Diclofenac for renal colic. Injections for renal colic

When choosing what to take for pain in the kidneys, you need to remember that there are no special medications created to solve this particular problem. You can stop an attack, get rid of pain with the help of means, the action of which is aimed at relieving spasm and eliminating pains of various localization. Pain reliever for pain in the kidneys is a medication that has an antispasmodic effect, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics. To stop an attack of renal colic and get rid of pain, you can use more effective, potent drugs.

When painkillers are needed and when are contraindicated

In the modern pharmacy network, many drugs are being sold designed to relieve a person from pain in the kidneys after alcohol, with renal colic or exacerbation of a chronic disease. What to take for kidney pains can be advised by a qualified nephrologist who has precisely established the cause of their occurrence.

Treatment with pills for pain in the kidneys is carried out with a diagnosed exacerbation:

  • inflammation of the renal pelvis;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • with renal colic;
  • polycystic kidney disease;
  • from pain in the kidneys with exacerbation of chronic renal failure.

When deciding what to take for kidney pain, it is necessary to be based on the characteristics of the disease, take into account the general state of health and the presence of possible contraindications to taking certain medications.

Many medicines that can eliminate kidney pain have a negative effect on important organs and systems of the human body. What pills to take if the kidneys hurt, the doctor prescribing the treatment will tell you, given the presence of concomitant ailments, many of which are a contraindication to taking pain relievers.

When deciding what to do when the kidneys hurt, it is necessary to accurately determine the cause of the pain, choose the most suitable medications, following the advice of the attending physician and take it, making sure that there are no contraindications, which include:

  • hypertonic disease;
  • coronary atherosclerosis;
  • tachycardia;
  • glaucoma;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • violation of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • atony of the gall or bladder.

It is not recommended to independently choose pain relievers if the patient has not reached the age of 7 or people are over 60. The list of contraindications varies depending on which pain pills were chosen and the characteristics of their action. Do not prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Myotropic antispasmodics are not used for their treatment, since taking these drugs can provoke disturbances in the development of the fetus.


The peculiarity of the action of painkillers taken for pain in the kidneys is that they all belong to different pharmacological groups. Antipyretics lower body temperature, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, in addition, prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

In a situation when the kidneys hurt, how to treat, the medicine is chosen, taking into account the presence of concomitant diseases, and the treatment is carried out after determining the cause of the development of the disease and the appearance of pain. What to drink, what pain medicine can be used by pregnant women, the elderly and young children, is decided only by a qualified doctor, otherwise serious complications and side effects may develop.

For example:

  1. For pain in the kidney that occurs in men after drinking alcoholic beverages, you can drink antispasmodics that relax the smooth muscles. It is important not just to eliminate pain, it is necessary to cleanse the organ, and for this, alcohol lovers are advised to give up their bad habit and are prescribed adrenergic blockers and calcium channel blockers. Allopurinol is one of the most effective drugs in the treatment of kidney problems in alcoholics. It helps cleanse and detoxify. A positive effect can be achieved if the treatment is carried out with the help of alcoholics taking herbal preparations, infusions and decoctions. All of them have a cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect, remove harmful and dangerous substances, and have a diuretic effect.
  2. If the pain is caused by the release of stones or sand, you can get rid of it with an injection of a strong antispasmodic. By relaxing the musculature of the organ, the medicine helps to expand the ducts and relieve pain.
  3. Treatment of diseases such as pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis is carried out with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs. Kidneys hurt - emergency help is required, which most often consists in relieving spasm and eliminating the inflammatory process.

The most effective medicines

When the kidney hurts, you urgently need to take an effective remedy that will get rid of the pain. When you come to the pharmacy and indicate the name of the drug you are looking for, you should make sure that this drug is supplied to the pharmacy network for free sale and that a prescription is not required.

Among the drugs that are highly effective and used to relieve renal colic or eliminate the manifestations of the inflammatory process, the following are especially popular:

  1. Analgesics. Treatment with pain medication is carried out under the supervision of a physician. To achieve a positive result, you can use Analgin and Pentalgin, Tempalgin and Nurofen. They drink such pills no more than three times throughout the day, observing the same time interval between doses.
  2. Antipyretics - tablets made on the basis of herbal ingredients that lower body temperature, have an analgesic effect. Using such medicines, you can get rid of the child's pain, since these drugs of drug therapy include natural ingredients in their composition.
  3. Treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is carried out strictly according to the doctor's prescription. One of the patients who drank Diclofenac complained to a nephrologist about stomach pains. After a detailed conversation, the doctor found that the woman had violated the medication regimen, which provoked the development of gastritis. Drink Indomethacin and Canephron in strict accordance with the appointment and the annotation attached to the tablets.

  4. In the most difficult cases of the maximum effect in the treatment of the inflammatory process and to relieve the patient of severe pain in the kidneys, therapeutic measures are carried out using Diclofenac injections. Only healthcare professionals are allowed to give injections.

Each drug, without which the treatment process is simply impossible, is selected by the attending physician depending on the individual characteristics of the patient's body, diagnosed concomitant diseases, age and severity of the underlying ailment.


Urgent care

First aid for renal colic should be competent and timely. It is necessary to follow the correct algorithm for carrying out special procedures. It is important to understand that only with a clear conviction in the diagnosis, it is possible to provide independent steps and use drugs, otherwise, you need to urgently seek help from doctors.

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What to do with renal colic in the first minutes?

The provision of emergency first aid at home is possible with a clear knowledge of all methods of localizing colic. At the first stage, you can relieve pain by using thermal methods and special medications. The sequence of procedures is as follows:

  • call an ambulance;
  • create a calm environment;
  • to establish the place of localization of pain;
  • track possible temperature changes;
  • collect urine.

To remove spasms and restore the normal outflow of urine is the result for which all procedures are carried out with first aid. The kidneys are very susceptible to heat, so the patient must be provided with warm objects: wrap up with a blanket, put a heating pad. As a rule, warming the place where the pain occurs, leads to its decrease or complete cessation.

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How to relieve pain with drugs?

After carrying out thermal procedures, the patient can be administered pain relievers or antispasmodics. Medicines can be in the form of pills and injections. Antispasmodics for renal colic relieve the tone of the muscles of the ureter, improving the patency of the ducts. Most often, myotropic drugs are used for renal colic (No-Shpa, Papaverin, etc.). If you are worried about acute pain, pain relief is best done with the help of combined drugs ("Spazmonet", "Baralgin", "Avisan" and others). Let's take a closer look at the frequently used ones.

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"No-Shpa" ("Drotaverin")

The most popular drug that is always at hand. It can be taken not only as a medicine for renal colic, but also to relieve any pain. By decreasing the supply of calcium to muscle cells, the drug reduces muscle tone. To relieve renal colic, you can drink 4 tablets at once, but in case of emergency, to relieve an attack of renal colic, you must inject the drug intramuscularly.

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"Baralgin" (BARALGIN)

The drug is strong (stronger than "No-Shpa"). The effect of tablets (0.5-2 pcs. Several times a day) is much slower, because they have to go all the way through digestion. The solution (2 ml) enters the bloodstream immediately, therefore injections for renal colic are more effective. The drug contains a sufficiently large dosage of the components, and in order to avoid lowering blood pressure, it should be administered very slowly. With intramuscular injection (5ml-1 ampoule), the solution, entering the bloodstream, begins to act in a few minutes.

It is forbidden to relieve spasm using "Analgin". It can distort the manifestation of symptoms, thereby complicating the diagnosis of the disease.

