Presentation on the discipline: "Health of men and women of mature age" on the topic: "The influence of harmful factors on the development of the embryo and fetus." Influence of various factors on the growth and development of the embryo, fetus, children, adults of different age groups

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Department of Public Health of the Kemerovo Region

Novokuznetsk branch

State budgetary educational institution

secondary vocational education

"Kemerovo Regional Medical College"

The influence of harmful factors on the fetus

Completed by: Stepanova O.A., student of group AK-131

Checked by: Lonshakova M.M., teacher

2.The effect of tobacco (nicotine)

3. Complications of pregnancy

4. Effect of alcohol

5. Drugs


During pregnancy, many different factors can have a detrimental effect on the development of the first embryo and then the fetus. In this case, the influence of harmful factors on the health of parents should be taken into account both during the formation of gametes and on the eve of conception. In this regard, pregnancy should be planned for a time when future parents are healthy, do not abuse bad habits, are not associated with harmful production factors, eat normally, and mutually want a child. Damaging factors during the period of embryogenesis are most dangerous and can cause death, deformity or disease of the fetus.

There are factors that do not cause pathological changes in the fetus, but contribute to miscarriage, which ultimately still leads to complications in the newborn.

Some factors are dangerous at any stage of pregnancy (radiation, infections, chemical hazards). It is advisable that a woman planning a pregnancy does not work in hazardous industries. Even in ancient times, newlyweds were not allowed alcoholic beverages, they were not allowed to plan a pregnancy during fasting, during fasting, pregnant women were allowed to use a fasting one.

1. Classification of factors affecting the development of the fetus


2. biological;

3. chemical.

Physical factors affecting the mother and fetus:

These include mechanical stress, vibration, physical activity. It is harmful for pregnant women to lift weights, wear squeezing clothes, and often use different types of public transport, especially in the last months of fetal development. Some types of movements are not recommended, therefore, there are restrictions provided by law for the work of expectant mothers. But this does not mean that movements are contraindicated in pregnant women. Low mobility limits the physical impact on the fetus, which inhibits the maturation of the nervous system and the development of reflexes.

Biological factors imply the effect of other organisms (viruses, bacteria, etc.) on the fetus. Microorganisms entering a woman's body can cause various infectious and viral diseases. The most dangerous are rubella and herpes (fever on the lips). Pathogens disrupt the development of the fetal nervous system. Mental failure, epilepsy, deafness, seizures, paralysis may appear.

Chemicals are the third group of factors. These include nutrients from food, drugs, nicotine, alcohol, etc. If a woman is malnourished during pregnancy, she lacks protein, fat, carbohydrates, and the baby is born weak. Such children often get sick, among them the mortality rate is higher. With insufficient intake of calcium and phosphorus in the mother's body, the development of the skeleton is disrupted, with a lack of iron - a violation of the formation of blood cells, with a lack of vitamins - a slowdown in fetal growth. Excessive nutrition can make labor difficult. Therefore, you need a moderate and balanced diet. For pregnancy and childbirth, both fasting and excessive weight gain are harmful. A special category of factors is psychoactive substances. Let us dwell on this category of factors in more detail.

2. The effect of tobacco (nicotine)

How does the mother's tobacco addiction harm the newborn? Smoking is a harmful addiction that negatively affects the weight of a child born. Mothers of children are very at risk, because the likelihood of developing major health problems during infancy in children, cerebral palsy, poor mental development and death increases. Such consequences can be destructive, because they entail mental problems and economic problems of society. Problems with the development of a child in the body of a smoking mother entail excess weight of the newborn, premature birth and both factors in combination. It has long been no secret that the use of tobacco products reduces the rate of fetal development, and premature birth is more likely by 30%. Avoiding cigarettes before the 16th week of pregnancy reduces the risk of all these things to the level of non-smoking women. The greatest danger is caused by smoking in the third trimester, in the first two, the danger is not very great.

For example, it is estimated that one smoked cigarette neutralizes half of the amount of vitamin C that the human body should receive in a day. pregnancy smoking drug alcohol

It has been proven that one smoked cigarette briefly increases the pressure by about 10 mm. rt. Art. With systematic smoking, blood pressure rises by an average of 20-25%. Studies conducted at the Research Institute of Hygiene for Children and Adolescents have shown that young smokers have metabolic disorders in the heart muscle, which is a prerequisite for future heart diseases.

Naturally, passivity is no less dangerous than active participation. Regular inhalation of other people's smoke by a non-smoking pregnant woman is equivalent to passive inhalation of tobacco smoke and entails all the complications and dangers. Recent studies add to the risk of low birth weight, the risk of certain birth defects, especially in poor local ecology and a nervous lifestyle.

