Honesty is the value of the company. How to define and articulate company values

Even Samuel Butler wrote that reputation, like money, is easier to earn than to maintain. Centuries have passed, but, unfortunately, little has changed in terms of reputation, especially corporate reputation. And corporate values, as a mouthpiece of this very reputation, are still more often either in a "launched" state, or are just being created, and are not a working tool for developing a company and increasing its efficiency.

It so happened historically that in the post-Soviet space the main measure of success is money. Even if the business is unstable, not entirely legal, or just "on the verge of a foul", but profitable - that's cool. Of course, corporate values ​​and values ​​in general, as a tool for long-term and sustainable development, did not fit well into such a structure, so they were thrown out as unnecessary.

Times are changing, approaches to working with personnel are changing, and here it doesn’t work out very well without values. After all, it is more pleasant when all (okay, most) employees work with inspiration for the good of the company, since its corporate values ​​coincide with the goals and moral standards of its employees, than another, when in the office the majority of employees work solely to satisfy their own needs and only within the framework of their duties, sometimes even with internal sabotage. No efficiency or synergy can be expected from such work. “It is the values ​​that organize people and encourage them to act together, in the name of common interests,” C. Blanchard rightly wrote in his book “Value Management”.

Image and reputation: what's the difference?

In recent years, I have seen many successful and not so successful attempts of companies to work with corporate values. And I see the main problem when working with corporate values ​​- this is the dilemma "to be or to seem."

According to the HRD CEO survey conducted last year by EY, market leaders differ, firstly, in the company's image in the market (67%), and only fourthly, in corporate culture (49%). Quoting communications expert Anton Semchishin, one can say about the difference between image and reputation: “Image is a part of business reputation, which is a superficial emotional impression of a company, which is based on promotional activities. And reputation is an asset created through continuous work on building an objective public opinion.”

It turns out that it is closer and more understandable for management to focus on an easier task - creating an image, than on a long work to create and maintain a reputation or corporate culture. At the same time, if we rely on the definition of corporate culture as a set of values ​​that are declared and cultivated by the management team, as well as supported by most of the staff, it will turn out that it is easier and more pleasant to declare than to organize the awareness, implementation and support of the broad masses.

Values ​​and slogans

And then the situation when corporate values ​​turn into slogans written in empty letters on the walls of the office and nowhere else is common, obvious and understandable. Many companies declare beautiful values ​​that are sacrificed for the sake of profit, they are simply not respected within the company. After all, they were originally created as fashion - for show, to the public. For example, a company actively promotes its personnel among the main values ​​(not values ​​for the future). At the same time, in practice, exit interviews are not even conducted with the majority of leaving employees (we will not even mention retention measures - they simply do not exist). And the exit interview for key employees is conducted in the style of "Well, leave - then leave!" There is no correlation with one of the core values, as well as no benefit from it.

Formal values ​​versus real ones

There is a variant of "calendar values". Here, the company has been on the market for 5, 7, 10 years, but the values ​​and mission are missing. It's embarrassing to admit that all these years have been wasted. The company still has values. It's just that these are not formal values ​​- Proactivity, Responsibility, Openness, etc. These are real values ​​- Imitation of violent activity, Support for nepotism, Duplicity, Intrigue and Struggle for resources. And these real values, which have long been ingrained in the company's corporate culture, are not always visible to top management. And in even fewer cases, top management has an understanding that corporate values ​​allow the company to grow and develop. And the desire to change something for the better. After all, it is much easier to invite highly paid consultants who will come and "do it beautifully" - they will conduct a strategic diagnosis of corporate values ​​as principles that guide the specialists of this company. And they will help to find out the actual corporate values ​​that can be updated or strengthened. And even update. That's just the longest and most difficult stage of working with values, after painting each value according to patterns of behavior (what exactly needs to be done to realize this value as correctly and fully as possible) is to involve all company employees in accepting and following these values.

It's good if the conscious corporate values ​​just become "more prominent", that is, structured and conscious. And if not? If, along with the core values, which are in fact the bible of the internal structure of the company, the company expands its values ​​with promising, desirable values ​​that do not always intersect with the core ones? Is the company ready to spend resources, effort and time - a lot of effort and a lot of time, so that its employees not only quote values, but follow them, even if it is difficult, time-consuming and time-consuming? So that employees realize that it is you who this company needs and is important to them? Not because of the “Openness” value, but because with any, the smallest and most insignificant, most stupid question, you can safely turn to the biggest boss and get an answer on time and at the right place. Because a mistake made for the first time is not a reason for a scolding, moreover, a public and traumatic one, but an opportunity to discuss it, understand where and what you made a mistake, and grow up, accept the correct model of behavior.

Deep work with values

Unfortunately, few companies are able to realize their corporate values ​​"as is". And even fewer are willing to work with values ​​not at the level of slogans, but at the level of behavioral manifestations and the coincidence of the values ​​of employees and the company. Yes, this turns the whole recruiting system upside down - from searching for specialists “25-35 years old, with 3 years of work experience” and interview questions “Where do you see yourself in 5 years”, we are moving on to finding people who can open up in our company, to be efficient because they work consciously and appreciate what the company has to offer them. Those who not only understand and accept the values ​​of the company, but also see their own benefit from following them and prefer to behave in accordance with the values ​​- it is easier and more pleasant for them. This changes the motivation system - from a “carrot for a donkey” in the format of two corporate parties and free tea in the office to deep work with the employee’s values, understanding him as a person, and not as part of a business process, just a block in his algorithm. It changes the job with retention and development - and the whole company from the inside. And then outside - it is impossible not to see the obvious. For example, if the seller feels like the owner of the store, he will communicate with the buyer in a different way than the "creature entertainer" with his set of insipid stamps.

For a deeper analysis of employee values, use questionnaires with open questions.

Open-ended questions provide more complete answers, original excerpts from which can later be used to ultimately express the values ​​of the team.

How to organize a meeting, focus groups to analyze the values ​​of employees of the organization

To analyze the values ​​of the employees of the organization, you can hold general meetings of the team (if the size of the staff and the structure of the organization allows) or conduct several focus groups with different composition, for example, focus groups with senior managers, separately with middle managers, separately with leading specialists organizations, etc. At these focus groups or meetings, discuss the relationship in the team, the existing overt and unspoken rules and norms of behavior for management and employees, the rules for determining the personal contribution to the organization of each employee, the image of a successful employee, a respected leader, etc. Identify the core values ​​of employees of different groups. Strive to reach an understanding by all focus group participants of the need to introduce uniform corporate values ​​for employees, norms of behavior and attitude towards each other, towards customers, partners, competitors.

What to do if clear corporate values ​​are not identified in the organization

If a survey of the management and employees of the organization revealed the absence of common corporate values ​​(personal values ​​of employees differ from each other and the values ​​of management), it is necessary to find the reason for this. In most cases, this revealed fact indicates problems with the management style, as well as problems with the financial condition of the organization. In this case, first of all, start working with the leadership of the organization: determine the ideological type P leader, identify existing management problems, and then ask management to formulate a clear vision of the organization's desired future. Only after that proceed with the formation of key values ​​and building a corporate culture.

How to develop corporate values ​​for an organization

The main factor influencing the formation of values ​​is the philosophy of its founders, owners and shareholders. It is they who choose the highest composition of the leaders of the organization, who, by their actions and behavior, transmit to the employees of the organization the philosophy and values ​​of its owners. In this regard, begin to identify and form corporate values ​​by studying the philosophy of leadership and the strategic goals of the organization. It is important that the management clearly sees the prospects for the development of the organization, while this vision is adequate, bright, uniting and inspiring the team.

