Tale of cat and fox in acting persons. Cat and Lisa (Russian Folk Fairy Tale)

il-had a man. This man had a cat, only such a balobnik that trouble! He tired of death. That man thought, thought, took a cat, put into the bag and carried into the forest. Brought and threw it in the forest - let it disappear.

The cat went, walked and dropped onto the hut. I climbed into the attic and passes myself. And I want to eat - goes into the forest, birds, mice caught, it will be ashamed - again in the attic, and there is little grief!

That went to walk a cat, and meets his fox. She saw a cat and divided: "How many years I live in the forest, I did not see such a beast!"

Fox bowed and asked:

Challenge, kind well done, who are you? How did you go here and how to make sure of you? And the cat threw out wool and answers:

My name is Kotofey Ivanovich, I sent from the Siberian forests to you by the governor.

Ah, Kotofey Ivanovich! - says Lisa. - I did not know about you, did not know. Well, let's go to visit me.

The cat went to the Lisa. She brought him to her hole and began to sweep in a different sideway, and herself asks everything:

Kotofey Ivanovich, married you or single?

And I, Lisa, - Maiden. Marry me!

The cat agreed, and the feast began with them and the fun.

Another day the fox went to mine the supplies, and the cat remained at home.

Run, ran fox and caught a duck. Carries home, and towards her wolf:

Stop, Fox! Give duck!

No, I will not give!

Well, I myself take away.

And I will tell Kotofoy Ivanovich, he will betray you!

Didn't you heard? To us from the Siberian forests was sent by the Governor Kotofey Ivanovich! I used to be a fox-maker, but now our governor's wife.

No, I did not hear, Lizaveta Ivanovna. And how would I look at him?

Wow! Kotofey Ivanovich I have such an angry: whoever doesn't have to do with the temper, now will eat! You prepare a ram yes bring him to a bow: the ram is put on the prominent place, and it is shrouded, so that the cat does not see you, and then, brother, you have to have a tight!

The wolf ran over a ram, and Lisa is home.

There is a fox, and the bear met her:

Stop, fox, who are carrying? Give it to me!

Stay-ka you, Bear, Outline, and then I will say Kotofoy Ivanovich, he will betray you!

And who is Kotofey Ivanovich?

And who was sent to us from the Siberian forests to the voevod. I used to be a fox-maiden, and now our governor - Kotofey Ivanovich is a wife.

Is it possible to watch him, Lizaveta Ivanovna?

Wow! Kotofey Ivanovich I have such angry: who will not like him, now will eat. You go, prepare a bull yes bring him to bow. Yes, look, the bull is, put it on a prominent place, and I will not see you so that Ivan Ivanovich you will see you, otherwise you have to have a tight!

The bear went for a bull, and Lisa is home.

That brought the wolf of the ram, risen the skin and stands hesitating. Watching - and the bear climbs with a bull.

Hello, Mikhailo Ivanovich!

Hello, brother Levon! What, did not see the fox with her husband?

No, Mikhailo Ivanovich, Himself waiting for them.

And you go to them, call, - says the Bear Wolf.

No, I will not go, Mikhailo Ivanovich. I'm bad, you're better go.

No, I will not go, Brother Levon. I am Mokhnat, Kosolap, where to me!

Suddenly - where neither take - the hare runs. Wolf and Bear how to short on it:

Look here, oblique!

The hare sat so much, her ears poured.

You, hare, turning on the foot: run to the fox, tell her that the bear Mikhail Ivanovich with Brother Levon Ivanovich is ready for a long time, waiting for you de with her husband, with Kotofee Ivanovich, they want to worship a ram of the bang.

The hare went to the fox in all acume. And the bear and the wolf began to think where to hide.

Bear says:

I will climb on pine. And the wolf says:

And where can I deny? After all, I can't mess around on the tree. Skoroni me somewhere.

The bear hid the wolf in the bushes, poured with dry leaves, and he himself got into pine tree, on the most paincoon, and glances, whether Kotofee Ivanovich is not going.

