What to cook from cranberries. What can be made from cranberries, compote, jam, cranberries, fruit drink

What to cook with cranberries: salad, sauce, fruit drink, mousse, jam, sweets and cranberry baked goods.

From time immemorial, cranberries were considered a traditionally Russian berry. True, in America and the Scandinavian countries they love her even more than we do. For example, in the USA there is a tradition: for Thanksgiving, many families serve turkey with cranberry sauce, and in Finland they often prepare sweet berry soup with cranberries.

A variety of drinks are prepared from cranberries - fruit drinks, kvass and jelly, delicious desserts - mousses, jellies, sweets, exquisite sauces for poultry, fish and meat dishes. Cranberries are added to salads and various pickles, jams and medicinal preserves are prepared from them.

A separate conversation is baked goods with cranberries. Puff pastry pies, muffins, curd casseroles with small red berries are incredibly delicious and beautiful. A simple, so familiar and loved from childhood delicacy is cranberries in sugar. All desserts with this autumn berry have something special, festive and Christmas. It seems like I just took out a cranberry pie with apple slices from the oven, and its already gone ...

What can be made from cranberries: recipes

Recipe 1. Festive Cranberry Chicken Salad

You will need: 400 g of boiled chicken fillet, 100 g of cranberries and walnuts, 1 bell pepper, 1 stalk of celery, a pinch of sweet paprika, 100 g of mayonnaise, 2 stalks of green onions, spices to taste.

Cut the meat into cubes, celery into strips, bell pepper into small slices. Finely chop the nuts and green onions. Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl, add mayonnaise and spices, mix gently so as not to damage the berries, and refrigerate for an hour. This salad can be stuffed with tomatoes or served on plates decorated with lettuce leaves.

Recipe 2. Cranberry sauce for baked poultry

You will need: 500 g of fresh cranberries, a cinnamon stick, 2 apples, 140 g of powdered sugar, 100 ml of water.

Sort the cranberries and rinse. Peel and core the apples and cut into thin slices. In a saucepan, combine cranberries, apples, powdered sugar with water, add a cinnamon stick and simmer until the apples are soft, the berries pop, and the sauce itself thickens. Remove the cinnamon stick from the finished dish and leave to cool. Excellent sauces are obtained from cranberries with ginger, grapefruit, Dijon mustard and pomegranate.

Recipe 3. Vitamin juice from cranberries

You will need: 1 liter of cold water, honey to taste (about 1-2 tablespoons), 1 glass of cranberries.

Cranberry juice made with honey, without boiling, is an excellent tonic drink, especially useful for people weakened after illness. Sort the berries, rinse, dry on a sieve and mash with a wooden spoon, squeeze the juice, and pour the skins with water and boil. Combine the cooled broth with cranberry juice, add honey and let it brew for 3-4 hours. The berries can be boiled without squeezing the juice, then strain the broth, and add sugar instead of honey, but in this case the fruit drink will turn out to be not as vitamin-rich as in the proposed recipe.

Recipe 4. Cranberry jam with honey

You will need: 1 kg of cranberries, 2 stars of cloves, 1.5 kg of honey, 500 ml of water, a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg.

Make a syrup from honey and water: mix the ingredients and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes. Sort the berries, rinse, pour into honey syrup, add spices, bring to a boil and keep on low heat until thickened. Remove the cloves from the finished jam, arrange in jars and seal with iron lids. The jam made according to this recipe is useful not only as a dessert. It can be served hot, like a sauce for baked poultry - chicken, turkey, duck, goose.

Recipe 5. Cranberry mousse

You will need: 200 g of cranberries, 4 tablespoons of semolina (without a slide), 0.7 liters of water, sugar to taste (about one glass), mint leaves for decoration.

Squeeze the juice from the berries and refrigerate for an hour. Put the cranberry cake in a saucepan, add water and boil for a few minutes. Strain the resulting liquid through a fine strainer, return to the stewpan, let it boil again and gradually pour semolina in a thin stream. Cook over low heat until thickened. Add sugar at the very end and stir until it dissolves. Remove the saucepan from heat, and when the semolina has cooled, pour in the cranberry juice and beat until the mixture doubles in volume. The pot with semolina can be immersed in a slightly larger dish filled with ice water, then the mousse is more airy. Place the finished dessert in the freezer for half an hour, then put it in the bowls and send it to the refrigerator for another 40 minutes.

