We develop a child at one year old. We develop a child at one year Development of a boy at one year

After one year old, the most interesting thing begins: almost all the kids are already walking, many even try to talk. As a parent, you have more and more opportunities to interact with your child. Now you play not only the role of a person feeding, washing and lulling the baby, but also as his friend, play partner, educator and teacher. Usually, when a child reaches the age of one, even dads who previously experienced insecurity and confusion are now willingly involved in the upbringing process. Today we will tell you, dear parents, how to properly organize the daily routine and ensure the harmonious development of the child at 1 year and 1 month.

Motor development of the child per year and month

Most toddlers of one year old or a little older are quite confident on their feet, can stand up and walk 10-20 steps to the goal without assistance. Moreover, girls usually try to simplify their task by moving along the furniture and holding onto it with their hands. And boys often sink back to the floor and crawl quickly, because they do it better so far, and so they feel more confident.

If your child at 1 year and 1 month does not yet walk on his own, but at the same time he is absolutely healthy and crawls quickly, try to gently switch him to walking. Lead your baby with two of your index fingers as a support. Lead to interesting objects located at the level of his height so that the child understands: there are many curious things upstairs, and to get to this, you need to walk. Sitting at the other end of the room, call your son or daughter over to you. If the baby crawls, instead of coming up, do not show upset, just step back again, get on all fours, then rise to your feet, encouraging the child to repeat after you. Rejoice when the baby comes up to you and hug him.

Little explorers and conquerors

A child at the age of one year and one month takes a keen interest in his home. He tries to examine everything that comes into his field of vision; often lifts his head up, and if he sees something curious, he seeks to get to the object. Young explorers are quite capable of conquering peaks located at a height of half a meter from the floor: they climb onto chairs, armchairs, sofas and stools. However, going down is always more difficult, so your little "climber", sitting on a chair, may start whimpering and asking for help.

At this age, the child actively explores the properties of all objects that fall into his hands: he feels, tastes, knocks on something, throws it on the floor and looks at the result. The desire of the young researcher to open all the containers, open all the drawers and throw out all the contents with a joyful squeal turns into a real disaster. Picking up scattered items and putting them back is not the best solution. The kid will wait until you turn away, and will repeat his actions with delight, thinking that this is such a game. Better to make most of the boxes in the house inaccessible to the baby. Of course, this primarily applies to boxes with potentially dangerous items.

For any researcher, including such a young one, the concept of a home is very important. Your toddler should wake up and fall asleep in a familiar, safe environment. Frequent travel and spending the night outside the home slows down the development of the child. A sudden change of scenery will disorient the baby. It can even cause sleep disturbances. If you are planning a move, relocation or renovation, be with your child when he wakes up, and gradually introduce him to new objects around.

Speech development of the child at 1 year and 1 month

The entire speech arsenal of a baby over one year old can be roughly divided into passive and active vocabulary. The first dictionary contains those words, the meaning of which is clear to the child, but he does not pronounce them. And the words from the active dictionary are always on his lips: mom, dad, woman, ghoul, byaka and other simplified definitions.

Most parents try to expand the passive vocabulary of their children as much as possible and translate as many words from the passive vocabulary into the active one as possible. This is a great endeavor, but try not to overwhelm your little one with information. In the process of learning, incidents happen: you ask your son or daughter to show you the cat, and he shows you the goat. Do not be upset, the child understood well what you asked him, just at the moment the goat attracts him more, and he wants to show you something really funny and interesting.

Intellectual development of the baby in a year and a month

What does a child understand at this age? He already knows what is edible and what is inedible, what is hard and what is soft, what is dangerously spicy and hot. But this knowledge is not enough to avoid household injuries with absolute certainty, relying on our own experience and intellect. Blocking the child's access to all potentially dangerous objects in the home is the most important task for parents. And whenever a dangerous situation arises in the presence of a child, you need to explain to him how to behave.

For example, a toddler walked over to an ironing board with a hot iron on it. Instead of fearfully grabbing the child by the hand, scolding and dragging aside, calmly demonstrate to him what the danger is: bring your finger to the iron, pretend that you are burned and you are in pain. Then make a protective gesture and warn that the baby will face similar troubles if he touches the iron.

Prohibitions for a child of one year and one month do not apply in principle. If someone tells you that their son or daughter obeys prohibitions at this age unquestioningly, know that the baby is simply afraid. He is afraid of shouting, abuse or punishment. The kid does not understand why he cannot do what is forbidden. You just can't - that's all. This is a very bad way to educate. At this age, only one form of prohibition can be used effectively and without harm to the psyche - the complete closure of access. The child cannot climb into this box - put it on the mezzanine.