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"Ketorol" (KETOROL)

It is possible to remove renal colic at home with Ketorol only if you are firmly convinced of the correct diagnosis. The drug helps to remove pain, but along the way it will lubricate all the symptoms. For home treatment, "Ketorol" is administered intramuscularly. The injection is done slowly (within half a minute), the result comes in 30 minutes.

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Refers to drugs that act on cells (cholinergic receptors) in which neuromuscular transmission is carried out. It is well tolerated, but not very effective (it resembles Papaverine in action). The relief of an attack is carried out by subcutaneous injection of a 0.2% solution (1-2 ml).

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Contraindications and restrictions

When providing emergency care, it is important to remember that any method that eliminates pain in the kidneys has its own contraindications. Any intervention for renal colic at home should be supported by knowledge:

  1. It is necessary to ask the patient about the existing contraindications or allergic reactions to drugs.
  2. It is important to understand that it is impossible to treat colic with drugs without the supervision of a doctor. They are used as an aid to relieve an attack of kidney stones. Their long-term use can lead to poor health. Pain is a symptom of a disease that requires a complete examination and treatment.
  3. The use of thermal procedures is prohibited for inflammatory processes.
  4. If an elderly person has a painful attack, it is better to use a heating pad rather than a bath with warm water. This approach will prevent the development of a heart attack.

After providing first aid, you must call a doctor, or deliver the patient to the clinic.

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When is hospitalization required for renal colic?

The decision on hospitalization is made based on the symptoms and well-being of the patient.

The suspicion of renal colic requires quick action, and an ambulance will take the patient to the clinic quickly and under professional supervision. Hospitalization is indicated in any case, because kidney stones, having changed their position, can clog the ducts, and the attack will recur. Even with good dynamics, the patient is observed in the hospital for 3 days. There are situations in which hospitalization is required:

  • The pain after the use of drugs does not go away.
  • Deterioration of well-being:
    • vomiting;
    • violation of urination;
    • complete absence of urge to urinate.
  • Pain on both sides.
  • Accession of the inflammatory process, which is confirmed by the increased temperature.
  • With a physiological feature (one kidney in humans).

If the relief of renal colic at home was successful, and the person refuses to be hospitalized, then dietary food, warmth in the back and control during urination are recommended. It is important to collect urine in a clean container to track the presence of sediment or calculus. But it is advisable to be examined by a urologist in order to exclude the development of complications.

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The task of the doctor with renal colic is to relieve the pain attack as quickly as possible.

If pain relievers for renal colic did not relieve acute painful sensations, and the duration of renal colic reaches several hours and no improvement is expected, the main task of doctors is to remove the attack in a short time. Interviewing the patient will provide information about what first-aid care was taken, which helps in deciding on the further treatment of the patient.

As a rule, relief of an attack always begins with analgesics or antispasmodics. With a prolonged attack, droppers from complex medicinal mixtures or novocaine blockade can help. While they are dripping, the nurse performs an independent intervention (monitors the patient's condition). At this time, a dropper from "Baralgin" No-shpa, "Platyphyllin", glucose is shown, also intramuscularly inject "Analgin", "Pipolfen", "Platifillin", additionally appoint "Promedol", "Dimedrol", "Papaverin", "No -shpa ".

Further therapy consists in finding out the causes of colic and the degree of obstruction of the urinary system. Dependent interventions are mandatory (sampling of material for laboratory tests). If renal colic occurs against the background of an inflammatory process, the doctor will definitely prescribe an antibiotic to drink, most likely they will prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics. Rapid elimination of infection in the case of urolithiasis is not always possible to achieve, therefore, drugs are prescribed before the removal of the calculus from the body. In the presence of edema, diuretics are prescribed.

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Treatment with folk remedies

Comprehensive treatment using folk remedies gives positive results.

Home treatment is usually not complete without traditional medicine. With an integrated approach, the use of herbal remedies gives a good result. The pharmacy network has a fairly large selection of herbal preparations with diuretic, antiseptic action. In the case of colic with urolithiasis, the type of calculus affects the choice of herbal preparations.

The most effective recipes:

  • A warm compress from the broth of oats to the kidney area. Perfectly widens the ducts and facilitates the release of stones.
  • An infusion of chamomile, sage and centaury well relieves pain. 1 tsp 200 ml. boiling water. Drink 1 tsp for 2-3 months. every 2 hours.
  • A decoction of birch leaves (branches, buds). For 1 liter of water, you will need 8 tbsp. l. plants, cook for about 20 minutes. Take hot for 1-1.5 hours.
  • Herbal infusion: mint, birch, steel root, juniper. For 1 liter of boiling water, you will need 6 tbsp. l. mixture of plants, leave for 30 minutes. Let cool and take warm for an hour.

There are many herbal medicines in the pharmacy that are suitable for home care:

  • Phytolysin. The preparation contains wheatgrass, omentum, birch leaves, fennel, horsetail, parsley.
  • Cyston. The composition includes saxifrage, many-leaved onosma, madder and other plant components. It has an antibacterial and diuretic effect, relieves cramps and dissolves stones.
  • "Cistenal". The preparation contains madder root, olive oil and essential oils. Perfectly relieves tone and normalizes urine movement.

There are many remedies that will help relieve pain attacks. But before looking for an answer to the question of how to alleviate a person's well-being, it is important to understand that PMF for renal colic is a dependent event, and even at home should be monitored by a doctor, especially if the cause of the attack is unknown. In addition, independently making decisions about taking medications, you can skip the development of a serious pathology and provoke complications.


Etiology of renal colic

In order to understand which antispasmodic agents will be most effective for renal colic, it is necessary to understand the nature of the onset of pain during the passage of calculus. So, the pain itself is provoked by a small pebble, which, for one reason or another, began its exit from the renal pelvis bed of the affected organ. Moving along the ureter, the stone with its sharp edges can injure the urinary tract, which causes pain and is quite strong. Pain, in turn, sends receptors to the brain, after which the muscles and smooth muscles of the entire body spasm. As a result, the stone, which already causes inconvenience to its owner, provokes pain even more.

It is worth knowing that renal colic has a distinctive specificity, due to which the discharge of the stone cannot be confused with anything else. So, a person who has developed renal colic may experience severe bouts of pain and at the same time seek the only advantageous position in which the pain syndrome will decrease. However, it is during the passage of the stone that the pain does not decrease until the stone leaves the urinary tract. And no matter how the patient tries to get comfortable, paroxysmal pain will be present constantly. While with simple infectious and inflammatory processes in the kidneys, the pain recedes if the patient takes a horizontal position.

Important: pain in renal colic can be so severe that the patient may experience painful shock. That is why renal colic, when it occurs, requires prompt medical attention. You should call the paramedics as soon as possible. Moreover, patients with discharge of stones are observed in the hospital for at least three days and, if necessary, they are promptly removed.

Pain relief at home

In the meantime, the ambulance will get to the address, you can try to relieve colic yourself. First of all, you should act with heat on the kidneys and urinary system. In this case, two methods are shown:

  • Hot bath. The water temperature must be at least 45 degrees. If possible, the temperature can be slightly increased. The time for taking such a bath is 15-20 minutes.

Important: but it is worth remembering that hot baths are contraindicated for hypertensive patients.

  • Hot water bottle for the lumbar region. The heating pad is placed over a cloth bandage so as not to burn the skin.

Against the background of heat therapy, it is recommended to take an anesthetic for renal colic, the action of which is aimed at relieving smooth muscle spasm. It is worth remembering here that taking analgesics and other painkillers from this group is prohibited, since the pain may recede slightly, but the spasm will not go away. In this case, the stone may even cut through the pinched ureter, leading to peritonitis or sepsis.

