Beef tongue. Beef tongue broth benefits and harms

Beef tongue... An extremely delicate gourmet product that needs a special touch. By the way, beef tongue is much healthier than pork tongue, which is why many hostesses try to stop their choice on it!

Beef tongue is rich in protein, which is extremely important for the full functioning of muscle tissue, and the iron contained in it can significantly improve the composition of the blood. This product is recommended for use in case of anemia, in the postoperative period, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. There are also B vitamins in beef tongue, which help to normalize the nervous system and metabolism. It also contains a lot of zinc, useful for treating various skin ailments and helping to lower cholesterol.

The most important thing is to get a truly high-quality product: a good tongue should have a natural meaty smell, a slightly purple, lilac or pink color, and its texture should be soft enough, but at the same time pliable (when pressed, the tongue should quickly take original form). If there is too much meat juice in the package, then it is better not to purchase such a language. It is also important to ensure that the language has a stamp confirming its quality and freshness.

Before starting to cook the beef tongue, it is thoroughly washed without removing the film from it, and then the tongue is soaked for at least an hour in cold water. Next, the offal is boiled, changing the water twice during cooking, and about half an hour before the end of cooking, you should add various roots, bay leaves, spices and onions. And in no case do you need to salt your tongue at the very beginning of cooking! And when it is cooked, it is poured with cold water - in this case, the skin will go away much quickly, and it will not be difficult to remove it.

Since the tongue is a muscle, it will take a long time to boil it (up to four hours, and sometimes more). First, the beef tongue is poured with hot water and brought to a boil, and then the water is drained, the tongue is poured with new water and boiled until cooked, adding liquid as it boils away. You can also boil the beef tongue in a slow cooker - in this case, it will not only cook faster, but it will also turn out to be much softer and juicier. Boiled tongue can be added to various dishes (including salads), or you can not stop only at boiling it and then stew or bake this delicate product in the oven. It will be especially tasty if stewed or baked together with various vegetables, cheese or mushrooms. And the tongue is served with sweet and sour or with spicy sauces.

They are considered delicacies due to their delicate soft texture, exquisite taste, vitamin and nutritional value. The tongue is a solid muscle in structure, so it contains proteins, some fat and is practically devoid of carbohydrates. The beef tongue contains zinc, which produces insulin in the diabetic's body, and the pork tongue is rich in leticin, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and brain cells. The absence of connective tissue in the tongue ensures its excellent digestibility, so it is safe to call the tongue a dietary product. It remains to learn how to properly cook pork and beef tongue so that vitamins, minerals and trace elements are preserved in them, and the meat melts in the mouth, surprising the tasters with juiciness, aroma and unique taste!

Cooking beef and pork tongue at home

Before preparing various dishes from the tongue, it should be boiled, therefore the process of initial processing of the offal is very important for the future taste of the dishes. Here are some tips on how to cook boiled beef and pork tongue.

  • Rinse your tongue well under running water. Some housewives clean the meat at this stage, but this is not recommended, since valuable and tasty pulp can be cut off along with the film.
  • Soak your tongue for half an hour to make it softer and softer.
  • Boil the meat in water without salt - everyone knows that it is better to salt the tongue ready-made. How to determine how long to cook beef and pork tongue? Pork tongue is cooked for 1.5-3.5 hours, and beef tongue - 2-4 hours, it all depends on the size of the product. Avoid boiling too much, so as not to spoil the taste of the meat, it is enough for the water to boil just a little. Remember to skim off the foam with a slotted spoon. Some housewives cook the tongue in two waters - they boil the meat for 15 minutes, then rinse it thoroughly, change the water in the pan and cook the product until tender. This allows you to remove harmful substances and unpleasant odors when cooking broth.
  • Half an hour before cooking, add carrots, celery root, onions and bay leaves to the broth.
  • Hold the finished tongue under cold water for a few minutes and peel off the skin easily. If the tongue is not cleaned well, then it is not ready yet.

How to cook beef and pork tongue: favorite recipes

The tongue can be cut lengthwise into thin slices, served with horseradish or mustard - this is an excellent Russian vodka snack.

Tongue salads satisfy hunger and are delicious when combined with potatoes, avocados, pickles, mushrooms, cheese, green peas, eggs, carrots, garlic, herbs and mayonnaise. Taking any recipe for meat salad and replacing the meat with the tongue, you will get a very original and completely new taste of the dish.

Very popular, baked in the oven with vegetables, mushrooms and cheese, and jellied meat and aspic from the tongue can be served on the festive table. The tongue can be fried in breadcrumbs, stewed with vegetables, pickled, made from it meat rolls, casseroles, pies and homemade sausage. If you don't have time to bother at the stove, cook the simplest dinner option - tongue with pasta, beans, potatoes or rice.

The taste of this gourmet by-product can be varied with various spices - thyme, basil and Italian herbs.

