Planting tulips in autumn. Secrets of the autumn planting of tulip bulbs

Thanks to the correct autumn planting of tulips, their flowering comes much earlier and lasts much longer.

If you choose the right time and place for planting tulips, you can grow a beautiful and long-flowering plant that will become a real decoration of the spring garden.

Advantages and disadvantages of autumn and spring planting tulips

Spring. The pluses include the fact that spring planting makes it possible to arrange a flower bed at the same time as planting other ornamental plants. The bulbs will certainly not die from frost, and there is no need to store them in the winter.

The disadvantages include the fact that bulbs planted in spring are often infected with various diseases, so they must be processed before planting and saved from extreme temperatures by hardening. It is also a disadvantage that spring plants bloom much later than autumn ones, and their flowering period is shorter.

Autumn. Bulbs planted in autumn gain more strength and nutrients during the winter. Their flowering begins in mid-spring and lasts quite a long time. Thanks to the autumn planting, the bulbs are naturally selected and hardened right in the soil. In autumn, there is more planting material, so there is plenty to choose from!

The disadvantages include the fact that during the autumn planting it is necessary to strictly observe the depth and time of planting the bulbs, as they may not take root and get stronger before the arrival of frost. Preparing cucumber bulbs from it will damage various rodents and harmful insects waiting out the winter in the soil.

There is no exact time for autumn planting. It all depends on the climate and the region in which tulips are grown. The planting season usually runs from September to October. But you need to remember that the bulbs take root only after a month and a half, so they need to be planted almost two months before the onset of frost.

But it is also not necessary to do this too early, since the bulbs can grow, and this will lead to the fact that the young shoots will freeze, the bulbs will weaken or even die from winter frosts.

Storing bulbs before planting

At first, the temperature for storing bulbs should be at least twenty-three but not more than twenty-five degrees. In the last month of summer, this temperature should be lowered to twenty. Two weeks before planting in the soil, the bulbs should be stored at a fifteen degree temperature.

In order to avoid the development of various fungal and bacterial diseases, the humidity in the room should be moderate. Good ventilation is also important. If you do not create comfortable conditions for storage, then the bulbs will be weak or even die without waiting for planting.

Processing bulbs before planting

It is necessary to carry out pre-planting processing. Since thanks to it, the bulbs take root better and become more resistant to various diseases. Immediately before planting the bulb, you need to clean the hard husk under which various diseases can be located, carefully examine them for damage and signs of disease.

Then decompose in size and treat with disinfectants and agents to stimulate root growth. For example, "Fitosporin", "Vitaros", "Maxim", "Epin".


It is possible to introduce beliefs into the soil before planting tulips, but not all. Tulips are badly affected by fresh manure, its introduction can lead to root rot. Fertilizer with green manure is excellent, this method perfectly increases the level of soil fertility and improves its structure.

Decontaminated compost also has a good effect on the growth of tulips. If the soil is too acidic, then you still need to deoxidize with lime. To plant tulips, you need soil with neutral acidity!

Landing in open ground

Treated bulbs need to be planted in the soil prepared in advance. To do this, you need to make grooves with a depth of at least ten centimeters and thoroughly spill them with water. Then pour a small layer of sand on the bottom and place the bulbs on it.

After a little sprinkle with wood ash and bury well in the soil. The distance between the bulbs should be at least fifteen to twenty centimeters.

Tulips are actively used in landscape design, the abundance of their shapes and colors allows you to create original and beautiful flower beds. These flowers can be found not only in city parks, but also in the front gardens of private houses.

There is a misconception that this culture needs almost no care and can grow and develop with little or no human intervention. However, this is not the case, flowers must be properly cared for, and feeding tulips plays a huge role in this process.

Tulips, like many other garden flowers, need to be fed.

This is due to the fact that plants have a short growing season, which is more than intense, and during this time the culture uses a huge amount of nutrients, thereby impoverishing the soil. Therefore, it is necessary to apply fertilizers, but it is important to know which microelements these flowers most need.

