Previously, called the Urals. Ural River in Russia

Toponyms, or folk geographical names, many centuries remain unchanged. But the most persistent from the names of the places is hydronicima: names of rivers, lakes and seas. They live thousands of years.
The name of the Ural Our river received by the decree of Catherine the second; January 15, 1775 Yaitskaya Cossacks, their capital Yaitsky Town and the Yaik River are renamed in the Ural Cossacks, the city of Uralsk, and the Ural River.
Our river was known in ancient Greece. In 7th century BC. Her shore visited the great poet of the ancient world of Aristi. His travel to the country "Long-haired Issiedon" he described in the poem from the three books of Arimpace, data from which in 5V. BC used Herodotes in his work. Due to this, the ancient name of our river is preserved: Likos. So he recorded the Aristi's sound of anciently enjoyed word with the help of the Greek alphabet, habitually adding the Greek ending. The face of the river name for an unusual ear rushed.
On the territory of the modern Bashkortostan, the Orenburg and North of the Urals (now the West-Kazakhstanskaya) region, where Mednons lived in the past, and today in the name of the many rivers and rivers, the IIK formant, "Iyu\u003e (for example, Samara's tributaries, large and Small IR).
More than 6 thousand years ago, when there was another unity for all Indo-European peoples, the word "IC" meant in it "The current, current water", and served for the name of the flow, river flow. After the collapse of Indo-European unity, when one of the distinguished parts, Indo-Iranians is also divided into the ancestors of modern Indians and the ancient Iranians who dwell on the land of our region, the word "IR" remained in the group of the ancient Original languages, on one of which .
The border between the Scythian and Savromatian tribes and their languages \u200b\u200bwas held along the Tanais River (Don). Scythians have the name of the flow, river, sounded like "Don", the Savromat tribes, the name of the flow sounded "Yik", "Iik". The domination of the Savromato-Sarmatian tribes on the shores of the Yaik continues to 2 V. AD After the arrival of a small detachment of the fugitives from the east, Hunov, the Language situation is unlikely to have changed radically. In the second century of our era, the geographer of Claudius Ptolemy leads to writing the name of our river: Daix; Here, the ultimate-off called the sound of a barbarian word "to improve" the sound of a barbaric word, and the initial D- was most likely an attempt to transfer sound like a Ukrainian "g".
The military-political confederation, or the Gun Union of the tribes, for two centuries after that it was, including on earth of our region. From the shores of Yaika, the pedestrian crowd tribes rushed to Europe, putting the beginning of the era of the resettlement of peoples, and ethnic chaos, which lasted about three centuries.
In 6 c. Byzantic meander, the tutor leads the name of Daich. Most likely, here the final unsuccessful "K" is transmitted on the letter as "x". Interestingly, R.Emba he calls IC!
In April 922, through Jaik, the Embassy of the Baghdad Caliph to the Sovereign of the Volga Bulgarians is transferred as part of the shopping caravan. Scientific secretary of the embassy, \u200b\u200bArab Ibn-Fadlan, in his book "Risa La" leads the name of the river, reading which Professor Kovalevsky gives in two versions: Jii, and Yaych.
In 1229 In Russian chronicles, we find several options for pronunciation of the name of the river: AIC, Giik, and Yik.
At the Altai Tatars, the name Yik - Kan wears one of the deities, "Lord of the Sea", "The Spirit of the Sea", Mr. Third Sky (all of the Heaven in Altai Mythology Seven). Father's name - flow and memory of it have been preserved from Altai shamans and in connection with the Yika River. When carrying out a memorial ceremony of the horse, Shaman sings:
You, mother of nine eagles,
Do not wandering, you fly over the jacket,
Not tired, overcome Edil.
In local lore literature, various interpretations of the name of the YiAr River are given. They write that the word is Mongolian origin, and one part of it is "Jai" means "place, convenience, space", and the second - "IK" - "feature, wonderfulness."
E.Kuchubayev, based on Turkic languages, treats the word YIK,
like "Yay-IK", - "Widespread River River"; Or as "Yay-Sk", - from the word "summer" there are both other, no less witty translation options.
Before trying to translate the name, you should probably just remember that mankind on the face of the earth is not one hundred millennium! And the names of all the great rivers came to us on the relay of generations from the incredible gave these millennia. Therefore, to interpret these names, based on the data of modern languages, is incorrect, and not only from a scientific point of view. It is stupid to pretend that the banks of the river are populated only yesterday. And then, who will come to the big river, calling her "place", or "space", and even more so "summer", or "autumn".
When interpreting the ancient names, usually do not use dictionarys of modern languages, but by special work on toponymics. Then the mistakes will not be repeated when the formant "AK" in Hydronima is translated. Its main value in toponyms - "current", "current water", and not "white, light". As we see, this value is close to Indo-European "IR", and indicates to the upstream of these words, and the overall origin of these words, and on the correspondence of their value in the names of the rivers.
If we reduce all the written mention of our river names known to us, we will get the table:



A source

Lick (Licos)

7th century BC

Aristi (Herodot)


2nd. AD





Jai, Yayah.


Ibn Fadlan



Al Idrisi.

AIC, Giik, YiIK


Russian chronicles



Carpini plan



Gil Rubruk






Map of Pizigani.


14-15 V.V.

Nogai Tatars



Sigismund Gerbershtein



Map A. Jenkinson




JIK, crack river

16th century

Cossack Cossacks with Moscow

Yik Gornych

16th century

Folklore Yaitsky Cossacks



Notes Fabrichysus



Decree of Catherine Second
Two names fall out of the overall picture: Ruza and Ulus. In the case of Ruza, most likely the erroneous identification of the name of the river from the Al-Idrisi card with the yayk takes place.
Only Ibn-Battuta called the Yaik River - Ulus. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the symbol of Tukhsov, the alleged Yu.A. Zuyov's ancestors of the Polovtsy kind of toxobic, "there was a dragon Ulu, originating in Yuezhian antiquity"; "Their ruling (" tsar ") was having a ball" Dragon ". And" Sharukanev Grad "Polovtsev-Toxobic in the South-Russian Steppes" was also called Zmiev and Scheeyev "(see Yu.A. Zuev" Early Turks. Essays History and ideology "p. 156). In this case, the ulus successfully transmits the meaning of an ancient name:" Great Flow ".
The story, reflecting in the name of our river, passes in front of us: Lick, Daiks, Daich, Jai Yaych, Ayk, Giik, YiIK. A tag, depending on the acun, yaking, the splashing method of the inhabitants of the Yaika shovels, the pronunciation of his name was changed, but the ancient basis remained unchanged, and his meaning remains unchanged: a great stream - father, or what the Cossacks today are called today - Yik Gornych, father-father!
The blood of the ancestors and the common fate connects us to the Gorynych. Bad, he is bad and today in the world of the midwife, distraught from permissiveness. Never have never been in such a croution. Water your life-wing poison, your treasures are plundered. And what turned your pearl babe! At which it is not that the garbage could not be thrown away - it was forbidden to make noise in the fault time!
There is a hope for the power of your Bogatyr. The witchcraft awesome will come down, they wake up from dead sleep, and spend their lively water, a powerful stream, all poisons, all foam and evil from their shores. And as before, you will carry your light water between steep berazhkov, to the glorious sea of \u200b\u200bCaspian. To his children to joy, good people surprisingly, the enemies on the crop.
(Author Unknown)
[A source]