Discuss with the head of the organization and the leaders of all key departments what qualities they and their subordinates need to possess in order to realize the vision of the future of the organization and its strategic goals. Determine which corporate values ​​will help them achieve this. It is necessary that all the leaders of the organization share the values ​​of the organization, since it is through their conscious or unconscious behavior, decisions and actions that the values ​​are transmitted to employees. Otherwise, the values ​​will be formal and will not be instilled in the team.

Remember the main thing: the chosen values ​​have at least some chance of being mastered if they find their social base, i.e. the necessary and sufficient in terms of influence and number of personnel (primarily managers, starting with the head of the organization), which will be able to embody these values ​​in their own practice and disseminate them in the organization. After all, sometimes managers just want to introduce attractive values, not wanting to change anything seriously, either in their activities, or in personnel policy, or in strategy. Then the chosen values ​​fall into an alien environment, are rejected or perverted in it, without bringing anything but harm. When starting this work, answer the questions that determine value preferences (these questions are best answered not through a questionnaire, but on the basis of individual interviews with managers, a team discussion or a strategy session):

1 - How adequate are the chosen values ideological types* first and other key leaders?

2 - Are there those in the team who will readily accept new values ​​and connect their development by the organization with personal life plans (career, professionalization, self-realization, etc.)?

4 - What is the number and degree of influence of those who are likely to reject (explicitly or implicitly) the new values ​​and the changes that follow them? If, when answering this question, you get an answer like “they are in the majority, and in very influential positions,” think: why do you have such a staff gathered, should you not understand the reasons and overcome them? Some of the staff will have to be replaced, but first decide what kind of staff to recruit.

An example of corporate values

The most common values ​​include: respect, professionalism, decency in relation to the law, customers, partners and employees, honesty, customer focus, focus on results, responsibility, openness, teamwork, initiative, proactivity, competitiveness, innovation, loyalty, leadership, mutual commitment , trust, etc.

Registration of values

Formulate corporate values ​​in a simple form that employees can understand. It is not enough to name the value in one word, for example, safety, respect, efficiency, effectiveness, etc. It is necessary to make comments, to reveal to employees in detail the meaning that the management of the organization puts into these words, to explain what it expects from employees.

In order for the meaning of value not to cause resistance among employees when reading it, it is recommended to formulate it in an affirmative form on behalf of the entire “We” team.

An example of a description of the organization's values

In this example, the key corporate values ​​for easier and more complete understanding by employees were formalized in the following form:

1. Security. We proceed from the fact that no goal can justify the violation of industrial safety requirements or the neglect of human health. We create and maintain safe working conditions and care about the health of our employees.

2. Respect. It is important for us to recognize the personal dignity of each employee and create favorable working conditions for them. Mutual respect is the basis for the interaction of employees, both among themselves and with customers and business partners of the organization.

3. Efficiency and effectiveness. We strive to achieve the best results at the best cost. To do this, we seek to ensure high labor productivity, prompt and accurate execution of tasks.

Please note that only the joint work of employees and management will allow the development and implementation of corporate values ​​that will not cause resistance in the team and will be fixed in the daily behavior of employees. To do this, when forming values, it is necessary to take into account the personal values ​​of employees, their opinion on the current unspoken corporate rules, norms and values ​​that are broadcast by the heads of departments and organizations.

Implementation of values

To implement values ​​it is necessary:

Develop a common vision and understanding of values ​​among the top management of the organization. To do this, it is recommended to hold strategic sessions to discuss the values ​​identified as a result of the research phase;

To acquaint with the standards of business conduct for senior, middle and lower managers, and explain the need for their implementation. To do this, it is recommended to hold conferences, trainings and seminars;

Determine behavioral indicators for each value, form business conduct standards for managers and employees of the organization;

Include values ​​in all main regular processes for personnel management (selection, adaptation, training, assessment and motivation of personnel), as well as develop special programs that support the values ​​of the organization;

Introduce corporate values ​​to employees of the organization. To do this, it is recommended to use various events and communication channels;

Conduct an annual internal study to evaluate the effectiveness of incorporating values ​​and standards of business conduct into daily practice;

Establish a Committee on Ethics or Business Conduct Standards (in large organizations), or appoint a responsible employee who will work with requests (complaints) from employees and consolidate standards of conduct in daily corporate practice.

P An example of incorporating corporate values ​​into regular HR procedures

In one organization, corporate values ​​have been incorporated into the following standard procedures:

In recruitment (during the interview, candidates are assessed for compliance with the corporate values ​​of the organization);

In the adaptation of new employees (game training with elements of values ​​was included in the introductory course);

In the personnel assessment (a block with assessment by values ​​was included in the program of the annual personnel assessment);

Personnel training (a block with values ​​and standards of business conduct is included in the training program for managers and reservists);

In non-material motivation of personnel (corporate awards were developed aimed at supporting corporate values).

Activities for instilling values

After the key corporate values ​​have been formulated, develop activities and procedures for their implementation.

Initially, inform employees about the new values ​​of the organization. To do this, use various channels and sources of information. So, for example, it is possible:

Publish special brochures describing the values ​​of the organization and distribute them to the departments of the organization;

Send informational letters with valuables to the e-mail of all employees;

Place information on the organization's website, internal portal;

Regularly publish values ​​in the corporate newspaper (magazine);

Post a list of values ​​on the information stands of "visual agitation" dedicated to the principles of the organization;

Make a video (or a series of videos) about values ​​with the participation of the organization's management, leading specialists, and ordinary employees of the organization;

Place campaign posters at the workplaces of employees, etc.

Periodically conduct trainings in the organization on corporate culture, values, mission and rules of conduct. It is recommended to appoint the heads of the organization and employees of the personnel service as the leaders of such trainings. To control the result of these trainings, it is recommended to test employees after training, during which they check the knowledge and correct understanding of corporate values, the foundations of corporate culture, the organization's strategic goals, norms of behavior, etc. Successful employees are recommended to be encouraged. To do this, develop a system of non-material motivation of employees who adhere to corporate values.

It is also recommended, on the basis of corporate values, to develop instructions for the behavior of employees and teach these instructions to the staff (in a personal conversation with the immediate supervisor, at trainings, corporate seminars). Periodically hold a variety of corporate cultural events, on which, in one form or another, emphasize the norms and principles of corporate culture, for example, various games, team building, fun contests, birthdays of the organization, etc.

Various elements of corporate culture, such as symbols, rituals, rituals, legends and myths, also help to introduce corporate values. Remember that it is the leaders of the organization who are responsible for holding ideological conversations with employees about corporate values. It is important that the leader explain to employees how and to what extent corporate values ​​are related to the organization's position among competitors and to its mission and strategic goals. And keep in mind that the implementation of a value system is most effective when leaders, by their example, set standards of behavior that confirm the values ​​of the organization. It is necessary to control the extent to which leaders share the values ​​of the organization and how they translate them into practice to their subordinates.

Checking values

Values ​​developed must stand the test of time, events and people. Keep in mind that the values ​​that operate in an organization are formed not only by people (the management team), but also by real events, actions and examples. In this regard, it is necessary to constantly analyze the situations that occur in the organization, the behavior of the organization's employees (both management and ordinary) in critical situations. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly ask questions: What makes the organization successful today? Can we align these principles with the vision and mission of the organization? If the answers to these questions are yes, then it is necessary to align with the identified operating values ​​all programs for personnel management, business process standards and ethics of interaction in the team. If the answer is no, it is necessary to transform the values ​​that do not allow to realize the strategic goals of the organization, and the values ​​that were developed, but not recognized by the employees. At the same time, it is important to analyze the reasons for their negative implementation and the resistance of the team.

