Mollusk "Marine Angel": appearance. Sea angels and sea devils What is called mollusk feed on molluscs

Traditionally, on Saturdays, we publish for you answers to the quiz in the "Question - Answer" format. We have the most different questions, both quite complicated. Quiz is very interesting and quite popular, we simply help you test your knowledge and make sure that you have chosen the right answer option, out of four offered. And we have another question in the quiz - What is the name of the mollusk eating with other mollusks - sea hell?

  • A. Marine Angel
  • B. Sea Devil
  • C. Sea Wolf
  • D. Marine Vampire

Right answer A. Marine Angel

Sea angels

Round mollusk - Marine Angel (CLIONE LIMACINA). Predator, he has 6 tentacles with sharp hooks. It feeds the sea angel, of course, marine hells. If you consider the World of Moloys, the marine angel is a very voracious predator and feeds in the main marine. The devil has a fragile transparent sink, in which he is drawn, feeling danger, and slowly falls on the bottom. Only this does not help him: the marine angel attacks him, throwing his tentacles, pulls his prey to his mouth, destroys the fragile shell - and here in the transparent body of the predator can already be considered the remains of the victim.
Only in one case, sea angels are not touched during the storm.

When the sea is restless, both those and other clams are lowered in depth, and there the angels behave peacefully, although they are starving at the same time. CLIONE LIMACINA, or the sea angel is a mollusk's chicken-legged, essentially a snail shell, which went to free swimming. The sea angel is one of the most beautiful swimmers I have seen. The movements of the wings that he performs most of all resemble strongly slow stirmers of the butterfly wings. Watch how the sea angel is slowly floating, and smoothly firmingly, changes its course, you can by hours. It is predominantly the inhabitants of the cold seas, in warm types of small and unbroken, and the two largest, CLIONE LIMACINA and CLIONE Antarctica, reach as much as 5cm. We can not meet the maritime angel every day, but in general, they come across. It also happens that they form gigantic clusters - calculated today record - about 300 individuals in a cubic meter of water. I would like to look at it) But the juice is that the maritime angels feed on other glooping mollusks - the sea helles (Thecosomata subvercarma), which do not look as cool). With the hunt of the angel on the line, the first of the tank is put forward by the clarity of the tentacles (in folded form - orange tubercles in the photo), which he, as in the trap, catches the devil. Moreover, all his slowness of the WMIG disappears and the angel shows such speed records, which did not dream of other mollusks (not counting the charts, of course :)). Nobody eats especially the angel itself, as they produce some special molecule that makes them inedible. Such a curious beast.

There are many amazing living beings in the world, one of which are mollusks. Changage, living in the depths of the World Ocean, have appearance of both alien creatures. Separate class representatives can become excellent "exhibits" for fantastic films.


"Mollusca" translated from Latin means "soft". Soft-water animals belong to the group of invertebrates - primary. The fact is that their oral hole is formed at the site of blastopore - the mouth generated by the embryo, and the mesoderma from which the data organs develops, consists of 2 mesosoblasts. These amazing creatures belong to the section of the multicellular - Protostomia, and the bilateral-symmetric subsection - Bilateria.

There are 2 scientific facts of the origin of mollusks:

  • from the ringed worms. If briefly, the arguments of the supporters of the theory are: in some lower forms of this class there is a nervous system of flight type, spiral crushing and characteristic features of the organization, characteristic of the worms;
  • from flat worms. In confirmation of the theory, scientists consider the presence in the nervous system of soft-flowed 4 nerve trunks (both lateral and abdominal).

Note! The first hypothesis of the origin of Mollusca looks more convincing, but at present it has not been presented with evidence of its unambiguity.

Or as it is also called - North Clion, on the Latin "CLIONE LIMACINA", the stunning beauty of the buchenogo "Angel". This is a predatory sea snail living in the icy waters of both hemispheres. Adults are confidently feeling at a depth of 500 m, while the larvae is held within 200 m. The body of north clion is almost transparent, has a torpedo-shaped form. In length, the animal reaches only 2-2.5 cm. The greatest individuals achieve only 4 cm.

As the representative of Gymnosomata is deprived of the shell, the gills, and from the "legs" in the process of reduction, only a small formation of the back of the head and a couple of locomotor processes - "wings of an angel" remains. It is powered by Limazines - "sea hells". The specified subtype is very popular in Japanese culture and reflected as a character of fairy tales and anime, for example, in Pokemones, Characters of Manaph and Phione are considered the "Angel" prototypes.

The Peltospiridae buccular representative of the Peltospiridae family, named as Crysomallon Squamiferum, lives near the thermal mineral springs.

In the title there are 2 words:

  • Crysomallon with Greek translates as "having golden hair." The fact is that a pyrite is present in the sink of the armadire - a mineral, which in the people called "gold fools";
  • Squamiferum from Latin "Bring Cup."

This is the most amazing mollusk in the world, as it is, in fact, the only organism, in the formation of the skeleton of which the sulfides of iron are involved in the skeleton, which gives the battery of the armadire, the extraordinary strength of the metal. This unique composition of the organism is connected with its habitat: water with minerals, zinc, copper and iron.

It was first discovered in 2001 in the Indian Ocean at a depth of 2430 m. The sink size of the armadire can reach 4.5 cm, but on average is 3.2 cm, and has a ribbed surface and the form wrapped in 3 turns. Outside, the sink is covered with iron sulphides, the middle layer consists of a protein element. On the head of the representatives of this species, there are tentacles, and the leg of the red color completely cannot hide in the sink. It feeds on the battleship in the main bacteria.

Crysomallon Squamiferum is of great interest to science: even the study of the subtype is also dealing with the US Armed Forces, who plan to use the results of their research in the development of the most durable material in the world for the production of body armor and military helmets.

An amazing animal of the world gave us another unique being - "hellish vampire", VampyrTeuthis Infernalis. The cullet vampire dwells exclusively in the waters of the world's ocean located in a temperate and tropical belt.