And for dessert - a little trick on how to make the tongue even softer and tastier. After boiling and skinning, put it back in the broth, to which the spices and salt have already been added, cook for another 30 minutes and enjoy the aromatic meat that melts in your mouth. It is very pleasant to be a gourmet!

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


The question of what to cook from beef tongue arises for every housewife. It is very important to be able to choose the right, boil, fry or bake the tongue, because this is a very delicate product that requires a special approach. Beef offal is much healthier than pork, so opt for it when preparing delicious, sophisticated dishes.

How to cook beef tongue

Before making a dish that includes a tongue, you need to choose a high-quality offal. When buying, pay attention to the color (it should be pink or purple), smell (natural meat) and texture (when pressed, the meat should quickly return to its original shape). Do not purchase packaging with a large amount of meat juice and make sure that the purchase has a stamp confirming freshness and quality. It is best to take a liver from a familiar butcher in the market.

Cooking beef tongue consists of several stages:

  1. Rinse the product well without cleaning the films.
  2. Soak the product in cold water for at least 1 hour.
  3. Boil the offal, changing the water twice.
  4. Do not add salt to the food at the beginning of cooking.
  5. Add roots, onions, spices, bay leaf 30 minutes before the end of cooking.
  6. Fill the finished product with ice water immediately - the skin will come off well.

How much to cook

Do not forget that the tongue is a muscle, so a long boiling will be needed. How much to cook beef tongue until tender? First, fill it with hot water, bring to a boil, drain, pour over again and cook until tender. During cooking, add liquid as it boils away. In the last step, add vegetables, roots, seasonings and salt to the pot.

In a multicooker

The multicooker is an ideal device for preparing "capricious" offal. Virtually no effort is required on the part of the hostess. Cooking beef tongue in a multicooker guarantees a soft, juicy product, and the process will take less time. If you have not yet acquired the necessary skills for working with the miracle stove, then you can find recipes with photos step by step on the network that will help you do everything right.

In the oven

Experienced chefs believe that cooking beef tongue in the oven should start with boiling. The product is washed, boiled until tender, spices or filling are added, laid out on a sheet of foil or in a mold and baked for an hour and a half. Mushrooms, cheese, vegetables are used as a filling for a baked offal, and they are served with spicy, sweet and sour sauces.


The benefits of offal have been known for a long time. It is especially valuable during pregnancy and anemia, because it is rich in iron. Recipes from beef tongue are very diverse: from first courses to delicious buffet snacks, but more often housewives prepare salads, aspic, stew and bake from it. Boiled offal with various exquisite sauces is very tasty.


  • Cooking time: 4 hours.
  • Calorie content: 146 kcal.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Many salads are made on the basis of delicious offal, so every housewife should be able to cook boiled beef tongue. A well-washed product is boiled for 3-4 hours with the addition of aromatic herbs, spices and vegetables, and then cleaned under ice water. With a sharp change in temperature, the skin bursts and comes off well.


  • turnip onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots, celery (root) - 1 pc .;
  • offal - 700 g;
  • peppercorns, bay leaves, salt - the taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pre-soak the offal for several hours.
  2. Place the meat in a pot of hot water, put it on fire and bring to a boil, drain and pour fresh water.
  3. Reduce the temperature immediately, cook for 3-4 hours over low heat.
  4. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add peeled carrots and onions, celery, spices. You can salt it only a couple of minutes before the end.
  5. Remove the beef from the container and immediately pour over with ice water, remove the skin.
  6. Secret from the cook: the peeled offal should be placed in the hot broth in which it was cooked for another half hour, so the dish will be even tastier and more aromatic.
  7. Cut it into slices, serve with horseradish or mustard.


  • Cooking time: 90 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 7-8 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 321 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner, lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Try to make a traditional Olivier with tongue and you will see that sometimes simple products can turn an ordinary dish into an exquisite, extraordinarily tasty dish. Beef tongue salad with cucumber is prepared from vegetables, eggs, peas, seasoned with mayonnaise. The offal makes the meal more nutritious.


  • carrots - 3 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • green onions - 20 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc .;
  • offal - 500 g;
  • mayonnaise - 220 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • red caviar - 1 tbsp l. (optional);
  • pickled cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • greens - 20 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil carrots, eggs, potatoes in different containers until tender in salted water. Peel, cut into equal cubes.
  2. Peel the cucumbers (pickled and fresh), chop finely.
  3. Boil the offal according to all the rules for 3-4 hours until soft, adding some vegetables and spices to the broth. Cool, cut in the same way as all other components.
  4. Mix all the ingredients of the dish in a deep bowl, season with mayonnaise, season with salt. When serving, garnish the Olivier with the tongue with finely chopped parsley and onions, and place the caviar in a heap.


  • Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 7-8 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 470/100 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

A classic treat traditionally served on the festive table. Not many even experienced housewives know how to cook at home, how to peel a cow tongue, although there is nothing complicated in cooking. Particularly noteworthy is the meat broth with gelatin, which is poured into pieces of meat. It must be made transparent so that the dish looks beautiful and appetizing.