Few rivers in modern history changed their names. The Ural River in this regard is "lucky." This river has long been called the name of YiK, until in 1775, by decree Catherine II was not renamed. Interestingly, despite renaming in Russian, the former name of the river has so far been preserved in Kazakhstan, as well as among Bashkir.

Toponym YiIK, as scientists have established, originated from the Turkic basis, meaning "spill, flooding." During the spring flood, the river comes out of the banks and spreads wide (somewhere a few kilometers in width). The river was also mentioned on a Ptolemy map in the second century of our era, she appeared under the name Daix. In the Russian written sources, the first mention of the Yaika belongs to 1140.

After the suppression of the Peasant War and the execution of Emelyan Pugachev in 1775, by decree Catherine II, the Yak River was renamed to the Urals - by the name of the Ural Mountains. This Empress sought to erase everything that would remind of war. In a decree on renaming the river, it is written about the reasons for renaming: "For a perfect oblivion of the accident that followed on the Yaika." It was in the Urals during the Civil War, I drowned by the human legend of Vasily Chapaev. However, some historians doubt this and insist that Chapaev died in battle, and was buried somewhere on the banks of the river.

The length of the Ural River is not small - 2428 kilometers. It is not surprising that this is the third along the length of the European River, inferior only by the Volga and the Danube. Proceeds through the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions and Kazakhstan. The source of the river in the Striking district of Bashkortostan, in a swamp on the eastern slope of the Range Uraltau, and the mouth - in the Caspian Sea. In the Orenburg region, the Ural is the largest river. The Orenburg has to and most of the water of the Ural River to the Caspian Sea - 1164 kilometers.

In terms of the river, the border between Europe and Asia passes. In the valley of the river many old men. The coast is predominantly incisive. The winding line of the river is often changing, as a result it often it turned out that the villages standing on the river turned out to be in the old man or away from the water. On the river several reservoirs, the largest and most beautiful among them - Iriklinsky.

In the past, the Urals was a large river, he was shipping. In particular, Water transport went from Orenburg to Uralsk. However, every year in the summer, the river is becoming smaller, it is possible to move it, and shipping remains in the past. The reasons for the crosses are mainly chosen in the resolution of the steppes and the destruction of the forest bel.

Scientists and social activists scored alarm. Plans to save the river, restore its ecosystem and filling it with water, every summer organized environmental expeditions. I want to hope that the river will be saved. And although the Ural River has lost shipping importance, it is quite suitable for the tourist alloy. Of course, it is not comparable to beauty with such rivers, like Chusovaya or Ai, but here you can spend time and have a good rest.

In some places on the banks of the Urals, you can meet rocks. Especially beautiful the Ural River after Orsk. Here the river flows into the gorge in the Governors of the Mountains, the length of this area is approximately 45 kilometers.

In the Urals you can see such beautiful geological and landscaped monuments of nature, like the Iriklinsky gorge, the Orshest gate, the mountains of the transverse, light-old, incision Nikolsky and others. On the river good fishing. In the past, the Ural River was sturgeon. In the late 1970s, the share of the Ural river in world sturgeon production was 33 percent, and for the production of black caviar - 40 percent! .. Unfortunately, now the sturgeon population has decreased more than 30 times.

The Government of the Orenburg Region places hopes for the development of water tourism on the Ural River. In particular, a water route for kayaks has been developed with a total length of 876 kilometers (from Iriklinsky to Orenburg - 523 km, from Orenburg to early - 352 km). Alloy for this route is designed for 28 days. However, it is not necessary to melted, you can simply come on weekends to the bank of the Ural River, relax after the heavy everyday life and to go fishing.

proceeds through the territory of Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions, as well as on the territory of another country - in the Republic of Kazakhstan, up to the Caspian Sea.

The Ural River is the third in the end of the European River (inferior only by the Volga and the Danube). The length of the Ural River - 2428 kilometers, most of the path of the river flows through the territory of Orenburg (1164 km).

The source - on the slopes of the top of the Round Napka (Range of Uraltau) in the Striking district of Bashkortostan. In the upper reaches, this is a rapid mountain river, it flows into a huge Yaitskoy swamp, accumulates strength in it and comes out the plain river. Usti - in the Caspian Sea. By the segment of the river passes the conditional border between Europe and Asia.

The ancient name of the river - YiK, originated from the Turkic word meaning "pouring, flooding." Indeed, the river is bottled during the spring flood, and also often changes his bed, "walking" along the steppe. The first written mention - in the II century of our era on the Ptolemy map (called Daix), in the Russian chronicles, the first mention of the Yaika in 1140.

This river is one of the few (and maybe the only one in our country?) Who changed their name in modern history in favor of politics. The river was renamed the Urals (by the name of the Ural Mountains) in 1775 by decree Catherine II in the elimination of the consequences of the peasant war under the leadership of Emelyan Pugachev. This war began on eggs, Bashkira and Yaitsky Cossacks were actively involved in it. To erase any reminders of the uprising, the queen commanded the name of this river and the native village of Pugachev. At the same time, the name of the YiIK River in Bashkir and Kazakh language is still preserved.

During the bloody civil war, the legendary Vasily Chapaev drowned in the Urals.

On the Ural River, several reservoirs are built. The biggest and most beautiful among them is Iriklinsky.

Recently, the Ural River was shipping up to the city of Orenburg. In Soviet times, ranked water transport between Orenburg and Urals. However, due to the changing natural conditions (steaks of steppes, the destruction of forests), the river was very much crushed and this process continues. Annually discusses the issues of rescue the river, environmental expeditions are held. But while the Ural continues to be a mile ...

