The lesson of the surrounding world on the topic “Zalesskaya land. The meaning of Zalesskaya land in a large encyclopedic dictionary And the Lord said to Moses: "The land should never be sold forever and should not be leased for a long time, for it is My land!"

Technological map (outline plan)

the lesson of the world around,

held in 3 "A" class

gymnasium them. A.S. Pushkin

student of group 3 "A"


Vlasova Anastasia Alexandrovna

Date: 03/01/2016

Teacher: Astrakhantseva T.V.

Practice leader: Aksyonova G.I.


Date 03/01/2016 Name of teacher T.V. Astrakhantseva

Class 3 "A" Full name of the traineeVlasova A.A.

Technological map of lesson number 5

Subject: world around

Target block

Lesson topic:

“Unification of Russian lands around Moscow. Zalesskaya land "

The purpose of the lesson:

Acquaintance of students with the historical period named in the history of "Unification of Russian lands around Moscow"

Planned results:

Subject UUD:

- familiarization with the consequences of the Horde invasion

Acquaintance with the epic "Shchelkan Dudentevich"

Deepening historical knowledge

Personal UUD:

Forming a personal relationship

Development of thinking and listening skills

Metasubject UUD:

* Regulatory:

1. Ability to express your opinion

2. Determine and formulate the goal of the activity in the lesson with the help of the teacher.

3. Self-regulation of their behavior

* Communicative:

1.Willingness to receive the necessary information, to defend your point of view in a dialogue

2. Ability to participate in collective discussion of the problem

* Cognitive:

1. Establish causal relationships.

2. Give definitions to concepts.

3.Distinguish the new from the already known
4. Gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using a textbook
5. Draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the whole class.

Instrument block

Lesson type:

Lesson on passing new material

Forms, techniques and methods

Verbal, visual

Educational resources:


TSO (computer, projector, teacher-designed presentation)

Chalk board


Lesson summary

1. Organizational principle.

Hello guys! Sit down! Check your readiness for the lesson. Well done.

2. Actualization of what was previously learned.

So guys, before we start our tutorial, let's check your knowledge and how you learned the previous topics. Your task is to match the names of famous people with facts from their biographies.

Genghis Khan

Baptized Rus

Monk Nestor

Grandson of the great khan

Prince Vladimir

Founded the Golden Horde

Ilya Muromets

The great Russian hero who gathered an army against Khan Batu


Won the Battle of the Ice

Evpatiy Kolovrat

Defeated Nightingale the Rogue

Alexander Nevskiy

Creator of The Tale of Bygone Years

Great, well done!

Today we will continue our journey across Russia.

Let's remember what kind of misfortune befell Russia in 1237? (Invasion of the Golden Horde)

We have already talked about the damage they caused to the Great Russian Land.

What are the consequences of this invasion? (Ruin, death, people began to pay tribute, etc.)

3. Learning new material.

Every year, greedy and cruel khan collectors of tribute came to Russia -baskaki. Often they took away not only savings from the peasants, but also all property. Here we are with you and met with the new concept of "Baskaki".

The word "baskak" comes from the word "attack". Remember, we talked about Evpatiy Kolovrat? You should know that the chronicles wrote not only about Russian heroes, but also about the Horde Baskaks. One of these wasShchelkan Dudentevich .

- From the chronicles it is not clear why Shchelkan came to Tver; most likely for receiving tribute. Shchelkan, according to the custom of all Tatar ambassadors, strongly oppressed the inhabitants of Tver and even droveprince of TverAlexander Mikhailovichfrom his yard, settling in it himself. Clickan's retinue treated people like their boss. The offended several times complained to their prince, asking him to protect them from the violence of the Tatars, but Alexander Mikhailovich did not dare to intercede for his people and only advised them to endure. But on August 15, 1327, the long-held indignation against the Tatars suddenly turned into an uprising, during which the Tatars were killed, and Shchelkan, who had hidden in the prince's court, was burned.

Here is such an unusual legend.

Now look at the portrait of this man. How would you describe it?