As for the punishments, everything is not so simple here either. At the age of one year and a little older, children still do not know how to foresee the consequences of their actions, and do not feel guilty for their bad actions. For example, your son or daughter bit a peer in the heat of the game. What to do? Never shout, scold or send a negative emotional message to your child: you are bad. You need to defiantly feel sorry for the bitten baby. Let your child be aware of what happened, evaluate his action and draw a conclusion. In a year and a month, the intellect is developed enough for this.

You need to react to any child's offense in such a way that he understands: you do not consider him bad, you only condemn his act, and at the same time you do not doubt that he will be corrected. After all, your baby is smart, good, kind and the best in the world. The child should be sure of your love and that he is a treasure for you. Punishments at such a small age are absolutely unacceptable, moreover, they are pointless. If, for example, you put a kid in a corner or deprive him of his favorite toys for breaking a vase, he will draw only one conclusion: my mother suddenly decided that I was bad. A child in a year and a month is not yet able to trace a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the committed misconduct and the punishment for it.

How to organize the day regimen of a 1 year old 1 month old baby

Deep sleep and good nutrition are so important for the baby that it is difficult to overestimate their role. Harmonious physiological and mental development a child can be provided only when he is not worried about life's troubles: he did not sleep enough, rages in his tummy, uncomfortable clothes. Let's discuss in detail the issues of the organization of sleep and nutrition for children of one year and one month.

Restful sleep

Surprisingly, even at this age, "owls" and "larks" are found among babies. The first ones go to bed at 8-9 pm, but already at 4 am they usually wake up their mother and ask for a breast. And the latter can be capricious until 11, but wake up for the first time at about 6 in the morning. Most babies after one year of age still continue to divide night sleep on "two receptions", this is normal. During the day, children of this age also sleep twice, and the sleep lasts at least an hour. In total, babies of 1 year and 1 month spend 12-13 hours a day in their sleep.

There is a debate among experts as to whether it is necessary to plant a child on a potty when he wakes up at night. On the one hand, the sooner you stop using diapers, the better. And on the other hand, many children, after undressing and landing with a warm booty on a cold pot, whine for a long time and cannot fall asleep again. Therefore, many modern mothers regret their peace and the nerves of the child, and do not put him on the potty at night.

Rituals of going to bed and waking up in the morning are very important for your baby. In the evening, he needs to be bathed, or at least washed, changed into clean clothes. Then hold it in your arms, talk affectionately, sing a song, apply it to your chest at will. The room should have a calm atmosphere, subdued light, fresh air, comfortable temperature. It is strongly not recommended to carry the child in your arms around the room and to rock, and put it in the crib only after he falls asleep. Another six months will pass, and your little one will weigh much more, moreover, be capricious for much longer. Going to bed will turn into hours of agony. Pediatricians recommend allowing babies to fall asleep on their own in the crib from birth. It is unacceptable to shake and swing the cradle or stroller with the baby - this upsets the vestibular apparatus and does nothing but harm.

In the morning, as soon as the child wakes up, go up to him and greet him affectionately. Every day should start with your smile, warm hugs and kisses. Then the baby will be in all day good mood... There is no need to immediately "pull" the child out of sleepy state: put on a pot, drag to the bathroom, comb and dress. Give him five minutes to soak in your arms or lie in his crib.

Almost all babies at the age of 1 year and 1 month are still on breastfeeding, but they are already receiving extensive complementary foods: cereals, fruit and vegetable purees, yoghurts and curds, lean meat and fish, best of all, steamed. There are very handy drinking cups that you can teach your baby to use.

Organizing food intake right is not an easy task. It is best to put the child in a special highchair with a feeding table, tie a bib, set a plate, give a spoon, sit next to the kitchen table and also eat. Let your child slowly learn to repeat after you. There will be a lot of "swinishness", but what to do. If the baby gets tired of fighting with food and gets upset, help him and feed him with a spoon.

While eating, the child does not need to be distracted by unnecessary conversations, toys and a working TV. Let him focus. Spooning your baby every time to speed up the process and avoid clutter, it won't be long before he learns to eat on his own. Be sure to praise your baby for eating well. And in any case, do not scold if he is not good at it. Then the child will generally refuse to sit down at the table and start eating.

Full control over the processes of urination and defecation is established by the child only by the age of three. Therefore, do not be very upset about wet pants and sheets. Moreover, there is no need to scold the kid because of them. But it is imperative to praise every time the child goes to the potty. It is also important to form in the baby the correct attitude towards the administration of natural needs.

The pot should not stand in the middle of the living room or change its place every five minutes. Place it in the closet or behind the crib. Let the child, firstly, know where his pot is, and secondly, understand that the process of emptying the intestines or Bladder Is an intimate process. Parents do not pee in the middle of the room, and do not go around the house without pants.