  • food gelatin - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • offal - 800 g;
  • onions, carrots, celery - 1 pc .;
  • olives - a handful;
  • fresh proteins - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the offal in a saucepan, cover with hot water, bring to a boil. Change the water, add the peeled vegetables and cook for 3.5 hours until tender. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, put spices, bay leaf in the broth, and salt.
  2. Remove the skin under cold water, return the meat to the broth, boil for another half hour.
  3. Cool and cut into thin, neat slices.
  4. Strain the broth through a fine sieve. Pour gelatin into a bowl, pour 4 tablespoons of broth over it, let stand for 15 minutes.
  5. To make the beef tongue jellied transparent, you need to prepare a pull (as the cooks call the protein mass). Beat the egg whites until fluffy, add to the cold broth, stir, cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Strain the broth, cool.
  6. Boil eggs, peel, cut into thin rings. Peel the boiled vegetables, cut into curly shapes.
  7. Fill the molds for future treats with broth by a third, lay out the circles of eggs and vegetables, cut from boiled meat, pour over the broth again, garnish with olives.

Baked in the oven

  • Calorie content: 146 kcal / 100 grams.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

Diversify your holiday menu with a new savory, aromatic dish that's easy to prepare. The benefit and special value of the snack lies in the fact that the offal is not cooked, giving off all the juices, but is baked. To cook beef tongue in foil in the oven, pick up a large product weighing at least a kilogram - it is guaranteed to retain its juiciness after baking.


  • garlic - 7 cloves;
  • offal - 1-1.2 kg;
  • hops-suneli - 1 tsp;
  • thyme - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Pass the garlic through a press, mix with seasonings and salt, add vegetable oil. Rub the mixture.
  2. Rinse the offal, dry with a paper towel, rub with a mixture of spices, let marinate for 2.5-3 hours, tightly wrapped in foil.
  3. Place the future dish in a preheated oven, bake for an hour and a half at 200C.
  4. Without unwrapping, place the foil rolls in very cold water, skin them, slice and serve with the sauce.

Beef with mushrooms

  • Cooking time: 4 hours 30 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 3-4 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 168 kcal / 100 grams.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Complexity of preparation: medium.

All guests will be delighted with this exquisite, hearty treat. That only is the name - "Beef tongue with mushrooms in the oven." Soft gourmet meat is soaked in aromatic mushroom juice, enveloped in an appetizing cheese crust - a truly royal dish! First, you must certainly boil the tongue - so it will be even juicier and softer, and you can use any mushrooms.


  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • offal - 800 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • mushrooms - 400 g;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • greens - 20 g;
  • walnuts - a handful;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the meat until tender, changing the water twice, with spices and vegetables.
  2. Dip in cold water, remove the skin.
  3. Peel the onions, cut into cubes, fry in butter. Place in a separate container.
  4. Cut the mushrooms into slices, fry in the same oil as the onion.
  5. Add finely chopped herbs to the ready-made mushrooms, season to taste.
  6. Cut the boiled tongue into slices.
  7. Chop the nuts into crumbs with a knife.
  8. Put a layer of meat in a greased pan, then brush with sour cream, sprinkle with nut crumbs. Top with sauteed onions, mushrooms, season.
  9. Sprinkle with grated hard cheese. Send the form to the oven, preheated to 200C, for half an hour.


  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Servings Per Container: 3-4 Persons.
  • Calorie content: 48 kcal / 100 grams.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

Often, home cooks do not know how to cook offal, how long it takes, how to preserve the benefits of the product and do everything right. Beef tongue broth almost always remains after boiling the product and you need to know how to use it. Excellent recipes for making soups with cereals and vegetables, which are served as an independent dish with croutons and mushrooms, will help you.


  • celery, carrots, onions - 1 pc .;
  • offal - 600 g;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • salt, spices, bay leaf;
  • parsley.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the meat, cover with hot water, let it boil. Drain, add fresh water and boil the product for 40 minutes.
  2. Remove the meat, place immediately under cold water, remove the skin, cool.
  3. Fry whole boiled offal in butter in a well-heated skillet until crusty. It needs to be fried to make the finished broth as rich as possible.
  4. Place the fried tongue in the hot broth, add the peeled celery, carrots, onions, spices and cook until tender for an hour.
  5. Take out all the products, strain the broth, cut the tongue into slices.
  6. Serve in a deep bowl with herbs.

With cheese

  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Servings Per Container: 7-8 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 237 kcal / 100 grams.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

An exquisite snack turns out to be surprisingly tender, delicate, it just melts in your mouth. Beef tongue salad with cheese is popularly called "Ballerina", although its fat content would hardly please the artist. For all its nutritional value, this dish has an amazing property to quickly disperse on the plates of guests because of its wonderful taste and mouth-watering appearance.


