Drops from rhusing Nazivin. Children's Nazivin - a preparation that causes hot spores of pediatricians

Nazivin or Oxymetazoline (such is the name adopted in international practice and the main active substance of the drug), this is a drug-based anti-inflammatory agent - alpha adrenometric (Vasoconstrictor).

It is available in three dosage forms - children's drops for nose, nasal drops for adults and nasal spray

Pharmacological action of Nazivin

Nasivin is a drug for local use that has a vasoconstrictor action. When it is intranasal use, the swelling of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract is reduced, in the event of an injection in conjunctivitis, reduces the edema of the conjunctiva. The effect of the drug lasts 6-8 hours, and the manifestation begins after 15 minutes.

Indications for the application of the Nazivin

Allergic runny nose, infectious inflammatory rhinitis, Eustachitis, sinusitis, hay fever. As well as allergic conjunctivitis, edema of conjunctiva, noncommunicable conjunctivitis (dust, smoke, chlorinated water, wind, sun, etc.)

Contraindications for the use of osjivin

Atrophic rhusing, lactation and pregnancy period, arterial hypertension, acute atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, hypersensitivity, CPN, HSN, closed glaucoma.

Eye drops are contraindicated for children under 6 years old.

Side effects of Nazivin

Burning and dryness in the cavity of the nose, throat and mouth, sneezing, anxiety, increased blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, headache, heartbeat, insomnia, sleep disorder.

With prolonged use, reactive hyperemia of the nose shells and their atrophy, tachofilaxia are possible.

When introduced into a conjunctive bag: Irritation of the surrounding tissues and the conjunctiva itself, paresis accommodation, retraction of the century, mydriasis.

Symptoms of overdose of Nazivin

In case of intricate use, the oppression of the central nervous system, such as an increase in blood pressure.

When used as eye drops: increase pressure (intra-commodity), dryness and irritation of the eyes, mydriasis.

Nazivin treatment is carried out on the basis of symptoms

Dosing and methods of application of the Nazivin

Children 6-12 years old: 1 Bursting, alternately, in each nostril. Under the edema, the conjunctiva is 1-2 drops of 0.025% solution, alternately, in each conjunctive bag. The same with stagnant phenomena in the cold. Apply to 3-4 times a day, but not more than 3-5 days. A specialist consultation is required to continue the course.

Adults and adolescents older than 12: 1-2 drops 0.05% solution in each nostril 2-3 times a day. Or, as an option, 2-3 drops of the solution in each nostril, in the morning and in the evening (every 12 hours).


It is necessary to approach the nose drops with extreme caution, avoiding their eyes.

The drug osivin can influence visual sharpness and reaction rate. Consider it.

The interaction of osimivin with other medicines

Nasivin slows down the absorption of topically escairing, painkillers, increases their duration of action. When co-use with other vasoconductors, the likelihood of side effects increases. In the case of simultaneous purposes with antidepressants and Mao blockers, blood pressure is significantly increased.

Instructions for use:

Nazivin is a synthetic preparation, used locally in LOR-Practice for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases that are accompanied by rhinitis.

pharmachologic effect

The active ingredient drops of osivin produces a vasoconstrictor effect.

The drug reduces the swelling of inflamed mucous membranes of the nose, restores nasal respiration, reduces the number of selections and prevents the development of bacterial complications, including sinusitis, sinusitis and average otitis. When applied in therapeutic doses, the drug does not irritate the mucous membranes and does not have a systematic action.

Nasivin begins to act a few minutes after use, the duration of action is up to 12 hours. Drops are widely used in pediatrics, including newborn children, however, during pregnancy, the nasivin apply only by strict indications.

Form release

Nasivin is released in the form of transparent nasal droplets. 1 ml of drops contains 100 μg (in 5 ml dark bottles with a pipette cover), 250 μg or 500 μg (in dark bottles of 10 ml with a pipette cover) hydrochloride oxymetazoline. Auxiliary substances - Dinatariya Edetat Dihydrate, chloride benzalconium 50% solution, sodium hydrophosphate dihydrate, sodium hydroxide 1M solution, sodium dihydrophosphate dihydrate and water purified.

Also, the nasivin is produced in the form of a spray spray, 1 ml of the spray solution contains 500 μg of hydrochloride oximetazoline, in a 10 ml polyethylene bottle with a sprayer.

Indications for the application of the Nazivin

According to the instructions, the osimi is used for treatment:

  • Sharp respiratory diseases accompanied by rhinitis;
  • Vasomotor rhinitis;
  • Allergic rhinitis.