How to play with a baby at 1 year 1 month

Most of all in the world, a baby at this age is interested in those objects with which his parents constantly interact: kitchen utensils, mobile phone, computer, TV remote control and so on. He loves to copy your actions: "call", cook porridge, feed the doll with this porridge. Provide him with his own, toys, utensils, a telephone, as well as dolls and animals. It is important to choose the right toys for a one year old and one month old baby.

All toys must be made from environmentally friendly and safe materials. A minimum of sharp corners, synthetic fur and hair. Toys should not contain small parts that can get into Airways... A small doll is needed for any child at this age: both a boy and a girl. It should be a baby doll, that is, an imitation of a baby, made of soft rubber plastic, with moving limbs and a hairless head. Doll clothes are very simple - a hat, jacket and pants that your child can take off and put on himself.

In addition to the doll, a baby at the age of one year and one month should have at least a dozen different toys in the form of animals, birds and fish. As for cars, only large, reliable trucks and dump trucks are suitable, on which you can roll a doll or a bear. Small cars are dangerous: a child can step on them, break off a part and swallow it.

It is worth paying special attention to educational toys: cubes, pyramids, nesting dolls, various boards with figured holes, into which you need to insert a suitable object. Be patient in showing your toddler how to play with them. Praise every achievement.

Educational games for children 1 year 1 month

    We teach the child to distinguish colors. Take a set of colored paper, spread the sheets on the floor, and place objects and toys of the corresponding colors on them, pronouncing the name of each color. Then remove the toys, play with them with your child and invite him to arrange the objects by color again.

    We create an idea of ​​the size and shape of objects. You will need several boxes of different sizes. Use small carton boxes, packs of juice, boxes of perfumery and cosmetics. Fold the boxes one into the other, and then disassemble the structure and invite the baby to fold everything again. Soon he will realize that the largest box should be taken first. You can also cut curly holes in the bottom and ask your child to insert the pieces into place.

    We join nature. Be sure to take your child out every day, weather permitting. In the summer, let him walk barefoot on the grass, tinker in the sand, swim with you in a river or lake. Let the baby listen to birdsong, observe butterflies and beetles, and collect beautiful flowers. Talk about all natural phenomena and objects that the child encounters, this will significantly accelerate his development.

    We develop fine motor skills. Get a plastic jar with smooth, smooth edges and a few clothespins (large enough and not too tight). Show your toddler how to put the clothespin on the edge of the can. Let him try to repeat after you. This simple fun is a delight for children as young as one year and one month old, and it is also great for developing fine motor skills.

    We introduce the child to his own body. Sit in front of the child and touch different parts of your body, commenting on this: “I'm touching my nose, can you do that? Where is your nose? " Be sure to name each body part several times. Then reinforce the success: again ask the baby to touch the nose, arms, legs, abdomen, and so on.

    We develop creativity. Try together with your son or daughter to make light cubes from small packets of juice (the so-called tetra packets). Cut off the tops, stuff the cubes with crumpled newspaper, then put the tops back in place and tape over the cubes. You can go further - paint them or paste over with colored paper, draw funny faces.

    Teaching the child to take care of others. To do this, you will need a doll or other favorite toy of your child - a bear, a bunny, a pig. Ask your baby to look after her. Tell her that she wants to eat, that she needs to be put to bed. Have the child repeat all the same actions that you do when caring for him. Such games develop in children a sense of their own worth, independence and responsibility.

    Another game that helps the kid understand the concepts of size and shape. Take a large box and separate many compartments of various shapes and sizes inside it: rectangular, square, triangular, round. Collect a lot of objects and toys, and together with your baby try to place them in the compartments as efficiently as possible. Then take everything out and invite your child to complete the impromptu package on their own.

    We teach the child to imitate. Take the baby to a large mirror, stand next to him and start making faces: sad, funny, offended, surprised, and so on. Let your son or daughter watch you and try to repeat. Then begin to perform simple actions: wave your hand in greeting, whirl, clap your hands. Comment on your gestures, for example: “This is how Mom says hello. And how does my baby say hello, show me? "

    How to teach your toddler to play with other children and share their toys? Try this game. Sit in front of the child and give him an interesting object or toy with the words: "Take, please." After he has considered new item, will carefully study it, play around, stretch out your hand and ask: "Please bring it back." Praise and kiss your baby. If he refuses to return the thing, after a while ask again, calmly and affectionately. Immediately after the child fulfills the request, give him a new interesting object, and repeat the game from the beginning.

Education: Diploma in the specialty "General Medicine" received at the Volgograd State Medical University. A specialist certificate was immediately received in 2014.

