Social benefits for children per year. What payments are made at the birth of the first child? Monthly childcare allowance for one and a half years

A new family dreams of his firstborn and a natural question arising from a young family, is the question of what financial assistance to them is supposed to at the birth of the first child, as well as what benefits can I count on the state from the state?

Answering how much money is given for the first child in 2017, first of all we will tell about the state financial support that it relies on the law. And the law provides for a lump sum payment, as well as a monthly allowance. Moreover, if this is the family of a serviceman, then the allowance will be paid in an enlarged form with a 1.5 coefficient. And if we are talking about a lonely mom, then with the coefficient 2. (that is, in double size). That is, the amount of payments on the first child will be different and is connected with the social status of young parents, which they possess. Speaking about the varieties of payments on the first child, there are various one-time benefits, monthly payments and are provided both in the form of cash payments and in the form of non-cash forms of social support.

Manual in the early term of pregnancy on the first child

A one-time allowance in the amount of 613 rubles 14 kopecks pregnant will receive in the early term of pregnancy after registering in the female consultation. Such a manual is optional to the main pregnancy benefit and childbirth.

If a woman has the right to the main benefit on pregnancy and childbirth, it is quite legitimate, it can count on additional payments in the early term of pregnancy.

This type of benefit is relumed to all women who have an insurance policy and the citizenship of the Russian Federation, a sick leave and stagnant for pregnancy up to 12 weeks. In time, inserting a pregnant woman in time not only can get the specified financial assistance, but also minimizes all medical risks and complications during pregnancy, since early observation will undoubtedly contribute to successful pregnancy and normal childbirth.

Where to apply for a benefit on the first child?

If a woman is officially employed, then seek the appointment of benefits in the early term you need to go to the personnel department and accounting at work. If a woman had no employment relationship at the time of pregnancy, then the manual should apply to the social protection department at the place of registration.

What are the documents for benefits on the first child?

It is necessary to write a corresponding application for the manual, get a medical document in the female consultation.

Pregnancy benefits on the first child

All working maternity benefits is paid in the amount of average wages calculated over the period of the last two years, and if the average salary will be lower than the minimum wage, then the payment will be in the amount of the minimum wage.

No official earnings for pregnancy and childbirth on the first child consists of a monthly payout of 613 rubles 14 kopecks. Pregnant students are ensured by the payment of benefits in the amount of scholarships received by them. The duration of payment of maternity benefits and childbirth is the entire period of maternity leave, consisting of two periods: period before delivery and period after delivery. A manual is paid within 140 days, of which half of the term - before childbirth, the other half is after delivery.

The duration of payment of maternity benefits and childbirth is held until 194 days if multiple pregnancy or pregnancy with complications is observed.

The size of maternity benefits and childbirth in 2017 varies from 34520 rubles to 265827.

After the birth of the first child, the family in 2017 receives a monthly allowance until the baby becomes 1.5 years.

One-time payment on the first child

For the birth of the firstborn, a lump-sum payment defined by law is. This type of state promotion is undoubtedly aimed at stimulating fertility in the country. Pays this social insurance fund pay. Receive one-time payment can be both working and non-working young parents. For what to collect and submit documents to the Social Protection Department at the place of residence no later than the first century half a year. The specified encouragement in 2017 is 16350 rubles.

Paid postpartum vacation

While the first child will grow, his mommy is granted to care. The maximum term of such a vacation is 3 years, the 18th first months paid from them. Paid postpartum vacation is funded by an employer in the amount of 40 percent of the average salary of workers and cannot be less minimum (3065 rubles 69 kopecks).

Not cash benefits for the first child

In addition to financial assistance, in connection with the birth of the first child, various benefits and privileges in the form of natural aid and tax deductions are relying parents. In addition, there are social measures for regional support to families who born the first child. Regional payments are made by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and their financing is carried out from regional and municipal budgets. They are different in different territories, therefore, the amount of such payments should be clarified in regional departments of social protection of the population.

