How to make the easiest telescope. How to independently make a high-quality and powerful telescope from ordinary spectacle lenses with their own hands

Let's try to make a telescope. In order to make a simple, but quite workable telescope, you need Watman, black mascara, stationery glue or hubber and two optical lenses. We present the options for a telescope with an increase in thirty, fifty and a hundred times. They differ only long in the expanded form and lens lenses.

To begin with, it is best to make a telescope with an increase of 50 times.
From the appropriate Watman sheet, turn the pipe with a length of 60 - 65 cm. The diameter should be slightly larger than the lens lens diameter - about 6 cm if you use a standard speaker lens. Expand the sheet and draw the paste of the sheet that will become the inner surface of the telescope.

Otherwise, the rays that fell into the pipe not from the observation object, reappearing repeatedly, will fall into the lens of the eyepiece and the image will be covered.
After the inner surface is burned, you can roll and glue the pipe. Lens lens in +1 diopter (you will find it in the "Optics" store) secure in the end of the pipe as it is shown in the figure - with the help of two cardboard rims with paper cloths.

The second tube with eyepiece 2 lens should with a little effort, but to move freely in the first.
You will most likely find a lens for the eyepiece in the department of photographs or extract binoculars from broken "coming". It is necessary to select the lens: direct the light on it from the remote source, for example, the sun ray, and follow the where they gather in focus. The distance from the lenses to focus is called the focal length of this lens (F). For our purposes, the eyepiece must have F \u003d 3-4 cm. As a rule, such lenses have a small diameter, therefore the fastening of the eyepiece lens is somewhat different from the fastening of the lens.

Turn from cardboard 6 - 7 cm long tube with a diameter so that your linz chosen is tightly into it. If it is equipped with a wide metal rim, it does not fall out of the tube and does not need an additional fastening along the edges.
The tube with lens 2 is strengthened inside a significantly wider tube of a telescope with two cardboard circles with holes in the middle and cloves of less tight paper.

Next, connect two pipes - and the telescope is ready!
The image will look inverted; It does not matter when viewing astronomical objects, but not very convenient when observing objects on the ground. This disadvantage can be eliminated using a second lens with f \u003d 3-4 cm ... Insert it into the eyepiece tube, and the image will fall on your feet.
The telescope with an increase of 25 - 30 is nothing but the length and lenses of +2 diopter, does not differ from 50 times. Its length is no more than 70 cm, but in the folded state and is less - allows you to take a telescope in hiking and store in a backpack. In order for the lenses to be contaminated and not scratched, make a case from the cardboard, from the inside and outside the sticky tape outside the sticky ribbon..
Briefly here, what can be seen in a telescope with one or another aperture.

30 mm. The same, plus satellites of Jupiter Europe, Io, Callisto and Gamornad. With a very successful circumstance - satellite Titan Saturn. Stripes on the disk of Jupiter. Planet Neptune - in the form of a star.

40 mm. Double star Castor - Alpha twins is divided. It is clearly visible to the big nebula of Orion and scattered star clusters in the constellations of Perseus, the erection, large dog and cancer.

60 mm. A fourfold star Epsilon Lyra is divided. The formation of a straight wall in the sea of \u200b\u200bclouds on the moon is visible.

80 mm. Shadows from Jupiter satellites when passing them in front of the planet's disk. In the M57 ring nebula, the dark failure in the center is noticeable. Several companions of Saturn. Cassini gap in Saturn Ring.

100 mm. Satellite of the Rigel - Alpha Orion - and the Polar Star - Alpha Small Males.

120 mm. Saturn Saturn Enseladd. Details on the disk of Mars during confrontation - seas and polar carbon dioxide caps.

150 mm. Duality of Epsilon Volopasa. Division of ball cluster M13 on separate stars.

200 mm. Enca division in the Saturn ring - several concentric rings, separated by intervals. Spirals in the nebula of Andromeda.

250 mm. Pluto. Uranium satellites.
300 or more. Nebula Kirable head. Sirius satellite. Galaxies in detail. Central star in ring nebula M57. Ball star cluster in the galaxy M31.

And so sum up - in order to build a simple refractor telescope, only two collecting lenses are needed - long-phocus (with low optical power) - for lens and short-focus (strong magnifier) \u200b\u200bfor eyepiece.