The hare took part to Lisitsa Nore:

Bear Mikhail Ivanovich with Wolf Levon Ivanovich sent to say that they were waiting for you with her husband, they want to worship to you by a bull and a ram.

Stay, oblique, now we will.

So I went to the cat with the fox. The bear saw them and says the wolf:

What kind of harvest is the little Kotofey Ivanovich!

The cat now rushed to the bull, the wool was embarrassed, began to tear meat and teeth and paws, and he myself was angry, as angry:

Mau, Mau!

Bear says the wolf again:

Nearby, yes vzodl! We are not four to eat four, and it is not enough for him. Perhaps he will get to us!

I wanted and wolve look at Kotofey Ivanovich, but no leaves see the leaves. And the wolf began to rake the leaves slowly. The cat heard that the leaves move, thought it was that it was a mouse, how would like it - and straight a wolf in the face clung to claws.

The wolf straightened, jumped up and let's go. And the cat himself was frightened and climbed onto a tree where the bear was sitting.

"Well," Bear thinks, "he saw me!"

There was no time to pinch, here's a bear as squeezing from the tree Seveake, all the livers beat off, jumped up - yes there is a nurse.

And the fox screaming:

Sketch, run, no matter how he should n'thable! ..

Since then, all the beasts became a cat to be afraid. And the cat with the fox stored for the whole winter with meat and began to live yes. And now live.

J.il-Was in the light of the man. And this man lived with a cat. Well, such a balobnik he was that just trouble! Tired of this cat is a man to death. He became a man to think that he was with this cat. I thought, I thought, then put a cat in a bag and brought to a dense forest. Brought him to the forest and threw - let him disappear.

I went, I walked a cat in the forest and recreed on the hut. She climbed into the attic and walks himself, does not blow on the mustache. And he wants to eat - goes into the forest, caught mice yes birds, it will rise to the attitude - it will take again on the attic, and God does not know!

Somehow I went to walk, and there was a fox to meet him. I saw a cat and divided: "How many years I already live in this forest, and I never understood such a beast!"

Fox bowed to the cat and let's ask him:

Tell me, who are you, kind well done? How did you go here and how to magnify you by the name?

And the cat took the wool and says:

I myself was sent to you a governor from the Siberian forests, and my name is Kotofee Ivanovich.

Ah, Kotofey Ivanovich! - Lisa Pollit. - I didn't know anything about you, I didn't know anything. Well, let's go back to visit me.

I went to the cat to the Lisa. He brought the fox cat in his mink and became a different sideways to sweat, and herself asked everything:

Kotofey Ivanovich, but tell me, are you married or single?

Idle me.

I, too, fox-makers. Marry me!

I agreed to take a fox to marry, and a feast began with them and the fun.

The next day, Fox went to get the supplies, and the cat's cat remained.

Flagled fox, ran through the forest and caught the opener. Carries her home, and to meet her the wolf comes across:

Stop, Fox, where we hurry! Give the duck to me!

No, I will not give it to you!

Well, then I myself take it with you.

And I will tell everything Kotofoy Ivanovich, he will give you death!

Have you ever heard? We were sent from the Siberian forests of the Voivode Kotofey Ivanovich! I was just just a fox-maiden, and now I am our wife of governor.

No, I did not hear, Lizaveta Petrovna. And how would I look at him?

You are what you are fast! Kotofee Ivanovich I have a very angry: if he doesn't have to do it, immediately eating! You go to cook for him a ram yes bring him to the bow. Yes, look, the ram is put on a prominent place, and it is shone myself better, so that Kotofee Ivanovich did not see you, otherwise, brother, you have to have a tight!

The wolf ran the ram mine, and Lisa went to his home with a clarification.

Stop, fox, for whom is you check-in? Give me her!

Stay-ka you are a bear with your expensive to meet, and I will not tell Kotofoy Ivanovich everything, he will give you death!

And who is this Kotofey Ivanovich?