Closer to 1 year, the child's attitude towards the people around him changes. The child gradually begins to understand that he can influence them, and actively uses this. During the game, the baby often begins to play naughty. He unexpectedly hands his mom a cookie. And as soon as she is about to bite off a piece, the baby pulls his hand and laughs. The child begins to imitate adults, which indicates his ability to analyze their behavior.

Close observation of the one-year-old gives reason to think that imagination is also inherent in his behavior, which is mainly imitative: if today the mother, singing a lullaby, rocks the doll, the next evening the child will do the same. Although the baby is able to pronounce only a few words, he has become much better at understanding their meaning. In the speech stream, the child learned to distinguish between individual words and sentences.

It's time to start reading with your beloved child. Try to choose books for your child with sturdy, smooth pages, vibrant drawings, and interesting content. At first, the child will play with the book, like with any other toy, pull the pages, twirl in different directions, knock on the floor. Only after a thorough and similar examination of the book will the child be able to concentrate on its content.

When choosing toy books that form a transition zone from the world of toys to the world of books, give preference to publications with playful elements, beautiful pictures, and literate and understandable crumbs of text. Try to read your baby by sitting next to him on the floor so that he can look you in the face and see the book at the same time. If you put your child on your lap, he may not like the fact that he does not see your face.

Understanding your child

Your son or daughter is becoming more and more interested in the names of objects. Once in the store with your baby, show him some products and tell him what they are called (for example, milk, bananas, bread, cookies). An important feature of this month is the fact that your little one is increasingly beginning to distinguish in the speech of those around him words denoting actions. When you sing, the child tries to gesture with what the song is talking about.

The kid is becoming more and more sociable. He willingly meets new people. And although mom and dad are not in danger of competition, the child welcomes familiar adults with special enthusiasm. Most often, the toddler expresses his good attitude towards them by holding out toys to them. Now, showing more and more activity in communication with others, the child constantly strives to be in the center of events. When family and friends gather at the table, he definitely needs to be right there.

By the end of 1 year of life, a child often has sleep problems that may disappear and then reappear. When the parents are ready to fall asleep at night, the baby suddenly starts to demand something again, and the sleep of adults is interrupted. If your child wakes up at night, and you, changing his clothes or giving him a drink, still cannot calm him down, take the baby to your bed. However, don't make it a habit. You can find another way out - to stay close to the baby's crib and try to rock him, gently stroking and humming a lullaby.

Motor skills of a child at 1 year old

Although your little one has just learned to walk by moving around, they can do other things as well. He will be able to walk and push, walk and pull, walk and carry toys, etc. If there is an older brother or sister nearby, the child willingly, imitating them, will do gymnastics. He will bend over. He will rest his head on the floor, and from this position will look at others with interest, while waiting for their approval.

The toddler learned to throw objects and now trains at every opportunity. Sometimes he does it just for fun, and sometimes he wants to know where the ball will roll. Enthusiastic, the year-old will carefully observe how the ball bounces off the wall or how it rolls through the bedroom door and rolls under the bed.

Each baby is individual, and the pace of development for all children is also very different. Some skills may be ahead of the norms given in the table, while others, on the contrary, may lag behind. Nevertheless, the delay in the development of a child for a long time or in many parameters at once should serve as a signal that increased attention should be paid to his development.

