Hands and feet swelling during pregnancy in the early and later dates: what to do and how to get rid of them at home? Edema during pregnancy - reasons and treatment swells 2 trimester of pregnancy.

If you notice edema during pregnancy, you should not worry so much. Not all edema makes a threat to your health and development of the baby, and at a certain point are even a normal physiological state. You should figure out what causes swelling and how to cope with them.

Swelling during pregnancy - reasons?

You can call at least 5 reasons, which is why swelling appears on your body. Some states are the norm, others are expected due to the presence of chronic diseases in history and only edema, as the symptoms of gestosis, really make a threat to your life and the development of the fetus.

Physiological swelling

  1. In 80 percent of healthy pregnant women in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy, swelling may be observed. Location of dislocation - feet and hand brushes;
  2. Most often, swelling during pregnancy in late terms is noticeable at the end of the day, after long-lasting standing or seating, being in a static pose. After rest, swimming in the pool such swelling pass;
  3. In this case, the accumulation of fluid in your body is a natural process, so your body is prepared for the upcoming birth, and these water reserves should compensate for the upcoming blood loss. Just in a static pose, these water are collected in one place.

I remember that in the last weeks of pregnancy has already ceased to wear rings and accounted for the winter shoes earlier. On the street was the end of September, and my legs did not fit into the boots.

Evenkers in the presence of chronic diseases

If you have been diagnosed before pregnancy, the diseases of the kidneys, heart were diagnosed or varicose veins were observed, the probability of the appearance of edema during pregnancy increases.

  • In heart failure, the main body, as a pump, simply does not cope with the additional burden, which your body is experiencing throughout the pregnancy, including with the circulation of fluid in the body;

As a result - swelling in remote areas of the body, for example, legs, during a long standing or lower back, when lying on the back.

  • When problems with the kidneys, swelling, at first, manifest on the face, in the form of bags under the eyes;

As a rule, complications, in the form of swelling of the entire body, the attending physician does not allow, as pregnant, with a diagnosis of kidney diseases, stand in special accounting, adopt special drugs and adhere to diet.

Without treatment, the kidneys cannot pass liquid in full, therefore, the fluid in the body occurs. By the way, in the case of kidney disease, the edema is visible in the morning.

  • Varicose veins - one of the explicit causes of tissue flux;

The walls of the vessels are damaged and the water simply goes into the intercellular space. The stress of the fluid can be explained by the hormonal background and the transfer of the vein hollow, with the growth of the uterus. In this case, it is important to rest more, lying on the left side or swim in the pool.

Edema, as a symptom of gestosis

Swelling, with pressure, in the third trimester (to know that in the norm, and what is not during this period, read Article 3 of the Pregnancy Trimester \u003e\u003e\u003e), if there is a protein in urine tests, can signal a dangerous disease - predose or, as It is also called late toxicosis.

  1. The accumulation of fluid, in this case, can be observed already with;
  2. Edems, in the case of gestosis, are a consequence of the conflict between your organism and a child, namely the placenta, which, even in harm the body of the mother, will actively produce the necessary nutrients for the fetus.
  • Due to certain reasons, such as weak vessel walls, due to the lack of albumin protein, water comes out, and the blood itself becomes more thick;
  • Blood circulation, while slowed down, but the placenta requires nutrients for the child and provokes the narrowing of the vessels by increasing the pressure on them;
  • Blood, at first, will indeed move faster, but such tension negatively affects the structure of vessels, damage arises;
  • Plates will strive for platelets and, as a result - the formation of thromboms. This process is gradually distributed throughout the body;
  • Hence - a violation of blood traffic, an increase in pressure, swelling. Please note that blood test at this state shows a significant increase in hemoglobin, which is not characteristic of the second half of pregnancy. Explore the question of which tests are given during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e.

In time, to identify gestosis will allow regular surrenders of urine and blood tests, weight control, since there is both, so-called hidden swelling, blood pressure control.

Swelling of different parts of the body

The fluid delay in the body can manifest itself with the swelling of different parts of the body and, it is on this basis that it is often possible to specify the cause of pathology.

Empty of foot

Emox legs downstairs, during pregnancy in late terms - the most common phenomenon. Surely you noticed how the skin is indulge in the place of the sock elastic space, and after it was walking after long walking or standing, put on close shoes it becomes simply impossible.

  1. If, after a minor recreation with raised legs or the adoption of a relaxing foot bath, swelling pass around themselves, no reasons for excitement (by the way, useful article: Is it possible to steer legs during pregnancy? \u003e\u003e\u003e);
  2. Another thing is when swelling spread throughout the body, there is a deterioration of your well-being, then an additional examination is necessary to determine the causes of edema.

Human edema

It was the swelling of the hands most often accompanied by pain syndromes.

  • You can feel tingling, finger numbness. But what is interesting, hand swelling very rarely hide a real threat;
  • Such swelling occurs when the hands are in one position for a long time, for example, when working on a keyboard, knitting or writing;
  • The liquid in such an inconvenient position is badly circulating and is stored. In large quantities, it affects the nerve passing in the wrist, from here and unpleasant sensations.

By the way! The secret, how to remove the edema of the hands during pregnancy, is pretty simple - more often to make a mini charging for the brushes, change the position, and you can put a special wrist pad near the computer.

  • You can observe the feeding of the fingers, very noticeable in the rings area. Fluid stagnation can be triggered by improper power, with an abundance of salts and spices, as well as a large use of irregular fluid, for example, soda.

In it, you will find a set of products for better nutrition, so that no swelling, nausea and sword occurred.

You will learn to correct many pregnancy states by adjusting your food,

Find out about three types of products that should be in your menu to prepare for natural and easy childbirth.

Swelling nose

The causes of edema of the nose in pregnant women can become

  1. Cold;
  2. Or physiological feature;

The edema of the nasopharynx can be provoked by hormonal restructuring in the body at the very beginning of pregnancy. There is a process of active accumulation of fluid necessary for the development of your baby, while there is a swelling of the whole face, lips, nose.