Antispasmodics: definition and indications

Antispasmodics is a group of drugs that, thanks to their components, relieve spasm and relieve attacks of spastic pain. It is according to these principles of action that antispasmodics are prescribed for such pathologies and conditions:

  • Soreness with menstruation;
  • Spasm of the digestive tract with various pathologies of the digestive tract;
  • Renal colic;
  • Pain in osteochondrosis, etc.

Classification of drugs of the antispasmodic group

All drugs, the action of which is aimed at relieving spasm, are classified according to the mechanism of action on the human body. There are the following:

  • Myotropic drugs. Directly affect the structure of smooth muscles in the body, changing all the biochemical processes occurring in them. Such antispasmodics are produced on the basis of drotaverine hydrochloride. This group of drugs includes No-shpa, Mebeverin, Drotaverin, Otilonia bromide, Bendazol, Papaverine, Bencyclan, Gimecromon, etc.
  • Neurotropic drugs. Here, the medicine acts on impulses in the nerve endings that stimulate the smooth muscles of the organ depressed by pain. These drugs are based on M-anticholinergics. This group of antispasmodics includes Bukospan, Arpenal, Metocinium, Aprofen, Difatsil, Ganglefen, etc.

In addition, all antispasmodic drugs can be classified according to the type of origin. There are artificial remedies and natural antispasmodics. The latter include belladonna, chamomile, marsh calamus, lily of the valley, tansy, mint, oregano, etc.

In addition, all drugs of antispasmodic action are distinguished by their form. There are such:

  • Tablets and pills;
  • Rectal suppositories;
  • Tinctures;
  • Granules for preparing a suspension or solution;
  • Injection ampoules.

Preparations for relieving spasm in renal colic

With spasms of the urinary system and its individual organs, with kidney pain caused by inflammatory processes, as well as pain in the bladder, you can prescribe and take the following antispasmodic drugs:

  • No-shpa;
  • Drotaverine hydrochloride;
  • Papaverine;
  • Dicycloverine;
  • Hyoscine butyl bromide;
  • Bencyclan;
  • Oxybutynin;
  • Pinaverium bromide.

Important: if the patient knows for sure that he has urolithiasis and at the same time there were factors provoking the movement of the stone (shaking, active sports, sharp physical activity), then 2-3 tablets can be taken at once to relieve the spasm. But you need to be very careful. If the pain is localized on the right side, then it is quite possible that the syndrome is provoked not at all by the discharge of the stone, but by acute appendicitis or other pathologies.

Features of the use of antispasmodics in ICD

If a patient has urolithiasis (Urolithiasis), sooner or later, renal colic will occur. And the general condition of the patient depends on how correct and accurate the actions of the patient and his family will be. In the event of a sharp and acute renal colic, the best effect will be achieved if antispasmodics (including complex ones) are used in combination with drugs that destroy stones and wash them qualitatively.

Complex antispasmodic drugs include the following:

  • Spazmalgon;
  • Baralgin.

These drugs combine pain relieving and spasm-relieving ingredients. Tansy, belladonna, mint, nicotinic acid, sodium bicarbonate, metamizole, etc. are included as anesthetic components in such funds.

Important: but the use of any type of antispasmodic requires consultation with your doctor.

Antispasmodics for acute renal colic in pregnant women

Pregnant women should be especially careful when taking drugs from the antispasmodic group. And although there have been no special studies in this direction, it is still highly discouraged to take such medications on your own. The only exception is the potential benefit to the mother's life against the possible risk to the life of the unborn baby. It is especially not recommended for pregnant women to take such drugs:

  • Bencyclan;
  • Butyl bromide;
  • Hyoscin;
  • Dicycloverine.

Important: during lactation with forced intake of antispasmodics, breastfeeding should be stopped for the period of treatment.

Contraindications to the use of antispasmodics

In addition to pregnancy with antispasmodics, you should be careful and such groups of patients:

  • People with Crohn's disease and microbial intestinal diseases;
  • Patients with tuberculosis;
  • Persons with colitis;
  • Patients with an enlarged small intestine;
  • Patients with individual intolerance to one of the components of the chosen medication.

Drotaverin requires special attention. It should not be taken by patients with atherosclerosis, glaucoma, prostatic hyperplasia, renal or hepatic failure, heart failure and hypotension. Cardiogenic shock and atrioventricular block II-III degree are also a serious contraindication to taking Drotaverin for renal colic and other painful conditions.

Papaverine should be taken with caution in traumatic brain injury, hypothyroidism, renal and hepatic failure, prostatic hypertrophy, taicardia, shock. Also, elderly people and weak people should not experiment with Papaverine.

Important: all injectable antispasmodics are administered exclusively under the supervision of the medical staff and very slowly.


With excessive use of antispasmodics, an overdose may occur. Her symptoms will be as follows:

  • Quincke's edema;
  • Skin rash;
  • Itchy skin
  • Diarrhea, nausea and vomiting;
  • Restless sleep and hallucinations;
  • Excitation of the nervous system;
  • Seizures and tremors;
  • Tachycardia and arrhythmia;
  • Falling blood pressure;
  • Headache;
  • Dry mucous membranes.

At the first sign of an overdose with antispasmodics, you should induce a gag reflex by washing the stomach and call an ambulance.

Important: self-medication is extremely dangerous. Therefore, before taking antispasmodic drugs, be sure to consult with your doctor.


No-shpa for kidney disease

The familiar yellow tablets with a biconvex surface are available in blisters or in a bottle with a dispenser. Also on sale is the drug in 40 mg / 2 ml ampoules for intramuscular and intravenous administration.

The composition is as follows:

  • Drotaverine hydrochloride (active substance)
  • Magnesium stearate, povidone, corn starch (auxiliary components of tablets)

No-shpa is a myotropic antispasmodic that reduces the tone of smooth muscles, thereby relieving pain and spasms in the internal organs. The effectiveness of the drug for kidney disease is very high - painful sensations lose their intensity in just a couple of minutes. No-shpa also helps with pathologies of the genitourinary system - cystitis, urethritis.

Operating principle

No-shpa, or rather its active component, is close in chemical structure to other antispasmodics, but in comparison with many, it exhibits a prolonged and stronger effect. The effect of the drug on the kidneys is due to the fact that drotaverine inhibits a special enzyme - phosphodiesterase 4. A decrease in the activity of this enzyme causes a temporary failure in the entry of calcium into the tissues. As a result, spasm relief, relaxation of smooth muscle fibers is observed. The tablets have no effect on the central and peripheral nervous system, acting at the level of smooth muscles.

Usually the drug is prescribed for acute or moderate pain syndrome in the kidney area as a symptomatic (analgesic) agent, and its effectiveness is manifested in spasms of any origin (muscle, nervous). Nevertheless, there are also therapeutic results for pain in the kidneys from taking No-shpa.

No-shpa does not have a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels, therefore it can be used even in patients with cardiac pathologies (with the exception of severe forms of heart failure). The medicine is prescribed for children from one year old, for adults with various nephrological pathologies, accompanied by spastic conditions.

Application for various diseases

The drug is indicated for diseases of the urinary system, including:

  • Acute renal colic;
  • ICD (nephrolithiasis);
  • Pielitis, nephritis;
  • Tenesmus of the bladder;
  • Pylorospasm, etc.

With renal colic

Renal colic occurs in different cases - both when the stone moves against the background of urolithiasis, and in inflammatory pathologies of the kidneys. It is a sharp pain in the kidney area (one, rarely two), spreading to the lower back, accompanied by increased pressure, nausea, vomiting (not always). No-shpa as a powerful antispasmodic is used when kidneys hurt in renal colic to quickly eliminate spasm and to minimize pain.