Summary payroll on the first child

In conclusion of the review due pays to the first child in 2017, we present a consolidated table with the size of these payments:


The amount of payment

as of 01.01.2017

on 01.02.2017

Decal manual working

Per 2 years in the amount of average wages

Maximum dimensions

  • 265827 rub. 63 kopecks. - in normal childbirth, under the term of the decree 140 days
  • 296207 rub.93 kopecks - childbirth with complications, under the term of the decree 156 days
  • 68361 rub. 15 cop. - multipleness, under the term of the decree 194 days

Minimum size

Until 01.07.2017 - 34520 rubles. 55 kopecks.

After 01.07.2017 - 35901 rub. 37 kopecks.

Decal monthly allowance for non-working

581 rub. 73 kopecks.

613 rubles. 14 cop.

Views of one-time benefits

Early pregnancy

581 rub. 73 kopecks.

613 rubles. 14 cop.

Allowance of the Military Service Service

24565 rub. 89 cop.

25892 rub. 45 cop.

Birth allowance

15512 rub. 65 kopecks

16350 rub. 33 cop.

Monthly payout

Child care for a child up to 1.5 years working
Do not work

In the amount of 40 percent of wages, monthly

  • Minimum 2908 rubles. 62 kopecks.
  • Minimum 3065 rubles. 69 kopecks.

Payment of the Military Service Military Service

10528 rub. 24 cop.

11096 rub. 76 kopecks.

Payment for the loss of the feeder of the child of a soldier

2117 rub. 50 kopecks

2231 rub. 85 kopecks.

On the child zone Chernobyl

  • 3000 rub. - until the age of 1.5 years
  • 6000 rub. - from 1.5 to 3 years

Regional payments

In accordance with regional laws

The birth of a child, especially not the first, for his parents, except the next happy event in life, also inevitable financial costs. The country is necessary that there were many children in families, but if the cost of maintaining one child's parents can still pull, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe second or third can scare them. For this, the state and provides additional financial assistance to such families. What payments are made at the birth of the second child in 2017 in Russia?.

Maternal capital at the birth of the second child

The program of the Matteripal in Russia was introduced in 2007, and the first results that can be summarized after the decade initially allocated to her, they say that she deserved a solid fourth - despite certain roughness and problems arising from parents who wanted to use it, everything -Taki is quite obvious that Matkapital stimulated an increase in fertility in the country, and a much larger number of families does not stop at the birth of one child, and soon the second kid will soon be reached.

The program was supposed to be completed on December 31, 2016, but during heavy and long discussions of whether to renew whether the program and reform it (the conversations went from ideas to limit the range of parental capital recipients before proposals to increase the amount of capital for the third child and allow to direct the funds of the Matkapal new Russian car). As a result, it won as far as conservative, so much and a sober approach, as a result of which the program was extended for two years - until December 31, 2018, and she did not experience any special reforms.

So, according to the rules of the program, on the fact of birth (or adoptions - the state will not be against) the second child, parents receive a certificate that allows them to choose the way they are arranged by the amount of capital:

  • Does their living conditions improve
  • Will save money for children in the future
  • Whether capital will be directed to the formation of the future retirement of the mother (or the adoptive father),
  • Or, if there is a child in a disabled in the family, they will acquire goods and services for him for its social adaptation (this item is a fresh innovation).

The size of the Matkapalo remains the same, at the level of 2016 - 453,026 rubles. If earlier it was regularly indexed to the percentage of inflation, then at the moment the Matteripital was considered that line of budget spending, which is not necessarily indexed, and it was frozen. In the autumn of 2016, the government announced that it does not plan to index the maternity capital at least until 2020. The news is ambiguous - except for the negative component in it there are some positive, since it sounds a more distant year, rather than the officially approved 2018, so it is obvious that it is worth hoping to extend the program and in the future.

