Interferon leukocyte human dry. Interferon Leiccitarian Human - Instructions for Use Interferon Leiccitarian Human Dry Instructions for Application

Medical Instructions


Interferon human leukocytaria


Interferon human leukocytaria

International non-proprietary title

Interferon Alpha

Dosage form

Lyophilisate for the preparation of the solution for intranasal administration 1000


One ampoule contains

active substance -interferon Human leukocyte A-type with antiviral activity of at least 1000


Porous amorphous weight or white powder or from light yellow to pink. Gigroscopic.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Immunomodulators. Immunostimulants. Interferons. Interferon alpha natural.

ATH code L03AB01

Pharmacological properties Pharmacokinetics

Pharmacokinetic studies have not been carried out.


Interferon Human leukocytarian (alpha interferon), lyophilisate for the preparation of a solution for intranasal administration, is a group of proteins synthesized by the leukocytes of donor blood in response to the impact of the interferon inductor virus.

Interferon Alpha has the ability to stimulate the phagocytic activity of macrophages, as well as the cytotoxic activity of T-cells and "natural killers", has an indirect antiviral effect, induced by the state of resistance to viral infections and modulating the response of the immune system, aimed at neutralizing viruses or the destruction of the viruses infected with them cells.

There are no antibodies to human immunodeficiency viruses (HIV-1, HIV-2), hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HBSAG).

Indications for use

Prevention and treatment of influenza and other sharp respiratory viral infections

Method of application and dose

For prevention

The introduction of the drug should be started with the immediate threat of infection and continue until the danger of infection is saved. The drug to adults and children from birth is introduced in the same dose by removal or instillation into the nose of an aqueous solution.

An ampoule with the preparation is opened immediately before use. Sterile distilled or cold boiled water is made in an ampoule to a line, corresponding to 2 ml, carefully shake up to the full dissolution of the content. The dissolved preparation is transparent or run-off opalescent liquid, colorless or from light yellow to pink. The dissolved preparation can be stored during the day at a temperature of from 2 ° C to 8 ° C.

Spraying can be made by sprayers of any system in accordance with the instructions attached to them. In each nasal stroke, 0.25 ml of the solution should be administered twice a day with an interval of at least 6 hours. When instilled off, the drug is introduced 5 drops into each nasal stroke 2 times a day with an interval of at least 6 hours.

The drug is used in the same dose to adults and children from birth by spraying or injected into the nose.

When spraying or injected, the drug is dissolved in 2 ml of water and VO-dying 0.25 ml (5 drops) into each nasal stroke after 1-2 hours at least 5 times a day for 2-3 days.

Side effects

During the use of the drug, side effects are not registered.


Increased sensitivity to interferon drugs

Medicinal interactions

It is allowed to be used simultaneously with other antiviral pre-parats of local applications and the congestants.

special instructions

The introduction of the drug by injection is categorically prohibited!

Apply with caution to persons with allergic diseases.

With allergic reactions of immediate type, it is symptomatic therapy.

Application in pediatrics

Children from an neonatal period (from birth) the drug is used by spraying or instillation.

Pregnancy and lactation

In this article we will talk about one of the effective antiviral and immunostimulating drugs. It will be about human leukocyte interferon. We will analyze the properties of the drug, testimony to its purpose, instruction manual and so on.

Characteristic of the drug

Leiccitarian human interferon (international name - interferon alpha) is produced in two forms - a solution for inhalation and intranasal use and dry lyophilized powder (sometimes compressed in tablets). The liquid form has a shade from colorless to light pink, dry - from white to pinkish.

Interferon Leukocytary Human (Interferon Leukocytic Human) is a protein complex, which synthesize the leukocytes of donor blood under the influence of the interferon inductor. Purify the ultra-and microfiltration method.

Analogs of this immunomodulatory drug:

  • "Lokferon".
  • "Inferon"
  • "No-Feferon" and others.

The tool can be used in a complex with other drugs. The drug is released without a doctor's prescription, is suitable for 2 years from the date of manufacture. It is necessary to store it in protected from light, cool (2-8 degrees above zero) place. Bear from children!

The average prices for human leukocytar interferon are relatively low. So, in most pharmacies, a pack with 10 ampoules of the drug will cost 80-120 rubles.

The composition of the drug

In 1 ml of liquid human leukocyte interferon contains:

  • Interferon alpha - 1000 IU.
  • Sodium chloride - 0.09 mg.
  • Sodium dihydrophosphate dihydrate - 0.06 mg.
  • Sodium hydrophosphate dodechydrate - 0.003 mg.
  • Distilled water for injection - about 1 ml.