Due to the high risk of surgical pathology, it is undesirable to stop such pain without calling a doctor - taking pills is only a temporary measure until the ambulance arrives. It is permissible to take Baralgin or No-shpa. Dosage - 80 mg - 2 tablets (maximum single dose). In a hospital, a patient with renal colic is usually given the drug intravenously in a volume of 40-80 mg.

With stones and sand in the kidneys

The antispasmodic properties of the drug allow it to be used in acute and chronic form of urolithiasis, that is, during acute colic against the background of discharge of sand or stone, as well as with regular aching lower back pain due to nephrolithiasis.

With kidney inflammation

Pyelonephritis can cause acute pain, which can be stopped by taking No-shpa before visiting a doctor. In chronic pyelonephritis, the drug will help eliminate aching symptoms, discomfort in the lumbar region. The dosage is 40 mg per dose for moderate pain, 80 mg for severe pain. It is not recommended to independently (without a doctor's prescription) be treated with antispasmodics for more than 2 days, but the course can be extended by a doctor in conjunction with taking antibacterial drugs. For children, the maximum daily dose is 120 mg (in three divided doses), for adults - 240 mg. It is contraindicated to be treated with No-spa in severe renal failure.

Diclofenac is toxic to the kidneys with prolonged and uncontrolled use. It impairs the flow of blood to them, which causes inflammation, pain, dysfunction, edema, and increased pressure.

With a single administration to relieve an acute attack of pain, such complications do not have time to appear. Therefore, it is prescribed for renal colic for temporary relief of the condition. In this case, the maximum dose should not be more than 150 mg (up to 2 ampoules per day), and the course of injections is limited to 2 days.

To reduce the irritating effect of the drug, you need to drink more pure water, reduce the consumption of salt, spicy foods, and alcohol. You can not take Diclofenac without a doctor's prescription, in a dose of more than 100 mg when taken from 2 weeks. If tablets, suppositories are used for more than a month, then it is imperative to undergo blood and urine tests.

📌 Read in this article

Diclofenac and kidneys: advantages of use and possible consequences

Diclofenac in the required dose (up to 150 mg per day) and application for 1 or 2 days relieves pain in the kidneys associated with renal colic.

How does it affect the organ

Diclofenac is toxic to the kidneys as it adversely affects blood flow to the kidneys. This is due to the fact that its mechanism is associated with the suppression of the formation of prostaglandins. These compounds are involved in the sensation of pain, but also dilate the arteries of the kidneys.

With their lack:

  • cells suffer from nutritional deficiencies;
  • the ability of the glomeruli to filter is reduced;
  • the volume of blood cleared of metabolic products decreases.

When administered in a dose of 75-150 mg to relieve pain, these changes do not have time to appear. Deterioration of kidney function occurs after 3-6 months of taking large dosages, but this period can be shortened with concomitant diseases, in old age.

When not to appoint

Elderly patients have a high risk of kidney damage. The use of the drug is especially dangerous for weakened people or with insufficient body weight, with several concomitant diseases. They are shown the lowest doses and the shortest course under medical supervision.

Is it possible to inject Diclofenac for kidney pain

Diclofenac can be injected for kidney pain to relieve an attack of renal colic. It can be caused by the movement of a stone, blockage of the urinary tract with mucus, pus, kinked ureter, compression by a tumor, impaired blood outflow due to vein thrombosis, abnormalities in the structure of the kidney.

Since all these diseases are very serious, then after the removal of pain, an examination is necessary to identify the cause. Diclofenac is not a treatment for renal pain, but only relieves it for a while.

For inflammatory diseases

In chronic inflammatory kidney diseases, most often there is not acute pain, but dull aching sensations in the lumbar region, a feeling of heaviness, they do not need to be removed with Diclofenac. The use of drugs that reduce urinary tract spasm (antispasmodics) will work better: No-shpa, Platifillin, Spazmalgon, Baralgin.

If severe pain occurs against the background of an acute violation of the outflow of urine (for example, with hydronephrosis, dropsy of the kidney), then a single administration of 75 mg of Diclofenac in combination with antispasmodic drugs is allowed.

With kidney stones: can it be administered, does it help

Diclofenac for kidney stones is prescribed only for an attack of colic, when a quick and strong analgesic effect is needed. It is advisable to inject antispasmodics (No-shpa, Trinalgin) together with the drug (in different syringes), introduce Buscopan candles or with belladonna.

If it is not possible to perform injections, the use of Diclofenac tablets or suppositories is allowed, but the effect of taking them will appear in about an hour, and the injection helps in 8-20 minutes.

How to prick injections, how much

Usually, the patient is advised to inject 1 ampoule per day (3 ml, 75 mg), and in very severe cases, 2 injections can be given with an interval of 4-6 hours and changing the side of administration. It is imperative to inject Diclofenac deep intramuscularly into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock.

For this:

  1. Visually or with a cotton swab moistened with iodine, divide the buttock into 2 equal halves vertically and horizontally.
  2. Draw up the solution into a 5 ml syringe.
  3. Wipe the injection site with alcohol.
  4. With a precise and quick movement, the needle is inserted perpendicular to the skin for 2/3 of the length.
  5. The drug is slowly released into the muscle.
  6. Remove the needle.
  7. Press the injection site with an alcohol swab and massage a little.

In severe cases, against this background, non-infectious inflammation (nephritis), destruction of the glomeruli, damage to the renal tubules, and failure of function (uremia) occur.

Prevention of kidney damage while taking Diclofenac

To minimize the negative effect of the drug, you need:

  • during the treatment period, sharply reduce the use of table salt, spicy dishes;
  • give up alcohol completely;
  • drink a sufficient amount of clean water, strong tea, coffee are not recommended;
  • undergo an examination before starting the application and after a month of treatment, especially in case of kidney problems in the past;
  • do not use ampoules for more than 2 days to relieve pain;
  • if it is necessary to take pills, it is better to choose the extended-release form (), since the active substance slowly enters the bloodstream, which reduces the load on the kidneys;
  • with previous renal diseases and the need for joint treatment, it is recommended to use mainly external forms of the drug;
  • inform the doctor who prescribed Diclofenac about other medications being taken;
  • if edema, increased pressure, lower back pain appear, stop using the drug and immediately seek medical advice.

For the kidneys with prolonged use, the use of large doses, as it impairs the flow of blood to them. If treatment is necessary for more than a month, control of renal functions is needed; with a pronounced decrease in urine filtration, the drug is contraindicated.

Useful video

Watch the video for signs of poor kidney function:

Most ailments take a person by surprise. When faced with one symptom or another, people often act intuitively. Often, thereby complicating the course of the disease. Urolithiasis requires increased attention. Especially during an attack called renal colic. First aid is the only sensible solution. After all, the pain falls on the patient with such force that it is absolutely impossible to withstand it. It is extremely important that there is a caring person next to the patient who knows how to alleviate his suffering, which provoked renal colic, and how to relieve pain. It should also be remembered what actions are inadmissible in this case.

Causes of occurrence

One of the strongest human sensations is renal colic. Emergency help must be called immediately. Sharp, cutting pain occurs in the lumbar region. The main cause of unpleasant symptoms is a violation of the outflow of urine from the kidney. Stones that block the ducts or a tumor that squeezes the above pathways from the outside can provoke problems.

