Signs about fallen bread. Folk signs about food and products Is it possible to eat up bread after another person

In Russia, bread has always occupied a special position, was considered the main product in any family, prosperous or with a modest income. It was baked carefully and carefully, so the sign that bread fell on the floor was perceived negatively, not only from a mystical point of view, but also from a rational position - each piece was hard to get.

Famous superstitions about bread

From time immemorial, bread has been the head of everything, it was put in a place of honor on the table on a weekday and on a holiday. It was also often used in the religious ceremonies of various countries, which indicated its sacred origin, the same was true for grain.

The people believed that this product is so nutritious that you can get enough even with one crumb. Hence, any disdainful attitude towards him was regarded as an insult, and grain was a serious disaster, which was interpreted as a punishment for sins.

This gave rise to all sorts of superstitions. Folk signs about bread are classified depending on a number of circumstances:

  • if during a magnificent celebration a piece was on the floor, then important guests will soon arrive, and if this happens during a regular meal, then you should be prepared for a visit that will bring negativity with them;
  • crumbs woke up - financial problems would arise, you would have to spend a lot of money, also such signs indicated a possible crop failure or a lot of money would be spent on treating a loved one whose illness would occur unexpectedly;
  • if a loaf falls to the floor, then a person with bad news will come soon, or another version is expected - the bread will not be born;
  • half a roll falling during a family meal also indicates negative news from an imminent visitor.

Beliefs associated with the wedding loaf

A wedding is an entry into a new life, which should be accompanied by one of which is a wedding loaf. The tradition of meeting the newlyweds with them has developed for a long time, it is popular to this day. Whoever breaks off or bites off a larger piece will be the main one in the family. They always tried to keep the loaf intact as a symbol of the unity of a young family, so the signs about his fall carry a negative characteristic:

  • the loaf fell to the floor or the ground entirely through the fault of the young - the couple will constantly conflict, which will entail a divorce;
  • a spouse who dropped a piece of loaf will be forced to obey his more domineering second half.

Many signs about bread falling on the floor have a negative meaning, but you should not take all of them seriously. Many in life have to struggle to get a piece of bread, so excessive worries about his fall will only aggravate the situation, it is better to just be careful.

The sign that watches are considered a bad gift came to us from China, because it was believed that they were an invitation to a funeral. In Russia, the interpretation has changed a little, but the negative connotation has remained the same - you risk forever quarreling with the one to whom such a gift was presented.

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Folk omens about bread

Bread is not just a food that allows you to maintain a person's strength. This product is the result of hard work, experiences, worries, hopes. A kind of sacred symbol that causes deep respect from hoary antiquity to the present day. Isn't that why proverbs, sayings and signs about bread are so widespread among the people?

Folk signs about sowing and harvesting bread

The problem of the harvest has always worried people - it was a matter of survival. Before sowing or harvesting, they not only checked the weather signs, but also observed the behavior of birds, insects, and domestic animals. They went to arable land after the first songs of the lark, they began to sow oats when jackdaws hatched from eggs in the nests, and barley - when horseflies appeared. Some "special" omens related to the observance of moral standards.

  • In the villages they said: whoever conducts a dishonest trade in bread will knock out the entire future harvest with hail.

Why does bread fall on the floor?

How does a modern person usually act if he accidentally drops bread? Most likely, he simply throws the soiled piece into the trash can. Our ancestors considered such an act a true blasphemy. All "illiquid assets" should have been given to "God's creatures" - feeding the birds with bread crumbs was considered a wise omen. The old people said that the Higher Powers would reward the zealous owner a hundredfold. Unfortunately, this custom turns out to be not the most correct: contrary to all signs, you can’t feed birds with bread - such food is harmful for them.

  • Actually, if the bread fell on the floor- a sign advises to prepare for the arrival of guests who will not please the hosts too much.
  • Throw away dry crusts and leftovers- to poverty, not to eat up bread, leave it until mold appears - to diseases.
  • Signs taught thrift, assuring: the one who loves to eat stale humpbacks will be rich, lucky, will never drown and will not suffer from a flood.

Find bread on the road

  • Finding bread on the road is a sign of many meanings. A good piece of a loaf caught my eye - ahead of a reunion with lost relatives or your “soul mate”.
  • Did you accidentally find dry crusts? Do not expect great prosperity in the future, but you can not be afraid of disaster either - friends will support you in trouble.
  • Did you find a moldy chunk when you were sick? Heal soon and forget about recent problems.

How to cut

Cutting bread correctly is a big science.

