Wormwood or pharmacy chamomile must be poured with boiling water, let it brew, and then cool and drink 1 glass of infusion per day.
  • Rosehip will help raise the level of white blood cells if you add a decoction to your tea.

Possible complications of leukopenia

A decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood negatively affects the state of the body. The protective properties are weakened, any infection can attack the body.

Complications of leukopenia depend on the rate of its course and the severity:

  • Infections. With a decrease in the protective function of the body, leukopenia can be complicated by any infection. In addition to SARS, influenza, which can also have complications (bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, etc.), the likelihood of contracting HIV, hepatitis, and tuberculosis is significantly increased. The disease against the background of leukopenia is difficult. Treatment is accompanied by immunostimulating drugs. With chronic leukopenia, relapses of diseases are possible.
  • Agranulocytosis. With this disease, the level of granulocytes sharply decreases. This disease is acute and in about 80% of cases is fatal. Agranulocytosis manifests itself in fever, weakness, shortness of breath, tachycardia. When an infection is attached, it is immediately complicated (pneumonia, severe forms of angina). With this disease, the patient must be isolated and the chances of contracting an infection should be minimized.
  • Aleikia. This is a reduction in the level of leukocytes in the blood due to toxic poisoning of the body. Toxins entering the body affect the lymphatic tissue, leading to angina and leukopenia. Often, aleukia leads to purulent processes in the throat and mouth.
  • Leukemia. A serious disease, popularly called blood cancer. The bone marrow releases a large number of immature leukocytes into the blood, which die and cannot cope with their protective function. As a result, the body becomes vulnerable to infections. The main treatments are chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant. Leukemia is more common in young children under 4 and older people over 60.

Leukopenia is a worrying symptom that should not be ignored. A low white blood cell count can be a sign of a serious medical condition, which can be dangerous to miss.

Continuing the article

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How to raise the level of neutrophils in the treatment of tumors

Sometimes I am asked how to raise immunity and increase the level of leukocytes in the treatment of tumors (after a course of chemotherapy).

My wife is now undergoing a course of chemotherapy, or rather, the first course is over, in 10 days there will be a second. Immunity dropped dramatically, leukocytes and something else, they said, the blood became almost sterile. The temperature is 37.5 - 38 every day. We don't leave the house, we are afraid. The doctors said, God forbid, to pick up something, up to a detailed outcome. As for oncology, the prognosis is generally good, but the immunity is confusing. Will Galavit help in this situation and can it be used for chemotherapy? Doctors do not even recommend vitamins during chemotherapy, they say, so that the tumor is not stimulated. I would like to hear your opinion.

Galavit is unlikely to help here. The anti-inflammatory immunomodulator Galavit is used to prevent postoperative complications, including after surgery for tumors. Galavit normalizes the function of cells of the immune system, but cannot increase their number to normal. In our case, we need a drug of a completely different action. This article is for reference and informational purposes, so that you represent the current possibilities of restoring the level of neutrophils in the blood. The drugs described below are not intended for self-medication, they are expensive and can only be used under the guidance of an oncologist or hematologist.

What Happens With Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy in this case is the treatment of tumors with drugs. Many drugs used to treat cancer also damage healthy, rapidly dividing cells, causing diarrhea in the intestines and disrupting red bone marrow function. In addition to cytostatics, a serious dysfunction of the bone marrow occurs during radiation therapy (ionizing radiation) of important hematopoietic zones - sternum, spine and pelvic bones.

Tumor drugs affect all cell lines in the bone marrow ( erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets). Of these, neutrophils have the shortest half-life (6-8 hours), therefore, the formation of granulocytes ( neutrophils + eosinophils + basophils). The half-life of platelets is 5-7 days, so they suffer less than granulocytes. Anemia due to suppression of erythrocyte maturation also occurs, but it is usually not clinically significant due to the 4-month life span of red blood cells.

Neutrophils are the "soldiers" of the immune system. Neutrophils are numerous, small in size, and have a short life. The main function of neutrophils is phagocytosis (absorption) and digestion of microbes and fragments of dead body cells.

Norms of neutrophils in the blood

Normally, from 4 to 9 billion (× 10 9) leukocytes per liter of blood, or 4-9 thousand (× 10 3) per cubic millimeter (mm 3).

Neutrophils, together with eosinophils and basophils, belong to granulocytes (polymorphonuclear leukocytes, PMN).

  • neutrophilic myelocytes - 0,
  • young (neutrophilic metamyelocytes) - 0 (appear in the blood only with severe infections and reflect their severity),
  • stab - 1-6% (the amount increases with infections),
  • segmented - 47-72%. They are mature forms of neutrophils.

In absolute numbers, the blood normally contains 1 mm 3 rod-nuclear neutrophils and segmented neutrophils.

Leukopenia and neutropenia

Leukopenia - a low level of leukocytes in the blood (below 4 thousand / mm 3).

Most often, leukopenia is caused by neutropenia - a low level of neutrophils. Sometimes, not separately neutrophils are considered, but all granulocytes, because there are few eosinophils and basophils (1-5% and 0-1% of all leukocytes, respectively).

  • 0 degree: more than 2000 neutrophils per 1 mm 3 of blood;
  • 1st degree, mild: 1900-1500 cells / mm 3 - mandatory antibiotic prescription at elevated temperature is not required;
  • 2nd degree, medium: 1400-1000 cells / mm 3 - requires oral antibiotics;
  • Grade 3, severe: 900–500 cells / mm 3 - antibiotics are given intravenously;
  • 4th degree, life threatening: less than 500 cells / mm 3.

Febrile neutropenia (Latin febris - heat) - a sudden rise in temperature above 38 ° C against the background of a level of neutrophils in the blood of less than 500 mm 3. Febrile neutropenia is dangerous with severe infectious complications and possible death (the risk is more than 10%), because the immune system cannot limit the site of inflammation, and it is difficult to identify it. And when the focus of inflammation can still be detected, the patient's condition often approaches death.

Regulatory molecules for the treatment of neutropenia

In the 1980s, intensive work was carried out on the development of artificial (genetically engineered) analogs of human molecules that regulate the growth and reproduction of blood cells. One of these molecules was named G-CSF ( granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, G-CSF). G-CSF mainly stimulates growth and development neutrophils, and affects the development of other leukocytes to a small extent.

G-CSF acts at the stage of converting a neutrophil progenitor cell to a neutrophil

G-CSF drugs include:

  • filgrastim (simple G-CSF),
  • pegfilgrastim (filgrastim combined with polyethylene glycol),
  • lenograstim (G-CSF linked to the glucose residue, i.e. glycosylated).

Of these, pegfilgrastim is the most effective.

There is also GM-CSF ( granulocyte-monocyte colony-stimulating factor), which was sold under the trade names molgramostim and sargramostim, but now it is not used due to the large number of side effects.

Filgrastim and Pagfilgrastim

Filgrastim and Pagfilgrastim are essentially the same drug, but Pagfilgrastim additionally contains a molecule polyethylene glycolwhich protects Filgrastim from rapid excretion by the kidneys. Filgrastim needs to be injected daily (subcutaneously or intravenously) for days until the neutrophil level is restored, and Pegfilgrastim is injected once (provided that the interval between chemotherapy courses is at least 14 days). The action of Pegfilgrastim is remarkable for its self-regulation: when there are few neutrophils, the drug circulates for a long time in the body and stimulates the production of neutrophils. When there are many neutrophils, they bind Pegfilgrastim with their receptors on the cell surface and remove it from the body.

G-CSF drugs are given one hour after the end of the course of chemotherapy if the expected risk of febrile neutropenia exceeds 20%, including due to HIV or low bone marrow reserve). There are known chemotherapy regimens for various malignant tumors, for which the risk of febrile neutropenia is always higher than 20%. If the risk is below 10%, prophylaxis with G-CSF is not given. With a risk of 10% to 20%, additional factors are taken into account, for example:

  • over 65 years of age,
  • previous febrile neutropenia,
  • lack of antimicrobial prophylaxis,
  • severe concomitant diseases,
  • poor general condition,
  • open wounds or wound infection
  • malnutrition,
  • female,
  • chemoradiation therapy,
  • hemoglobin less than 120 g / l.

G-CSF drugs should not be used before and during chemotherapy, as this leads to severe thrombocytopenia ( a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood with an increased risk of bleeding). Also, G-CSF preparations should not be used during radiation therapy to the chest area, as this suppresses the bone marrow and increases the risk of complications and death. These drugs are contraindicated for acute leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromesbecause it can enhance the growth of malignant blood cells.

Of the side effects, 24% of patients have bone pain due to increased work of the bone marrow. They are usually mild to moderate and are relieved with conventional analgesics ( diclofenac, meloxicam and etc.). Several cases of hyperleukocytosis (more than 100 thousand leukocytes per mm 3) have been described, which ended without consequences.