The following ailments can cause an attack of renal colic:

  • urolithiasis disease;
  • kidney tumors;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • kidney tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the retroperitoneal cavity (paranephritis);
  • kidney injury;
  • gynecological diseases (oophoritis, salpingitis, adnexitis).

Symptoms of an attack

The main symptom of renal colic is pain in the lumbar region. It can occur after running, walking, lifting weights, riding a bicycle, motorcycle. Often, an attack manifests itself for no apparent reason. Painful sensations arise quickly and grow rapidly. They spread to the upper abdomen, including the bladder and ureter. In men, they often reach the genitals. Symptoms of renal colic in women are sometimes felt in the perineum, radiating to the thigh.

Each individual case can be characterized by any of the following signs:

  • frequent urge to urinate, ending with cutting pain;
  • the presence of blood clots in the urine;
  • increased pressure (arterial);
  • dizziness, nausea, vomiting;
  • urge to defecate;
  • an increase in temperature, if the attack is provoked by pyelonephritis, up to 39 degrees.

The duration of an attack can vary greatly. In most cases, it lasts 10-12 hours. Sometimes its manifestations drag on for several days, giving the patient short breaks.

Common cause of seizure in women

Not only the above-mentioned sources can lead to unpleasant discomfort. Symptoms of renal colic in women are sometimes provoked by a number of physiological characteristics. The risk group includes girls striving for harmony.

The kidneys are located in the retroperitoneal fat layer that maintains their correct position. If there is little or no fat, then the organ becomes "wandering". In this case, the kidney can sink low enough, while causing the ureter to bend. As a result, kidney pain will manifest itself. Most often, there is a "fall" of the right organ, because the liver exerts pressure on it.

Diseases with similar symptoms

Sometimes the attack can be non-standard. If in doubt about the correct diagnosis, you should consult a specialist. Often, symptoms can characterize other diseases, while manifesting as renal colic. Emergency care correctly diagnoses the disease and will provide the sufferer with the necessary relief much faster.

Be very careful, because the symptoms of the following diseases are often confused with an attack of renal colic:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • salpingo-oophoritis in the acute stage;
  • defeat of the lumbar and sacral roots (radiculitis);
  • hepatic colic (bilious);
  • inflammation of the pancreas in acute form;
  • lumbago lumbago - lumbago;
  • perforated stomach ulcer.

If the diagnosis of symptoms causes difficulty for doctors, the patient will be taken to the urology department. Do not self-diagnose, because human health is at stake.

Features of an attack in children

Renal colic is not limited to adults. Sometimes this phenomenon occurs in children. An attack is accompanied by pain localized in the navel. Vomiting occurs. Babies behave very restlessly, cry constantly. The duration of the attack lasts about 20 minutes. An increase in temperature can be observed, usually in the range of 37.2-37.3 C.

An attack in pregnant women

The main source of the painful condition is chronic pyelonephritis in the acute stage or urolithiasis. Unpleasant sensations are localized, as a rule, in the right side. Often, pain spreads to the genitals and thigh.

Qualified help with renal colic is mandatory. Indeed, it can often cause premature birth. In this case, you should not take independent measures. An urgent need to call an ambulance.

First aid

Only after making sure that the symptoms are caused by urolithiasis, take action. If such manifestations are really renal colic, how to relieve pain? Having called the ambulance team, it is necessary to take appropriate measures to alleviate the patient's condition.

Place the patient in a hot (38-40 degrees) bath. The water must be such that the sufferer can withstand it. Reference literature on urology brings to the notice that 10-20 minutes is quite enough. A hot bath can relieve spasm of the muscles of the ureters. Thus, it facilitates the discharge of the stone.

It should be understood that due to various diseases (cardiovascular, skin), a hot bath may be contraindicated for a patient. What if such a person has renal colic? How to relieve pain in this case? A regular heating pad comes to the rescue. Place it on the damaged kidney area. Thermal treatments are the best way to deal with bouts of urolithiasis. They are also used in a hospital setting.

It is very important to remember that the above procedure is used only for renal colic. If the pain is provoked by acute inflammation of the peritoneal organ, thermal manipulations are strictly prohibited. Any heating will cause rapid progression of the disease.

Pain medications

First aid includes taking medications. Recommended drugs for renal colic:


Antispasmodics for renal colic help relieve spasm by relaxing the smooth muscles of the ureters and bladder. The following drugs are widely used:

  1. No-Shpa. It is produced in the form of tablets and injection solutions based on drotaverine hydrochloride. The drug is considered safe, and therefore it is approved for use by pregnant women and children. Among the main contraindications, there are acute hepatic failure, as well as individual intolerance to the drug. You can stop the attack by taking three to four tablets at a time. If pain relief does not come, it is worth using a stronger medication.
  2. Atropine. It is produced in the form of a solution suitable for internal use, as well as intravenous and intramuscular administration. The dosage is selected depending on the age and state of health of the person. The maximum amount of the agent used is 1 mg twice a day.
  3. Platyphyllin. Complex preparation. Has antispasmodic, analgesic, vasodilating and sedative properties. Stops an attack, eliminates pain. Taking the drug is prohibited for glaucoma, coronary heart disease, hepatic and renal failure. In some cases, after the use of such a drug, side effects appear: convulsions, dizziness, acute psychosis, accommodation paresis.

The use of such drugs for renal colic can alleviate the condition. Cope with severe attacks with their help is rarely possible.

Antiemetic drugs

First aid for renal colic at home includes measures to eliminate vomiting. If this is not done, severe dehydration may occur, which is fraught with the development of complications. It is advisable to use the following drugs:

  1. Metoclopramide. It is a liquid for oral administration. A single dose is 5 to 10 mg. The drug is taken three to four times a day. If the attack is too strong, it is possible to use a medication produced in the form of a solution for intramuscular administration.
  2. Cerucal. It is produced in the form of a solution for injection and tablets. Contraindicated for bleeding in the digestive system, perforation of the stomach, epilepsy.
  3. Perinorm. The drug is applied three times a day, 5-10 mg. The tablet is washed down with plenty of clean water. In case of an overdose, you may experience a feeling of dry mouth, diarrhea, drowsiness, depression.

The patient must warn the attending physician about the use of such medications. Such medicines are dispensed in pharmacies only after presentation of a prescription from a doctor.

Preparations that dissolve calculi

After the patient has been anesthetized, it is necessary to direct all efforts to dissolve the stone that blocked the ureter. Specialized means are used. In modern medicine, the following drugs are popular for renal colic:

  1. Bicarbonate of soda. It is produced in the form of a solution. It is designed to dissolve urates. Take a teaspoon of the product three times a day. For the treatment of urolithiasis, a course of at least two months is required.
  2. Potassium citrate. With its help, it is possible to maintain the natural water-salt balance in the body. The dosage is selected individually, based on what kind of stone is formed in the kidneys. The patient's health is regularly monitored using urine analysis.

The video has been deleted.

With the right therapy and the selection of drugs, it is possible to dissolve small stones at home. In other cases, hardware crushing of calculi will be required.

Diet therapy

As in the treatment of other ailments, with urolithiasis and renal colic, a special diet is required. You will have to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. All foods with excessive salt content are prohibited.
  2. We'll have to give up offal, sausages, smoked meats, chocolate, legumes.
  3. You need to drink as much pure water, unsweetened compotes, broth of spike as possible. Coffee and strong tea should be discarded.
  4. With such a disease, the basis of the diet should be boiled vegetables and steamed meat. Diet soups and cereals are allowed.
  5. If the stones are of phosphate origin, then all dairy products are included in the prohibited list.
  6. For oxalates, avoid spinach, lettuce, and potatoes.