And which was sent to us from the Siberian forests by the governor. I used to be just a fox-maiden, and now I am the wife of our governor - Kotofey Ivanovich.

And if I can not look at him, Lizaveta Petrovna?

You are what you are fast! Kotofee Ivanovich I have a very angry: if he doesn't have to do it, immediately eating! You go to cook for him a bull yes bring him to bow. Yes, look, the bull is put on the prominent place, and it is better to be better in that the Kotofee Ivanovich did not see you, and then, brother, you have to have a tight!

The bear went to the bull to extract, and Lisa went to her home with a clarification.

Here brought the wolf of the ram to the house of the fox. I brought the skin with a barrane and it stands thinks. Wolf looks - and the bear drags the bull here.

Great, Mikhailo Potapovich!

Great, brother Sergey! What, not see still foxes with her husband?

No, Mikhailo Potapovich, I will wait for them.

And you go to them yourself, call them, - advises the Bear Wolf.

No, I will not go there, Mikhail Potapovich. I'm bad, better than you go.

No, Brother Sergey, I will not go. I'm Kosolap, Mokhnat, where I really go!

Suddenly, where neither take, the hare runs away.

Bear and wolf how to short on it:

Go here oblique, yes quickly!

The hare sat, frightened, prayed ears.

The hare, you are cold and on the foot of the fast: run away to the fox, but tell her that the bear Mikhail Potapovich with Wolf Sergey Sergeyevich was ready for a long time, waiting for you with your husband, with Kotofee Ivanovich. They want to bow to a bull and ram.

The hare was dying to the fox. And the bear with a wolf began to invent, where to hide well.

The bear says the wolf:

I will climb onto that pine.

And the wolf asks him:

And where should I go? After all, I do not climb on the tree. Hide me somewhere.

The bear brought the wolf into the bushes, poured dry with dry leaves, and he himself climbed onto the most popusy pine. And he glances from above, do not see Kotofey Ivanovich with the fox.

Meanwhile, the hare came ran away to the Lysitsyn House:

Bear Mikhailo Potapovich with Wolf Sergey Sergeyevich sent me to say that they are waiting for you with her husband, they want to worship to you by a bull and ram.

Stay, oblique, say that we will be now.

So we went to a cat with a fox. The bear saw them and says the wolf:

Some of this voivod Kotofey Ivanovich small!

The cat immediately climbed the wool, thrown into the bull, began to rip meat and paws and his teeth, and he myself was angry, as if he was angry with something:

Meow meow!..

The bear again tells the wolf:

He himself is small, and he is greatly voracious! We all eat all this, but he see a little one. Perhaps, he will soon come to us!

After such words, I wanted a wolf to take a look at Kotofey Ivanovich, but nothing can be seen through the leaves. Then the wolf began to rack the leaves with little. The cat heard that the leaves moved, decided that this was a mouse, but how she throws - and clung to the claws of the wolf right in the face.

The wolf was frightened, jumped up and an oily.

And the cat himself was frightened and with fear I climbed onto a tree on which the bear was hiding.

"Well," the bear decided, "now he saw me!"

It was no longer pinned, that's a bear and squeezed from the tree semes. All the liveries hit himself, jumped up - yes run away from this place.

And the fox after it screamed:

Sketch, run faster so that he can't catch you up, it will not dare to death! ..

From that time, all the animals in the forest began to be afraid of a cat. And the cat with the fox stored meat for the whole winter and began to live-be in their pleasure. And now live.

- END -

Illustrations of Herman Ogorodnikov

He lived was a man. This man had a cat, only such a balobnik that trouble! He tired of death. That man thought, thought, took a cat, put into the bag and carried into the forest. Brought and threw it in the forest - let it disappear.

The cat went, walked and dropped onto the hut. I climbed into the attic and passes myself. And he wants to eat - will go to the forest, birds, mice caught, it will be ashamed - again in the attic, and there is little grief!

That went to walk a cat, and meets his fox. She saw a cat and divided: how many years I live in the forest, I did not see such a beast!