Recipe 6. Cranberry Nut Pie

You will need: 2 cups of cranberries, 100 g of butter, 1 cup of sugar and flour, half a cup of walnuts, a pinch of salt, 2 eggs, a glass of whipped cream for serving, 1 teaspoon of almond essence.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Grease a baking dish with butter. Chop the nuts finely. Beat eggs lightly. Melt the butter. Combine flour with salt and sugar, add nuts, cranberries and stir so that they are evenly distributed in the flour. In the resulting mixture, add almond essence, beaten eggs and melted butter. Place the dough in the prepared pan and bake for about 40 minutes. Pierce the center of the pie with a toothpick: if it is dry, then you can get it out of the oven. This fragrant dessert is best served warm, with ice cream or whipped cream.

Recipe 7. Brownie with cranberries and cashews

You will need: 200 g of sugar, 100 g each of dried cranberries, cashews, flour, cocoa powder and butter, 2 eggs, a pinch of vanilla sugar or 1 dessert spoon of vanilla extract, a pinch of salt.

Melt the butter, mix well with sugar and cocoa, add beaten eggs, vanilla extract, add salt, flour, add cranberries and nuts. Put the chocolate mass in a square baking dish and place in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. The dough should not rise when baking, so it must be gently mixed with a spatula, and not beaten with a mixer. The combination of cashews, cranberries and chocolate is a win-win. It turns out a delicious chocolate-nut cake with a unique sourness, which the berries give to the sweet dough.

Recipe 8. Vitamin candies with cranberries

You will need: 100 g of dried cranberries, 150 g of dried apricots, a piece of fresh ginger the size of a cherry, 70 g of almonds, 150 g of your favorite chocolate, a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla sugar, corn (nut) crumbs.

Rinse and dry dried fruits. If the dessert is not prepared for children, you can fill them with homemade liqueur for 15 minutes. Grind the almonds in a coffee grinder. Peel the ginger root and, together with dried apricots and cranberries, turn into puree using a blender, add vanilla sugar, almond crumbs, cinnamon and mix everything thoroughly. From the resulting sweet mass, mold balls, send them to solidify in the freezer, and in the meantime, melt the chocolate in a water bath, adding a little water or milk to it. Remove the candies from the freezer, dip each in melted chocolate, use a toothpick to roll in the corn crumb “breading” and place on a nice plate.

Porridge, cocktails, sorbets, ice cream, muffins, baked meat - it is difficult to find such dishes that cranberries are not able to make friends with. Cranberry recipes will diversify your home menu, because these juicy berries with a pleasant sourness can make any culinary masterpiece even more exquisite and appetizing. Delicious cranberry dishes and bon appetit!

Cranberry recipes with photos on the site will help you choose the dish you like from the picture. Cranberry recipes are not limited to fruit drinks and compotes. Cranberry dishes are much more varied. For example, if you add sauce or jam made from cranberries to meat, the dish will acquire a completely new unusual taste. Fresh and dried cranberries are actively used in baking recipes. In Russia, cranberries were called "marsh grapes", but in terms of the content of nutrients, cranberries surpass grapes many times. Cranberries are an excellent source of vitamin C, which our bodies need so much during the season of colds and infections. In addition, the composition of cranberries contains a rather rare vitamin PP, which promotes the absorption of ascorbic acid, and therefore, as a means of increasing immunity, cranberries are almost unrivaled. The berries are unusual in that they are harvested twice a year: in the fall before the snow and in the spring before it melts. The unusually sour taste of the berries will determine their usefulness and healthfulness. Alas, by the time chemists began studying the composition of cranberries, all the names for acids had already been sorted out. The sour taste of the berry is mainly determined by three acids - ursolic, benzoic and chlorogenic. The last two are antiseptics, their presence makes it impossible for cranberry juice to ferment, so we can't see cranberry wine. But jam, jelly, syrup, cranberries in sugar, if desired, can take their rightful place on your table.

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section: Cupcakes

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This cupcake was baked in a slow cooker. It is quite simple and just for lovers of not too sugary pastries with sour splashes of cranberries. The cupcake, after being removed from the multicooker, cracks a little from the top, that is, from the former bottom. It seems that this is generally special.

Good afternoon, dear friends and guests of the site "I am a Selyanochka"! What is delicious to cook with cranberries? Let's prepare delicious desserts today, they are easy to prepare and, which is very important, healthy. There are a lot of desserts, I will write you recipes for only proven dishes.