Nature monuments

1. The tract is a white stone in the floodplain of the Ural River. On the left bank of the Ural River, northeast of the village of Yangelsky. Geological monument of nature. On the steep slopes of the Ural River, the rocks "White Stone" stretched by 150-200 meters. In the rocky yields of organogenic limestones there are remnants of fossil organisms, as well as natural communities, including rare and protected types of lichens, plants and animals.

2. Mountain. 3 km from Verkhneuralsk, on the right bank of the Ural River. Botanical Monument of Nature, including man-made pine landings, picturesque rocks on the top of the mountain, as well as artificial parking facilities.

3. Kyzlar-Tau (Maiden Mountain). Open r. Ural u s. Chesnokovka

River Ural in Orenburg. Photo - Alexandr-ORB

Rafting on the Ural River

The Ural River (YIK) is suitable for the tourist alloy. Of course, in beauty, it cannot be filled with most mountain Ural rivers, but here you can relax and admire the beautiful landscapes. Especially this river is interesting for alloy to tourists-vodnikov of the Orenburg region.

Here is an excellent fishing, healthy climate, air saturated with steppe grass.

In some places in the Urals, you can even meet the rocks. The most beautiful area of \u200b\u200bthe Ural River is below Orsk, where it flows into the gorge in the Governors of the Mountains. The length of this plot is about 45 kilometers.

The most beautiful geological and landscape monuments of nature on the Ural River: Iriklinsky Gorge, Orshest Gate, Mountains Cross, Little, Ozage Nikolsky and others.

From the fact that the river often changes his winding bed, many old men were formed in the Ural Valley. Some of the old men are rich in fish. It has repeatedly happened that the settlements based on the river bank turned out to be away from it - the river "went away" to the side.

The shores are predominantly incisive, clay.

The largest influx of the Urals - the Sakmar River is also interesting for the tourist alloy.

Fishing on the Ural River

Fishing on the Ural River will deliver many joy. In the past century, until recently, the Ural River was famous for sturgeon. According to some reports, in the late 1970s, the share of the Ural river in world sturgeon production was 33 percent, and 40 percent for the production of black caviar. But now sturgeon in the Urals have become rare. Nevertheless, fishing is good here.

Fish in the river Ural Much: Ostr, Severuga, Sudak, Herring, Bream, Sazan, Som, Pike, Chib, Karas, Beluga, Belorybitsa, Sazan, Bream, Sudak, Vobla, Pike, Puff, Kutum, Elets, Yauz, Red Pack, Zhereh, Lin, Pad, Pescar, Usach, Uschuya, Tynets, Caras, Goles, Nalim, Perch, Ersh, bull. In general, without a catch, you can hardly stay!

River Ural. Ural

The Ural River originates in the mountains of the Southern Urals. Its source is located on the Range of Uraltau at an altitude of 637 meters above sea level. It flows through the territory of Russia (through the territory of Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk and Orenburg regions) and Kazakhstan from the north to south, in the middle of the course - from the east to the West and flows into the Caspian Sea (-27 meters below sea level).

Length: 2,428 kilometers. This is the third river length in Europe, after the Volga and the Danube.

Pool area: 231,000 square kilometers.

The mouth of the Urals is divided into several sleeves. The fall of the bed is 664 meters. Urals - Upper-Uralska is a typical mountain river, to the city of Magnitogorsk, it is already more like a plain river. Further, from Magnitogorsk and already to Orsk, the Ural flows through the rocky area, and there are often ruling on the way. Only after the sacmary river (one of the largest tributaries), he finally becomes a typical plain river. Here his bed is quite wide and winding. In the lower current of the valley expands and the river forms a lot of ducts and old men. Urals is a fairly fast river. Without reservoirs, it also did not cost.

The river mode is characterized by uneven flow. The difference in the overall source in a low year can be 10 races less than in a century-based one. 10 months a year of the Urals are a relatively small river, but in the spring it turns into a powerful and raging flow of spilling his waters for many kilometers. In the spring of the river width reaches 36 km. In the short time of the spring flood in the Urals takes up to 96% of the total annual flow.

Power Method: Mostly snow, very little gets the Urals from groundwater.

River inflows: Sakmar and Ilec, big dogwood, tanalyk.

Fish: Sazan, Bream, Sudak, Kutum, Elets, Golhavel, Jaza, Beluga, Belorebitsa, Red Person, Gherry, Lin, Spring, Pescar, Usach, Ostr, Severuga, Usley, Gusterasazan, Halts, Som, Vobla, Pike, Puff, Navy, Pike perch, perch, hero, bull, bream, stain, crucian, taper, trout stream, smoky.

Freezing: The ice is covered by the Ural November and is exempt from the ice captivity at the end of March early April.

Few rivers in modern history changed their names. The Ural River in this regard is "lucky." This river has long been called the name of YiK, until in 1775, by decree Catherine II was not renamed. Interestingly, despite renaming in Russian, the former name of the river has so far been preserved in Kazakhstan, as well as among Bashkir.

Toponym YiIK, as scientists have established, originated from the Turkic basis, meaning "spill, flooding." During the spring flood, the river comes out of the banks and spreads wide (somewhere a few kilometers in width).

The river was also mentioned on a Ptolemy map in the second century of our era, she appeared under the name Daix. In the Russian written sources, the first mention of the Yaika belongs to 1140.

After the suppression of the Peasant War and the execution of Emelyan Pugachev in 1775, by decree Catherine II, the Yak River was renamed to the Urals - by the name of the Ural Mountains. This Empress sought to erase everything that would remind of war. In a decree on renaming the river, it is written about the reasons for renaming: "For a perfect oblivion of the accident that followed on the Yaika."

It was in the Urals during the Civil War, I drowned by the human legend of Vasily Chapaev. However, some historians doubt this and insist that Chapaev died in battle, and was buried somewhere on the banks of the river.

In the past, the Urals was a large river, he was shipping. In particular, Water transport went from Orenburg to Uralsk. However, every year in the summer, the river is becoming smaller, it is possible to move it, and shipping remains in the past. The reasons for the crosses are mainly chosen in the resolution of the steppes and the destruction of the forest bel.

Scientists and social activists scored alarm. Plans to save the river, restore its ecosystem and filling it with water, every summer organized environmental expeditions. I want to hope that the river will be saved.

It is the third for the length of the river of Europe, is inferior to this indicator only the Volga and the Danube.

Proceeds through the territory of Russia (Bashkortostan, Chelyabinsk and Orenburg region) and Kazakhstan (West Kazakhstan and Atyrau region).