But the fact that the cause of rhinitis is physiological, does not allow to put the development of a runny nose on a self-shot. It is necessary to choose safe drops, irrigate the nose of the salt solution. If not to treat the so-called runny nose of pregnancy, the fruit can threaten oxygen starvation.

Important! If the nose swells during pregnancy due to allergies, it is important to determine the annoying component and delete it. The antiallergic drugs, without the appointment of a specialist, cannot be taken during pregnancy.

You can learn a lot of useful information in the article posted on the site: runny nose during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e.

External and internal edema

In addition to the external visual edema of limbs or certain parts of the body, internal edema is rarely diagnosed.

When pregnancy, it is a rather dangerous manifestation that is difficult to identify, given the lack of external signs. You must understand that the causes of edema, both hidden and external, the same.

But if you begin to fight with a visual problem at the very first manifestations, then hidden will be for a long time without prevention and treatment.

You need to know what to pay attention to to recognize internal edema in time:

  • Racing weight. With the normal course of pregnancy, your weight should evenly increase each week. If you are witnessing unsystematic races of body weight, you need to be alerted;
  • Control of liquid release. You need to follow how much liquid you drink and how much it goes out with urine. Normally, the body should output ¾ from the volume of drilled liquid. Such control measurements must be done over several days;
  • Measures. Ankle is an excellent bulk indicator. It is necessary to measure the girth of this part of the body, and if an increase in at least a centimeter is observed, there is a swelling.

Hidden swelling requires the same treatment and prevention as external.

How to determine swelling during pregnancy

Special diagnostics require only hidden edema, the external looks are visible to the naked eye.

  1. It is enough to press on the skin and, if the dent is formed in this place, not straightened, then there is a swelling;
  2. Another obvious indicator is the ring on the finger. If yesterday you easily shot it, and today it is tightly kept on the finger, while, as if, passing it - the edema is evident.

Felling can limbs, back, lower abdomen, face, even a nasopharynk. Most often, swelling is noticeable in the last weeks of pregnancy, especially in the evening.

Why are the doctors afraid of this?

You should know that not all edema is dangerous and, in most cases, easily pass after rest and correction.

Important! Please note that it is impossible to reduce the amount of fluid in any way, and it is not necessary to completely exclude salt. The main thing is how dangerous swelling during pregnancy and why they are so afraid of doctors - this is the possibility of developing gestosis, one of the symptoms of which is a swelling.

Eknes can also signal about malfunctions in the work of the kidneys or heart.


Healthy lifestyle and healthy diet - the main aspects of the prevention of edema during pregnancy.

  • Alternation of periods of activity and recreation. Feet, on vacation, should be on the elevation. If the swelling occurs due to the kidney fault, then the ideal pose for sleep will be the posture, lying on the left side;
  • Mandatory hiking. About where, when and how much it is useful for a walk, read in the article Walking during pregnancy \u003e\u003e\u003e;
  • Swimming, foot baths, massage;
  • Power must be rich in protein, vitamins, salt is present, but in moderate quantities. Liquids - at least 2 liters per day;
  • Clothes should not be shy or trimmed, and shoes are as comfortable as possible and in flat run.

What to control so as not to miss gestosis?

One of the explicit symptoms of gestosis is swelling of the legs during pregnancy after 22 weeks.

What to do is not to miss the development of this disease?

  1. Weight control and swelling;
  2. Regular surrenders and observation of hemoglobin growth and blood protein. The first should not be increased significantly, and the second should be absent in general;
  3. Control of blood pressure.

Remember that the edema can be hidden, therefore, in suspects, it is necessary to seek advice with nephrologist and urologist.

About 80 percent of pregnant women are sooner or later faced swelling. Why is it going on how to minimize the risk of swelling and whether to panic if they still arose?

Edema is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the body tissues. They can be explicit and internal (hidden), have a physiological or pathological nature.

The reasons for the appearance of edema in pregnant women

  • Pregnancy. Changes in hormonal background and growing uterus - factors contributing to the appearance of edema. With multiple pregnancy, the risk of becoming significantly increased swelling.
  • Appeal or exacerbated health problems.
  • Bad habits.
  • Excess body weight.
  • Incorrect meals
  • Long-term favor in standing or sitting position.
  • Age 35 years and older.

Swelling during pregnancy, stage

  1. In the first stage, legs swell during pregnancy: legs, feet.
  2. In the second stage, the edema of the hips, abdomen joins the above.
  3. In the third stage, the swelling spreads to the hand, wrist. The face becomes fined.
  4. The fourth stage is a common swelling.

The nature of the occurrence of edema during pregnancy

Physiological nature of edema

A person by 80 percent consists of water. For pregnancy, a woman is in normal order gaining 10-12 kg, half of which is water. In the tissues and blood of the future mother, the sodium content that holds the liquid is increased. With the growth of the fetus, the pressure of the uterus is increasing on a small hollow vein and ureterals, which contributes to the deterioration of the dishellion of the fluid. Therefore, swelling during pregnancy in late terms is such a common phenomenon.

A slight swelling of the heads, stop, manifested by the second half of the day and passing after night sleep, is not the basis for panic. Closer to the end of pregnancy, women can swell in female lips. This is also the option of the norm.

The physiological edema includes the swelling of the nasal tissues followed by the difficulty of breathing.

Pathological nature of edema

  • Renal swelling during pregnancy

The kidney of pregnant women account for a colossal load. Renal edema can develop due to the appearance or exacerbation of kidney disease during pregnancy. These edema are localized, mainly on the face: it becomes fined, swell the eyelids. Wrist and hand wrists can also swell.
The renal impairment also indicates a pregnant protein in the urine.

  • Cardiac swelling during pregnancy

In a pregnant woman, the volume of blood increases by 40-50 percent. Consequently, the load on the "pump" increases significantly, forcing it to circulate - the heart.
For heart swelling, the desire is characteristically down. If the woman is in a standing position, then her legs will swell during pregnancy. In the lying position of the swelling will be subject to belly or spin.
Under eats of this kind, shortness of breath is also observed, the liftsiness of the mucous membranes, the resistant heartbeat.