Pain syndrome at home is removed with strawberries, nuts, olive oil, turmeric. Prunes, apples, cabbage, beets help to cope with spasm.


If the stone blocking the ureter is too large, surgery is required. There are several of these treatments. Which one to apply will be decided by the specialist based on the results of the diagnostics performed.

Most often, doctors perform lithotripsy. During the procedure, the stone is crushed using ultrasound. The procedure is carried out remotely or by contact. In the latter case, a thin tube is brought to the location of the stone.

Open surgery with a scalpel is performed only in complicated situations. It is advisable when the accumulation of pus in the renal pelvis. In such a situation, there is a threat of peritonitis, so measures must be taken immediately.


In order not to drink painkillers and not to suffer from painful attacks of renal colic, you must follow a few simple rules of prevention:

  1. Timely identify and treat all diseases of the genitourinary system.
  2. Go in for sports, spend less time in a sitting position, but not overwork.
  3. Protect yourself from hypothermia, always dress for the weather.
  4. Drink at least two liters of water daily.
  5. Take vitamin and mineral complexes as directed by a doctor.
  6. Eat right, give up bad habits.

For citation:Danilov A.B. The place of diclofenac in the treatment of acute pain // BC. 2011. No. 10. P. 646

In order to relieve acute pain after operations and injuries, with algodismenorrhea, adnexitis, proctitis, renal and biliary colic and in other situations, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used. Each of the NSAIDs, along with the properties characteristic of the class as a whole, has individual characteristics. In the treatment of acute pain, the most important are the effectiveness of the drug, pharmacokinetic parameters (speed and duration of action), its safety and cost of treatment. To achieve the best results, it is necessary to make an individual selection of NSAIDs based on the pharmacological "portrait" of the drug. This article gives such a "portrait" for the classic NSAID diclofenac - the features that make it possible to successfully use it in acute pain are considered.

Pharmacodynamic properties
The analgesic effect of diclofenac is primarily due to the suppression of cyclooxygenase (COX), an enzyme that regulates the conversion of arachidonic acid into prostaglandins, which are mediators of inflammation, pain and fever.
Diclofenac inhibits both COX isoenzymes, to a greater extent COX-2 (Fig. 1). Compared with ibuprofen and naproxen, it has less effect on COX-1, and therefore less likely to cause damage to the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). At the same time, inhibition of COX-1 (although less pronounced than in non-selective NSAIDs) may explain the greater efficacy of diclofenac compared to selective COX-2 inhibitors (meloxicam, celecoxib) in a situation where COX-1 is also involved in the pathogenesis of the disease. The effect on COX-2 in diclofenac is less than that of etoricoxib and rofecoxib, which leads to a decrease in the risk of cardiovascular complications. Thus, diclofenac has a balanced effect on COX-1 and COX-2.
Apparently, in addition to the effect on the synthesis of COX, the analgesic effect of diclofenac is due to other mechanisms - the activation of several types of potassium channels, which occurs with the participation of NO and cyclo-GMF at the peripheral level and the effect on opioid receptors by influencing the exchange of tryptophan at the central level.
Pharmacokinetic properties
and dosage forms
Injectable forms of diclofenac are of great interest for the treatment of acute pain. With intramuscular administration, the analgesic effect of diclofenac occurs in 15-30 minutes. For this reason, injectable forms of diclofenac are well suited for the treatment of acute pain. As a rule, 1 injection per day is prescribed, however, in severe cases, 75 mg of diclofencac can be injected twice with an interval of several hours, changing the side of administration. The duration of parenteral administration should not exceed 2 days; if it is necessary to continue treatment, use tablets or rectal suppositories.
In practice, a significant problem that limits the intramuscular use of diclofenac is the pain of the injection itself. In a recent study, a simple way to make intramuscular administration of diclofenac less painful was shown - as it turned out, it was enough to change the needle to a new one just before injection. The pain during the injection, most likely, is largely due to the fact that while the nurse is taking diclofenac from the ampoule, the needle becomes dull and becomes covered with drug particles.
Of the oral forms of diclofenac, capsules with accelerated absorption from the gastrointestinal tract are of interest for the treatment of acute pain. However, along with the rapid onset of the effect, they are distinguished by its short duration. Capsules of double - fast and prolonged - action are devoid of this drawback. These include the generic drug Naklofen® Duo (KRKA). One capsule of Naklofen® Duo contains two types of pellets (Fig. 2):
... . enteric pellets (25 mg of diclofenac);
... ... - modified release pellets (50 mg diclofenac).
The maximum plasma concentration of diclofenac is reached after 30-60 minutes. after taking the Naklofen Duo capsule. The therapeutic concentration is maintained twice as long as when using enteric-coated tablets.
In cases where oral administration of the drug is possible, Naklofen Duo can be a good alternative to parenteral analgesics. If enteral administration of drugs is contraindicated (after surgery on the gastrointestinal tract, with vomiting), rectal administration of diclofenac is possible. The maximum concentration when diclofenac is administered by the rectal route is achieved after 1 hour.
It is important that pharmacokinetic parameters change little in the presence of renal or hepatic insufficiency. In mild renal impairment, the half-life remains unchanged. With a decrease in creatinine clearance less than 10 ml / min. the time of excretion of metabolites increases, however, a significant increase in their level in the blood is not observed. In patients with chronic hepatitis or compensated cirrhosis of the liver, pharmacokinetic parameters do not change. There were no changes in the pharmacokinetics of diclofenac against the background of repeated administration. Thus, diclofenac is characterized by stable pharmacokinetic parameters, which makes the effect of the drug predictable.
The balanced effect of diclofenac on COX-1 and COX-2 leads to a favorable safety profile: a relatively low risk of both ulcerogenic action and cardiovascular events. Pharmaco-kinetic features make it possible to use diclofenac for non-severe renal and hepatic insufficiency. It has been shown that diclofenac does not have side effects atypical for NSAIDs (such as erythema multiforme in piroxicam).
As a consequence, the use of diclofenac is possible in most clinical situations. There are the following contraindications to the use of the drug:
... hypersensitivity to diclofenac;
... complete or incomplete combination of bronchial asthma, recurrent polyposis of the nose and paranasal sinuses and intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid and other NSAIDs (including in history);
... period after coronary artery bypass grafting;
... erosive and ulcerative changes in the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum, active gastrointestinal bleeding;
... inflammatory bowel disease in the acute phase;
... cerebrovascular bleeding or other bleeding and hemostasis disorders;
... severe liver failure or active liver disease;
... severe renal failure (Cl creatinine less than 30 ml / min.), incl. confirmed hyperkalemia, progressive kidney disease;
... decompensated heart failure;
... oppression of bone marrow hematopoiesis;
... III trimester of pregnancy, breastfeeding period.
Pharmacoeconomic aspects
Thanks to its generic availability, diclofenac is an affordable pain management drug. For example, in pharmacies in Moscow, 5 ampoules of Naklofen (75 mg) cost about 50 rubles, 20 capsules of Naklofen® Duo (75 mg) - 130 rubles, Naklofen rectal suppositories (50 mg) - 60 rubles. ... As a result, diclofenac treatment is available to patients regardless of their income.
Research results
Diclofenac use
for postoperative pain
Diclofenac is successfully used for the treatment of postoperative pain in various areas of surgery: after laparoscopic operations, caesarean section, plastic surgery, orthopedic interventions, in maxillofacial surgery and dentistry, in urology. The results of the above studies indicate that diclofenac can reduce the intensity of postoperative pain and reduce the need for narcotic analgesics.
Of particular interest is the use of a combination of the analgesic and pronounced anti-inflammatory effect of diclofenac. Thus, M.C. Buyukkurt compared the effect of a single injection of prednisolone with or without diclofenac on pain, edema, and trismus after removal of third molars. Researchers randomized 45 patients into 3 groups: in the first group, 25 mg of prednisolone was injected intramuscularly immediately after the intervention, in the second - 25 mg of prednisolone and 75 diclofenac, in the third - placebo (0.9% sodium chloride solution). In the prednisolone group and the prednisolone-diclofenac combination, the intensity of pain and edema 6 hours after the intervention decreased compared with placebo. Moreover, in the group in which diclofenac was used, on the 2nd and on the 7th day after the operation, the limitation of the mandible movements was less pronounced than in the placebo group and in the prednisolone group alone.
Diclofenac has been used successfully in the treatment of postoperative pain in children. In a recent meta-analysis, data on the pharmacokinetics of diclofenac in this age group were summarized. The authors recommend using single doses of 0.3 mg / kg for parenteral, 0.5 mg / kg for rectal and 1 mg / kg for oral administration of the drug in children aged 1-12 years. This dosage in terms of the pharmacokinetic profile (area under the curve of drug concentration in the blood) is similar to 50 mg of diclofenac in an adult.
Diclofenac use
with renal and hepatic colic
Diclofenac is the most widely used NSAID for renal colic. This drug has become the standard against which the effectiveness of other drugs is compared. The intramuscular form of the drug is used, a single dose is 50 mg or 75 mg. Experimental data indicate that in renal colic diclofenac not only relieves pain, but also promotes relaxation of the ureters: it has been shown that diclofenac promotes relaxation of the smooth muscles of the ureters. Compared with papaverine, diclofenac was 2 times more effective in terms of muscle relaxation.
With hepatic colic, diclofenac at a dose of 75 mg intramuscularly can reduce the intensity of pain and the risk of developing acute cholecystitis.
The use of diclofenac for acute
gynecological pain
The use of diclofenac for acute pain associated with gynecological reasons is justified in connection with the combined analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of the drug. S.J. Downing et al. showed that diclofenac reduces the sensitivity of fallopian tube cells to the effects of the inflammatory mediator histamine: the severity of the electrophysiological response and the intensity of muscle contraction decrease. It is noteworthy that the other NSAIDs studied in this work (acetylsalicylic acid, ibuprofen, indomethacin, and naproxen) did not have such a significant effect on the reactivity of the fallopian tubes.
Diclofenac is widely used for aldodysmenorrhea. Research results show that this drug can not only reduce the intensity of pain, but also improve exercise tolerance and restore the subjective and objective quality of sleep during the mental period.
Diclofenac is popular in the treatment of acute pain. The positive qualities of the drug include a balanced pharmacodynamic profile, which includes, along with analgesic anti-inflammatory activity, the possibility of achieving optimal pharmacokinetic characteristics due to the presence of various dosage forms, high safety and affordable price. In addition, the great advantage of this drug is the long experience of its use - since 1974, both therapeutic and possible side effects of diclofenac have been studied. Today it is safe to say that, unlike newer drugs, it does not conceal any unpleasant "surprises". For 37 years of clinical practice, diclofenac has been tested by time, and not only has not become obsolete, but also become a classic. This fact is worth a lot.