Children like such desserts very much, you just can't force them to eat fresh berries, and they'll gobble up a portion of the dessert on both cheeks, while receiving a whole complex of vitamins.

Dessert with cream

  • 400 gr of cranberries,
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 250 gr cream
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar.

Suitable for making dessert.

Put the berries in the microwave for 10 minutes, cool slightly, rub through a sieve.

Put the mass in a blender, add sugar and mix. We lay out on bowls, filling in half.

Beat cold cream with sugar with a mixer until a fluffy mass is obtained.

Put the cream on top of the cranberry mass, decorate with a berry or grated chocolate.

The dessert is ready, it turns out very nice and tasty, with sourness.

Cranberry mousse

  • 400 gr of cranberries,
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 5 tablespoons of semolina,
  • 3 glasses of water.

Knead the berries with a crush, squeeze through cheesecloth or rub through a sieve. We put the juice in the refrigerator, and put the cake to cook on the stove.

Boil the cake for 10 minutes and filter. Pour the broth into a saucepan and add sand and semolina.

We put on fire and boil, stirring constantly for 10 minutes.

After an hour, pour the cranberry juice into the semolina broth and beat with a mixer until the volume of the mass doubles.

That's all, the dessert is ready, you can lay out and serve.

Dessert cranberry - curd

  • 250 grams of cranberries
  • 200 grams of sugar
  • 400 g
  • 200 gr of cream.

Any grated nuts for dusting the mold.

Grind the berries with half of the sugar taken in a blender.

Combine cottage cheese with the remaining sugar and beat until fluffy.

Whip the cream separately, set aside some cream to decorate the dessert.

Chill all food thoroughly before whipping.

Combine the cream, cottage cheese and cranberries, mix lightly and place in a mold that can be sprinkled with nuts to set. Place dessert in the freezer for 2 hours.

With cottage cheese and cream

  • 200 gr of cranberries,
  • 200 ml of milk
  • 300 gr of cottage cheese,
  • 200 ml cream
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 20 grams of gelatin.

Soak gelatin in milk for 20 minutes. Grind the cranberries with a blender, adding 100 g of sugar.
Beat cottage cheese, cream and 100 g of sugar with a mixer.

Heat the milk with gelatin, dissolve the gelatin, leave to cool.

Add half of the gelatin to the cranberries, and the second part to the cottage cheese with cream, beat.

First, pour cranberries with gelatin into a bowl, and then carefully pour in cottage cheese with cream and gelatin, it will turn out beautifully, you can experiment. We put to cool in the refrigerator.

Cranberries in powdered sugar

To cook cranberries in powdered sugar, you need fresh eggs, or rather egg white. Before using eggs, wash them thoroughly with soap and water.

  • 1 kg of cranberries
  • 800 gr icing sugar,
  • 2 egg whites.

Beat the egg whites, pour them into the berries, mix and discard in a colander. Let the squirrel drain a little.

Sprinkle the icing sugar on parchment and roll the cranberries in it.

Prepare baking trays with parchment paper in advance, on which you will dry the berries.

After the berries are dry, we put them away for storage, although they will not lie with you for a long time, eat them quickly.

Dear friends, try to make at least one cranberry dessert and you will always be a fan of this dish.

Such desserts will replace sweets and delight you with their delicate taste, diluted with light sourness.

The site "I am a Selyanochka" wishes you good health and good mood! Now you know what can be made from cranberries.

It is very interesting if you cook such desserts, if yes, please share your recipe.

In you will find interesting and delicious apple recipes.

A beautiful undersized shrub grows, which in the beginning of autumn breaks out in hundreds of small rubies. This is a cranberry - a berry rich in all kinds of vitamins and minerals, healthy and just very tasty. The "internal vitamin" world of this berry is incredibly diverse: ascorbic and benzoic acid, citric and cinchona, ursolic and apple, vitamin PP, B (the whole group), K, pectins and glycosides, sugars and much more.


Perhaps it is this rich combination of vitamins and organic substances that allowed cranberries to take a leading place among garden and forest berries. It was her beneficial properties that allowed her to take a pedestal and be known as a natural natural cure for many diseases. For weakened and sick organisms, this berry is simply irreplaceable, obligatory and indicated for all recipes.