Smoking causes many complications in the early stages of fetal development. This bad habit in the early period increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the development of the embryo does not take place in the uterus, as it should be by nature, but in the fallopian tubes or anywhere else. With an ectopic pregnancy, normal fetal development is impossible. It is impossible to solve this problem without surgical intervention, otherwise the woman may lose her life. Thus, addiction becomes the main factor influencing the occurrence of female infertility. Addiction to addiction can lead to miscarriage. In addition, tobacco smoke increases the risk of placental complications, which in a nonsmoking woman are possible in 1% of cases. These include placenta previa, in which the attachment of the placenta to the uterus occurs either very low or completely overlapping the entire cervix, and placental abruption, in which the placenta is detached before delivery. Both of these complications can be fatal to both the mother and the baby, but a caesarean section can prevent this, although not in all cases. Problems with the placenta are directly related to the birth of still children, and a smoked cigarette increases the risk of these very problems and complications.

In addition to intrauterine complications, tobacco smoke also worsens the waiting period for the baby, toxicosis of different trimesters develops more often and they are more difficult to tolerate. The liver of the expectant mother, which is exposed to the toxic effects of tobacco smoke, works worse. In addition, there is an opinion that smokers' newborns are born more restless. The entire body of the embryo is exposed to the combustion products of the cigarette, which are carried by the blood of the smoking mother.

3. Complications of pregnancy

Bleeding, circulatory disorders in the placenta area;

The risk of delayed labor, spontaneous abortion, premature birth is higher - 14% (premature babies) or placental abruption (stillbirth).

Consequences of exposure to the fetus:

Slower growth of the fetus (reduced length and birth weight);

Increased risk of congenital anomalies, decreased mental capacity;

The possibility of sudden death is increased 2.5 times.

Possible consequences for the further development of the child:

Deviations in the behavior of the child, an increased predisposition to respiratory diseases.

4. Effect of alcohol

Alcohol is highly soluble in water and fats. Low molecular weight provides it with unhindered passage through all tissue barriers of the body, which protect it from many damaging substances. Alcohol suppresses the process of maturation of germ cells, which damages their most important structure - the genetic apparatus, and the offspring is born with developmental defects. The female reproductive system damaged by alcohol is the cause of infertility, miscarriages, premature births and stillbirths.

Getting into the blood of the fetus, alcohol primarily affects the brain, liver, vascular system and endocrine glands. The concentration of alcohol in the blood of the fetus reaches 80-100% of its content in the mother's blood. The fetus has not yet developed those systems that neutralize alcohol in the body of an adult, therefore its damaging effect on the fetus will be much stronger and longer. As a result, multiple deformities of the fetus inevitably arise, compatible or incompatible with his life. First of all, the child's brain suffers, those of its structures that determine mental activity.

Children with alcohol syndrome - a set of congenital pathological signs in the fetus - lag behind in mental and physical development. The birth of children with deformities, epilepsy, mental retardation is often associated with the alcoholism of the father: in men, gradually, under the influence of frequent alcohol intake, the internal organs degenerate, irreversible changes occur in the liver, heart vessels, and gonads. Their children are born weak, often get sick for a long time, lag behind in physical and mental development.

In many countries of the world there have long been customs that prohibit newlyweds from drinking alcoholic beverages. In Russia, young people were given only kvass. This fact once again suggests that alcohol consumption has a detrimental effect on the offspring. The prohibition of drinking alcohol to newlyweds protected the health of future children. It was clear to ancestors without genetics. In ancient India, it was strictly forbidden to drink wine for all women. Violators of this custom were burned with red-hot metal on the foreheads of the notorious bottle.

Until recently, it was believed that the state of the father's body at the time of conception did not play a significant role. But today this myth has been completely dispelled. A drinking father can harm his unborn child. Alcohol - a poison for any living cell - reduces the activity, motility of sperm, breaks, distorts their hereditary structure.

Damage caused by alcohol becomes the cause of inevitable deviations, malformations of the child from the very beginning of his biological existence. The consequences of alcohol consumption by future fathers can be tragic: underdevelopment of the child's brain, mental retardation, dementia up to idiocy.

Alcohol can harm expectant mothers long before conception. Not to mention the fact that a woman with his "help" can generally deprive herself of a happy motherhood. Alcohol quickly damages a woman's body, and the younger she is, the faster it happens. The menstrual cycle is disrupted - unfavorable conditions for conception are created. As a result of alcohol intoxication, the ovaries produce unripe, defective eggs. If such a damaged, defective egg is combined according to biological laws to form an embryo with a sperm, the unhealthiness of the unborn child is already guaranteed.

The toxic, destructive effect of alcohol on the germ cells of future parents lasts about two weeks from the moment it is consumed. A sperm poisoned with alcohol merged with an egg poisoned with the same poison - here it is, a drunken conception. The result is a distorted formation of the embryo, defective development of the fetus, a dead, ugly or sick child.

5. Drugs

Drug use leads to serious complications for both mother and baby. A pregnant woman may have convulsions, rupture of cerebral vessels, myocardial infarction, hypertension, disturbance of the normal rhythm of the heartbeat, arrhythmias, sudden death. When administered internally, the risk of viral hepatitis and HIV infection is increased. Pregnancy often ends in miscarriage or premature birth. If the mother uses drugs, intrauterine fetal growth retardation, fetal hypoxia, congenital anomalies are noted: microcephaly, defects in limb development, urinary tract abnormalities and cerebral hemorrhages. Intrauterine fetal death is possible. Such a child is born with drug addiction.

