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Fox and Hare.

Russian folk tale for children.

Illustrations: W. Tauber

Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare. And the fox had an ice hut, and the hare had a bast one.

Spring has come and the fox's hut has melted, but the hare's is as before.

Then the fox came to the hare and asked him to spend the night, he let her in, and she took him and drove him out of her own hut. A hare walks through the forest and cries bitterly. Dogs are running towards him:

Woof woof woof! What are you bunny crying for?

How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice one. In the spring, her hut melted. The fox came to me and asked to spend the night, but she kicked me out.

Don't cry, oblique! We will help your grief. Now let's go and chase the fox away!

They went to the hare's hut. How dogs bark:

Woof woof woof! Go away, fox, get out!

And the fox answers them from the stove:

The dogs got scared and ran away.

The hare walks through the forest again and cries. A wolf meets him:

What, hare, are you crying?

How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice one. She asked me to spend the night with me, and she kicked me out.

Do not grieve, I will help you.

No, wolf, you can't help. The dogs drove - they did not drive away, and you cannot drive away.

No, I’ll drive it away! Let's go!

They went up to the hut. How the wolf will howl:

Ooh, get out, fox, get out!

And the fox answers them from the stove:

As I jump out, as I jump out, the shreds will go through the back streets!

The wolf got scared and ran back into the forest.

The hare walks again and cries bitterly. A bear meets him:

What are you crying about, hare?

How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice one. She asked me to spend the night with me, but she kicked me out.

Don't cry, scythe, I'll help you.

You can't, Mikhailo Potapych. They drove the dogs - they did not drive them out, the wolf drove them out - they didn’t drive them out and you won’t drive them out.

We'll see! Come on, let's go!

They come up to the hut. The bear will scream:

Go away, fox, get out of the house!

And the fox to them from the stove:

As I jump out, as I jump out, the shreds will go through the back streets!

The bear got scared and ran away.

The hare is walking along the road again, crying more than ever. A rooster with a scythe goes to meet him:

Ku-ka-re-ku! What, hare, are you shedding tears about?

How can I not shed tears? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice one. Spring came, her hut melted and she came to me to ask to spend the night, I let her in, and she kicked me out.

Do not grieve, scythe, I will help you.

No, cock, you can't help. The dogs drove before you - did not chase, the wolf chased - did not chase, the bear chased - did not chase, and you will not succeed.

And now I’ll kick it out!

They come up to the hut. The rooster stomped with its paws, flapped its wings and how it screamed:

Ku-ka-river! I'm going to the fox

I carry a braid on my shoulders

I want to whip a fox

Get off, fox, off the stove,

Russian folk tale " Fox and Hare"In the retelling of Vladimir Dahl.

Once upon a time there was a gray Bunny in the field, and there was a Little Fox-sister.
This is how the frost began, the Bunny began to shed, and when the cold winter came, with a blizzard and snowdrifts, the Bunny turned white from the cold, and he decided to build a hut for himself: he brought up splints and let's fence the hut. This Liska saw and says:
- You, koshenny, what are you doing?
- You see, I'm building a hut from the cold.
“You’re so quick-witted,” thought Lisa, “come on and I’ll build a hut - just not a popular house, but chambers, a crystal palace!” So she began to drag the ice and lay the hut. Both huts matured at the same time, and our animals healed with their houses.

Liska looks through the icy window and laughs at the Bunny: “See, blackpaw, what a shack he has made! Whether it's my business: both pure and light - neither give nor take a crystal palace! "

In winter everything was fine for the fox, but when spring came after winter and began to drive off the snow, warm the earth, then Liskin's palace melted and ran downhill in water. How can Liska be without a home? So she watched, when Bunny went out of his hut for a walk, nibble on snowy grass, hare cabbage, crept into Zaikin's hut and climbed onto the bed.

Bunny came, pounded on the door - it was locked. He waited a little and began knocking again.
- Who's there? - Lisa shouted in a thick voice.
- It's me, the owner, the gray Bunny, let me go, Fox.
- Get out, I won't let you in, - answered the Fox.
Bunny waited and says:
- Enough, Fox, joke, let me go, I really want to sleep.
And Lisa answered:
- Wait, scythe, that's how I'll jump out, but jump out, I'll go shake you, only shreds will fly in the wind!