Takes the beginning in the mountains of the Southern Urals on the slopes of the tops of the Round Natalka (Range of Uraltau) in the Striking district of Bashkortostan. Length is 2428 km, most of the path of the river flows through the territory of Orenburg (1164 km), in Kazakhstan 1082 km. The water horizon is at an absolute altitude of 635 m.

The old name (until 1775) is YIK. Hyronim dates back to the ancient Iranian name; Under the name * Daiks River is shown on the Ptolemy II century map. e. Currently, the ancient name of the river is subjected to transcription is official in Kazakhstan and in Bashkir.

A. S. Pushkin wrote in the "History of Pugachev": Yik, by decree Catherine II renamed to the Ural, coming out of the mountains that gave him the current name.

On the ancient European maps of the Ural is referred to as Rhymnus Fluvius.

The first mention in the Russian chronicles in 1140: Mstislav Zaganin Hallovitsa for Don for the Volga for JIAC.

In Russian, the name of the YaIC was changed to the Urals in 1775 by decree Catherine the second, after the suppression of the peasant war under the leadership of Pugacheva, in which Bashkirs and Yaitsky Cossacks actively took part.

In the upper course, Upper-Uralsk has the form of a mountain river; From the Upper-Uralsk to Magnitogorsk, the nature of the plain river is wearing. From Magnitogorsk to Orsk flowing in rocky shores, replete with focate. Below in the right r. Sakmary becomes a typical plain river with a wide winding river, calm current and rare counters. After the city of Uralsk, the valley expands, and the river forms a lot of ducts and old men.

In the upper reaches of the Ural shallow water, the depth rarely exceeds 1-1.5 m; On average and especially lower current - deepest.

In the upper reaches, water vegetation is well developed, in the lower reaches - well. The soils in the upper reaches of pebble-sandy, stony and or etched places in the lower reaches - or and sandy, less often clay.

It freezes the Urals in the upper course in early November, on average and lower - at the end of November, revealed from the end of March to mid-April.

The tributaries are small, the largest - sakmar and yel.

The Ural is rich in feed resources, especially in the lower course.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe pool is equal to 237,000 km² and occupies the amount of sixth place among the rivers of Russia.

On the Ural River, several reservoirs are built. The biggest and most beautiful among them is Iriklinsky.

The mouth of the Urals is divided into several sleeves and gradually merge.

In 1769, Pallas counted nineteen sleeves, part of which was highlighted by the Urals 660 meters above the abovement of it in the sea; In 1821, there were only nine, in 1846 - only three: Yaitskoe, Zolotinskoye and Dragaskovaya. By the end of the 50s and the beginning of the 1960s of the XIX century, to the city of Gurieva, there were almost no sleeves with constant flow from the Urals.

The first sleeve, separated from the main line of the left, was a swash, separated by Dramet and Alasashkin. Even below, the riverbed of the Urals was divided into 2 sleeves - Zolotinsky and Yaitsky, and both both the first and the second were divided into two mouths: a large and small yaitsky, great and old Zolotinskoye. From the Zolotinsky sleeve east, another sleeve was departed, Buchaka, flowing into the sea between Peretsky and Golden.

The drop in the water of the Urals is not particularly large; From the upwards to Orsk, it has about 0.9 meters by 1 kilometer, from Orsk to Uralsk not more than 30 centimeters per 1 kilometer, below - even less. The width of the channel is generally insignificant, but diverse. The bottom of the Urals, in the upper reaches, in the most part of the flow of his clay and sandy, and within the Ural region there are stone ridges. Uralsky, the bottom of the river is lined with small pebbles, which is found several large sizes at the "White Hills"; Special pebble of tight clay, in addition, it comes across in some places of the Ural's lower flow (in the "Pogorella Luka").

The course of the Urals is rather cutting and forms a large number of loops. The Ural, with a small falling of water, throughout the whole often changes the main line, breaks on new moves, leaving in all directions deep reservoirs, or "old men".

Thanks to the volatile flow of the Urals, many Cossack villages, who used earlier during the river, were subsequently on the styrices, residents of other villages were forced to move to new places just because the old dwellings were gradually treated and demolished by the river.

In general, the Valley of the Urals is cut on both sides of styrices, narrow ducts, expanded ducts, lakes, small lakes; During the spring waterproofing, which is coming from the melting of snows in the Urals, they are all filled with water, which keeps in others until next year. Spring rivers and rivers carry into the Urals a lot of melting water, the river is overflowed, comes out of the banks, in the same places where the shores are sludges, the river is raised by 3-7 meters. Also from the river the water supply is carried out to the oil fields.

The largest left banking tributaries of the Urals from the city of Orsk to the mouth of the facility - Kiyalybucha, Urtabja, Burya, Berdyanka, Donguz, Black - Typical Steppe Rivers with short but stormy spring floods. The last two of them are Donguz and Black - due to the construction of large reservoirs in the middle of summer almost dry.

River Ilec is the largest left-bank influx of the Urals. Below, the Urals takes on the right three more significant tributaries: Kindel, Irtek and Chagan. The last of them falls into the Urals outside the Orenburg region. The city of Orsk in the Urals flows the o'j river.

The River almost straightly disperses the ridge to the River, the 40-kilometer portion of the Khabarninsky gorge begins at the "gorge" of the river. On this segment, the Ural takes the waters of the mountain river governors with Chebakla and Kinderley - on the right, and on the left - the ebits, aitarka and alimbeta.

The source of the Ural River

Most of the tributaries fall into it with the right, facing common areas of the parties; Of these, they are known: Artazim, Tanalyk, Governor, Sakhmarar, the healing, lost in the floodplain, not reaching the Urals, in the meadows between the villages of Studentovsky and Kindelinsky, Kindel and Irtek within the Orenburg region; In the West Kazakhstan region, there are several shallow rivers below the rtek, including the ruble, at the mouth of which were the first villages of the Yaitsky Cossacks, the water inflow on the right is r. Chagan arising from common raw.

On the left, the rivers of Ory, Ilek, the ultrasound, Barbashev (Barbastau) and Solyanka, noticed only in the spring and drying in the summer. Contrary to universal delusion of the Ural River is a natural water border between Asia and Europe only in the upper current in Russia.

The border passes in Verkhneuralsk and Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region. In Kazakhstan, geographically, the border between Europe and Asia passes south from Orsk on the Range of Mug Godjar.

Thus, the Ural River is an internal European river, only the Russian ridges of the River Eastern Ural Range belong to Asia.

The preliminary results in April - May 2010, the expedition of the Russian geographical society in Kazakhstan showed that the border of Europe and Asia on the Ural River, as well as on the Emba, does not have sufficient scientific grounds.