Other payments at the birth of the second child in 2017

Other benefits and payments that parents will be able to receive at the birth of their baby in 2017 are absolutely common to all and will not be unique for the second chad in a particular family:

  • The manual in the early periods of pregnancy is a very modest amount of allowance that may if he wants to get a future mother after going to take into account the female consultation in pregnancy time up to 12 weeks.
  • Maternity leave is about a 4.5-month vacation, which divides approximately 4.5-month vacation, which is divided into in half to put the baby and its first months of life. For all this period, a woman will receive a manual that will be equal to its full income for these months, which is counting out of its income for the previous 2 years.
  • One-time child's birth allowance is more or less tangible for the average Russian manual, which gives parents the opportunity to buy at least the minimum list of the most necessary things for the newborn. It is not yet known about the fate of this manual in the sense of its indexation. If the indexation happens - in 2017, its size will be about 17 thousand rubles, if they find money for this - you will have to be content with the former 15 thousand.
  • For the top of the first years of life, the baby's mother (or dad) can be with him at home for three years of life, at home, at this time this parent will be guaranteed the opportunity to return to the workplace on vacation. And the first year and a half he will be able to receive a manual whose size is 40% of its average income in 2 years.

Many are interested in additional benefits at the birth of the second child in 2017. Benefits as such about this is not envisaged, the right to them appears when the third child is born in the family (or adopted). If the older of children is not yet 16 years old, then the family can get the status of a large-fashioned status in the guardianship, which will give her the right to use the most different benefits - from a discount of 30% for utility payments and reduced mortgage rates to the right of free travel in urban public transport and a free hike in culture institutions.

Last updated 07.10.2019Time to read: 10 min.

Moscow families are the most privileged in terms of support from the state. In the capital there are quite a lot of species of material support for families with children. Most of the benefits and subsidies are address.

Support measures in the city are regulated by two laws that have been working since 2005:

Federal benefits for children in Moscow

Regional payments to Muscovites

Capital residents with official registration can count on several types of social support. To get it, you need to contact the Social Protection Service with a specific package of documents.

Some types of payments can be issued only through the Personal Cabinet of the State Service portal. The right to obtain social benefits and payments is distributed not only to Muscovites, but also on residents of New Moscow.

The procedure for granting payments depends on who detects the manual and what is the basis for its receipt.

One-time benefit at the birth of a child

All benefits that are charged in connection with pregnancy and childbirth are paid once:

  • additional benefit on the BIR;
  • a lump sum compensation payment due to birth;
  • "Luzhkovsky" payments;
  • one-time allowance for pregnant women who put up for up to 20 weeks.

Mature is provided to citizens regardless of the level of income in the family. With the right of the family right at several payments, it receives all the amounts of the amount, with the exception of individual categories.

Additional maternity benefit and childbirth

In addition to these, there are also additional payments that women of different specialties and statuses can count. The amounts of payments are as follows:

  • 7,000 rubles - in 140 days (70 prenatal + 70 postpartum) in the case of ordinary clans.
  • 7,800 rubles - in 156 days (70 prenatal + 86 postpartum) with complicated childbirth.
  • 9,700 rubles - in 194 days (84 periodic + 110 postpartum) with multiple pregnancies and the birth of "twins".

Women who are dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the company can receive financial assistance, as well as those who have completed the career of an individual entrepreneur, notary, lawyer. To get the money, it will be necessary to pass at the place of work (or to the social protection bodies of the population) all mandatory documents:

  • certificate of registration in connection with pregnancy;
  • laborbook with the appropriate record;
  • extract from the employment service that the woman is officially considered unemployed;
  • Reduss;
  • bank details for transferring funds;
  • help from the military unit about the passage of the husband of the military service (for wives of servicemen).

After the documentation package will remain to send it to the destination - in the service of social protection or at the place of its employment.

