Why are social networks need, what can be useful? Harm and benefit of social networks psychological and mental risks.

The way our world has changed is really impressive. Many changes are truly global. They become other not only technologies, but there is no dispute - today it has become much easier to live. Just think about what an essential role in obtaining the necessary information is played by the Internet. There is no point to sit for hours in libraries, go shopping in search of the desired book or film. Now everything you need can be obtained directly without leaving home. Is it good? Of course, life is much simplified. Is it useful? Undoubtedly, because we can now avoid many "unnecessary" procedures. Everything is good, but the pitfalls are everywhere. Progress has significantly changed our life, but not quite for the better.

Remember how in childhood friends stood under the windows, screaming our name loudly - so they called us a walk, remember how you had to go home to convey any information? Agree, today people communicate with each other directly much less than before. Often, all communication comes down to the fact that everyone sits at home and transfers messages to his friends through social networks. who consider such communication more productive and interesting than personal. Are the harm of social networks real? Yes, he really exists.

Someone will say that social networks are extremely helpful, as they give people the opportunity to communicate even at a long distance. It is almost impossible to argue with this fact. Also in the world there are many supporters of the fact that the Internet makes it possible to express themselves even insecure in their forces. The share of truth is here.

What is the harm of social networks? Look around: What happens to our children? They are no longer walking in the evenings on the street, do not play football in the yard, do not go from friends. All they need is a computer. On suggestions, go for a walk with friends, they answer that they are so good to communicate with them. Every day the world becomes less interesting for them.

What good will happen to a person who will sit for a computer whole days? Health will be worse, excessive weight will appear, and it will become much harder to communicate in real life.

Yes, you can be a star of the Internet, you can make friends around the world, learn to surprise people unusual (although not independently invented) messages, but sooner or later it will have to understand that life needs to be arranged in this world. The person who is closed and is not accustomed to normal communication, can go on social networks with head. What is bad here? Harm social networks are that they give only illusions. The man, mired in them, will think that he is all good and will stop attempting to at least somehow realize himself in life.

Social networks, whose harm we consider, literally teach us to live. Of these, we understand that good, and what is bad. Speak that television zombies? Yes, the watching TV is usually deprived of his opinion, but problems are observed with Internet lovers. The harm of social networks is that they unobtrusively introduce new standards, dictate incomprehensible whose rules tell us what to do. The information that spreads in them is lightning, is not useful, cultural, in demand. In most cases, it is garbage that is issued for something necessary and necessary.

The harm of social networks is obvious. Know what they are tightened. It is not always easy to realize that time is spent back. Take any solutions only deliberately. Remember that real communication is nothing and can never replace. Life is constant movement and development. For the most part, all this is possible only in the real world. Illusions are loving.

Hello, dear friends!

With the arrival of the Internet into our world, it changed completely and radically. Social networks identified the development vector in favor of the total integration of web platforms.

And these platforms, in turn, taught us to surf in the sea of \u200b\u200binformation and opportunities, among which you can find and communicate with people, and listening to musical compositions and even watching video movies.

Another large feature is involved in the life of other individuals. Are you viewing the photos? Share juicy comments and express our opinion without fear, isn't it?

You switched to the virtual world of communication with bots, living people and yourself, through social networks, that as a web was launched each second living on a blue planet. Some manage to make money by creating entire pages, groups and arrays on the site.

But did you think about the dangers that accounts, communities and viburnum brought with them? The benefits and harm of social networks - what will one translate?

Undoubtedly, they are a huge technological achievement that promises us many opportunities and benefits. But together with the pros, come and cons. I can't say with reinforced concrete conviction that social networks are harmful to children and adolescents, it is equivalent to how I can't assume you that computer games should be banned.

With a common, disciplined approach to innovation of technology, it is possible to eat for yourself or even good, facilitating life. Danger lies not around the corner. This practice will affect the psyche not so without a trace, as it seems to us. What is hijling and what is worth knowing about social networks, deftly scattered before us?

Harm from social network


Due to the fact that the pastime in the network, heats our zone of pleasure in the brain, we want to constantly spend time there, developing addiction.