The negative impact of drugs on the reproductive system of women and men, fetal development. Drugs have an extremely negative effect on the state of the reproductive system of men and women, affect the sexual life of a person, and later on his children. It has been proven that drug use ultimately divides people. So, the sexual attraction of women to men weakens as a result of nervous and hormonal disorders, as well as violations of the most complex coordination between the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. It is these parts of the brain that are responsible for the sexual function of the body. Examining men who smoked marijuana for a short time, the researchers did not find mature sperm in their seminal fluid, but they counted a large number of ugly forms of sex cells. Under the influence of drugs, the level of sex hormones in the blood plasma and mainly testosterone, which is a biological chemical that increases the sexual sensitivity of the nerve endings of the skin and mucous membranes, decreases in humans. In sexual partners, sexual responses may be dull or completely absent.

Drugs have a very strong negative effect on the formation of the fetus. To parents who are drug addicts, children are born with various mental and physical disabilities. In addition, parental drug use adversely affects the health of their children, not only while they are in the womb, but also after childbirth. A mother who uses drugs cannot breastfeed her baby. Children born to parents who are drug addicts develop poorly, lag behind in mental and physical development, and later study poorly.

If drug poisoning in the first 3 months of pregnancy leads to various anomalies of the musculoskeletal system, kidneys, heart and other organs of the child, then at a later date, fetal growth retardation is observed. 30-50% of drug addict mothers have babies with low body weight.

The fetus, when the mother uses drugs, can form a physical dependence on drugs. In this case, the child is born with withdrawal syndrome, which occurs due to the cessation of the regular intake of drugs in his body after birth. The child is agitated, screams shrilly, often yawns, sneezes. He has a fever, muscle tone is changed in comparison with the norm.

Due to prolonged intrauterine hypoxia, children of drug-addicted mothers are born with breathing disorders, disorders of the central nervous system, and various malformations.


In recent years, we have learned a lot about the use and abuse of drugs and alcohol, as well as the use of other psychoactive substances. We learn about how it harms health, what the consequences can be, but, unfortunately, the number of people using psychoactive substances has not decreased, but even vice versa. What makes people use what is harmful not only to their health, but also to the health of their future children.

But oddly enough, in our time everyone wants to give birth to a healthy child, but, as they say, wanting little, you also need to make every effort to stop using psychoactive substances. In our society, few people think about how one smoked cigarette or drunk glass of wine can affect the health of a child.

And having finished my report, I would like that what is written in it would not leave the future parents indifferent, and before using surfactants, think about whether you really want it?

According to statistics, unfortunately, the number of women who smoke has increased recently. If a pregnant woman quit smoking during early toxicosis, then you should not return to this habit, since a woman who smokes has a child behind in development and, as a rule, is small in weight. If a woman cannot completely quit smoking, then she should reduce the number of cigarettes smoked.


1. Ailamazyan E.K. Obstetrics. A textbook for students of honey. universities. - SPb: "Special Literature", 2000.

2. Nebel B. Environmental Science. T.1.11. - M .: Mir, 1993.

3. Gilbert S. Developmental Biology. Vol. 1.11, III. - M .: Mir, 1995.

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Plan 1. Teratogenic factors and their impact on humans: a) the effect of adverse factors in different periods of intrauterine development b) the main groups of teratogenic factors 2. The effect of external factors on a person. 3. Medicines and their influence on the course of pregnancy. 4. Pregnancy and bad habits. 5. The influence of radiation and individual chemical elements on the development of the fetus.

Teratogenesis the occurrence of malformations under the influence of environmental factors (teratogenic factors) or as a result of hereditary diseases the occurrence of malformations under the influence of environmental factors (teratogenic factors) or as a result of hereditary diseases The prevalence of unauthorized abortions is 15-20% of the total number of pregnancies, 3- 5% of newborns have developmental defects, in another 15% of children, developmental defects are found at the age of 5-10 years. The prevalence of unauthorized abortions is 15-20% of the total number of pregnancies, 3-5% of newborns have developmental defects, in another 15% of children, developmental defects are found at the age of 5-10 years.

Sensitivity to various teratogenic factors during intrauterine development can change. the most sensitive are the 1st and 2nd critical periods of ontogenesis - this is the end of the 1st - the beginning of the 2nd week after fertilization and 3-6 weeks. pregnancy. The influence of harmful substances precisely during the 2nd period leads to the formation of the largest number of congenital malformations. the most sensitive are the 1st and 2nd critical periods of ontogenesis - this is the end of the 1st - the beginning of the 2nd week after fertilization and 3-6 weeks. pregnancy. The influence of harmful substances precisely during the 2nd period leads to the formation of the largest number of congenital malformations.