What trace elements do tulips need for normal growth and development

Like any plant, tulips need a complex of microelements for active growth and development. A lack or excess of any substance can lead to the fact that the condition of the bulbs, stems and buds will deteriorate dramatically.

So, culture needs such natural components:

Important! Tulips do not tolerate chlorine well, for this reason, all fertilizers that contain this substance should be discarded. In addition, do not put manure under the root of the flowers, as this can cause the bulbs to rot.

Rules and sequence of feeding tulips

The first top dressing with fertilizer is carried out immediately after the snow melts.

Tulips need top dressing 3 times a year. This is due to the fact that at each stage of its development, the culture must receive the microelements necessary during this particular period. These plants absorb fertilizers most actively during budding, but they need to be fed throughout the season.

The first top dressing occurs in early spring, after the snow melts.

During this period, you can make the following fertilizers:

  1. 20 g of ammonium nitrate per 1 sq.m of soil.
  2. A glass of ash dissolved in 10 liters of water per 1 square meter of soil.
  3. A mixture of 200 g of wood ash and 70-100 g of superphosphate per 1 sq.m of land.

Important! These compounds should be used no earlier than 20-28 days before planting tulips. If the culture was placed in the ground in the fall, with the onset of spring only top dressing is introduced.

The next stage of top dressing is fertilization during distillation. If there was little snow in winter and the ground remained dry, before laying dressings, you will first need to water the seedlings, and then loosen the soil, and only then get down to business.

You can feed tulips during this period with the following compositions:

  1. Dissolve 30 g of nitrogen, potash and phosphorus fertilizer in 10 liters of water.
  2. Add 1 cup wood ash to a bucket of water. The norm in this case is 200 g of solution per bush.

Some flower growers fertilize tulips in the spring with urea, having prepared the composition at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the substance per 10 liters of water. The indicated amount of top dressing is applied per 1 sq.m of soil.

The third top dressing falls on the stage of budding. At this time, the need of plants for nitrogen is significantly reduced, they need phosphorus and potassium.

At the budding stage, a top dressing is prepared for tulips, which includes ammonium nitrate and other components.

In these cases, the following compositions can be used:

  1. A mixture of 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 10 g of superphosphate and the same amount of urea per 1 sq.m of soil.
  2. 10 mg of boric acid dissolved in 100 ml of water.
  3. 300 mg of zinc sulfate added to 1 liter of water.

Fertilizers with boric acid and zinc can be used not only to apply under the root, but also to spray the leaves with them. In this case, you will need to dissolve a similar amount of the substance in a bucket of water. In addition, at the stage of bud formation, wood ash can also be used to feed tulips.

Attention! If you are feeding with different substances, you should not do it at the same time. The break between the introduction of solutions under the root or spraying should be at least 5 days.

Tulips will need the next top dressing during flowering. During this period, nitrogen is contraindicated for them, since it will weaken the resistance of the culture to diseases. A mixture prepared at the rate of 15 g of potassium nitrate and 30 g of superphosphate per 1 sq.m of soil should be applied under the root.

During the flowering period, tulips are fed with a mixture of potassium nitrate and superphosphate.

If possible, top dressing can be carried out after flowering, after 10-12 days. In this case, only potassium compounds should be used, since at this stage the bulb is actively formed.

In other words, each application of fertilizers should stimulate certain processes. Knowing these nuances, it will not be difficult to choose the right composition.

How can you feed tulips: a few words about complex fertilizers

Nowadays, it is not difficult to purchase ready-made fertilizer intended for tulips and other bulbous crops in a specialized store. Many flower growers prefer the composition of Kemira Universal-2, which helps to improve budding, and also affects the color saturation of leaves and flowers.

In addition, you can use dry complex fertilizers, which should be scattered on moist soil at the rate of 30 g per 1 sq. m of soil. This should be done at the beginning of spring, and when the third leaf appears on the bush, feeding can be repeated, only the dose will need to be reduced. In this case, 20 g of dry fertilizer is used for a similar area of ​​soil.