These unusual clams are the only class representatives in the world, conducting their lives in water with low oxygen content at a depth of 400 to 1000 m. They are very similar to squid and octopuses, reach a length of up to 30 cm. Depending on the intensity of lighting, their body takes coloring from black to bright red and even purple. Eyes are also able to change the color on red or blue, reach 2.5 cm and are recognized as the gigantic, if we take into account the proportion to the body. Another unusual fact: the body of the pinches is covered with spots - photoforms that allow it to glow under water up to a few minutes. Mollusk is able to control the brightness of the glow and the size of the heels formed.

Another representative of the most unusual mollusks is "Digital Thick", in Latin - Cyphoma Gibbosa. The Pukhonogo creature lives in the waters of the Caribbean. Its body size is from 2 to 4.4 cm. It has an oval shell of an interesting color: there are individuals with a bright cream, gentle brown and yellow tint of the shell. It is noteworthy that soft snail fabrics are covered with characteristic stains, and the shell is inconspicuous. Diggers live on lime algae, or on coral reefs. Feed along with gorgonaries - polyps.

The habitat medium Stauroteuthis Syrtensis is the Atlantic Ocean. A luminous representative of the champion class at a depth of 500 to 4000 m lives. The dimensions of its body with tentacles reach 10 cm. The suckers of the bioluminescent octopus are capable of bioluminescence, a simple language is shined due to the presence in their composition of the photo reference. Use the "light show" as a bait for small crustaceans, which are their main food.

Eashable octopus

The deep-water octopus Grimpoteutis, otherwise, the Dumbo, Grimpoteuthis, lives mainly in the ocean waters of the mid-Atlantic ridge, at a depth of 100 to 7000 m. It is a gain of in-depth habitat. The fins of GrimMotevtis are reminiscent of the form of the ears and help him move into the thickness of the water. It has a half-breeding body. Reaches 20 cm long. The record size was 1.8 m at a weight of 6 kg. There are about 37 species of octicors Dumbo and 4 families. Its diet make up crustaceans, worms and small plankton. Swallows its prey completely.

Golden lace

The connoisseurs will be wonderful will name the naked champion the most unusual molluste in the world due to their bright and unusual colors. Even in the title there is a hint for the presence of gills, which look like soft grows on the body. But some subspecies have no such growths. Halgerda TerraMtuentiss looks like snail without sink, dwells mainly in warm waters near the Hawaiian Islands. They are gourmets among representatives of their class: feed on plant and animal food, including corals, crustaceans and even their fellow. Five-minded things are hermaphroditis.

Dangerous snail

Alviniconcha Strummeri dwells at a depth of 1000 m near hydrothermal sources and in its appearance resembles a seabed or cactus. Its shell has a rounded shape, the size of the ball for golf is covered with small needles. Surprisingly the name of the Mollusk: Named in honor of Joe Strammer, vocalist from "The Clash" and part-time of the Yellow Defender of Nature. Therefore, some Rock fans call this representative of the Mollusca class "Punk Rock Sail".

Studying the amazing world of mollusks, it is impossible not to stumble upon an unusual pink, similar to the head of Jellyfish Gorgon. A similar animal dwells near the island of lizards, located near the Australian coast.

The most mysterious being from the list presented can be rightfully called Histioteuthis Bonnellii. Uconcoury subspecies live in the Atlantic Ocean at a depth of 1.2 to 1.5 km. Due to the fact that the habitat is in impressive depths, this creature is not fully studied to the end. Extract the "umbrella" to the surface - an unbearable task.

Of course, there are still such unusual species as a giant Australian trumpeter, which reaches a length of up to 30 meters, or dwarf-like snails - creatures subjected to convergent evolution. In order to learn the numerous class of cipaths, only a desire and a lot of free time is needed.

I am often confused in the names of the seafood seafood (or by scientific bivalve mollusks and broxogues). Therefore, collected a small selection of interesting information, pictures and descriptions of the most popular (delicious) subspecies.

These clams live in salty and fresh water, lead a low-live lifestyle, attaching to solid subjects or .. to their relatives. That is how fishermen were caught in ancient times: a wooden pillar was lowered into the water and in a year with a small lower part of it all was "engraved" by mussels. With the help of legs or sink, some species are capable of moving quickly. Mollusks are mainly powered by unicellular algae, the smallest plankton and other organic particles in the water. Sea water across the pitched sash hits the gills and passes through the mollusks, like through the filter. Food is transported to the body, and mineral particles are removed. Thus, mollusks are active water filters: one individual pumps through itself up to 3 liters of water per hour. They are preferred in running water because using sea flows mollusks can eat without much effort - passing the required amount of water through the gills. Because of these characteristics of the body, they only live in fairly clean water.

The shellfish sink has two sash, which are managed by intertarm muscles and, if necessary, are capable of feeling tight to each other. This allows a mild animal to fully isolate itself from the environment. The inner surface of the shell is lined with a layer of pearl, and the body of the mollusk is covered with a fleshy film - mantle. Often in the sink can be sands: you should be well to wash them with running water, and even better soak in salted water for an hour or two to cooking (well, or wait until the sands are not dug in the pearls)! Some types of mollusks eat raw, some stew, fry or cook. Do not forget, it is very important to use only fresh mollusks: the mussels and sea cockerels of the sink should or be tightly closed (except for scallops that are sold with open seashells) or close from touch (in oysters). Those shells that did not open during heat treatment is not recommended.

Mussels / Cozze Mussels / Cozze.

Mussels are distinguished by both sizes (from 5 to 20 cm), the color of the shell (from iscin-black to golden-brown), life expectancy (from 5 to 30 years) and the taste of meat. It is believed that the heat-water mussels meat is gentle and softer, and those that are found in cold water are rougher. According to the content of the protein meat, mussels exceeds beef and fish. The highest taste qualities have mussels caught from June to February.

All the internal seashells are edible (except leg), they are very tasty obtained stew in white sauce (made of butter, parsley, garlic and white wine) or in red (from tomatoes, the same garlic and white wine, finely passioned Luke Shallot, Oregano , thyme and acute red pepper).