However, for an ordinary healthy person, cranberries will not be superfluous in the diet. It raises the immune system, removes harmful substances from the body, helps to fight colds and prevent more dangerous diseases. But few housewives know what can be done with cranberries in order to stock up on medicinal berries for the winter and preserve the benefits hidden by nature inside it. Today we will tell you how to properly harvest this berry and what reserves from it can be preserved for the winter.

Storage without preservation

First, let's figure out what you can do with fresh cranberries besides canning. Our ancestors kept cranberries just in a cold cellar, carefully sorting out and removing rotten berries and drying the good ones. It is recommended to sprinkle the berry in a loose layer so that it is well ventilated. Previously, the berries were stored in senets, scattered right on the floor. But in urban housing conditions, of course, this option will not work. And in this case, you will not have to expect long-term storage. With this method, cranberries tend to wither and dry, which is completely undesirable.


What can you do with cranberries if you have a large freezer? Of course, deep-freeze the berry. This is the second, but most popular way to preserve all the benefits that nature has in this berry. For storage in the freezer, it is better to choose those berries that have already been exposed to frost in natural conditions. As a rule, experienced gardeners wait until the first light frost picks up the cranberries, only after that the berries are picked.

Before freezing, it is recommended to sort out the cranberries, look carefully for rotten spoiled berries. Then rinse, spread thinly on a clean kitchen towel and let dry naturally. After that, we pack the clean and dry berries in bags and put them in the freezer for storage. If you have a very ripe berry, then for freezing it is better to choose not cellophane bags, but a plastic container with a lid.

Frozen berry jam

What can be made from frozen cranberries? There are a lot of options: compotes, juices, fruit drinks, jam and mashed potatoes. But today we will cook amazingly tasty and incredibly healthy cranberry jam. There will be no unnecessary ingredients in its composition. Sugar and berries - that's the whole secret of making a tender, melting in your mouth and amazingly aromatic jam.

The proportions of products in this recipe are 1 * 1, that is, per kilogram of sugar, you will need to take the same mass of berries. Frozen berries should be allowed time to thaw on their own. No microwave ovens!

In a large container with a thick bottom and stacks (it is best to take a cauldron for pilaf), place the berry and add the required amount of granulated sugar. Immerse the blender in the mass and grind until smooth. Next, let's dissolve the sugar by placing the pan on the stove and letting the berry mass simmer over low heat for five to seven minutes.

It remains to remove the container from the heat and, carefully shifting with a spoon, rub the hot berry through a sieve. We no longer need cranberry peels and seeds. As a result, you should have a translucent cranberry jam. When it hardens, it will resemble a malleable aromatic jelly.

Soaked cranberries

If you have large reserves of useful berries, then they can not only be dried or frozen, but also soaked. Since ancient times, people have known what can be made from lingonberries and cranberries. The berries were sorted out, poured into large ones and filled to the brim with icy well water. A heavy load was placed on top and the berry was left alone for a month or two.

Nowadays, of course, no one uses tubs and barrels for storing berries, but there is still a way to soak cranberries. For storage, ordinary glass jars with a capacity of three liters are used. The berry is moved, washed and poured into the jar. Water or special syrup is poured (1 liter of water, a pinch of salt, a spoonful of sugar, 2 cloves, a pinch of cinnamon).

Dried berry

What else can you do with fresh cranberries? Drying is a very popular option. The process is carried out using a special kitchen unit for drying berries, vegetables and mushrooms, or in the old fashioned way - in the oven. To dry the berries in the oven, you must first rinse it, and then boil it for a couple of minutes in boiling water. Next, spread the foil on a baking sheet, sprinkle the berry and send it to the oven for 4-5 hours. Remember that the layer should not be very thick. Every 30-40 minutes the berry must be monitored by turning it over.

When drying is over, do not be ridiculous to remove the berry. At room temperature, it should cool down and “reach” for another 1-2 hours. And after all these manipulations, we put the cranberries in glass jars for storage.

Cranberry compote

If you are a preservation lover and are wondering what you can do with cranberries for the winter, then you will like the option of making compotes. Business is simple, fast and does not require special expenses.

For the classic recipe for cranberry compote, the following set of products is characteristic:

  • Berry - one kilogram.
  • Granulated sugar - 550-650 grams.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.


As with other storage methods, it is recommended to carefully sort the cranberries before boiling the compote, removing the bad berries. We wash them under running water using a colander. Now we put the berries in a saucepan, fill them with water, add sugar and do not turn on the fire, but let them stand. Ten minutes is enough for the cranberries to swell. Now you can turn on the fire and cook the berries for compote. She will quickly give away all the healthy juice contained inside and, therefore, useful substances and vitamins.