One-time compensatory payment for reimbursement of expenses due to birth (adoption)

The amount of benefits is 5 500 rubles. on the firstborn and 14 500 rubles. On the second kid. If a couple was born twins, the funds are paid for each newborn. In the event that the baby was born stillborn, the benefits do not rely on the parents. With adoption, the procedure for granting a subsidy is the same.

For the birth of Tripi, parents receive a one-time payment of 50,000 rubles.

Who can get

  • Any of the parents if both Muscovites
  • That parent who lives with a child in Moscow
  • Single mother
  • Adopter
  • The official guardian living with the child (the baby should have a Moscow regulation).

Parents and adoptive parents can apply for payment through the portal, guardians need to apply in person through MFC.

The decision on the purpose of payments takes within 10 working days after submitting an application. A notification of the assignment of the manual will appear in the applicant's personal account on website. Money will be transferred no later than the 26th day of the next month after applying.

"Luzhkovsky" payments of a young family

Since 2004, Muscovites since 30 years old, who gave birth to a child can receive additional benefits. Such right receive people who live in Moscow constantly and have citizenship of the Russian Federation. The list of citizens who can receive benefits include:

  • persons who gave birth or adopted the child, even if one of them has a formal registration in the capital;
  • single mother, if in the column "Father" stands for a fiber.

Help is provided with the order, including children from previous marriages, but subject to collaboration.

The dimensions of the subsidy depend on the number of children and at the date of birth of each child:

In Moscow for 2019, the subsistence minimum is 18,781 rubles, and Luzhkovsky is equal:

  • 5 minimizes for the firstborn - 93 905 rubles;
  • 7 minima for the second - 131,467 rubles;
  • 10 minimizes for the birth of each of the following - 187,810 rubles.

The young family is paid in the branches of the social protection of the population, provided that parents will turn themselves for them no later than the year from the date of birth. To get the following documents:

  • passports of parents (one parent);
  • certificate of the birth of a child and registration document in Moscow;
  • certificate of the joint accommodation of applicants with children from previous marriages;
  • marriage certificate;
  • application for benefits.

One-time allowance for pregnant women to account for up to 20 weeks

Women who have come registered with early pregnancy - up to 20 weeks, can get paid in the amount of 600 rubles. To do this, it will be necessary to submit a certificate from the medical institution of the city of Moscow about registration within the specified period. Subsidium can be obtained in the social protection department of the population.

Monthly child benefits

Monthly allowance in Moscow for a child up to 1.5 years

Mother and father may also issue a manual for the care of up to 1.5 years. Also, this right is at the guardians who care for the child, parents passing in full-time, mothers dismissed during pregnancy or leave due to the liquidation of the company. Also, women who stopped entrepreneurial, notarial or lawyer activities can arrange monetary assistance.

The amount of benefits for the mother, which was dismissed amounts to 1,500 rubles per month.

To obtain benefits, you must prepare documents:

  • statement;
  • birth certificate from the registry office;
  • copy of birth certificate;
  • extract from the employment record or a certificate of the absence of employment of the parental parent;
  • extract from the decision to establish guardianship of the child;
  • copy of passport with registration.

Monthly payments to persons engaged in disabled child or disabled since childhood

If the parent can not get a job because of the care of a disabled child, he may arrange a allowance in the amount of 12,000 rubles per month.

Monthly compensation of expenses due to the increase in the cost of life

In connection with the increase in the cost of living, in addition to certain cases, which will be mentioned, the right to allowance have:

  • large families with 3-4 children - 1,200 rubles
  • large with five or more children - 1,500 rubles
  • families with disabled children - 600 rubles;
  • lonely mothers - 750 rubles.

The manual is issued in the organs of social protection.

Monthly allowance for a child up to 3 years

In addition to individual categories of minors, children under three years can count on monetary assistance. Material support is carried out in connection with the reimbursement of the cost of nutrition to certain categories of citizens on babies up to three years.

The benefit amount is 675 rubles, and for students - 1875 rubles.