Filgrastim, Lenograstim, Pagfilgrastim have been widely used in the West since the 1990s to raise neutrophil counts in tumor treatment. G-CSF drugs do not act on the tumor itself, but they restore the level of neutrophils in the blood 2-3 times faster, which makes it possible to shorten the intervals between chemotherapy courses and to adhere to the planned treatment regimen as accurately as possible. For example, the overall survival of patients with resectable breast cancer who received more than 85% of the planned dose of adjuvant CMF chemotherapy was 40%. At a dose less than 85%, the survival rate decreased to 21%, and with a dose of less than 65%, it did not differ from that in untreated patients.

If G-CSF drugs are not used, you have to wait longer for the natural recovery of neutrophil levels, and this leads to a worsening prognosis, because the tumor will not wait. In addition, the use of G-CSF drugs reduces the cost of antibiotic therapy and inpatient treatment.

Despite 20 years of experience with these drugs, their active study continues. Not all questions are yet known for answers, therefore the instructions indicate that treatment with filgrastim should be carried out only under the supervision of an oncologist or hematologist with experience in the use of such drugs.

Trade names in Russia

At the time of this writing, the following were registered and sold in pharmacies in Russia:

  • Leukostim (from 10 to 20 thousand Russian rubles),
  • Neupogen (from 5 to 50 thousand),
  • Neipomax (from 3 to 7 thousand),
  • Tevagrastim,
  • Zarcio,
  • Mielastra,
  • Leucite;
  • Inelastic (from 30 to 62 thousand for 1 bottle);
  • Granocyte 34 (from 15 to 62 thousand Russian rubles for 5 bottles).

Thus, treatment with G-CSF drugs is quite expensive and therefore not used often enough in Russia. Especially when you consider that such a drug may be needed after each course of chemotherapy. Wealthy Russians prefer to be treated abroad, in Germany or in Israel, where oncologists constantly use the entire range of modern drugs and techniques. After all, you can't be good at a tool that you don't use every day.

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Why are neutrophils in the blood low, what does this mean?

Neutrophils are the largest group of white blood cells that protect the body from a variety of infections. This type of white blood cell is formed in the bone marrow. Penetrating into the tissues of the human body, neutrophils destroy pathogenic and foreign microorganisms by their phagocytosis.

The condition when neutrophils are low in the blood is called neutropenia in medicine. This usually indicates the rapid destruction of these cells, organic or functional impairment of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow, depletion of the body after long-term diseases.

They say about neutropenia if the content of neutrophils in an adult is below normal and ranges from 1.6X10Х and less. A decrease can be true if their number in the blood changes, and relative if their percentage decreases in relation to the rest of the leukocytes.

In this article we will look at why neutrophils are lowered in adults, and what it means, as well as how to raise this group of white blood cells in the blood.

What is the rate of neutrophils?

The index of neutrophils in the blood directly depends on the age of the person. In children under one year old, neutrophils make up from 30% to 50% of leukocytes, when a child grows up, his level of neutrophils begins to increase, at seven years the number should be from 35% to 55%.

In adults, the rate can range from 45% to 70%. In cases of deviation from the norm, when the indicator is lower, we can talk about a reduced level of neutrophils.


Degrees of neutropenia in adults:

  • Mild neutropenia - from 1 to 1.5 * 109 / l.
  • Moderate neutropenia - from 0.5 to 1 * 109 / l.
  • Severe neutropenia - from 0 to 0.5 * 109 / l.

Types of neutropenia

In medicine, there are three types of neutropenia:

Neutrophils can periodically decrease, then return to normal. In this case, we are talking about the cyclical nature of neutropenia. It can be an independent disease or develop with certain diseases. The congenital benign form is inherited and does not manifest itself clinically.


Modern medicine distinguishes two types of neutrophils:

  • Rod-shaped - immature, with not fully formed rod-shaped nucleus;
  • Segmented - have a formed core with a clear structure.

The presence of neutrophils in the blood, as well as cells such as monocytes and lymphocytes, is short-lived: it varies from 2 to 3 hours. Then they are transported to tissues, where they will stay from 3 hours to a couple of days. The exact time of their life largely depends on the nature and true cause of the inflammatory process.

Causes of decreased neutrophiloph

What does it mean? If a blood test shows that neutrophils are lowered, it is necessary to immediately begin to actively eliminate the cause.

However, it is not very reliable to judge the disease only on the basis of one blood test. In order to make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary not only to estimate the number of neutrophils in the blood, but also other important indicators. That is why many people believe that they only need to donate blood to make a correct diagnosis. But blood counts are indirect. In addition, only with the presence of this analysis and without examining the patient is it difficult to determine what exactly a person is ill with - helminths or rubella.

Segmented neutrophils are decreased, and lymphocytes are increased

If segmented neutrophils are decreased, and lymphocytes are increased, the causes of this condition may be:

Thus, we can conclude: if lymphocytes are increased and neutrophils are decreased, then there is a focus of infection in the body, most likely viral. However, the results of the blood test must be compared with the clinical picture.

If there are no signs of disease, it is possible that we are talking about the carrier of the virus. With a decrease in the level of granulocytes with a simultaneous increase in lymphocytes, a complete examination is required, since such dangerous pathologies as hepatitis, HIV are not excluded.


It should be understood that there are no direct means to increase neutrophils in adults. For them, the same conditions apply as with lowered leukocytes in general. If a pronounced deviation from the norm is detected, the doctor must take measures to eliminate the cause of the pathology as soon as possible.

If neutrophils in adults are lowered due to the drug therapy taken, then the doctor must correct the treatment regimen, up to the replacement or complete cancellation of drugs that suppress the production of neutrophils.

In some cases, the cause is an imbalance of nutrients, and then the task is to correct the background of B vitamins (in particular B9 and B12) with the help of drugs or diet. As a rule, after elimination of the provoking factor, the neutrophil count independently returns to normal in 1-2 weeks.

Why are neutrophils elevated in an adult, what does this mean?


The author first points to the content of s / I neutrophils in %%, and the indicators of neutrophilopenia are given in sizes 0-1.5 * 10/9. Blood test data are usually expressed in %%. How do you go from %% to the indicated values \u200b\u200bto estimate the level of n / singing?

Which doctor should I contact if neutrophils are low and lymphocytes are high? Age - 58 years old.

Ksenia, good afternoon! My history with analyzes is exactly the same! Age -60 years. I have consulted several therapists. Everyone unanimously says that nothing serious is happening, but after reading and having received a lot of information from all sources, in fact I am very worried, since my health condition, say, leaves much to be desired the best. If you have learned something write to me, pliz. And I will tell you all the news, I will of course learn more.

Ksenia, good afternoon!

In your case, there is an inflammatory process in the body (colds / chronic diseases such as hron tonsillitis). If an ordinary therapist makes a helpless gesture, then go to the ENT or an immunologist, he will prescribe a full analysis for viruses, perhaps you have some kind of virus.

People, do not go to therapists, but to Hematologists

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Most of the leukocytes are neutrophils. Their function is very important for the human body - the destruction of pathogenic bacteria in the blood, body tissues, while the leukocyte elements die themselves. There is an indicator of the norm, and when the tests reveal a low content of neutrophils in the blood, this indicates the possible development of the disease.

Neutrophils are the norm

This indicator is designated as neut in a blood test of the wbc type, two subgroups of these cells are distinguished. Inside the body, 2 phases of maturation of granulocytes are distinguished, this process takes place in the bone marrow. The cells are initially called myelocytes, after which they turn into metamyelocytes. They are formed exclusively inside the bone marrow and do not enter the bloodstream, so the wbc analysis should not detect them.

At the next stage, they look like a stick, from which the name of the form came from - stab. After maturation, the cells acquire a segmented nucleus, at this stage segmented leukocytes are formed. The rate of neutrophils in the blood is determined by these two types of cells: the wbc analysis indicates the percentage of the total. From the total number of leukocytes, the ratio of each type is calculated: this is called the leukocyte formula.

Rod neutrophils are the norm

The indicators of these cells do not depend on the sex of the person; the patient's age becomes the main criterion for assessing the normal indicator. This is one of the types of cells that are taken into account in the leukocyte formula. If stab neutrophils are studied, the norm is significantly different in infants and a child who is already a week old. It should be remembered that this is only part of the total content of leukocyte cells. Normal values \u200b\u200bare shown in the table:

Quantity (% stab)


7 days from birth



Segmented neutrophils are the norm

This is the second form of leukocyte cells that are counted in the analysis. This is the second element that is taken into account in the leukocyte formula. In the decoding of the general analysis, segmented neutrophils will be indicated - the norm is:

Neutrophils are the norm in children

After conducting a general analysis, the doctor pays attention to the number of leukocytes. If they are lowered or raised, this indicates the possible development of some kind of pathology. The deviation of indicators of one of the types of leukocytes will indicate a specific type of ailment. The main task of these cells is to fight against fungal and viral diseases. Doctors have established the rate of neutrophils in the blood of children, which indicates the absence of pathologies.

  1. In the first days of life, a child should have 50-70% segmented and 5-15% stab.
  2. The number of these cells by the end of the first week should be 35-55% and 1-5%.
  3. In two weeks, the indicator of stab cells will be 1-4%, and segmented - 27-47%.
  4. By the end of the month of life, the child will have 1-5% stab, 17-30% segmented, and by the year 1-5% and 45-65%.
  5. 1-4% and 35-55% is the norm for babies 4-6 years old.
  6. At the age of 6-12 years, the indicators are 1-4% stab, 40-60% segmented.