Pharmacological properties

This immunomodulatory drug refers to the pharmacological group of cytokines. Its properties are allocated as follows:

  • Immunostimulation - makes a stronger immune response.
  • Immunomodulation - normalizes immune status.
  • Antibacterial impact - struggle against different types of mixed infections.
  • Antiviral action - helps the body to resist such diseases as herpes, influenza, adenoviral diseases.
  • Anti-inflammatory, antitumor effect.

Dry and liquid means is not toxic, sterile, harmless when administered by respiratory tract. In this case, use the injection powder is prohibited.

Indications for use

Human leukocytar interferon is used both for the prevention of acute viral infections and for the treatment of early forms of diseases with initial symptoms.

Indications can be divided into three main groups:

  • Intranasal application: Preventive measures and treatment of ARVI, influenza.
  • Parenteral Application: Pointed Condyloma, Hepatitis B and C, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Malignant Melanoma, Multiple Mieloma, Renal Carcinoma, Sarcoma Caposhi in AIDS suffering from AIDS (do not get acute infections at this time), Hairy-cellular leukemia, mushroom micaosis.
  • Rectal application: therapy of chronic and acute viral hepatitis.

Also, the drug will be effective at:

  • chronic myelolekosis;
  • primary and secondary thrombocytosis;
  • transition stage of chronic granulocyte leukemia, myelofibrosis;
  • reticulosarcom;
  • scarmed sclerosis.


Instructions for the use of interferon of human leukocyte indicates the following contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • Epilepsy.
  • Violation of the Functions of the CNS.
  • Violation of kidney and liver functions, a hematopoietic system.
  • Organic heart disease.
  • Chronic hepatitis in persons whose recent treatment consisted of immunosuppressants.
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  • Chronic hepatitis.
  • Cirrhosis liver with signs of hepatic insufficiency.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Allergy.
  • Increased individual sensitivity to the active component - interferon alpha, as well as to all drugs of protein origin, chicken meat and eggs.

The drug is dangerous to accept and in the following cases:

  • Expired expiration.
  • Violated the integrity of the packaging.
  • There is no marking on the package.

Dosage and application

Instructions for the use of interferon leukocyte human prescribes:

  • Children up to 3 years to enter the drug only intranasally (spraying, instillation).
  • Children since 3 years old, adults are additionally allowed inhalation.

Intranasal application. Ampoule with medicine opens immediately before use. Then, chilled boiled or sterile distilled water is added to it strictly to line with 2 ml on the capsule. The remedy is carefully shaken until complete dissolution.

The drug is buried in the nose with a syringe without a needle or medical pipette. Another way is spraying: you can use both a sprayer of a third-party company and the one that comes complete with the preparation. The nozzle is dressed on a syringe without a needle, then it is applied close to the nasal passage or entering it about 0.5 cm. Spraying occurs by pressing the piston of the syringe. In this case, the patient should sit, throwing the head up.

Dosage of the drug:

  • Prevention: Applied throughout the danger of infection. Installing - 5 drops, spraying - 0.25 ml in each nasal passage. On a day, manipulation is carried out up to 2 times with an interval of at least 6 hours.
  • Treatment: When manifesting the first signs of the disease. 5 drops or 0.25 mg per each nostril. The procedure is repeated up to 5 times a day with an interval of 1-2 hours.

Interferon Human leukocytic children and adults are introduced in equal doses.

Inhalation. Inhalation is considered more efficient. For it, you need to purchase an inhaler of any manufacturer. For one procedure, the contents of three capsules are required, which should be dissolved in 10 ml of water, heated to 37 degrees. This method is introduced through the mouth and the nose twice a day for 2-3 days.

Enter the injection tool!

Side effects

When applying this immunomodulatory drug, the following side effects are possible:

  • From the head of the gastrointestinal tract: change in taste sensations, dry mouth, flatulence, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, loss of appetite. In rare cases - disruption of the liver.
  • From the CNS side: Ataxia, drowsiness or sleep disorder, violation of consciousness, depression, nervousness.
  • From the heart and blood vessels: arrhythmia, arterial hypotension.
  • Dermatological consequences: a rash on the skin, a slight alopecia, erythema, dry skin.
  • Influencing syndrome: weakness, fever, Malgy, headache.
  • Other: granulocyptopenia, feeling of weakness, lethargy, loss of body weight, vision disorder, dizziness.

special instructions

With caution apply the tool stands at:

  • Recently suffered myocardial infarction.
  • Mielodepresses, changing blood clotting.
  • Elderly patients who, when using high doses of the drug, the side effects from the CNS were diagnosed. Perhaps it is worth even interrupt treatment.
  • Patients with hepatitis C Before treatment, it is necessary to conduct a survey at the level of TSH in the blood. Only with normal indicators can be started with interferon therapy. In other cases, there is a violation of the functions of the thyroid.
  • Combination with opioid analgesics, sleeping pills, sedatives.