  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • tongue - 600 g;
  • mushrooms - 150 g;
  • mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 150 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the mushrooms and onions, cut into strips and fry separately.
  2. Grate the cheese on a medium mesh grater.
  3. Before boiling your tongue, wash it under running water. Boil until tender with the addition of spices.
  4. Cut the offal into thin strips.
  5. Boil hard-boiled eggs, chop.
  6. Layer all ingredients: tongue, onion, then mushrooms, eggs and cheese. Lubricate each layer with mayonnaise.


  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Servings Per Container: 3-4 Persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 254 kcal / 100 grams.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Complexity of preparation: easy.

The offal is boiled, fried, added to salads, snacks, but there is another very tasty dish - the tongue stewed in sour cream. To prepare it, you need only four components and a couple of hours of time. The result is a hearty, tasty treat that can be served with your favorite side dish.


  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tongue - 700 g;
  • turnip onions - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • salt, spices.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour hot water over the tongue, let it boil, change the water, cook for an hour and a half, adding vegetables and spices.
  2. Pour cold water over the meat, remove the skin.
  3. Cut the boiled offal into strips, fill with sour cream. Simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, adding salt and spices.


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Beef tongue is a dietary product, as it contains many amino acids, vitamins and useful micro- and macroelements, while it is well absorbed by the body and has a relatively low calorie content. If you regularly include dishes from the tongue in the diet, then this will certainly have a positive effect on overall well-being. In addition, beef tongue is so delicate and tasty that it can even decorate a festive table. However, some housewives do not risk making snacks from this product even on special occasions, since they do not know how to cook beef tongue correctly. In fact, this process, although long, is not complicated. It is only important to know the cooking technology.

Cooking features

Beef tongue is baked, fried, salted, made into hot dishes and cold snacks, including delicious aspic. But whatever method of preparing the tongue would be chosen, it must be boiled and cleaned. And this must be done correctly, since due to a violation of technology, the tongue may not be tender and tasty enough, it will be poorly cleaned.

  • First of all, you need to choose a quality product. The tongue should be fresh, preferably not too strong, have a pleasant pink tint, there should be no bloody pools under it, indicating that the product was frozen. When you press the tongue with your finger, it should restore its shape, that is, be elastic.
  • Before you start cooking the tongue, it should be thoroughly washed, cleaned of films. However, even with thorough cleaning, the first broth, after the tongue has boiled in water for 10-15 minutes, it is better to pour it out.
  • To boil the tongue, a large container is needed, since it swells quite strongly.
  • A veal tongue weighing about 1 kg is boiled for 2 hours, if it is larger, then it is cut into 2 parts, and the cooking time is increased to 3-4 hours.
  • It is recommended to salt the tongue 15 minutes before it is ready. Around this time, you can add spices, spices, roots. Parsley and celery roots, onions, carrots, bay leaves, peppercorns are combined with the tongue.
  • To make the boiled tongue easier to clean, it is immersed in cold water for 10-15 minutes.
  • When cooking, the tongue is placed in already boiling water.
  • It is better to cut the tongue after it has cooled down.

Knowledge of these subtleties is quite enough in order to cook the tongue tasty and at the same time not experience difficulties in order to peel and chop it.

How to cook boiled tongue in a saucepan

  • beef tongue - 1 kg;
  • water - how much will go away;
  • salt to taste;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc. for 1 liter of water;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs. for 1 liter of water;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • onions - 150 g.

Cooking method:

  • Wash, clean the tongue from the film, soaking it for an hour in cool water to facilitate the process.
  • Boil water, put your tongue in it, cook for a quarter of an hour, drain the water.
  • Boil fresh water. Put your tongue in it and cook for 2 hours, adding water as it boils away.
  • Season the broth with salt. Add spices to it, peeled and cut carrots into 3-4 parts, 2-3 small, peeled onions. Cook for another 15 minutes.
  • Take out your tongue, immerse it in cold water for 15 minutes.
  • Remove, peel, cut into slices or pieces of the desired shape and size.

Boiled tongue can be served as an independent snack, you can use it to prepare other dishes.

How to cook boiled tongue in a slow cooker

  • beef tongue - 1 kg;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, peppercorns - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Soak your tongue for 40 minutes in cold water, rinse and remove the film.
  • Put your tongue in a multicooker, fill it with water so that it completely covers it.
  • Turn on the multicooker for 10 minutes in steaming mode, remove the foam.
  • Salt to taste, add spices and peeled vegetables (whole). Run the "Extinguishing" program for 3 hours.

After that, it remains to remove the tongue, hold it in cold water for a while and clean it. The broth in which it was cooked in a slow cooker can be used to make aspic from the tongue.

Jellied from the tongue

  • beef tongue - 1 kg;
  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.;
  • boiled carrots - 100 g;
  • canned green peas - 100 kg;
  • curly parsley greens - to taste;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • broth - 1 l.