Good feedback or comment, along with the pretty and long-awaited husky, strengthens the positive experience and we go into the invented reality with your head.

The desire for re-obtaining euphoria, similar to the behavior of the drug addict. And so, we start our day with viewing news, we continue our day, in the usual address, and before going to bed, we can find everything there - on the social network.

We get used to such a regime as quickly as quickly fingers learn to click seeds. Sometimes it seems as if born, the child is already an expert in the user issue of social network.

Getting attention and impact dose of enthusiastic marks "Like" makes us sophisticated in search of content, make billions of Self, which has long been recognized as a serious mental disorder.

And why? Yes, because it is nice to be the focus of attention of people who may not even be familiar with us directly. You can make friends with anyone! With Pope Roman, pop star or childhood friend. And everything here is in the cherished icon located in the phone.

Have you noticed that the usual communication on the phone was transformed into postponus letters, electronic, eliminated phrases, supported by Emodi, imitating the emotional response of the interlocutor?

Such surrogates have long become standards gradually withdrawing live communication and are victory for bloggers who have found a huge profit in this situation.

Even at the time of the long-awaited meeting, we cannot afford to ignore the opportunity to "process" in the cafe and submit a photo with loved ones to a common court.

But be careful with personal and confidential materials that you pass over the network, scammers will not be dreamed! For example, do not notice that you are leaving on vacation. Better post photos when come back! In addition, you will have more time to travel.

Concentration of attention

Due to the fact that publications have a small volume, we are accustomed to absorb information with minimal portions due to the fact that it has become difficult to concentrate. Mass of business offers, home improvement, help save lives and this is just the beginning!

The commission of several processes at the same time is a side effect of using the social network. You can rewrite with a person, listen to music, celebrate your favorites and do it all at the same time. And this is not the best method to increase intelligence!

Waste of time

Instead of making something useful go, simply stroll in nature, we bind ourselves to the Internet, following its speed and manic leafs. This reduces intelligence, provokes the development of stress and completely cuts people from reality.

Close, children and even your grandmothers can be members of the illusory world and instead of enjoying each other's company, prefer phantom content.

Benefit from social network

Before expressing the pros, I mention that in case of observation of dependencies, measures should be taken as early as possible and limit the time paid to social networks. How to choose for yourself the most appropriate platform?

In addition to the usual communities, we spoke before, there are platforms that help to find employers and enlist the support of Eicharov, for example, LinkedIn..

  • information search speed: find the right individual, contact her or even find a whole company is no longer a problem;
  • simplicity of communication and savings;
  • create your range of interests and share with our thoughts with the world;
  • on time to receive important alerts about the birthday of friends or receive invitations to events.

Friends, that came to the end of the article.

Before the meeting on the blog, while so far!

Social networks will undoubtedly be both useful for a person and bring him a considerable moral, physical and sometimes even material damage. Read about the negative effects of social networks on your lifestyle - you may already be able to think about whether you organize your pastime on the Internet.

Harm that can cause social networks


Many people are so accustomed to spending time in social networks, which, waking up, the first thing checks all their pages, "sit" on them during a trip to transport, in training or working hours, in each institution is looking for a Wi-Fi connection point, and then And they are experiencing an obsessive desire to check your account almost every ten minutes. Moreover, they often do not notice this or do not consider the problem, although the relationship from social network is an already recognized psychological dependence.

Communication in social networks contributes to the fact that a person slowly begins to give up the outside world. This is especially subject to closed or lonely people. They are much easier to communicate in the social network, but the possibility of remote communication becomes a minus, when there is no live communication at all.

Informational garbage

Also, a huge amount of available information contributes to the fact that a person becomes difficult to concentrate on something one and he very quickly begins to lose patience - from which it can progress the deficit syndrome.


In the social network, people not only communicate with their friends, but also track the pages of old acquaintances, former beloved and buddies, popular bloggers, celebrities, etc. They are watching the lives of other people in social networks every day and see other people's successes and achievements that Many causes a feeling of envy and discontent with themselves.

Watching someone else's "perfect life", social network users may experience stress from the fact that society is waiting for the same success, moreover, it can lead them to depression.