Bunny burst into tears and went where his eyes were looking. He met a gray wolf.
- Great, Bunny, what are you crying about, what are you grieving about?
- And how can I not grieve, not grieve: I had a bast hut, Fox had an icy one. The fox hut melted, left with water, she captured mine, and even does not let me, the owner!
- But wait, - said the Wolf, - we will drive her out!
- It is unlikely, Volchenka, we will expel, she is firmly entrenched!
“I’m not me, if I don’t kick the Fox out!” the Wolf growled.
Here the Bunny was delighted and went with the Wolf to chase the Fox. They came.
- Hey, Lisa Patrikeevna, get out of someone else's hut! - shouted the Wolf.
And the fox answered him from the hut:
- Wait, just like a tear from the stove, but I will jump out, but I will jump out, but I will go to wag you, so only the shreds will fly in the wind!
- Oh-oh, how angry! - Wolf grumbled, tucked his tail and ran into the forest, and the Bunny was left crying in the field.

There is a Bull.
- Great, Bunny, what are you grieving about, what are you crying about?
- And how can I not grieve, how not to grieve: I had a bast hut, Fox had an icy one. The fox hut melted, she captured mine, but now it won't let me, the owner, go home!
- But wait, - said the Bull, - we will expel her.
- No, Bychenka, it’s unlikely to drive her out, she sat down firmly, the Wolf was already driving her - he did not drive her out, and you, Bull, cannot drive her out!
“I’m not me, if I don’t drive it out,” the Bull moaned.
The bunny was delighted and went with the Bull to survive the Fox. They came.
- Hey, Lisa Patrikeevna, go out of someone else's hut! - Bull mumbled.
And the Fox answered him:
- Wait, that's how I get off the stove, but I’ll go wobble you, Bull, so only the shreds will fly in the wind!
- Oh-oh, how angry! - the Bull moaned, threw back his head and let's flee away.

The bunny sat down by the bump and began to cry.
Here comes the Bear-Bear and says:
- Great, oblique, what are you grieving about, what are you crying about?
- And how can I not grieve, how not to grieve: I had a bast hut, and Fox's was ice cold. The fox hut has melted, it has captured mine, and it won't let me, the owner, go home!
- But wait, - said the Bear, - we will drive her out!
- No, Mikhailo Potapych, it’s unlikely to kick her out, she is firmly seated. The wolf drove - not drove. The bull drove - did not drive out, and you cannot drive out!
“I’m not me,” the Bear roared, “if I don’t survive the Fox!
Here the Bunny was delighted and went, jumping up, with the Bear to drive the Fox home. They came.
- Hey, Lisa Patrikeevna, - the Bear roared, - get out of someone else's hut!
And the Fox answered him:
- Wait, Mikhail Potapych, just like a tear from the stove, but I will jump out, but I will jump, but I will go wobbling you, clubfoot, so only shreds will fly in the wind!
- Ooh, how fierce! - the Bear roared, and even started to run in the right way.

How to be a Hare? He began to beg the Fox, but the Fox did not even lead his ear. So the Bunny began to cry and went where his eyes were looking and met a cochet, a red Rooster, with a saber on his shoulder.
- Great, Bunny, how are you doing, what are you grieving about, what are you crying about?
- And how can I not grieve, how not to grieve, if they are driven from my native ashes? I had a bast hut, and Fox's was ice cold. The fox hut melted, she took mine, and besides, she won't let me, the owner, go home!
- But wait, - said the Rooster, - we'll kick her out!
“It’s unlikely, Petenka, you’ll kick it out, she’s gotten very tight!” The Wolf drove her - did not drive her out, the Bull drove her - did not drive her out, the Bear drove her - did not drive her out, where can you cope!
- Let's try, - said the Cockerel and went with the Hare to drive the fox out. How they came to the hut. The rooster began to sing:

Goes on his heels
Carries a saber on his shoulders
He wants to hack to death,
Sew a hat for yourself, -
Come out, Lisa, have pity on yourself!

When Lisa Petukhova heard the threat, she got scared, and she says:
- Wait, Cockerel, golden comb, silk beard!
And the Rooster shouts:
- Kukareku, I will chop everything up!
Here Lisa asks in a thin, oily voice:
- Petenka, Cockerel, take pity on the old bones, let me put on a fur coat!
And the Rooster, standing at the door, know to himself shouts:

Goes on his heels
Carries a saber on his shoulders
He wants to hack to death,
Sew a hat for yourself, -
Come out, Lisa, have pity on yourself!