Let's compare Evpatiy Kolovrat with Shchelkan Dyudentevich. How are these people alike? Who inspires more confidence in you?

Your task now will be to correctly correlate the words describing the character of these people.

Evpatiy Kolovrat

Shchelkan Dudentevich







Real warrior




After the Horde invasion, crafts, economy, trade fell into decay. Many princes became illiterate, since there was no time to learn to read and write. But, nevertheless, the time has come for the Russian lands to unite and restore Russia.

Do you think the Russian lands began to unite all at once? Or is it somehow different? (student answers)

So, the restoration of Russia began from a distantZalessky land ... Do you think we can say something about her by her name? (She is behind the woods)

Guys, here we are now in the forest. Stand up all please. Now we will have a physical minute.

4. Physical minutes.

The children got up early in the morning

We went to the forest for mushrooms. (Walking in place)

Squatted, squatted

A white mushroom was found in the grass. (Squats)

Honey mushrooms grow on a hemp,

Lean over to them guys.

Bend over, one-two-three

And collect it in a basket. (Slopes)

There is a nut on the tree,

Who will jump the highest? (Jumping)

If you want to reach out

You have to stretch hard. (Stretching)

We wandered for three hours in the forest,

All the paths went out (Walking in place)

Tired of all the long journey -

The children sat down to rest. (Sit down at the desks)

This land has another name. The fact is that the Zalesskaya land is the outskirts of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality. It was during these years that the Slavs began to settle on this land, between the Volga and Oka. This land was separated by a powerful strip of forest. These lands were inhabited by Krivichi and Vyatichi.

Guys, what are these strange tribal names?

Scientists claim that the nameShout went from their habitat. That is, a large group of people who originally occupied a hilly area was called Krivichi. The Krivichi costumes are characterized by a multitude of adornments: horseshoe-shaped yarns, bracelets, glass beads, pendants.

- Vyatichi - one of the largest slavic tribes that tried to maintain their independence. The people were in power, since this tribe did not have princes. And the name comes from the ancestor of the tribe - Vyatko.

What do you think, and what attracted the tribes to this area? (Student responses)

Guys, besides the fact that the forests became an obstacle to enemies, the soil in these forests was very fertile, which was undoubtedly very useful. The possession of this land was conditioned by the service of the prince. How do you understand this?

During the years of princely strife and raids of the Mongol-Tatars, people simply fled to these lands in search of freedom, so they were ready to go to any conditions. Later Zalesskaya land began to develop trade with neighbors. This is how the interaction of the Zalessky land with other principalities began.

As we already said, Zalesskaya land was part of which principality? (Vladimir-Suzdal)

Later in this principality its own dynasty appeared. Wait, what is a dynasty? (student answers)

- Dynasty is a series of successive rulers from the same clan. In other words, this is a generation.

Tell me, what dynasty have you already encountered? (with the Rurik dynasty)

Well done. Which of this dynasty do you know? (student answers)

Could you arrange the cards with the names of these people correctly? Let's try. (Rurik, Oleg, Igor, Olga, Svyatoslav, Vladimir)

You see, in a dynasty it is very important to know the sequence. After all, you and I know for sure that in our families, for example, first there were our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, then grandmothers and grandfathers, then our parents, then we and so on. It also happens in dynasties. The founder of the Vladimir-Suzdal dynasty wasYury Dolgoruky , which made the capital of the principality the city of Suzdal.

But you know, as it turned out, the forests on this land are known not only for fertile lands. Tell me, do you know who this is? (portrait of Ilya Muromets)

Of course, you all know this famous hero Ilya Muromets. And what made him famous? (Defeated Nightingale the Robber)

Well, so according to legend, it was through these forests that he walked.

And now, let's think with you, we will even be researchers. Tell me, what is the characteristic of life in the steppes? (students' answers) And in the forests?

In what area do you think it was better for people to live? Why did you come to this conclusion?

Listen and tell me, what are these words about?