Fox bowed and asked:

Challenge, kind well done, who are you? How did you go here and how to make sure of you?

And the cat threw out wool and answers:

My name is Kotofey Ivanovich, I sent from the Siberian forests to you by the governor.

Ah, Kotofey Ivanovich! - says Lisa. - I did not know about you, did not know. Well, let's go to visit me.

The cat went to the Lisa. She brought him to her hole and began to sweep in a different sideway, and herself asks everything:

Kotofey Ivanovich, married you or single?


And I, Lisa, - Maiden. Marry me!

The cat agreed, and the feast began with them and the fun.

Another day the fox went to mine the supplies, and the cat remained at home.

Run, ran fox and caught a duck. Carries home, and towards her wolf:

Stop, Fox! Give duck!

No, I will not give!

Well, I myself take away.

And I will tell Kotofoy Ivanovich, he will betray you!

Didn't you heard? To us from the Siberian forests was sent by the Governor Kotofey Ivanovich! I used to be a fox-maker, but now our governor's wife.

No, I did not hear, Lizaveta Ivanovna. And how would I look at him?

Wow! Kotofey Ivanovich I have such an angry: whoever doesn't have to do with the temper, now will eat! You prepare a ram yes bring him to a bow: the ram is put on the prominent place, and it is shrouded, so that the cat does not see you, and then, brother, you have to have a tight!

The wolf ran over a ram, and Lisa is home.

There is a fox, and the bear met her:

Stop, fox, who are carrying? Give it to me!

Stay-ka you, Bear, Outline, and then I will say Kotofoy Ivanovich, he will betray you!

And who is Kotofey Ivanovich?

And who was sent to us from the Siberian forests to the voevod. I used to be a fox-maiden, and now our governor - Kotofey Ivanovich is a wife.

Is it possible to watch him, Lizaveta Ivanovna?

Wow! Kotofey Ivanovich I have such angry: who will not like him, now will eat. You go to cook bull yes bring him to bow. Yes, look, the bull is, put it on a prominent place, and I will not see you so that Ivan Ivanovich you will see you, otherwise you have to have a tight!

The bear went for a bull, and Lisa is home.

That brought the wolf of the ram, risen the skin and stands hesitating. Watching - and the bear climbs with a bull.

Hello, Mikhailo Ivanovich!

Hello, brother Levon! What, did not see the fox with her husband?

No, Mikhailo Ivanovich, Himself waiting for them.

And you go to them, call, - says the Bear Wolf.

No, I will not go, Mikhailo Ivanovich. I'm bad, you're better go.

No, I will not go, Brother Levon. I am Mokhnat, Kosolap, where to me!

Suddenly - where neither take - the hare runs.

Wolf and Bear how to short on it:

Look here oblique!

The hare sat so much, her ears poured.

You, hare, turning on the foot: run to the fox, tell her that the bear Mikhail Ivanovich with Brother Levon Ivanovich is ready for a long time, waiting for you de with her husband, with Kotofee Ivanovich, they want to worship a ram of the bang.

The hare went to the fox in all acume. And the bear and the wolf began to think where to hide.

Bear says:

I will climb on pine.

And the wolf says:

And where can I deny? After all, I can't mess around on the tree. Skoroni me somewhere.

The bear hid the wolf in the bushes, poured with dry leaves, and he himself got into pine tree, on the most paincoon, and glances, whether Kotofee Ivanovich is not going.

The hare took part to Lisitsa Nore:

Bear Mikhail Ivanovich with Wolf Levon Ivanovich sent to say that they were waiting for you with her husband, they want to worship to you by a bull and a ram.

Stay, oblique, now we will.

So I went to the cat with the fox. The bear saw them and says the wolf:

What kind of harvest is the little Kotofey Ivanovich!

The cat now rushed to the bull, the wool was embarrassed, began to tear meat and teeth and paws, and he myself was angry, as angry:

Mau, Mau! ..

Bear says the wolf again:

Nearby, yes vzodl! We are not four to eat four, and it is not enough for him. Perhaps he will get to us!