When buds appear, and the plant practically does not need nitrogen compounds, it is permissible to use complex fertilizers in which nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are present in a ratio of 1:2:2.

For feeding tulips, you can use complex fertilizers.

In order to save plants for many years, it is important not only to apply fertilizers correctly, but also to follow other rules for planting and caring for this crop.

Experienced growers advise:

  1. Choosing the right place for planting a flower bed. The site should be well lit and sheltered from the wind, as drafts are detrimental to tulips.
  2. Observe the temperature and time regime during landing. It is important to remember that the soil should not be too warm, the optimal value ranges from +6 to +10 degrees.
  3. manganese solution before planting in the soil. This will help destroy microbes and prevent plant diseases.
  4. In time to carry out top dressing of flowers, and combine this with abundant watering.
  5. Apply fertilizer only under the root (if the instructions for use of a particular substance do not provide for its use for spraying), and carefully ensure that the liquid does not get on the buds.
  6. Feed in the morning or evening so that the bright sun does not burn the leaves and buds of plants.
  7. Water plants regularly.
  8. Be sure to remove faded buds.
  9. after extraction from the soil.

We offer you to watch a video that will help you understand how to properly feed tulips.

By following these rules, you can grow a beautiful flower bed with luxurious tulips without much difficulty.

When to plant tulips? Is autumn planting important for tulips, or maybe it can be done in spring? How to plant tulips correctly? How deep should the bulbs be planted? The answers to these questions will determine how our flower garden will look in the spring. Tulips are bulbous plants. It is best to plant them in the fall. Why is it better to plant tulips in autumn? The answer is simple: because the bulbs overwinter in their natural natural conditions, which in the spring will provide optimal germination and beautiful flowering.

When to plant tulips in autumn, in what month? In the Kuban, the best time is mid-October-first days of November, and for central Russia - a month earlier. In fact, we plant tulips before winter. Before the onset of cold weather, they should take root, but not grow.

How to plant tulips outdoors in autumn

They are among the first to bloom when other flowers have not yet risen or even planted. They look very beautiful blooming when planted in heaps, groups. The larger the group, the better impression it makes. How to arrange them will tell you the taste, as well as the place allocated for landing.

Soil preparation

I will not reveal any secret to you if I say that before planting tulips, you need to prepare the soil. It is best to do this two weeks before planting. What kind of soil do these flowers like? Loose, fertile. The place where they will grow must be sunny.

If the soil is dry, then first it must be well moistened, and only then only dig.

If you have dense soil on the site, then add sand to the hole or trench before planting - flowers love loose soil. I also add wood ash - this is both a good fertilizer, as well as additional protection against various diseases. Tulips are more suitable for alkaline soil, and ash just deoxidizes the earth well.

Regardless of how you arrange the bulbs - in rows or heaps, I advise you to sprinkle them with a small amount of humus or compost, and then cover them with earth on top.

And do not forget, they need the sun, and the breeze, so as not to disturb. If the site is at least partially closed from the sun, then the stems will stretch, thin, twist, and the bulbs will not be able to accumulate an adequate supply of food for themselves.

The site should be flat, with good subsoil. The roots of tulips go to a depth of a little more than half a meter, so if you have groundwater close to you, then the bulbs will get wet and die. In this case, you will have to plant tulips on a hill.

Processing bulbs before planting

When we dug tulips after flowering in summer, we dried them well and sorted them. Large bulbs separately - we will plant them in the most prominent place - they will bloom, delight us. Small or medium-sized ones will not bloom in spring, therefore, as experts advise, it is better to plant them in an inconspicuous but sunny place.

This is how I roughly sort the bulbs, after drying into three parts - large, medium, small.

From medium bulbs, next summer we will get large ones with a planted flower arrow. And from small - we get medium. That is, for small children, it may take at least two seasons until they bloom.

I plant tulips not in rows, but in round clearings. I think they look more natural this way.