As soon as the water began to boil, we timed five minutes. Then we turn off the gas, let the compote cool down a little. During this time, banks can be prepared. It is recommended to rinse them thoroughly with soda, sterilize. If you like berries in compotes, then you can leave them. If not, then take out the cranberries with a slotted spoon, and pour the useful water into the jars and roll up the lids.

What can you do with cranberries if you are a compote lover? There are a lot of options and combinations:


What can you do with cranberries for the winter if you are a lover of sweet preparations? Jam, of course. We offer you to make a very healthy and fortified jam from berries, walnuts and apples. It can be served on the table with pancakes, pancakes, used as a filling for pies, pies, bagels, croissants, sweet pizza, etc.

Required Ingredients

  • Cranberries - 1kg.
  • Two glasses of water.
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.
  • One large green apple.
  • A handful of chopped walnuts.

How to cook

As in the case of making jam, berries for jam need clean, processed, rid of rotten or unripe "brothers". In order for the cranberries to be soft and give away healthy juice faster, they should be blanched in hot water for ten minutes.

While the berry is "resting" in boiling water, prepare the syrup. Pour two glasses of water into a deep saucepan, add sugar and set over medium heat. Bring to a boil, wait for the sugar to dissolve. Remove the heat and add the berry to the pan. Cook over low heat for about ten minutes. This will be enough for the jam to freeze later, and the berry does not lose its useful qualities due to exposure to high temperatures. In the last step of cooking, you can add a few apple slices and a handful of chopped walnuts. Also, lemon zest or even a whole fruit, cut into large pieces, is perfect for such a jam.

What can be made from twisted cranberries?

A very popular recipe is cranberries, ground or ground with sugar. Such a blank will be perfectly stored for a long time, and the berry will not lose its useful qualities, since it will not undergo heat treatment at all.

The recipe will require one kilogram of granulated sugar and the same amount of washed and dried berries. Puree the cranberries. A meat grinder, food processor or blender can help in this process. Twisted cranberries are covered with sugar and left for two hours at room temperature. All that remains is to put it in jars and store it in a refrigerator or cellar.

What can be made from cranberries. Cold preparations

We've already covered a lot about what can be made from cranberries. There are still a lot of recipes in stock. A very quick and healthy preparation made from cranberries and honey. A jar of such a natural medicine will be just a lifesaver in the period of colds. Two or three tablespoons of cranberries with honey for breakfast for tea, and your immune system will say firm no to flu and SARS.

The cooking process in this case is very similar to the previous one, only instead of sugar, honey is added to the twisted cranberries in a ratio of 1/1. You can grind the berry using a blender, gradually adding honey. This will make the mass more homogeneous. We pour it into jars. We put it for storage in the cold.


Another option for harvesting cranberries for the winter is juicing. In this case, the berries must be thoroughly washed. It is recommended to sort them out, rejecting bad cranberries. For cooking, two kilograms of berries and 0.5 liters of water are taken. Pour the berries into the water and, bringing to a boil, turn them off immediately. This is done to soften the cranberries and make it easier and faster to squeeze the juice out of them.

We crush the juice using ordinary gauze. She will quickly separate the cake. Once again, bring the resulting useful liquid to a boil, cook with sugar (to taste) for three to five minutes. We pour the resulting juice into sterilized jars and roll them up with metal lids using a key.


In conclusion, I would like to offer you a healthy and very tasty drink that is obtained from cranberries by fermentation. This is the answer for those who do not know what can be done with cranberries, for those who do not like sweet preserves or jams.

The filling is prepared from 750 g of sugar, a liter of water and a kilogram of berries. The fruits should be kneaded with a spoon or crush, put into a bottle with a narrow neck, pour water and add granulated sugar.

Mix the ingredients in the bottle, wrap it with gauze. We leave the drink for a few days. After 48 hours, after making sure that the fermentation process has started, we put on a medical glove on the neck. We make several holes in it, which will allow the air to come out. In this state, the liqueur "rests" for another 40-45 days. Next, we filter the liquid, removing the berry cake, and pour it into storage containers.

Now you know what blanks can be made from cranberries for the winter. If there is an opportunity to buy this most useful berry on the market or to gather in the nearest forest, then do not neglect this opportunity. It will take you a minimum of cooking time, and the benefits will be enormous.