To sit in social networks, it can leave a lot of time. Someone has enough fifteen minutes a day to test your account, someone and fifteen minutes per hour will be not enough - after all, you need to write someone's message, to re-read the entire news feed, to leave photos, etc. As a result of this, the active social network user It begins to pronounce, it does not go to sleep on time, which is why he gets fatigue, suffers from lack of sleep, or even at all from insomnia.

If you constantly be at a computer, a laptop or a mobile device, you can significantly spoil your vision, worsen the condition of the spine, muscles and joints.

Fraud in social networks

You can suffer from fraudsters not only on social networks, but almost anywhere on the Internet, but the social networks increase this probability at times.

Many people point to social networks of real information about themselves, thanks to which fraudsters it becomes much easier to collect data on their victims, then to apply them to deception. They can also hack your page and use it for your own purposes.

Use of social networks

  • The social network contributes to restoring links between people. Thanks to them, each user can try to find her long-time friend, a familiar, former classmate or a distant relative. In addition, people can communicate with each other, being in different parts of the planet.

  • Social networks also simplify the search for new acquaintances and friends for those who are embarrassed to get acquainted in real life or tolerate failure with live communication. A written form of communication with many people is best given, moreover, thanks to the page in the social network, you can immediately get an idea of \u200b\u200bhow the user looks like it is interested, with whom it communicates, etc. - it will help to determine if you like this person or not.
  • In addition to communication, social networks offer users a huge content volume: photos, videos, news, articles, audio recordings and other. All this is collected in one place, so the user will be faster and more convenient to search for its information.

  • Recently, social networks allow you to promote your business. They will also help you find the audience of the audience for the results of your creative hobby, which can later be monitored: photographers, artists, video blocks, etc. are used by this opportunity.

We told what exactly the harm and benefit of social networks are concluded, and whether you will be able to control your pastime on these resources to enjoy only their benefits, or refuse them completely from sin away - the choice remains yours.

"I decided to look at Odnoklassniki for a couple of minutes, one and a half hours passed," here is one of the most cited statements dedicated to social networks. Indeed, it seems that only opened the page, looked at what's new friends, loaded a couple of photos, changed the status, talked with a friend of childhood, "Like" a few new videos and is already coming to completion of the second hour of stay on the site.

But, fortunately, everything is not as sad, as it may seem at first glance and in this situation can also be found a lot of positive parties.

So, what are the pros and cons of visits social networks? And in order to make it easy to calculate the final result, see each item separately.

Let's start with the positive sides of social networks

1. Search speed. In social networks, you can easily find the right person (if it is, of course, registered), which is interested in information regarding any firms (many companies create groups of social networks), and simply find like-minded people. And this can be done only by specifying several specific criteria. For example, we specify: name, surname, place of residence, age to search for a specific person or write in the search string "Preparation of desserts", "Crafts from paper", "Sports cars", etc.- For dating and communicating with like-minded people in groups .

2. Easy to communicate and exchange information. Of course, each of us has a mobile phone and we can exchange information via SMS and MMS messages. But after all, this is a considerable amount of money. It is much more convenient, faster and, that is important, more profitable, to send data on social networks.

3. You can create a circle of interest. That is, subscribe to the news of interesting communities and groups, to make certain purchases (the groups selling any products are now very developed) and even find a job.

4. On time to receive reminders About the holidays, whether the day of the city, the anniversary of the school girlfriend or the name of your neighbor. And having received a reminder, you can send a beautiful sticker in a photo or a greeting card.

Now we will consider the negative sides of social networks

1. Consumption of a lot of time. But it can be held with a much greater benefit, meet friends, cook a delicious dinner or to engage in self-education.

2. Regeneration. In social networks, we position themselves somewhat differently than in life. And in the end there is a risk so bother to the created virtual image, which, so to speak, it is not always possible to return to the ground.

3. Degradation of personality. If you pay attention to the speech of excessively active users of social networks, you can notice the meaninglessness of most of their conversations and the presence of words in them are incomprehensible to the usual people of words, like "Like", "Yuzu", "Lol", etc.