The initial period of intrauterine development Lasts from the moment of fertilization to implantation of the blastocyst. A blastocyst is a collection of cells called blastomeres. The main feature of the initial period is the significant compensatory and adaptive capabilities of the embryo. Lasts from the moment of fertilization to implantation of the blastocyst. A blastocyst is a collection of cells called blastomeres. The main feature of the initial period is the significant compensatory and adaptive capabilities of the embryo. When a large number of cells are damaged, the embryo dies, and when individual blastomeres are damaged, the subsequent development cycle is not disturbed (the "all or nothing" principle). When a large number of cells are damaged, the embryo dies, and when individual blastomeres are damaged, the subsequent development cycle is not disturbed (the "all or nothing" principle).

The second period of intrauterine development is embryonic (18-60 days after fertilization). gross malformations are formed. After the 36th week of intrauterine development, gross malformations (with the exception of defects of the hard palate, urinary tract and genitals) are rarely formed. embryonic (18-60 days after fertilization). gross malformations are formed. After the 36th week of intrauterine development, gross malformations (with the exception of defects of the hard palate, urinary tract and genitals) are rarely formed.

The third period of intrauterine development The third period is the development of the fetus. The third period is fetal development. Malformations are not typical. Malformations are not typical. Under the influence of environmental factors, growth inhibition and death of fetal cells occur, which is further manifested by underdevelopment or functional immaturity of organs. Under the influence of environmental factors, inhibition of growth and death of fetal cells occurs, which is further manifested by underdevelopment or functional immaturity of organs.

Risk factors for congenital malformations Unplanned pregnancy; Unplanned pregnancy; Late maternal age; Late maternal age; Insufficient medical supervision during pregnancy; Insufficient medical supervision during pregnancy; Rubella infection during pregnancy; Rubella infection during pregnancy; alcohol consumption; alcohol consumption; Eating disorders, harsh diets during pregnancy; Eating disorders, harsh diets during pregnancy; Self-medication during pregnancy; Self-medication during pregnancy; Occupational hazards during pregnancy; Occupational hazards during pregnancy; Insufficient treatment of chronic diseases of the mother; Insufficient treatment of chronic diseases of the mother;

Radiation shows its teratogenic properties when its dose exceeds normal values. shows its teratogenic properties when its dose exceeds normal values. There is an increased radiation resistance of body cells, which has been formed over hundreds of years by different generations There is an increased radiation resistance of body cells, which has been formed over hundreds of years by different generations

Metabolic disorders of a pregnant woman Endemic goiter Endemic goiter Folic acid deficiency Folic acid deficiency Prolonged hyperthermia Prolonged hyperthermia Phenylketonuria Phenylketonuria Androgen-secreting tumors Androgen-secreting tumors Decompensated diabetes mellitus Decompensated diabetes mellitus

Medicines Methotrexate Androgens Busulfan Captopril Warfarin Cyclophosphamide Triethylstilbestrol Phenytoin EnalaprilEtretinate Iodides Iodides Lithium carbonate Lithium carbonate Thiamazole Thiamazole Penicillamine Penicillamine Isotinretinetinoe domethionic acid

Medicines that are capable of causing congenital malformations account for only a small part - approximately 1% of the currently known teratogen. Medicines that are capable of causing congenital malformations account for only a small part - approximately 1% of the currently known teratogen. Developmental abnormalities can disrupt the anatomical structure, metabolism, and mental signs. Developmental abnormalities can disrupt the anatomical structure, metabolism, and mental signs.

Unlikely teratogenic factors inhalation anesthetics inhalation anesthetics Dioxin (defoliant) Dioxin (defoliant) Aspirin Aspirin Oral contraceptives Oral contraceptives Drugs (excluding cocaine) Narcotics (excluding cocaine) Metzorolum from a computer monitor Violence to a television monitor Metronide or computer monitor

The main congenital malformations of the central nervous system are anencephaly, anencephaly, encephalocele, encephalocele, exencephaly, and spinal canal and skull cleft. exencephaly and non-closure of the spinal canal and skull. They are formed as a result of the neural tube not closure. They are formed as a result of the neural tube not closure. About 80% of malformations of the central nervous system are hydrocephalus. About 80% of malformations of the central nervous system are hydrocephalus. Often it is combined with other vices Often it is combined with other vices

Smoking during pregnancy Smoking during pregnancy Tobacco smoke contains hundreds of toxic components, Tobacco smoke contains hundreds of toxic components, nicotine affects blood circulation and reduces the intensity of blood circulation in the mother-fetus system. Other components of tobacco smoke, cadmium and lead, are found in the follicular fluid and placental tissue of smokers. nicotine affects blood circulation and reduces the intensity of blood circulation in the mother-fetus system. Other components of tobacco smoke, cadmium and lead, are found in the follicular fluid and placental tissue of smokers.