Also, Rapli Nazivin use:

  • To restore drainage during Euro, the inflammation of the apparent sinuses of the nasal cavity and the otitis average;
  • To eliminate edema before diagnosis in nasal strokes.


Nazivin is contraindicated to apply with:

  • Atrophic ritin;
  • Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • Clotted glaucoma.

Nasivin for babies and children under 6 years is used in a dosage form of a 0.05% solution.

During the lactation period and during pregnancy, the Nazivin apply only on strict indications.

The drug is prescribed with caution at the same time:

  • With Mao inhibitors and other drugs that increase blood pressure;
  • With elevated intraocular pressure;
  • With diabetes and thyrotoxicosis;
  • With severe forms of cardiovascular diseases, including arterial hypertension and angina.

Instructions for the use of osivin

Depending on the age, various drug forms of the drug are used. For all age groups, Nazivin droplets are used 2-3 times a day, the recommended course is 3-5 days.

Nasivin for babies up to a year is used in the form of 0.01% solution:

  • Newborn to the month is administered one drop into each nostril;
  • From month to year - 1-2 drops of Nazivin.

For the accuracy of the dosage of oscillation for babies, the bottle with 0.01% solution has a degree pipette.

Children 1-6 years old are used children's osivinis 0.25% of 1-2 drops.

Also effectively, depending on the age of children's osivin, apply on cotton turtles and help nasal moves.

Adults and children over 6 are prescribed 1-2 drops of 0.05% solution.

When applying for a navision, during pregnancy, it is impossible to maximize the recommended dose.

Side effects

According to the Nazivin instructions, it is usually transferred well. In rare cases, the drug may cause:

  • Chihanye, dryness or feeling of the nasal mucosa;
  • Insomnia, anxiety, fatigue or headache;
  • Nausea.

With long-term use without interruptions, the osimivine droplets according to the instructions can lead to a return edema of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, atrophy or tachyphylaxia.

It should be borne in mind that the simultaneous use of osivinen with other vasoconducting drugs increases the risk of developing side effects.

With overdose of osjivin according to the instructions may cause:

  • Increasing body temperature;
  • Narrowing of pupils;
  • Tachycardia;
  • Collapse;
  • Pulmonary edema;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Cyanosis;
  • Oppression of cardiac activity;
  • Arrhythmia;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Breath disorders.

Also an overdose may cause impaired psyche, bradycardia, stopping respiration, arterial hypotension.

Storage conditions

Rapli Nazivin - a drug of a non-prescription vacation. Shelf life - 3 years.

Name of the drug: Nasivin ®.

International UnPatented Name:


Dosage form:

Drops nasal

1 ml of the drug contains:
Active substance:
Nasivin 0.01% - oxymetazoline hydrochloride 0.1 mg
Nasivin 0.025% - oxymetazoline hydrochloride 0.25 mg
Nasivin 0.05% - oxymetazoline hydrochloride 0.5 mg
Excipients: Benzalconium chloride 50% solution, dinatarium Edetat dihydrate, sodium dihydrophosphate dihydrate, sodium hydrophosphate dihydrate, sodium hydroxide 1 m solution, purified water.

Description: Almost transparent, from colorless to a slightly yellowish solution.

Pharmacotherapeutic Group:

Alpha 2 - adrenomimetic.

ATX code: .

Pharmacological properties

Pharmacodynamics. Nazivin ® (oxymetazoline) has a vasoconstrictor effect. When local applies to the inflamed nasal mucosa reduces its swelling and discharge from the nose. Restores nasal breathing.
Elimination of edema of the mucosa contributes to the restoration of the aeration of the apparent sinus, the cavity of the middle ear, which prevents the development of bacterial complications (sinusitis, sinusitis, middle otitis).
When local intranasal use in therapeutic concentrations does not irritate the mucous membrane, does not cause hyperemia.
With local intranasal use, the drug does not have a systematic action. The drug begins to act quickly (within a few minutes). The duration of the action is osimivin to 12 hours.