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Renal colic is a symptom that clearly indicates a disease of the urinary system. Pain appears when the renal pelvis overflows and the pressure in it increases, when an obstacle forms in the path of urine outflow. There are frequent cases of colic due to the migration of calculi along the ureter, its inflection, or the development of inflammatory processes.

Patients need urgent help for renal colic, since the process is often accompanied by such severe pain that a person cannot even move. It is important to take timely measures to eliminate not only the symptom, but also the very cause of the disease.

First aid for mild pain can be provided at home. But having noticed other manifestations of the disease and feeling worse, you need to see a doctor - only specialists will help relieve an attack of colic and carry out therapeutic measures.

Renal colic manifestations

Colic usually comes on suddenly. An attack can begin both with strong physical exertion and at rest. Cutting pains begin in the lumbar region, spreading to the abdomen, thighs and hypochondrium. That is why it is very difficult to determine what exactly is “out of order” without proper diagnostics. Unpleasant sensations can either subside or appear again.

A person who is far from medicine can easily confuse the manifestation of renal colic with other diseases - appendicitis and gastrointestinal disorders. The symptoms are similar. That is why the diagnosis of developing pathology has such an important role.

In addition to pain, renal colic is accompanied by other unpleasant manifestations:

  • increased urination or urinary retention;
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • fever;
  • the presence of blood in the urine;
  • temperature increase.

In case of serious disturbances in the work of the genitourinary system, treatment at home is contraindicated - you can only provide the patient with first aid and wait for the arrival of doctors.

What to do at home?

If colic occurs suddenly in a healthy person, it is better not to take any action before the arrival of the doctors - the pain may be caused not by kidney problems, but by other pathologies. The reception of antispasmodics by the patient will make it difficult for the doctor to make a diagnosis. But for a patient who has such attacks regularly, and a diagnosis has already been made by a specialist, emergency care for renal colic can be provided at home. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Provide the patient with peace. Let him go to bed and try to move less - physical activity is now dangerous.
  2. The use of thermal procedures will have a positive effect on the patient's well-being. You can take a warm bath or place a heating pad on your stomach or lumbar region. But this treatment is not indicated for all patients! For some kidney diseases (for example, acute pyelonephritis), it is strictly prohibited to use the technique. You should also refrain from thermal procedures if there is an increased temperature.
  3. Have the patient drink more. This will help remove toxins from the body.

If bathing and resting have had no effect, give the patient an antispasmodic to relieve the seizure. Medicines relieve pain and relieve the patient's condition before the arrival of doctors. The following pain relievers are used in the treatment:

  • No-shpa;
  • Analgin;
  • Platyphyllin;
  • Papaverine;
  • Atropine;
  • Baralgin;
  • Drotaverin;
  • Tempalgin;
  • Diclofenac sodium.

If the patient has already been diagnosed, then his home medicine cabinet probably has all the necessary medicines to relieve spasms.

The patient can take antispasmodics in tablets - No-shpu, Analgin, Baralgin, Tempalgin. Some drugs mixed with glucose and novocaine are administered through a dropper for a better effect - Baralgin, Platyphyllin, No-shpa. Intramuscular injections relieve spasms well - Platyphyllin, a mixture of Analgin with Pipolfen and Platyphyllin, Atropine. Diclofenac and Papaverine are used for renal colic in the form of suppositories.

Health care

It is not always possible to relieve severe pain at home. Call your doctor sooner if:

  • the process of urination is disrupted;
  • colic covered 2 kidneys at once;
  • severe vomiting began;
  • the temperature has risen;
  • antispasmodics do not help.

In the presence of alarming symptoms, first aid should only be provided by a doctor! Complications associated with renal colic can lead to serious negative consequences.

Medical care for renal colic is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • thermal procedures (if there are no contraindications);
  • the introduction of antispasmodics to relieve pain.

The use of medications helps to cope with renal colic. Intravenous fluids or intramuscular injections of antispasmodics are used - the effect is achieved much faster. They help relieve pain and normalize the state of the mixture of drugs:

  1. No-shpa, Pipolfen.
  2. Platyphyllin, Promedol, Diphenhydramine.
  3. Galidor, Papaverine, Aminazin, Diphenhydramine.
  4. Papaverine, Promedol, Pentamin, Analgin.