  • Internal swelling during pregnancy

Internal edema is not visible to the naked eye, but are dangerous to develop a baby. The fact is that with the hidden form of the swelling, the uterus, placenta and abdominal wall swells. The edema of the placenta may survive the vessels of the umbilical cord, which will entail fetoplasative failure.

  • Eveny, as a manifestation of gestosis

GuestRose is a complication of the course of pregnancy, which is the main cause of maternal mortality and is 5-7 times the increase in the risk of fetal / child's death in the first week after delivery.
Strong swelling during pregnancy, both external and internal, along with proteinuria and high blood pressure, are classic symptoms of late toxicosis.

Edema during pregnancy, diagnosis

Daily diuresis

When conducting diuresis, the volume is calculated absorbed, taking into account liquid dishes and fruits, and the volume of derived liquids, minus the first morning urine, which relates to the previous day. About 75 percent of the absorbed fluid should be derived from the body along with urins. A significantly lower indicator suggests that the liquid was delayed in the tissues.
For public information, it is recommended to conduct a study of 3 days in a row.


In everyday life is referred to as a blister break. For the study, a woman is administered intraderially into the inner side of the forearm 0.2 ml of sterile sodium chloride solution at a concentration of 0.8%. As a result, a tubercle is formed on the skin, on the texture resembling lemon crust. Normally, this tubercle is absorbed in an hour. With hidden edema, the resorption time decreases directly proportionate to the degree of swelling.

The sample is carried out on an empty stomach, the patient must be with a sitting or lying position.
Currently, the blistering test is rarely due to the duration of the study.

Examination of the limbs

  • Due to swells, numbness or tingling in the fingers and legs can be felt.
  • Under edema, the ankle girth increases by centimeter and more.
  • When pressing the subsequent limb, the resulting "dent" is not immediately.
  • Step legs give deep traces from the rubber band after wearing socks or golf.
  • Hands are attributed to the erased hands when equipped or removing the rings. Women who borrowed fingers swelling during pregnancy, wear rings is not recommended.

Tracking an increase in weight

According to WHO standards, the weekly weight gain in the second half of pregnancy for women with a normal body mass index should be about 230 grams. Sharp changes in body weight or a set of more than 350 grams may indicate the presence of edema.

Physiological swelling during pregnancy, Prevention and treatment

Physiological swelling do not require drug treatment. In order to minimize the risk of such edema, it suffices to follow simple recommendations.

Healthy nutrition

  • Extremely important role in fighting edema plays food. During pregnancy, it is worth excluding all sorts of pickles, smoked, sharp foods, carbonated drinks and limit the use of sweets.
  • The volume of fluid, contrary to the well-established opinion, should not be much reduced. For the normal functioning of the body, a pregnant woman needs to be used about one and a half liters of fluid per day, taking into account the first dishes and watery fruits. A strong reduction in the volume of the incoming liquid can have a direct opposite effect - the body will begin to "store" water, and the swelling will only be intensified. For the same reason, it is not necessary to completely exclude salt from the diet.
  • It is useful to arrange unloading vegetable dairy days.

Movable lifestyle, gymnastics

The only reason to eliminate physical exertion during pregnancy is the threat of interrupt. In other cases, light physical activity will only benefit.

  • For warning or fighting swelling, special fitness or aquaaerobics for future mothers, swimming, not too long hiking are fit. Even a banal daily charging will give their fruits.
  • Pregnant women who have a sedentary work is recommended, as far as possible, raise and put foot on the chair for a better fluid outflow.
  • Due to the multiple repetition of the same actions swell their hands during pregnancy. Therefore, it is desirable to minimize the time of staying at a computer, smearing, knitting, etc. Or, in the extreme case, do not forget to take breaks and carry out gymnastics for hands.
  • Popular exercise for fighting edema, in which a woman falls on the floor and raising his high-up legs, rests them into the wall. In the second half of pregnancy it needs to be upgraded, laying a solid roller under the buttocks. Otherwise, due to the pressure of the growing uterus on a small hollow vein, the outflow of venous blood will be difficult.
  • For prevention or fighting swelling and unloading the back, you can do the exercise "Cat".

  • It is not bad to reduce the burden on the kidneys and static footing in the knee-elbow pose. To achieve a tangible effect, you need to perform several approaches to 10-15 minutes daily.
  • Resting at large pregnancy timing is most advantageous on the left side.

Wearing a bandage, compression stockings

  • Properly selected bandage maintains a growing pregnant belly in the right position, which reduces the risk of edema.
  • Wearing compression golf, stocking or pantyhus will be worth it with a tendency to varicking, whose companions often become swelling. Flebogus will help to determine the required degree of compression.
  • Bandage and compression underwear properly wear in the lying position.

Proper shoes

The risk of becoming swelling more when wearing inappropriate shoes. Proper shoes: in size, has a stable heel height from 3 to 5 centimeters, stable. It does not have tightly dragging straps.

Getting rid of bad habits

Harmful habits during pregnancy can not only harm the baby's health, but also provoke the appearance of edema.
Nicotine is harmful to all organs and systems of the human body. The clue of smoking with varicose veins, which, in turn, contributes to the development of puffiness.

One of the reasons for the appearance of edema, oddly enough, is dehydration. The latter is a frequent alcohol abuse satellite.

Body care

  • In the care of eats or suffering from varicose varicose veins, it will not be superfluous to use specialized cosmetics.
  • Feet swelling during pregnancy is not bad to remove foot baths with sea salt. For their holding, so much salted water is poured into the container, the temperature is not higher than 37-38 degrees, how much is needed for the complete immersion of the elaborated part of the legs. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. For diseases of the skin or diabetes, salty baths are prohibited.