An example of supporting corporate culture in organizations in Japan

In many organizations in Japan, the creed of the organization is repeated throughout to support the corporate culture. This practice is very common in this country. The Creed is outlined and explained in detail in a brochure that introduces the new hire to the organization, its history, products, organizational structure, and policies. Having thoroughly introduced employees to the organization, they are expected to behave in the best way to achieve the goals of the organization, to perform their duties on their own initiative, even if there is no detailed job description. It takes about eight months to give new employees the technical qualifications and inspire them with the philosophy, goals and policies of the organization. During this time, meetings are held every morning in all departments of the organization, the organization's anthem is turned on, then one of the employees is instructed to present his opinion about the work to the audience. The text of the ground rules is hung on the wall, and the slogan of the current year is raised high for all to see. On New Year's Eve, leading leaders get together. The Chairman of the Board of Directors, together with the president of the organization, announces the basic policy for the coming year. A long-term plan is developed, and information about the new directions of the organization's strategy is communicated to all employees through the corporate magazine.

In this article, you will learn why values ​​are a tool for the operational management of companies, and get acquainted with examples of values ​​​​from different areas. After reading this material, you can!

1. Values ​​are a tool for the operational management of a company

Surprised? However, it is. I don't presume to judge the reason why values ​​are often referred to as "a free application to the strategy, for show." But this is a powerful assistant in the implementation of the strategy!

To begin with, here are the most popular misconceptions about values ​​that we regularly hear:

  • Values ​​are necessary for strategy, because it is written in management books.
  • The development of values ​​can be entrusted to external consultants (HR director, marketing department, etc.). I'm not kidding, these are real examples.
  • There is a list of standard values, you can choose those that suit our company.
  • There should be five values.
  • Values ​​have nothing to do with running a company.
  • After developing the value, you can simply send it to all employees by mail.
  • It is enough to write the values ​​​​and place them on the site.

This list can go on, but here is what we have heard dozens of times. I consider it important to dispel all these misconceptions. To do this, let's start with a general definition of values. Values(value, guiding principles) are general directives that establish the foundations of how an organization carries out operational management.

Simply put, values ​​help determine how to behave in a situation of uncertainty, indicate direction and coordinate movement. Values ​​- this is what creates in the company "management by concepts", which is "management by values".

Why is it important for an organization to have strong values ​​and clear rules (or principles) that specify them?

There are many stories of stable companies that stick to the same values ​​for years. In companies with strong corporate culture, values ​​become the "core rules of the game" that help to survive in the years of crisis and maintain a strong corporate culture.

"The rules of SMaK are not a strategy, not a culture, not a value system, not a goal and not a means ... The recipe for SMaK also includes prohibitions - what should not be done".

Companies such as Apple (under the leadership of Steve Jobs), Intel, Microsoft, Southwest Airlines strictly followed their key principles, without retreating or changing them. This allowed them to quickly navigate difficult moments, select employees who meet these principles, and win the market despite mistakes and blunders.

An example of a Southwest Airlines CMaK recipe:

  1. We remain a carrier for short distances, flights lasting no more than two hours.
  2. For the next 10-12 years, our main aircraft will be the Boeing 737.
  3. We maintain a high level of aircraft operation and short pauses between flights, in most cases 10 minutes is enough.
  4. Our main product is the passenger. We refuse cargo and mail, with the exception of small parcels with low cost and high profitability.
  5. We keep the ticket price low and frequent flights.
  6. We do not serve food on board.
  7. Uncooperative on ticket sales, fares and computers, our unique airports do not accept other flights.
  8. Texas remains the main territory for us, we go beyond the state only where there is a niche of frequent and short flights available to us.
  9. We preserve the family atmosphere of the company, do not stop joking. We are proud of our employees.
  10. Be simple. Save your ticketing at the box office…

On the other hand, there are companies in which top management involves the employees of the company in the development of values. For example, Enter (enter.ru) did the following:

"We have our own approach to the spiritual component of the company. We wrote the mission and values ​​ourselves. Each employee is directly related to them. For us, this is not a brass plate with words on the wall, for us these are the principles of daily communication and work with each other and with partners .

Our values

Result - YES!

I have goals, they are limited by time and have clear parameters. By taking actions and making decisions, I make sure that they bring me closer to my goals. Within the framework of a commercial organization, everything is measurable, the result is a clear and obvious thing. Therefore, I want to answer the question “Done?” Always proudly answer “Yes!”. I perceive the goals of the team and the company as my own, regardless of the role that I occupy in the team. I think like an entrepreneur who cares about his business.


I feel part of the team and emotionally connected to it. It is important for me to be involved, it is important to share with the team both dizzying successes and the consequences of mistakes. I support the team leaders, I am attentive to the initiatives of other members, I understand my role in the team and I am ready to fulfill it in the best possible way.

Instead of waiting for someone "in charge of the process" to make a decision and direct the team, I'm ready to take the lead. I consider myself the author of what is happening, and I consider all external obstacles as conditions of the problem. I am ready to support those who doubt their abilities, offer solutions, be a leader regardless of my formal status.


Usually I find it easier to solve problems in proven ways, but the world changes quickly, and the chosen habits no longer work. Therefore, I am ready to hear alternative opinions, especially if these opinions do not agree with mine. I am ready to act in a new way and bring freshness. If you close yourself from everything new, you can very quickly become the past. My goal is to be the future. I am a source of new ideas, a person who actively improves processes. I offer fresh solutions to my colleagues and partners. For me, the search for new ideas and ways is an important and constant part of my work. I understand that to stop changing means to stop your growth and the development of your company.

Joy - YES!

I look for inspiration in my even small successes and successes of my colleagues, I strive to enjoy interaction with like-minded people, people who are close to me in spirit. It is important for me to feel joy in what I do.

I choose to be a source of joy no matter the circumstances. Difficulties in work can be seen as a reason to fall into despondency and create around yourself an atmosphere of decline and tension. But my choice is a positive attitude. Faced with obstacles, I look for solutions. Creating joy is a way for me to be more efficient and enjoy life more.

Speed ​​- YES!

I am ready to maintain the pace proposed by the partners. I understand that our overall speed depends on the results in my area. It is important for me to fulfill my obligations within the agreed time frame. I offer ambitious deadlines, looking for ways to increase the speed of solving problems.

All this formed the basis of our Philosophy "YES"!

Values ​​make sense when I use them to evaluate MY performance. The most useless thing about values ​​is to watch how others manifest themselves in them. It is important when I myself understand how much I correspond to the values ​​of the company, how much I myself am a team player. A significant part of the manifestations in our values ​​is feedback. In fact, it is any reaction of people to my actions and my reaction to the actions of people around me. I give it and I receive it. When I give feedback, it is important to ensure that it is done in a positive, welcoming atmosphere and with the consent of the person to whom I am giving it. It is also important for the team how I respond to feedback: the willingness to listen and accept."

Without clear value-oriented messages, it is difficult to build a strong corporate culture and a team of like-minded people.

If you think of an organization as a building, then values ​​are the foundation. When an organization clearly understands its advantages and the basic rules that express the nature of the organization, it becomes clear who is suitable for such an organization and who is not, how to behave in a given situation.

Why are values ​​needed?

  1. Values ​​are the basic elements of corporate culture.
  2. Values ​​increase the attractiveness of the company in the face of potential candidates (corresponding to the corporate culture).
  3. Values ​​allow you to build a management system that does not require constant "manual control" and high regulation.
  4. Values ​​help to create a culture in which employees begin to "think" and be guided in decision making by principles or rules.
  5. Values ​​help implement the strategy.