For diagnostics, indicators in the analysis are important, not only the independent rate of neutrophils. Consideration should be given to the ratio between all segmented, young cells that may indicate the presence of any neutrophilic shift. To determine the presence of a particular disease, a separate number of rod and segmented cells is not essential.

The rate of neutrophils in the blood in women

Certain fluctuations in the indicators of the normal number of immune cells are observed only in the first years of a person's life. In adulthood, this value is always kept at the same level. If immune cells are lowered or increased, then this indicates the development of the disease. The rate of neutrophils in the blood of women should be as follows: 40-60% segmented cells and 1-4% stab cells.

The rate of neutrophils in the blood in men

The gender of a person does not matter in determining the normal index of protective cells. The main parameter is age, for example, a child under one year old has noticeable jumps in the content of leukocytes. The rate of neutrophils in the blood in men is the same as in women: 1-4% of rod cells and 40-60% of segmented cells. A change in this indicator will be associated with inflammatory or infectious processes that have arisen in the body.

Neutrophils below normal - what does it mean

The analysis can reveal in a person lowered neutrophils, if a viral infection has entered the body, an inflammatory disease proceeds, radiation exposure has been carried out, which caused anemia. A decrease in neutrophils in the blood will be detected if a person lives in poor environmental conditions, uses certain groups of medicines, for example, sulfonamide, chloramphenicol, penicillin, analgin. This phenomenon is called neutropenia. Depending on the nature of the processes, several variants of this pathology are distinguished. Types of neutropenia:

  • congenital;
  • acquired;
  • idiopathic (unexplained).

Allocate still true and relative neutropenia. In the first case, the number of cells in the blood is reduced, and in the second, they are reduced in relation to other types. Physicians use several categories that indicate the severity of the disease:

  • mild neutropenia;
  • moderate neutropenia;
  • severe neutropenia;

A decrease in the number of immune cells occurs due to their too rapid destruction, prolonged inflammatory diseases, functional / organic failures of hematopoiesis by the bone marrow. The question of treatment, if these cells are lowered, is dealt with by a hematologist. He will determine the root cause of this condition and prescribe therapy that will eliminate it.

Reduced neutrophils in the blood of a child

This is one of the most important indicators of clinical analysis. Low neutrophils in the blood are detected if a child has recently suffered a bacterial, viral disease, has taken a course of medications, or has been food poisoning. If neutrophils in the child's blood are lowered for no apparent reason, then the doctor may suspect a pathology of the bone marrow. Decrease occurs due to its insufficient functioning or resistance to serious diseases. Leukocytes can also be lowered for reasons such as:

  • chemical poisoning;
  • hereditary disease;
  • irradiation;
  • one of the forms of anemia;
  • liver pathology (hepatitis);
  • measles;
  • rubella.

Neutrophils are lowered in an adult - causes

The reason that in adults the number of protective cells of the body is reduced, like in a child, is often the ongoing strong inflammatory processes. As a rule, a tangible change occurs only with a severe form of pathology, the fight against which requires a large number of leukocytes. If neutrophils are low in an adult, the reasons may be as follows:

  • taking medications that suppress the immune system;
  • radiation exposure;
  • polluted ecology;
  • infections;
  • poisoning of the body.

In some people, a condition is detected when the protective cells are first lowered, then increased and again decreased. This phenomenon is called cyclic neutropenia. With such a disease, every few weeks / months, an abs analysis suddenly shows that there are no neutrophils. At the same time, there is an increased level of eosinophils, monocytes.

Low neutrophils and high lymphocytes

The analysis can reveal that in the blood neutrophils are lowered, lymphocytes are increased. This condition suggests that the patient has had the flu, or an acute viral infection. The number of protective cells should return to their previous values \u200b\u200brelatively quickly. If this does not happen, then the following pathologies can act as the cause of high lymphocytes:

  • tuberculosis;
  • lymphosarcoma;
  • lymphocytic leukemia;

Decrease in segmented neutrophils in the blood

This condition indicates problems with hematopoiesis from the bone marrow, a weakened immune defense. A decrease in segmented neutrophils in the blood occurs in the presence of an acute viral infection or exposure to one of the following factors:

  • the presence of antibodies to leukocytes;
  • immune complexes that circulate through the blood;
  • toxic poisoning of the body.

Rod neutrophils are lowered

Neutropenia can be suspected if a person is often exposed to infectious diseases. Stab neutrophils will be lowered if a person is often diagnosed with stomatitis, damage to the outer, middle ear, oral cavity, gums. This group of cells is not fully matured neutrophils. Their number directly affects the general immunity of a person. The following reasons for the decrease in stab cells are distinguished:

  • anemia;
  • drug addict;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • radiation exposure;
  • viral infection;
  • neutrophilia;
  • some medications;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • erythremia;
  • exogenous intoxication with lead, poisons;
  • chronic myeloid leukemia;
  • endogenous intoxication;
  • purulent-necrotic tonsillitis
  • gingvinitis;
  • allergy;
  • soft tissue necrosis.

Neutrophils are lowered, monocytes are high

Any pathology to which the human body is exposed causes an increase in the number of monocytes. This phenomenon is called monocytosis. As a rule, it leads to a decrease in leukocytes, which is characteristic of lymphocytopenia, neutropenia. Neutrophils will be decreased, monocytes will be increased in the presence of the following diseases:

  • chronic myelomonocytic or monocytic leukemia;
  • arthritis, lupus erythematosus, ploiarteritis;
  • protozoal / rickettsial viral infection, infective endocarditis;
  • acute monoblastic leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis;
  • ulcerative colitis, brucellosis, syphilis, enteritis.

How to increase neutrophils in the blood

When a person has a low percentage of neutrophils, it is necessary to correct the problem that caused this condition. If this happened due to an infectious disease, then they recover on their own in a short period of time. Under other circumstances, the only way to increase neutrophils in the blood of a child or adult is to eliminate the root cause of their decrease. The doctor may prescribe drug therapy, which is relevant for pronounced neutropenia. If the disease manifests itself moderately, then:

  • prescribe leukopoiesis stimulants;
  • the use of Pentoxil, Methyluracil is considered effective.

Therapy should be carried out after consultation with an immunologist under the control of an immunogram. When the body does not respond to treatment and leukocytes are still low, drugs are prescribed for colony-stimulating factors, for example, Lenograsti, Filgrastim. The same medications are immediately prescribed to patients with agranulocytosis. Such drugs are prescribed only under the condition of inpatient treatment, because this is a potent group of drugs.


Neutrophils are lowered in blood in both adults and children. Causes, treatment and degree of neutropenia

Diseases such as inflammation or blood diseases are often accompanied by neutropenia. However, neutrophils are lowered, and there may be other reasons. To accurately determine the number of these cells in the body, it is necessary to conduct a detailed blood test. What threatens a decrease in neutrophils and how to treat this condition. The norms of cells in the blood by age categories.


In human blood, doctors distinguish two types of these cells:

  • Stab. These are cells that have not yet matured completely. Their core consists of a solid shelf-like base. This type is often elevated in newborns.
  • Segmented. These are already mature and formed cells, the nucleus of which consists of segments.

To determine the patient's condition, it is necessary to determine the percentage of young and mature cells. An increased content of stab representatives is usually observed in newborn children. These cells are later replaced by segmented cells, and by the third week of life, the balance between young and mature cells in babies is restored. Neutrophils in the blood are shown by a complete blood count.

In order to determine the presence or absence of diseases, doctors calculate the percentage of neutrophils from the number of leukocytes. You can often hear from specialists that the patient's neutrophils in the blood are lowered, what does this mean?


What is a neutrophil? These cells are the largest group of leukocytes. These cells protect our body from various microbes and disease-causing bacteria. They are part of the immune system and are an indicator of its work.

The percentage of neutrophils in the blood to leukocytes differs in children and adults. There are no differences in the norms by gender.

Table of norms in a blood test for children by age:

Reasons for a decrease in neutrophils

What does the deviation from the norms say? Today, doctors distinguish three main reasons why neutrophilic granulocytes can be lowered in the blood, namely:

  • Congenital deficiency (when the level is below normal from birth).
  • Acquired deficiency (for example, due to illness or after chemotherapy, granulocytes are lowered).
  • Disadvantage for reasons not identified.

A reduced number of neutrophils in a child, what does this mean? Low neutrophil counts can often be seen in young children. If the deviation is not of a pathological nature and is not a congenital pathology, the total number of neutrophils is normalized by about 2-3 years of age.

This condition is not dangerous, but requires control.

Rarely in children there are congenital pathologies, when lowered neutrophils show a decrease to critical levels or are absent altogether. These diseases are dangerous for children, because the immune system does not work, and the baby can often be seriously ill, especially in the first years of life. Such children should be registered. With age, their condition improves due to the fact that immunity replaces the missing white blood cells with other immune cells.