Cooking method:

  • First, you should cook the boiled tongue in any convenient way, cool and cut into slices or cubes, depending on how you like it.
  • Now pour out 150 ml of broth, cool it to room temperature. Mix with gelatin.
  • After 10 minutes, add the rest of the broth and heat it over low heat to dissolve the gelatin.
  • Pour a little broth with gelatin into the molds, put them in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  • While the gelatin hardens, you can cook the rest of the ingredients: cut the carrots and eggs into slices.
  • Take out the molds, on a thin layer of gelatin in the center, put a slice of egg, a couple of sprigs of parsley, a few slices of carrots.
  • Mix the pieces of tongue with the green peas and place them on top. Pour the remaining broth mixed with gelatin, put in the refrigerator until it cools completely.

Before serving, you just need to remove the aspic from the tongue from the molds. This will be very easy to do if the molds are immersed in warm water for a few seconds.

How to cook stuffed tongue

  • beef tongue - 1 kg;
  • pickled cucumbers - 100 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • salt, bay fox, peppercorns - to taste;
  • water - how much will go away.

Cooking method:

  • Soak your tongue in cool water for an hour, wash and scrub it.
  • Make a deep slit in your tongue.
  • Peel the carrots, cut them lengthwise into thin sticks.
  • Cut the pickled cucumbers into strips.
  • Cut the garlic cloves lengthwise into 4 pieces.
  • Insert the carrot, garlic and cucumber strips into the longitudinal slit in the tongue. Connect both parts of the tongue and tie it with thread.
  • Boil water, put your tongue in it and cook it for 2 hours.
  • Add salt and spices to the broth without cutting.
  • Cook the tongue for another half hour.
  • Place your tongue in cold water. After 15 minutes, take it out, remove the threads, peel off the skin.
  • Cool the tongue and cut into thin slices.

This cut looks very good on a festive table. Its taste will not disappoint you either.

How to cook a salty tongue

  • beef tongue - 1 kg;
  • salt - 0.2 kg;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Wash your tongue by soaking it in cool water. Dry with napkins.
  • Mix salt with spices. Put it in a bag.
  • Place your tongue in a bag of salt. Tie and shake to distribute the salt evenly.
  • Put your tongue in a cool place overnight.
  • Remove, shake off salt. Place in boiling water and cook for two hours. Half an hour before cooking, add spices to your taste to the broth.

How to bake your tongue in the oven

  • beef tongue - 1 kg;
  • sour cream - 50 ml;
  • mustard sauce - 50 ml;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the tongue in a saucepan or slow cooker, cut into large slices.
  • Grind the carrots, finely chop the onion. Stir.
  • Cover the slices of the tongue with the mixture on both sides, leave for half an hour in a cool place.
  • Mix sour cream with mustard.
  • Place each slice of tongue on top of a piece of foil. Spread with sour cream-mustard sauce. Secure the ends of the foil on top.
  • Place on a baking sheet and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

The tongue prepared in this way should be served with a side dish, having previously removed it from the foil. It goes well with mashed potatoes.

How to fry your tongue in breadcrumbs

  • beef tongue - 1.2 kg;
  • chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - 160 g;
  • bread crumbs –160 g;
  • vegetable oil - how much will it take;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Boil your tongue, cut it into slices about half a centimeter thick or slightly more.
  • Sift flour, mix with salt and spices to taste.
  • Beat eggs in a separate bowl.
  • Pour crackers into the third container.
  • Heat the oil in a skillet.
  • Dip each slice first in flour, then in an egg, and finally in bread crumbs. Fry on both sides over medium heat until a delicious crust forms.

Serve the tongue prepared according to this recipe hot, with a side dish of baked vegetables.

How to cook pickled tongue

  • beef tongue - 1 kg;
  • bulgarian pepper - 0.45 kg;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • olive oil - 50 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar (6 percent) - 50 ml;
  • fresh dill - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the tongue, cut it into strips.
  • Combine minced garlic, finely chopped dill, vinegar, oil and soy sauce. Place this mixture in a tight bag.
  • Put the language in the package. Tie and shake well.
  • Send it to the refrigerator for a day.
  • Cut the pepper in half lengthwise, remove the seeds, bake it in the oven (20 minutes), peel it from the foil and cut into strips.
  • Combine pickled tongue with bell pepper.

The result is a spicy snack that you are not ashamed to treat your friends to.

How to make tongue salad

  • boiled beef tongue - 0.4 kg;
  • pickles - 0.2 kg;
  • porcini mushrooms or champignons (fresh) - 0.2 kg;
  • sour cream - 150 g;
  • dry white wine - 20 ml;
  • mustard (sauce) - 10 g;
  • ground black pepper - a pinch;
  • vegetable oil - how much will it take.

Cooking method:

  • Boil the meat offal, cut it into small cubes.
  • Cut the cucumbers into small cubes.
  • Chop the washed and dried mushrooms with a knife, fry them in oil until the liquid released from the mushrooms evaporates from the pan.
  • Combine the tongue with cucumbers and mushrooms.
  • In a separate bowl, whisk sour cream with mustard, wine and pepper. Season the salad with the mixture.

An exquisite appetizer prepared according to this recipe will hardly leave anyone indifferent.