- “She became more beautiful as she went on. Then the whole south, all the space that makes up today's Novorossia, up to the Black Sea, was a green, virgin desert. The plow has never crossed the immeasurable waves of wild plants; the horses alone, hiding in them, as in a forest, trampled them. Nothing in nature could be better: the entire surface of the earth seemed like a green-golden ocean, on which millions of different colors splashed. Blue, blue, and purple hairs showed through the thin, tall stalks of the grass; the yellow gorse jumped upward with its pyramidal top; white gruel with umbrella-shaped hats dazzled on the surface; brought in, God knows where, an ear of wheat was poured in the thick. Partridges prowled under their thin roots, their necks outstretched. The air was filled with a thousand different bird whistles. In the sky the hawks stood motionless, their wings spread out and their eyes fixed motionlessly into the grass. The cry of a cloud of wild geese moving aside echoed God knows in what distant lake. A seagull rose from the grass with measured waves and luxuriously bathed in the blue waves of air; there she disappeared in the air and only flickers like a single black dot! There she turned over her wings and flashed before the sun! "

A feature of the steppe climate is aridity and predominance of windy weather. However, there is a large number of sunny days a year.

- Vegetation consists mainly of cereals growing in small bunches between which bare soil is visible. The most common are various types feather grass . Animals are active in summer, mainly at night. Many of them are drought-resistant or active in spring, when there is still moisture after winter. Of the ungulates, typical species are distinguished by their sharp eyesight and the ability to run quickly and for a long time; from rodents - building complex burrows ( gophers , marmots , mole rats ) and jumping views ( jerboas ). Most of the birds fly away for the winter. Common in the steppe steppe eagle , bustard , steppe harrier , steppe kestrel , lark ... Reptiles and insects are numerous., bark etc.)

Fodder base animal husbandry

Favorable environment for development beekeeping

- Forests are the living wonder of our planet. They not only decorate the earth, but also purify the air, saturating it with oxygen. Forests maintain water balance and protect the land from drought. They are called the "lungs of the planet".

Where forests rustle, deep rivers flow, necklaces of lakes shine. It is difficult to overestimate the benefits that forests bring us ...

What could be better than a walk along a bright, sunny birch grove or along a mysterious, fabulous spruce forest ... The forest is beautiful at any time of the year. But the forest is also a home, a refuge for its inhabitants: insects, birds , animals.

5. Anchoring

Now we will check how well you have mastered this topic. You have small dough sheets on your desks. I'll give you a couple of minutes to go through it, after which we'll check it out together.

1) The word "baskak" comes from the word ...

A) win

B) protect

C) attack

2) Which city was taken by Shchelkan Dudentevich?

A) Tver

B) Novgorod

C) Vladimir

3) From the Zalessky land it began ...

A) restoration of Russia

B) Horde invasion

C) the baptism of Russia

4) What tribes inhabited the Zalessky land?

A) Krivichi and Drevlyans

B) drevlyans and vyatichi

C) krivichi and vyatichi

5) The dynasty can be called in other words ...

A) generation

B) empire

C) history

(Checking Results)

6. Summing up.

You guys are all great. Everybody tried. And those who would like the result better, homework will help you with this. Write it down, pages 34-36.

So let's, at the end of our lesson, answer the question "Why did people move to the Zalessky lands?" (Student responses)

You did a great job, well done! Thanks. The lesson is over.

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Slide captions:

Zalesskaya land. Teacher: Kanaeva Tatiana Anatolyevna

The Russian land turned into ashes in the XIII century. The Grand Duchy of Kiev disappeared. Horde people burned and destroyed cities.

Zalessky lands - the edge between the Volga and Oka rivers.

In the upper reaches of the Volga there is a taiga zone. The river here is narrow, fast, rapids. There are swamps and spruce forests here.

Zalessky forests is a zone of mixed forests and steppes.

The climate is moderately continental: with warm summers, but moderately cold and snowy winters; cool autumn, but short and warm spring.

warm summer

Moderately cold and snowy winters

Cool autumn Short, warm spring

Mixed forests Mixed forests are made up of coniferous trees - pine and spruce, as well as birch, aspen and oak. These forests are characterized by dense undergrowth of mountain ash, linden, euonymus, honeysuckle.