Decreased Fertility It has been proven that the ability to conceive is reduced in 30% of women who smoke. It has been proven that the ability to conceive is reduced in 30% of women who smoke. Smoking in men leads to a decrease in the quality of sperm, but does not affect the effectiveness of conception in cases where the woman does not smoke in a couple. Smoking in men leads to a decrease in the quality of sperm, but does not affect the effectiveness of conception in cases where the woman does not smoke in a couple. It is believed that women who smoke have a 1.5-fold increased risk of spontaneous abortion. It is believed that women who smoke have a 1.5-fold increased risk of spontaneous abortion.

Delayed intrauterine growth Delayed intrauterine development Smoking during pregnancy, on average, reduces the weight of the newborn by 200 g, the lack of weight of the newborn directly depends on the number of cigarettes that a woman smokes. Smoking during pregnancy, on average, reduces the weight of a newborn by 200 g, the lack of weight in a newborn directly depends on the number of cigarettes that a woman smokes. The risk of having a baby weighing less than 2.5 kg is doubled. The risk of having a baby weighing less than 2.5 kg is doubled. This risk is especially increased among older women who smoke. This risk is especially increased among older women who smoke. If a woman gives up smoking in the early stages of pregnancy, then this prevents the risk of developing IUGR. If a woman quits smoking in the early stages of pregnancy, then this prevents the risk of developing IUGR.

Congenital developmental defects The risk of developing non-closure of the upper lip and hard palate in infants of mothers who smoke is increased by an average of 2 times. the risk of developing a non-closure of the upper lip and hard palate in infants of mothers who smoke is increased by an average of 2 times.

ALCOHOL during pregnancy Fetal alcohol syndrome was first described in 1973. Fetal alcohol syndrome was first described in 1973. Diagnosis criteria: lack of mass and height, Diagnostic criteria: lack of weight and height, disorders of neuropsychic development, or other neurological symptoms, disorders of neuropsychic development, or other neurological symptoms, typical disorders in the structure of the face, typical disorders in the structure of the face, possible structural defects of the heart, kidneys and urinary tract; possible structural defects of the heart, kidneys and urinary tract

Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) Has a typical appearance - a face with hypoplasia of the middle third, small wide-set eyes, a wide and smoothed filter (the distance between the nose and upper lip), a thin upper lip and skin fold, near the corner of the eye - an epicant. Has a typical appearance - a face with hypoplasia of the middle third, small wide-set eyes, a wide and smoothed filter (the distance between the nose and upper lip), a thin upper lip and a skin fold, near the corner of the eye - an epicant. Other symptoms of alcohol injury are: growth retardation, small head size, neurological symptoms and disorders of neuropsychic development.Other symptoms of alcohol injury are: growth retardation, small head size, neurological symptoms and disorders of neuropsychic development

The American Association of Family Practitioners recommends asking the following questions to identify at-risk groups for alcohol use in pregnant women: 1. How much alcohol can you tolerate? For a positive answer, there are 2 points. The following answers are considered positive: 1 bottle of wine, 6 cans of beer or 6 cocktails, which indicates a high reliability of a long period of drinking alcoholic beverages 1. How much alcohol can you tolerate? For a positive answer, there are 2 points. The following answers are considered positive: 1 bottle of wine, 6 cans of beer or 6 cocktails, which indicates a high reliability of a long period of drinking alcohol

2. Does it annoy you when others criticize you for drinking? For a positive answer, there is 1 point; 2. Does it annoy you when others criticize you for drinking? For a positive answer, there is 1 point; 3. Do you feel the need to stop drinking alcohol? For a positive answer, there is 1 point; 3. Do you feel the need to stop drinking alcohol? For a positive answer, there is 1 point;

4. Is it a possible situation when you drink alcohol in the morning to calm down or put your health in order? 4. Is it a possible situation when you drink alcohol in the morning to calm down or put your health in order? For a positive answer, there is 1 point; For a positive answer, there is 1 point; The risk group includes women who scored 2 or more points for the results of this survey. The risk group includes women who scored 2 or more points for the results of this survey.

The risk of developing abnormalities in the fetus depends on a large number of causes The risk of developing abnormalities in the fetus depends on a large number of reasons The amount of alcohol consumed per day; The amount of alcohol consumed per day; The regularity of drinking alcohol; The regularity of drinking alcohol; Drinking alcohol during pregnancy; Drinking alcohol during pregnancy; Features of ethanol metabolism in the mother's body; Features of ethanol metabolism in the mother's body; individual hereditary sensitivity of the fetus; individual hereditary sensitivity of the fetus;

DRUGS The action of narcotic substances on the fetus, which develops, leads to the formation of abnormalities in the development of the central nervous system, intrauterine growth retardation and low birth weight. The effect of narcotic substances on the fetus, which develops, leads to the formation of deviations in the development of the central nervous system, intrauterine growth retardation and low weight at birth.

RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH INTRAUAL RADIATION RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH INTRAUAL RADIATION Effects of radiation on the embryo by the 2nd week. - the embryo either dies or develops absolutely normally. It is known from experimental data that the death of an embryo can take place already at a dose of 10 RAD; and if the dose is 1 gray, then the death of the embryo occurs in 50% of cases.

RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH INTRATUAL RADIATION Some methods of examination are dangerous for the fetus, for example, computed tomography, radionuclide examination, X-ray examination using contrast. some research methods are dangerous for the fetus, for example, computed tomography, radionuclide research, X-ray examination, using contrast.

Radiation damage to the embryo A not clearly defined symptom complex is formed, the number of multifactorial malformations, microcephaly, cataracts increases, an unclearly defined symptom complex is formed, the number of multifactorial malformations, microcephaly, cataracts, an increase in perinatal mortality and lag, in psycho-motor development, an increase in perinatal mortality and lags in psycho-motor development

Industrial TERATOGEN The total amount of heavy metal salts that accumulates in the fetal tissues increases as the gestation period increases. The total amount of heavy metal salts that accumulates in the fetal tissues increases as the gestation period increases. Arsenic is able to penetrate the placenta and accumulates in the fetal tissues. arsenic is able to cross the placenta and accumulates in the tissues of the fetus. arsenic can induce various congenital anomalies in laboratory animals, but there are no known cases of caused malformations in humans arsenic can induce various congenital anomalies in laboratory animals, but cases of caused malformations in humans are not known

LEAD · Scientific studies have shown a link between lead accumulation and preterm birth, weight loss in newborns, impaired postnatal growth, increased abortions and stillbirths, neurological impairment and minor developmental anomalies. scientific studies have shown a link between lead accumulation and preterm birth, weight loss in newborns, impaired postnatal growth, increased abortions and stillbirths, neurological impairment, and minor developmental anomalies.

The accumulation of lead in tissues leads to male sterility, reduced motile and altered sperm morphology, and impaired testicular function. There is also a reliable connection with the accumulation of chromosomal abnormalities in the germ cells. The accumulation of lead in the tissues leads to male sterility, reduced motile and altered morphology of spermatozoa, and impaired testicular function. There is also a reliable connection with the accumulation of chromosomal abnormalities in the germ cells.

MERCURY MERCURY Mercury molecules in their basic form are able to pass through the placental barrier, after which they accumulate in the tissues of the fetus. Mercury molecules in their basic form are able to pass through the placental barrier, after which they accumulate in the tissues of the fetus. An example of a mercury effect on a fetus is congenital Minamata disease An example of a mercury effect on a fetus is congenital Minamata disease

Minamata disease microcephaly microcephaly Deformed limbs Deformed limbs Neurological symptoms developed at 6 months of age (loss of skills) Neurological symptoms developed at 6 months of age (loss of skills) seizures seizures mental retardation, mental retardation, atrophy and hypoplasia of the brain atrophy and hypoplasia of the brain

Agricultural TERATOGENS Agricultural TERATOGENS Teratogenic action found in insecticides, which are used in our time: Teratogenic action found in insecticides that are used in our time: dieldrin (violation of the ability to fertilize, increase spontaneous abortion, delayed ossification of the skeleton) and the formation of additional pairs dieldrin (impaired fertility, increased spontaneous abortion, delayed skeletal ossification and the formation of additional pairs of ribs) kepon (decreased sperm count and mobility). kepon (decrease in the number and motility of sperm).

Herbicides Multiple malformations in babies whose mothers consumed food contaminated with herbicides Multiple malformations in babies whose mothers consumed food contaminated with herbicides The relationship between the prenatal action of herbicides and such anomalies as lip and palate clefts and kidney malformations has been proven. the action of herbicides and such abnormalities as lip and palate cleft and kidney malformations

The sphere of personal hygiene includes: hygiene of the body and oral cavity, hygiene of physical education, hardening, prevention of bad habits, hygiene of sexual life, hygiene of clothing, hygiene of rest, sleep, hygiene of individual food, hygiene of mental work, psychohygiene and others.

Body hygiene Body hygiene, keeping it clean, skin and hair care are the oldest elements of personal hygiene. Systematic washing keeps the skin clean and functioning, which is very important due to its physiological role. A ml of sweat is secreted through the skin in one hour. When doing hard work and overheating, this amount can increase to ml and above. Every day, up to a gram of sebum is secreted through the skin of an adult, which includes various fatty acids, proteins and other substances, up to 15 grams of the epidermis, which is keratinized, sloughs off.

For a more effective removal of impurities from the surface of the skin and hair, different soaps and synthetic detergents are used. Soaps are a type of water-soluble salts of higher fatty acids that have washing ability and which contain surfactants (PAR). They are obtained by neutralizing higher fatty acids or by saponifying neutral fats with caustic alkalis.

Baths Currently, mainly 2 types of general-purpose baths are used - steam; - dry heat saunas. The main premises of the bath are 1) showers and 2) steam rooms. In the steam rooms of the first type of baths (steam baths) with coarse stoves under the loading mode, the air temperature reaches C at a relative humidity of E%. If steam is supplied from a boiler room, these indicators are C and 100%, respectively.