  • Swelling feet during pregnancy, what to do? Massage! This is a pleasant and effective way to improve blood circulation. Masseling legs are needed towards the feet to the thighs. For the procedure, you can use both special massagers, washcloth and just hands.

Pathological swelling during pregnancy, what to do

Do not panic and pass a medical examination. Based on the results of the analysis, the doctor will determine the need for the tactics of drug treatment of edema.

Medical treatment of edema

Attitude towards the swelling in doctors in the CIS countries differs from the point of view adopted in Europe and America. Fabric doctors prefer to observe, intervening only in truly threatening women's health and her future child situations. Domestic doctrines often prefer to be reinforced and, depending on the results of the survey, diuretics are prescribed, vessel reinforcing agents, spasmodics and sedatives.

  • In order to normalize the work of the kidney, comprehensive means on a plant basis are usually assigned, such as "Kanefron" or "Ciston" in tablet form, "phytolysin" paste. It is worth using them with caution: the abstracts indicate quite long lists of side effects. But these drugs are well removed by the renal swelling during pregnancy, the reviews of the future and those who took place.

  • To strengthen the vessels, doctors discharge magnesium preparations, vitamin E, lipoic acid, and against the spasm of the vessels - "No-Shpu".
  • Treatment of edema during prestal is made under hospital. Standard measure is a dropper of magnesia, relieving swelling, normalizing blood pressure, relaxing vessels and muscle muscles. Improve the microcirculation of blood droppers based on pentoxyphylin.
    Apply a diuretic in suspected precompanies is categorically prohibited!
  • Nasya swelling during pregnancy can not be treated with familiar vasoconducting drops and sprays. But it is impossible to inactivate: due to the deterioration of nasal respiration, a smaller amount of oxygen can flow. Doctors recommend to fight with a "rude pregnant" rinsing of the nose cavity with saline or salt of sea salt.

How to get rid of edema during pregnancy, folk remedies

Folk medicine is replete with funds against edema. But it is possible to use them only at the direction of the doctor, and that is not all. The fact is that some of the components of popular renal fees are able to cause uterus tone and even provoke a pregnancy interrupt.

  • Of the safest folk remedies, a decoction of a brusal leaf, which has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, immunostimulating, choleretic, binders and light diuretic effects is possible.


Most edema in pregnant women do not harm and do not require treatment. But, sometimes, the swelling can signal about the development or exacerbation of diseases and dangerous conditions for the mother and the fetus.

The self-examination of pathological edema can be extremely dangerous, to decide how to remove edema during pregnancy, only a doctor, relying on the results of the survey.

Edema is an excess accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space of any part of the body. During pregnancy, the amount of fluid circulating in the body of the woman is almost doubled, as it is contained in the oily water, placenta, and also need a growing kid and its blood system. In this case, the water-salt exchange changes (sodium accumulates in vessels, which delays the removal of the fluid), and the growing uterus presses on the vessels and the organs that slows down blood circulation and promotes fluid delay. In addition to all this, the change of hormonal background during this period causes a feeling of thirst, which also leads to swells.

Edema as syndrome accompanies many diseases of different organs and organism systems: endocrine, cardiovascular, kidney and other inflammatory processes.

Edema (especially large) is not just a symptom that looks uneatetic and gives discomfort. They can be sufficiently dangerous. Due to the strong swelling of the mother, a child may have hypoxia (oxygen starvation), and the future mother itself may suffer from the edema of internal organs and, as a result, violations of their work. Edema can also be one of the symptoms of gestosis - a state, with a severe degree of which the question may even be questioned about early childbirth. Therefore, the appearance (and even their possible appearance) is important to track on the earliest stage.

However, sometimes even strong swelling do not bother a pregnant woman, and her well-being remains satisfactory. Even in such a situation it is better to consult a doctor, since more than 90% of such cases deteriorates (protein appears in the urine, pressure increases) and goes into beds.

As a rule, swelling begin to disturb the future mother from about the 30th week (and with pregnancy since the 20th week).

Pronounced edema can accompany pregnant women waiting twins or just carrying large fruit.

Hidden swelling during pregnancy - what is it?

It seems that the swelling is always an obvious problem. However, this is not a consuming so. In addition to explicit edema, there are so-called hidden (internal organs and tissues). Help to discover them can observe you an obstetrician-gynecologist, spending a few surveys:

  1. Regular weighing. Very often, the hidden swelling indicates too much increase in weight - more than 300 g per week.
  2. Regular measurement of the circumference of the legs. An increase in the size of the circle of the lower legs is evidenced by the complicated hidden edema and more (measurements are held once a week).
  3. Investigation of daily diurea indicators. Diuresis is the volume of urine formed for a specific period of time. With it, it is compared the amount of fluid that was drunk, with a volume of selected urine. Normally, 3/4 is allocated on the entire dried liquid (water and other drinks, and fruits, and soups are included here.

As a rule, whether a woman is inclined to swelling, the doctor can find out at the first weeks of pregnancy. Data on this, he receives a patient from examination, studying its constitution, heredity, disease history, as well as from the analysis of blood to biochemistry. The earlier it will be known about whether you may have the appearance of edema, the faster you can take measures to prevent them.

Physiology and pathology of edema during pregnancy

Edema can be physiological and pathological. Physiological swelling usually do not cause complications and deliver a pregnant woman only a sense of discontent with their appearance. Their origin is due to the fact that the growing uterus squeezes vessels - it prevents the normal outflow of blood. The uterus presses and the ureters, which is why the fluid delay occurs during pregnancy and, as a result of this, swelling. The physiological type swelling can be connected with the Constitution of the most pregnant - in women of low growth and with an increased weight of the body they arise more often.

Pathological edema, as a rule, accompany prenosis (late toxicosis) - a complication of pregnancy that may arise in the third trimester. His symptoms are an increased blood pressure, selection with urine protein (it is absent), nausea, vomiting, headaches, cramps (eclampsia), fever, drowsiness, or, on the contrary, strong excitement, plus strong edema. However, prostosis can not be accompanied by edema, and such, "dry" prestosis is considered a more severe case. Also, prestal is not necessarily accompanied by all the above symptoms. The most dangerous is the availability of convulsion. In any case, guests almost always requires the help of the doctor and finding pregnant in the hospital. The earlier start it to treat, the less chance that he will go into a hard form.