Walks in the Zalessky forests

Gifts of the forest

Gifts of the forest

Birds of the woods

Forest dwellers

Peasants moved from the steppes along the banks of the Volga and Oka rivers. They were engaged in fishing, cattle breeding, plant growing. This is how cities and towns appeared.

The Volga continues on its way through taiga and mixed forests. On the banks, forests alternate with fields and meadows. Many ancient Russian cities are located here. Ples city Tver

Yaroslavl Kostroma Uglich Myshkin

The Oka River is the largest and most abundant tributary of the Volga. The length of the Oka is 1480 km.

Thanks for attention!

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The land of the fathers is my land!

Lesson dedicated to the day of the formation of the Krasnodar Territory. Conducted in the form of a lesson - travel using a booklet - a guide ...

Technological map of the lesson of the surrounding world Topic: “The Golden Ring of Russia. Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky "

The purpose of the teacher: Acquaintance with the interesting cities of our Motherland and some of its attractions. Expected results: Subject: -be able to find on the map the city of Gold ...

Summary of the lesson on the world around "The Golden Ring of Russia. Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov ", grade 3" School of Russia "

The purpose of the teacher's activity is to familiarize students with interesting cities of our Motherland and some of its attractions. Planned results: Subject: - to be able to find the city of Zolote on the map ...

Slide 1

Presentation to the lesson of the surrounding world "Zalesskaya land" Grade 3 Primary school teacher: R. Kozyreva MBOU SOMSH No. 44 named after V. Kudzoev, Vladikavkaz

Slide 2

The enemy is cruel and fierce the Earth has ravaged, Light-eyed Russia has filled hundreds of years! - What terrible misfortune befell the Russian land and its people in 1237? The invasion of the Mongol-Tatars

Slide 3

Slide 4

- How many years and centuries did the misfortunes last? The invasion lasted 243 years - about two and a half centuries.

Slide 5

Ruins and fires remained in the place of beautiful cities, in the place of villages - ashes

Slide 6

Every year, greedy and cruel Khan collectors of tribute - Baskaks - came to Russia. Often they took away all property from the townspeople and peasants.

Slide 7

In the steppes of the Volga and Don, the Mongol-Tatars formed their own state - the Golden Horde.)

Slide 8

Where did the restoration of the Kiev principality begin in Russia? From the outskirts of the principality - Zalesskaya land. A ss st and n o vl e of K and e s to about n about n y zhestv and.

Slide 9

, Pereslavl Geographic position - Where is this land located? Between the Oka and the Volga - Why is this land called that?

Slide 10

- Why did people decide to settle in these lands? It's safer in the forest than in the steppe. - What natural conditions were in the Zalessky land? What are the differences from the southern lands (Deciduous forests give way to mixed, and even to the north - taiga, coniferous forests. Differences in flora and fauna. There are other natural connections in the Zalesskaya land.)

Slide 11

AGRICULTURE In the Zalessky region there were fertile soils suitable for agriculture. Plots of fertile land were named OPOLI (from the word "field"). One of the cities of the principality even received the name Yuryev-Polskaya (that is, located in the opolye).

Slide 12

The POPULATION of the North-East was Krivichi and Vyatichi. Krivichi - a tribe of the Eastern Slavs, which arose as a result of the unification of clans in the sixth - tenth centuries Vyatichi - an East Slavic tribal union that inhabited the basin of the Upper and Middle Oka in the VIII-XIII centuries 1.http: // 2.http: // 3.http: //fs00.infourok. ru / images / doc / 222/17410/1 / img6.jpg 4.http: // 5.http: // 6 .http: // 7.http: // 55021392/25187 / 25187_original.jpg 8.http: // 9.http: // 925 / 108925409_large_8.jpg 11.http: // Internet sources:


(Zalessky region)

the old Russian name for the interfluve of the Oka and Volga; the same as the Vladimir-Suzdal (Rostov-Suzdal) land.