Pathological causes of reductions

Neutrophils are lowered in an adult or child with a severe course of the following diseases:

  • Viral diseases of a different nature.
  • Protozoal infections.
  • Typhus.
  • Bacterial infections.
  • Anemia.
  • Peptic ulcer disease.
  • Purulent inflammation.
  • Agranulocytosis, etc.

In addition, a decrease in neutrophils in adults may be due to the following conditions:

  • Postponed illness.
  • After chemotherapy.
  • After radiation therapy.
  • After vaccination.
  • With drug treatment.
  • With anaphylactic shock.
  • When living in an ecologically unfavorable area.

With reduced neutrophils, eosinophilic cells should be evaluated. Determination of their quantity is of particular importance in women during pregnancy. Often in pathological conditions, a clinical study of blood shows that neutrophils are lowered, and eosinophils are increased and lymphocytes are increased in an adult. This indicates a serious inflammatory process in the body. Also, there will be other deviations in the analysis.

Lowering mechanism

In order to understand why there is a decrease in neutrophils, you need to know the mechanism of the body's protective function. When an infection enters the body, its cells begin to multiply actively. The body sends to the defense a large number of protective white blood cells, which look for dangerous cells. Having found such a cell, the leukocyte absorbs it into itself. Then he dissolves it with his enzymes. Further, the protective cell dies. With a severe course of the disease, when it lasts more than one day, a greater number of neutrophils sent to protect the body have already died. Therefore, their absolute decrease is observed in the blood.

It is important to estimate the number of young stab neu. If their level is normal, we can say that their synthesis is proceeding correctly and the dead cells will soon be fully restored with adequate treatment. But if there are few young cells in the blood, this may mean that the patient has a disrupted neutrophil synthesis mechanism. In this case, it is necessary to examine the functions of the bone marrow to determine the true cause.

Third party downgrades

Taking certain medications, as well as physical activity, can lower neutrophils below the norm. For this reason, athletes often have a neutrophil deficiency in a clinical blood test. In addition, people after chemotherapy also have low levels of neutrophils. This is due to the fact that chemicals have a detrimental effect not only on cancer cells, but also on white blood cells. After chemotherapy, a person needs to undergo a special course of restorative therapy, which consists in purifying the blood and replenishing the vitamin balance. Typically, after recovery, the level of cells is restored.


Why is the level of neutrophils low in an adult cause? And how to increase the level of protective cells in the body? Doctors give an unambiguous answer to this question, before increasing neutrophils, it is necessary to clinically identify the cause of the decrease. So if the reason for the decrease in neutrophils in the blood lies in the development of an infectious or inflammatory disease, it must be treated. After recovery and vitamin therapy, the cell level will recover.

If the question is how to raise neutrophils after chemotherapy, you need to approach the issue in a comprehensive manner. They can be raised only after completion of treatment by cleaning the body and vitamin therapy.

This is when the treatment is more important than the side effects.

If the level of protective cells decreases as a result of drug therapy with individual drugs, the treatment must be adjusted. At the same time, the doctor will select medications for you that have fewer side effects. Treatment should only be prescribed by a doctor.

If in your blood neutrophils have shown a decrease, you do not need to look for a miracle drug that increases or raises the level of these cells. This is a useless exercise. Protective blood cells are lowered only if there is an underlying cause, this is not an independent disease and there is no point in treating cell reduction locally. If there are deviations in the analysis, consult your doctor to determine the true cause.

Supplements to increase neutrophils

If the reason for the decrease in neutrophils is a viral cause, measures must be taken to eliminate the deficiency. Products of natural origin will help to achieve this goal.

Goldenseal / Goldenseal root - a powerful antibacterial agent of natural origin. However, in contrast to its purpose, it does not lower neutrophils, but increases it. The effect of this nutrient has been experienced by many, confirming the results of blood tests. One important condition is that the admission period should not exceed 10 days, then a 20-day break and again a 10-day course. Other remedies can be taken during breaks. It is important to note that the product must be made from the root and not from the leaves of the plant.

Astragalus Root / Astragalus, often the cause of a decrease in neutrophils is a long-term inflammatory process. Here Astragalus root, known as a remedy for edema of various origins, curing kidney diseases, can help. Again, the nutrient must be made from the root of the plant. It is best not to take it with Echinacea, but it can be rotated. Take in the same way as Goldenroot, no more than 10 days a month.

Penetrating into the tissues of the human body, neutrophils destroy pathogenic and foreign microorganisms by their phagocytosis.

The condition when neutrophils are low in the blood is called neutropenia in medicine. This usually indicates the rapid destruction of these cells, organic or functional impairment of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow, depletion of the body after long-term diseases.

They say about neutropenia if the content of neutrophils in an adult is below normal and ranges from 1.6X10Х and less. A decrease can be true if their number in the blood changes, and relative if their percentage decreases in relation to the rest of the leukocytes.

In this article we will look at why neutrophils are lowered in adults, and what it means, as well as how to raise this group of white blood cells in the blood.

What is the rate of neutrophils?

The index of neutrophils in the blood directly depends on the age of the person. In children under one year old, neutrophils make up from 30% to 50% of leukocytes, when a child grows up, his level of neutrophils begins to increase, at seven years the number should be from 35% to 55%.

In adults, the rate can range from 45% to 70%. In cases of deviation from the norm, when the indicator is lower, we can talk about a reduced level of neutrophils.


Degrees of neutropenia in adults:

  • Mild neutropenia - from 1 to 1.5 * 109 / l.
  • Moderate neutropenia - from 0.5 to 1 * 109 / l.
  • Severe neutropenia - from 0 to 0.5 * 109 / l.

Types of neutropenia

In medicine, there are three types of neutropenia:

Neutrophils can periodically decrease, then return to normal. In this case, we are talking about the cyclical nature of neutropenia. It can be an independent disease or develop with certain diseases. The congenital benign form is inherited and does not manifest itself clinically.


Modern medicine distinguishes two types of neutrophils:

  • Rod-shaped - immature, with not fully formed rod-shaped nucleus;
  • Segmented - have a formed core with a clear structure.

The presence of neutrophils in the blood, as well as cells such as monocytes and lymphocytes, is short-lived: it varies from 2 to 3 hours. Then they are transported to tissues, where they will stay from 3 hours to a couple of days. The exact time of their life largely depends on the nature and true cause of the inflammatory process.

Causes of decreased neutrophiloph

What does it mean? If a blood test shows that neutrophils are lowered, it is necessary to immediately begin to actively eliminate the cause.

However, it is not very reliable to judge the disease only on the basis of one blood test. In order to make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary not only to estimate the number of neutrophils in the blood, but also other important indicators. That is why many people believe that they only need to donate blood to make a correct diagnosis. But blood counts are indirect. In addition, only with the presence of this analysis and without examining the patient is it difficult to determine what exactly a person is ill with - helminths or rubella.

Segmented neutrophils are decreased, and lymphocytes are increased

If segmented neutrophils are decreased, and lymphocytes are increased, the causes of this condition may be:

Thus, we can conclude: if lymphocytes are increased and neutrophils are decreased, then there is a focus of infection in the body, most likely viral. However, the results of the blood test must be compared with the clinical picture.

If there are no signs of disease, it is possible that we are talking about the carrier of the virus. With a decrease in the level of granulocytes with a simultaneous increase in lymphocytes, a complete examination is required, since such dangerous pathologies as hepatitis, HIV are not excluded.


It should be understood that there are no direct means to increase neutrophils in adults. For them, the same conditions apply as with lowered leukocytes in general. If a pronounced deviation from the norm is detected, the doctor must take measures to eliminate the cause of the pathology as soon as possible.

If neutrophils in adults are lowered due to the drug therapy taken, then the doctor must correct the treatment regimen, up to the replacement or complete cancellation of drugs that suppress the production of neutrophils.

In some cases, the cause is an imbalance of nutrients, and then the task is to correct the background of B vitamins (in particular B9 and B12) with the help of drugs or diet. As a rule, after elimination of the provoking factor, the neutrophil count independently returns to normal in 1-2 weeks.

Increase or decrease in the number of neutrophils in the analyzes

Neutrophils are blood cells, which are members of a group of leukocytes that help protect the human body from certain infections. The largest number of these blood cells circulate in the blood for only a few hours, after which they penetrate into organs and tissues and provide them with the necessary protection against infections.

If there is an increased amount of these blood cells in a person's blood, then an inflammatory process or infection is on the face.

Neutrophils also call neutrophilic granulocytes ... They are one of the types of white blood cells, that is, white blood cells, which tend to take an integral part in maintaining the body's immune defenses. It is these cells that help the human body to resist various viruses, bacteria and infections.

The process of destruction of old neutrophils is carried out in the tissues. If we talk about the process of maturation of these cells, then it occurs in exactly six stages, which follow one after the other: myeloblast, promyelocyte, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, stab and segmented cell ... All forms of these cells, in addition to the segmental cell, are considered immature. If inflammation or development of infection is noted in the human body, the rate of release of neutrophils from the bone marrow immediately increases. As a result, cells that have not matured to the end enter the human blood. The number of these immature cells indicates the presence of a bacterial infection. In addition, they provide information on the activity of this infection in the patient's body.