Unfortunately, tulips are prone to fungal diseases. Therefore, before planting them, the bulbs should be kept for at least half an hour in a solution of some fungicide, for example, Maxim, Fitosporin or a weak solution of manganese.

Planting tulips in autumn in the ground or baskets for bulbs

A convenient device for planting - plastic baskets with a slatted bottom. They are convenient in that they help form flower arrangements in a flower bed, facilitate the process of digging out bulbs after flowering is over. Usually you can buy special baskets 6-7 cm high. The average height of a large bulb is 4-5 cm. This means that the hole should have a depth of 12-15 cm.

For several years now I have been using special plastic baskets for bulbs for planting in the fall. But I always have a lot of tulips, so plus I use plastic boxes for vegetables for baskets, but not high, but with the lowest sides.

The time to dig tulips out of the ground in summer is much less with this method of planting. There are practically no unearthed or accidentally left. Even damaged by a shovel or pitchfork does not happen, since I actually dig out a box or basket, and only then shake out the contents on the ground.

I really like this way of planting tulips. Even if I sometimes do not have time to dig the bulbs in time in the summer, I leave them not dug out for another year, I am sure that they will not deepen, they will not go anywhere.

If you plant bulbs without baskets, then there is a good helper - a cone with a measuring scale, the purpose of which is to dig holes of a given depth.

Well, if you don't have baskets or a cone, it doesn't matter. You can do without them. In the area where I planned to plant them, I dig round or rectangular holes.

How deep to plant tulips

When planting tulips, you need to know the basic rule. Planting depth should be equal to the height of the bulb multiplied by three.

This depth guarantees good flowering, the appearance of a large bulb, strong, not very small children. A shallower planting will give you a small flower and, accordingly, not a large bulb.

Distance between tulip bulbs when planting

According to agrotechnical rules, there should be a distance of 10-15 cm between the bulbs. But purely aesthetically, blooming tulips look more beautiful, located close to each other, like a living bouquet. If you dig bulbs every year, and experts advise you to do just that, then do not be afraid to plant them with a distance of 5-6 cm from each other.

How to water tulips

Now a little about watering. Should I water newly planted bulbs? It all depends on soil moisture. If the soil is moist, then watering is optional. But in the case of landing in dry ground, it is necessary to shed a hole or groove well.

Tulips should be watered regularly, plentifully during the period of active growth, during budding, flowering, especially in dry years. Moisture should penetrate to the depth of the roots (0.5 m), and not just wet the ground. After flowering, watering stops.

Is it possible to plant tulip bulbs in spring

You already know that autumn is considered the best time to plant bulbs. But what if for some reason we did not have time to do this? Store the bulbs until spring in the refrigerator in the vegetable compartment.

It happened to me once ... True, a friend shook her head and said that her bulbs had rotted in the refrigerator (she kept them in a plastic bag). I, given her bad experience, folded the bulbs in a bag of thick paper. I looked there from time to time. But there were no rotten bulbs. There were a few soft pieces, I threw them away. Maybe they would have rotted later, I don't know. Didn't wait. Landed at the end of February. I did not notice any special problems with flowering, with the timing of flowering. They bloomed at the same time as the neighbors.

So in February-March, the planted bulbs also take root well. Checked. When I name the dates for planting tulips - February-March, I mean, of course, the Kuban. To the north during these months, the soil is usually still covered with snow and planting is out of the question.

Flower growers from any region should be aware that the daytime air temperature when planting tulips in spring should reach + 8-10 ° C.

Fertilizing tulips during planting, during the growing season, after flowering

Ordinary tulips are practically not whimsical. It is enough to add ash, humus or compost to the hole when planting.

But for varietal tulips, a more thorough inspection is needed. They need to be fed with mineral fertilizers 2-3 times per season.

The first top dressing can be carried out even in the snow - scatter dry fertilizer - about 2 tablespoons per 1 sq. m.