The fact is that the south of Zlatoust, the Ural ridge, losing the axis, disintegrates into several parts, then the mountains and are gradually gradually going to no, that is, disappears the main benchmark during the border. The Urals and Emba rivers do not share anything, since the locality they crosses is identical. And the West Kazakhstan and Atyrau region of Kazakhstan, the entire and half of the Aktobe region enter Europe.

This factor became decisive at the reception of Kazakhstan's football federation in UEFA in 2002.

Nature monuments

The most beautiful geological and landscape monuments of nature on the Ural River:

1. Iriklinsky Gorge.

The target of the dam in the Iriklinsky gorge, representing the narrowing of the Ural Valley with a width of about 250 meters, folded by volcanic rocks - tuffs and lavams of Devonian age, was chosen in 1932 by Leningrad hydraulic engineers. Topographic is the most good place for the construction of dams, and volcanic rocks have low permeability, which played a decisive role in the construction of hydraulic dishes. As a result of the filling of the bed to a mark of 245 meters, a narrow reservoir of 73 kilometers long with three large bays in the southern part was formed. The most extended of them is the Suunduk Bay - 43 kilometers.

2. Orsk gate.

To the west of Orsk, taking on the left of Ohar and Kumak, the Urals, contrary to all the laws, rushes into the mountains. Further path to the West blocks him the stone wall of the Gubernlysky Mountains. But the Ural turns sharply to the southeast, bypassing a mountain range. Overseas first ridge of the provincial mountains, the river passes about 6 kilometers. On the right above it is a statercot rock, on the left - the low coast, overgrown with the floodplain forest. The Ural here is wide and deep, the course of calm, almost imperceptible, it looks like a narrow and long mountain lake.

But the deep plend ends. The noise of falling water is heard. Weic-Sai rolls ahead. Here the riverbed is a jet of huge boulders and fragments of rocks. Rocks are on the right, climbing directly into the water. The majestic rock bastion fit on the left, it is composed of very strong rocks - amphibolite and gabbro. The valley here goes into a relatively narrow gorge, and the river is quickly flowing between two stone walls. Soon the gorge is replaced by gentle hills, but before entering the plain is still far away. In search of a breakthrough to the West Ural re-change its direction and flows to the north. But the direct path to him again blocks the high mountain ac-bik.

At an altitude of about 120 meters, the mountain has a horizontal ledge-terrace of 100-10 meters wide. This ledge is the ancient River of the Urals. About a million years ago, the destroyed Ural Mountains began to gradually rise, and the river was forced to deepen his river, crashing into the raging Gubernlysky Mountains. So the Orsk gates were formed - the yield of the Urals to the West. Near the mouth of the province landscape becomes especially picturesque. The river escapes the isochki hills and gear cliffs dismembered by deep shady gorges. Between the ridges and cliffs slide down the streams of rocky shots folded by fragments of rocks and boulders. This mountainous country is repulsed by deep canyons of the river governor, Tonar, Ebita and their tributaries. The bottoms of the canyons densedly thumbs up with black alder, aspen, birch, viburnum. Sometimes dark green beards of the Cossack juniper slide off the slopes. But it is enough to climb upstairs, and your gaze will appear the unreasonable woven space of an ancient plateau. Such is the natural phenomenon of the Governor of the Ural Basin: Rocky Mountains - downstairs, flat steppe - at the top. Find on the map This unique landscape of the South Urals is not difficult. It is located in the north of the Aktobe region, where a small area of \u200b\u200bthe Ural River serves as the border between Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation.

3. Mountain transverse.

Below the village of Khabarnogin is a narrow section of the Valley of the Ural River, which is called a Khabarninsky gorge. The narrowing begins from the mouth of the Plochuki stream, where the rest house is "Utøs". From here begins one of the most wonderful Ples in the Urals. On the right above it hangs the black and green ridge of the mountain of the transverse, the ridge stretches along the shore of 4 km. The Urals are wide and deep here, the course of calm, almost imperceptible, it looks rather not to the river, but a long mountain lake. When a long spill ends, the rocks are retreating from the right bank and the opposite side of the river becomes the mountainous. On the turn, the noise of the raging water is heard - a noisy threshold is ahead. The river weighing here must be extremely careful and to hold a boat or raft close to the bushes of the left shore.

4. Mountain.

Between the Giryalsky ridge (many local historians and most travelers consider him the first Ural mountain on the way from Orenburg to Orsk) and the mountain cameril on the right bank of the Urals rises another hill - Mountain Little. It represents the concentrate elevation, rolled up with an extensive network of logs and nodbin with smooth outlines almost to the top of the vertex. The absolute mark of the hill is 284.8 m, and the relative excess of the Ural 158 m. The foot of the clock slope of the mountain loom dated with a diameter of up to 40-50 cm. At the foot of Mount Urals forms an extensive Riologist of the beacon, which is the most valuable bream, Sazan, Zherhek, Sudak, as well as whites.

5. The incision Nikolsky.

2 km west of S. Nikolsk. Geological monument of nature, area - 8.0 hectares. The low break over R. Ural and over its floodplain length of about 800 m. In the climb, the sandstone, clay-argillite, clay limestones fall into the east. This incision is the passionithium of the Orenburg tier of the upper carbon, which was highlighted by V.E.Orhentsev (1945). According to its nudity, completeness and paleontological characteristics is one of the best cuts of coal deposits of the Southern Urals, as evidenced by numerous finds of faunistic residues. Most often in the context there are ammonites, conodonts and fuzulinids. Fauna accumulations are often kept in caravail-shaped limestone nodules. In the context, there are supports of home-free rocks in which individual debris achieves size 1 m. These are conglomerate-breccia, which are also called oliteostromes. It is believed that the olistrostromes were formed as a result of underwater landslides on the seabed. The Orenburg Tier completes the incision of the coal system and is border with the deposits of the Perm system. Based on the fauna of the fauna of the Nikolsky section, the position of the border of the carbon and Perm is substantially substantiated. In the summer of 1991, the incision examined the domestic and foreign geologists of the International Congress on the Perm system.

6. The white stone tract in the floodplain of the Ural River. On the left bank of the Ural River, northeast of the village of Yangelsky. Geological monument of nature. On the steep slopes of the Ural River, the rocks "White Stone" stretched by 150-200 meters. In the rocky yields of organogenic limestones there are remnants of fossil organisms, as well as natural communities, including rare and protected types of lichens, plants and animals.