Interferon leukocytarny human is an effective immunostimulating anti-infectious agent. It has a number of features of application and contraindications, so before applying it is necessary to familiarize with the instructions.

Form release


Activity: Interferon Alpha (Interferon Alfa) Concentration of the active substance (units): 1000

Pharmacological effect

Alpha Interferon is a mixture of various subtypes of natural alpha interferon from human blood leukocytes. It has antiviral, immunostimulating and antiproliferative effect. The antiviral effect of the drug is based mainly on the increase in the resistance of the cell cells that are not yet infected with the virus, to a possible effect. Combining with specific receptors on the cell surface, the interferon alpha changes the properties of the cell membrane, stimulates specific enzymes, affects the RNA of the virus and prevents replication. The immunomodulatory effect of interferon alpha is associated with stimulating the activity of macrophages and NK (Natural Killer) of cells, which, in turn, are involved in the immune response of the organism on tumor cells.


Prevention and treatment of influenza and other sharp respiratory viral infections


Increased sensitivity to protein preparations


Caution is used in patients with instructions in history for the recently suffered myocardial infarction, as well as in cases of changes in blood coagulation and myelodepresses. Caution is used to use interferon alpha at the same time with sleeping pills, sedatives, opioid analgesics.

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of interferon alpha drugs during pregnancy is possible only in cases where the estimated benefit for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus. If necessary, applying a nursing mother during lactation should be resolved about the cessation of breastfeeding. Reproductive ages during therapy should apply reliable methods of contraception during therapy.

Method of application and dose

Children from an neonatal period (since birth) the drug is used intranasally (by spraying or injected). For children from 3 years and adults - additionally in the form of inhalation. Intranasally an ampoule with the drug is opened immediately before use. A sterile distilled or cooled to room temperature is boiled water added to the ampoule to a line indicated on an ampoule corresponding to 2 ml, gently shake up to completely dissolve the contents. The dissolved drug is transparent or slightly opalescent liquid, colorless or from light yellow to pink. The drug is used by injection (using a medical pipette or a syringe without a needle) or spraying. Spraying is made by sprayers of any system or using the attached spray nozzle. For prevention, the administration of the drug should be started with the immediate threat of infection and continue until the danger of infection remains. The drug is used intranasally by instillation of 5 drops or spraying of 0.25 ml in each nasal stroke 2 times a day with an interval of at least 6 hours. For treatment, the drug is used at an early stage of the disease in the appearance of the first clinical symptoms intranasally 0.25 ml (5 drops) in each nasal stroke after 1-2 hours at least 5 times a day. The effectiveness of the drug is higher than the use of its earlier. The rules for applying the spray nozzle: to put on the needle to the syringe, fill it with a dissolved drug in a volume of 0.25 ml (mark 10 on a scale of 40 units. Or a mark 25 on a scale of 100 units.). Remove the needle and wear a spray nozzle tightly. To the nasal foot of the spray nozzle and a sharp touch on the piston of the syringe to injected the drug in the nasal stroke. Attach the nozzle-sprayer, put on the needle and type 0.25 ml of the drug from the ampoule. Attach the needle, put the spray nozzle tightly and introduce the drug in Another nasal stroke in accordance with paragraph 3. The pump-sprayer is introduced to a depth of 0.5 cm into nasal moves, pre-purified from the mucus. The patient should be in a sitting position with a slightly trapped head and remain in this position for 1 minute after the administration of the drug. It is allowed to use one nozzle only in one patient. Inhalation is the most effective way to treat is inhalation. It is recommended inhalers of any type. The contents of 3 ampoules are used per procedure, which is dissolved with 10 ml of water. Water is recommended to warm up to a temperature not higher than 37 ° C. Inhalation, the drug is injected through the mouth and nose 2 times a day for 2-3 days. The introduction of the drug by injection is categorically prohibited!

Side effects

Allergic reactions.