The second top dressing - after emergence of shoots. The complete mineral fertilizer Kemira Universal is best suited. Prepare the solution according to the instructions, water the tulip seedlings at the rate of 2-3 buckets of solution per 1 sq. m.

The third time I advise you to feed after flowering, but no later than 2 weeks later. Dissolve 1 matchbox of any phosphorus-potassium fertilizer in a bucket of water, such as potassium monophosphate. Pour the tulips that have lost color with the solution.

How to grow large tulip bulbs

When we sorted the bulbs, we knew that only large ones would bloom next year. The size of the flower depends on the size of the bulbs, however, varietal characteristics still play a role here.

I will share one secret on how to get large bulbs and, as a result, large flowers. Sometimes this is important when you are going to propagate some wonderful variety, or you are selling bulbs. Professionals use a term such as decapitation - the removal of flower heads. I also advise you to use this technique.

How to properly decapitate? Let the flower bloom, admire its beauty. Make sure that the varietal characteristics are present, there is no stem curvature, that is, the flower is healthy. 3-4 days after the opening of the bud, remove the flower. At the same time, the mass of the bulb by the time of digging will increase by 30-40%.

Tulips are good for everyone: the colors cheer up after the boring winter monotony, and inspire hope for the imminent summer, and even a subtle smell does not irritate. The only pity is that, like all spring flowers, tulips fade too quickly. Although in order to prolong the flowering period of tulips, you just need to properly care for, especially since caring for tulips is not difficult, but they require constant attention to themselves - from the moment the sprouts appear to the very withering.

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Tulip care - soil treatment

After planting tulip bulbs in the ground, care must be taken to ensure that they are not bothered by weeds. It is better to remove pirate plants manually, without using a chopper, so as not to accidentally damage tulip bulbs.

The soil needs to be loosened regularly: loosening the earth is an additional way to drain the soil and allows the soil to be more deeply saturated with moisture. Pay special attention to the aisles. Use a special hand baking powder.

Since tulips are herbaceous plants, their stems often cannot support the weight of the flowers and droop, bending down to the ground. For better stability, you can spud each bush higher - form an earthen mound at the base of the stem, which will help the flower maintain balance. Hilling also prevents the bulbs from being washed out of the ground during heavy spring rains with thunderstorms.

Watering tulips

Tulips are very moisture-loving flowers, but moderation is needed in everything, so it is important to prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil, as this leads to rotting of the bulbs and death of flowers.

It is necessary to water tulips without waiting for the soil to dry out. Water should be used settled, warm. When watering tulips, do it in such a way that drops do not fall on either the leaves or the flowers, otherwise spots may appear on the petals, and the buds that get water may fade without opening.

No need to pour water directly under the tulip bush: dig grooves between the rows and fill them with more water. After the water has been absorbed, backfill the grooves so that moisture does not evaporate from the soil surface.

Tulip fertilizer

When to fertilize tulips

Fertilizer for tulips is recommended to be applied to the ground when tulips are planted. But autumn rains sometimes wash out useful substances from the soil and nothing gets to the flowers. In such cases, top dressing can also be done in the spring during irrigation, dissolving fertilizers in water.

How to fertilize tulips

What fertilizer to use for feeding tulips? It is best to apply complex mineral fertilizers, which contain potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus in already verified proportions. And experienced flower growers recommend the following proportions: nitrogen (1 part), phosphorus (2 parts), potassium (2.5 parts).

Organic fertilizers also have a good effect on the growth of tulips, but they must be of guaranteed quality. It is better to purchase fertilizers not from private farms, but from agricultural firms, where organic matter is disinfected from pathogens and bacteria. Otherwise, it is untreated or low-quality organic fertilizers that can cause disease of the bulbs and the flowers themselves. It will be especially insulting if varietal flowers die.

If tulips do not have enough nitrogenous compounds, they do not hold a vertical position well, their leaves become small and become reddish when they wither. Such tulips do not stand in a bouquet for a long time. To avoid these troubles, feed the tulips with diluted ammonium nitrate.