They should be sought on flea and radio rolls, in glacier optics stores at worst.
The first lens is a telescope lens, if you bring it without all the rest on some remote subject, it will create its inverted image by itself, at a distance of approximately equal to its focal length. This image can be seen on a matte glass or a piece of paper or, without any glass, just standing behind the lens at a distance, more focal, and looking in the direction of the lens.

Please note that in the latter case, the eye will have to accommodate not "at infinity", as when considering the horizon line, and how to consider a certain material object, which is from the eye at the same distance as the plane of the image. You will see an increased inverted image of the remote object, while the increase coefficient will be equal to the focal length of the lens into cm, divided by 25 - the distance of the best of human eye. If the focal length of the lenses is less than 25 cm, the image will be reduced. The simplest telescope, in principle, ready!
Now we will improve it. First, from the optical side. In order to obtain a large increase with a small focal length of the lens, an eyepiece is used, or a magnifying glass. The image obtained by the first lens is considered not the naked eye from the distance of the best, and through the eyepiece with a smaller distance, approximately equal to the focal length of the eyepiece. In this case, the increase in the telescope will be equal to the ratio of focal distances of the lens and eyepiece..
Now from the mechanical side. In order for all this economy to keep in hand, we take two tubes, one of which is moving to another, or make them of paper and pva, black from the inside activated carbon or filling from the battery with PVA (the black matte paint can also fit , and krepim at the end of one tube lens, at the end of another eyepiece. After that, by moving one tube to another, so to see a clear image of remote items. Pipe is ready !!!
Significant moments: lens - glasses, condensed lens or achromatic gluing with a focal length of 40 - 100 cm. The diameter of the inlet of the telescope 20 is 30 mm, if the gluing (lens from a non-optical device), then you can more. If the diameter is greater than the values \u200b\u200bgiven, the image may be unconstant. To limit the diameter, we make a diaphragm - cut the cardboard circle with a diameter equal to the external diameter of the lens, in it in the center, cut the round hole with a diameter of 20 - 30 mm. We put the diaphragm close to the lens before or behind it.
An increase in such a telescope 20 - 50 times.

Lens and eyepiece lenses must be installed in the pipe as much as possible. The lens must be glass. What can be seen: in 28 mm 40 times the city is visible to the stars to the 9th magnitude, the ring of Saturn and the clearance between it and the disk, satellites and two dark stripes on Jupiter (they seem like orange), the Mars phase, when it was 6 seconds with a diameter , Craters on the moon, stains in the sun (only when projected by the eyepiece, do not watch the eye !!!).

The conclusion is such - on the distinguishability of the details is a product, if it is assembled well, there will be 8-fold binoculars.

Just in case we remind you - the Point lens +1 DPTR has a focal period of 1 meter and it is quite sufficient for such a simple telescope. It is not necessary to follow the recommendations and make a lens from the pair of the same lenses +0.5 DPTR (concave to each other). This is a "periscope" scheme, which has some advantages only on the fields at 30-50 degrees, which is not relevant for telescopes with their fields in the half-degree.

You can say with confidence that everyone ever dreamed closer to consider stars. With the help of binoculars or a pylon pipe, you can admire the bright night sky, but you are hardly able to see something in detail in these devices. Here you will need more serious equipment - a telescope. To have at home such a miracle of optical technology, it is necessary to post a large amount that not all lovers of the wonderful pocket. But do not despair. You can make a telescope with your own hands, and for this, no matter how absurdly may not sound, it is not necessary to be a great astronomer and constructor. If only there was a desire and insurmountable traction to the unknown.

Why should you try to make a telescope?

It can be said quite precisely that astronomy - science is very complicated. And demands from a person, she is engaged, a lot of effort. There may be such a situation that you will gain an expensive telescope, and the science of the universe will disappoint you, or you simply realize that this is absolutely not your lesson.

In order to figure out what is enough to make a telescope for an amateur. Watching the sky through such an apparatus will allow you to see more than any binoculars, and you can also figure it out, whether it is interesting to you. If you light up studying the night sky, then you, of course, do not do without a professional apparatus.

What can be seen in the homemade telescope?

Descriptions of how to make a telescope, you can find in many textbooks and books. Such an apparatus will allow you to clearly consider the lunar crater. With it, you can see Jupiter and even see the four main satellites. Familiar from the page tutorials of the rings Saturn can also be seen with the help of a telescope, with their own hands made. In addition, many more celestial bodies can be seen with their own eyes, for example, Venus, a large number of stars, clusters, nebulae.