At first, these cells are detected, after which they phagocytose bacteria, as well as tissue breakdown products. Having absorbed these components, they destroy them through their enzymes. The enzymes that are released at the time of the breakdown of these cells also contribute to the softening of the surrounding tissues. As a result, there is an abscess on the face. In fact, the pus in the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected areas includes just the same neutrophils, as well as their remnants.

If a person is completely healthy, then in his blood there should be from one to six percent of stab neutrophils, that is, immature forms of these cells, and from forty-seven to seventy-two percent of segmented neutrophils, that is, mature forms of these cells.

  • On the first day, the baby's blood contains from one to seventeen percent of stab neutrophils and from forty-five to eighty percent of segmented neutrophils.
  • In children under the age of twelve months: sex - four percent of stab neutrophils and fifteen to forty-five percent of segmented neutrophils.
  • In children between the ages of one and twelve, the number of stab neutrophils is half - five percent, and segmented neutrophils - twenty five - sixty two percent.
  • At the age of thirteen to fifteen years in the blood of a child, there are half - six percent of stab neutrophils and forty - sixty-five percent of segmented neutrophils.

During pregnancy, the normal number of these cells is the same as in adults.

An excessive amount of these blood cells can be noted in any acute inflammatory process. It can be both sepsis and otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia, appendicitis, and so on. Especially many neutrophils can be detected in the case of the development of any purulent pathology.

Stab neutrophils react especially strongly to inflammatory and purulent processes in the body. As a result, it is their increase in the patient's blood that is called in medicine a shift of the leukocyte formula to the left. With the development of complex purulent-inflammatory ailments, in which there is also a strong intoxication of the body, it is quite possible to identify toxic granularity and vacuolization of the cytoplasm of neutrophils. Sometimes an increase in the number of these cells is observed as a result of stroke, myocardial infarction, trophic ulcers, against the background of extensive burns, and taking medications. Malignant neoplasms of the bronchi, pancreas, stomach and some other organs can also cause a significant increase in the number of neutrophils.

A decrease in the number of these blood cells can be observed in such viral pathologies as: hepatitis, influenza, rubella, AIDS, measles, chickenpox. The same phenomenon can be observed in the case of toxoplasmosis or malaria. It is quite possible to reduce the level of neutrophils in the blood and against the background of taking anticonvulsant or analgesic drugs, as well as cytostatics. Anaphylactic shock as well as radiation therapy can also significantly reduce neutrophilic granulocyte counts. You can learn more about the increase and decrease in the level of neutrophils at the consultation of a specialist in this field.

What happens in the human body with low levels of neutrophils?

Neutrophils are the largest category of white blood cells, providing protection to all organs from the entry and spread of harmful bacteria. This type of blood cell originates in the bone marrow. Then neutrophils enter the tissues of the body through the blood. They effectively fight pathogens through phagocytosis. That is, protective cells absorb microbes, neutralize them, and then die off themselves. They are replaced by newly born cells.

A condition in which neutrophils in the blood are lowered is commonly called neutropenia. It indicates that these cells are destroyed too quickly, or becomes a manifestation of hematopoietic disorders in the bone marrow. Often, a decrease in the content of neutrophilic leukocytes is associated with a complete loss of body strength (exhaustion), which occurs after long-term serious illness.

What should be the level of neutrophils in the blood?

The percentage of these cells depends on human age. In adults, this indicator ranges from 46 to 71 percent in relation to the absolute content of leukocytes. Thus, the number of granulocytes in one liter of blood is on average from 1.7 to 6.7 × 10⁹.

The study of the leukocyte table helps to determine the condition of patients and obtain reliable information about how well the immune system is coping with its direct tasks. If there are deviations from the norm, we can talk about the course of painful processes in the body.

Usually, a decrease in neutrophils (neutropenia) is associated with their overly rapid death. In this state, the level of neutrophils in adults is less than 1.6 × 10⁹ per liter of blood. In this case, a decrease is true when the content of these particles in a unit volume changes, or relative, when their percentage in relation to other leukocytes decreases. Thus, neutropenia becomes a sign of a serious illness.

What is a leukogram?

The leukocyte formula is present in the general blood test, which is taken only on an empty stomach in order to obtain reliable results. A leukogram contains data on the number and proportions of various types of protective blood cells. When studying these indicators, an increase or decrease in all types of leukocytes is taken into account. For example, lymphocytes can be lowered and neutrophils increased.

Note that with the development of some diseases, for example, of a viral nature, the total number of leukocytes remains normal or increases insignificantly. At this time, certain shifts occur in the leukocyte table, that is, the percentage of neutrophils decreases, and lymphocytes increase.

This phenomenon can be triggered by such factors:

  • getting the virus into the body;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • lymphocytic leukemia;
  • lymphosarcoma;
  • tuberculosis.

Attention! When there is no pronounced clinical picture with a high lymphocyte count and a low neutrophil count, it is possible that a person is a carrier of the virus. In such cases, the doctor is obliged to prescribe a detailed examination of the patient, and, if necessary, correct therapy. These can be such serious diseases as hepatitis C or B, HIV infection.

What else does the decrease or increase in neutrophils indicate?

If during a blood test it is revealed that the number of neutrophils is below normal, and the percentage of lymphocytes, on the contrary, is too high, this may indicate a previous illness: a severe form of ARVI, influenza. In this situation, decreased neutrophils are noted for a short time, and soon the indicators will return to normal.

  • renal failure in acute form;
  • infectious lesions;
  • tumor diseases at the developmental stage.

If bacteria are the cause of the disease, then the white blood cell count rises, since the active production of neutrophils begins, while the percentage of lymphocytes decreases.

Why do neutrophils go down?

The reasons for the decreased neutrophils in the blood in an adult are the following factors:

  • Viral infections (measles, influenza, hepatitis, etc.).
  • Protozoal infection (leishmaniasis and malaria).
  • Typhus.
  • Certain bacterial infectious diseases (paratyphoid fever, typhoid fever, etc.).
  • Side effects from taking certain types of medications (analgesics, sulfonamides, etc.).
  • Chronic anemia.
  • Side effects of radiation therapy.
  • Agranulocytosis.
  • Radiation damage.
  • Environmental pollution.
  • Selected genetic pathologies.
  • Generalized inflammation.
  • Ulcers of the digestive system.
  • Hypersplenism (enlargement of the spleen).
  • Anaphylactic shock.

Danger of low neutrophil levels

Each certain age is characterized by its own low level of neutrophils. In newborns, neutrophilic granulocytes and leukocytes should be in a 1: 3 ratio. In the process of further human development, the content of neutrophils rises sevenfold. For an adult, this amount is about a percent.

Doctors can diagnose a decrease in neutropenia of several types:

Often, in children under three years of age, a decrease in the number of neutrophils in the blood is detected for no apparent reason. Such neutropenia does not threaten health, and over time, the indicators normalize.

When neutrophils are low in an adult, this indicates a viral or bacterial disease. In such patients, disruptions in the digestive system are often observed, and the microflora in the intestine is disturbed. In this case, patients may experience symptoms associated with the development of such diseases.

Having done a complete blood count, your doctor can detect a decrease or increase in the level of various forms of neutrophils (mature or young cells). Any changes indicate the presence of more or less dangerous pathologies.

The most dangerous cause of neutropenia is bone marrow pathology associated with poisoning of the body with alcohol, heavy metals, chemotherapy, radiation, radiation, long-term use of interferon, drugs that relieve pain, immunosuppressants.

Preparing for a blood test

Diagnostics is carried out after donating blood for laboratory tests, where the leukocyte formula will be determined. This study makes it possible to determine the number of lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils. The doctor must necessarily analyze all indicators in the complex and their ratio in the blood of women and men.

For the correct determination of the content of neutrophilic granulocytes in the blood, you should prepare for the tests. The last meal should be at least seven hours before the test. therefore they are taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

For two days before surrender, you can not drink alcohol and engage in active physical exercise. If before this the patient took any medications, he should tell the doctor about this, because medications can increase or decrease the indicators.

With the help of a laboratory blood test, the doctor can determine the nature of the pathogenic process in the body, prescribe additional examinations in order to draw up a treatment regimen.

How to raise indicators?

For neutropenia, treatment is initially prescribed by a therapist. To effectively increase neutrophils, you will first need to overcome the cause that caused this process.

Attention! It is impossible to increase the percentage of neutrophils in the blood by taking any special medications. The fact is that not a single drug method or means has yet been created that increases these indicators. It is worth remembering that there are medications with side effects that reduce the number of neutrophils, therefore, if you stop taking them, it is possible that the indicators will return to normal.

Normalization of neutrophils in the blood by folk remedies is also questionable, because it should be based on 100 percent elimination of the cause that led to this phenomenon.