When tulips lack phosphorus and potassium, buds and flowers suffer. They become smaller and show signs of deformation. The lack of phosphorus and potassium is also manifested in the fact that the edges of the leaves acquire a blue-green tint. In this case, you need to make superphosphate and potassium nitrate.

Tulips feel most comfortable in humus-rich soil with a neutral reaction to the environment. If your soil differs from the given one, then it must be brought to the requirements. This is done with the help of frequent watering and top dressing of the soil, if tulips grow in dry sandy lands.

If your soil is heavy clay, then you will have to work harder. To do this, you will need coarse river sand, organic fertilizers, all this will allow the soil to pass air better, which is very important for the growth of tulips. Let's make a reservation, if you use peat as organic additives, then it should be rid of acidity, lime or chalk is used for this.

Feeding tulips.

In the first year before planting tulips, it is necessary to till the soil, this is done in the spring, with organic fertilizers, the amount of fertilizer depends on soil fertility, fertilizers are applied to a depth of 40 cm.

Once again, dig the soil immediately a month before planting tulips in the ground, this time we dig not so deep to about 20-26 cm. This time, you need to apply potash fertilizers forty grams per square meter of potassium salt and thirty grams per square meter - superphosphates. Sometimes mineral mixtures are applied instead of mineral fertilizers.

How and when to plant tulips?

The timing of planting tulips depends on the climatic zone in which you live, for example, for the middle lane, the dates for planting tulips are September 15-30, sometimes, if the weather allows, tulips are planted until mid-October. The main thing to remember is that there are two temperature factors, the first is better to plant tulips in a slightly cooled ground, the desired temperature of the ground at a depth of 15 cm is considered to be 7-8 degrees Celsius, the second thing to consider is that tulips should grow at least two weeks before hard frost sets in. Planting in this temperature range is considered optimal, and the most desirable for achieving successful planting and further germination of tulips.

It is also worth considering the tulip variety, if it is an early variety, it is planted about half a month before the usual tulip varieties are planted.

For planting, use only healthy bulbs, carefully inspect them for skin damage, you also need to look for dark spots, the bulb itself must be strong.

How to care for tulips?

If you have done all the preparation of the soil, then you will not need much effort on your part when caring for tulips. If it is a warm, dry autumn outside, tulips need to be watered, and moisture should penetrate to a depth of 30-35 cm. You can also feed the tulips a little, this is done with the help of ammonium nitrate, you need to add it about 16g. per square meter

Preparing tulips for winter

When frosts come, the ground on which tulips grow is covered with spruce branches. This is done to be safe in case the winter is snowless, it also helps to protect the bulbs from rodents. In the spring, this shelter should be removed so as not to interfere with the growth of tulips.

Here comes September. It's time to prepare for planting tulips. And although, as a rule, tulips are planted in the third decade of September, the preparation should be carried out a little earlier. First, you need to prepare the soil for planting tulip bulbs.

Preparing for fall planting.

To do this, scatter fertilizers over the area that you have allocated for planting (g. Per square meter) ammonium nitrate - 12, superphosphate - 50, potassium sulfate - 40, wood ash - 200 (although, you can not regret the ash if I have an opportunity). After that, we dig the site to the depth of the shovel bayonet. If the area where the tulips will be planted is small, and especially if it is wet (close to groundwater), it is advisable to add it, raise it. You can start planting tulips. Although the planting date, as I already wrote, is the third decade of September, colds occur differently in different regions. Therefore, planting should be done focusing on the temperature of the soil. The most favorable temperature for this is + 9 ... + 10 degrees. If the bulbs are planted earlier, then they will grow in the spring, they will also grow earlier, and as a result, they can be damaged by spring frosts. If planted later, the bulbs will take root poorly and freeze. Before planting, it is advisable to treat the bulbs for prevention from pests and possible sores. Therefore, before planting, I recommend holding the bulbs for 30 minutes, first in a 0.2% solution of karbofos, and then in a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate.