Monthly payment for disabled children

Parents of a child with disabilities can also count on certain payments. In the Decree of the Government of Moscow No. 1268-PP dated November 17, 2009, it is stated that cash assistance is provided in progressive procedure when entering information from the relevant pension services on the appointment of a pension.

The child must have official registration in Moscow for at least 10 years, including accommodation in the surrounding territories.

The amount of the subsidy is calculated individually taking into account the difference between the subsistence minimum in Moscow and the total amount of income.

Supplement to the child's childbirth

The bodies for the loss of the breadwin is appointed to children, in progressive order, after receiving relevant information from the Pension Fund. Payments are made before reaching a child of 18 years, and if there is an official employment from the day following the date of birth. The amount of payment is also determined individually.

Monthly payments to families of disabled

Disabled parents 1 or 2 groups, can issue the following types of payments:

  • 1500 rubles per child or 2500 rubles for children aged 1.5 - 3 years;
  • 600 rubles - on costs associated with increasing the cost of life for children up to 1.5 years;
  • 12 000 rubles, if both parents have disability 1 and 2 groups.

Benefits of poor families

Low-income married couples can contact the social protection bodies for the design of a monthly allowance in the amount of 1,500 rubles or 2500 rubles per baby aged 1.5 - 3 years.

Benefits and benefits in many children in Moscow

Large families of Moscow with 10 and more children provide the following benefits:

  • the payment of a monthly allowance in the amount of 1,500 rubles, aged 1.5-3 years - 2500 rubles;
  • providing 750 rubles per minor;
  • payment of 675 rubles for food up to three years;
  • 1800 rubles are provided for goods of the children's assortment;

Compensation for payment for utilities

Parents of ten or more children can get additional payments related to the expenditure on the LCA. Such families laid monthly payments:

  • 1044 rubles - to pay LCD, if in the family 3-4 children;
  • 2088 rubles - for paying the LCD, if in the family 5 and more children;
  • 250 rubles - for payment of the phone;
  • 20 000 rubles - women who are retired and gave birth to 10 or more children.

Parking resolution largest

With such a resolution, a large family can park one vehicle within the entire zone of paid city parking daily, around the clock, for three years.

Submit an application for obtaining permission can one of the parents with the official registration in Moscow. The car on which the document will not be issued for fines and parking.

You can issue a service through the portal. The decision on the issuance of parking permissions will be accepted within 6 business days and will notify the applicant about the results.

Annual payments for a child in Moscow

For large parents who have ten or more children, payments are relying:

  • 30 000 rubles. compensation for the Day of Knowledge (for family);
  • 20 000 rubles. payment to the International Day of the Family;
  • 10,000 rubles - to buy school uniforms for each student.

Where to receive benefits

For the appointment of subsidies, you need to contact a multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services

Reception days: Monday - Friday from 8-00 to 20-00 without a break

Either through the Moscow portal of state and municipal services. To do this, you need to register - get an individual access code to the Personal Account portal subsystem.

2019-10-07T09: 56: 30 + 00: 00

Lydia, hello! The registration period in Moscow for receiving the payments does not play. For example, you sold an apartment in the region, moved to Moscow, prescribed in new accommodation and went to make execution of benefits. Everything is legal.

About children: To receive Moscow allowances (not federal) as many children, it is necessary that all the children are spelled out in one city. As money goes from the regional budget.

And do not forget when it is 18 years old (or 23, if they learn) the status of a large family will disappear.

2019-10-05T18: 58: 06 + 00: 00

Good evening! Tell me how much time you need to live and be registered in Moscow to get all the benefits and benefits? I am a large mother - loner, should all children be registered with me at one address to receive these benefits, or older children can be spelled out in another area?

2019-07-12t11: 09: 44 + 00: 00

Mary, hello! Yes, you can! For payment, the main thing is that the child is registered in Moscow, the place of his birth in this case does not play roles. Also important condition so that one of the parents is with the Moscow Region, you all coincide. So - boldly get!