A little about the telescope device

The main parts of our aggregate is his lens and eyepiece. With the help of the first part, the light is collected, illuminated by celestial bodies. How far that distant bodies can be seen, as well as how to increase the device, depends on the diameter of the lens. The second tandem participant, eyepiece, is intended to increase the resulting picture so that our eyes can admire the beauty of stars.

Now about the two most common types of optical devices - refractors and reflectors. The first type has a lens made from the lenses system, and the second is a mirror lens. The lenses for the telescope, unlike the reflex mirror, can be easily found in specialized stores. The purchase of a mirror for the reflector will no longer, and its independent manufacture will be impossible for many. Therefore, as it has already become clear, we will collect a refractor, and not a mirror telescope. We will finish the theoretical excursion to the concept of increasing the telescope. It is equal to the ratio of focal distances of the lens and eyepiece.

How to make a telescope? We select materials

In order to start assembling the device, it is necessary to stock up the 1-diopter lens or its workpiece. By the way, such a lens will be with a focal length of one meter. The diameter of the blanks will be about seventy millimeters. It should also be noted that the lenses for the telescope are better not to choose spectacles, since they mainly have a concave-convex form and are poorly suitable for the telescope, although if they are at hand, they can also be used. It is recommended to use long-focus lenses of a biconsemage form.

As an eyepiece, you can take a conventional lupid of thirty millionth diameter. If there is an opportunity to get the eyepiece from the microscope, then, undoubtedly, it is worth using this. It is perfect for both a telescope.

What makes the case for our future optical assistant? The two pipes of different diameters from cardboard or tight paper are perfect. One (the one that shorter) will be inserted into the second, with a large diameter and longer. The pipe with a smaller diameter should be made by the length of centimeters twenty - this will eventually be an eyepiece node, and the main one is recommended to make a meter. If you do not have the necessary blanks at hand - it is not trouble, the case can be made from an unnecessary roll of wallpaper. For this, the wallpaper is wound in several layers to create the desired thickness and stiffness and are sampled. How to make the diameter of the inner tube depends on what we use the lens.

Stand for telescope

A very important moment in creating your telescope is to prepare a special stand for him. Without such it will be almost impossible to use them. There is an option to install a telescope on a tripod from a camera, which is equipped with a moving head, as well as fastener, which will allow fixing the various positions of the case.

Assembling telescope

The lens for the lens is fixed in a small pipe with a convexity outward. It is recommended to fix it with the help of a rim, which is rings, in diameter similar to the lens itself. Right behind the lens, further on the pipe, it is necessary to equip a diaphragm in the form of a disc with a thirty millionth hole strictly in the middle. The diaphragm is intended for information on no distortion of the pictures appearing due to the use of a single lens. Also installing it will affect the reduction of light, which receives the lens. The lens of the telescope itself is mounted near the main pipe.

Naturally, in the ocular node can not do without the same eyepiece. First you need to make fastening for it. They are made in the form of a cardboard cylinder and similar to the eyepiece in diameter. The mount is installed inside the pipe with two disks. They are the same diameter as the cylinder, and have holes in the middle.

Setting up the device at home

Focus the image is necessary with the distance from the lens to the eyepiece. For this, the eyepiece node moves in the main pipe. Since the pipes should be well pressed together, the required position will be securely fixed. The configuration process is convenient to produce on large bright bodies, such as the moon, also the neighboring house will fit. When assembling it is very important to ensure that the lens with the eyepiece is located in parallel and their centers were on one straight line.

Another way to make a telescope with your own hands is to change the size of the diaphragm. Variating her diameter, you can achieve an optimal picture. Using the optical lenses of 0.6 diopters, which have a focal length of about two meters, it is possible to increase the aperture and make the approximation on our telescope much more, but it is worth understanding that the body will also increase.

Caution - Sun!

By the standards of the Universe, our sun is not the brightest star. However, for us this is a very important source of life. Naturally, having a telescope at his disposal, many want to consider it closer. But you need to know that it is very dangerous. After all, sunlight, passing through the optical systems constructed by us, can focus to such an extent that it will be able to burn even thick paper. What to say about the delicate retina of our eyes.