7. Mount Village. 3 km from Verkhneuralsk, on the right bank of the Ural River. Botanical Monument of Nature, including man-made pine landings, picturesque rocks on the top of the mountain, as well as artificial parking facilities.

8. Kyzlar-Tau (Maiden Mountain). Open r. Ural u s. Garlic.

Rafting on the Ural River

In some places on the banks of the Urals, you can meet rocks.

Especially beautiful the Ural River after Orsk. Here the river flows into the gorge in the Governors of the Mountains, the length of this area is approximately 45 kilometers. Here is an excellent fishing, healthy climate, air saturated with steppe grass. In some places in the Urals, you can even meet the rocks.

From the fact that the river often changes his winding bed, many old men were formed in the Ural Valley. Some of the old men are rich in fish. It has repeatedly happened that the settlements based on the river bank turned out to be away from it - the river "went away" to the side. The shores are predominantly incisive, clay.

The largest influx of the Urals - the Sakmar River is also interesting for the tourist alloy.

The Government of the Orenburg Region places hopes for the development of water tourism on the Ural River. In particular, a water route for kayaks has been developed with a total length of 876 kilometers (from Iriklinsky to Orenburg -523 km, from Orenburg to early - 352 km). Alloy for this route is designed for 28 days. However, it is not necessary to melted, you can simply come on weekends to the bank of the Ural River, relax after the heavy everyday life and to go fishing.

Sights of the Ural River

Alebastrovaya mountain

The next mountain on the left bank of the Urals - Alebastrovaya, is located 75 km on land and 147 km along the water above Uralsk, the mountain is half eaten by a quarry - Allabaster's mining was made here for a long time. East of the former career stretches a high slope with merghelistic ozip. Its middle part overgrown with oaks powerful for these places, as well as birch, Osin, poplars with cherry, viburnum, yoy goat in the undergrowth.

Three kilometers below the Alebaster Mountain of the Ural ished not so high by the Dolinsky Yar, composed of sandstones, faders, conglomerates. According to its slopes, no numerous oaks and birches are closing. We swim in the Urals 30 km and on the left bank at Aul-Aksai we once again notice the exits of chalk. But the greatest height of chalk and merghelistic slopes reach slightly lower, at the Chinese tar. Below the mouth of the River Rubezhka and the village of the Rubel, where the shipping section of the Urals begins, another elevation appears on the left bank. The river is twice. For the first time, immediately behind the rapid Plove of Stubborn Yar, where the Urals, hovering into a tall mergelistic scree, makes a turn of almost 180 °. Here the river comes out on the fastest below Orenburg Saurkin rolls and divided into two beds. 5 km on the path of the Urals there is a second high mergile breakdown - Yar Polousov. Both Yara-Rock - Saurkin and Polubovs rise above the river more than 50 m. Their slopes are complicated by gigantic landslides. In a kind of amphitheater, the natural phenomenon of the Ural Valley is concluded between them - a red-grained relict forest. One of the slopes of this huge amphitheater of the pioneer is a magnificent oak forest, under the cover of which hazel, or lounge, and a forest apple tree sheltered. The grass of Dubnyak consists of a ferny of Orlyak, the Lily of the May Celebre.

Coast Treasure

This inconspicuous in the first view of the tract on the bank of the Urals deserves the most careful relationship. Folk wisdom was not wisdom called him the treasures shore - this is one of the most remarkable places on the entire right-bank slope of the Urals Valley from Orenburg to Elek. If the Urals right to the mouth of the steep shore of the Urals, then below the facility is much more likely there is a breaking left bank, the entirely related to the Ural region. At the site of Ilec-Uralsk River, at least six elevations, having salt dome in its core, and on the surface chalk, mergel, white clay, ferruginous sandstones and tils. These. Hills form a single chain of small mountains, stretched along a strip of articulation of common cheese and the Caspian lowland. To break through this chain and rushing to the south of the Urals, only south of Uralsk managed, leaving the seventh dome from the facility - the chalky slide on the right.

The first on the path of the Urals is the utensil chalk island. It is located somewhat above the mouth of the River River, 6-10 km north-east of the village of Bullin Ural region. During the spring spill, the utensil island surrounds water from all sides, from the north - the Urals, from the West and the South-West, from the south and east - the lake of the paper and the chalk ducts connecting it with the Urals. Only by mid-June is usually a land road to this unusual island.

At the foot of the ancient tubs

The cloth shores in the Urals are called Yarai, and the San of them with the exits of indigenous rocks are known among the locals under the names of such a mountain, such a forehead, shore. This is usually remarkable in landscape geological terms, river valleys, which have the importance of unique monuments of nature. One of them is located on the Right Bank of the Urals between the villages the first and second toothpick of the Perekolotsky district of the Orenburg region.

The steep and high shore of the Urals are complicated here by several circus landslides, which were formed as a result of displacements down the slope of the departments of sand-clay deposits associated with the activities of groundwater. But here is interesting and more. On this segment, the share of the Urals crosses the lowered section of the earth's crust of about 1 km. On both sides, this decrease in the restrictions tilted in different directions by the layers of the Perm Red Color and Motororal rocks. In mining countries, similar phenomena are called rabbentes; As a result of them, on the same horizon there are rocks of different ages and composition. This peculiar robine was not formed in the mountains, but on the plains - in the depression, the side of which is composed with dense perm and triad rocks, formed more than 200 million years ago. Here, gray and white clay, Merge, sandstones of the Cretaceous, Paleogenic periods are preserved here. Their age from 50 130 million years.

The geological structure of the Ural shore is complicated on this section with landslide processes. As a result, the coastal slopes of each other are replaced by the motley colorful sand clay of various shades, mergels, limestone tuffs, Oshris screeching. It seems that all colorful gamuts of yellow, gray, green, brown, red colors collected nature into this a kind of sedimentary rocks.

Lake Ural Ployla

Many wonderful landscaped features at Lake Ural floodplains. For example, the habitat of the most ancient and amazing relic, which came to the present day, was preserved here, Chilima. Its solid thickets covering the water outlets of the leaves are preserved on the lakes of the floodplain of the Urals below Orenburg: Wonderchin, Orekhov, Big Orlovo. Old Urals, Lipov, nuts, Gilimn, forgotten and many others. For this plant, several names were entrenched: Chile, a roar, and in the people he is still known as water or damn nut, horned nut, live anchor, water chestnut. The petrified residues of chilima fruit are found in the deposits of the Cretaceous period. This means that it is more than 70 million years old inhabit fresh reservoirs of the Earth. But Currently, Chilim's thickets are preserved in a few places.