  1. With mild neutropenia, the doctor may not prescribe any therapy at all. This is due to the fact that neutropenia has a benign development that does not threaten the health and even more so the patient's life.
  2. If infections are the cause of low blood neutrophils, the treatment concept is based on fighting them. In case of bacterial damage to the body against the background of reduced neutrophils, the doctor will prescribe antibacterial drugs.
  3. If neutropenia has arisen due to allergies or impaired immune function, then corticosteroid drugs are prescribed.
  4. In case of infection with fungi, antimycotics are prescribed.
  5. If the reason for the low level of neutrophils is associated with vitamin deficiency, then the doctor recommends drinking the vitamin complex in a course.

In any case, when it is required to increase or decrease the neutrophil count, it will be necessary to act on the immune system, to ensure its correct functioning and to increase the degree of the body's defense.

Symptoms and causes of a decrease in neutrophil levels

Neutrophils are lowered when the body has an inflammatory process or blood diseases. It is dangerous to health, therefore, you should consult a doctor for treatment. Let's look at the causes of a decrease in the rate of neutrophils and the symptoms of manifestation.

Neutropenia, or if neutrophils are low, indicates blood diseases or inflammation in the human body. Determination of the deviation by specialists occurs on a detailed general blood test. Let's see what neutrophils are, why they are below normal, and how to increase their number.

What are neutrophils?

Neutrophils are white blood cells that play an important role

They are white blood cells that are synthesized in the liver or bone marrow and act as defenders of the human body against various bacteria and fungi, as well as viruses. When they get in, neutrophils increase.

There are two types of neutrophils:

  • stab. These are immature cells with a rod-shaped, immature nucleus;
  • segmented. They have a formed nucleus and are mature cells.

The indicator has a dependence on age and varies (% of the total number of leukocytes):

If the blood test shows a deviating percentage downward, then they are low. Let's see why there may be decreased neutrophils in the blood, what does this mean.

In the center is a stab neutrophil, and the segmented ones surround it

Types, symptoms and causes of low neutrophil counts

There are several types of neutropenia, as well as many causes of this disease. Let's take a closer look, if neutrophils are below normal, what does this mean.

The main types of neutropenia

Decreased neutrophils, or as this disease is called - neutropenia is divided into several types:

In children under the age of three, neutrophils may be less than the norm and this is expressed in a chronic as well as benign character, then the situation can normalize with age. If the indices of segmented neutrophils are at first normal, and then fell again, then this is characterized by the cyclical nature of the disease.

Important! It is necessary to monitor the level of neutrophils in the blood on an ongoing basis, since this is the main defense of the human body against disease: infectious and viral.

Decrease symptoms

A decrease in neutrophils poses a danger to human health, therefore, their number should be monitored

  • frequent illnesses;
  • violation of microflora in the mouth;
  • disruptions in the digestive tract, namely in the intestines.

Other manifestations are possible, which are "beacons" of the presence of an inflammatory process in the body.

If the analysis showed an increase in stab neutrophils, the reasons for this can be found in the article on our website

Reasons for downgrading

Any deviation in the leukocyte formula, whether it is low neutrophils and low lymphocytes or the former are lowered and the latter increased, means a disruption in the normal functioning of the body. There are diseases in which, in general, the number of leukocytes is normal or slightly increased, but an extended complete blood count will help to identify a shift. If neutrophils are low in an adult, the reasons for this may be different. Among the main ones:

  • the presence of inflammation;
  • there are viral infections;
  • after exposure to radiation;
  • in the presence of anemia of a different nature;
  • being in negative climatic conditions;
  • taking medications such as penicillin, chloramphenicol, analgin, as well as sulfonamides.

In addition, if neutrophils are lowered, the reasons may lie in the presence of serious diseases such as:

  • kostmann neutropenia is a hereditary disease and it has no clinical manifestation;
  • lowering of neutrophils of a cyclical plan. It is characterized by the disappearance of these blood cells and the increase in cells such as eosinophils and monocytes;
  • neutrophilia;
  • the presence of infections of a bacterial nature in an acute form: abscess, osteomelitis, otitis media, as well as pneumonia and others;
  • tissue necrosis in the presence of extensive burns, as well as fever, gangrene and others;
  • intoxication with substances such as: lead, bacteria, snake venom,
  • gout, uremia, eclampsia;
  • erythremia, myeorleukemia;
  • hemorrhage in acute form;
  • typhoid, tuberculosis, paratyphoid fever;
  • flu, measles, rubella, infectious hepatitis;
  • acute leukemia;
  • anaphylactic shock.

These are the main reasons why neutrophils in an adult are low.

Having figured out why neutrophils in the blood are lowered, what this means, it is worth understanding how to bring them back to normal.

How to bring the number of neutrophils back to normal?

Blood cells. With a decrease in neutrophils, eosinophils and monocytes may increase

Decreased neutrophils in the blood can be in both women and men. It is impossible to cure neutropenia without finding out the cause of its occurrence. If there are deviations in the analyzes. Then you should contact a hematologist. This specialist will conduct a detailed study, find out the cause and prescribe treatment.

For example, if the decrease is caused by medication, then the doctor should adjust the treatment program. If the deviation of neutrophils from the norm was due to an imbalance of nutrients, then the intake of B vitamins is prescribed.

Important! Any vaccination in the presence of a deviation is prohibited and can only be performed with the approval of the hematologist.

A decrease in neutrophils is dangerous to human health, therefore, it must be monitored on an ongoing basis and in the presence of deviations, contact a specialist to identify the cause and purpose of treatment.

What does the low content of neutrophils in the blood say and can they be increased?

Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that protects the body from infections. Their formation takes place in the bone marrow, and upon further penetration into tissues, they destroy pathogenic microorganisms. The condition when neutrophils are lowered is called neutropenia and indicates the presence of pathologies in the body.

Ne: what does it mean - definition

Neutrophils (designation Ne) are a group of leukocytes that are divided into two subgroups.

  • Segmented. Mature cells with a segmented nucleus, which circulate in the blood and kill bacteria as a result of their absorption.
  • Stab. They have a solid and rod-shaped core. They "grow" to segmented, which subsequently allows an attack by foreign microorganisms.

In the process of the inflammatory process, there is a decrease in the number of segmented cells and an increase in stab cells.

The pattern of a decrease in neutrophils is called a neutrophilic shift to the left, which is typical for almost all inflammatory pathologies. However, the bone marrow cannot constantly produce neutrophils in a large volume, and with prolonged infectious pathologies, this indicator decreases.

Absolute number

The number of segmented cells depends on the person's age.

Average relative norms are presented in the table:

Stab cells should be present in the blood in an amount not exceeding 5 percent. If a large number of stabs are found in the blood, the causes of this are most often serious infections that lead to a massive consumption of "mature" cells.

The absolute neutrophil count is a quantitative indicator that allows you to get more accurate results. It is used to make a diagnosis in conjunction with relative data. Average values \u200b\u200bof Achn can be seen in the table:

Calculating the absolute amount

In order to calculate the absolute number of neutrophils, the number of leukocytes in absolute units is multiplied by the relative indicators expressed as a percentage (8500 * 15% \u003d 1275). Calculations are carried out in laboratory conditions based on the analyzes obtained.

Reasons for a decrease in neutrophils

The reasons for a low number of segmented neutrophils and a high number of stab neutrophils most often indicate the presence of an inflammatory process.

The percentage of neutrophils is lowered when:

  • Inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Viral and infectious diseases.
  • With an absolute decrease in the content of mature neutrophils (less than 0.5 per 109 l), agranulocytosis occurs, which requires mandatory treatment.
  • Allergies.
  • Helminthiasis.
  • Gout.
  • Poisoning with poisons.
  • Fungal lesions.
  • Diabetes.
  • After chemotherapy.
  • Exposure to radiation.
  • Kostman's syndrome.
  • Toxoplasmosis and malaria.
  • Tumors.
  • Taking sulfa antibiotics and chloramphenicol.
  • A decrease in the number of neutrophils is called neutropenia. The relative decline is expressed as a percentage and most often coincides with the absolute.

    Relative and absolute neutropenia is determined by a biochemical blood test.

    A significant decrease in neutrophils and an increase in lymphocytes most often occurs after acute viral infections. In a short period of time, the indicators normalize on their own.

    If decreased indicators are observed over a long period, and lymphocytes are increased, one can suspect:

    • Tuberculosis.
    • Lymphocytic leukemia.

    In women, indicators may be underestimated during pregnancy.

    A reduced number of neutrophils does not always indicate the presence of a particular disease.

    In order to make a diagnosis, additional examinations are required. Reduced blood counts are indirect and without examining the patient it is impossible to predict what is the cause of the pathology.

    Low neutrophil counts can occur after fatigue and strenuous exercise. In this case, the lowered indicators in a short period of time normalize independently and do not affect the general condition of the person.

    Development of an infectious process against a background of neutropenia

    When pathogenic bacteria appear in the body, neutrophils tend to them, forming a kind of focus of inflammation, which prevents the spread of infection. A low neutrophil count and presence of neutropenia can cause the infection to spread throughout the body and become infected.

    Initially, significantly reduced neutrophil counts may manifest:

    • Stomatitis and gingivitis.
    • Purulent sore throats.
    • Cystitis.
    • Osteomyelitis and abscesses.