  • You can’t do this on weight - money will flow out of your hands.
  • It is forbidden for the participants in the meal to saw off pieces for themselves from one loaf in different

Bread- one of the main products of all peoples of the world. Scientists suggest that bakery products appeared in the diet of mankind more than fifteen thousand years ago. Without a loaf on the table, a modest dinner or a magnificent feast was considered inferior, and the table was called "orphan".

A house where the hostess did not bake bread with her own hands was considered poor and deprived of the attention of the Lord himself. The product is prepared from various types of flour, is recognized as the main one in many religions and is allowed to be consumed even during strict fasts.

The attitude to bread in each culture is regulated by strict rules. For example, in Judaism, it is forbidden to eat bread baked with yeast at a certain period (it is allowed to eat cakes from water and flour), and Muslims believe that cutting a loaf with a knife is unacceptable, since the person who cuts the slices is getting old. For this reason, in many Muslim families it is the men who cut or break the bread.

The main "bread" rules of ancient Russia, which have survived to this day

In Russia, from antiquity, there was a special attitude towards bread. Many proverbs, sayings and beliefs are associated with this product. It is correct to relate to the bread loaf, to consider it sacred from early childhood. It is the rules for handling bread that have survived to this day that answer questions such as “Why you can’t break bread with your hands” or “What does the blessing of a loaf mean?”

Contemporaries identify seven main "corn laws" that have not lost their relevance even during the heyday of technological progress:

  • Blessing. In ancient times, baking bread without prior blessing was considered unthinkable. Before sourdough starter, kneading and baking, the hostess read prayers, asking for blessings from the Lord. The dough before baking and bread before cutting were overshadowed by the sign of the cross.
  • ritual purity. Women were not allowed to bake during pregnancy or with menstrual bleeding.
  • Tablecloth rule. Bread was supposed to be placed on a table covered with a tablecloth. It was believed that a loaf on a bare table was a harbinger of impoverishment and family decline.
  • Laughter forbidden. The product was considered sacred and laughing at it was recognized as sacrilege. To laugh at the table meant to incur severe trials.
  • Don't break, cut! It is believed that breaking bread is breaking one's destiny, disrupting the flow of life. According to various sources, this rule was created to save every crumb, since throwing away even a small crumb of a valuable product is sacrilege, portending the loss of well-being and health of all family members. It was forbidden to drop the crumbs on the floor, give them to the dogs. The table after the meal was carefully cleaned, and the collected leftovers were fed to poultry.
  • Each bitten piece - eat to the end. Bitten half-eaten pieces threatened with the loss of vitality, a prosperous share. If a piece was left by children, it was believed that they were in danger of orphanhood, married women - widowhood. It was forbidden to cut off a new piece from a loaf before the bitten one was eaten.
  • Never throw leftovers in the trash. Throwing away a piece of bread (even if it was moldy and unusable) was considered a mortal sin. Such chunks were fed to the bird.

A valuable product was revered by all classes from itinerant musicians to kings and their courtiers. The unwritten laws were passed down from generation to generation. The population unshakably believed that the prosperity, luck, health and well-being of the whole family depended on how the “bread” rules were followed.

To cut or break bread, to adhere or not to adhere to the ancient rules, everyone must decide for himself. One thing remains unshakable - bread is a sacred, irreplaceable product that requires a respectful and even reverent attitude.

From time immemorial, the attitude to bread in Russia was reverently respectful: “everything is the head”, and bakers were never called “Ivashka”, “Fedka”, but called “Ivan”, “Fedor”.

The secret is simple - grain is the most manageable product, if it is stored for future use, no hunger is terrible. Hence the economical habit of housewives, when baking a loaf, carefully scrape out the remnants of the dough and make pretzels out of them for the kids.

Throwing away crumbs, dry crust was considered the greatest sin. It is not good to throw away the leftover bread.

Bad sign Apply the dough with a knife or fork before planting it in the oven.

You can not count the loaves taken out of the oven, otherwise they will quickly become stale. A loaf "bursting" in the oven - to the guest. Bread baked on Christmas Eve never gets moldy.

Russian peasants determined the harvest by the ear: it blooms from below - to wait for abundance.

Bread crumbles when cutting - to a family quarrel. The emptiness inside the loaf - to the dead.

It is a good sign when a girl finishes the last piece of bread on the table - a happy marriage awaits her.

The bread fell to the floor. Signs.

At all times, bread has always been treated very respectfully, considered it the main food in the house. They said that if there is bread, there is food, and therefore all the signs associated with it are carefully preserved and passed down from generation to generation. Since bread has always been revered, it should be handled with care and respect. There is a number of signs that are associated with the fact that bread is dropped.

A fallen piece of bread during a festive feast - for the imminent arrival of a long-awaited and honored guest, but dropping a piece of bread in a regular, everyday lunch or dinner means that an unpleasant and unnecessary person will arrive.