Therefore, it is necessary to memorize a very important rule: you can not look at the sun in an approaching device, especially in a home telescope, without special means of protection. Filters and method of projection on the screen are considered to be the means.

What if you collect the telescope with your own hands it did not work, and I really want to look at the stars?

If suddenly for some reason, the build of a self-made telescope is impossible, then you should not despair. You can find a telescope in the store for an acceptable price. Immediately the question arises: "And where are they sold?" Such technique can be found in specialized stores of astroprifers. If there is no such thing in your city - then you should attend the photo store store or find another shop selling telescopes.

If you are lucky - there is a specialized store in your city, and even with professional consultants, then you are exactly there. Before the trip, it is recommended to see the view of the telescopes. First, you will deal with the characteristics of optical devices. Secondly, you will be harder to deceive and snap down the poor-quality goods. Then you definitely do not disappoint in the purchase.

A few words about buying a telescope through a worldwide network. This type of shopping becomes very popular in our time, and it is possible that you will use it. Very convenient: you are looking for the device you need, and then order. However, it can be stumbled upon such a nuisance: after a long choice it may be that the goods are no longer available. A much more unpleasant problem is the delivery of goods. It is no secret that the telescope is a very fragile thing, so only fragments can be understood.

Possible purchase of a telescope with hands. Such an option will allow good to save, but it is necessary to prepare well in order not to buy a broken thing. A good place to find a potential seller - Astronomer Forums.

Price for telescope

Consider some price categories:

About five thousand rubles. Such a device will correspond to the characteristics that the telescope has, with their own hands made at home.

Up to ten thousand rubles. This device will surely be more suitable for quality observation of the night sky. The mechanical part of the case and the equipment will be very scarce, and maybe you will have to spend on some spare parts: eyepieces, filters, etc.

From twenty to one hundred thousand rubles. This category includes professional and semi-professional telescopes. Surely a novice will not be a mirror apparatus with astronomical cost. It is simply as they say, a waste of money.


As a result, we got acquainted with important information on how to make a simple telescope with our own hands, and some nuances of buying a new apparatus for monitoring stars. In addition to the method that we reviewed, there are other, but this is already the topic for a different article. Regardless of whether you collected a telescope at home or acquired a new, astronomy will allow you to plunge into the unknown world and get the impressions that you have never experienced before.

Pipe tube has a centuries-old history. For tens of centuries, this subject allowed to monitor the objects of a large range. How many new geographical discoveries are required to this optical device! In the age of advanced technologies, it did not lose its practical value. The specialized market in abundance offers all sorts of options for modern optical devices. It is not necessary to spend money on them. Below we will tell about how the manufacture of a pylon pipe at home is occurring.

Creative process

Before you start work, you need to purchase components for the future optical device. You will need:

  • pair lenses;
  • dense cardboard;
  • epoxy resin or nitrocellulose-based glue;
  • black matte dye;
  • wood pattern;
  • polyethylene;
  • scotch;
  • scissors;
  • line;
  • brush for applying glue;
  • simple pencil.

Video review Pipe pipe with your own hands

Making a picking pipe at home Requires some preparation, understanding the principles of operation of this optical device. Like the factory, homemade pipe consists of two or more mobile parts governing the distance between the lens, the eyepiece. Adequate work requires mandatory observance of the optical axis. Therefore, the retractable parts must close one to the other.

As lenses, it is quite possible to use glasses for points. Diopters should be diovated. Choose a positive lens with a diameter of 5 cm, the value of 6 diopters. The diameter of the negative lens with a value of 21 diopteria should not exceed 3 cm. You can use a long-phocus lens from the camera that served your age, an old magnifying glass.

A positive lens is used as a peripheral lens, and the negative, referred to as the eyepiece, is closer to the eye. Instead of a negative lens, you can use short-focused positive. But in this case the length of the pipe should be increased, the image will be inverted.

To avoid the risk of fogging the inner cavity, you should pay attention to the tightness of the pipe. It is not recommended to get involved in large zooms. In a homemade optical device, powerful lenses can significantly reduce image quality.

Algorithm of action

Summarize! Pipe tube with your own hands and its manufacture, requires a lot of perfection, and even more accuracy. Showing the efforts, you can create a beautiful and useful optical device that will not only serve good service, but will bring true satisfaction!