    If the neutrophil counts are below normal, a person can easily be infected in crowded places and in the presence of patients with viral pathologies among close people.

    People who suffer from neutropenia should exclude contact with infectious patients, as well as avoid hypothermia. to the content

    How to increase the level of neutrophils?

    How to increase the level of neutrophils depends on the reasons that caused their decrease. In most cases, after an infection, the reduced rates recover on their own. At the moment, there are no drugs that can raise neutrophils, so medications are used to generally increase leukocytes.

    If the rate of neutrophils is reduced due to certain drug therapy aimed at eliminating any disease, the treatment regimen is adjusted. With an imbalance of nutrients and low neutrophils, the use of B vitamins and adherence to a diet are most often indicated. For allergies, antihistamines are prescribed.

    After the complete elimination of the factor that provokes the fall of neutrophils, the reduced rates are normalized for 1-2 weeks.

    Treatment with medications to increase leukocytes is indicated only with persistent neutropenia. In this case, stimulants of leukopoiesis, pentoxil and methyluracil can be prescribed. Women and men are prescribed an immunogram and compare the lowered rates throughout the treatment.

    If the treatment is ineffective, colony-stimulating factor medications are included in the therapy. These include powerful drugs such as filgrastim and lenograstim. Treatment with these agents is possible only in a hospital setting due to the large number of side effects.

    Why neutrophils are lowered is determined individually, and sometimes this requires a complete examination of the body. If often the pathology of the blood is due to the presence of helminths, then sometimes - severe oncological neoplasms. Only a specialist should deal with the treatment of lowered neutrophils and the correct diagnosis.

    How to raise the level of neutrophils in the treatment of tumors

    Sometimes I am asked how to raise immunity and increase the level of leukocytes in the treatment of tumors (after a course of chemotherapy).

    My wife is now undergoing a course of chemotherapy, or rather, the first course is over, in 10 days there will be a second. Immunity dropped dramatically, leukocytes and something else, they said, the blood became almost sterile. The temperature is 37.5 - 38 every day. We don't leave the house, we are afraid. The doctors said, God forbid, to pick up something, up to a detailed outcome. As for oncology, the prognosis is generally good, but the immunity is confusing. Will Galavit help in this situation and can it be used for chemotherapy? Doctors do not even recommend vitamins during chemotherapy, they say, so that the tumor is not stimulated. I would like to hear your opinion.

    Galavit is unlikely to help here. The anti-inflammatory immunomodulator Galavit is used to prevent postoperative complications, including after surgery for tumors. Galavit normalizes the function of cells of the immune system, but cannot increase their number to normal. In our case, we need a drug of a completely different action. This article is for reference and informational purposes, so that you represent the current possibilities of restoring the level of neutrophils in the blood. The drugs described below are not intended for self-medication, they are expensive and can only be used under the guidance of an oncologist or hematologist.

    What Happens With Chemotherapy

    Chemotherapy in this case is the treatment of tumors with drugs. Many drugs used to treat cancer also damage healthy, rapidly dividing cells, causing diarrhea in the intestines and disrupting red bone marrow function. In addition to cytostatics, a serious dysfunction of the bone marrow occurs during radiation therapy (ionizing radiation) of important hematopoietic zones - sternum, spine and pelvic bones.

    Tumor drugs affect all cell lines in the bone marrow ( erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets). Of these, neutrophils have the shortest half-life (6-8 hours), therefore, the formation of granulocytes ( neutrophils + eosinophils + basophils). The half-life of platelets is 5-7 days, so they suffer less than granulocytes. Anemia due to suppression of erythrocyte maturation also occurs, but it is usually not clinically significant due to the 4-month life span of red blood cells.

    Neutrophils are the "soldiers" of the immune system. Neutrophils are numerous, small in size, and have a short life. The main function of neutrophils is phagocytosis (absorption) and digestion of microbes and fragments of dead body cells.

    Norms of neutrophils in the blood

    Normally, from 4 to 9 billion (× 10 9) leukocytes per liter of blood, or 4-9 thousand (× 10 3) per cubic millimeter (mm 3).

    Neutrophils, together with eosinophils and basophils, belong to granulocytes (polymorphonuclear leukocytes, PMN).

    • neutrophilic myelocytes - 0,
    • young (neutrophilic metamyelocytes) - 0 (appear in the blood only with severe infections and reflect their severity),
    • stab - 1-6% (the amount increases with infections),
    • segmented - 47-72%. They are mature forms of neutrophils.

    In absolute numbers, the blood normally contains 1 mm 3 rod-nuclear neutrophils and segmented neutrophils.

    Leukopenia and neutropenia

    Leukopenia - a low level of leukocytes in the blood (below 4 thousand / mm 3).

    Most often, leukopenia is caused by neutropenia - a low level of neutrophils. Sometimes, not separately neutrophils are considered, but all granulocytes, because there are few eosinophils and basophils (1-5% and 0-1% of all leukocytes, respectively).

    • 0 degree: more than 2000 neutrophils per 1 mm 3 of blood;
    • 1st degree, mild: 1900-1500 cells / mm 3 - mandatory antibiotic prescription at elevated temperature is not required;
    • 2nd degree, medium: 1400-1000 cells / mm 3 - requires oral antibiotics;
    • Grade 3, severe: 900–500 cells / mm 3 - antibiotics are given intravenously;
    • 4th degree, life threatening: less than 500 cells / mm 3.

    Febrile neutropenia (Latin febris - heat) - a sudden rise in temperature above 38 ° C against the background of a level of neutrophils in the blood of less than 500 mm 3. Febrile neutropenia is dangerous with severe infectious complications and possible death (the risk is more than 10%), because the immune system cannot limit the site of inflammation, and it is difficult to identify it. And when the focus of inflammation can still be detected, the patient's condition often approaches death.

    Regulatory molecules for the treatment of neutropenia

    In the 1980s, intensive work was carried out on the development of artificial (genetically engineered) analogs of human molecules that regulate the growth and reproduction of blood cells. One of these molecules was named G-CSF ( granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, G-CSF). G-CSF mainly stimulates growth and development neutrophils, and affects the development of other leukocytes to a small extent.

    Of these, pegfilgrastim is the most effective.

    There is also GM-CSF ( granulocyte-monocyte colony-stimulating factor), which was sold under the trade names molgramostim and sargramostim, but now it is not used due to the large number of side effects.

    Filgrastim and Pagfilgrastim

    Filgrastim and Pagfilgrastim are essentially the same drug, but Pagfilgrastim additionally contains a molecule polyethylene glycolwhich protects Filgrastim from rapid excretion by the kidneys. Filgrastim needs to be injected daily (subcutaneously or intravenously) for days until the neutrophil level is restored, and Pegfilgrastim is injected once (provided that the interval between chemotherapy courses is at least 14 days). The action of Pegfilgrastim is remarkable for its self-regulation: when there are few neutrophils, the drug circulates for a long time in the body and stimulates the production of neutrophils. When there are many neutrophils, they bind Pegfilgrastim with their receptors on the cell surface and remove it from the body.

    G-CSF drugs are given one hour after the end of the course of chemotherapy if the expected risk of febrile neutropenia exceeds 20%, including due to HIV or low bone marrow reserve). There are known chemotherapy regimens for various malignant tumors, for which the risk of febrile neutropenia is always higher than 20%. If the risk is below 10%, prophylaxis with G-CSF is not given. With a risk of 10% to 20%, additional factors are taken into account, for example:

    • over 65 years of age,
    • previous febrile neutropenia,
    • lack of antimicrobial prophylaxis,
    • severe concomitant diseases,
    • poor general condition,
    • open wounds or wound infection
    • malnutrition,
    • female,
    • chemoradiation therapy,
    • hemoglobin less than 120 g / l.

    G-CSF drugs should not be used before and during chemotherapy, as this leads to severe thrombocytopenia ( a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood with an increased risk of bleeding). Also, G-CSF preparations should not be used during radiation therapy to the chest area, as this suppresses the bone marrow and increases the risk of complications and death. These drugs are contraindicated for acute leukemia, chronic myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndromesbecause it can enhance the growth of malignant blood cells.

    Of the side effects, 24% of patients have bone pain due to increased work of the bone marrow. They are usually mild to moderate and are relieved with conventional analgesics ( diclofenac, meloxicam and etc.). Several cases of hyperleukocytosis (more than 100 thousand leukocytes per mm 3) have been described, which ended without consequences.

    Despite 20 years of experience with these drugs, their active study continues. Not all questions are yet known for answers, therefore the instructions indicate that treatment with filgrastim should be carried out only under the supervision of an oncologist or hematologist with experience in the use of such drugs.

    Trade names in Russia

    At the time of this writing, the following were registered and sold in pharmacies in Russia:

    • Leukostim (from 10 to 20 thousand Russian rubles),
    • Neupogen (from 5 to 50 thousand),
    • Neipomax (from 3 to 7 thousand),
    • Tevagrastim,
    • Zarcio,
    • Mielastra,
    • Leucite;
    • Inelastic (from 30 to 62 thousand for 1 bottle);
    • Granocyte 34 (from 15 to 62 thousand Russian rubles for 5 bottles).