Now that you know how to cook beef tongue deliciously, it will be a frequent guest on your table.

Beef tongue belongs to the first category by-products. It is ranked among the delicacies, since the dishes prepared on its basis are tender and very tasty.

The structure of the tongue is a solid muscle, which is enveloped in a film with a rough surface (see photo). The weight of this offal varies and ranges from 800 to 2.5 kg.

Fresh, smoked, frozen and pickled beef tongue can be found on store shelves.

Beef and pork tongue - how are they different and which one is better?

For a very long time, there have been disputes over what is the difference between beef and pork tongue and which one is better. Let's try to understand this problem and find out which of these two products is much tastier and healthier. The characteristics of the beef tongue are as follows:

  • big size;
  • cooked for a long time;
  • used for cutting on a festive table;
  • delicate taste;
  • very expensive;
  • contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Pork tongue, on the other hand, is small in size and cooks relatively quickly. However, beef tastes better. Pork, like beef tongue, is healthy. However, the former, unlike the latter, does not contain such a mineral substance as zinc.

In addition, the difference between the two offal is that beef tongue has more cholesterol and pork tongue has more fat, so it is much higher in calories. By the way, many nutritionists recommend eating beef tongue, since it is less high in calories.

As you can see, it is difficult to say which language is better - pork or beef. Both offal are good in their own way, so each person chooses at his own discretion what to eat.

How to choose and store?

When buying beef tongue at the market or in a store, it is very important to choose it correctly so that after cooking the taste and appearance of such a delicacy does not disappoint you. So that you can easily cope with the task at hand, follow these recommendations:

  • The language must certainly have a stamp that is put by the sanitary service. This indicates that the product was checked by specialists and does not contain any viruses.
  • When choosing, evaluate the appearance of the product. A fresh tongue should have a slight purple or pink hue. In the first case, it is a symbol of the fact that a lot of iron is included in the composition. If the beef tongue is light pink, then it has already been frozen. The presence of a gray color indicates that the product is already stale.
  • A fresh tongue should have a meaty aroma,if you feel any foreign odors, you can be sure that the product is spoiled.
  • Use a standard dough when choosing a meat product - press down on the offal with your finger. If the tongue is fresh, then it will be elastic and the formed fossa will quickly recover. If the groove remains, then the product was subjected to repeated freezing.
  • It is also worth looking at the slice that stands out when the tongue is cut. The emitted liquid should be clear, otherwise you can be sure that the product will deteriorate. A large amount of juice indicates that the tongue has already been frozen. If you see blood, then the tongue has already deteriorated.

The benefits of beef tongue

The benefits of beef tongue lie in its chemical composition. This by-product is rich in proteins that are important for muscle tissue. They are especially useful for people who are actively involved in sports.

In large quantities, there is iron in the tongue, which improves the composition of the blood and the process of hematopoiesis. It should be included in the diet for anemia, as well as for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

The language should be used by people in the postoperative period.

The by-product is rich in B vitamins, which are important for metabolism and for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

In large quantities, beef tongue contains zinc, which reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and is also useful in the treatment of skin diseases.

The by-product contains vitamin PP, which helps to cope with headaches and insomnia. There are other substances in it that are important for normal life.

It is also worth mentioning the low calorie content of beef tongue, so it can be safely included in your diet if you want to lose weight.

Beef tongue is allowed to be eaten by pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers. The offal can be boiled, stewed and baked. When breastfeeding, doctors advise starting to eat beef tongue only four months after giving birth. For the first time, you need to eat the product quite a bit and monitor the baby's well-being during the day. If no allergic reaction manifests itself, then the offal can continue to be eaten. Experts allow the use of beef tongue no more than twice a week and insist that the rate of the eaten product should not exceed two hundred grams.

For small children, it is recommended to start giving boiled beef tongue only after nine months. First you need to give a taste of half a teaspoon of puree from the tongue, and then you can gradually increase the dose. However, if, after the introduction of a new complementary food, the child has an allergic reaction, it is worth abandoning the offal for a while and contacting a doctor for advice.

With gastritis, beef tongue can be eaten only at the stage of remission, and boiled and in small quantities.

Beef tongue is very useful for increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood. It is recommended to eat at least fifty grams of this offal daily.

After removing the gallbladder, beef tongue is allowed to eat one and a half months after the operation. During the diet, you can cook boiled tongue in jelly.

Beef tongue is considered a dietary by-product, so it can be eaten while losing weight. You just need to remember that during a diet, beef tongue is only allowed to boil. The daily intake should not exceed one hundred and fifty grams, while eating offal is recommended twice a week.

Below is a video on the beneficial properties of beef tongue.

Cooking use

Beef tongue belongs to delicacies, on the basis of which you can prepare real culinary masterpieces. When boiled, it is cut into slices and served as a separate appetizer, and is also used as a basis for aspic. Beef tongue is also used to prepare various salads, snacks, julienne, etc. This offal is best combined with pickled mushrooms, asparagus, pineapples and peas. For a variety of flavors, you can use different sauces, for example, apple or pomegranate. Beef tongue can also be stewed with vegetables or, for example, in sour cream or wine. In addition, there are recipes where this offal is stuffed, baked, fried in breading and batter.