1 month
  • Eye movements become coordinated, the child fixes his gaze on bright objects and the face of an adult.
  • A harsh sound causes flinching and flashing; auditory concentration is outlined.
  • The kid begins to make some kind of vague sounds; a smile appears in response to an adult's conversation; the scream takes on some emotional connotation.
  • Attempts to keep the head straight with an upright body position are successful for the child for a few seconds.
  • Lying on his stomach, he tries to raise and hold his head.
  • Stretches.
  • Legs supported under the armpits.
  • The crawling phenomenon and the tonic reflex of the hands are kept.
  • Sleeps about 20 hours a day.
2 months
  • The ability of visual and auditory concentration is clearly revealed; the child follows a moving object with his eyes much better, turns his head to a human voice, stops sucking when showing him a bright object.
  • Examines the toys hanging above him (above the chest at a distance of 50-70 cm).
  • The baby raises his head well and, when lying on his stomach, raises his chest; holds the head in an upright position for 1-1.5 minutes; supported under the arms, stands for a long time without bending the legs.
  • The crawling symptom and the tonic reflex of the hands disappear.
  • Emotional reactions become more diverse: the baby smiles in response to a smile, conversation, slowdown, etc .; hums more definitely.
  • Begins to hold objects with his whole hand. Thus, motor reactions acquire some expediency.
3 months
  • The child visually concentrates and follows the subject, being in an upright position for more long time- 5-6 minutes.
  • Clearly catches the direction of the sound, turning his head towards the latter.
  • The previously observed "random search" of the mother's breast by the mouth is replaced by the opening of the mouth when approaching the breast, at the sight of a bottle or a spoon (conditioned reflex).
  • In response to an adult's conversation with him, he shows joy: with a smile, lively movements of the arms and legs, sounds (animation complex).
  • Accidentally bumps into a toy hanging low over his chest.
  • Supported under the armpits, rests firmly on the legs bent in hip joint, into a hard surface.
  • Lying on his stomach, the baby raises his torso, leaning on his elbows and forearms; sits with support for the pelvis; rolls over from back to side; holds his head freely.
  • Hand movements become free and expedient: he pulls objects into his mouth, feels the diaper, reaches for toys, etc.
  • The child sometimes recognizes the mother.
  • Laughs in a good mood and screams displeasure if he is left alone or put to bed when he does not want to sleep.
  • The humming becomes diversified.
  • Musical sounds evoke positive emotions in the baby.
4 months
  • Lying on his stomach, the child follows a moving object well, feels the mother's breast, reacts with his behavior to an unfamiliar face.
  • Holds the bottle or the mother's breast with her hands during feeding.
  • During wakefulness, he often smiles, makes loud sounds, moves a lot (revitalization complex).
  • Laughs out loud when played with him.
  • Physiological hypertension of the leg muscles disappears.
  • The movements become more differentiated and freer: rising on the hands, the baby rests only on the palms; turns from back to stomach; makes a "bridge"; grabs, strokes and holds objects.
  • Examines, feels and grabs toys hanging over his chest.
  • The humming becomes longer, melodious and guttural sounds appear.
  • Displeasure is expressed by whimpering.
5 months
  • The child knows the mother very well, reacts differently to familiar and strange faces, does not take someone else's breasts, confidently grabs objects and pulls them into his mouth.
  • Distinguishes the tone with which it is addressed.
  • During wakefulness, he hums melodiously for a long time.
  • The kid sits well, holding onto something with his hands, but when sitting, his back may be very bent (a "jackknife" symptom).
  • Taken under the arms, the child stands straight without bending the legs; makes attempts to pull off the diaper thrown over his face.
  • Holds one object in each hand for at least 20-30 seconds.
6 months
  • The child rolls over from his stomach to his back, sits without support, tries to crawl on all fours, rises on his legs while pulling his hands; supported by the chest, makes the first attempts to step over.
  • Grabs objects with one hand, waves a rattle, picks up a toy that has fallen out of his hands, throws the diaper off his face.
  • Emotional manifestations are more varied.
  • The first attempts to pronounce syllables - "ba", "ma", etc.
  • Eats well from a spoon, removing food with his lips.
7 months
  • The child reaches for his reflection in the mirror.
  • He picks up and pulls into his mouth the bottle that fell out during feeding.
  • Rises to all fours; crawls; sits on his own; kneels, clinging to the arena net with his hands; supported under the armpits, stepping well.
  • Movements become more purposeful.
  • The kid shifts the object from hand to hand, taps the toy on the toy, etc.
  • Many movements have a very definite emotional connotation: the child stretches from hand to hand, stretches out his hands to his mother and acquaintances.
  • Repetitions of syllables appear - "ba-ba-ba", "ma-ma-ma", etc.
  • To the question "where?" seeks and finds with a glance an object (repeatedly named and constantly located in a certain place).
8 months
  • The child is interested in his reflection in the mirror, smiles at him, looks for the necessary object with his gaze, expresses surprise and interest in mimicry at the sight of new objects.
  • He already sits down on his own and lies down from a sitting position; gets up, clinging to the barrier.
  • Stands, held by one handle; supported by both hands and clinging to the back of the bed, makes attempts to walk.
  • At the request of an adult, he performs the movements learned with him ("okay", "goodbye", "give me a handle", etc.).
  • During wakefulness, he is engaged with toys for a long time.
  • He eats a crouton that he himself holds in his hand; drinks from a cup held by an adult.
9 months
  • The kid is looking for a thing hidden under a diaper or a fallen object; makes attempts to stand unsupported and move from one piece of furniture to another, lightly holding onto them with his hands.
  • Walks well, supported by both hands; sits down from vertical position; kneels down.
  • For a child at this age, some elementary movements are available: collects small objects, takes cubes out of the box; monitors the falling of thrown objects; clicks her tongue, trying to attract the attention of an adult, etc.
  • Imitates an adult - repeats syllables after him.
  • To the question "where?" searches for several familiar objects, regardless of their location.
  • Knows his name - turns to the call.
  • He handles objects differently depending on their properties: rolls a ball, takes one object out of another, squeezes and unclenches a rubber toy.
  • He drinks well from a cup held by an adult, and himself lightly holds it with his hands.
10 months
  • The child stands and rises without support; walks well along the support and tries to walk with one handle; imitates the movements of adults; opens and closes the doors; takes small objects with two fingers; does not give away the toy taken from him, etc.
  • The kid calls different objects as separate, but always the same syllables, for example, a dog - "av", a cow - "mu", etc .; pronounces the lightest words - "mama", "baba"; fulfills simple requirements; understands the prohibition.
  • He enters the ladder (3-4 steps) holding onto the railing.
11 months
  • Uses the first designation words ("av-av", "kis-kis", "give").
  • Some words in the speech of an adult begin to acquire a generalized character (to the question "where is the kitty?" Brings and gives a plush, fur, rubber toy-cat).
  • At the suggestion of an adult, he performs learned actions with plot toys (shake the lyalu, show the kitty's eyes).
  • Mastering new actions with objects: putting one cube on top of another, disassembling and assembling the pyramid.
  • Stands alone.
  • Tries to remove the sock; squats without support; bends down when lifting an object without squatting; walks the hand well.
12 months
  • Easily imitates new syllables, uses about 10 words.
  • Increases the stock of understandable words, understands by word (without gesture) the names of several objects, learned actions, and knows the names of several adults and children (where is mom? Where is Tanya? How does Lala dance? Feed the kitty, etc.).
  • Indicates body parts, performs a large number of requirements.
  • He walks independently (gets up, walks, sits down - everything independently and not from object to object).
  • Drinks from a cup, holds it himself.