There is a special subspecies of the Bearded Horse Mussel / Cozza Pelosa, the Russian name of which I did not find. The Italians are especially loved and appreciated.

On the Mediterranean coast there is a French village Buzing. It is considered the capital of the mussels - there they can be found in any cafe, where they are prepared with the sausages on the grill and served with local wines. However, the glorious traditions of the use of mussels are not only in France. For example, in Odessa, this product was sometimes prepared right on the beach - on a sheet of iron, fixed above the fire.

As well as the sea scallop, the muscle and mantle of the Mussel are used. This mollusk passes through its body, a huge amount of water, acting as a kind of filter. Therefore, they prepare them: wash and crossed the sinks, withstand in cold water for several hours. Then I wash again and boil in salted water for 15-20 minutes. After that, the shells should open and remove meat from them, rinse again in boiled water. After that, from mussels you can cook salads, cold and hot snacks, soups.

Of course, mussels are very helpful. Their meat contains more than 30 useful trace elements, as well as group vitamins in: B1, B2, B6, vitamin D and PP.

Oysters / Oysters / Ostriche.

Because of the delicious and useful meat, the oyster has been eaten many hundred years. It has always been believed that the reserves of oysters are inexhaustible, however, as a result of uncontrolled fishery in the middle of the nineteenth century, the question arose about the need to regulate their collection and introduce artificial breeding. There is a legend that the oyster season lasts only in those months, in the title of which there is a letter "P" (i.e. from September to April) due to the fact that in the first year, wild oysters in the summer months are breeding and The second due to the difficulties of their storage and transportation in the warm season. However, now 95% of the oysters consumed is grown on farms, well, and modern methods of their cultivation allow them to use them all year round. I never thought that the United States was the world's largest producer of oysters, Americans eat 2.5 billion apartments per year. The period of growing oyster lasts from three to four years, during this time the mollusk grows up from 5 to 15 centimeters; Although individuals of certain species reach as much as 45 centimeters.

In nature, there are 2 oysters: European (Ostrea or flat) and Pacific (CraSSostrea or deep). European oysters are usually referred to in honor of the terrain where they were grown: Belons, Gravettes, Olerons, etc. Pacific - Growing Technology: Fine De Claire, Speciales de Claire. Those oysters that live in cooler waters, tastier, and their meat is more gentle and juicy. In flat oysters, the size is denoted by zeros, the largest - four zero. In deep oysters, the size is displayed by numbers, the largest size is the first. Traditionally sell oysters dozen.

Oysters as a rule eaten fresh, slightly pepper and sprinkling lemon juice. Order oysters is better than the medium size (they are gentle), and too large oysters are not always placed in the mouth :). There is a popular belief that fresh oyster is sicked. So, if you keep fresh oyster in your hands and hear a squeak - then stop squeaking :). The oyster dinner complement the croutons from rye bread with butter, as well as a wing vinegar sauce. The traditional way of use is as follows: the sink is taken to the left hand, the mollusk body separates the muscle located in the middle of the sink, add a little pepper and a couple of lemon juice drops and drink oyster with an in-depth side of the sash. But do not swallow immediately, but enjoy her juice, slightly chewing meat. Well, the best place in the world (IMHO) for eating this delicacy - the beaches of the French town of Cacal (Cancale), in which you can choose a couple of dozens of the freshest oysters on a small seafood bazair on the waterfront. Seller will immediately open them. And you can have them twisted their legs from the side of the embankment to the ocean, carelessly throwing out the sash in the coastal sand (so accepted!). In the same town, you can visit the Oyster Museum and the farm for the cultivation of delicious, in my opinion, oysters on Earth!

Scallops / Scallops / Capesante.

Scallops live in all world oceans and in many seas (even in the Black Sea they are!). The bivalve mollusk sink is a symbol of a female water principle that generates everything alive - it is the scallop sink is depicted on the picture of Sandro Botticelli "Birth of Venus". The sink has a diameter of 15-20 cm, inside which is one of the main seaside delicacies - scallops meat.

Scallops gentle meat, slightly sweet taste. They can be used both raw and use to prepare from salads to second dishes. They are especially popular in the French cuisine (my favorite Saint-Jacques dish is a baked scallop in a mushroom-cheese-cream-wine sauce with bread crumbs). Scallop fillet almost does not contain fats and carbohydrates, but has a beneficial effect on male potency. Today, the sea scallop ranks third in the number of seashells in the world mining, after oysters and mussels.

Buying fresh scallops, inside the shell you will find cream meat and sometimes a bright orange bag with caviar. Caviar has a slightly different consistency than scallop meat, but no less tasty - prepare it with meat. All other membranes and dark bodies must be removed and do not use food. The scallops meat can also be sold to ice cream, but buying it needs to be careful - the scallop absorbs water very well than its sellers often use. The meat meat becomes more fun - so weigh before buying a scallop in your hand, it should be less than the hecy of the same size.

The scallop does not like long cooking - the simpler and faster it is prepared, the better. Fry it 1-2 minutes each of the sides on a very hot pan slightly blurred with olive oil, and the scallop is ready. Its very convenient and beautifully serve in his own sink.

This is the most common bivalve seashell. Inside - mollusk, the edible part of which muscles and mantle are. And in food this mollusk, a person uses from time immemorial - his dignity was valued by residents of the coastal regions of the Far East, long before the Europeans first mentioned this will sell in the literature in 1704. Sea scallop boiled in salted water salted water approximately 7-10 minutes. After cooking, the product is cooled and cut. It also bakes or fry. The sea scallop is suitable for the preparation of delicate snacks, the salads of the first dishes.

The scallop meat contains full-fledged proteins, active lipids. This seafood is a valuable source of minerals, such as sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, iodine and others. It also contains vitamins B1, B2, B6 B12. Sea scallop, like other seafood, belong to the products of "absolute taste" that do not require spices and seasonings.

Sea cocks (or just mollusks) / clams / vongole.