Interaction with other drugs

Since interferons inhibit oxidative metabolism in the liver, it is possible to violate the biotransformation of drugs metabolizing by this way. When simultaneously use with ACE inhibitors, synergism is possible in relation to hematotoxic effects; with zidovudine - synergism with respect to myelotoxic action; with paracetamol - it is possible to increase the activity of hepatic enzymes; With theophylline - a decrease in the clearance of theophylline.

special instructions

When thrombocytopenia with the number of platelets, less than 50,000 / μl should be used by the development of side effects by the CNS in the elderly patients receiving interferon alpha in high doses, a thorough examination should be carried out and, if necessary, interrupt treatment. Podcients should be carried out hydration Therapy, especially in the initial period of treatment. Patients with hepatitis C receiving therapy by therapy by interferon alpha for systemic use, there are disorders of the function of the thyroid gland, expressed in hypo-or hyperthyroidism. Therefore, before the start of the course of treatment, it is necessary to determine the level of TSH in the blood serum and begin treatment only under the condition of normal TSH content in the blood.

Interferon is a drug that has a direct impact on the body's immune system. It has pronounced antiviral, antiproliferative, as well as antitumor effect.

Release form and composition

The internal substance of the drug interferon is a specific protein synthesized by human leukocytes.

The medicine is produced in the following forms:

  • Lyophilized powder;
  • A solution for local applications;
  • Injection;
  • Rectal suppositories.

Indications for use

According to the instructions attached to the interferon, the testimony for its use depends on the form of the drug.


  • Hepatitis B and C;
  • Condylomes are pointed;
  • Leukemia, hairy cell leukemia - tricholecosis;
  • Encephalitis tickle;
  • Condition after the operational treatment of the respiratory papillomatosis of the larynx;
  • Meloma Multiple;
  • T-cell lymphoma - mushroom micaosis;
  • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma;
  • Chronic myelolomicosis;
  • Reticulosarcoma;
  • Sarcoma capos in patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome;
  • Malignant melanoma;
  • Thrombocytosis - primary (essential) and secondary;
  • Chronic granulocyte leukemia and myelofibrosis are transitional forms.

Interferon in the form of suppositories:

  • Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome;
  • Viral hepatitis;
  • Immunodeficiency states that are secondary.

The powder is lyophilized and a solution for local applications:

  • Prevention and treatment of influenza, ORVI;
  • Disease eye virus etiology.


The use of interferon is contraindicated in the following diseases and states:

  • Hypersensitivity;
  • Chronic cardiac failure;
  • Acute myocardial infarction - acute period;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • Diabetes mellitus - heavy forms;
  • Lung diseases;
  • Liver or renal failure;
  • Chickenpox;
  • Cirrhosis of the liver;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Severe mental disorders, epilepsy;
  • Lactation period.

The use of interferon requires caution during post-infarction cardiosclerosis, arrhythmias, simple herpes, bone marrow violation, as well as during pregnancy.

Method of application and dosage

According to the instructions, the interferon in the injection solution should be applied parenterally - subcutaneously, intramuscularly or intravenously drip. The dosage depends on the nature of the disease and age of the patient.

Interferon in the form of a powder and a solution for topical use is used intranasally and conjunction. The drug is administered by inhalation using an inhaler of any system or an aqueous solution - powder be powder before use in 2 ml of distilled or cooled boiled water.

In order to prevent influenza and ARVI, the medicine burst 5 drops in each nasal move twice a day with an interval at 6 o'clock.

In order to treat the drug Interferon should be applied at an early stage of the disease when the first symptoms of making 5 drops appear after 1-2 hours at least 5 times a day for 2-3 days.

In ophthalmologic practice in the acute period of illness, the medicine is introduced 2-3 drops in each eye from 3 to 10 times a day. When improving the condition - up to 5-6 times during the day. The course of treatment is no more than 14 days.

Interferon in the form of suppositories is used rectally in hemorrhagic fever, acute hepatitis B in children, and secondary immunodeficiency states. The dosage is determined individually, the duration of treatment is not more than 14 days.

Side effects

The use of interferon, especially in parenteral administration, the following side effects may be due to:

  • Influencing syndrome - Headache, Malgy, Fever, Chills;
  • Decline in appetite, violation of the character of the chair, nausea, vomiting, dryness of the oral mucosa, heartburn, liver failure;
  • Anemia, reducing the number of leukocytes and blood platelets;
  • Pressure oscillations, chest pain, arrhythmias;
  • Dizziness, reduction of cognitive functions and concentration of attention, sleep disruption, somnoleps, numbness of limbs or face, confusion of consciousness, paresthesia, seizures of calf muscles;
  • Ambiguity of view, ischemic retinopathy;
  • Dry skin, rash, itching, hair loss, hyperhydrosis;
  • Disruption of the thyroid gland.

special instructions

During treatment with antiviral drug Interferon, it is necessary to control blood analysis indicators and the liver function. With pronounced thrombocytopenia, the medicine should be administered subcutaneously.