Swelling feet during pregnancy

Entrance feet during pregnancy is the most common type of edema. Especially they are concerned about those who spend a lot of time on the feet, or just after a long walk. Evenkers are usually noticeable in foots and legs. Favorite shoes at the same time becomes small or greatly presses. It is important to choose such that will not deliver discomfort from well-drawn materials so that it was comfortable to wear in the afternoon. It is also worth abandoning high heels, preferred low and stable. If you are bothering your feet swelling during pregnancy, try to abandon long walks, do not stand on your feet for a long time, take at home. Take a supreme position and raise your feet up, and also regularly make a foot massage.

Hand swelling during pregnancy

Hand swelling during pregnancy, as a rule, appear in those women who work at the computer are engaged in needlework and any other monotonous work - a stagnation of fluid is formed due to monotonous movements. In this case, it is necessary to regularly make gymnastics for your fingers. Also, starting with the second half of pregnancy, doctors advise not to wear rings on the hands. If you do not remove them on time, you can wait for such a degree of puffiness at which it will be very difficult to remove them or impossible.

Persons swelling during pregnancy

The swelling of the face during pregnancy is easy to notice - the face becomes a round and thought-out. Special discomfort delivers the edema of the eyelids, bags appear under the eyes. This is due to the specific anatomical characteristics of the eyelids - in this area there is a loose fiber, strongly absorbing liquid. Reduce swelling on the face can be, observing the general rules for the prevention of body puffiness.

Nasya swelling during pregnancy

The nose can be enemy as a consequence of common person's edema, as well as due to possible allergic reactions, which during the waiting for the child are much sharpened. It is advisable to prevent mortgage and swelling of the nose, because due to the problems with breathing it makes it difficult to access the oxygen to the child. You can eliminate edema with the help of a drop, but do not forget that it is for pregnant to apply a whole range of usual drugs, so it is better if the medicine will write you a doctor who knows exactly what means are allowed.

Prevention and treatment of edema during pregnancy

Pregnant women with edema is paid to high attention at the stage of leading in the female consultation. Future mom is regularly weighed, measuring blood pressure and follow the work of the kidneys with urine tests. Everything is aimed at preventing (prevention) complications. Tips that give doctors:

  1. Purge food.Exclude roasted and smoked (food prepared in such ways, badly affects the vessels), meat and vegetables, cook for a couple, bake. Food must contain a sufficient amount of protein (to avoid its disadvantage, which may occur during gestosis). It is also better not to use fatty, sharp, pickled, sweet foods, sdobu. But low-fat broths, porridge, fruits and vegetables are worth it regularly. For the prevention of swelling, it is useful to conduct unloading days, but, not carried away, no more than once a week and must after agreeing with the doctor.
  2. Limit the use of salt (ideally up to 1-1.5 g per day). It includes sodium, thanks to which it delays liquid in the body. It is important not only to disappear (or not to solit at all) food during cooking, but also remove pickles from the diet, sauer cauldron, herring, chips, crackers, sausages and sausages, canned food.
  3. More drink.A sufficient amount of fluid will accelerate the water-salt exchange in your body. If you drink little, you can bring the body before dehydration, which is no less dangerous. On a day it is worth drinking up to 1.5 liters of water (not counting soups, compotes), with most of the fluid to drink to lunch, leaving smaller for the evening. Drinking better not by large glasses, but small sips, often, but little by little. However, it is not necessary to abuse liquid too - this is fraught with the appearance of even greater swelling. You can drink not only water, but also juices (better savory and freshly squeezed), fruit, tea with milk. At the same time, black tea and coffee is better not carried away, they can affect vessels and pressure. Green tea is also not so useful as many believe: it contains a large amount of caffeine and can also act on the state of the vessels. On the day you can drink no more than two cups. Forget about Gazirovka, especially sweet. In addition to the fluid delay, it also provokes heartburn. If you are going to start drinking the so-called diuretic teas, be sure to consult your doctor - not all such drinks can go to benefit, and take them very carefully.
  4. Move and engage in gymnastics bye.With active movements, the risk of swelling is reduced half. Do special gym for pregnant women, yoga, attend the pool. The main thing is not to overdo it and practice as much. The load should be uniform and dosed.
  5. Let's rest your feet. Try not to stand still and not walk too long. If you sit, put your feet on a special stand or stool. At the same time, it is categorically impossible to sit, throwing one leg to another. With a long seat, about once a hour, make the gymnastics stop - twist them in different directions. Stop alternately on your heels and semimen. Do not sit long in one pose. Lying, put under the legs roller. Make cool foot and massage baths.
  6. Try not to be long at the heat or in stuffy rooms.
  7. On the recommendation of the doctor weare special compression linen. Feet swelling may be accompanied by varicose veins. The treatment of this problem should be played by phlebologist, and will appoint you the underwear of the required degree of compression. The main thing is to choose it in size, it should not be crushed.

Edema - symptom, accompanying almost every pregnancy. Small swelling are almost inevitable, but there is nothing dangerous in them. Therefore, you do not need to worry. The main thing is to show responsibility on time and do not forget about the rules of their prevention, so as not to bring to a severe degree. At the same time, after childbirth, swelling quickly disappear, because the body of a woman leaves about 8 l of extra liquid. And you will quickly forget about this problem.

Signs of edema: when to contact the doctor

The easiest way to determine whether you have edema or not - put pressure on your finger on the skin. If there are no edema, there will be no trace on the skin, if there is - you will see a hole that will be aligned quite slowly, and the skin itself becomes pale and tense at edema.