4. Social networks - field of activity for fraudsters and unfriendliers. Unfortunately, not many think that the placement of the most detailed data on their life (address, telephone, place of work) may eventually turn against you. For example, you are in a social network share the joy of buying a new laptop or fur coats, and in a week write that you are leaving the whole family on vacation, like "Do not lose me, I rest in Turkey." And in the end, returning from the trip you can not find no fur coats, no laptop or other values.

Perhaps, we finish at this point comparison, thereby the level of all the pros and cons of visiting social networks.
And on the basis of the above, it is possible to make an unequivocal conclusion - social networks are not harmful if you use them to measure, devoting to them in the perfect version, not more than 1 hour per day.

So we reviewed the issue

The benefits and harm of social networks

Currently, social networks have become an integral part of the life of a huge number of people. And some permanent users make up a certain dependence on this time of spending. Considerable part of all registered accounts belongs to children aged 5 years. Unfortunately, not all parents belong to such an important factor as control over the time of finding a child on the Internet, and including social networks. But the children's psyche is much more flexible than the adult and harmless to a permanent visit to social networks can be large enough for a child.

So what danger can a child be touched on social networks?

Of course, already regular location in front of the monitor Within a few hours, it cannot be good to reflect on the well-being and health of the child. First, this, secondly, due to the wrong position may occur problems with posture and spine, and, thirdly, minimization of motor activity leads to a general weakening of the body, as a result of which immunity suffersAnd, as a result, all sorts of viruses and illnesses begin to stick on the child. Isn't an adequate and reasonable parent who loving his child may allow it? Of course, many mothers and dads are conveniently able to free their time by putting a child for a computer and taking it to some game (and often this activity is online games in and vkontakte).

Do not forget that, besides ordinary people who spent time on social networks in order to chat with school friends, see interesting pictures or videos and play games, there are those who hide their present person, introducing fictional names and providing about Obviously false information. But among such users may be maniacs and perverts. They can introduce their childhood childhood parents, neighbors, classmates' parents and appoint a meeting, promising to transfer a gift for his parents, warning that they do not need to know about it, as this is a surprise. And this is not a single example of luring children in the paws of criminals.

The next danger is a rejection of a child from the real world. After all, communicate with peers in the social network is much easier. And the skills of live communication, the child can only be purchased in real life. And if he spends more time in conversations through the Internet messages, then in the very near future he may have problems in communication with classmates and buddies in the yard.

Also, one of the consequences of constant location in social networks is to reduce the concentration of attention. In other words, the child becomes difficult to focus its view on one facility (for example, reading the book), since in the social network he constantly has to translate his attention from one object to another.

Dear parents to avoid unpleasant and sometimes very sad consequences, try to maximize the finding of the child at the computer, and also closely follow it with communication in social networks. Do not be lazy to hold a preventive conversation, explaining with whom you can maintain a conversation, and who is not worth it. And then your child will not fall into trouble and will not harm her health.

So, we showed what exists

Harmful effects of social networks on life and psyche of the child

Influence of social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte on the real life of a person

Most of the world's population is spent daily at no one hour in social networks. And many tolerate all their lives in the virtual space at all, sometimes forgetting real time at all.

A considerable number of people every year more and more distinguishes from living communication, walks in the fresh air, picnics, etc. in favor of holding time on social networks.

Of course, live in the virtual world is much easier, as it is possible to think over each word before you write, thanks to which many conflicts can be avoided. In life, we sometimes say not thinking that it often leads to unpleasant consequences.

Currently, we are increasingly and more often congratulating friends through the Internet, we glue the stickers in "classmates" in their photos, place postcards on the wall "in contact" or simply add congratulatory comments to the photos. Although in fact it would not hurt to call personally.

A lot of time began to occupy and games in social networks. You rarely meet a person who has never participated in them. Someone comes and watering the garden, someone struggles with zombies or grows a pet, and someone solve logical tasks and rebuses. And all this game audience is not limited to certain age frameworks. Children and adults are passionate about.