Sea Cockeys delivered me the most troubles, the hell himself will be broken into the views and subspecies of these seashells (even an accurate scientific definition of CLAMS does not exist)! However, there are two main groups: soft and solid (Soft Shelled and Hard-Shelled / Fasolari), although soft do not mean that the sink is actually soft - it is simply thinner and brittle than that of solid mollusk.

Hard-shelled molluscs are brilliant shells, and meat is like a long tongue with a bright orange tip, one of them is preparing the delicious manhattan clam chowder soup, which I would recommend trying in the oyster bar in the New York Station Central. Usually shells have a rounded shape (with the exception of the marine cutter / Razor Clams / Cannolicchio, which are rectangularly oblong and Date Shells / Dattero Di Mare - rounded, but the catch and consumption of the latter is prohibited) - cm. Illustrations above.

Soft-shelled mollusks are with a longitudinal and cross-ribbon. And their most popular subspecies are alande, venus, and palourdes, which are considered the best - cm. Illustrations above.

When choosing mollusks, use the general rules - they must be very fresh, even though they are rarely eating alive. My favorite dish from Petushkov is Linguine Alle Vongole, she is my most favorite long Italian pasta.

Cardium / Cockles

These seashells slightly less and have a shell of more rounded form than roosters; They are used in the same way as their older brothers.

Pervinikl (on the left) / Winkles / Buccini di Mare and Trumpeters (Right) / Whelks / Chioccioole di Mare.

Pervinkle and trumpeter - coastal sea snails. The soft body of the mollusk hides in a beautiful spiral-twisted lime sink up to 20 cm long and closes "curtain". Their delicacy orange meat is perfectly absorbed by the body and is a source of full proteins and trace elements - especially iodine and fluorine.

Cooking small mollusks right in the sinks - they leave for the night in fresh water, and then 5-10 minutes cope in the finished salty broth with spices and herbs. Sometimes, after cooking, the snails are lowered into acetic solution. Snails are served by hot or cold, often with lemon, olive oil and vinegar, well, eat meat with small needles, carefully getting it out of shells. Meat is very juicy, slightly rubber, with a strong taste. I ate the most delicious snails at the Astoux et Brun restaurant in Cannes, not far from the Palace of Festivals and Sunday Fish Market, they are served to all visitors as a snack. And you can stop them only when you take out the main dishes.

Now about chasing. Channel, do not think for an awkward pun, there are octopus and the olden. The first is the octopuses, the denit of the squid and Caracatians. From all this glorious company, squid are most accessible and popular. With them and let's start.


Kalmarov has about 300 species that live mainly in tropical waters. The sizes of squid can be very different: from 2-5 cm. And weighs 300 grams in an ordinary squid, up to 18 meters in length and weight in a couple of tons of a squid giant (spruit). Such squid, alas, it is impossible to use food.

All squid have a conical torso, called mantle, with diamond fins and 10 tentacles around the mouth. In the mantle there is a ink bag, a black liquid, which is located in it, serves as a squid for self-defense.

Food is used by muscular mantle and squid tentacles, which are a protein product: 80% of dry substances in them are proteins. Also, squid meat is rich in vitamins and minerals. Special delicacies are considered to be a squid sucker dried in a frying pan.

Squid carcass to be divided simply: ligaments are removed between the head and the torso, after which the head is separated along with the insides. The remaining whole hollow carcass can be stuffed, eyes and jaws remove from the head.

In stores are usually sold fillet squid. In any case, before cooking, it is necessary to remove fine skin covering meat. For this, the squid holds a few minutes in hot water, after which the skin is easily removed. Purified meat is boiled 2-3 minutes.

Squid dishes are common in the Mediterranean cuisine: it is stuffing or fried in a fryer, cutting into rings, used in salads.


It is known hundreds of species of octopus and all body consists of a bag-shaped torso and a big head, on the front of which there is eight sucks with suction cups in two rows. Among the variety of species there is also a giant octopus (Paractopus Dofleini), the length of the body of which reaches 60 cm, and the total length is up to 3 meters. However, the octopuses of more modest dimensions are coming in food: the so-called "Muscardini" weighing 40-100g. And larger copies of 2-4 kg. Muskardini - cheaper and cost increases in proportion to weight.

Changs to Russia usually supplies Spain, France, Holland. But we have our own crafts: in the Far Eastern seeds, up to 14 types of octopuses weighing from 400 g to 12 kg live. Octopus as well as other seafood is useful, its meat has a greater nutritional value than the squid. High-quality product is not wrinkled and elated when pressing.

Octopus in cooking is used both in the boiled form and in cheese, sometimes use and skin. However, the most common option is boiled octopus.

Octopus is a popular dish on the Mediterranean coast. It is marinate, baked in breadcrumbs, served fried under the sauce of vinegar and oil.


Caracatar has a more flattened than that of squid, a torso, surrounded by oval mantle with narrow fins on the sides, four pairs of limbs and one pair of suction cups. Caracatia, who is less likely to meet on store shelves and in the menu of restaurants, is often preparing for the same recipes as a squid or octopus. In the Mediterranean, the boiled product is particularly popular, supplied in the form of a salad in a sharp marinade from olive oil. Small Caracatians who are highly valued for a thin walnut aroma, often prepared in deep fryer. Two sizes of Caracatians are most in demand in cooking. Small (from 20 g) - for cooking snacks, salads, skewers. And larger - weighing 300-600, used in the main dishes. The larger product is rarely used: the meat of large Caracatia is considered more rude. Generally Caracatia is an interesting and unusual creation: they are capable of changing the color and structure of their skin in a matter of seconds. From their ink still manufactures paint, having a clean brown color - Sepia (from Sepia - scientific name of Caracati). By the way, the ink of Caracatians is also used in cooking: most often for the preparation of Italian cuisine - paste, risotto, as well as some sauces.

Sea snails

In the Philippine markets, they sell them several varieties. The Europeans is difficult to understand a subtle distinction between them. Sometimes sellers specially cut the tips of the shells so that the snails make it easier to pull out from there. If you bought already crushed sinks, then know: cooking them as soon as possible.

If you decide to buy whole sinks, do not worry, I will tell you how to get the edible part alone. You just need to cook them, and then the snails can be easily removed by a fork.