  • treatment of acute respiratory diseases accompanied by a runny nose;
  • allergic rhinitis;
  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • to restore drainage when inflammation of the apparent sinuses of the nasal cavity, Evstachitis, otitis average;
  • to eliminate edema before diagnostic manipulation in nasal strokes. Contraindications
    Atrophic rhinitis; Clotted glaucoma; Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
    The recommended concentrations of the drug intended for different age-related categories should be followed (see use methods). Carefully
    In patients taking monoaminoxidase inhibitors and other drugs contributing to an increase in blood pressure in a period of up to 10 days after their use; with elevated intraocular pressure, during pregnancy and lactation, with severe forms of cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, angina); With thyrotoxicosis and diabetes. Pregnancy and lactation
    When used during pregnancy or breastfeeding, it should not exceed the recommended dosage. The drug should be applied only after a thorough assessment of the risk and benefit ratio for the mother and fetus. Method of application and dose
    Nazivin ® 0.01%, 0.025% and 0.05% drops are intended for use in the nose.
    Adults and children over 6 years old: Applying drops of Nazivin ® 0.05% 1 - 2 drops in each nasal stroke 2-3 times a day.
    Children from 1 to 6 years old: Applying drops of Nazivin ® 0.025% 1 - 2 drops in each nasal stroke 2-3 times a day.
    Children under 1: Children under the age of 4 weeks are prescribed 1 drop of Nazivin ® 0.01% in each nasal stroke 2-3 times a day. From the 5th week of life and up to 1 year - 1 - 2 drops in each nasal stroke 2-3 times a day.
    To ensure the accuracy of the dosage vial of the Nazivin ® 0.01% of the drops has a graded pipette with the drops of drops. For example, if 1 drop is assigned, the pipette should be filled with a solution to 1.
    The effectiveness of the following procedure is also proved: depending on the age of 1 - 2 drops, 0.01% of the solution are applied to cotton and wipe the nasal moves. Nazivin ® 0.01%, 0.025% and 0.05% drops should be used 3 - 5 days. Doses above recommended can be used only under the supervision of the doctor. special instructions
    Long use and overdose of the drug should be avoided, especially in children. Interaction with other medicines
    With the simultaneous purpose of the Mao blockers and tricyclic antidepressants, arterial pressure.
    The sharing of other vasoconducting drugs increases the risk of developing side effects. Side effect
    Sometimes: burning or dry shell, sneezing. In rare cases: after the effect of the use of Nazivin ®, a strong sense of "loss" of the nose (reactive hyperemia). Multiple overdose when local nasal use, sometimes leads to such systemic sympathomimetic effects as the increase in pulse (tachycardia) and an increase in blood pressure. In very rare cases, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, headaches and nausea were observed. Long continuous use of vasoconstrictor drugs can lead to tachyphylaxia, atrophy of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and a returned nasal mucosa (drug rhinitis). Overdose
    After a significant overdose or random intake, the following symptoms may appear: the narrowing of pupils, nausea, vomiting, cyanosis, temperature rise, tachycardia, arrhythmia, collapse, heart activities, arterial hypertension, pulmonary edema, respiratory disorders. In addition, mental disorders may appear, as well as the oppression of the functions of the central nervous system, accompanied by drowsiness, decrease in body temperature, bradycardia, arterial hypotension, respiratory stop and the possible development of coma. With overdose associated with the reception of the drug inside, stomach washing, activated carbon is prescribed. Impact on the ability to control vehicles and equipment:
    After a long use or reception of funds from a cold, containing oxymetazoline, in dosages exceeding the recommended, one cannot exclude the overall impact on the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system. In these cases, the ability to control the vehicle or equipment may decline. Release form.
    Nasal drops 0.01%; 0.025% and 0.05%.
    For Nasivina ® 0.01%:5 ml into a dark glass bottle with a pipette cap.
    For Nazivin ® 0.025% and 0.05%:10 ml per dark glass bottle with pipette cap.
    1 bottle with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack. Storage
    Store at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.
    Keep out of the reach of children. Shelf life
    3 years.
    HE apply after the expiration date.

    Conditions of vacation from pharmacies:

    without recipe.


    Firm "Merk KGAA", Germany
    Frankfurter Str., 250, 64293 Darmstadt
    Frankfurter Str., 250,64293 Darmstadt The address of the representative office of Nomed in Russia / CIS:
    119049 Moscow, ul. Shabolovka, d. 10, Cor.2.
  • Vasomotoring drug for local application in LOR Practice

    Active substance

    Release form, composition and packaging

    Spray nasal 0.05% In the form of an almost transparent solution from almost colorless to a weakly yellow color.

    Auxiliary substances: lemon acid monohydrate - 0.6093 mg, sodium citrate dihydrate - 3.823 mg, glycerol (85%) - 24.348 mg, (50% solution) - 0.100 mg, purified water - 978.600 mg.

    10 ml - polyethylene bottles with spray (1) - packs cardboard.

    pharmachologic effect

    Vasoconstrictor drug for local application, alpha 2 -adrenomimetics.