If you make a visual pipe yourself, you did not work, we recommend switching to the section and choose a suitable model.

How is the telescope

Many people think that the telescope is just a big magnifying glass that increases everything, but in fact the telescope is arranged as an eyeball. Its primary task is to collect and focus light.

As you know, the light not only falls on objects, but also reflected from them. We are able to see objects, because our eyes capture the light reflected from them. By the way, that is why we are not visible in complete darkness. The lens lens also works, but it is more powerful, and therefore it can collect much more light from remote objects. But the eyepiece is already intended to increase the resulting picture.

Galilean's telescope is not at all difficult - and even easier than it was himself, because physics of the XVII century there was no scotch, PVA adhesive and other benefits of modernity! Let's start with the very troublesome: find lenses.

If you do not know how many diopters in the lens, you can measure them yourself. Support ruler and light source (for example, flashlight or table lamp). Put the line so that the walls touch its edge is - it will serve as the screen. Direct the light right on the lens. See how she refracted the beam? Move the lens parallel to the ruler until the light on the screen can come to the point. The distance from the wall on which the lens will be called focal. The number of diopters is calculated by the following formula:

For example, if 50 cm came between the lens and the screen, that is, 1: 2 m, it means that the optical force is 1: (1: 2) - 2 diopters.

Collect a telescope

1. As a lens, we take a conventional meup in +2 diopter with a diameter of 100 mm - such can be found in the stationery store or even in the drawer of your desk. For eyepiece, it will be necessary to acquire a negative lens in -20 diopter with a diameter of 25-50 mm - for sale in any optics. As an optical tube, this is the basis of our telescope for which lenses are attached - round boxes are suitable from under chips, plastic pipes or simply twisted in the cylinder dense sheets of paper.

We select an increase

Do you have such lenses? Not at all! We picked up parameters that do not require a particularly long optical tube, but give a significant increase. If you want to change it, pick up the lenses by the formula:

Our telescope has the following parameters: F \u003d 0.5 m, F \u003d 0.05 m, therefore, its increase is 0.5 / 0.05 \u003d 10 times.

The diameter of the opening will make a pair of millimeters more than the diameter of the lens lens so that it was more convenient to insert it. The length of the pipe must be equal to the focal length of the lens - secure several cylinders with scotch, if necessary. In our case, it is 50 cm.

2. We turn the paper into the cylinder. With the help of glue, we fix the lens lens at the end of the optical tube with a convex side inside.

Tip:The darker from the inside the optical tube, the higher the contrast of the image. Paint her black paint or use dark paper.

3. Make the holder for a small lens - eyepiece. It can be a plastic lid or a cardboard circle with a hole of the desired size.

4. Stick holder with a lens to another edge of the optical pipe. The telescope is ready! Decorate to your taste.

A bit of history

Johann Lipershe

Did you know that the telescope did not come up with Galilee? He "just" first decided to send him to heaven. In fact, the telescope is an ordinary picking tube, like those used sailors and travelers. His invention is usually attributed to the Dutchman Johann Lipershey, which in 1608 filed a request for the appropriate patent. Galiley collected a copy of this device a year later.

The device of the first telescope was quite simple: two lenses fixed in the hollow tube. The lens is called a large lens directed towards the object you want to consider (because it and the lens). And the lens in which you directly see is called eyepiece.

In the XVII century, the Ball ruled the lenzovy telescopes (they are refractors, as they work at the expense of refraction - refractive), but in the XVIII century, the invention of other great physics came to replace them with a change - Isaac Newton. He replaced the lens lens on a concave mirror to avoid image error. Such telescopes were called reflectors - reflectors.

We offer to make a high-quality and very cheap home-made telescope for novice astronomers. You will need no more than 15 euros to buy lenses, while you will get an excellent, professional image. With this powerful telescope, you can look at the globe, Jupiter and Venus, can consider Saturn rings, hundreds of crater and other objects on the surface of the moon. Studying the sky in clear weather, you can even see the four largest satellites of Jupiter (Moon Galilean).

Step 1: lenses and their parameters

The telescope is a small Kepler refractor. It gives an increase of about 20 times, which is sufficient for the beginning of astronomical observations of heavenly bodies. The image in it will be inverted, so it is not recommended to use it as a pylon pipe to observe earth objects.