How to choose snails? Choose by smell. There is no dun, it means fresh mollusks, you can buy. Sometimes you can see how they move their paws in their sinks.

How to cook snails? You can boil in coconut milk with the addition of garlic, bow and spices. All cooking takes no more than 5-7 minutes.

Tamilok - sea worm

And finally, the most exotic Filipino creature is Tamil. The Filipinians themselves admit that they eat it from the case towards the case. It is more fun tourists for which the locals ride out of remote areas and collect worms. Tamils \u200b\u200bare found in the trunks of rotting mangrove trees. Get his real feat. It is necessary to wander for a long time for silent thickets on the knee or waist in water, looking for slugs and long MOLOGS. In the markets of Tamilovok sold here in this form - in a special marinade, which protects the worm of damage. The composition of the marinade: sugar, salt, vinegar and pepper.

After waging on the Internet, I surprised learned that Tamilok is not a worm, but a mollusk. Some compare his taste with oysters. Locals eat it, drinking alcohol.

As for me, Tamil is not intended for the stomach of Europeans. Taste Tina, Lifting Consistency, Vseuska Prius ... Nothing special.


Guidak - a large edible brox-legged clam weighing up to 1.5 kg of the view of Panopea GeneroSa, which is found at the western coast of the United States. The fine fragile sink of this mollusk up to 20 cm long can not completely cover up even longer protruding "neck" (NECK), which we usually call "foot" - this "foot" is three times more sink.

The English name is Mollusk (Geoduck, Gweduck) appeared at the end of the XIX century, is derived from the name of these mollusks in the Niskala Indian language (therefore pronounced Guidak) and means "deeply digging" - these clams are really quite deeply buried in the sand. Mollusk meat is quite rigid and reminds to the taste of the sea ear, so the Americans usually cut into pieces, beton and roasted in butter with onions.

However, the main part of the catch is exported to Japan (there, Guidak refer to "Murugai"), Taiwan and Hong Kong, where they are often eating raw (for example, in Japan - they are scalded, tighten the skin, remove the insides, they are clearly cutting and made from them SASIMI).

Sea and ocean depths are famous for the bizarre representatives of wildlife, like gigantic isopods, sea devils and giant squids. Nevertheless, there are still many amazing creatures at great depths that have not received the same wide lighting, but they still should be seen. Just be afraid!

25. Cancer Bogomol

This large predatory crustacean has the most complex eyes in the world. If a person can distinguish between 3 main colors, then cancer mantis - 12. Also these animals perceive ultraviolet and infrared light and see different types of light polarization. During the attack, Rak-Bogomol makes some quick blows with their legs, which causes serious damage to the victim or kills it. Created to strike with clans with power bullets 22 caliber, some of the particularly large individuals of the mantis cancer are capable of smashing the glass from one or a pair of blows on it.

23. Giant Isopod

Gigantic isopods can reach 76 cm long and weigh about 1.7 kg. Possess a rigid lime exoskeleton consisting of overlapping segments, and can be folded in the "ball" to protect against predators. Usually food serves Padal, can live to 5 years without food.

22. Plasted by Akula

Dangerous being, originally from the chalk period. This shark hunts like snakes, bending his body and committing a sharp throw forward. Long and very movable jaws allow us to wholely swallow large prey, while numerous rows of small and sharp as the needles of the teeth do not give her to break out.

21. Black Logodlot

This fish can swallow production 10 times harder and twice as long as herself. Sometimes these fish swallow prey, which they cannot digest. The decomposition of swallowed mining begins, and the accumulated gases cause the predator's death and raise it to the surface of water

20. Deepive riders

19. Guns

These sea cucumbers are unusual in that they never touch the seabed, and drift in water. Food of the Hundreds of Plankton and organic residues. The mouth of the Goloturia is surrounded by a wedge of 10-30 tentacles serving to capture food, and leads to a spiral shiny intestine.

18. Shells

Submarine version of the veneree flies. In the expensive state, their delicate apparatus is stripped, but if a small animal swims there, "lips" are compressed as a trap, sending prey in the stomach. To lure the victim, they use bioluminescence as a bait.

17. Sea Dragon

This fish with a huge mouth planted with sharp crooked teeth, with the help of bioluminescence lures prey. After catching the sacrifice, the color of the sea dragon darkens to disguise from other predators and enjoy the prey.

16. Pacific Fish-Gaduk

The mouth is armed with huge teeth protruding from the mouth. The glow bodies (photophors) are also scattered on the head and on the body, which help them hunt and distinguish their relatives. With the help of teeth, the victim is tightly held in the grazing and when the jaws are closed, they pushed them into the esophagus, in the front of which there are several curved spines. Long, saccine stomach of these fish freely accommodates even large prey, which allows them to wait for the next successful hunting. Eating hauliodes about once every 12 days.

15. Sweet

The most amazing representatives from multi-minded worms. The worms are distinguished by the presence of small glowing greenish light formations resembling drops. These tiny bombing can be discarded, distracting the enemy in case of danger over a few seconds, which gives the worms of the opportunity to hide.

14. Hell Vampire

Small deep-water mollusk. The size of the hellish vampire is usually about 15 cm. In adults there is a pair of ear-shaped fins growing from the side parts of the mantle that serve them by the main means of movement. Almost the entire surface of the mollusk body is covered by the glow bodies - photofractions. The hellish vampire controls these organs very well and is able to produce disorienting outbreaks of light from the hundredths of a second to a few minutes. In addition, it can control the brightness and size of color spots.

13. Stargotie

The name was received for directed up the eyes. The only perch-like, in which the ability to give strong (up to 50 V) electrical discharges are known. Usually lie on the bottom, jerking into the ground almost entirely and wait for prey. Some love it with a special worm-like procession at the bottom of the oral cavity

Maybe not in vain say that "devils are Mutyat"? And, what does the sea damn look like? You know - and not really scary!

Damik - Food Angel?