Time flies by ... Your baby was born quite recently, so small and helpless. And now you cannot recognize him - he has radically changed, now it is no longer a helpless, constantly crying lump, completely and completely dependent on adults, but an independent person who has his own desires, habits, shows his individuality, his character.

Child development at 1 year

Most one-year-olds can walk with a support or on their own. But despite this, they can still continue to actively crawl on all fours. A child at 1 year old can easily sit down, sit down, get up on his own. At this age, his mobility and curiosity increases - he easily climbs hills (sofa, steps), walks through rooms, opens cabinets, rummages in them, looking at their contents with great pleasure. He really likes to dance or sway from side to side to his favorite music.

The baby continues to master gestures - imitating the actions of adults, blowing kisses, kissing, blowing hot, waving a pen while, nodding "no" or "yes".

Every day the toddler is becoming more and more independent. He tries to eat with a spoon and drink from a mug, though he does not always get it neatly.

He learned to throw objects and now does it at every opportunity. He knows how to scoop up water in the bathroom with a cup, takes off / puts on beads over his head, strikes with pencils. Fulfills simple requests - “bring”, “take”, “give”, “close”, “open”, “take”. Submits to the words "you can", "you can not."

The toddler confidently takes objects, gives them to adults. With one hand can take two small objects, and with two - a handful. From several cubes he can build a turret, put rings on a stick. He really likes to play with various boxes - he opens and closes the lid, puts small toys in them and puts them back.

A child wants to learn new sounds every year - knocks on a chair, glass, plate with a spoon. He can experiment with his voice - screams, mutters, sings. The toddler enjoys his favorite toys, fun games with adults, the arrival loved one... He can look inquiringly at an adult in difficulty, in an unfamiliar situation. He recognizes a loved one in the photo, smiles and points with a finger. Frightened by the society of strangers.

By the time the child is one year old, about 8 teeth should erupt - 4 central incisors each from below and from above. In some babies, molars may begin to erupt.

For many children, behavior changes at this stage of development, often not for the better. They are experiencing a crisis in the first year of life, which manifests itself in disobedience, stubbornness, whims. The child becomes emotionally agitated - crying and screaming for any reason. In this case, you should have a lot of patience and wait for this period to pass. Spanking, screaming and swearing is useless. It is necessary to reassure the baby by hugging, shaking, distracting with a book or some kind of toy.

At this age, you can already begin to potty train your baby. Acquaintance with the pot must be carried out after eating, sleeping, before a walk, every hour and a half. Soon he will develop a habit and he will inform himself, in a convenient way, what he needs to go to the toilet - by antics, in a word, with a certain sound or gesture.

Baby's height and weight at 1 year old

The indicators of one-year-old children are on average:

Speech development

Most children at this age can speak several simple words- "mom", "dad", "baba", "yum", "bb", "av-av", "nya", "give", "no", "dya". At the same time, the passive vocabulary theirs is great. The kid knows the names of almost all objects and toys that are present every day in his environment. He still cannot say their names, but he can bring / show this or that object.

In order for the development of the child's speech to go in full swing, you need to regularly play finger games with him, read books, talk about everything around him, not only at home, but also on walks. And soon the baby will speak.