2. Examples of values ​​from different fields

Consider examples of corporate values.

According to Michael Wilkinson (a recognized specialist in group work and strategic management), the formula “We believe ... (value). Therefore, we will ... (style of behavior) ”is a standard format for combining values ​​\u200b\u200band rules (principles) (Michael Wilkinson. The Executive guide to facilitating strategy). Notice the different ways in which these principles are structured, how the value is articulated, and the behavior that supports that value.

Continuous development

We are committed to continuous development. Therefore, we will try not to repeat the same mistakes. If a mistake is made, we will not only fix it, but also try to understand why the mistake happened and what we should do to prevent it from happening again in the future.

Socially responsible company

We conduct our business in a socially responsible and ethical manner. We respect the law, support universal human rights, protect the environment, and help the communities in which we operate.

Socially responsible company

We are committed to making this world a better place by participating in our community.

Customer service

Because we value our customers, we:

  • put our customers first;
  • we do our best to meet the needs of our customers;
  • provide unparalleled customer service; treat our clients with respect and dignity;
  • we continue to “date” with our clients on an ongoing basis even after the establishment of a business relationship;
  • behave courteously with our clients; we listen to our clients;
  • We respond to our customers in a timely manner.

Customer service

We do not forget that our clients are our leaders and that they pay us a salary. We are responsive, courteous, skilled and punctual.

Customer service

We provide an unparalleled service with a fanatical eye for order and detail.


We give our all, working harder and harder than our competitors to help our organization succeed.


Every day we carry out our work with all possible passion and energy.

Bringing it to the end

We do what we are going to do. Bringing the matter to the end and mastery of execution is our goal.

Industry Leaders

We believe that the effectiveness of industry leaders depends on investing in innovative ideas. Therefore we will:

  • interact with our customers to understand and respond to their changing needs;
  • look for new opportunities;
  • create and maintain partnerships;
  • strive to be at the forefront of the industry.


We do everything right, even if no one is watching us. We strive to maintain a high level of integrity and consistency in our relationships with clients and within our team. Lack of integrity is unacceptable.


Ethics and integrity govern our conduct in dealing with customers, team members, suppliers and our company.


We believe in progressive leadership - in leaders who understand that their task is to increase the effectiveness of their employees. Therefore we will:

  • on top as leaders;
  • make guiding decisions according to the list (eg ethics, feasibility, legitimacy, impact);
  • consistent in the decision-making process;
  • increase our resources, both human and financial;
  • evaluate the work of employees according to the results of their activities.

Needs Oriented

We consider the needs of our customers not just to meet their requirements. We strive to understand the deep needs of our customers in order to be sure that we offer truly working solutions.


We listen to the ideas of others and encourage open dialogue.

Owner mindset

We believe in the owner mindset. We use the company's money as our own. We economically spend our time only on activities that generate income for the company.

Work performance standards

We value high standards of work performance. Therefore we will:

  • reward employees for exceptional performance;
  • take responsibility for the performance of their work;
  • welcome innovation and creativity;
  • cost effective;
  • Demonstrate professional behavior at all times (e.g. dress appropriately, be punctual).

Personal responsibility

We take personal responsibility. If we have a problem, we take responsibility for solving it (rather than complaining to others or giving up). If we make mistakes, we acknowledge our responsibility for them.

Professional ethics

We believe that integrity is essential in all aspects of our business. That's why we:

  • polite and honest;
  • share and comply with ethical standards;
  • We do not show favoritism and discrimination.

Skill level

We strive for high levels of qualification, develop competence in all aspects of our work, using personal and professional training. We are looking for knowledge.


Everything we do bears the mark of the highest quality. We plan well – our activities, people and technology are of high quality. We do not hand over the work until we are sure that it is ready.


We support working conditions that minimize hazards, risks and injuries.


We maintain a positive attitude in the team. We are positive in communication, sharing support, information and advice with each other, instead of thinking only about ourselves and bringing negative energy into the workplace. No pessimism.


  • We believe in the value of teamwork. Therefore, we support working conditions conducive to:
  • constructive and effective communication throughout the organization;
  • respect for diversity of opinion;
  • participation in affairs and cooperation;
  • innovation;
  • strict observance of deadlines for completion of work.

3. Step-by-step algorithm for developing values

Step 1. Agree on concepts.

Explain what values ​​are and why the company and each of your team members need them.

Step 2 Determine the preferred style of behavior in your company.

Offer employees a scenario in which they should imagine someone from the organization who embodies its values ​​and culture. Write down the characteristics he has, what he does, what he doesn't do.

Step 3 Describe the unwanted behavior.

Now that you've established your preferred behavior, the next step is to define your unwanted behavior. Describe a scenario in which team members help a newcomer to adapt to the team. Ask them to tell the new team member about what behavior in the organization is not encouraged, not accepted, not liked, for which they can even be fired.

Step 4 Define values.

Ask them to classify positive characteristics and unacceptable actions into logical categories. These categories typically represent the values ​​of the organization and serve as a starting point for core principles.

Step 5 Highlight the basic principles (rules).

To highlight core principles, take each category and create core principles using the “We believe…(value)” format. Therefore, we will… (behavior style)” as a model. To save time, you can isolate the first principle as a whole group, and then use separate groups to develop the rest.

Step 6 Check the values ​​and rules (principles) for clarity and simplicity of wording, completeness and accuracy.

Do the values ​​express the difference between your company and competitors and other companies in the market? Are actions consistent with values ​​clear? Are all statements simple and clear?

In order not to forget something important, you can use a simple checklist:

  • Values ​​for clients
  • Values ​​for the owner/shareholders
  • Values ​​for company employees
  • Values ​​for society


Step 7 Develop an action plan.

The final step in the process of creating core principles is to determine the strategies you and your team will use to bring the core principles from paper to life.

Start by reviewing the strategies used by other organizations. Then brainstorm strategies that could be used, and then choose which ones you will use.

Agree on the next step for each team member.

4. The role of the leader

Developing values ​​with the involvement of the company's employees allows you to create an environment in which employees themselves contribute to the transmission of values. But this is not enough to transfer values ​​from paper to life. It is important that you, as the leader of the organization, lead the process of developing and translating values.

The simplest ways to make values ​​a part of everyday life are:

  • come up with an acronym that will allow you to remember values ​​faster and better
  • hang valuables in a conspicuous place in the company office(s)
  • make an individual copy of the values ​​​​for each in such a way that it can be constantly used
  • include alignment with values ​​in the selection phase of candidates
  • conduct one-on-one value-match interviews with newcomers
  • write a personal letter to all employees of the company describing what each value means to you personally and why they are important
  • enter the value of the day (month) and talk about it on the internal resource
  • conduct a survey on the attitude to these values ​​among your customers

It is important that you yourself demonstrate alignment with the values ​​​​by your behavior, words, attitude. It is better to have no more than 10 values. After such group work, read all the developed values ​​and think about whether something important is missing.

Do all values ​​resonate with you personally?

Interesting topic?

Explore Spiral Dynamics as a tool to create a strong and bright corporate culture.

Company values ​​are a set of specific rules that are considered the norm for a particular organization. Both the relations between employees and the nature of their communication with customers and partners of the enterprise largely depend on these principles. When it comes to the most significant concepts from the point of view of management, the main place is occupied by corporate principles.

The principles and values ​​of the company: why they are needed and how they affect the business

A company becomes truly successful if all its employees, from the lowest level to the top management, know exactly in which direction it is moving, what is the main goal for which all personnel are working. The conscious contribution of each division to the common cause is a guarantee of stability and prosperity of the enterprise. On this basis, the formation of company values ​​begins, when each employee feels like a significant unit, on whose actions the success of the entire organization depends.