2019-07-11t23: 57: 08 + 00: 00

Is it possible to get a birth allowance 2 children if he was born not in Moscow (Mom and Dad - registration in Moscow)

The law signed by the President obliges to pay the monthly allowance to those who need Russian families when the firstborn appears.

Payments will be made in addition to the main and. For the same period, monetary support of the firstborn due to the adoption of a new law is calculated.

According to calculations, the program designed for 3 years will cost the budget of approximately 144 billion rubles. In 2018, 21 billion rubles will be expelled, in 2019 - 55, in 2020 - 68. The amounts may change during the implementation of the plan.

The amounts of payments correspond to the sizes of a children's subsistence minimum in the subject or region of the Russian Federation for the second quarter of the last year. In 2018, they will be equal to the amount that was installed in the 2nd quarter of 2017.

The average amount in all regions is:

  • 2018 - 10,523 rubles;
  • 2019 - 10,836 rubles;
  • 2020 - 11 143 rubles.

The amount of benefits is calculated addressable and individually depending on the region or subject of the country.

Presidential Payments for the Second Child

By them monthly maternal benefits In the amount of the subsistence minimum, which will be paid in cash on the second child up to 1.5 years.
Conditions for the provision of payments:

Monthly payments from maternal capital up to 1.5 years are transferred to a bank account or map.

From there, they can be removed or spent. You can use them on any family needs., not only on the law provided by law.

Legal base

This monthly material assistance is provided for by Federal Law No. 418-FZ of December 28, 2017 "On Monthly Payments to families with children." He entered into force on January 1, 2018. From the same month, payments began.

Who can apply for receipt?

Condition for obtaining since 2018 can families in which:

  • the firstborn was born (or was adopted), starting from January 1, 2018;
  • the newborn is a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • the income on one family member does not exceed the amount of the subsistence minimum for the working-age population more than one and a half times established for the 2nd quarter of the previous year.

The payment of payments should be issued by applying to the social protection authorities at the place of residence.

Payment may be appointed not only mother, but also to the father or guardian.

IMPORTANT! Those who are deprived of parental rights, or parents of those children who are fully on public security cannot count on benefits.

What is the connection of income and receive benefits?

In order to understand whether the family has the right to pay for monetary assistance, you should take the total amount of all family income in the last 12 months, and then divide it 12. Then the resulting number is divided into the number of family members, considering the firstborn (or adopted).

If the income on a family member is less than 1.5 times the sum of the subsistence minimum in the region, the family can receive a monthly allowance.

The amount of the subsistence minimum is set in the 2nd quarter of the previous year.

Family income is considered salaries, pensions, premiums, scholarships, social benefits and various compensation.

The family's income does not include material assistance from the budget for emergencies or terrorist attacks.

During family contact with a statement about monthly payments, it must submit all possible documents confirming income.

Step-by-step instructions for receiving benefits

Necessary steps to obtain material assistance in accordance with the new law.

What documents are needed to get?

You should provide the following package of documents:

  • passports of the Russian Federation parents submitting a statement;
  • certificate of the birth of children (one or more);
  • marriage certificate;
  • documents regarding family income.

IMPORTANT! Perhaps, other documents will be required about which applicants will be made individually depending on the family situation (for example, in the event of an incomplete family).

Where to apply for payment?

In Moscow and the Moscow region, the application is submitted to the Unified Centers of State Services "My Documents".

In the regions, the application can be provided to the social protection authorities at the place of residence.

Dates of payout

The application is discussed for up to 30 days. In the case of a positive decision on the issue, the money will come to the account of a citizen in the Russian credit institution.

Can they refuse to get and what to do in case of refusal?

Request refuse when:

All cases except the latter are reflected in the laws of the Russian Federation. Violation of one of these rules makes it impossible to receive benefits.

In the latter case, it is possible to convey documents, or with the help of lawyers in court to prove their authenticity.