Do not be upset if a child at 1 year old has not yet begun to speak. He will definitely do it, only a little later. All children develop individually and you should not expect the same results from them. Much depends on hereditary factors, temperament, individual characteristics.

Day regimen and sleep

Usually, the daily routine of many one-year-old toddlers changes. Now they sleep once during the day for 2-2.5 hours, approximately from 14:00 to 16:30. In this regard, it will simply not be possible to observe a 5-time meal plan. Now the child will eat 4 times a day: 09:00 - breakfast, 13:00 - lunch, 17:00 - afternoon tea, 20:00 - dinner.

If the child's daily regimen has not been changed (he still sleeps 2 times during the day), then the diet remains the same - 5 times a day.


At 1 year old, a child continues to eat food in a puree and finely chopped form. He should already be familiar with products such as eggs, pasta, cereals (oat, buckwheat, rice, millet, corn), lean meats, fish, vegetables (zucchini, potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumber, tomato), fruits (apple, pear, banana, peach, plum, apricot), bread, croutons, cookies, butter / vegetable oil, dairy and fermented milk products (cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, baby kefir and milk) , herbs (dill, parsley). Various berries (cherries, currants, raspberries, strawberries) are boiled (compote, jelly).

All food is still cooked boiled, stewed, or steamed.

Child's menu at 1 year old

  • 09:00 - milk porridge, egg, bread, juice ( breast milk),
  • 13:00 - soup, vegetable salad (mashed cucumber with tomato, seasoned with sour cream), bread, tea,
  • 17:00 - cottage cheese, fruit puree, cookies, juice,
  • 20:00 - mashed potatoes, meat or fish cutlets, tea,
  • 22:00 - breast milk or kefir.
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Young parents often ask themselves the question: what can children do at 1 year old? When the first child is born, mom and dad also learn new things, like their baby. The first year of life is extremely important for the family, because during this period a new personality is being formed.

And now the time has come when the baby is one year old, he has already become an independent, understanding little man. He has more and more desire to learn something new.

At this stage, it is important to know what the child should be able to do. 1 year is the time when it is not too late to turn to specialists if the baby has developmental problems.

Child's height

At this age, the growth and weight of the baby increase unevenly - about 100-300 grams and 1-1.2 cm per month. The proportions of the body gradually change: the arms and legs are lengthened, the tummy becomes flat. During this period, children are all different, someone weighs a lot, someone does not. The main thing is to monitor the stable development of the child.

Doctors' weight norms for babies: boys - 8.9-11.6 kg, girls - 8.5-10.8 kg. The growth of both sexes is 71.4-79.7 cm.

Kid's speech

A child can already speak about 10 simple words in the first year of life. 1 year is just the beginning of the baby's spoken language. Typically, a child's speech is associated with emotions. He often communicates with himself, communicates with adults with gestures, showing what he needs.

At this age, the child already distinguishes "can" from "not", understands when they praise and scold. On an intuitive level, he is aware of everyday words.

Also, the baby learns to imitate sounds, movements, repeating words for adults with the desired intonation. Therefore, it is very important not to use swear words with a baby, so that the child does not remember and use them later in his speech. It is also worth excluding the clarification of the relationship with the child so that the baby does not learn to experience negative emotions at that age.

The kid may not say exactly what is happening. He continues to babble, add syllables.

Normal development of a child is considered if he has a certain vocabulary, points to objects that are called to him, gives any things upon request.

In a year, the baby acquires perceives simple melodies. Putting music to him every day, you can form a musical taste.

Baby stubbornness

The child begins to show his independence, tries to insist, if he fails, is able to arrange a tantrum with tears and rolling on the floor. At this point, you need to help the baby cope with negative emotions, but in no case should the situation escalate. - a very crucial period in which special attention should be paid to the development of the child's psyche. Calm down the baby, tell him that you understand his feelings, explain calmly how he needs to behave.

Let your baby feel independent more often. It is also very important that the child has the opportunity to choose, it does not matter if he chooses food for an afternoon snack, clothes for a walk or a toy in the store. It is important for a baby to feel that his opinion is taken into account.

It is necessary to constantly observe what children can do at 1 year old, since each new step is real happiness for parents, and everyone wants to remember for a lifetime how the baby makes his first attempts to learn about the world.

Baby movement

What children at 1 year old can do is move confidently, leaning on objects, some even walk on their own. In six months the kids will be running.

The kid wants to know all the places in the house that were previously inaccessible to him, he walks through all the rooms, climbs on sofas, crawls under the table, climbs into cabinets and other furniture that comes his way. During this period, it is better to teach the child to useful things: to collect the pyramid, feed the animals, open the nesting doll. The kid is interested in everything, so he will repeat your every action.