Unfortunately, there are no cases when communication and games in social networks negatively affect real life. Many people lose their work due to the fact that spending working hours on Internet entertainment. Frequently and disintegration of families. The reasons for this may be an absolute set. Starting from banal dating, which lead to far from innocuous meetings and ending with excessive passion for the above-mentioned games and applications to the detriment of time, which should be devoted to their children and the second half. And how many scandals flared up because of the read correspondence of one of the spouses.

Again, back to the problem of real communication. After all, the usual to write text on the social network, we lose emotions. As a result, it becomes much less developed. After conducting a small study in this area and talking to the permanent visitors to the virtual space, it can be concluded that the speech of these people is replete with speakers like: "Oka" and "smacks". And communication with them does not bear any semantic load. As a rule, on social network, users express their thoughts and emotions through status, that is, certain phrases of length in a few words. Agree, but in real life, it is almost possible to express my opinion in this way.

Excessive passion for communication in social networks can lead to a manifestation in the consciousness of a person of the illusory world, in which he is the smartest, beautiful and smart. And this fact does not give a person a chance for realization in real life. It turns out that in the virtual world he is a hero, but actually nothing.

Especially fraught with these consequences for not fully the psyche formed by the children's and youthful psyche. Since preferring virtual communication, they excessively protect themselves from the reality of life and, as a result, can get problems in contact with classmates and teachers.

Of course, the Internet hobbies will definitely fence from the world and social networks It is very difficult, but still limit their influence on real life will not be superfluous.

So, we briefly showed

The influence of social networks classmate, in contact with the real life of a person

We see that the Internet, social networks brought the dependence of a person from social networks. Man, instead of real life, live communication, replaced virtual on communication. Internet and social networking networks are needed, they became part of our lives. But nothing should have the will of a man, his destination. It should be understood that the person was born not for social networks, but to learn to love other living beings on Earth. And this time is short!

Additional links on the topic

  1. A lot of people every year more and more distinguishes from live communication, walks in the fresh air, picnics, etc. in favor of holding time on social networks.

Psychological and mental risks

Discover your news feed VKontakte. How much is everything there! Updates of groups, new photos of friends, articles, "VKontakte a new, unique community appeared." Quotes, jokes, pictures. Everything is interesting, and everyone wants to see !!! You include favorite songs and plunge into the vast ocean of texts, photos and videos ...

So what's wrong with that?

1. Addiction from social networks. Yes, yes, just without any excuse. In social networks, a person is looking for pleasures - "Like", an approving comment from other people, "repost", etc. In search of positive emotions, we go to the social network again and again. And - often abusing, forgetting about everything else 🙂 Frequent visits also lead to other difficulties:

2. Soon the problems will begin concentration of attention. You are constantly distracted. Once again, check the social network for updates. "Repeat" from one topic to another. For a long time, you can not focus on work, reading books. As a result, losing in productivity and efficiency. No, no, this is not "just like a person." Rather, this "man has overwhelmed in social networks" (as an option, on the Internet as a whole). In the language of scientists, this is a syndrome of attention and hyperactivity deficit.

3. Memory deterioration. We read a lot, listen and look at social networks, but much of it flies, as they say, "past the cash register". This condition is best described by an old promotion "in one ear flew into another - flew out."

4. Weakening of critical thinkingDecreased analytical abilities. When, tell me, think about read? Some psychologists are advised at all are not happy for reading, if a person is not ready to answer a few simple questions: "What is this text?" What does he give me what I have to learn? ". Finally, "Does it really really be deceiving me?"

A recent Scottish scientist spent an interesting experiment. Its subjects needed to solve the simple task of "on logic" - such that can be easily found in the social network. Actually, the task:

The ball and bits are 1.10 pounds. It is reliably known that the bit for one pound is more expensive than the ball. How much is the ball? Most people "on the machine" respond: 0.10 pound! But who said that the bit costs 1 pound? It is only known that it is more expensive for one pound. In order to solve the task correctly, you just need to "not believe it" in what has been said (really, you never know what the unfamiliar Uncle Experimentator says?) And remember the school mathematics. But people, alas, believe. Correct answer:

0.05 pound.

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By the way, the experiment was not completed. In the second phase, it was proposed to cope with the task and people, some of whom already knew the correct answer. When it was necessary to report the result, the opinions were rapidly changed when some people heard the result of others. Scientists summarize: we are too often acting "on the machine" and unreasonably believe the first "authority" from social networks.