Lisa has nothing to do, nowhere to go: she opened the door and jumped out. And the Rooster settled with the Bunny in his hut, and they began to live, and be, and save good.

The fox and the hare is a work of the Russian people, which children are happy to reread of different ages... It tells about two forest neighbors, a fox and a hare. When the fox used ice to build her home, she did not think about the consequences. However, in the summer, her hut disappeared along with the rays of the sun. The red-haired cheat was not at a loss and asked to stay with the hare in his bast hut. Read what happened next with the children in the fairy tale. It reminds us that justice and friendship will always triumph over the cunning of enemies.

Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare. The fox had an ice hut, the hare had a bast hut.

Spring has come red - the fox's hut has melted, and the hare's is the same.

So the fox asked him to spend the night, but she kicked him out of the hut. A bunny is walking along the road, crying. A dog met him:

- Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! What, bunny, are you crying?

- How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice one. She asked me to spend the night with me, and she kicked me out.

- Don't cry, bunny! I will help your grief.

They went up to the hut. The dog rattled:

- Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! Go, fox, get out!

And the fox to them from the stove:

The dog got scared and ran away.

The bunny is walking the road again, crying. A bear meets him:

- What are you crying about, bunny?

- Don't cry, I'll help your grief.

- No, you can't help. The dog drove - didn’t kick it out, and you won’t kick it out.

- No, I'll kick it out!

They went up to the hut. The bear will scream:

- Go, fox, get out!

And the fox to them from the stove:

- As I jump out, as I jump out, scraps will go through the back streets!

The bear got scared and ran away.

There is a bunny again. A bull met him:

- What, bunny, are you crying?

- How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice one. She asked to spend the night, and she kicked me out.

- No, bull, you can't help. The dog drove - did not drive out, the bear drove - did not drive out, and you cannot drive out.

- No, I’ll kick it out!

They went up to the hut. The bull roared like:

- Go, fox, get out!

And the fox to them from the stove:

- As I jump out, as I jump out, scraps will go through the back streets!

The bull got scared and ran away.

The bunny goes along the road again, crying more than ever. A rooster with a scythe meets him:

- Ku-ka-river! What are you crying about, bunny?

- How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice one. She asked to spend the night, and she kicked me out.

- Come on, I'll help your grief.

- No, cock, you can't help. The dog drove - did not drive out, the bear drove - did not drive out, the bull drove - did not drive out, and you cannot drive out.

- No, I'll kick it out!

They went up to the hut. The rooster stomped with its paws, scored with its wings:

- Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm on my heels

I carry a braid on my shoulders

I want to see the fox,

Get off, fox, from the furnace,

Go, fox, get out!

The fox heard, got scared and said:

- I put on my shoes ...

Rooster again:

- Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm on my heels

I carry a braid on my shoulders

I want to see the fox,

Get off, fox, from the furnace,

Go, fox, get out!

The fox says again:

- Dressing ...

Rooster for the third time:

- Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm on my heels

I carry a braid on my shoulders

I want to see the fox,

Get off, fox, from the furnace,

Go, fox, get out!

The fox ran out without memory, the rooster hacked her with a scythe.

And they began to live with the bunny in a bast hut.

Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare. The fox had an ice hut, and the hare had a bast hut. Spring has come red - the fox's hut has melted, and the hare's is the same. So the fox asked him to spend the night, but she kicked him out of the hut. A dear bunny is walking, crying. A dog met him:

- Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! What, bunny, are you crying?

- How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice one. She asked me to spend the night with me, and she kicked me out.

- Don't cry, bunny! I will help your grief.

They went up to the hut. The dog rattled:

- Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! Go, fox, get out!

And the fox to them from the stove:

The dog got scared and ran away.

The bunny is walking the road again, crying. A bear meets him:

- What are you crying about, bunny?

- Don't cry, I'll help your grief.

- No, you can't help. The dog drove - didn’t kick it out, and you won’t kick it out.

- No, I'll kick it out!

They went up to the hut. The bear will scream:

- Go, fox, get out!

And the fox to them from the stove:

- As I jump out, as I jump out, scraps will go through the back streets!

The bear got scared and ran away.

There is a bunny again. A bull met him:

- What, bunny, are you crying?

- How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice one. She asked to spend the night, and she kicked me out.

- No, bull, you can't help. The dog drove - did not drive out, the bear drove - did not drive out, and you cannot drive out.

- No, I’ll kick it out!