From time immemorial, cranberries have been considered a traditional Russian berry, they contain zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, provide the body with vitamins A, C, P, K, saturate with energy and give vigor for the whole day.

Cranberries are a healthy product!

It can easily lower blood sugar levels, eyesight will be improved, digestion is guaranteed to be correct. Speaking of cranberry broth, it is a great help to relieve coughs.

In ancient times, even consumption was treated with this broth, considering it a medicine. Nowadays, there is also such a practice, all patients with tuberculosis can feel better health if they consume cranberries daily.

Of course, nothing can compare with this berry in protecting blood vessels, but this is not its only advantage. The antimicrobial properties of cranberries are very high. Coccal infections or intestinal diseases cannot withstand pure cranberry juice.

In cosmetology, cranberry extracts are also often used, since its beneficial effect on the condition of the skin has been noticed. Most often these are masks that contain juicy fruits. They help rejuvenate the skin and can also get rid of pigmentation or other age-related changes.

Fruit drink

You need to take 2 cups of washed cranberries, crush them in a crush, transfer the mixture to a container, add 2 liters of purified water and boil for 10-15 minutes. It is best to use the steam bath method.

After the broth, strain, cool to room temperature, to add freshness to the composition, add honey or sugar to taste. Such a decoction will be indispensable for colds, useful for strengthening the immune system.

Cranberry Chicken Sauce

500 g of fresh cranberries must be sorted out and washed thoroughly, take 2 apples, peeled and cored. Cut the fruit into slices. Prepare a saucepan, add cranberries, apples, 140 g of powdered sugar with a little water, and a cinnamon stick to the container.

Now you need to keep the composition over low heat until the apples become soft and the berries burst. The sauce will become thick at the time of preparation. For storage, you need to put it in the refrigerator.

You need to take 1 kg of cranberries, 2 stars of cloves, 1.5 kg of honey, 500 ml of water, a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg. Now you need to prepare a syrup from honey and water, soak in a water bath for 10 minutes.

Pour peeled and washed berries into honey syrup, add spices and simmer until thickened. Before preserving, cloves must be removed from the finished jam.

Such a product is perfectly stored in a dark place, it can be served both cold and hot, make seasonings, sauces, compotes, diluting the thick consistency with boiled water.

You need to take a mixture of one glass of flour, the same amount of granulated sugar, a pinch of salt, a handful of chopped nuts, dried or fresh cranberries. Beat 2 eggs with a blender, melt separately 150 g of margarine, add a spoonful of Amaretto liqueur or almond essence to the prepared consistency.

Heat the oven to 180 degrees, grease a baking sheet with oil, lay out the workpiece for 40 minutes and bake until golden brown. Garnish the finished cake with fresh berries and whipped cream.

This is a very healthy dish, especially during the seasonal period of acute respiratory diseases. Thanks to cranberries and beekeeping products, you can normalize metabolic processes and get rid of coughs.

How to make winter harvesting? The recipe for this dish is very simple. Rinse and dry the berries on a napkin towel, grind in a blender, add the same amount of honey heated in a water bath.

Transfer the finished composition to sterilized jars, close tightly with lids and put in the refrigerator. Take the drug in a tablespoon 2 hours after eating. It is important not to overdo it in order to avoid an increase in gastric acidity.

Cranberry compote

It is very easy to prepare cranberry compote instead of tea; it is enough to add a handful of berries and sugar or honey to your taste to boiling water. Cool and drink after each meal.

Thus, you can cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, normalize metabolism, improve complexion and get rid of acne.

You need to take 200 g of cranberries, 4 tablespoons of semolina, 0.7 liters of water, sugar, honey to taste, mint leaves for decoration. The cooking process is as follows:

  • squeeze the juice from the berries and refrigerate for 40 minutes;
  • boil the cake for 10 minutes, strain, pour the resulting liquid into a saucepan, add semolina;
  • cook over low heat until thickened;
  • add sugar at the end of cooking, mix the composition thoroughly so that all the lumps dissolve;
  • add cranberry juice and beat until the volume of the mixture doubles;
  • it is better to immerse a pot with semolina in a dish filled with ice water, then the mousse will turn out to be airy;
  • the finished dessert must be sent to the freezer, then put out the composition of the bowl and sent to the refrigerator for 40 minutes.

Good appetite!

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