Features and nuances upon receipt

Parents are in civil marriage. In which case, they can apply for the manual and will their joint income be considered?

In legal practice, the term "civil marriage" does not exist. Since during the application of the application requires a marriage certificate, then new payments to persons officially not refucing their relationships are not supposed.

The child was born in 2017. Will there be new payments since 2018?

According to the new law, it is clearly spelled out that families in which the child was born or was adopted, starting from January 1, 2018, can be applied for new payments.

Thus, the entered support amounts do not apply to children born or adopted before this term.

Termination of payments

To apply for benefits is possible at any time for 1.5 years since the birth of (adoption) of the firstborn.

Payments for 1 year. After the expiration, it is necessary to apply with the basic package of documents.

Payments are stopped:

New payments to large families in 2018

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At the birth of a child, the mother is relying several types of state support. The sizes are enshrined by law, while the change occurs periodically, which is associated with the level of inflation or a separate decision of the government. So, the relevant law was regulated by an increase in the monthly child benefit in Moscow in 2018.

Monthly children's benefits

If the child appears, the mother has the right to make a vacation required to ensure the care for it for up to 3 years. At the same time, it is relying a monthly child allowance in 2018, as early as early, which can be obtained only before reaching a newborn 1.5 years.

Make vacation to care for the baby and receive payments can not only mother, but also other close relatives. This is possible, provided that the woman began to work, died or disappeared. It is also permissible to divide the time to care between persons who have the right to it. For example, half a year care for the child provides mother, half a year - father, etc.

For working moms

The level of monthly benefits is calculated in different ways, based on the social group, to which a woman belongs: a working, non-working. In the first case, a female worker is subject to social insurance, because payments carry out the employer. In the second, the listing takes on the local organ of social. protection.

For unemployed

If the mother does not work and stands on unemployment, getting the appropriate allowance, she has to make a choice, because It has the right to arrange only one of them: a monthly allowance for a child up to 1.5 years or unemployment. Renewal occurs on a separate application. A similar choice will be in front of a woman if it becomes pregnant until the first kid is achieved. In this case, the choice is between children's and decree payments.

Dimensions of child benefits up to 1.5 years

Easy-to-wear citizens are relying cash payments in the amount of at least:

  • 3 065.69 - on the first newborn until they reach 1.5 years;
  • 6 131.37 - on the following.

The size of the monthly benefit on the child in 2018 was increased in comparison with the last period. Until this year, these values \u200b\u200baccounted for a little more than 2,900 and 5,800 rubles per month.

Calculation for working women

For working citizens, children can be higher, as they are calculated from the wages of a mother or person who have the right to receive assistance under the law. Calculations are made according to these principles:

  1. Summates salary over the past 2 years.
  2. Divided by number of days to identify the average.
  3. The latter is multiplied by 30.4. This is the average monthly income.
  4. 40% calculated from the average monthly. This is the size of the manual.

Maximum balance size

The law defines the limiting levels of the monthly benefit on the child in 2018:

  • 23,088.92 - for all persons subject to insurance;
  • 12 262.76 - For workers who have deprived of work at the time of pregnancy due to the liquidation of the company, when closing the IP, termination of the status of a lawyer, etc.

Limits are calculated based on the maximum base for calculating insurance premiums.

Increased benefits in Moscow since 2018

In addition to national benefits, there are regional programs that provide increased attention to individual categories. Thus, an additional monthly child care allowance in Moscow has the right to face, the incomes of which are less than the minimum accommodation.

Today, the law claims such benefits for children until they reach 1.5 years:

  • Lone mothers: 15000;
  • For children of military personnel or wanted parents: 6000;
  • Other: 1500.

Similar benefits rely from 3 years to the age of majority, and a few more sizes for children 1.5-3 years: 4500, 3300 and 2500 rubles, respectively (according to the above categories).

1,500 rubles are also relying to employees dismissed when liquidating the company, as compensation.