Big encyclopedic dictionary. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what ZALESKAYA ZEMLYA is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    (Zalessky Territory), the old Russian name for the interfluve of the Oka and Volga; the same as Vladimir-Suzdal (Rostov-Suzdal) ...
  • LAND in Miller's dream book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    To see fertile land in a dream is a good sign; but if the land is barren and stony, then failures and setbacks await you. If ...
  • LAND in the One-Volume Big Law Dictionary:
    (German land) 1) one of the main types of natural resources, the main means of production in agriculture. object of civil rights with ...
  • LAND in the Dictionary of Economic Terms Vasiliev:
    - all types of natural resources available on the planet and suitable for use in the production of economic ...
  • LAND in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    - 1) a resource used for the production of agricultural products, for the construction of houses, cities, railways; one of the main components of production (others ...
  • LAND in the Biblical Encyclopedia of Nicephorus:
    (Gen 1: 1, Ps 23: 1) - in Hebrew called eretz (eretz). However, the Jews had other different names for designating ...
  • LAND in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    literary collections, were published in the Moscow publishing house of writers from 1908 to 1917 in an amount of one to three books a year. ...
  • LAND in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    the third planet from the Sun in the Solar System, revolving around it in an elliptical orbit (close to circular) with an average speed of 29.765 km / s ...
    see Gea and ...
  • LAND in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    a magazine dedicated to the economic and economic life of Russia; published in 1895, monthly. Ed. F. N. ...
  • LAND in the Encyclopedic Dictionary.
  • LAND
    "LAND AND FACTORY" (ZIF), ac. co-op. publishing house in 1922-30, Moscow - Leningrad. Prod. owls. writers, classics of world literature, mass series ...
  • LAND in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "ZEMLYA AND UNIVERSE", popular science journal, since 1965. Founders (1998) - RAS and Astronomical-Geod. about. 6 rooms in ...
  • LAND in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "ZEMLYA AND VOLIA", illegal newspaper, organ of the populist of the same name. org-tion, 1878-79, St. Petersburg, 5 issues. Appendix: "Leaf" Land and Freedom ", 6 numbers. ...
  • LAND in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "EARTH AND WILL", roar. populist. org-tion of the 1870s, founded. in St. Petersburg in 1876. Name. since 1878. Organizers: M.A. Natanson, A.D. ...
  • LAND in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    "EARTH AND WILL", secret roar. society of raznochintsy in Russia in 1861-64 (named since 1862), the federation of the rev. circles. Arose under the ideological ...
  • LAND in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    LAND, a federal unit in Austria and Germany. Z. as members of the federation have their own. constitutions and elected authorities ...
  • LAND in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    EARTH, in Dr. Rus name. tribal territories associations east. Slavs, state. formations (Ugra land), principalities, administrative-terr. ...
  • LAND in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    as a means of production, refers to the number of non-reproducible. All L. and forestry Z. - Ch. means of production. Information about natural, household. ...
  • LAND in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    EARTH, the third planet from the Sun in the solar system, orbiting around it in an elliptical. orbit (close to circular) with cf. speed of 29.765 ...
  • ZALESSKAYA in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    ZALISSKAYA LAND (Zalessky kr.), Old Russian. name the interfluve of the Oka and Volga; the same as Vladimir-Suzdal (Rostov-Suzdal) ...
  • LAND in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? The description of earthquake is divided in this article into three main parts: astronomical (earth as a planet), geological, and physical-geographical. I. Z. ...
  • LAND in Collier's Dictionary:
    the planet we live on; the third from the Sun and the fifth of the largest planets in the solar system. The Solar System is believed to be ...
  • LAND in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    earth ", ze" mli, earth ", ze" eh, earth ", ze" mly, ze "mly, ze" mli, earth, earth, ze "mly, earth", ...
  • LAND in the Dictionary of Epithets:
    1. Soil, ground; area, area used for crops. About the degree of humidity, hardness, temperature, presence of vegetation, etc. Wet, ...
  • LAND in the Popular Explanatory and Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -and, pl. z "earth, earth" spruce, z "earth, f. 1) only units. The third planet of the solar system, rotating around its axis and around the sun; ...
  • LAND
    Abode ...
  • LAND in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    Our common ...
  • LAND in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
    1. Syn: ground, soil 2. Syn: globe, world, light, universe, planet 3. Syn: land, ...
  • LAND in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    soil, ground, bottom; shore, land, mainland. See world, region, country || distant lands, as if from under the ground, from the ground ...
  • LAND in the Ozhegov Russian Language Dictionary:
    the main administrative-territorial (federal) unit in Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany land is land as opposed to water or air. Land was seen on the ship. ...
  • EARTH in Dahl's Dictionary:
    wives planet, one of the worlds or non-self-luminous balls orbiting the sun. Our earth is the third from the sun. | Our world, ball, ...
  • LAND in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    as a means of production is among the non-reproducible. In agriculture and forestry, land is the main means of production. Information about natural, ...
  • LAND in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov:
    land, wine. land, pl. land, land, land, railway 1.units only. The planet we live on. The earth revolves around the sun. ...
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". See Pereslavl-Zalesskaya diocese. DREVO - open Orthodox encyclopedia: About the project | Chronology | The calendar …
  • PERESLAVL-ZALISSKAYA DIOCHY in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". Pereslavl-Zalessk vicarial diocese, vicariate of the Yaroslavl diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. History At the beginning of XIII ...

  • Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". A complete alphabetical list of dioceses of the Russian Orthodox Church Includes all independent and vicar dioceses that ...
  • SIMONATE EVE in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Eva (b. 23.1.1897, Vanagai village, now Klaipeda region), Lithuanian Soviet writer, People's Writer of the Lithuanian SSR (1967). From childhood I have known need. ...
  • Kostroma region: Kostroma
  • Vladimir region: Vladimir, Bogolyubovo, Suzdal, Yuryev-Polsky, Starodub-on-Klyazma.
  • In recent times, some of the cities of Zalesye form the Golden Ring of Russia.

    The term "Zalesye" in ancient Russian sources is rather rare. In addition to the "List", he is found only in "Zadonshchina". Similar expressions: "They judged the Zalessk tribute" and "And se Zaluski" (cities) are in the Charter of the Smolensk bishopric of 1136.

    The name "Zalesye" is a geographical, southern origin, it meant everything that was "beyond the forest" in relation to the Kiev and Chernigov lands, from which the Zalesye was separated by the rugged Bryansk ("Debryansk" - from the word "wilds") forests inhabited by Vyatichi. There were two main routes connecting the capital of Russia with Zalesye: the roundabout water Dnieper-Volga route with a portage in Valdai (used, in particular, by Gleb Vladimirovich in 1015, Yuri Dolgoruky in 1155) and a "straight road" through the Vyatichi forests (Svyatoslav Igorevich at the end of the 960s, Vladimir Monomakh at the end of the 11th century, etc.).

    The pre-Slavic population of Zalesye was the Finno-Ugric (Merya, Muroma, Meschera) and, to a lesser extent, the Baltic (Golyad) tribes. The first of the cities that arose in Zalesye was Rostov, which was mentioned in the chronicles already in the second half of the 9th century (“and in Rostov there was a measure”). The first wave of Slavic colonization (Krivitsko-Novgorod) came to Zalesye in the 10th century. In the XII century, the Slavs, replenished with settlers from the populous south, quickly made up the majority on this land and assimilated the rare Finnish population. Chronicles and archaeological excavations attest to massive Russian migration throughout the 12th century. It was during this period that the founding and rapid growth of numerous cities of the Rostov-Suzdal land (Vladimir, Moscow, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Yuryev-Opolsky, Dmitrov, Zvenigorod, Starodub-on-Klyazma, Yaropolch-Zalessky, Galich, etc.), the names of which the names of the cities of origin of the settlers were often repeated. Since the beginning of the XIII century, Zalesye has been included in the concept of Rus, evidence of this is found both in Russian and in foreign chronicles. For example, in the Laurentian Chronicle, Vladimir, Moscow and Pereyaslavl-Zalessky in 1293 are called the Russian land, and the Livonian rhymed chronicle calls Suzdal a Russian city. In "Zadonshchina" the Zalesskaya land has Moscow as its center.