A small swelling will not harm pregnant, but there are signs, noting that it is better not to slow with the appeal to the doctor:

  • Sharp weight set. If you recruit more than 300 g per week, it speaks of strong edema and a large amount of excess fluid in the body.
  • Manifestation of edema in the morning clock. As a rule, the swelling is temporary and intensifies in the evening, and in the morning there is no traces in the morning. If she worries you already in the morning, it means that it can go to a dangerous degree.
  • Burning, tingling the fingers and hands, their numbness. This happens because of the squeezing of the nerves. With strong edema, difficulties in the bending of the fingers may also appear, and it becomes painful to feet.
  • Footwear tightened and becomes cramped, the rings with difficulty are removed from the fingers or is not removed at all.
  • Strong rounding of the face, swelling of the nose and lips.
  • Student heartbeat, shortness of breath, increase pressure.

With edema during pregnancy, almost every future mother is facing. But the edema is not a normal or safe state of the body, so each pregnant should consult a doctor with complaints about such a state. The causes of edema are different, but they all require treatment and diet correction. In addition, the fluid delay in the body negatively affects the state of the fetus and is fraught with a plurality of complications.

Why appear swelling during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, the volume of circulating blood increases. A woman adds about 10 kg over the entire period, of which 5 - 6 kg accounted for liquid (spindle water, blood). The liquid enters the tissue (mainly into the subcutaneous fat tissue and connecting tissue) from the blood. This is due to the peculiarity of the body of the future mother (he accumulates water and sodium, which attracts it). The fluid delay in the body does not begin immediately. In the first trimester of edema, as a rule, no, but mostly they appear in late terms. The emergence of edema in the second trimester of pregnancy is an unfavorable prognostic sign.

The reasons for the appearance of edema during the extension of the fetus:

  • physiological swelling (associated with an error in a diet, for example, excessive consumption of liquid and salted products: cucumbers, sauerkraut, nuts);
  • evenkers as a sign of gestosis (severe complication of pregnancy, which in addition to edema is accompanied by an increase in blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine);
  • varicious extended veins (varicose disease appears almost every pregnant woman, which is associated with the pressure of the growing uterus on the vessels);
  • kidney disease (for example, glomerulonephritis);
  • cardiovascular pathology.

Physiological edema appear by the end of the day, and, as a rule, on the lower limbs, after a long walk or standing on the legs. During the horizontal position of the edema disappear independently. Hands may occur as a result of a pronounced load on the fingers and brushes (work on a computer, modeling, knitting).

How to distinguish swelling yourself?

Edema during pregnancy The woman is able to determine or notice and independently. The first call is a trace from the gum of socks in the field of ankle joints. What he is pronounced, the stronger swelling. Also a characteristic symptom is the impossibility of a shoe (or worn with difficulty) Favorite and long-dead shoes.

In addition, you can define the so-called symptom of the ring (favorite or wedding ring is not removed or with difficulty). Native and relatives, and the pregnant itself can notice the swelling of the face. It becomes rounded and swelling, eyelids swell, the nose increases in size. Another sign that allows you to diagnose swelling on your own: when pressing on the shin in the bone area, a fossa appears, which disappears not immediately.

With kidney diseases (acute or chronic glomerulonephritis), swelling first localized in the area of \u200b\u200bthe face and only then they are shifted to the lower limbs. In the presence of cardiovascular pathology, swelling are in the lower parts of the body. So, when walking, they arise on the legs, and in a horizontal position in the lower back area. Eknesses for cardiovascular diseases indicate heart failure.

Diagnosis of edema in pregnant women

First of all, edema, especially hidden (that is, invisible), says the pathological weight gain. Woman at the reception every time weighed. If weight gain is more than 300 - 400 grams per week, this is a sign of a fluid delay in the body. Also, pregnant in front of each appearance gives a general urine analysis, according to which the doctor determines the presence of a protein (a sign of gestosis or kidney pathology). In difficult cases, a woman is sent for ultrasound kidneys.

In addition, daily diuresis or the amount of drunk and dedicated liquid is estimated. Normally distinguishes ¾ of a drinking liquid (soups and fruits are taken into account). Negative diuresis is a sign of a fluid delay in the body.

In addition to the listed, the shoes are measured (in the same place) in the dynamics. If the goal circle increased by 1 or more centimeters is a sign of edema. Another way to determine edema is a sample of McAli-Aldrich (blistering). To carry out, 0.2 ml of physiological solution is introduced intraderbia, after which the blister occurs. Normally, it is absorbed within an hour. The faster the blister disappears, the more intense swelling.

What are dangerous swelling during pregnancy?

Under the fluid delay in the body, not only tissues swell, but the placenta, which adversely affects the state of the fetus (intrauterine hypoxia, height and developmental delay). In addition, edema is often a sign of gestosis, which is fraught with such a dangerous state as the eclampsia and the possible death of a woman and a child.

How to treat swelling during pregnancy?

First of all, a special diet is prescribed, with a high protein content and a salt limit. Food must be unfavorable. With severe edema, the reception of fluid is limited to a liter per day (given soups and fruits). Special attention should be paid to rest (sleep better on the left side, which improves the work of the kidneys). It is not worth a long time to be in the same position, stand on the legs for a long time, walk. If there are no contraindications, doctors recommend special gymnastics. Pronounced edema is treated in the hospital.

Anna Vinovov

Often women who are waiting for the child face the swelling of various parts of the body. The following article dispends the myths associated with this state, and also explains the causes of its occurrence and possible methods for solving the situation.

Edema during pregnancy: a serious threat or overcoming phenomenon

Eugene during pregnancy is observed in 75% of women. The opinion of experts associated with the need to eliminate swelling is ambiguous and depends on the history of a particular patient. The following article discloses the question in which situations such a state requires immediate intervention, and when it is a physiological consequence of changes undergoing the body.