How to cook at home?

To cook beef tongue at home, you first need to prepare the offal. It is required to remove fat from the tongue, remove the hyoid bone, as well as muscle tissue. After that, wash the beef tongue thoroughly under running water to wash off the remnants of blood and mucus. Or you can do another way: lower the offal in water for about one hundred and eighty minutes. Now that the beef tongue is prepared, you can proceed to the cooking stage.

You can cook the beef tongue soft and very tasty using an ordinary enamel pan or slow cooker.

So, to cook the beef tongue soft, you need to pour water into an enamel saucepan and boil. As soon as the liquid boils, you need to lower your tongue into the container. It is also recommended to add lavrushka and black peppercorns. When the water boils again, take out the offal and bay leaf with pepper. Rinse the tongue and put it back in the container with the broth, bringing to a boil. When the broth boils, reduce the heat to a minimum. By the time the beef tongue is cooked in an enamel saucepan for at least three hours.

You can also cook delicious beef tongue in a slow cooker. Making offal in a kitchen appliance is not much different from cooking in an enamel pan. Initially, you need to prepare the language as described above. Then the product must be put into the device and completely covered with water. Add chopped vegetables there (carrots with onions) and turn on the "Stew" mode. Cooking beef tongue in a slow cooker takes about three and a half hours. Fifteen minutes before the end of cooking, the broth must be salted.

You can quickly cook beef tongue in a pressure cooker. This will take no more than forty-five minutes. To do this, put the peeled offal into the device, add fresh vegetables cut into several parts (onion with carrots), add 2/3 tablespoons of salt, as well as spices to taste and completely fill the tongue with water. Close the pressure cooker and set the timer for forty-five minutes. At the end of cooking, the offal must be pierced with a knife. If the cutlery pierces the pulp well, then the tongue is cooked.

To clean the beef tongue after boiling, the offal must be removed from the broth, allowed to cool slightly, and then, starting from the tip of the tongue, gently pull the film. Where the film is difficult to remove, it must be cleaned with a knife. Other culinary experts say that in order to properly clean the beef tongue, the offal must be dipped in very cold water immediately after cooking for exactly sixty seconds. After that, the film from the tongue will be quite easy to remove.

After boiling, the cleaned, cooked beef tongue should be stored in an airtight container to prevent the product from drying out. You can also wrap it in cling foil and put it in the refrigerator. The shelf life of the finished language is no more than two days. Boiled beef tongue can be frozen by cutting it into portioned pieces. It is not recommended to re-freeze the offal after defrosting.

How to cook delicious beef tongue?

You can cook a delicious beef tongue by steaming, frying or stewing in a pan, pickling, smoking or canning.

Steamed beef tongue is prepared according to this recipe. Cut the food foil into large pieces and sprinkle with Italian herbs seasoning on top. Now cut the raw peeled beef tongue into small pieces and put on foil pieces. Then each tongue medallion should be sprinkled with lemon juice, salt to taste, wrapped in foil and put in a double boiler. Steamed beef tongue is cooked for at least one and a half hours. When the offal is cooked, it needs to be peeled.

Before frying the beef tongue in a pan, the product should be boiled. The cooking process is the same as described above. After that, the boiled beef tongue must be peeled, cut into small strips, rolled in flour, then in an egg, and then in bread crumbs. Next, put two tablespoons of melted lard in a preheated pan and fry the pieces of beef tongue until golden brown.

To extinguish the beef tongue, you need to wash the offal, put it in a saucepan, completely fill it with water and boil. As soon as the liquid boils, it is necessary to add carrots and onions to the tongue (you do not need to cut it, just peel it) and boil the ingredients until tender. About twenty minutes before the end of cooking, add two lavrushki, six black peppercorns and three teaspoons of salt to the broth. Then the boiled beef tongue must be cleaned of the film and again lowered into the broth. When the offal has cooled, cut into small pieces and fry in a pan, adding about thirty grams of butter. Now, in another container, it is necessary to extinguish the onion cut into cubes until soft, adding a little decoction in which the tongue was boiled. Then pour the stewed onions to the fried beef tongue, add two teaspoons of tomato paste, a teaspoon of flour (after stirring in a small amount of broth), about two hundred milliliters of broth and a teaspoon of dried basil. Braised beef tongue is cooked for no more than ten minutes.

Beef tongue can be cooked in the oven. Wash the offal thoroughly, put it in a saucepan, fill it completely with water and boil for about five minutes. Then remove the film from the tongue. Grease the beef offal with soy sauce and sunflower oil. Put on a baking sheet covered with foil, rub the beef tongue on top with this mixture: finely chop five garlic cloves and mix with two tablespoons of suneli hops, and add salt and pepper to taste. Now the edges of the foil need to be stapled. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheating it to two hundred degrees. Oven baked beef tongue will be ready in one hour and thirty minutes.