And what is all these useful texts, funny photos, "umatic" video? Cute, delicious "chewing", which replaces full-fledged food for the mind. "Quotes of the Great" will never replace thoughtful acquaintance with the work of these great representatives of humanity. If you understand that intellectual work is given with increasingly difficulty - perhaps it is worth it to enter social networks.

5. Effective, indifference, feeling "I don't care about everything". Our parents cried when they read emotional text or a sad movie. We do it much less often - content (information) so much that emotions are dulled. There is a "indignant psyche". As a result, the main enemy of a person comes to replace healthy emotions - indifference.

6. Fast fatigue, vision problems (You still sit "for the computer" or a bright screen of a smartphone or tablet), excess weight, cardiovascular diseases(due to a sedentary lifestyle).

Other threats

Trouble through the "Personal Data"

Social networks can harm not only the psyche, but also quite tangible things. Fill your registration form at the end, they write social networks. Tell us about yourself all-all-all, lay out photos and videos, specify the interests. To friends will make it easier to find you and find out what they have not yet known. Friends - I. for anyone else! My friend, adherent of right views, at one time laid out on the wall of VKontakte Nationalist pictures. The guy is working at school. The student student took and "failed" to the police! For the first time, a friend got off with a slight fright in the form of a fine. And he almost flew away from work.

Your data is collected and carefully store all sorts of "Internet businessmen". In 9 cases out of 10 these are people who want to do anything, but to "cut down money" at you by selling a miracle course. I will definitely write a separate article about them. In the meantime, I will note - these people are "knocking" friends, write letters about seminars and trainings, promise golden mountains. How do they know about you? Because you pointed your city! Wrote a mobile phone? Well, the hired guru of self-development or business, an unbearable schoolboy will bring a number in someone's base, and you will throw SMS and advertising messages. They have money - you nerves, and if they also buy something from them (about, they know how to convince these people) - bitterness from a meaningless purchase.

Unwanted information

This item is relevant for minors ("adult" content, mat, dangerous ideology), people with specific diseases (shovels, gymnia). In social networks, a lot of things that would be better not to see.

Vain money waste

This is especially true for photoswesters, classmates who are simply "turned" to repurchase money for services. VIP status? Requirement to pay to see ready to meet girls? 5 with a plus? Climb ranking to first place?

What is it at all? You "fed up" the entrepreneur, get a momentary pleasure - and the next day you will understand that they spent absolutely in vain. But the new money still needs to go and earn ... no need. Look for high-quality pleasures, friends!

Crime - Virtual and Real

The cunning "scammer" can force you to download a malicious program. This is done simply - the text is written in the spirit of "Hey, look, here's a cool video!". The message comes from the page of a friend, which has already been hacked. Trusted user goes - and then he is asked to download the player, without it, do not look at the roller. I do not suspect a trick, a person is taking a button to "Download" - and ready to receive a virus. I remember well how a couple of years ago reanimated the friend of the girlfriend, which gave a malfunction on a similar reason.

What is there - there is a completely real danger. Dates "blindly", which are very easy to appoint through social network, can end for the girl sad, right up to rape.

No, why? Follow the principle "I eat to live, not living so that there is." For example, do not go to the "Contacting" and others like it more often 1-2 times a week. I do not think that such a visit should last more than an hour (after an hour and a half, it is advisable to take a break in any activity, remember at least a couple at the institute). This is an extremely general advice, and everyone can and must decide for himself. Exception is possible for working purposes. For example, Twitter is very convenient for the author of the news - the information you need appears very quickly. The main thing is not to leave the source list in the total tape :). However, this is a slightly different topic, and it's time for us to finish.

The transformation of the favorite social network from the source of many hours "hanging" in "Another site, which I sometimes go" will definitely benefit you. You will become a calmer, attentive, thoughtful person and avoid a number of stressful situations. Looks like it is worth it, is it not true? If you agree, start right now! Creamers restrict your stay on social networks for one month - and feel the difference!

More useful news - on!

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