If you look at our earthly fauna, you can see that our nature is a big duty! It must be said that the researchers do not lag behind nature, inventing unimaginable names for some animals. For example, among sea mollusks there is an sea angel and sea damn. Although there is a fish. Well, if the appearance of the maritime angel at least somehow comes to the title, then this is why the other mollusk was called the hell - completely incomprehensible. Pretty cute creation. Yes, and his behavior is completely for the damn ...

Another name of the sea dealer is Limazin. This is the type of small-sided clam belonging to thecosomata squad. Sea Damn is a representative of the Limazin family, the genus Limazin.

The appearance of this animal is absolutely harmless. This is a very small mollusk - the body length, often, does not exceed 1.5 centimeters. Rarely meet specimens growing up to three centimeters. The diameter of the shell sink is only 4 millimeters. It is not entirely clear - why do I need a limacin sink, because it does not perform a protective function. She is completely fragile and thin.

The body of the animal has a black feature - purple shade, which sometimes overflows purple. Animal wings have a lighter tone than the rest of the body. The sink is painted in a drowned hue and has 5 revolutions.

Where does the sea damn dwell?

For comfortable accommodation, these mollusks need very cold water, so the water of the Atlantic (northern zones) and the Northern Ocean Oceans are the area of \u200b\u200btheir habitat.

Lifestyle Mollusk Dami

Perhaps the only thing that the naval delicate relatives with his name is his predatory nature. Mollusk has special glands that distinguish a sticky substance resembling mucus. With this limacin mucus, just like a spider, weave the network in which production comes across. It is she who becomes a "lunch" of the army.

In addition, such a network holds the animal itself afloat. If it were not for this device, then the weight of the shell would pull the mollusk to the bottom. And you know how fast the animal will fly down in this case? As many as 25 km / h! With this speed, the adult man is quickly riding a bike! Wings help at a certain depth of mollusk. By adding or reducing the frequency of the waist, Limazin regulates the immersion.

When darkness comes, the sea devil rises closer to the surface of the ocean. An animal does it in order to nourish the plankton going into large flocks in the upper layers of water at night. But the rest of the time his life passes at a depth of no more than 100 meters.

In case Limazin feels danger, it drops sharply to the bottom. But it does not always have to get away from the persecution of the predator, and it becomes someone's "dinner dish."

What does Limazin eat?

Sanging its underwater networks, sea devils are waiting until the food is gathered in them: larvae, small crustaceans, plankton, bacteria.

How is the breeding of sea hell?

And this is the sea angel - the devourer of sea devils.

This process is poorly studied by the researchers of oceanic depths. It is only known that Limacins make eggmarkets, numbering hundreds of eggs. Between themselves, eggs are connected by a jelly substance and represent a certain similarity of the plates.

Sea Angel (CLIONE LIMACINA) - the type of grasses of mollusks from the Gymnosomata squad. Painting pelagic organisms specializing in nutrition with "marine devices" - molluscs from the genus Limacina. Sea angels inhabit the cold water of the northern hemisphere. Mass accumulations of these mollusks can serve as food for toothless whales and seabirds.

For a long time, maritime angels were considered as a single species, common in the cold waters of both hemispheres. However, in 1990, according to the results of a comparison of the morphology of mollusks from the northern and southern populations, a conclusion was made about their species independence. Antarctic maritime angels got the name of CLione Antarctica.

Adult mollusks are held at depths of up to 500 m, larvae - up to 200 m.

The body of marine angels has a torpedo-shaped form and is practically transparent. Its length is usually 2-2.5 cm, sometimes reaching 4 cm. The head-degraded head carries two pairs of supreets. The first pair is located on the sides of the mouth located at the front end of the body. The second, carrier rudimentary eyes - on the dorsal side of the head, closer to its rear edge. Like other Gymnosomata, sea angels are deprived of sinks, mantle cavity and gills. The leg undergoes a significant reduction: only a pair of locomotor growth (parapodies) and a small formation on the abdominal side of the body remains immediately behind the head.

Parapody is thin plates in the form of incorrect pentagons, the bases of which are attached to the body parallel to its longitudinal axis. The length of the base of parapody and its width is approximately equal, in large instances are about 5 mm with a thickness of about 250 μm. The wall of these growing contains several muscle groups, which, using synchronous rowing movements in the transversal plane, promote the body of the mollusk. Inside the parapody there is a body cavity, in which the main nerves, controlling the movement, and three more muscle groups: retracting parapody into the body that reduce their length and thickness. Resection occurs due to the pressure of the stripe fluid.

Marine angels - hermaphrodites with cross-fertilization. The reproduction occurs throughout the almost total of the year, but spawning peak falls on the spring-beginning of the summer, when in the Arctic waters there is a massive reproduction of plankton algae, employees of early larvae - Veligarats. The distribution of the Giggers and young polyrothne (having several ciliations) larvae is timed to the upper 100-200 m of water, where the abundance of phytoplankton is large.

Adult maritime angels and late larvae specialize in eating "sea devices" - shellfish of Limacin mollusks (Limacina, \u003d Spiratella), also inhabitable water. Having found a sacrifice, the mollusk swims against it, captures three pairs of the outward outwards of the buccular cones and with their help turns the sacrifice to the mouth of the sink to their mouth. After that, the predator embroils the soft fabrics, putting forward and pulling the beams of chitin hooks located in paired bags in the oral cavity. Switching of incoming food is carried out due to the movements of another element of the oral apparatus - Radules. Processing one victim takes from 2 to 45 minutes, after which the empty shell is discarded. Marine angels can have a long time (several months) to do without food, existing due to fat reserves.

Veliggers feed on phytoplankton, but already 2-3 days after the transformation into a polyrotrophic larch at a body length of 0.3 mm is transferred to the power of Spiratella, and reaching 0.6 mm, they begin to hunt the victims undergoing metamorphosis.