More often we have to observe the situation when the employees of the enterprise are concentrated on solving the current problems exclusively of their unit. This is typical for firms where the corporate culture is not at a high enough level. In order to unite the efforts of the staff and direct them towards achieving common goals, it is necessary to form the company's business values ​​that are common to all employees, which will help them feel like members of a single team and work with full dedication. One of the possible options can be called such a value as trust.

Following generally accepted norms, employees will oppose the commission of acts that do not fit into the system of the company's highest values. If you introduce trust into the circle of corporate culture, you can raise relations within the team to a new level, make interaction between employees open, and the desire to help - natural. Situations that require immediate important decisions will not cause panic among staff, on the contrary, those problems that were previously a source of disagreement will begin to be perceived as current working moments.

There are many examples of such situations, and it is simply impossible to foresee them all in service instructions. Therefore, the corporate value system serves as a guideline for employees to make decisions in each specific case. The way out of a problematic situation can be considered correct when it meets the principles established in the organization and serves as a way to achieve strategic goals. Accordingly, if the decision is contrary to the company's value system, this negatively affects its activities as a whole.

Company values ​​and corporate culture directly depend on its basic principles. The strategic image and mission of each firm is deeply individual, as their key norms differ. A corporate culture based on the values ​​and traditions of the company makes it possible for those employees who adhere to it to feel calm and comfortable.

Why are core company values ​​important?

  1. Values ​​are what the corporate culture is based on.
  2. They work to increase the attractiveness of the company in the eyes of its potential employees, who agree with its corporate culture.
  3. Values ​​help build a management system that does not require constant monitoring of personnel actions.
  4. They are necessary to create a situation where employees begin to think and make decisions based on the principles and rules adopted by the company.
  5. Values ​​help to implement the company's development strategy.

What are the most important company values: IKEA case

The founder of IKEA, Ingvar Kamprad, is over 90 years old and lives in the Swedish town of Epalenge, surrounded by numerous children and grandchildren. The businessman assures that he is always ready to accept new members into the family - this is how he treats the employees of his company. Kamprad loves to invite guests and discuss business at the table. In the business world, the Swede has become known as an eccentric, because he always follows his own path, contrary to trends and opinion of the majority.

The editors of the magazine "CEO" highlighted the company's key values ​​that helped it become a world leader in the sale of furniture.

Organizational values ​​of the company

Strategic profitability is a forecast of demand in the short term:

  • to the current assortment;
  • with an acceptable level of profitability;
  • with specific customer base, market share and sales volumes;
  • in niches, regions, industries that are interesting for the company.

At the same time, socio-economic, political, scientific, technical, environmental factors, marketing and investment funds, competitive advantages, as well as trends, risks and alternative business development options that are directly dependent on them, are taken into account.

Proactivity- this value means not only the ability to adequately respond to ongoing events, but also to act in such a way that the likelihood of unforeseen situations is minimized, not only to adapt to constantly changing circumstances, but also to contribute to the formation of favorable market conditions for the company, that is, to engage in the fact that in the English-speaking environment is known as market-making.

Innovation is the ability to form new development trends and implement fresh ideas earlier than it is done in competing companies. Mastering these skills is a solid foundation for the subsequent development of the value of being proactive.

Competitiveness is the ability to form and develop competitive advantages in all markets - customers, suppliers, investors and labor. This includes constant monitoring of the activities of rival companies according to basic criteria, comparison of their results with their own achievements, analysis of competition in the context of leading client groups and major investors.

Efficiency- this is the creation of conditions for the growth of production, sales, services at a predicted level or higher compared to the ongoing costs of funds, time and labor.

sociality is a focus on progress in the public sphere: the development of employees, improving the level and quality of their lives. This value implies the willingness of the company to include appropriate costs in its financial plan.

Customer focus- this is the understanding that the success of an enterprise largely depends on the customer base and on the level of care that the company shows in relation to the consumers of its products or services. It is expressed in terms such as:

  • satisfaction of consumer demand;
  • stimulation of its growth;
  • deepening demand (expanding the range of goods and services);
  • creation of competitive advantages for especially allocated groups of clients;
  • formation of demand for newly introduced goods and services.

Initiative is the desire to do the best job possible, achieve optimal results and create an effective organizational environment.

command- these are the general business values ​​of the company, coordinated actions to achieve strategic goals, mutual development of members of groups of managers and performers, as well as individual divisions of the company.

reachability- this is the desire to achieve the set goals by all means, after which to formulate new ones and try to achieve their implementation. In other words, it is a constant movement forward.

mutual obligation is the ability to fulfill given promises and obligations, both horizontally and vertically of the company.

Confidence– confidence that you will not be let down, that all the rules will be observed, and the agreements will be fulfilled.

Controllability- is expressed in how much the top management of the company controls the lower divisions. The manifestation of this value is the consistency of the goals and actions of individual employees and departments completely, the degree of feasibility of administrative orders, the inviolability of the organizational order.

Quality- this is the correspondence of labor processes and the effectiveness of the company's activities to the needs of its customers, the growth of results in relation to the previous ones, as well as in comparison with the achievements of competing firms.

Dignity is an unconditional recognition of the personality of each employee, respect for his point of view.

Conflict-free- this is the ability to avoid acute situations, the desire to reach a compromise through mutual concessions on terms that suit all parties to the relationship.

orderliness is a well-established system of business processes, a rational approach to work, avoiding unnecessary waste of time, finances and material resources.

competitiveness- this is the focus of employees to be no worse than the rest, but to differ for the better. This value is expressed in the comparison of team members among themselves.

Synergy- this is an additional energy impulse that appears as a result of the combination of various success factors inherent in the company as a whole.

purposefulness is not only the desire to achieve previously defined goals, but also to take the initiative in developing new ones.

Strategic- this is the ability to represent the general line of development of the company and, in accordance with it, build current activities.

Stability- is maintaining the balance of the organizational system, which is the result of a constant composition of employees, established internal procedures, customers and profitability.

Market Leadership is to keep the company ahead of other players by creating competitive advantages and unique qualities. It manifests itself in the form of an impeccable reputation, the dynamics of business development, the desire for innovative products.

Safety is the company's ability to withstand external and internal threats, to avoid various types of damage.

Career- this is the movement of an employee up the career ladder, that is, career growth. It is accompanied by non-official development, that is, an increase in the influence of an employee in accordance with his status and role in the company.

Thrift is the desire to minimize costs, save resources without affecting the quality of processes and the final result of the activity.

Responsibility- this is the ability of an individual employee or an entire unit to compensate for the damage caused as a result of their professional blunders, or losses incurred due to failure to fulfill their obligations.

Professionalism is the possession of a set of competencies necessary for a specialist, and successful use at any of the main levels:

  • ordinary level - the ability to perform routine work, avoiding marriage;
  • high level - the ability to optimize the performance of everyday routine operations, as well as to cope with work of increased complexity without errors;
  • avant-garde level - the ability of an employee to apply previously unused methods and methods of activity, set new tasks for work of varying degrees of complexity. At the same time, such innovations are unconditionally recognized as more effective than generally accepted ones, and are recommended for development by other specialists.

Democracy is the participation of all personnel in decision-making, based on the point of view of the majority, without violating the rights of the minority.

Creativity- this is the use of a creative approach to identify fresh useful ideas in various areas of the enterprise.

Loyalty is the commitment of the company's employees, their willingness to suffer personal losses if the organization has temporary difficulties, as well as the commitment of customers and their desire to maintain business relations with a partner, despite his problems.

Optimism- this is a psychological attitude towards success, changes for the better.