Bathrooms should have: 1) good ventilation; 2) a severe sanitary anti-epidemic regime; 3) wet chemical disinfection should be carried out at least once a month; 4) it is prohibited to use mercury thermometers to measure temperature; 5) washing and other means in glass containers must not be brought into the room; 6) during the procedures it is forbidden to smoke, speak loudly; 7) take a warm shower in front of the steam room and prevent overheating of the head.

Physiological foundations of rest The physiological foundations of human life determine the need for strict adherence to the daily regimen, intelligent alternation of vigorous activity and rest, vigor and sleep. For most people, the day is divided into approximately three equal (8 hours) parts: a) labor activity (study); b) personal time; c) sleep.

An obligatory element of daily rest is 7-8 hours. sleep. Its usefulness is ensured by compliance with the following requirements: 1) the last meal no later than 2 hours before bedtime; 2) before going to bed min walk in the fresh air; 3) classes that require strong mental and emotional stress are stopped 1.5-2.0 hours before bedtime; 4) go to bed at the same time in a well-ventilated room; 5) in winter, sleep with the window open; 6) ensure the absence or maximum possible reduction of noise influences; 7) the use of tranquilizers and hypnotics is allowed only occasionally with the permission of a doctor.

The components of physical education are: walking, running, morning exercises, swimming, various types of sports games and activities. However, physical activity should be individual and come out of the real state of health, age and fitness of a person. To determine the degree of functional readiness for physical exercises and control during their implementation, various tests have been proposed. For this purpose, for example, the 12-minute test of the famous American sports physician K. Cooper can be used. It is based on the fact that there is a relationship between the distance traveled (km) and oxygen consumption (ml / kg / min), which characterizes the functional readiness of a person. So in years, fitness is considered poor if oxygen consumption is about 25 ml / kg / min, excellent 40 ml / kg / min.

Hardening: is a system for training adaptive mechanisms of adaptation to daily, seasonal, gradual or sudden changes in the microclimate, illumination, magnetic and electric fields of the Earth, which have arisen in the course of evolution, in order to increase the body's resistance to external influences.

The leading principles of hardening include: - sequence of increasing the influence; - regularity of the event; - taking into account individual characteristics; - high factor of hardening procedures; - polygradient, that is, training the body to weak, strong, short, slow and medium according to the strength and time of the action of stimuli; - a combination of general and local hardening; - regulation of the level of heat production and the performance of hardening procedures both at rest and with different physical activity; - taking into account the nature of the previous activity of the body, which provides for a decrease in the degree of influence through changes.

The following hygienic requirements are related to everyday household clothes: - to provide an optimal suitable microclimate and to promote the establishment of human thermal comfort; - do not bother breathing, blood circulation and movement of a person, do not displace or compress internal organs and parts of the musculoskeletal system; - be strong enough, easy to clean from external and internal dirt; - do not contain toxic impurities that are released into the environment, do not have physical and chemical properties that adversely affect the skin and the human body as a whole. - have a relatively small mass (up to 8-10% of a person's body weight).

The hygienic properties of clothes depend on: - the type of fabric; - the nature of its texture; - I will open the clothes. Textile fibers of various origins (natural, chemical) are used for the manufacture of fabrics for clothing. Natural organic fibers are the oldest type of fabric materials and are highly hygienic. They can be organic (vegetable, animal) and inorganic. Vegetable (cellulose) organic fibers include cotton, flax, sisal, jute, and strand. Organic fibers of animal origin (protein) include wool and silk.

One of the most important hygienic properties of a fabric is its hygroscopicity, which characterizes the ability of fabric fibers to absorb water vapor from the air and the body surface and, under certain conditions, retain it. The hygroscopicity primarily depends on the nature of the fibers, the nature of their weaving and the thickness of the fabric. Woolen fabrics have the highest hygroscopicity (20% or more), which allows them to retain high heat-shielding properties even as a result of moisture, synthetic fabrics have minimal hygroscopicity. An important characteristic of fabrics, especially those used for the manufacture of linen, shirts, dresses, towels, is their ability to remove dripping liquid moisture. Capillarity can be an indicator of this property; wet tissue has a high heat capacity and therefore absorbs heat from the body much faster, causing it to cool and hypothermia.

Shoes must meet the following general hygienic requirements: - have low thermal conductivity, provide an optimal microclimate of the shoe space and good ventilation; - to be easy to use, not to disrupt the blood supply, growth and formation of the musculoskeletal elements of the foot, not to bother with movements while walking, physical education and during labor operations; - to provide protection of the foot from adverse physical, chemical and biological influences; - not to release into the intra-shoe space of chemicals in concentrations that can have an adverse effect (skin irritant, resorptive, allergic, etc.) under real operating conditions on the skin of the foot and the body as a whole; - respond to age, sex and other physiological characteristics of the body; - easy to clean and dry, keep its original shape and hygienic properties for a long time. 72

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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The influence of harmful factors on the development of the embryo and fetus.