Changing payments to low-income families in 2018 (first digit - level of 2017, the second - new data, the third - how many times the payment has changed)

Changes from June 1, 2018

The authorities of Moscow announced an increase in the monthly benefit in 2018. Thus, the law on a monthly benefit on the child in Moscow has established an increase of 33% from June 1, 2018. Increased benefits apply to all persons. From 1.06.2018, the allowance increases from 1500 to 2000 rubles. This applies to both categories: up to 1.5 and 3-18 years. For children of 1.5-3 years, a similar increase is provided, after which the size will amount to 3,000 rubles.

This decision of the authorities explains the concern for low-income families, which acts as the basis of the social policy of the state. In 2018, 50 billion rubles were laid on the support of families with children to the budget, of which more than half are predetermined on social benefits. For the implementation of a project to improve assistance, more than 1 billion rubles will be required, which will ensure 265 thousand children by age up to 1.5 years living in low-income families.

  • Single: 3,000 for 0-1.5 and 3-18 years, 5,000 - 1.5-3 years;
  • On the kids of military personnel and wanted parents: 2 400 and 3 800, respectively.

These groups include 168 thousand families that have a less minimum income.

Additional care mothers

In addition to increasing the size of the monthly benefit on the child in Moscow, the rest of the assistance remain unchanged, at the level of last year:

  • When registering in the hospital in Moscow (up to 20 weeks): 600 rubles.
  • For childbirth (decreh): 7,000 - ordinary childbirth, 7,800 - complicated (decret 156 days), 9,700 - multiple (194 days).
  • Compensation for childbirth: 5,500 - for the first newborn in the family, 14,500 - for subsequent.
  • Compensation for the simultaneous birth of three and more kids: 50,000 rubles.

These assistance types are one-time. They are paid in the specified amount of non-working mothers, the rest receive them from the employer in the manner prescribed by law. In particular, it relies 100% of wages for vacation due to childbirth. The calculation occurs on the basis of data in two years, by determining the average daily indicator. He is multiplied by the number of days of vacation. They also have limits calculated by the appropriate formulas.

Application for manual

To apply for a monthly help is needed at the place of work or in the social protection departments, in the absence of such.


To apply for a monthly allowance for a child up to 1.5 years to the employer, it is necessary to first learn in accounting the necessary package of documents. Usually, it consists of:

  • Statement;
  • Copy of registration papers on a newborn;
  • Help from the employer of the Father on the lack of appointing a similar manual.

In some cases, the employer has the right to request other papers. At the same time, you can apply for leave to leave.

In FS.

If the mother is not employed, to apply for a monthly allowance for a child in 2018, it can be in the district department of the FSS or at the place of residence. For residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg there is an opportunity to send a statement and scan a copy of the supporting securities online.

The application is applied:

  • Documents indicating the appearance of a baby or adoption;
  • Help from the company where the father has been employed confirming not the use of leave for the care of the baby to 1.5 years and the lack of appointment of a monthly benefit.
  • A copy of the labor book to certify the last place of work or other document (for example, a diploma for learning, an employment contract, etc.).
  • Help on the absence of unemployment accruals.
  • Passport. Paper on permission to temporary accommodation (foreigners, stateless persons).

If the application submits a father, it needs similar papers.

Online on the website of the State Service

Term of consideration of the application

Regardless of the recipient of the application, the decision is made up to 10 days, according to the existing law.

Payment period of benefits

Payments begin with the end of the decree, monthly, before reaching newborns of 1.5 years.


The monthly allowance for a child up to 1.5 years is a form of state support for childbearing in the country. It is issued on a separate application by an employer in the amount of 40% of the making a mother or body of social support in the amount established by law. Every year the amount of benefits increases to correspond to inflationary changes. In each region there are premiums or additional payments to certain categories. In 2018, in Moscow, a monthly allowance for a child living in a low-demand family increased by 33%. New benefits come into force on June 1, 2018.

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