Comfort are comfortable working conditions that contribute to more productive work.

benevolence- this is a type of relationship, the psychological climate in the company, which is characterized by helping each other and positive emotions.

Wholeness, unity- this is the ability of management to orient employees and departments to achieve the overall goals of the company.

Time (punctuality)- this is a strict adherence to schedules, schedules and plans.

Tempo, speed is the ability to complete work tasks on time or faster than competitors.

Discipline- this is following the accepted organizational routine, fulfilling duties in full within the specified time frame and with high quality.

Employee welfare- this is income and standard of living, which are quite high when compared with other similar categories of the population.

Interesting job- this is the content and organization of work, fascinating in itself, regardless of the level and methods of remuneration.

Stress resistance It is the ability to maintain control over oneself in difficult times.

Business growth is an increase in volume production indicators and territorial expansion of the enterprise.

Business development is the introduction of new management methods and the conquest of previously untapped market niches, the desire for renewal.

Ethics, honesty- this is sincerity, truthfulness, impeccability in business and relationships.

Reputation- this is the place that an employee or department occupies on a conditional recognition scale in significant groups.

openness is a complete willingness to share information and competencies with others.

Company value system: creation algorithm

The process of forming company values ​​includes several stages. The organization can do this on its own or use the help of a specialist. For values ​​to really work, the entire creation process must go through completely.

  1. Determining the company's current values.
  2. Study of the main mission and strategic image.
  3. Analysis of long-term goals.
  4. Research and evaluation of the basic directions of the company's activity.
  5. Formulating a list of expected corporate values ​​based on the identified mission, strategic vision, competencies and goals.
  6. Engaging employees to work with the definition of possible values.
  7. A strategic meeting at which the system of corporate values ​​is finally approved.
  8. Putting company values ​​into practice, for example, what needs to be done to create conditions for sales growth? How to be innovative in everyday activities?
  9. Approval of the final list of values ​​that are mandatory for all employees of the company.
  10. Reporting to the staff of the list of accepted values, introduction into consciousness, acceptance and further adherence to them. All innovations are initially perceived by each person with skepticism. If the company is small, all employees are immediately involved in the process of forming corporate values. For large organizations with 50 to 100 employees, it's best to start with a few employees from each level. When making decisions, it is worth relying on the opinion of those employees who are leaders for their colleagues.

Cases when none of the employees accepts the values ​​of the company introduced by the management and is not going to adhere to them cannot be called rare. Often values ​​exist on paper, but in reality no one follows them.

Employees are difficult to influence when it comes to formal relationships, but it is quite possible to exercise control over informal ones. TO formal can be attributed:

  • openness;
  • respect for each other;
  • mutual assistance;
  • other interpersonal relationships.

TO informal:

  • closeness;
  • internal corporate war;
  • visibility of vigorous activity;
  • competition for resources.

Often the very existence of informal values ​​remains a mystery to managers, since their promotion takes place behind the scenes, but very effectively. No effort is needed to implement them; on the contrary, such values ​​require a long and persistent struggle against them.

When a conflict-prone employee who promotes informal values ​​that are opposite to what the company implements is identified, a preventive conversation is held with him first. If it did not bring the desired result, it is worth considering the dismissal of such a person, since his behavior has a negative impact on both the team and the development of the enterprise as a whole.

When developing company values, it is necessary to take into account the interests of each employee, but at the same time take care of its stability and financial well-being. Excessive bonuses for staff or too large discounts for customers cannot be a reliable basis for corporate culture.

The relationship between mission, vision and values ​​should be maintained. Otherwise, the company is threatened with extinction, and the loyalty of the team will decrease. The CEO is responsible for overseeing this process.

First of all, both managers and their employees need to know the answers to the following questions:

  • Why and for what purpose should the principles be followed?
  • How is this beneficial for employees?
  • What happens if values ​​are ignored?
  • What role does this or that value play in decision making?
  • How should you behave in accordance with the corporate culture?

It's good when employees have an example of corporate values ​​for them, for the company as a whole, for its shareholders, for customers. It is very important that it is clear to them how they can achieve their goals. Such a result can be obtained only through constant work with the team. The responsibility of the manager should include the function of answering questions from employees in order to orient them in the right direction. It would be useful to use instructions with values ​​and examples. It will also help to organize trainings under the guidance of an experienced specialist, whose opinion the majority of employees will listen to.

The company's value system is developed using various techniques. The nominal group method is considered the most common and proven to be effective.

Developing Company Values: The Nominal Group Method

How to act so that the values ​​of the company are not just written down on paper, but really work? The nominal group method can be just such a way.

Nominal Group Method (NGM) enables effective joint decision making. It is a collective process that undergoes careful planning. It is a strategy of group activity, when ideas are born in the course of a joint discussion of problems. The method works well in cases where the opinion of everyone expressed in the process, as a result, allows you to come to a common decision. Its value lies in the opportunity to hear many points of view and share information that is not heard during meetings held in the usual format. In the course of such a discussion, new non-standard approaches to solving problems can be born.

MNG implies the simultaneous participation of 8-12 people under the guidance of a coordinator. The selection of employees is carried out based on the level of their competence. At the same time, the work will be much more efficient if the employee and his immediate supervisor are not simultaneously involved in the group.

As a rule, MNG takes 2-3 hours.

MNG includes the following stages:

1. Introduction. The coordinator introduces the participants to the progress of the work and sets the rules.

The following topics are covered:

  • the purpose of the collaboration and the importance of the process;
  • MNG stages;
  • ways to apply the results;
  • task formulation.

The task must be short and precise. The coordinator should make sure that it is clear to all members of the working group and that there are no differences in the perception of its essence.

Self-instruction is often used, during which employees themselves explain the meaning of the task assigned to them and formulate it in a way that is convenient for them.

2. Silent generation. The next stage lasts no more than 15 minutes, during which the participants silently write down the options for solving the problem that come to their mind. An important condition is the requirement to fix absolutely all thoughts on paper, even if at first glance they look too bold.

At this stage, the goal of maximizing the range of search for possible solutions to the problem is achieved.

It is necessary to achieve complete silence during silent generation, preventing attempts to exchange information between group members. Practice shows that the maximum number of ideas can be obtained precisely in the mode of individual work.

3. Stage of unordered enumeration of ideas. During this stage, the facilitator proposes to call each participant in turn one of his ideas, written down during silent generation or just came to mind. All statements are recorded on the board, flipchart or using a computer and a projector. The conversation involves only the coordinator and the employee who is currently voicing his version of the solution. Criticism from others present is prohibited. No strict order is observed. The purpose of this stage is to express all the ideas and present them in the form of a publicly available list.

4. The stage of understanding ideas. It is still not possible to criticize the proposals under discussion, as reminded by the facilitator. He reads out all the points of the resulting list of ideas. Participants suggest getting rid of duplicate sentences, combining several into one, and so on. At this stage, it is important to keep pace. The transition from one idea to another happens quickly, so the participants do not have time to remember who the author is. This is necessary for the members of the group to understand that the list is the result of their joint work, that they are working towards a common goal. The task of this stage is to obtain a list of ideas, discarding repetitive or unpromising options.

5. Ranking. This stage involves the expression by the group members of their opinion about the voiced ideas. They can both approve and criticize, while the authorship of the proposals has already been leveled, each thought is the result of joint work and is evaluated detachedly, without reference to a specific employee who expressed it.

Before starting the ranking, there is usually a break, during which the facilitator and an assistant reshape the list of ideas - remove unnecessary entries, strikethroughs, corrections, transfer to a flipchart or print out for each participant a copy of the final list of proposals. This point further emphasizes that the selected ideas are the result of a common effort. When they get their hands on or see a brand new product on a projector, team members no longer associate themselves with the offerings listed there.