    After the disintegration of Russia into independent principalities (the second third of the 12th century), an intensive process of the formation of an independent statehood began in Zalesye, which was the direct predecessor of the modern Russian statehood.

    see also

    Write a review on the article "Zalesye"


    1. , from. 123.
    2. , from. 106-107.
    3. Old Russian princely charters of the XI-XV centuries. / Ed. prepared by Ya. N. Shchapov. - M., 1976 .-- S. 143.
    4. // \u003d Russisches etymologisches Wörterbuch: in 4 volumes / auth.-comp. M. Fasmer; per. with him. and add. Corresponding Member USSR Academy of Sciences O.N. Trubacheva, ed. and with a foreword. prof. B. A. Larina [t. I]. - Ed. 2nd, erased. - M. : Progress, 1986-1987.
    5. E. I. Goryunova Ethnic history of the Volga-Oka interfluve. - S. 36-37; her... On the history of the cities of North-Eastern Russia. // MIA. - 1955 .-- V. 59 .-- S. 11-18.
    6. I. V. Dubov Controversial issues of the ethnic history of northeastern Russia in the IX-XIII centuries. // Questions of history. - No. 5. - 1990.
    7. Ovsyannikov N.N.... About colonization in the Suzdal region from the point of view of archeology. // Tr. III reg. ist.-archeol. Congress. - Vladimir. - 1909 .-- S. 2-9.
    8. Ein stat ist groz unde wiet die ouch in Ruzen lande liet: Susdal ist sie genant - there is a large city, which is also in the Russian land. It is called Suzdal (lines 2205-2207).


    • Tikhomirov M.N. 11. Zalessky cities //. - M .: Nauka, 1979 .-- S. 123-128.
    • Monuments of the Kulikovo cycle /; Ch. ed. ac. RAS B.A. Rybakov, ed. Doctor of History V.A.Kuchkin. - SPb. : Russian-Baltic Information Center BLITS, 1998. - pp. 98, 105-106, 112-113, 119, 126, 131, 187, 221. - p. 410. - 1500 copies. - ISBN 5-86789-033-3.