For therapeutic and diagnostic purposes, it is advisable to block the round ligament of the uterus in women and the spermatic cord in men with novocaine. If the patient's poor health is due precisely to renal colic, 10-20 minutes after the blockade, his condition improves. With developing pathologies of other organs, the technique is ineffective.

If first aid with thermal procedures and the introduction of antispasmodics did not give positive dynamics, the patient is urgently hospitalized in the urology or surgical department. Here, taking into account the diagnosis, the patient undergoes a complex of therapeutic measures.

What to do with renal colic at home: how to relieve an attack

Renal colic is an acute back pain that occurs when urine flows out of the kidney. This is due to blockage of the ureter with a stone, with inflammation. Painkillers for renal colic relieve spasm, improve the permeability of the ureters. But the main advantage of the drugs is that the person gets rid of unbearable pain, it becomes possible to examine and treat the diseased organ.

How to recognize an attack of renal colic

Distinguishing colic in the kidney from other types of pain is not difficult. It arises unexpectedly, against the background of an absolute absence of complaints. Attacks often start at night. A person wakes up from a piercing pain in the abdomen, which radiates to the lower back, groin area, inner thigh. The duration of the attack is from 3-5 to 20 hours.

Other colic symptoms vary depending on the cause. With urolithiasis, a person often goes to the toilet, but the bladder empties poorly. With a complete blockage of the ureter, the ureter does not collect, so urination does not occur.

Against the background of severe pain, fluctuations in blood pressure occur, chills. A few hours after the onset of the attack, the temperature may rise. Nausea appears, vomiting is possible.

But for the prevention of spasm, herbs will just be very good, as well as for soothing and relaxing muscle muscles. What and how to take for kidney cramps:

  1. In the watermelon season, the pulp of the berry is very good at helping to remove calculi from the body and relieve thirst.
  2. Decoction of dill seeds helps to cope with intestinal destruction (bloating), with renal colic, which will also reduce pain.
  3. A collection of St. John's wort, bean pods, anise seeds, boiled for 5 minutes, collected in a heating pad, can relieve pain much faster than ordinary water - such a lotion is good without liquid: collect grass in a towel, apply to a sore spot.
  4. A decoction of lemon balm, mint will soothe the muscles, which will also reduce the intensity of pain.
  5. Decoctions of chamomile, elderberry, mountain ash, removing signs of toxicity, will be useful as a plentiful drink when calculi come out.

Read also: Nutrition for constipation of the intestines

Corn silk, pumpkin pulp, lingonberry decoctions - these are all diuretics, they are especially good to take for cramps in women, when the main cause of pathology is an infectious disease.

Important! Treatment with folk remedies is not safe. Even the most harmless herbs may not relieve colic pain, but burden it with allergic reactions. Therefore, you need to use the fees only after prior consultation with a doctor, or at least know that herbs are safe for a particular patient.

An attack of kidney spasm usually does not last more than 4-5 hours, but if the calculus is large enough, or if many fragments come out, the pain can be prolonged. But symptoms can even arise from driving on an uneven road, so keep in the first-aid kit such an antispasmodic in reserve so that it relieves or stops severe pain and prevents the development of pain shock, which is a particular danger for the patient.

Home Doctor

Urgent care for renal colic

Renal colic occurs in two-thirds of patients with urolithiasis and may be its first manifestation. Renal colic occurs most often when small movable stones enter the ureter.

It is characterized by the onset of sudden, very intense pain that spreads from the crest to the groin along the ureter. At the peak of the attack, nausea, vomiting, false urge to urinate may occur, weakness, palpitations, dry mouth, thirst, and chills are also noted.

In the urine, leukocytes, erythrocytes, protein are found, sometimes blood is visible to the eye.

In older people, renal colic is much less common due to a decrease in the tone of the urinary tract, therefore, the disease may be asymptomatic. Stones localized in the kidney itself, as a rule, are not particularly disturbing if they are immobile. But if the stone decided to leave its home, problems begin. Renal colic occurs as a result of a violation of the outflow of urine through the ureter from the kidney to the bladder. That is why you should not mindlessly try to cleanse the kidneys on your own using various dubious recipes.

Remember! Stones don't dissolve instantly! They can shrink a little and try to get out without having a chance for it, or split into several sharp fragments, which will also not bring pleasure. And, blockage of the ureter by a large calculus is very dangerous, since without medical care it can lead to kidney death and death.

In case of renal colic, don't expect anything, call an ambulance! Especially if it happened for the first time. You cannot diagnose on your own what exactly is happening, so trust the specialists.

To relieve renal colic, it is recommended to administer the following drugs: Baralgin 5ml IV stream, Atropine 0.1% 1 ml subcutaneously, Platyphyllin 0.2% 1ml subcutaneously, No-shpa 2% 4ml IM or IV stream in saline ... Of course, all this should be done by a specialist and preferably in a hospital. And only a doctor, on the basis of a full examination, can decide the issue of surgery, or crushing stones with ultrasound.

However, if you are an "experienced user" and this does not happen for the first time, or if the ambulance doctor diagnosed exactly renal colic, gave an injection and left, then much depends on your actions.

If you received an injection of an antispasmodic drug, then for a while the outflow of urine will be restored and the stone can go away on its own. However, there are some auxiliary procedures that need to be done.

First, prepare a heating pad, preferably two. Put one heating pad (or bottle of water) on the perineum and clamp it with your feet, the other at the injection site. Never put a heating pad on your stomach! You can put a heating pad on the kidney, but after the outflow of urine is at least partially restored. Otherwise, you will only aggravate the situation. The same goes for taking strong diuretics.

Prepare a thermos of hot tea with lemon and sugar (lemon is required, it has a diuretic effect, and if you have urates, it also alkalizes urine, thereby facilitating their dissolution). Raise the head of the bed so that the kidney area is above the bladder area, place the heating pads in the above places and cover up warmly. You may need to lie down like this for several hours, so make sure you are comfortable. Put everything you need nearby (cell phone, heart drops, etc.) and try not to get up unnecessarily.

You can take a pill at night Asparkama (P anangin), preferably together with vitamin B 6, since magnesium is absorbed better in the presence of this vitamin. Magnesium helps dissolve stones and serves as an antiplatelet agent (prevents the crystallization process). There are drugs on sale Magne-B 6 , Magnelis, Magnesium +, but they are expensive, and you shouldn't abuse them either. Asparkam is cheap and effective, but there is no need to take it constantly, but in a critical situation it can even help. In the morning, if you're lucky, your stone will be found in the urine already in the form of sand.

If the stone does not come out within a day, you must repeat the injection, or take 1-2 tablets orally Spazmalgona (I took, Spazgan , Baralgin , Baralgetas, Revalgin), or Novigan and repeat the procedure of warming up and drinking tea with lemon, or diuretics. If your condition allows, you can take a warm bath with aromatic oils (juniper, cypress) or a decoction of oat straw, but you should not sit in it for more than half an hour and only if you are sure that you can get out of it on your own, or You have an assistant who can help if you need it. In addition to tea, bring ammonia, heart drops and a mobile phone to the bathroom.

The mechanism of action of antispasmodics is based on the fact that they relieve the spasm of the smooth muscles of the ureters, expanding their lumen, which leads to the restoration of urine outflow from the kidney, and makes it possible to move the stone further along the ureter into the bladder. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the ureters, there are three areas of natural narrowing in them, in which the stone most often gets stuck.

If the stones are multiple, but small, the so-called "sand", the process of their release can take a considerable time. In this case, it is necessary to observe the drinking regimen (if there is no edema, at least two liters of clean water per day, in addition to other liquids) and to provide physical activity (daily walks without shopping bags, of course).

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