The result of the ranking should be a kind of voting for a particular item on the list, proposed as a solution to the problem. The results are summed up either by the coordinator and his assistant, or by the participants themselves.

6. Final stage. At this stage, the ranking results are announced. The discussion is conducted under the direct supervision of the coordinator, who draws the attention of the participants to those points for which the largest number of votes were taken. Each of those present is sure that he has already brought to the attention of those around him his opinion on the issues under discussion, which was heard and accepted by them. At this stage, the participants show great interest in solving the tasks assigned to them, and it is important for the facilitator to direct this increase in attention to the formulation of the next steps to achieve the common goal.

The development of corporate values ​​can be carried out with the involvement of all employees of the company. As a rule, such joint activity brings more benefits than the introduction of any norms by order. As a result, employees comply with the established rules of conduct in the corporate environment more carefully.

How to develop corporate values ​​of the company together with employees

Step 1. Each division delegates several people to the working group. If the department is small, all employees are involved in the process.

Step 2. Each person is tasked with making a list of 10 company values ​​that are important in communicating with customers, colleagues and partners, and are also the basis of current activities. At the same time, the wording of the proposed values ​​should be as concise and precise as possible: “customer orientation”, “sociality”, “teamwork”.

Step 3. From all the proposed principles, we form a general list, removing duplicate items. Good help in this flipchart. It clearly demonstrates to the participants in the process that each of them contributes to the common cause. When creating company values, a sheet of paper is taken and divided into several columns. Each principle proposed by employees is placed in a column that makes sense. To make the essence of the statement clear to all participants, the author can make a brief explanation, for example, suggesting “globalism” as a corporate value, the employee adds a comment: “Erasing boundaries and destroying stereotypes, we are moving towards each other.”

Step 4. We organize a discussion of a ready-made list of company values ​​​​and ways to fulfill the mission. You should not involve more than 25 people, in a large company one or two employees from each department are enough.

Step 5. The final stage - the result of the discussion in the form of a final list of principles is submitted for consideration by the company's management. The approved option must be fixed by an internal regulatory act.

This stage of creating corporate values ​​for most organizations is the final one. The most that a manager can then do is to publish documents on the Internet that reflect the company's core values. If we limit ourselves to this, the operation of the principles is unlikely to be effective enough. It is necessary to develop and introduce a system of incentives aimed at thoroughly following the company's values ​​by employees.

The management of the organization should:

  • set an example for all staff, observing corporate values;
  • regularly organize seminars and focus the attention of employees on the importance of general principles;
  • create convenient moments for informal communication with subordinates;
  • record the stories that occur in the course of the company's activities and bring them to the attention of employees;
  • introduce slang words into everyday life, which will reflect the values ​​​​of working in the company;
  • come up with an effective way to reward employees who make every effort to follow the company's corporate values. For example, to announce a competition, the winner of which will be the employee who has received the maximum number of votes, and give him a worthy prize.

7 examples of the best company values ​​and missions

What is the focus of an organization that wants to achieve success? As can be seen from the results of the review Fortune, the values ​​of the largest companies and those in the middle market segment are significantly different:

The motto of successful companies is "do it, fix it, try it." They are distinguished by positive energy, based on a deep conviction in the correctness of the chosen strategy.

Airbnb. Our mission is to open the doors of Airbnb to the next generation of interns and recent graduates ready for a life-changing adventure.

It is headquartered in San Francisco and assists people in finding rental housing in other countries for tourism or business purposes. The staff of the organization is 1,600 people. In 2016, it was named the No. 1 employer company by the Glassdoor Employees' Choice Award.

The main values ​​of the company:

  1. Make mission the meaning of life.
  2. Be glad to the guests.
  3. Don't create complications.
  4. Pay attention to details.
  5. Get creative.
  6. Live the spirit of adventure.

Values ​​are directly related to the product provided by the company and express the traits that are mandatory for its employees - an adventurous temperament, courage and desire for new experiences.

Bain & Co. The mission is to add value to the client company's business, to make it successful, and it entails some consequences.

International consulting company. The total number of employees is 5,400 people in 32 countries. Second place winner in the nomination where Airbnb is in the lead.

The company's value system has its own name - True North:

  • passion,
  • dedication,
  • truthfulness,
  • openness,
  • practical approach,
  • team spirit,
  • share of humor and irony in communication with each other.

The last point indicates that the company welcomes normal human relations.

IKEA. IKEA's mission is to create well-designed products at low prices.

The total number of employees is 155,000 people.

Key values ​​of the company:

  • modesty and willpower;
  • leader is a role model;
  • have the courage to be different;
  • be a team member and be enthusiastic;
  • economy;
  • constant striving for improvement;
  • responsibility for your actions.

Each employee should choose one value as a personal benchmark.

Twitter. Twitter's mission is to enable everyone to share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.

Company values ​​derived from the mission (according to Brian Schipper, VP of HR Twitter):

“We see our mission in putting users first, and from here follows our goal - we strive to give each of them the opportunity to be heard, seen and the chance to convey their thoughts and experiences to others without delay. This is what we consider our compass, which showed us the way when creating a platform and developing a product. We dream of empowering people to connect across borders and be a force for good in the world.”

Zappos. The mission of Zappos is to live with the WOW feeling and deliver it to customers.

An online clothing and footwear store headquartered in Las Vegas. Zappos is the place of work for 1,500 people.

  1. Call customers "Wow!" thanks to the excellent service.
  2. Create conditions for change and manage them.
  3. Be funny and a little weird.
  4. Maintain the spirit of adventurism, creativity and openness.
  5. Strive for growth and learning.
  6. Communicate honestly and openly.
  7. Bring positive to the team and create a family spirit in it.
  8. Do more with less.
  9. Be dedicated to your work.

The company's value statements are respected for their accuracy. The very first one is especially good - it emphasizes that the main goal is not just to sell clothes, but to delight the client.

Pinterest. The mission of Pinterest is to help you do what you love.

The community was created to share images. The number of employees is 500 people.

Team Values:

  1. We respect users.
  2. We grow up.
  3. We are acting.
  4. We are true to ourselves.

About attitude to work:

  1. Be curious.
  2. Rest when you need it.
  3. Reserve the right to have some fun sometimes.
  4. Participate in the creation of the next generation.
  5. Connect great minds.

Very democratic and perfectly demonstrates the relationships maintained in the team.

Starbucks. The mission is to saturate not only the guests themselves, but also to create a good mood for them.

A large chain of coffee houses, in total it employs 182,000 people.

Company values:

  1. Create a comfortable business environment and treat each other with respect and dignity.
  2. See diversity as one of the most important components of business.
  3. Apply the highest requirements to the quality of raw materials, roasting and coffee preparation processes.
  4. Deliver customer satisfaction with every cup of coffee.
  5. Make a positive impact on society and the environment.
  6. Always remember that profitability is the key to our future success.

The main thing for Starbucks is a quality product.

We, we consider our goods as a means of changing the quality of life of people in Russia, we help to realize ideas and dreams related to construction, renovation or business in this area, turning the process of buying goods into enjoying professional advice and simple, fast shipment. Developing together with employees and partners, we give an opportunity to be proud of our achievements!

Key values ​​and principles.

Forming the foundation of our culture, our corporate values ​​allow us to work as a team and stand up for our beliefs anytime, anywhere. Our corporate values ​​are based on our experience and form the basis of our progress. The task for each of us is to be guided by corporate values ​​in our daily work.