They went up to the hut. The bull roared like:

- Go, fox, get out!

And the fox to them from the stove:

- As I jump out, as I jump out, scraps will go through the back streets!

The bull got scared and ran away.

The dear bunny is walking again, crying more than ever. A rooster with a scythe meets him:

- Ku-ka-re-ku! What are you crying about, bunny?

- How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice one. She asked to spend the night, and she kicked me out.

- Come on, I'll help your grief.

- No, cock, you can't help. The dog drove - did not drive out, the bear drove - did not drive out, the bull drove - did not drive out, and you cannot drive out.

- No, I'll kick it out!

They went up to the hut. The rooster stomped with its paws, scored with its wings:

- Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm on my heels
I carry a braid on my shoulders
I want to cut the fox,
Get off, fox, off the stove,
Go, fox, get out!

The fox heard, got scared and said:

- Putting on my shoes ...

Rooster again:

- Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm on my heels
I carry a braid on my shoulders
I want to cut the fox,
Get off, fox, off the stove,
Go, fox, get out!

The fox says again:

- Dressing ...

Rooster for the third time:

- Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm on my heels
I carry a braid on my shoulders
I want to cut the fox,
Get off, fox, off the stove,
Go, fox, get out!

The fox ran out without memory and started off, only his heels sparkled.

And they began to live with the bunny in a bast hut together.

Once upon a time there was a fox and a hare. The fox had an ice hut, the hare had a bast hut.

Spring has come - red - the fox's hut has melted, and the hare's is in the old way.

So the fox asked him to spend the night,

yes, she kicked him out of the hut. A dear bunny is walking, crying.

To meet him dog:

Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! What, bunny, are you crying?

How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice one. She asked me to spend the night with me, and she kicked me out.

Don't cry, bunny! I will help your grief.

They went up to the hut. The dog rattled:

Tyaf, tyaf, tyaf! Go, fox, get out!

And the fox to them from the stove:

The dog got scared and ran away.

The bunny is walking the road again, crying. To meet him bear:

What are you crying about, bunny?

Don't cry, I'll help your grief.

No, you can't help. The dog drove - did not drive out, and you cannot drive out.

No, I’ll kick it out!

They went up to the hut. How the bear will cry:

Go, fox, get out!

And the fox to them from the stove:

As I jump out, as I jump out, the shreds will go through the back streets!

The bear got scared and ran away.

There is a bunny again. To meet him bull:

What, bunny, are you crying?

How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice one. She asked to spend the night, and she kicked me out.

No, bull, you can't help. The dog drove - did not drive out, the bear drove - did not drive out, and you cannot drive out.

No, I’ll kick it out!

They went up to the hut. The bull roared like:

Go, fox, get out!

And the fox to them from the stove:

As I jump out, as I jump out, the shreds will go through the back streets!

The bull got scared and ran away.

The dear bunny is walking again, crying more than ever. A rooster with a scythe meets him:

Ku-ka-river! What are you crying about, bunny?

How can I not cry? I had a bast hut, and the fox had an ice one. She asked to spend the night, and she kicked me out.

Come on, I'll help your grief.

No, cock, you can't help. The dog drove - did not drive out, the bear drove - did not drive out, the bull drove - did not drive out, and you cannot drive out.

No, I’ll kick it out!

They went up to the hut. The rooster stomped with its paws, scored with its wings:

Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm on my heels

I carry a braid on my shoulders

I want to cut the fox,

Get off, fox, off the stove,

Go, fox, get out!

The fox heard, got scared and said:

I put on my shoes ...

Rooster again:

Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm on my heels

I carry a braid on my shoulders

I want to cut the fox,

Get off, fox, off the stove,

Go, fox, get out!

The fox says again:

Dressing ...

Rooster for the third time:

Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm on my heels

I carry a braid on my shoulders

I want to cut the fox,

Get off, fox, off the stove,

Go, fox, get out!

The fox ran out without memory, her cock was here and hackedoblique.

And they began to live with the bunny in a bast hut.


The tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson to a good fellow.

Hut bast - country, state, fatherland.

Dog, Bear, Goby - not effective bodies state security, mired in corruption and paralyzed by fear for their lives (the Dog got scared and ran away, the Bear got scared and ran away, the Bull got scared and ran away - menacing in appearance, cowardly in soul).

Bunny and Rooster - the people and effective popular power (the power of the voters). Power is strong in spirit and decisive. Power that cannot be intimidated.

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