Also, beef tongue can be cooked in the microwave... To do this, rinse the offal, put it in a special container for the device, then put a peeled onion there, in which you need to make several cuts and put a clove bud and a chopped bay leaf there. Now pour two hundred milliliters of white wine into a separate container, add salt and pepper to taste, stirring well. Next, you need to pour the beef tongue with wine, cover the container with the contents with a lid and send it to the microwave for five minutes, choosing the maximum power. After that, switch the power to medium mode, setting the timer for forty minutes. When the beef tongue is ready, the product should be cooled, peeled from the film, cut into small pieces and put on a plate. The liquid in which the tongue was prepared must be filtered with a gauze cloth, and then pour half a glass of cream into it, stirring thoroughly. Pour the prepared sauce on top of the beef tongue.

To make beef tongue Grilled, the offal must first be boiled, then peeled and cut into portions. Before frying the product, the beef tongue must be marinated. To do this, you need a decoction in which the tongue was previously cooked. Add salt, ground black pepper, chopped garlic, red pepper and ground smoked paprika there according to your preference. Dip the beef tongue into the prepared marinade for about one hour. Then fry the offal on the grill.

Beef tongue is very tasty, fried on the grill... First, boil the beef offal, then peel and cut into pieces. Now you need to make a marinade for the beef tongue. Pour fifty milliliters of olive oil into a container, put two lemon slices, add salt and season to your taste. Dip pieces of beef tongue into the resulting marinade for about an hour. While the product is pickling, you need to cut the Bulgarian pepper, two tomatoes and a bulb onion into rings. Then put on a skewer alternately pieces of beef tongue with chopped vegetables and fry on the grill until tender.

Many chefs recommend smoke the beef tongue hot... It is necessary to clean the raw offal and rinse thoroughly. Then rub the tongue abundantly with table salt with spices, as well as a mixture of dried and ground vegetables, which includes celery, garlic, carrots, lavrushka, onions, black pepper and parsley. Put the offal in a container, cover and leave to marinate for forty-eight hours. After the marinating stage, the tongue should be boiled by dipping the product into bubbling water for one hundred and twenty minutes. Then put the chilled boiled beef tongue on a special grill for the smokehouse and smoke for at least sixty minutes.

In addition, beef tongue can preserve for the winter... Put the cleaned and washed product in a deep enamel container, completely fill it with water and boil for two hours. Then put the carrot, onion, garlic, parsley root, peppercorns, bay leaf into the broth and boil again for two hours. Then remove the beef tongue from the broth, remove the film and return the product back to the broth, and then boil for about ten minutes. At the end of cooking, cut the offal into pieces, distribute in glass jars, pour over the broth, cover with lids and boil in a water bath for about thirty minutes, and then preserve.

How and with what to serve?

Cooked beef tongue can be served hot or cold. It is great to serve with potatoes, rice, cheese and vegetables (stewed cabbage, eggplant).

If you serve the offal as a separate appetizer, you will need sauce, horseradish or mustard for it. Beef tongue sauce can be apple, sour cream or creamy mushroom.

To do applesauce, you need to take two ripe apples, wash, peel, remove seeds and cut the fruit into small slices. Now melt a tablespoon of butter in a saucepan, put the chopped onions (about fifty grams will be needed) and fry until the onions become transparent. Then put the apples in a saucepan, pour in two tablespoons of water and simmer over low heat until the fruits become softer. Then the apple-onion mixture should be chopped with a blender, then add a teaspoon of curry, salt and pepper to your taste, pour in one hundred and fifty milliliters of twenty percent cream and simmer for a few more minutes.

For cooking creamy mushroom sauce it is necessary to melt about fifty grams of butter in a frying pan, put fifty grams of chopped onions and fry until transparent. Then put one hundred grams of chopped mushrooms in a pan and fry until all moisture disappears. Then add chopped garlic clove, salt, pepper, five grams of flour, a glass of enough heavy cream and simmer over low heat until the sauce acquires a thicker consistency.

Sour cream sauce is prepared very quickly and easily. In a small bowl, put about one hundred and fifty grams of sour cream (preferably fatter), about seventy grams of pickled cucumbers, which need to be cut into small cubes, thirty grams of chopped green olives, three chopped green onion feathers, pour in a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. When all the ingredients are in one container, the sauce should be mixed thoroughly.

Harm of beef tongue and contraindications

Beef tongue can be harmful if you have an individual intolerance to the product. It is contraindicated to eat this by-product in large quantities, as this can cause the development of problems with the liver and kidneys. Elderly people should limit their use. You need to eat your tongue carefully if you have problems with the thyroid gland, as well as with bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis. It is also worth considering that if various antibiotics and hormones were used when raising an animal, the tongue will only harm the body.

With high cholesterol, pancreatitis, experts do not allow the use of beef tongue.

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