    When local applies to the inflamed mucous membranes of the nose reduces their swelling and the number of secretions. Restores nasal breathing. Eliminating swelling of mucous membranes, the drug contributes to the restoration of the aeration of the apparent sinuses, the cavity of the middle ear and prevents the development of bacterial complications (, sinusitis, medium otitis).

    When local intranasal use in therapeutic concentrations, oxymetazoline does not have a systemic action, does not irritate the mucous membranes and does not cause hyperemia.

    The drug begins to act within a few minutes.

    Duration of action up to 12 hours


    The data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug Nazivin is not provided.


    - treatment of acute respiratory diseases accompanied by rhinitis;

    - allergic rhinitis;

    - Vasomotor rhinitis;

    - restoration of drainage when inflammation of the apparent sinuses of the nasal cavity, Eusthaitis, average;

    - Elimination of edema before diagnostic manipulations in the nasal strokes.


    - atrophic rhinitis;

    - Clothing glaucoma;

    - Children's age up to 6 years (droplets and spray nasal 0.05%)

    - Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

    FROM caution It should be prescribed while using Mao inhibitors and other drugs that contribute to the increase in blood pressure, as well as between up to 10 days after the abolition of these drugs; with elevated intraocular pressure; during pregnancy and during lactation; with severe forms of cardiovascular diseases (, angina); With thyrotoxicosis and diabetes.


    Drops of osivin are designed for instillation in the nose.

    Adults and children over 6 years old Drops should be prescribed 0.05% of 1-2 drops in each Nostril 2-3 times / day.

    Children aged 1 year to 6 years A drops of 0.025% of 1-2 drops in each Nostril 2-3 times / day should be prescribed.

    Children under the age of 1 year Drops are prescribed 0.01%.

    Newborn (children under the age of 4 weeks) are introduced 1 drop in every nostril 2-3 times / day.

    Children aged 1 month to 1 year Assign 1-2 drops into each nostril 2-3 times / day.

    To ensure the accuracy of the dosage vial of drops 0.01% has a graduated pipette with the amounts of drops. If 1 drop is assigned, then the pipette should be filled with a solution to 1.

    The effectiveness also proven: depending on the age of 1-2 drops of 0.01% of the solution are applied to cotton and wipe the nasal moves.

    Nazivin should be applied within 3-5 days. Doses exceeding the recommended, are prescribed at the discretion of the doctor.

    Side effects

    Local reactions: Sometimes - dryness and feeling of burning of the mucous membrane of the nose, Chihannie, in rare cases (after the end of the action of the Nazivin) is a sense of nasal congestion (reactive hyperemia).

    From the CNS: Rarely - anxiety, insomnia, fatigue,.

    From the digestive system: Rarely - nausea.

    From the side of the cardiovascular system: With multiple overdose, arterial hypertension, tachycardia is possible.

    Prolonged continuous use of vasoconstrictor drugs can lead to tachyphylaxia, atrophy and returned enemy of the nasal oral sheath (drug rhinitis).


    Symptoms: With a significant overdose or intake, there may be a narrowing of pupils, nausea, vomiting, cyanosis, body temperature, tachycardia, arrhythmia, collapse, heartfelt depression, arterial hypertension, pulmonary edema, breathing disorders. In addition, impairment of psyche may be observed, as well as the oppression of the function of the CNS, accompanied by drowsiness, decrease in body temperature, bradycardia, arterial hypotension, respiratory stop and the possible development of coma.

    Treatment: Washing the stomach, receiving activated carbon.

    Medicinal interaction

    With the simultaneous use of osivinen with Mao blockers or tricyclic antidepressants, an increase in blood pressure is observed.

    The sharing of other vasoconducting drugs increases the risk of developing side effects.

    special instructions

    Children aged 1 to 6 years old should be prescribed 0.025% of 1-2 drops in each Nostril 2-3 times / day.

    Children under the age of 1 are prescribed drops of 0.01%: newborns (children under 4 weeks) are administered 1 drop into each nostril 2-3 times / day; Children aged from 1 month to 1 year are prescribed 1-2 drops to each nostril 2-3 times / day.

    Long use and overdose of the drug should be avoided.

    Conditions of vacation from pharmacies

    The drug is approved for use as a means of OTC.

    Terms and Storage Terms

    The drug should be stored in an inaccessible place at temperatures not higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life - 3 years.