I wanted and wolve look at Kotofey Ivanovich, but no leaves see the leaves. And the wolf began to rake the leaves slowly. The cat heard that the leaves move, thought it was that it was a mouse, how would like it - and straight a wolf in the face clung to claws.

The wolf straightened, jumped up and let's go.

And the cat himself was frightened and climbed onto a tree where the bear was sitting.

Well, "Bear thinks," he saw me!

There was no time to blind, here's a bear as sulking from the tree, all the liver beat off, jumped up - yes there is a nurse.

And the fox screaming:

Sketch, run, no matter how he should n'thable! ..

Since then, all the beasts became a cat to be afraid. And the cat with the fox stored for the whole winter with meat and began to live yes. And now live.

In a difficult situation, who seems to survive. For example, a cat, that from the Russian folk fairy tale "Cat and Fox", in difficult circumstances behaved like this that I began to live very much. He, as it turned out to be in the forest, was not confused. (And cats, as you know, do not live in the forests). On the forest expanses, he became not a simple cat, whom everyone chasing, and Kotofee Ivanovich, respected by the beast.

"Cat and Fox"
Russian folk fairytale

There was a guy; He had a cat, only such a squirrel that trouble! He was tired of a man. Here the man thought, thought, took a cat, put in the bag, tied up and carried into the forest. Brought and threw it in the forest: let it disappear!

Cat went-walked and climbed onto the hut, in which the forester lived; I climbed into the attic and passes myself, but he wants to eat - the birds will go through the forest, yes mice to catch, it will be ashamed and again in the attic, and there is little grief!

I once went to walk a cat, and there was a fox to meet him, I saw a cat and divided: "How many years I live in the forest, and I didn't have such a beast." I bowed to the cat and asks: "Say, kind well done, who you are, what happened here and how to make you very much?"

And the cat rushed his wool and says: "I was sent from the Siberian forests to you by the burmistrome, and my name is Kotofey Ivanovich." - "Ah, Kotofey Ivanovich," says Lisa, "did not know about you, did not know; Well, let's go to visit me. " The cat went to the fox; She brought him to her hole and began to sweep in a different Dichkin, and herself asked: "What, Kotofee Ivanovich, are you married to Ali Host?" "Host", "the cat says. "And I, Fox, - Maiden, take me marriage." The cat agreed, and the feast began with them and the fun.

Another day a fox went to extrude the supplies, so that it was with a young husband to live; And the cat stayed at home. Fox runs, and she comes across a wolf and began to fuck with her: "Where are you, Kuma, disappeared? We all walked all holes, but you did not see. " - "Let the fool! What flirt? I was before was a fox-maiden, and now a married wife. " - "For whom you came out, Lizaveta Ivanovna?" - "Didn't you heard that the Burmaster Kotofey Ivanovich sent to us from Siberian forests? I am now Burmistrov's wife. " - "No, I did not hear, Lizaveta Ivanovna. How would look at him? " - "Y! Kotofey Ivanovich I have such an angry: Kolya who is not on him, now will eat! You look, prepare a ram yes bring him to the bow; The ram is set, and it is shone himself, so that he did not see you, and then, brother, there will have to be tight! " The wolf ran over a ram.

There is a fox, and to meet her a bear and began to flirt with it. "What are you, a fool, a closing bear? I was before was a fox-maiden, and now a married wife. " - "For whom you, Lizaveta Ivanovna, came out?" "And who was sent to us from the Siberian forests by the Burmistrome, call Kotofee Ivanovich, - for him and came out." - "Is it possible to watch him, Lizaveta Ivanovna?" - "Y! Kotofey Ivanovich I have such an angry: Kolya who is not on him, now will eat! You go, prepare a bull yes bring him to the bow; Wolf Baran wants to bring. Yes, look, the bull is set, and it is shone myself, so that Kotofee Ivanovich did not see you, and then, brother, there will be a tight! " The bear dragged for a bull.