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Exogenous factors: Physical: Mechanical (trauma, twins, uterine fibroids, etc.); Thermal (heat shock, hypothermia); Irradiation (ultraviolet, X-ray, radioactive and space); Chemical: Hypoxia; Lack of iodine; The introduction of medicines, poisons, etc.; Biological: Lack or excess of vitamins; Lack or excess of hormones; Infections (viral, toxoplasmosis); Antigens, Rh antibodies; Lack or excess of food; Stress reactions. Groups of factors that have a harmful effect on the development of the embryo.

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Genetic; Constitutional; Age, etc. The fetus and the mother's body are a single whole, therefore, the transition from the mother to the fetus's body of various bacteria and viruses, toxic substances, drugs that can cause a variety of changes in it is possible. Particularly responsible in this regard is the period of the first three months of pregnancy, when fetal organs are formed. Almost all medicinal substances can have a harmful effect on the embryo, therefore, in order to prevent embryopathies, it is advisable to avoid the prescription of unnecessary medications in the early period of pregnancy. Endogenous factors:

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Among the damaging factors that can act on the intrauterine development of the fetus, starting from the moment of conception, 5 groups can be distinguished. These are drugs, physical factors of the external environment (radioactivity, heavy metals), diseases of the mother (diseases of internal and genital organs), bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs), infections in the mother (rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes virus, immunodeficiency virus person, etc.). Especially the unfavorable effect of these factors during the maturation of the germ cells of the parents, the moment of fertilization and in the first months of pregnancy - the embryo and the fetus develop severe malformations, often the pregnancy is interrupted. What factors cause the pathology of intrauterine development of the fetus at different periods?

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Alcohol With the systematic use of even a small amount of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy and its use at the time of conception of a child ("holiday children"), the so-called fetal alcohol syndrome may occur, which is characterized by multiple developmental anomalies, as well as violations of the child's physical and mental development in the future. Bad habits

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The incidence of congenital anomalies in children of drug addicts is 2.5-3%. Delayed development of the fetus is noted, the frequency of stillbirths is higher. The main danger is the death of a newborn due to the complete cessation of drug intake into his body. Taking cocaine during pregnancy is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus. Among the complications in the expectant mother are convulsions, ruptures of the cerebral vessels, myocardial infarction, heart rhythm disturbances, sudden death. Taking cocaine during pregnancy causes miscarriages, premature birth, intrauterine fetal growth retardation, intrauterine fetal death, can lead to multiple malformations in the fetus (congenital malformations of the brain, spinal cord, kidneys), and stroke in the newborn. Morphine, heroin and marijuana cause severe neurological disorders in the child. Drugs

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More than 4000 harmful substances were found in cigarette smoke, including antigenic, mutagenic, carcinogenic. The presence of these substances explains the harmful effects of smoking. Among them, carbon monoxide is a toxic gas that interferes with oxygen transport and can cause dysfunction of the nervous system. Nicotine is especially destructive, which has a pronounced vasoconstrictor effect and, due to this, has a negative effect on the processes of blood circulation in the uterus and placenta. In women who smoke heavily, pregnancy often ends in spontaneous miscarriages. Smoking

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For pregnant women, there are high risk factors such substances as lead, mercury, gasoline vapors, phenol, formaldehyde, compounds of cadmium, manganese, fluorine, arsenic, pesticides. It is known that lead, whether it enters the digestive tract in the form of salts or is inhaled in the air in the form of lead oxide, can cause impaired development of the brain in a child and mental retardation. When mercury is exposed to the body of a pregnant woman, her newborn develops cerebral palsy and cerebral underdevelopment. Chemical substances

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How does ionizing radiation affect a growing fetus? Severe malformations and impaired fetal growth occur at exposure doses of more than 50 rad, but even doses of several rad can dramatically increase the risk of developing leukemia in a newborn child. The increase in the number of newborns suffering from Down syndrome is associated with chronic exposure to microwave radiation. Harmful environmental factors affecting the development of the fetus.

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Teratogens are substances that can have a harmful effect on a growing fetus. An increase in the content of these substances in the organisms of a pregnant woman and a child may be in the case of her presence during mining operations, in metallurgical works and during metal processing. The main inorganic substance with a teratogenic effect is lead, which causes disruption of the central nervous system and leads to the formation of mental retardation and various paralysis. The influence of mercury will cause a decrease in motor activity and intelligence in a child. The action of cadmium, arsenic and chromium salts will also lead to disruption of the brain. How do inorganic teratogens affect?

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During pregnancy, many different factors can have a detrimental effect on the development of the first embryo and then the fetus. In this case, the influence of harmful factors on the health of the parents should be taken into account both during the formation of gametes and on the eve of conception. In this regard, pregnancy should be planned for a time when future parents are healthy, do not abuse bad habits, are not associated with harmful production factors, eat normally, and mutually want a child. Damaging factors during the period of embryogenesis are most dangerous and can cause death, deformity or disease of the fetus. There are factors that do not cause pathological changes in the fetus, but contribute to miscarriage, which ultimately still leads to complications in the newborn. The influence of harmful factors on pregnancy.

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