Why appear during pregnancy: the main reasons

Being waiting for the baby, the woman's body takes on the performance of the life functions of two. This also applies to the volume of fluid increasing in the process of having a child. At first glance, this fact can be considered quite a logical explanation of the occurrence of edema proving the "naturalness" of the phenomenon under consideration during pregnancy. However, medical professionals consider swelling with a serious deviation requiring immediate decision on prescribed treatment. The situation may be exacerbated by "satellites" of edema: increased blood pressure or protein in the urine of pregnant.

Main reasons:

  • the presence of serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, for example, gestosis;
  • daily consumption of insufficient fluid;
  • frequent inclusion in the diet of fried, greasy or dishes with increased salt and sugar content;
  • pressing the revealed wizard and lymphatic vessels;
  • physiological changes in the content of trace elements in the blood and tissues of pregnant.

Signs: how to determine the swelling

To minimize the negative impact of the swelling on the body of the mother and the child, it is important to diamitude to diagnose it at the initial stage. In addition to edema, visible to the naked eye, there is a possibility of developing the peasosis of the body tissues (hidden fluid delay).

Such serious deviations are determined by doctors during the inspection and evaluation of the results of the overall analysis of urine or blood. Due to the lack of opportunity to visit the gynecologist or take tests every day, in the forces of the most pregnant periodically check parts of the body for the presence of obvious swelling visible.

The legs and lower extremities

Subject to the absence of pregnant diseases and a favorable course of pregnancy swelling of the lower extremities arise in the second and third trimesters and are considered natural changes in the body.

Edema is considered not dangerous for the future mother and baby exclusively with good results of OAM and UAC. Otherwise, the doctor must be prescribed treatment, and sometimes a direction to the hospital is issued.

The main "signals" for a woman pointing to the occurrence of liquid accumulation in the legs and lower limbs are:

  • weight gain by more than 300-400 grams over the past week;
  • strong "swelling" of the limbs exclusively in the evening;
  • sensation of gravity, discomfort or pain in the legs.

Hands and fingers, hands hands

To diagnose the emergence of the edema of the upper limbs, it is reasonable to pay attention to:

  • the presence of the feeling of "tingling" or "numbness" of hands and brushes;
  • the opportunity to unhindered to remove and wear rings from the fingers;
  • the presence of traces of bracelet or dense gum (a short period of wrist) for a long time after their removal.

Frequent numbness and "tingling" of hands in a pregnant woman can testify not only about the presence of a large number of liquid accumulated in tissues, but also about violations in the work of the cardiovascular system.


Edems arising on the face are the most obvious for the future mother. This fact is due to their significant influence on the change in the appearance of a woman. With the development of swelling, pregnant women observe:

  • "Swelling" of the age;
  • the emergence of "bags" under the eyes;
  • "Rounding" ovala face;
  • increase the size of the nose.

Belly and waist

The "swelling" of the waist area is considered the most dangerous view of the departure under consideration. This is explained by the inseparable tie of the mother's abdomen with the vital bodies of the child, which consists in the supply of the placenta ("inflated" with the edema of the abdomen) of the baby oxygen. Accordingly, the earlier pregnant woman will be able to independently notice the slightest swelling of the art, the more chances the influence of pathology on the growing organism will be avoided. An objective reason for concerns should be:

  • the withdrawal of fluid is less than 75% of the daily volume of water consumed by the woman;
  • "Sharp" substantial weight gain;
  • significant "swelling" of the ankles;
  • enhance arterial pressure.

If foot swell

To determine the accumulation of fluid in the footsteps, doctors recommend paying attention to the fact of their possible increase in "wide". As soon as a woman notices that putting the old shoes it becomes impossible, it will immediately turn to the gynecologist to confirm or refutate the fact of the development of a hazardous state caused by the water delay in the body.

What is hidden edema, how to determine them during pregnancy

Unfortunately, the excessive accumulation of fluid in the body of a pregnant woman can be determined during the regular self-diagnosis at home.

It is necessary to regularly visit the gynecologist. In addition to the planned visits, the pregnant woman should properly pass and comply with the general recommendations of the doctor for nutrition and lifestyle.

Having held the definition of hidden (pastose) swelling, the specialist will take for reference points:

  • uneven or sharp increase in weight over the past month;
  • deviations in the analysis of the results of diuresis;
  • slow resorption of a special solution forming a kind of "blister" introduced under the skin of a pregnant woman (such a procedure is known in professional circles as a "blistering test");
  • significant excess of blood pressure norm;
  • detection of protein in the urine of the patient.

Than a dangerous fluid delay in the body during pregnancy

The effect of edema on the body of the future mother and the development of the fetus in the womb is directly connected with the period of pregnancy, when the described state was diagnosed.

First trimester

An essential fluid delay in the body of a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy is extremely non-physiological and will definitely be regarded by a doctor as a consequence of dysfunction of vital bodies of pregnant (kidney, heart, liver).

In addition to possible cardiac or renal failure, provoke swelling in the early periods can varicose veins or strong toxicosis, a significantly dehydrating body of pregnant.

Ignoring the problem is fraught for the future mother by the development of serious diseases, over the time of the "chronic" turning time. For a child at the "Layout" stage of the basis for the subsequent formation of livelihood systems, maternal edema can be dangerous to provoking disorders in the functioning of the placenta responsible for the supply of kid oxygen.

Second trimester

The disabilities under consideration in the state of the woman in the second trimester are more natural, due to the significantly increased load on the body, including due to the weight gain. The safety of the detected swelling on this period can be determined exclusively a gynecologist based on the results of additional research and tests. Otherwise, we are talking about the initial stage of gestosis, dangerous not only for the general state of Mom, but also the life has not yet born baby.

Third trimester

Significant swelling on the last weeks of the third trimester will inevitably attract the hypoxia of the fetus located in the womb. In the absolute majority of cases, doctors in such situations make a decision on the direction of pregnant in the hospital for attempting to eliminate excessively accumulated fluid in the body of a woman by a medication method. In the absence of positive dynamics in the removal of edema of the future mother, an emergency delivery will be recommended to keep her child's life.