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Marine Angel (Lat. CLIONE LIMACINA) - Gymnosomata's buccular mollusk feeds on the "sea hells" - the glooping mollusks of Limacines from the genus Limacina, in turn, as food for the toothless whales and seabirds. Sea angels inhabit cold water of the northern hemisphere, Barents, the White Sea and the Arctic Water.
Its translucent in the light of the spotlights (because the animal lives at great depths) the elongated body 2 (2.5 cm or 4 cm) and small wings create the impression that he is unearthly origin. The head-degraded head carries two pairs of supreets. Theory angels are deprived of shells, mantle cavity and gills.
Having found a sacrifice, the mollusk swims against it, captures three pairs of the outward outwards of the buccular cones and with their help turns the sacrifice to the mouth of the sink to their mouth. After that, the predator embroils the soft fabrics, putting forward and pulling the beams of chitin hooks located in paired bags in the oral cavity. Switching of incoming food is carried out due to the movements of another element of the oral apparatus - Radules. Processing one victim takes from 2 to 45 minutes, after which the empty shell is discarded.
Marine angels are hermaphrodites with cross-fertilization, laid eggs. The yolota rises to the upper layers of water feeding 3-4 days by zooplankton, then becomes the same predators as adults.
The activity of marine angels during a storm drops sharply and giving up the will of the attraction forces they are lowered to the depth of 350-400 m, using the accumulated fat forces hungry in this way sometimes up to the month, although their favorite delicacy hidden in its shell falls on his face "angler".

Marine Angel, Clion Limacine (Clione Limacine)

Angelfish. Throw to goal.

Limacine Helicine. Sailing of an sea line in the thickness of the water resembles a butterfly flight, from where and another name, secured in the US and Europe - " sea butterfly".


Limacina or sea devils (lat. Limacina) - the genus of the brochogih mollusks from the detachment of shells of shells (Thecosomata). Small inhabitants of pelagic having a spiral swirling lime sink. The largest instances of the animal are found in cold waters, where the mollusk reaches 1.5 cm. In the warmer seas, the length of the Limazin does not exceed 3 mm. Limazines lead a predatory lifestyle, collecting plankton using tracked mucus networks. Representatives of this kind feed some cetaceans and maritime angels. Supported limacines have a spiral aragonitic shell. Two parapodies are put forward from her mouth - the wingid gear processes that mollusk uses for vertical movements. With the parapodies folded together, the mollusk begins to quickly immerse (up to 25 cm / s), their horizontal position provides neutral buoyancy, and the lumps allow you to climb up. The size of the cellular network significantly exceeds the size of the mollusk sink. The mucus for its construction produces the cells of the epithelium of mantle and mantle glasses, and the speed of the selection and retracting network is quite high. Limacine (Limacina) is thin, almost transparent sink spirally spinled on the left side. Sink can be closed with a cap, which lies on the back blade of the leg. Eggs are postponed among several hundred, connected by a cunty substance in thin plates. The only thing that counts the sea damn when attacking him is to hide inside his sink, so that you fall on the bottom and merge with stones, pebbles and sand. Of the small number of types of Limacin in our northern waters, there are two. Limacina Helicina refers to the number of cold-water forms and meets both in the Arctic and in Antarctica, and L. Reverse can be considered in the Barents Sea by a guest, which brings the Nordsk region from the Atlantic Ocean.

Sea damn or marine scorpion, from the detachment of riot-shaped, has repulsive appearance. He has a huge head, which makes up half the length of the whole fish, with a large mouthpiece, ruthlessly swallowing prey: sea eel, drum, even small sharks and thousands and thousands of seabirds. The sea damn occurs at depths of 600 m. Length: up to 200 cm, weight: 30 - 40 kg. Sea damn grows up to one and a half - two meters, weigh an average of 20 kg. Its the body is falling on top, and it is all covered with leathery growths, similar to algae, pieces of corping and stones. On the head, behind the eyes, the sea flashes there is a growing with a luminous "flashlight" at the end.

With a monster's head fishermen spread quickly. From the fish there remains almost one edible tail coming on sale purified from the skin. Therefore, an army is often called "tail" fish, whose white, dense, devoid of bones and extremely gentle meat can make the honor of any festive table. As a master of disguise, maritime damns, with its dark, often spotted, the upper part of the body, is almost impaired against the background of the bottom of small coastal reservoirs, among the stones, pebbles and Fukus. There, he usually loves to lie down, raging prey. Signal feature is found in many seas, mainly in the Atlantic and in the North Sea, right up to Iceland.

Sometimes during the hunt, the sea damn moves very unusual: it jumps along the bottom, pushing the chest fins. For this, they called it "ligender". Merging with the bottom, thanks to the protective color and leathery grooves, the seaside damn loves to her prey with a blade-shaped bait, fluttering at the end of the rod-irollization - the seventh beam of the dorsal fin, which is on the head. Fish lies on the bottom stationary. Sea feature is able to hold the breath for a few minutes. When the mining sails to the hunter, a flint in a fraction of a second opens the mouth and sucks the water along with the victim.

It turns out that the battle of good and evil goes not only on Earth, but also among the dark deep water of the ocean. Do not believe? Do you know the name of the Mollusk Marine Angel and Sea Damn?

These are deep-sea mollusks (although there is a fish -, but now we are talking about mollusks with the same name). In the underwater kingdom, maritime angels always defeat sea devils, or rather, they eat them. Such a funny "joke", conceived by the mother-in-law. Sea angels treat scientists to the class of bunuonods of mollusks. They are representatives of the Children's detachment, which includes a family called marine angels. The same name (sea angel) is also a genus, uniting these mollusks.

In addition to his unusual name, the sea angel fits with its beauty and is one of the amicing transparent animals. For the first time, the mollusk was spoken up in the 17th century, since then scientists have investigated the habits of the sea angel and described its appearance in a detail.

So what does the marine angel look like?

The sea angel is an almost mythical creation that dwells in seawater.

The mollusk body has an elongated shape, the length of the body ranges from 2 to 4 centimeters. On the head there are tentacles, their mollusk - four pieces. Angel's sinks does not have a gills with a mantle cavity. The foot is almost absent, instead there is only a couple of small growing (parapodies), similar to wings, and some kind of education near the head. These most parapody and give mollusk completely unearthly beauty. They gently pegs in water, like an angel wings.