Brought a wolf of the ram and stands in thought: looking - and the bear climbs with a bull. "Hello, brother Mikhail Ivanovich!" - "Hello, brother Levon! What, did not see the fox with her husband? " "No, brother, I have long been waiting." - "Stay, call." - "No, I will not go, Mikhail Ivanovich! Go myself, you are pointed me. " "No, Brother Levon, and I will not go."

Suddenly, where did not take it - the hare runs. Bear how shouting on him: "Look here, oblique damn!" The hare was frightened, ran away. "Well, Kosya Street, you know where Lisens live?" - "I know, Mikhailo Ivanovich!" "" Stay, rather, yes, tell her that Mikhailo Ivanovich with Brother Levon Ivanovich for a long time is ready, waiting for you, de with her husband, they want to worship with a ram of the daub. "

The hare went to the fox in his whole acne. And the bear and the wolf began to think where to hide. The bear says: "I'll climb on my pine." - "What should I do? Where do I deny? - asks the wolf. - After all, I can't keep up with a tree! Mikhailo Ivanovich! Skoroni, please, somewhere, help grief. " The bear put it in the bushes and poured dry leaves, and he himself got into pine tree, on the most painful, and glances: Is there a kotofey with fox?

The hare. Meanwhile, came ran to Lisitsyna Nore, knocked and says the fox: "Mikhailo Ivanovich, with Brother Levon Ivanovich, sent to say that they were ready for a long time, waiting for you with her husband, they want to worship with a bull and ram." - "Stay, oblique! Now we will ".

Here are a cat with foxew. The bear saw them and says the wolf: "Well, Brother Levon Ivanovich, there is a fox with her husband; What is it small! " Cat came and rightly rushed to the bull, the wool was embarrassed on it, and he began to rip meat and his teeth and legs, and he myself was angry, as angry: "Little, little!" And the bear says: "Necklik, yes a burn! We are not four to eat four, but it is not enough for him; Perhaps and will get to us! "

I wanted to look at Kotofey Ivanovich, but not see the leaves! And he began to swell over the eyes of the leaves, and the cat heard that the leaf was moving, thought it was that the mouse, and how she would throw and straight a wolf to the face clung to claws.

The wolf jumped up, yes, give God's legs, and was such. And the cat himself was frightened and rushed straight on the tree, where the bear was sitting. "Well," the bear thinks, "he saw me!" There is no time to blind, so he rewound on God's will, yes, how to squeeze from the tree Seme, all the liver beat off; Jumped up - yes run! And the fox shouts: "Here it will ask you! Wait! "

Since then, all the animals became a cat to be afraid; And the cat with the fox stored for a whole winter with meat and began to live yes, and now they live, bread chew.

He lived was a man. This man had a cat, only such a balobnik that trouble! He tired of death. That man thought, thought, took a cat, put into the bag and carried into the forest. Brought and threw it in the forest - let it disappear.
The cat went, walked and dropped onto the hut. I climbed into the attic and passes myself. And I want to eat - goes into the forest, birds, mice caught, it will be ashamed - again in the attic, and there is little grief!

That went to walk a cat, and meets his fox. She saw a cat and divided: "How many years I live in the forest, I did not see such a beast!"

Fox bowed and asked:
- Challenge, kind well done, who are you? How did you go here and how to make sure of you? And the cat threw out wool and answers:
- My name is Kotofey Ivanovich, I sent from the Siberian forests to you by the governor.
- Ah, Kotofey Ivanovich! - says Lisa. - I did not know about you, did not know. Well, let's go to visit me.

The cat went to the Lisa. She brought him to her hole and began to sweep in a different sideway, and herself asks everything:
- Kotofey Ivanovich, married you or single?
- single.
- I, Liseza, - Maiden. Marry me!

The cat agreed, and the feast began with them and the fun.
Another day the fox went to mine the supplies, and the cat remained at home.

Run, ran fox and caught a duck. Carries home, and towards her wolf:
- Stop, Fox! Give duck!
- No, I will not give!
- Well, I myself take away.
- And I will say Kotofoy Ivanovich, he will betray you!