In the event of side effects on the part of the central nervous system in patients receiving high doses of drugs, an additional examination is required, if necessary, the abolition of the drug.

To reduce the severity of the flu-like syndrome, the parallel purpose of paracetamol is shown.

At the initial stage of treatment with interferon, hydration therapy is necessary.

In patients with hepatitis with antiviral remedy, there may be a violation of the function of the thyroid gland, so its use should be started only at a normal level of hormones.

During the period of use of the drug interferon, care can be taken when driving vehicles and other moving mechanisms.


The synonyms of interferon include drugs alfaferon, diaiferon, interlock, intaferon, leukeinferon, Lokferon.

Similar pharmacological effects have such drugs as:

  • Avonex;
  • Alterevir;
  • Betaferon;
  • Viferon;
  • Genfakson;
  • Genferon;
  • Ingaron;
  • Lyifferon;
  • Refaferon;
  • Ecstati;
  • Rebiff;
  • Ronbetal and others.

Terms and conditions of storage

According to the instructions attached to interferon, the drug should be stored in a dry place at a temperature of 2-8 ° C.

Shelf life - 1 year.

In the modern world, a person is subject to a variety of diseases. Especially often a person is sick, cold or flu. They are easily and efficiently allowed specialized drops.

However, with more severe diseases, such as warts on skin, malignant blood diseases, diseases Herpes in AIDS patients needed really serious medication treatment.

One of the effective drugs, designed to combat different kinds of viruses and strengthen the immune system of immunity - "Interferon". The drug has an extensive spectrum of exposure, which allows it to be used as for the prevention of diseases, so for the treatment of a large range of diseases.

"Interferon" Sukhoi in ampoules was first released in 1957. Then Professor found out that this medicine eliminates the foci of the virus and does not allow the flu infection to multiply.

Today, dry "interferon" is sold in white or yellow ampoules. IN structure Medication includes leukocytes of donor blood, presented in the form of a mixture of proteins.

Applying the drug instantly absorbs the necessary elements. After that, the elimination of viruses begins.

Among side effects celebrate:

  • skin diseases;
  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • shiver.

Among contraindications celebrate:

  • individual intolerance;
  • violation of the functioning of the human immune system;
  • the tool may begin to be perceived as its own tissues;
  • acute form of ischemic heart disease;
  • partial loss of kidney performance.

If you take a medicine for a long time, follow the composition of the blood and the functioning of the liver.

In what cases is possible use of "interferon"

For prevention:

  • flu and colds;
  • chronic hepatitis C;
  • chronic hepatitis B;
  • with a viral infection, in which a person is affected by fever and intoxication;
  • oncopathologies, including Patients with AIDS.

With the following diseases, the medicine should be used in treating:

  • wart-shaped formations on mucous membranes and leather in the field of genital organs;
  • plasma cell cancer;
  • under skin oncological diseases;
  • sarcoma Caposhi (in Patients with AIDS);
  • leukemia with leukocytes with hair-bodied outgrowths;
  • damage to the bone marrow of a person;
  • tumors in the kidneys and bladder;
  • the formation of multiple papillomes on the mucous membrane of the larynx;
  • significant increase in blood platelets;
  • malignant tumor from reticular tissue.

It is worth noting that Interferon follows start applying at the first appearance of the disease. Thus, you effectively destroy the focus of inflammation and will go faster on the amendment.

Interferon Dry - Instructions for use

Usually "Interferon" is prescribed in the earliest stages of the disease. If you notice the first symptoms of colds or flu purchasing this medicine.

Dosage preparation for children and adults is identical.

It should be used by instilcing in the nose using inhalations or spraying. When spraying, enter by 0.25 ml Solid.

Open the ampoule per second before use!

For instillation in nostrils need to add purified water Before symbolism in 2 ml to the powder located in the ampoule.

Use the cure for six drops into each nostril. It is worth knowing that the interval between use should be about seven hours.

The duration of the course should not be more than five days.

Using medication is prohibited for thyroid diseases. If you have disorders of the liver and kidney, the use of medication is dangerous to health.

The use of medication for children up to two years is permitted only after consulting with the doctor.


In the cold season, a person is subject to colds much more often than in summer. According to experts, the best treatment of disease is maintaining immunity throughout the year.

In cases of the imminent immune system and use "Interferon" for prevention. He, as a barrier disappoints you from viruses and a variety of infections.

Apply the drug only with the permission of your attending physician. Keep track of the shelf life of the medication.

Do not use the medicine if the packaging tightness is impaired.

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