You can turn the image from the head to your feet by applying the positive (positive) lenses in the design, but the image quality will always deteriorate when using additional optical elements. For astronomers there is not so significant to the coup of objects, because Always preferable to clear and contrast images, and there is no point in the earth's directions in the cosmic scale.

The most important parts of the telescope are lenses. Perhaps you would like to use simple glass from glasses dusting in old boxes in the attic, but there are two reasons why avoided this. First, you will never recognize the accurate focus and can hardly choose glass with optimal parameters for the construction of a telescope. The second reason is the rigid optics factors: conventional glasses from points or magnifiers cannot transmit an image of an object without distortion.

Such lenses contain two very serious problems: spherical and chromatic aberration (even one of them can completely spoil the image, but these distortions are always present together). Therefore, any attempt to build a telescope with lenses from glasses or ordinary lups, ends with disappointment when the observer tries to see the star or the planet in such a device. The object in such a telescope is visible as a fuzzy rainbow stain, on which it is impossible to see any clear details. Therefore, if you decide to create your own small telescope, do not use simple lenses, and follow this instruction, and you will have an inexpensive, semi-professional tool.

For a good telescope, the optimal choice will be achromat. Achromat consists of two (collective and scattering) lenses. They are made of non-denial over dispersions of light of optical glass varieties, which almost completely neutralizes chromatic aberration. Achromates of the entry level are glued together (known as "glued acromates") and transmit a very clear image when using them in telescopes. You must get such lenses to build a telescope with excellent visibility.

Lenses can be found on sale in online stores. To collect a telescope with your own hands you will need three lenses. Two identical size, and the third is larger. Now consider the Kepler refractor device.

Step 2: Kepler Refractor

The figure shows a scheme of a very old and very simple way to increase remote objects. Parallel rays of light from the object reaches a large lens lens with a large focal length, refracted and converge at the focus point, then they fall into the short-focus eyepiece of a small diameter that increases the image. A large lens is a lens, small - eyepiece. Focusing the lengths of the focal distances of the lens and the eyepiece constitute the length of the telescope, and the lenses ratio is an increase. If you connect two identical achromatic lenses, as shown in the figure, you will get a great eyepiece with a double zoom, called PLOSSL eyepiece. Thus, we use in the project 3:

Lens (5 euros): Focal length 250 mm, diameter 30 mm, art. No: 569.OAL - this is the number for which you can identify lens lens.

Information on this lens you can read on the Astromedia website.

For the project you will need one such lens.

Okular (4.6 euros): Focal length 26.5 mm, diameter 18 mm, art. No: 551.OAL - for this number you can identify the lens of the eyepiece.

With information on the lens can be found here: Astromedia.

You will need two lenses for PLOSSL eyepiece. For a simple eyepiece with increasing 10x, one such lens will be enough.

Step 3: Materials and tools

In addition to lenses, you will additionally need several non-deficiencies.

Materials that you need:

  • Three Achromatic lenses described above.
  • Pipe from vacuum cleaner, plastic or metallic (26-27 cm long).
  • Old thick handle or a small plastic tube (5-6 cm long).
  • Two standard plastic tubes from plastic bottles.
  • Black cardboard sheet (not glossy!)
  • Insulating tape.
  • Several cardboard stripes.


  • Knife or scissors.
  • Sticky tape and some liquid glue.

Step 4: Collect the main pipe

Show more 3 images

The telescope tube can be used from the old vacuum cleaner. Its outer diameter is 30 mm, but on one side of this pipe, there is a thickening, the inner diameter of which is more than 30 mm. It is ideal for installing a lens lens, and a small edge remains in front of the lens - this edge will serve a visor to protect against ambient light.

Smaller tube (as seen in the photo) is an eyepiece pipe. It will slide in the main pipe. Inside the pipes insert pre-cut segments from black cardboard to eliminate unwanted glare inside them.

Cut a large pipe to the desired length (27-28 cm), twist the part from black cardboard into the tube and insert to the main pipe at a distance of 20 cm from the wide end. Then try to insert lens lens - it should be easily logged. Now you have a pipe with a black inner surface.

Take two plugs from plastic bottles and gently cut their edges to get two plastic rings. These rings will keep the lens lens without the use of glue. Cut small areas from rings so that you can bend them when installing.