- Have you not heard? To us from the Siberian forests was sent by the Governor Kotofey Ivanovich! I used to be a fox-maker, but now our governor's wife.
- No, I did not hear, Lizaveta Ivanovna. And how would I look at him?
- U! Kotofey Ivanovich I have such an angry: whoever doesn't have to do with the temper, now will eat! You prepare a ram yes bring him to a bow: the ram is put on the prominent place, and it is shrouded, so that the cat does not see you, and then, brother, you have to have a tight!
The wolf ran over a ram, and Lisa is home.

There is a fox, and the bear met her:
- Stop, Fox, who can carry duck? Give it to me!
- Stay-ka you, Bear, Owner, and then I will say Kotofoy Ivanovich, he will betray you!
- And who is Kotofey Ivanovich?
- And who was sent to us from the Siberian forests by a voevod. I used to be a fox-maiden, and now our governor - Kotofey Ivanovich is a wife.
- Is it possible to see him, Lizaveta Ivanovna?
- U! Kotofey Ivanovich I have such angry: who will not like him, now will eat. You go, prepare a bull yes bring him to bow. Yes, look, the bull is, put it on a prominent place, and I will not see you so that Ivan Ivanovich you will see you, otherwise you have to have a tight!

The bear went for a bull, and Lisa is home.

That brought the wolf of the ram, risen the skin and stands hesitating. Watching - and the bear climbs with a bull.
- Hello, Mikhailo Ivanovich!
- Hello, brother Levon! What, did not see the fox with her husband?
- No, Mikhailo Ivanovich, I myself wait.
"And you go to them, call," says the Bear Wolf.
- No, I will not go, Mikhailo Ivanovich. I'm bad, you're better go.
- No, I will not go, Brother Levon. I am Mokhnat, Kosolap, where to me!

Suddenly - where neither take - the hare runs. Wolf and Bear how to short on it:
- Look here, oblique!

The hare sat so much, her ears poured.
"You, hare, steaming and on foot Sight: run up to the fox, tell her that the bear Mikhail Ivanovich with Brother Levon Ivanovich is ready for a long time, waiting for you, de with her husband, with Kotofee Ivanovich, want to worship with a ram.
The hare went to the fox in all acume. And the bear and the wolf began to think where to hide.

Bear says:
- I will climb pine. And the wolf says:
- And where can I deny? After all, I can't mess around on the tree. Skoroni me somewhere.

The bear hid the wolf in the bushes, poured with dry leaves, and he himself got into pine tree, on the most paincoon, and glances, whether Kotofee Ivanovich is not going.

The hare took part to Lisitsa Nore:
- Bear Mikhailo Ivanovich with Wolf Levon Ivanovich sent to say that they have long been waiting for you with her husband, want to worship to you by a bull and ram.
- Stay, oblique, now we will.

So I went to the cat with the fox. The bear saw them and says the wolf:
- What kind of warrior, then Kotofey Ivanovich small!

The cat now rushed to the bull, the wool was embarrassed, began to tear meat and teeth and paws, and he myself was angry, as angry:
- Mau, Mau!

Bear says the wolf again:
- Necklik, yes Spisely! We are not four to eat four, and it is not enough for him. Perhaps he will get to us!

I wanted and wolve look at Kotofey Ivanovich, but no leaves see the leaves. And the wolf began to rake the leaves slowly. The cat heard that the leaves move, thought it was that it was a mouse, how would like it - and straight a wolf in the face clung to claws.

The wolf straightened, jumped up and let's go. And the cat himself was frightened and climbed onto a tree where the bear was sitting.
"Well," Bear thinks, "he saw me!"
There was no time to pinch, here's a bear as squeezing from the tree Seveake, all the livers beat off, jumped up - yes there is a nurse.

And the fox screaming:
- Run, run, no matter how he wouldn't shared you! ..
Since then, all the beasts became a cat to be afraid. And the cat with the fox stored for the whole winter with meat and began to live yes. And now live.

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