  1. Interesting job. Customer orientation.

We carry out our duties with sincere passion, trying to bring something new to the work, which allows us to make it more interesting and productive. We can always count on receiving work of interesting content, subject to the conditions of responsibility, honesty and decency in relation to the Company.

We strive for leadership and look far ahead. We do everything to develop and ensure the competitiveness of our products and partners, focusing on long-term mutually beneficial relationships, because they choose us. We comply with our obligations and strive to act on the basis of common interests.

  1. Efficiency. Achievements of goals.

We set aggressive goals and push ourselves to achieve them.

The efforts of all employees should be aimed at achieving results. To achieve this, we all need to understand the Company's strategy and goals. There are no unimportant positions, everyone works to achieve their specific and private goals, but the success of everyone else depends on this work. Everything we do is focused on the result and achieving the set goals with minimal costs and on time, for which we find new ways to solve the tasks, optimally distribute the available resources, and improve the interaction systems.

  1. Happy family life. Health.

We are confident that a healthy and strong family is the basis for the formation of sustainable life values ​​and a harmonious personality. Thanks to the observance of the moral foundations of marriage, the strengthening of responsible and respectful relationships with loved ones, each of us gets ample opportunities for further development and self-improvement. Health is one of the most important human resources that allows you to be effective in your activities. We take care of our health and the health of loved ones, strengthen it, promote a healthy lifestyle. We are aware that addictions and addictions cause irreparable harm to health and do not welcome them in others.

  1. Self improvement. Continuous learning.

We are proud of our employees — professionals who want and grow with the Company, pick up and help implement all new ideas. We value initiative, employee status, authority and respect, which are determined by the leadership qualities of a person, and not by position. We strive for positive transformations in all areas of work and life, based on the desire for self-improvement. People see the Company as a place where they want to build their career, for them it is a matter of life, and not a place where they went to talk. We seriously strive to create a sense of belonging in our employees, because there is every chance to achieve this in a Company that is growing as fast as ours. It would be simply foolish to let the enthusiasm of people who believe they are building a great company burn out. We learn, consolidate knowledge and teach others. Any process and any activity can be done better if only we learn from each other, keep this knowledge in the Company and make it available to everyone. The culture of continuous learning is learning for organizational progress and learning for individual progress.

  1. Responsibility. Self-discipline. Honesty and decency.

We are confident that the current work and further development of the Company is possible only if each of us realizes the importance of his influence on the processes taking place in his life and at work, that the results of the activities of colleagues and the Company depend on his actions and fulfillment of the obligations assumed. generally. When we employ people with interest and self-discipline, we do not need an excessive management hierarchy. When we have disciplined actions, we do not need excessive control. We openly and truthfully speak about the actual state of affairs and the motives that guide us, are true to our obligations, ideas and beliefs, which is reflected in our actions and behavior.

  1. Strong will. Cheerfulness and optimism.

We are firm and resolute in our desire to achieve the set goal, thanks to which we easily find the strength to overcome any obstacles, as well as the support of colleagues of partners in the implementation of the tasks set. We perceive any difficulties as an opportunity to learn something new. We value every moment in our lives and have a positive attitude towards the world around us.

  1. Good management. Teamwork.

The attitude of employees towards their colleagues is of paramount importance. Employees must have reason to trust the motives and integrity of their supervisors. Management is responsible for creating a productive environment in which the values ​​of employees and the Company flourish. Since no goal is unbearable for any single person, we welcome and encourage the interaction of employees with managers, assistance in implementing various ideas in order to increase the Company's efficiency. Team spirit helps us to meet customer expectations. We support each other and celebrate victories and rewards together.

Ethical norms and rules:

  1. Norms of relationships within the Company.
    1. We take all necessary measures to ensure safety, health and labor protection as key aspects of ensuring the Company's activities.
    2. We create conditions conducive to professional and personal growth and development of employees, as well as strengthening their well-being.
    3. In matters of quality, we do not compromise. We are constantly working to improve our service and range, as well as important innovations.
    4. We respect the products manufactured or sold by the Company, not allowing them to be discriminated against by third parties. We respect the symbols of the Company.
    5. We avoid conflicts of interest - situations where the personal interest of an employee is contrary to the interests of the Company, affects or may affect the performance of his duties. We inform management of such cases in order to prevent or resolve them.
    6. We are open, tactful, polite and extremely honest in interaction with colleagues, thus showing respect for their position and views.
    7. We rely only on facts and objective criteria when evaluating the actions of colleagues and, at the same time, perceive constructive criticism of our actions and results as an incentive for further self-improvement.
    8. We recognize the subordination that exists in the Company and the need to obey the decisions of higher management and perform tasks from employees who are responsible for the business processes in which we participate.
    9. We strive to create a system of our professional activities, describing all work processes, setting standards.
    10. We create conditions for the transparency of all work processes and motivation systems, structuring work and setting clear performance and efficiency indicators.
    11. We clearly comply with all established norms, regimes and deadlines, thereby making work processes stable. We strive to comply with the impeccable order in their implementation.
    12. We ensure the reliability of the data provided on the results of work
    13. We understand that each of us is an important element of the system and we need to make every effort for its effective operation as a whole.
  1. Standards in interaction with partners, customers and competitors.
    1. We carry out timely and high-quality fulfillment of our obligations to partners and clients, we readily provide consulting and organizational assistance.
    2. We strive to develop together with partners.
    3. We treat our competitors with respect, because they are one of the key factors driving our continuous development, they are an important criterion in assessing our successes and mistakes. We adhere to the principles of fair competition.
    4. We give preference to negotiations and finding a compromise in case of disagreements and disputes.
  1. Standards for working with information related to the activities of the Company.
    1. We are attentive to the storage of proprietary information that is not subject to disclosure in order not to distribute it outside the Company, and we also do not use proprietary information for personal purposes and the interests of third parties.
    2. We strive to comprehensively cover the activities of the Company in the media, on the Internet and in other ways in order to improve and protect the reputation of the Company and employees.
  1. In the use of Company resources.
    1. We take good care of the property and intangible assets of the Company and make every effort to preserve and use them more rationally.
    2. We use Company resources (office equipment, communications equipment, software and network resources) solely for professional purposes.
    3. We understand that any equipment we work with is the property of the company.
  1. Regarding the culture of the Company (appearance and speech of employees).
    1. We maintain a neat appearance and an accepted dress code.
    2. We carefully monitor competent oral and written speech, avoid swearing, vulgarism, slang.
    3. We adhere to a polite manner of speaking, we do not allow raising our voice and an offensive tone, we exclude familiarity in communicating with others.

Measures and mechanisms for maintaining key values

  1. We promote an active and positive outlook on life by organizing various corporate events. We take care of the health of our employees, actively responding to the ideas of holding various sports events and competitions. We help organize mass sports by renting sports complexes. An example is the football team "Center SM"
  2. We strive to strengthen the family views of our employees, organize children's competitions, and give gifts. We encourage such an initiative.
  3. We make our work more interesting by giving employees the opportunity to participate in various projects and internships.
  4. We improve and develop our employees, organize various training programs for them.
  5. We support the efficiency of employees in business, focus on achieving results with various systems of material and non-material motivation


  1. Each employee voluntarily assumes responsibility for compliance with the rules and regulations of the Company, openly demonstrates adherence to the provisions and, by his own example, involves his colleagues in this.
  2. The heads of structural divisions are a model of compliance with the regulations for their subordinates, control the behavior of their staff in terms of the implementation of the norms and carry out work that contributes to their understanding.
  3. The company undertakes to communicate the content and strengthen values ​​and norms to employees by all available means, as well as to provide all possible support in their understanding.
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