    Neutrophils are lowered in blood in both adults and children. Causes, treatment and degree of neutropenia

    Most of the leukocytes are neutrophils. Their function is very important for the human body - the destruction of pathogenic bacteria in the blood, body tissues, while the leukocyte elements die themselves. There is an indicator of the norm, and when the tests reveal a low content of neutrophils in the blood, this indicates the possible development of the disease.

    Neutrophils are the norm

    This indicator is designated as neut in a blood test of the wbc type, two subgroups of these cells are distinguished. Inside the body, 2 phases of maturation of granulocytes are distinguished, this process takes place in the bone marrow. The cells are initially called myelocytes, after which they turn into metamyelocytes. They are formed exclusively inside the bone marrow and do not enter the bloodstream, so the wbc analysis should not detect them.

    At the next stage, they look like a stick, from which the name of the form came from - stab. After maturation, the cells acquire a segmented nucleus, at this stage segmented leukocytes are formed. The rate of neutrophils in the blood is determined by these two types of cells: the wbc analysis indicates the percentage of the total. From the total number of leukocytes, the ratio of each type is calculated: this is called the leukocyte formula.

    Rod neutrophils are the norm

    The indicators of these cells do not depend on the sex of the person; the patient's age becomes the main criterion for assessing the normal indicator. This is one of the types of cells that are taken into account in the leukocyte formula. If stab neutrophils are studied, the norm is significantly different in infants and a child who is already a week old. It should be remembered that this is only part of the total content of leukocyte cells. Normal values \u200b\u200bare shown in the table:

    7 days from birth

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    Segmented neutrophils are the norm

    This is the second form of leukocyte cells that are counted in the analysis. This is the second element that is taken into account in the leukocyte formula. In the decoding of the general analysis, segmented neutrophils will be indicated - the norm is:

    7 days from birth

    Neutrophils are the norm in children

    After conducting a general analysis, the doctor pays attention to the number of leukocytes. If they are lowered or raised, this indicates the possible development of some kind of pathology. The deviation of indicators of one of the types of leukocytes will indicate a specific type of ailment. The main task of these cells is to fight against fungal and viral diseases. Doctors have established the rate of neutrophils in the blood of children, which indicates the absence of pathologies.

    1. In the first days of life, a child should have 50-70% segmented and 5-15% stab.
    2. The number of these cells by the end of the first week should be 35-55% and 1-5%.
    3. In two weeks, the indicator of stab cells will be 1-4%, and segmented - 27-47%.
    4. By the end of the month of life, the child will have 1-5% stab, 17-30% segmented, and by the year 1-5% and 45-65%.
    5. 1-4% and 35-55% is the norm for babies 4-6 years old.
    6. At the age of 6-12 years, the indicators are 1-4% stab, 40-60% segmented.

    For diagnostics, indicators in the analysis are important, not only the independent rate of neutrophils. Consideration should be given to the ratio between all segmented, young cells that may indicate the presence of any neutrophilic shift. To determine the presence of a particular disease, a separate number of rod and segmented cells is not essential.

    The rate of neutrophils in the blood in women

    Certain fluctuations in the indicators of the normal number of immune cells are observed only in the first years of a person's life. In adulthood, this value is always kept at the same level. If immune cells are lowered or increased, then this indicates the development of the disease. The rate of neutrophils in the blood of women should be as follows: 40-60% segmented cells and 1-4% stab cells.

    The rate of neutrophils in the blood in men

    The gender of a person does not matter in determining the normal index of protective cells. The main parameter is age, for example, a child under one year old has noticeable jumps in the content of leukocytes. The rate of neutrophils in the blood in men is the same as in women: 1-4% of rod cells and 40-60% of segmented cells. A change in this indicator will be associated with inflammatory or infectious processes that have arisen in the body.

    Neutrophils below normal - what does it mean

    The analysis can reveal in a person lowered neutrophils, if a viral infection has entered the body, an inflammatory disease proceeds, radiation exposure has been carried out, which caused anemia. A decrease in neutrophils in the blood will be detected if a person lives in poor environmental conditions, uses certain groups of medicines, for example, sulfonamide, chloramphenicol, penicillin, analgin. This phenomenon is called neutropenia. Depending on the nature of the processes, several variants of this pathology are distinguished. Types of neutropenia:

    Allocate still true and relative neutropenia. In the first case, the number of cells in the blood is reduced, and in the second, they are reduced in relation to other types. Physicians use several categories that indicate the severity of the disease:

    • mild neutropenia;
    • moderate neutropenia;
    • severe neutropenia;

    A decrease in the number of immune cells occurs due to their too rapid destruction, prolonged inflammatory diseases, functional / organic failures of hematopoiesis by the bone marrow. The question of treatment, if these cells are lowered, is dealt with by a hematologist. He will determine the root cause of this condition and prescribe therapy that will eliminate it.

    Reduced neutrophils in the blood of a child

    This is one of the most important indicators of clinical analysis. Low neutrophils in the blood are detected if a child has recently suffered a bacterial, viral disease, has taken a course of medications, or has been food poisoning. If neutrophils in the child's blood are lowered for no apparent reason, then the doctor may suspect a pathology of the bone marrow. Decrease occurs due to its insufficient functioning or resistance to serious diseases. Leukocytes can also be lowered for reasons such as:

    Neutrophils are lowered in an adult - causes

    The reason that in adults the number of protective cells of the body is reduced, like in a child, is often the ongoing strong inflammatory processes. As a rule, a tangible change occurs only with a severe form of pathology, the fight against which requires a large number of leukocytes. If neutrophils are low in an adult, the reasons may be as follows:

    • taking medications that suppress the immune system;
    • radiation exposure;
    • polluted ecology;
    • infections;
    • poisoning of the body.

    In some people, a condition is detected when the protective cells are first lowered, then increased and again decreased. This phenomenon is called cyclic neutropenia. With such a disease, every few weeks / months, an abs analysis suddenly shows that there are no neutrophils. At the same time, there is an increased level of eosinophils, monocytes.

    Low neutrophils and high lymphocytes

    The analysis can reveal that in the blood neutrophils are lowered, lymphocytes are increased. This condition suggests that the patient has had the flu, or an acute viral infection. The number of protective cells should return to their previous values \u200b\u200brelatively quickly. If this does not happen, then the following pathologies can act as the cause of high lymphocytes:

    Decrease in segmented neutrophils in the blood

    This condition indicates problems with hematopoiesis from the bone marrow, a weakened immune defense. A decrease in segmented neutrophils in the blood occurs in the presence of an acute viral infection or exposure to one of the following factors:

    • the presence of antibodies to leukocytes;
    • immune complexes that circulate through the blood;
    • toxic poisoning of the body.

    Rod neutrophils are lowered

    Neutropenia can be suspected if a person is often exposed to infectious diseases. Stab neutrophils will be lowered if a person is often diagnosed with stomatitis, damage to the outer, middle ear, oral cavity, gums. This group of cells is not fully matured neutrophils. Their number directly affects the general immunity of a person. The following reasons for the decrease in stab cells are distinguished:

    • anemia;
    • drug addict;
    • poor environmental conditions;
    • radiation exposure;
    • viral infection;
    • neutrophilia;
    • some medications;
    • inflammatory processes;
    • erythremia;
    • exogenous intoxication with lead, poisons;
    • chronic myeloid leukemia;
    • endogenous intoxication;
    • purulent-necrotic tonsillitis
    • gingvinitis;
    • allergy;
    • soft tissue necrosis.

    Neutrophils are lowered, monocytes are high

    Any pathology to which the human body is exposed causes an increase in the number of monocytes. This phenomenon is called monocytosis. As a rule, it leads to a decrease in leukocytes, which is characteristic of lymphocytopenia, neutropenia. Neutrophils will be decreased, monocytes will be increased in the presence of the following diseases:

    • chronic myelomonocytic or monocytic leukemia;
    • arthritis, lupus erythematosus, ploiarteritis;
    • protozoal / rickettsial viral infection, infective endocarditis;
    • acute monoblastic leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis;
    • ulcerative colitis, brucellosis, syphilis, enteritis.

    How to increase neutrophils in the blood

    When a person has a low percentage of neutrophils, it is necessary to correct the problem that caused this condition. If this happened due to an infectious disease, then they recover on their own in a short period of time. Under other circumstances, the only way to increase neutrophils in the blood of a child or adult is to eliminate the root cause of their decrease. The doctor may prescribe drug therapy, which is relevant for pronounced neutropenia. If the disease manifests itself moderately, then:

    • prescribe leukopoiesis stimulants;
    • the use of Pentoxil, Methyluracil is considered effective.

    Therapy should be carried out after consultation with an immunologist under the control of an immunogram. When the body does not respond to treatment and leukocytes are still low, drugs are prescribed for colony-stimulating factors, for example, Lenograsti, Filgrastim. The same medications are immediately prescribed to patients with agranulocytosis. Such drugs are prescribed only under the condition of inpatient treatment, because this is a potent group of drugs.

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