The whole body of the animal is shifted through, giving the sea angel some light, as if soaring, look.

Where does the "Divine Creation" live?

The population of sea angels inhabit the cold water of the Arctic Ocean.

How does an animal behave in nature?

It is very rare to observe the numerous clusters of mollusks in one place. Researchers of these animals are still asked: "For what purpose, maritime angels are going together?". But the unequivocal response did not give any of the scientists, there are only assumptions that mollusks are satisfied with such "meetings" in the breeding season to pair.

Sea angels are deep-sea animals. Although, watching them, the ichthyologists noticed that at the too much depth of the angels do not hunt for their usual nautical devils, they do not eat anything at all. And they do not die from hunger thanks to the accumulated fat. In the state of the hunger strike, the angels easily live for several months. Sea angels float are not entirely good, so during the storms they are lowered by even greater depths - 300 - 400 meters.

Interesting hunting of marine angels. They capture their sacrifice - the sea delicate - and literally embarrassed from it all soft tissues, and so carefully that only one sink remains!

Nutrition of marine angels

As already mentioned, the only food for these mollusks, namely, for adults, serve other representatives of the chilled squad -. Although the larvae of marine angels feed on plankton.

The reproduction of the angel's mollusk

Mollusk Marine Angel - hermaphrodding. The breeding season continues all year. But the most active months are considered May - June.

Fertilized sea angel, 24 hours after mating, puts eggs. Soon little angels will hatch from this masonry, which will rise to the surface of the water and will eat zooplankton. But such an innocent lifestyle continues only 3 - 4 days. What happens then? And then the larvae grow up and become active eaters of sea hell.

The enemies of the sea angel in nature, do they exist?

It turns out that yes! When the mollusks are spawn and their great set accumulates, they can become an attractive object for seabirds and toothless whales.

Angels and devils are molluscs. Sea angels, or clions (CLIONE LIMACINA), live mainly in the cold waters of the northern seas, for the polar circle. It is a circumpolar, that is, inhabiting both poles, both under the ice of the Arctic and the coast of Antarctica, view. In the northern hemisphere, the number of its representatives is much more. The sea angel leads a plankton lifestyle, floating in the thickness of water, from the dark depths in a thousand and more meters to the surface itself. Widely flatted wings help him help him - once, a long time ago, a crawling leg turned into them (from here and the name of the group of mollusks - the golden). Floating in the thickness of water and actively feeding, clions are quickly growing to the maximum size, and this is just 4-5 centimeters. After they begin to accumulate eaten and digested in the form of subcutaneous fat droplets, due to the full adult angel all littered with small blond points.

Marine angels are extremely active predators, and their only prey - another flaggy mollusk - sea damn.
Power of clion is one of his most amazing features. Angels are extremely active predators, and their only prey is another challenium mollusk, Limacina (Limacina Helicina), which is for the dark, almost black color is called an army. Compared to the angels, devils are completely tiny - the size of their shell rarely exceeds several millimeters, on average only two or three. Angels almost all the time serenely floating, slowly having swaming wings. But it costs to appear nearby, as the head of clion in one instant is divided into one, and six huge orange hooks are turned out of it - buccal cones covered with small rough tubercles. At the same time, clion begins madly waving wings and swim with circles. As soon as the unfortunate victim concerns one of the buccal cones, the angel clides them, and the devil turns out to be clamped, as if between the fingers of two hands. Inside the head, in the center, a pair of hooked jaws was hidden, as well as Radules - a special chitinova "grater" with a tooth, which serves to grind food. It is almost all famous mollusks. After an angel grabbed the trait, he needs to turn the mouth of the shell in such a way as to pull out from there. Despite the fact that Limacina's shell is very thin and fragile, only a major angel can break it down. To rotate the sink at a convenient position, the angel squeezes the buccal cones on the half a second, then compresses again, and so several times; In these seconds, the devil is trying to escape, but every time it turns out to be caught, without having even been waving the wings. Finally, he turns the way the angel needs, and he proceeds to the meal. Hard hooks of jaws pull out the soft body of the mollusk from the sink, and Radules lags it in a puree, which comes on the esophage in a large stomach. The process of eating the definition is far from fast, so the angel continues to swim well by closing the extraction between the heads of the head. If the predator is still small, in just a couple of times more than his victim, it looks very comic - he swims like in the helmet, with a feature on his head, as it does not work out differently - when the prey is caught, the buccal cones are drawn back . Angels are pretty voracious: for the season, one individual eats up to five hundred features! At times, unusual outbreaks of the number of both devils and angels occur. There were cases when angels on one cubic meter of water accounted for more than 300 individuals. The density of the devils at times also exceeds all the reasonable limits, and the sea becomes similar to the oversaturated live broth, when hundreds and thousands of these little glooping mollusks remain in each puddle. It is surprising that, according to all observations, except for the devils, the angels do not eat anything at all. But devils are massively appearing in the sea for a very short time - just two to three weeks in the late spring, - after which they disappear. Scientific studies have shown that at fat reserves accumulated during active nutrition, the angels are able to live without food for three to four months, and that's what they eat everything else - a riddle, as well as where they leave. After all, after the influx of devils, many angels appear immediately, and then they simply disappear from plankton and are very rare. Despite the fact that in the XIX century angels were subjected to detailed anatomical studies, and half of the twentieth century very seriously studied their physiology, the full life cycle of these creatures, from birth to death, science is unknown. Their sudden disappearance is still so no one can explain. It is believed that they go to the depth and there spend most of the year. Unfortunately, their life cycle is extremely difficult to trace, as for the necessary observations, expensive controlled underwater devices are required with photo and video cameras and a lot of time and effort. "Animals living in the thickness of the water are very poorly studied," said Alexander Zetlin director of BBS. - The fact is that even if they manage to keep some time in marine aquariums, they only survive there. To learn something about their behavior, nutrition, the possibilities of vision and other senses, you need to study them in a natural environment. That is, soar in water with them, watch, taking pictures. " How do Marine Angels do on big depths? Scientists BBS consider this riddle of damn interesting and watch them from year to year.
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