It is noteworthy that, forming solid thickets on one of the lakes, it is no longer settled on neighboring lakes, and sometimes dozens - hundreds of kilometer around. This testifies to the relict nature of Chilima preserved only in certain environmental conditions.

In recent years, chilima lakes in Mordovia, Bashkiria, in the Mountain Altai, Far East and in many other areas of our country are taken under protection. Chile is listed in the Red Book.

Description of this mountain We are still at P. S. Pallas, who visited here in 1769. He wrote: "A mountain range begins behind the river, the oar begins, in which the best breeds of the Jasper Stone are visible. Layers to this grief as well as in the lying in the eggs of the Yashmovy Mountains, for the most part, descend into depths with Western to the eastern side. Local Opel has a lot of different colors. The best jasper, especially in a large collapse, color has a coffee, then white with red and yellowish stripes. There are also pieces that depict herbs and trees. At every hill there are Kyrgyz graves. Nowhere can I find the best pieces of the local jasper, as in this grave, and it seems that the action of the sun produced the outside the color is much better than inside the stone. "

In the vicinity of Orsk, at that time there were several Kamenolomen. Academician A. E. Fersman, describing the minerals of the Soviet Union in the book "Traveling around the Stone", on the title of the book placed six pieces of stone, it was the born jasper, which a scientist paid a lot of enthusiastic lines: "It is difficult to give an exhaustive characteristic of this jasper - its diverse drawing is so diverse. And the coloring, over two hundred varieties of Jasha We know in the area, and the best drawings and colors refer to the nasham of this field ... It seems to me that we hit the wonderful picture gallery. Not every artist will be able to transfer such combinations of tones and paints, which nature has scattered here. That's how the turbulent sea: His greenish waves are cast by a reddish dawn, here is a white cabbage foam, and here the rocky shores ... "And further:" ... Orsk jaspers are undoubtedly the national wealth of the country. " In addition to the mountain, the Colonel along the Urals have a number of other places, the births of Jasper. Many of them are still not widely known, the future of the Slava of the Zararal Jasper Belt is kept.

According to one of the versions (thanks to the book of Furmanov and especially the film "Chapaev"), in the waves of Urals, Vasily Ivanovich Chapaev died. However, some historians doubt this and insist that Chapaev died in battle, and was buried somewhere on the banks of the river.

V. Pelevin in the novel "Chapaev and Void" Metamphizes the Urals (in which the historical Vasily Chapaev drowned) in the "Conditional River of Absolute Love".

- Ural-Batyr (Bashyr. Ural Batyr) - Bashkir Epos (Kubair).

In the floodplain of the Urals there are many lakes, old men, river. And around the forest, the impassive, overgrown by the blackberry, a barbed thorns, whose berries here and are now called Cossack grapes and a hike along this river will be simply unforgettable. There are mushrooms: boosions, boomes, freight. The Urals is striking. Putoyaras are interspersed with sands, rolls - wide and deep splashes with roasted crushes, sovereigns, sunk, sometimes leaving far into the steppe.

Up to thirty species of fish are found in the river: Ostr, Sevryuga, zander, herring, bream, Sazan, Som, pike, chub, crucian Beluga, Belorybitsa, Sazan, Vobla, roach, Kutum, Elets, ide, redfall, rhe tench, Pad, Pescar, Usach, Usaching, Stone, Halto, burbot, perch, ruff, bull. Pike local residents and fish do not consider. A trifle, if you catch, then in the fall, for taking, when flies will disappear, and in early spring - then every lip, because the first one. Fishing fishing here has its own specifics.

Fishing on the Ural River will deliver many joy. In the past century, until recently, the Ural River was famous for sturgeon. According to some reports, in the late 1970s, the share of the Ural river in world sturgeon production was 33 percent, and 40 percent for the production of black caviar.

In 1981-1983 The conditions and efficiency of the spawning of the sturgeon above the city of Uralsk was studied by the Orenburg Laboratory of Landscape Landscapes and Nature Conservation. Observations have shown that almost all unplanned areas of the bottom of the river with solid soil in spring time serve as a sturgeon spawning site. It was found that the most effective spawning on large fields of the channel and beach swords, crushed stone and a sewer, where the flow rate in the flood reaches 2 m / s, preventing the heating of the soil and deferred caviar. At the 315-kilometer section of the river from Uralsk to the appearance of the expedition, several types of spawning were studied. The most common ones were killer beaches. They are formed, as you know, according to the convex shores, where powerful thickness of large-grass material accumulate.

Exceeding beaches over the membrane level of the river reaches 4 m, the width is 40-120 m. The length of the Ural beaches, depending on the radius of the radiation hesitate from 200-300 m to 2 km. The longest beaches on the Ilec-Uralsk plot are the Kambava sands (below the village of Janvartseva) and the tracks of the sands (above the city of Uralsk). The most valuable in the quality of Verkhnekisanovsky and Axatian beaches with a dense pebble coating, located respectively at the 179th and 36th kilometers above Uralsk. But now sturgeon in the Urals have become rare.

Belorybitsa in Urals

Belorebitsa is a representative of salmon fish, very close to Sigu. It reaches 120 cm long and 20 kg of weight. In his appearance, it resembles a well-known horse. Belorybitsa is a predator, but in the Urals it is almost no feed. In the river for spawning, Beloryobitsa comes no more than two times in life. She lives under 11 years old. The nearest relative of Belorybitsa - Nelma lives in the North Ocean Basin. It is from there, according to the assumptions of scientists, at the end of the ice age in the chains of the lakes moved through Kamu and Volga in the Caspian and, somewhat modified, became Belorebits. Belorybitsa is the most valuable fishing fish, but now its catch is forbidden everywhere.

The efforts of scientists and fish farms managed to maintain its number by artificially. At the foot of the Volgograd hydroelectric hydroelectric station on the Volga for Belorebitsy, gravel spawns are embroidered. The only natural spanings of this fish are in the Urals.

One of the little-known inhabitants of the Urals and his tributaries is Midhog. It belongs to the oldest class of round-chapter fish. She has a serpent body of about 0.5 m long, weighing up to 260. Midhog has a number of signs that are not peculiar to other species of fish. The mouth of her is a deep funnel-suction cup, at the bottom of it is a language that, like a piston, is put forward, it is drawn. Language serves as a drill, drilling fish skin. The mines have a third eye, dark, located near the nose hole. No lens in it; With its help, the media perceive only the light. They inherited this body from their ancestors, widespread in the Silurian and Devonian periods, that is, more than 400 million years ago. Thus, the funding can be considered a kind of "live fossil."