    Nasivin childrens 0.025% are drops for a nose with a vasoconductive and anti-ethnic effect, used to eliminate various types of rhinitis in children from 1 to 6 years. The active ingredient is oxymethazoline.

    Drops reduce the swelling of inflamed mucous membranes of the nose, restore nasal respiration, reduce the number of secretions and prevent the development of bacterial complications, including sinusitis, sinusitis and average otitis.

    When applied in therapeutic doses, mucous membranes are not irritated and do not have a systemic effect.

    Dosage selection:

    • 0.025% drops are used for kids from 1 to 6 years;
    • Drops of 0.01% are prescribed to children up to 1 year.

    The drug begins to act 7-15 minutes after local application. Duration of action - up to 12 hours.

    Indications for use

    How does Children's Nazivin help? According to the instructions, the drug is prescribed in the following cases:

    • Treatment of acute respiratory diseases accompanied by rhinitis;
    • Allergic rhinitis;
    • Vasomotor rhinitis;
    • Restoration of drainage with inflammation of the apparent sinuses of the nasal cavity, Evstachitis, otitis average;
    • Elimination of edema before diagnostic manipulation in nasal strokes.

    Instructions for the use of osjivin for children, dosage

    Drops of Nazivin children's 0.025% are designed to use in children from 1 to 6 years.

    Also efficiently children's osivinen apply on cotton turtles and clean the nasal moves.

    Course application - up to 5 days.

    Nasivina 0.01%

    Designed to use in children up to 1 year.

    Standard dosages (2-3 times a day):

    • Newborn to the month is administered 1 drop in each nostril;
    • From month to year - 1-2 drops.

    To ensure the accuracy of the dosage vial of drops 0.01% has a graduated pipette with the amounts of drops. If 1 drop is assigned, then the pipette should be filled with a solution to 1.

    It is permissible not to drop the drug, but to apply on the dam and wipe the nasal moves.

    The application course is up to 3-5 days.

    Do not exceed the dosage and frequency of use!

    special instructions

    If you need to continue treatment with зизинира, more than 3-5 days are needed by a consultation with a doctor.

    Long use and overdose of the drug should be avoided, especially in children. Prolonged use can cause drug rhinitis.

    The sharing of other vasoconducting drugs increases the risk of developing side effects.

    Side effects

    The instruction warns about the possibility of developing the following side effects when appointing Nazivin Childhood:

    • Transient dryness and burning of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, dry mouth and throat, chihannie;
    • Increased blood pressure, increased anxiety, nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia, heartbeat, sleep disorders.
    • With prolonged use - tachofilaxia, jet hyperemia of the mucous membrane and atrophy of the nasal cavity mucosa.


    Contraindicated to appoint Nazivin Children in the following cases:

    • Atrophic rhinitis;
    • Clotted glaucoma;
    • Severe diseases of the circulatory system;
    • Feochromocytoma;
    • Metabolic diseases;
    • Prostate hyperplasia;
    • Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.


    • Pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
    • Thyrotoxicosis;
    • Diabetes;
    • Increased blood pressure;
    • Angina.


    Overdose symptoms are tachycardia, increased blood pressure, depression of the central nervous system.

    Symptomatic treatment may require hospitalization.

    Analogues of Nazivin Children, price in pharmacies

    If necessary, replace the nasivin children can be on analogue on therapeutic action - these are drugs:

    1. Noksprey Baby;
    2. Salor Rino;
    3. Nazivin Sensitive;
    4. Noksprey.

    Choosing analogues It is important to understand that the instructions for use of osivin for children, the price and reviews are not applied to the drugs of similar effects. It is important to obtain a doctor's advice and not to produce an independent replacement of the drug.

    Price in the pharmacies of Russia: Nazivin drops for children 1-6 years 0.025% 10ml - from 139 to 167 rubles, the cost of drops of 0.01% 5 ml for children up to 1 year - from 155 to 173 rubles, according to 724 pharmacies.

    Store in an inaccessible place at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C. Shelf life - 3 years.

    Conditions for leave from pharmacies - without a recipe.

    Review of the doctor

    Vasomotoring drops need to be considered as "ambulance" and apply only 3-5 days to get rid of the pronounced nasal congestion. With long use, atrophy of the mucous membrane is possible.

    It should be noted, dropping drops for children, when used in the recommended dosing mode, no significant mucosa damage is not caused, and their therapeutic effects (compared to other vesseloring drops) is achieved at low concentrations of the active ingredient. Therefore, a form in the form of 0.01% solution is safe and effective for treating rhinitis even in newborns and infants.

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