    Excerpt from Zalesie

    He drove the already tired horse in order to pass these crowds faster, but the further he moved, the more upset the crowds became. On the main road, on which he rode out, there was a crowd of carriages, carriages of all sorts, Russian and Austrian soldiers, of all branches of the army, wounded and not wounded. All this buzzed and swarmed with mixed sounds under the gloomy sound of flying cannonballs from the French batteries placed on the Prazen Heights.
    - Where is the sovereign? where is Kutuzov? Rostov asked everyone he could stop, and he could not get an answer from anyone.
    Finally, grabbing the soldier by the collar, he made him answer to himself.
    - Eh! brother! They've all been there for a long time, they've run away! The soldier said to Rostov, laughing at something and struggling to escape.
    Leaving this soldier, who was evidently drunk, Rostov stopped the horse of the orderly or the important person's guard and began to question him. The orderly announced to Rostov that the sovereign had been taken at full speed in a carriage along this very road an hour ago, and that the sovereign was dangerously wounded.
    “It can't be,” said Rostov, “right, someone else.
    “I saw it myself,” said the orderly with a self-confident grin. - It’s time for me to know the sovereign: it seems, how many times in Petersburg I saw something like that. Pale, pale in the carriage. As soon as he could run up the four crows, my dears, it thundered past us: it’s time, it seems, to know the tsar's horses and Ilya Ivanitch; Ilya, it seems, does not go with the other as with the tsar.
    Rostov let his horse go and wanted to ride on. A wounded officer walking by turned to him.
    - Who do you want? The officer asked. - Commander-in-chief? So killed by a cannonball, killed in the chest with our regiment.
    "Not killed, wounded," corrected another officer.
    - Who? Kutuzov? Asked Rostov.
    - Not Kutuzov, but what do you mean by him, - well, yes, it's all one, not many are left alive. Go over there, over there, to that village, all the authorities have gathered there, - said this officer, pointing to the village of Gostiradek, and walked past.
    Rostov rode at a pace, not knowing why and to whom he was now going. The sovereign is wounded, the battle is lost. It was impossible not to believe it now. Rostov rode in the direction indicated to him and in which the tower and the church could be seen in the distance. Where was he in a hurry? What could he now say to the emperor or Kutuzov, if even they were alive and not wounded?
    - This way, your honor, go, and here they will kill you, - the soldier shouted to him. - Here they will kill!
    - ABOUT! what are you saying! said another. - Where will he go? It's closer here.
    Rostov became thoughtful and drove exactly in the direction where he was told that they would kill.
    "Now it's all the same: if the sovereign is wounded, can I really take care of myself?" he thought. He drove into the space where the people fleeing from Prazen died most of all. The French have not yet occupied this place, and the Russians, those who were alive or wounded, left it long ago. On the field, like heaps on good arable land, lay about ten, fifteen killed, wounded on every tithe of the place. The wounded crawled in two, three at a time, and one could hear unpleasant, sometimes feigned, as it seemed to Rostov, their cries and groans. Rostov started the horse at a trot so as not to see all these suffering people, and he became afraid. He feared not for his life, but for the courage that he needed and which, he knew, would not stand the sight of these unfortunates.
    The French, who had stopped firing at this field strewn with dead and wounded, because no one was alive on it, saw the adjutant riding over it, aimed a gun at him and threw several cannonballs. The feeling of these whistling, terrible sounds and the surrounding dead people merged for Rostov into one impression of horror and self-pity. He remembered his mother's last letter. “What would she feel,” he thought, “if she could see me now here, in this field and with guns pointed at me.”
    In the village of Gostiyeradeke, although confused, but in a greater order, Russian troops were marching away from the battlefield. The French cannonballs were no longer reaching here, and the sounds of shooting seemed distant. Everyone here clearly saw and said that the battle was lost. To whom Rostov turned, no one could tell him where the sovereign was, or where Kutuzov was. Some said that the rumor about the sovereign's wound was true, others said that it was not, and explained this false rumor that had really spread in the sovereign's carriage back from the battlefield, the pale and frightened chief marshal Count Tolstoy, who rode out with others in the emperor's retinue on the battlefield. One officer told Rostov that beyond the village, to the left, he saw someone from the higher authorities, and Rostov went there, no longer hoping to find anyone, but only in order to clear his conscience before himself. Having traveled three versts and passed the last Russian troops, near a vegetable garden dug in a ditch, Rostov saw two horsemen standing opposite the ditch. One, with a white sultan on his hat, seemed for some reason familiar to Rostov; another, an unknown rider, on a beautiful red horse (this horse seemed familiar to Rostov) rode up to the ditch, pushed the horse with his spurs and, releasing the reins, easily jumped over the garden ditch. Only the earth crumbled from the embankment from the horse's hind hooves. Turning the horse abruptly, he again jumped back over the ditch and respectfully addressed the rider with the white sultan, apparently inviting him to do the same. The rider, whose figure seemed familiar to Rostov and for some reason unwittingly riveted his attention, made a negative gesture with his head and hand, and by this gesture Rostov instantly recognized his mourned, adored sovereign.
    “But it could not be him, alone in the middle of this empty field,” thought Rostov. At this time, Alexander turned his head, and Rostov saw his favorite features so vividly engraved in his memory. The sovereign was pale, his cheeks were sunken and his eyes were sunken; but the more charm and meekness were in his features. Rostov was happy, convinced that the rumor about the sovereign's wound was unfair. He was happy to have seen him. He knew that he could, even had to address him directly and convey what he was ordered to convey from Dolgorukov.
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