Planting tulips, how and when to plant bulbs, video

Autumn is the time when it's time to think about spring. Came in the fall - so it's time to plant tulips.

Time to plant tulips. The best time for planting tulips is when the soil temperature drops to + 7-10 ° C. This usually happens in late September - early October. If necessary, a later planting in the month of November is also possible, but with subsequent good shelter with spruce branches or foliage.

It must be remembered that with early planting, the bulbs take root slowly. high temperatures favor the development of diseases such as fusarium. And for bulbs planted too late, the roots do not always have time to develop before the onset of frost.

Places and soil for planting tulip bulbs. For planting tulips choose sunny, wind-protected areas. Tulips grow well in any cultivated garden soil, but permeable, loose, humus-containing loamy or sandy soil is best for the successful cultivation of these flowers. Heavy clay soils can be improved by adding organic matter such as peat, compost.

The main requirement when planting tulips is good drainage! In low, damp areas with high groundwater content, even short-term accumulation of water during the winter months can cause the bulbs to get wet, easily diseased, and freeze. In waterlogged areas, it is recommended to break high ridges.

Tulips prefer neutral or slightly alkaline soils with a pH of 7.0-7.5. Acidic soils are not suitable for planting tulips and require liming. Before planting, carefully dig the soil to a depth of 25-30 cm. It is better to do this a month before planting, so that the soil has time to settle.

To remove perennial weeds before digging, the site can be treated with Roundup. The tulip begins to absorb nutrients from the soil around the beginning of March, by which time all the nutrients should be available to the plant, i.e. already in the root zone. Organic fertilizers are applied under the predecessor, a year before planting tulips.

The introduction of fresh manure for planting tulips is unacceptable!

Fertilization when planting tulips. Tulips react very actively to the introduction of mineral nutrients. It is better to use a special complex fertilizer for bulbs that has appeared on sale, in which all the necessary nutrients and trace elements are present.

If you are unable to purchase it. then it is necessary to apply the following fertilizers for digging the soil: well-rotted humus (up to 5 kg / sq.m), superphosphate (50-100 g / sq.m), nitroammophoska (40-60 g / sq.m), granulated bird droppings ( 200 g/sq.m.), ash (200 g/sq.m.), bone meal (200 g/sq.m.).

Before planting, the bulbs should be carefully inspected, removing all diseased and decayed during storage. Before planting, pickle the bulbs with a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate, treatment time - from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

Planting is carried out immediately after dressing, since the bulbs quickly absorb moisture, the swelling of the root roller is accelerated, and if the planting is late, the resulting roots easily break off. Furrows are prepared with a depth of 10-15 cm at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other, the distance between the bulbs is 9-10 cm.

The planting depth for extra-class tulip bulbs is 15-18 cm. Tulip bulbs of II and III analysis are planted at a depth of 12 cm, the baby is even smaller. On light soils, the bulbs are planted deeper, on heavy soils - smaller.

If the soil is dry. the furrows are well shed with water (possible with KMpO4). At the bottom of the furrow (if no fertilizer was applied for digging), special fertilizer for bulbs is poured, covering it with a layer of sand of 2-3 cm. Next, lay the tulip bulbs bottom down at a distance of 8-10 cm.

Bulbs should not be pressed hard into the soil. as swollen roots can be damaged.

The bulbs are dusted with ash and sprinkled with sand on all sides. Next, the laid out bulbs are covered with soil. If you want to plant tulips not on the ridges, but lay out some pattern with them, then the top layer of the earth is removed from the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe plot.

The bulbs are laid out in a certain order (according to the drawing) on ​​a leveled surface, after which they are covered with previously removed earth.

Tulips are returned to their original place no earlier than after 4 years. With the onset of stable frosts, plantings can be mulched with peat with a layer of 3-5 cm, which will prevent cracking of the soil in winter, ensure an even temperature at the depth of the bulbs and thereby prevent damage to the root system, in addition, keep the looseness of the soil and reduce weed clogging. Peat is not removed in spring.

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