Severity in Urals

The most numerous among sturgeon Urals is the seven. Up to 70% of the world's seals of Sevryfi is mined in the Ural-Caspian fishery. The main spawns of the Sereryugi are located in the lower river. A small amount of the Northwesight rises above the Urals, reaching the leaf and even to the loose. Sevryuga is represented mainly by the spring form. It will be spawn later than other sturgeon at water temperature above 12-14 ° C. The average length of the Urals Sevridge is about 120-140 cm, the weight is about 10-15 kg.

The only residential type of sturgeon in Uralsk is a sterlet. It occurs throughout the bottom and average river river - everywhere very rarely. The usual dimensions of the Ural sterling: length of about 60 cm, weight 2.5 kg.

Fish in the Urals

A lot of time is required to restore the strength and development of a new portion of sex products to re-enter the river for spawning: females - 5-6 years, males - 3-4 years. Therefore, despite the greater life expectancy (up to 30 years or more), each manufacturer can go into the river only a few times in life. Every year, huge hordes of passing fish are rushed into the Urals. Their advanced detachments reaches an ornament, Orenburg and even Orsk.

Ichthyological observations 1981 - 1983 It has been established that until the middle of the river, the rivers climbs the largest sturgeon copies. This means that the average of the Urals has a determining value for the preservation of large-sized sturgeon copies.

The largest fish of the Caspian pool - Beluga. In the 20s of our century in the Urals, fishery wound up to 12 c. In former times, larger specimens were caught. The usual weight of Beluga, spawning above Uralsk, - 150-300 kg for females and 50-90 kg for males. Before this day, Beluga weighing 600 kg and more.

The greatest number was reached with sturgeon in the Caspian Sea basin, where 5 out of 23 types of sturgee fish of the world are represented - this is Beluga, sturgeon, spikes and seven, which mastered the fodder of the sea, where they spend most of their lives, the sterlet that is a bush view, that is, never Does not leave the river. Beluga, sturgeon, spike and seven of the Caspian Sea - passing fish. They regularly make migrations from the Caspian Sea to the reproduction river. In passing fish, winter and spring races are distinguished.

Winter coming into the river in the summer and autumn, and overlooking, spawn.

Sneakers are included in the river in the winter and spring and spawn in the same year. Passionate fish in the river, as a rule, do not eat or eat very little. Overcoming during spawning migration of river flow, long stay in the river and the spawning process itself leads to strong depletion of manufacturers. It has been established that the saintness and sturgeon are losing up to 30% during spawning migration, and Beluga is up to 50% of their weight. And, as a rule, the greater the energy reserves of a particular individual than it is larger, the higher the river it can and seeks to rise.

River Ural in the Orenburg region

The largest river of the Orenburg region of the Ural (in antiquity of the YIK), the bulk of its flow is formed in Orenburg. Two other large rivers - sakmar and ilek - originate, respectively, in Bashkiria and in Kazakhstan, but fall into the Urals within the Orenburg region. Ural is the main water artery of the Orenburg region.

The Ural River crosses the Orenburg region from East to West, proceeding in 10 districts of the region for 1164 km. The main feature of the river is the unevenness of the drain. In the spring flood, the Ural turns into huge watercourses, filling the entire 6 - 8 km width. The two of the first major Orenburg influx of the Urals Tanalyk and the Suunlock are currently in the Iriklin reservoir, forming the same bays.

Tanalyk River, 225 km, originates in the springs of the Urals, then crosses the Irendel. The average water consumption in Tanalyka does not exceed 1.0 m 3 / s.

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Orsk to the Ural left, two more significant tributaries of Big Kumak and Ohhere are falling. Altime from Iriklinsky reservoir to the mouth of Sakmary Ural takes the right only one significant influx - the province. The largest left banking tributaries of the Urals from the city of Orsk to the mouth of the facility - Kiyalybucha, Urtabja, Burya, Berdyanka, Donguz, Black - Typical Steppe Rivers with short but stormy spring floods. The last two of them are Donguz and Black - due to the construction of large reservoirs in the middle of summer almost dry.

River Ilec is the largest left-bank influx of the Urals (623 km). His origins are in the Mutodjar Mountains. According to the catchment area (41 thousand km 2), the ilek for one third exceeds the sacmar, but carries 2.5 times less water than the most centuries of the Urals (the norm of the annual flow of 1569 m 3). The Ilec River has a wide, well-designed valley with two overslays terraces. The size of the Ilek Valley is sometimes inferior to Ural. The floodplain of the fault is replete with numerous ducts and lakes-Staritsa.

Below, the Urals takes on the right three more significant tributaries: Kindel, Irtek and Chagan. The last of them falls into the Urals outside the Orenburg region. The city of Orsk in the Urals flows the o'j river. The River almost straightly disperses the Ural ridge to the Gorge, the 40-kilometer portion of the Khabarninsky gorge begins. On this segment, the Ural takes the waters of the mountain river governors with Chebakla and Kinderley - on the right, and on the left - the ebits, aitarka and alimbeta.

On the map, the pool of the Urals reminds the tree curved in one direction with a thickened in the middle of a barrel and very short branches. Only the right influx - the Sakmar River, flowing at a high distance parallel to the Urals, has a relatively thick branched network of tributaries.

The Ural River is not shipping, its width is 50-170 m., The depth is 3-5 m., The flow rate is 0.3 m / s, the bottom of sandy, the brodes are not. The shores are predominantly incisive, the height of the cliffs is 5-9 m. The floodplain of the Urals is wide - 10-12 km., Lugovaya, with significant forest arrays, a large number of flashes, rare shrub, is raised by numerous rivers, styrices and ducts, many lakes.

In ancient sources, the name of the Ural River - Likos, Daiks, Daich, Jih, Attacks, Yikat, Yagak, Yagat, Ulus, Sold River. Name of the river YiK and consonant with him Daix, Daich, Yagak, and so on. There are already about two thousand years.

It is now difficult to say what he meant the word "Daiks" in the time of Ptolemy, when the Iranian-speaking tribes of Sarmatians were still nomaded in the Urals Basin. The Russian form "YIK" for the first time is found in the Russian chronicles of 1229. It is considered a derivative from the General River Basics "Zhaik" with the meaning of the "wide riverbed" or "widely populated".

Sakmar River is the largest influx of the Urals. Sakhmary's length within the Orenburg region is about 380 km. In the upper course of Sakmar - this is a typical mountain river with ripples and narrow terraces, on average and lower - its valley is wide, asymmetric with well-pronounced two terraces and populated floodplain.

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