Dropping bread, including crumbs from it, is a bad omen, as it promises a lack of harvest this year and the onset of famine. Bread falling from the table to the floor indicates that someone is in a hurry to you.

With special trepidation, they treated wedding bread - a loaf. By the way the loaf turned out, they judged how the new family would live. And loaf decorations had special significance, but dropping a bitten off or broken piece means a loss of authority in the family. And if a whole loaf fell on the floor at a wedding, this promised constant quarrels to the spouses and, ultimately, a divorce.

Drop a sandwich butter up - to the guest.

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There are signs about bread among all the peoples of the Earth. After all, it is a product of man for almost 15 thousand years. Bread has long been considered a symbol of prosperity. Our ancestors from childhood were brought up on respect for bread, they considered bread to be sacred and performed various magical rituals with it. Until now, the magic of bread has been preserved. Signs about bread help prevent troubles, preserve the well-being of the family and harmony between loved ones.

  1. Our ancestors bequeathed us to treat bread with great respect. Guests are greeted with bread, the new family is blessed, and the person is escorted on his last journey. Bread should be eaten very carefully, without scattering crumbs and pieces. Disrespectful respect for bread, scattering crumbs or pieces of bread bring crop failure, poverty and hunger.
  2. You need to start cutting a new loaf of bread from a higher edge.
  3. Signs about bread, if you yourself bake bread in your home. Do not sweep the floor or clean while baking bread. Otherwise, prosperity will leave the house. At sunset, the dough for baking bread cannot be made, otherwise there will be no prosperity in the house. It is impossible for women to bake bread on critical days, otherwise the bread will be unsuccessful and will quickly become moldy. Do not let strangers look at the bread dough. Be sure to smell the dough before baking. While the bread is being baked, you can not scream, make a fuss and talk loudly.
  1. So that your family always has prosperity, never start cutting a new loaf of bread after sunset.
  2. Never stick a knife into a loaf of bread after cutting off a piece. A knife stuck in bread will bring hunger to the family.
  3. Never cut bread overhead. Otherwise, you will cut off the energy of money from yourself.
  4. Never cut bread with different knives during the same feast. Violation of this rule will attract scandals to the family.
  5. Never turn a loaf of bread upside down. Turning the bread over can bring misfortune into your life.
  6. Never place the bread that has been started cut up against the wall. Failure to comply with this rule will lead to the fact that people will turn away from you.
  7. Signs about bread during a feast. Try to always eat up the taken piece of bread. You will leave a part of your happiness if you leave even a small piece of half-eaten bread on the table. The one who eats the half-eaten bread you left will take away your happiness.
  8. Do not allow a piece of bread to be chewed behind your back. This "innocent" action can take away your strength and health.
  9. Stale, half-eaten, moldy or unfit for food bread should be fed to the birds. It is impossible to throw bread out of the house, otherwise the family will lose their well-being, health and mutual understanding.
  10. Signs about bread for those who love crusts or stale bread. Humpbacks and crusts of bread like to eat happy and lucky people. Those who eat stale or moldy bread will never sink in water.
  11. If during a meal, without finishing one piece of bread, you accidentally take another, then at this moment some person close to you is in need and is hungry.
  12. It is impossible to pass a loaf of bread over the threshold, otherwise poverty and misfortune will enter the house.
  13. After sunset, bread is not given from home on credit.
  14. Be sure to give bread to the one who asks and needs it, even if it was the last piece for you . By doing this, you will attract wealth and abundance.
  15. Bread is a remedy:

- Bread chewed with salt is applied to abscesses as compresses.

- Compresses from rye dough relieve aches in the joints and bones.

- To stop bleeding, drink a glass of water in which two tablespoons of rye flour are previously mixed. This is a proven old method.

  1. Simple divination on bread. To find out what awaits you during the year, you need to bake bread on February 10, the birthday of the Brownie.

- It will be a good sign if the bread turns out to be lush, tasty and beautifully shaped. This suggests that there will be harmony, health, mutual support and prosperity in the family.

- If the bread is lush and tasty, but with a non-uniform surface, consisting of tubercles and depressions, then mutual understanding will be lost in the family. There will also be many problems with the well-being of the family, from complete abundance to poverty.

- Cracked bread warns of upcoming troubles. Divorces and splits in the family, loss of relatives and friends are possible.

- If the bread is cracked, but a small bun is baked from one of its parts, there will be a replenishment in the family.

- Dried bread predicts illness and financial loss.

This bread cannot be eaten, it must be presented to the Brownie. In addition, in order for the Brownie to save your family from troubles and losses, pour milk for him and give him something sweet.

These are not all signs about bread. Treat bread as a sacred thing, because it was given to us by the Gods.

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