The child can already climb into new places using a chair. With the advent of more opportunities, the baby explores the world around him with genuine interest.

At one year old, children especially love toys that can be rolled in front of them, so you can buy a ball or a stroller.

Provide your baby with a safe place to be physically active and play. To store toys, you can use boxes on wheels, which the child can move independently.

If a child at this age has not gone, then you should not be upset, you should also not assume that he is lagging behind in development. It is better to pay attention to massage and gymnastics so that the baby's joints are flexible.

What children can do at 1 year old depends to a large extent on temperament. Some are mobile, while others are calmer and do not strive to stand on their feet at all costs.

There is an opinion that if you constantly carry a child in your arms, he will go later than usual. However, scientists have proven that this is not at all the case, and there is no connection here.

What a child can do at 1 year old is a relative concept, since all babies develop at different rates. Just be with the child during this period and help him in learning about the world around him.


Children of one year old are still reluctant to make contact, they are not ready for socialization. They can be capricious, being with strangers, or show unwillingness to play with other children. The baby develops a sense of ownership, he defends his territory, does not want to share toys and parents' attention with anyone.

Household skills

The kid is already gradually beginning to adapt to life and begins to learn to hold a mug and drink from it. A child (1 year old) can chew and can already hold a spoon, is quite capable of pricking food on a fork. When dressing / undressing, the baby can already lift the arms and legs, helping the mother. When washing, pulls the handles to the water.

What a child should know

The kid is already learning to think ahead about what to do in order to achieve his goal. This mainly concerns the desire to get an object from a height. In order for the kid to independently learn to climb the ledges and get the necessary things, you should put a bench in his room so that he himself can push it where needed and get the necessary things.

It is necessary to pay attention to the development of the child's vision. For this, the method of color stimulation is used. Use colorful toys, pictures, clothes of bright colors.

The kids really like to play with "nesting dolls", and not necessarily with dolls, you can use boxes of different sizes. As a reward, place a cookie or any other treat in the very last box.

Children begin to feel a craving for art, so to play, the child needs crayons or pencils. In this case, the child (1 year old) will demonstrate natural development for his age. The kid should be able to draw the simplest images.

To help him learn new words faster, introduce the child to them both during the game and while swimming, eating, walking. Describe tastes and smells, name the colors of objects around. Take your child to the store and name the products so that the child can hear new words.

Kid's whims

In the process of psycho-emotional development, the baby understands how to behave with by different people... The attitude towards mom and dad, other children is becoming different. The following tendency can be traced: how worse child knows a person, the more educated he behaves with him.

As a rule, the baby and his mother behave capriciously, they can stomp their feet, express dissatisfaction. So he checks if his mom is in love with anyone. If you accept the child as he is, then he will soon calm down and begin to behave normally, if you do not accept, then such tests can last a lifetime.

Cognitive development

By providing the baby with some toys, you can track how it develops.

At one year old, the baby can already remove and string 3-4 rings on the pyramid on his own or repeating for an adult.

If you show your child various actions with toys, he will remember them and try to repeat them. So, for example, he will be able to place a cube on another cube, open and close the lids.

Also, the baby can choose one toy and feed it, comb it, put it to bed.

In many ways, what your child can do at 1 year old depends on his abilities and the efforts of his parents.

Baby care

At one year old, the baby just needs constant exercise stress, so it is worth providing him with all the conditions for walking, crawling, running, jumping without restrictions.

The baby becomes more active, so you will have to spend more water treatments... He enjoys exploring new world, can pull the earth into his mouth, touch animals, splash in a puddle. After bathing, check the condition of the baby's skin, use moisturizers and, if necessary, remedies for prickly heat.

As the child learns to walk and run, bruises and bruises will develop. Do not worry about this, the baby will soon learn to move. In the meantime, it is worth stocking up on plaster and disinfectants.

The hair of the child is also worth looking after. To teach your baby how to use a comb, show him how to do it on a doll. The child will happily brush the doll, and then the parents. Many babies are afraid of scissors, believing that cutting a hair is painful. In the same way, you can demonstrate this process on a doll.

And, of course, you definitely need to visit the doctor often and get tested to make sure that everything is in order with the baby.

Children are the flowers of life. Having a baby in the house is a great joy, because watching your child grow up, become a conscious inhabitant of this planet is unforgettable. A lot depends on the parents in the first years of a child's life. Giving your baby love and care, you are able to bring up a harmonious personality with the right attitude to life.

It is very important to direct the baby on the right path. Of course, he has an instinctive sense of how to do something right. However, he cannot always cope on his own. Help the kid in all endeavors, teach him.

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