Insert one such ring to the end into the wide end of the pipe. Make sure the ring is exactly. Now carefully insert a large lens (30 mm) with a convex side to out and stroke it with a second ring. This ring can be fixed with a small amount of glue (the glue should not get to the lens!). A small movement of the lens is allowed between two rings. Be careful: the lens should be facing the convex side to the sky. The assembly of the main pipe is almost completed.

Step 5: Collect the eyepiece pipe

Show more 3 images

The tube of the eyepiece will be slightly different from the main one. Find a plastic tube with an inner diameter of 20 mm and a length of at least 5 cm. Then take two small lenses for the eyepiece, install them by convex parties to each other (see photo). This is a very important part. Having done such a trick, we will get a very effective eyepiece of PLOSSL. The distance between these lenses should be no more than 1-2 mm.

Now it is necessary to wind the lenses set by the tape At the same time, it is impossible to allow lenses to move or lean. It is very important to keep the axial symmetry. Soak the tape so much so that the lenses are tightly entered into the eyepiece tube and install them from the very edge of the tube.

We make a diaphragm. If you want to make a professional eyepiece with a clear image, then in front of its assembly, make 4 ring from cardboard with an outer diameter of a lens diameter, and an inner diameter of 12-14 mm. Install them together with the lenses as follows (from left to right): Ring - lens with a convex side to the right - two rings - lens with a convex side to the left - ring. The last ring may have a smaller inner diameter (approximately 10 mm). Using such a diaphragm, the viewing field will be slightly reduced, but the edges of the image will be sharper.

The sizes of the holes of the rings must be selected experimentally until the final assembly.

The edges of the inner holes of the rings of the diaphragm must be perfectly smooth, otherwise all irregularities will be visible in the image. This problem can be solved if you use a breakdown for the manufacture of rings. Here you have to experiment. Try to choose the metal puck of the appropriate size and use it as a diaphragm. Come up with what else you can use.

We carry out without an eyepiece PLOSSL.

If you want to save money, you can make a simple eyepiece. In this case, you will need to buy only one small lens. In this case, the multiplicity of the increase will decrease by half, about 10x. Even such an increase will be enough to see the crater on the moon (but not on Jupiter or Saturn). If you decide to make such an eyepiece, then the lens must be installed by the convex side to your eye.

Step 6: Final Steps

The telescope is almost ready. It remains to be done only one small detail: set the tube of the eyepiece into the main pipe so that it moves into the tightly inside it. To do this, glue 3 small strips from multilayer cardboard from within the free end of the main pipe. Pre-fold the strips in half in the form of the letter "V". Then carefully insert a small tube into a big one and try to focus the image. If you are all done correctly, you must observe an inverted image of objects in very good quality (if the rings are not installed in the eyepiece, the image will be with blurred edges).

If you can't configure a clear image by moving the eyepiece tube, it is possible that your pipe is or too long, or too short. In this case, consider the distance between the lenses: the focus of the lens (25 cm) is added to the focal length of the eyepiece (1.4 cm). Try a little pulling the lenses of the eyepiece from a small tube (which is why they cannot be glued), or cut off a little from the main pipe from the eyepiece, or use a longer eyepiece tube (more than the recommended 5-6 cm). When using one-axis eyepiece, remember that its focus will be 2.6 cm.

Step 7: Forward, to the Stars!

Our telescope (with the eyepiece PLOSSL) has a serious increase, so you can hardly use it, just keeping in your hands. Install it on a camera tripod so that it is easier to aim, or press the telescope to the wall. Better after all, from a tripod, because Jupiter satellites you will definitely not see the telescope in your hands. Look at the surface of the moon, it is amazing!

Try to build a second telescope using acrylic lenses and pay attention to the difference.

Your telescope is a good tool for monitoring stars. The only difference from professional telescopes is a small diameter of his lens (and, therefore, its weak ability to collect light). If you want to create a really serious thing with a multiplicity of zoom in 60-80x, you need a lens with a diameter of 60-70 mm, and here you can not do with five euros. But with the help of a 70-millimeter telescope, you can observe many celestial bodies that are invisible to the naked eye (star clusters, bright galaxies, Saturn rings, the surface of Jupiter and much more ...).

By the way, the most perfect Galilee telescope was worse than this (a smaller viewing angle, weaker optics). Be proud of your creation!

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