How the swelling affects the child than dangerous

Modern gynecologists perceive the swelling of a pregnant, accompanied by a significant set weighing, an increase in blood pressure, as well as deviations in the OAM and OAK, as a phenomenon representing a serious threat to a child in the womb. The effect of such a state can be expressed in:

  • violation of normal blood circulation in the placenta or development of placental insufficiency, inevitably leading to hypoxia (oxygen shortages);
  • provoking the excessive activity of the baby leading to the crucination of his neck or belly cord, which represents a potential danger for subsequent birth.

When there is edema at the initial period of pregnancy

Edema on the first weeks of pregnancy is considered to be a consequence:

  • dysfunctions of vital - important systems of the body of a woman (cardiovascular, urine - sex and so on);
  • non-compliance with daily drinking "regime";
  • eating large quantities of salty, fried, sharp, sweet, bold dishes.

Whether there is always a swelling on the last 9 month of pregnancy

The frequent occurrence of edema in the last period of pregnancy does not at all mean their mandatory availability of each woman. In the absence of deviations in the functioning of other organs and the normal course of pregnancy, a young woman engaged in sports before and during the waiting for the birth of a baby, the fluid delays representing the danger to her or her child may not be.

If the face, legs and hands swells, is it possible to reduce the swelling by medicines

On time Identifying the emergence and development of hidden or explicit edema, a gynecologist, depending on the anamnesis and the current state of pregnant, treatment is assigned. Modern pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of drugs, effective in combating dangerous "ailment".

What are prescribed during sharp forms

With strong edema of legs, faces or upper limbs, in addition to general recommendations and compliance with the drinking regime, as well as adjustments to the daily diet, doctors in the hospital's conditions are prescribed:

  • "Kuraltil";
  • "Kanefron";
  • "Phytolizin";
  • "Spironolakton";
  • "Magna B6";
  • "Magneroth".

What are the means effective

The most effective of them recognized as "Kuraltil" and "Kanefron". The compositions of these medical drugs are most natural as possible, which causes the absolute safety of their use, along with a high speed of active substances.

Pregnant woman is strongly not recommended to engage in self-medication, since in the absence of a proper preliminary examination, as well as the correct determination of the dosage, any drugs can cause more harm than the benefits for mom and its baby.

What can not be taken during pregnancy from edema

Due to the potential danger to pregnant, represented by some drugs, successfully used in the treatment of edema in other people, doctors prefer to avoid the prescription of drugs with diuretic properties:

  • "Furosemid";
  • "Hypothiazide";
  • "Theobromine";
  • "Xipamide";
  • "Lazilakton";
  • "Triamtern";
  • "Diakarb".

How to cope with edema during pregnancy by folk remedies

A woman who is in a position, for the very power of at home, try to minimize swelling, by using effective folk methods, adjusting the diet, as well as performing simple exercises.

Baths from the legs: how to remove the swelling

To the most common "home" means to eliminate delays in the body of the fluid in the field area include:

  • paths for legs (in water, temperature 30 - 35 degrees, dissolves sea salt, mustard, chamomile or melissa in proportion 1 tablespoon of active substance per liter of fluid);
  • cold and hot shower.

How to remove swelling face

To eliminate the "swelling" of the face of pregnant woman is recommended daily to wipe the skin with ice, and also to do regularly:

  • cucumber mask;
  • mask from potatoes and honey;
  • compress on face with decoction of calendula, green tea.

How to reduce swelling at the bottom of the abdomen

Reduce dangerous edema at the bottom of the abdomen during pregnancy will help daily use:

  • berry Guards;
  • vegetable frisses;
  • herbal tinctures, in particular parsley, rosehip, hawthorn, chamomile.

Diet with swelling during pregnancy in late terms

In addition to the above-mentioned "rituals", pregnant women are recommended to adhere to a special diet that implies sufficient fluid consumption.

Swelling products

Along with abundant drinking, important components of the full-term menu of a woman in anticipation of the baby should become:

  • salad dishes;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, melon, watermelon;
  • seasonal berries, in particular cranberries, lingonberry or red currant.

Diet day in the early and later

The daytime diet of the future mother in the development of swelling both in the early and later dates, implies the observance of identical basic rules of "healthy" food:

  1. The daily volume of salt in dishes should not exceed 5 g.
  2. It is necessary to completely exclude sweet, flour, oily, sharp, fried food.
  3. Priority should be dishes rich in proteins, vitamins, useful micro and macroelents:
  • boiled or baked in the oven "dietary" meat;
  • fermented milk products;
  • dishes cooked for a pair;
  • vegetables;
  • citrus fruits, in particular lemon (in the absence of allergies);
  • porridge.
  1. It is extremely important to avoid excessive consumption of coffee, black tea, carbonated drinks.

The number of fluid consumed in the last weeks

The volume of fluid consumed by a woman in the last weeks of pregnancy should be at least 1 liter per day. This indicator refers not only to clean water and other drinks, but also to the whole liquid food in the daily diet of the future mother.

The slightest deviation from the generally accepted drinking mode can lead to the development of swelling or, on the contropenitation, dehydration.

Emploitation Exercises during pregnancy

It is also worth noting the need to perform a number of exercises with pregnant women who contribute to the normalization of the process of outputting the accumulated fluid from the body. These include:

  • regular adoption of the knee-elbow position;
  • visiting the pool;
  • daily active walks on foot over long distances;
  • "Rounding" and "flexing" of the back, standing on all fours;
  • saving the position, several times, alternating legs, perform "pulling up" a bent knee to the stomach, with a concomitant rounding of the back;
  • lying on the back and putting the lower limbs on the pillow, perform circular movements of the stop in different directions;
  • staying in the same position, alternately pull up to the belly bent in her knees.

Having studied the information in the above article, pregnant will be able to understand how to prevent the emergence of a potentially dangerous state for the life of her baby. However, despite the existing "homemade" methods of combating swelling and well-known "norms of the norm", when the symptoms of the departure under consideration are found, the future mother should be immediately consulting a doctor to establish a real threat to its health.

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