Child gender numerology. Numerology

The connection between mysterious numbers and living physical objects is an ancient system of numerology. Having correctly guessed this connection, you can find out who should be born from your children using the special numerological table of Pythagoras.

First way

It is necessary to draw a table of five rows and nine columns to translate letters into numerical values

The first line is 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9

Second: A - B - C - D - E - F - F - F - Z

Third: I - Y - K - L - M - N - O - P - R

Fourth: S - T-U-F-X - C - H - Sh-Sch

Fifth: b - s - b - e - yu - z

Then write the name and surname of the maiden mother as indicated in the certificate, then the name and surname of the father of the child. Then you should sum all the numbers and get the total amount, for example


5+1+2+1 +5+1+2+1+3+1+6 = 28


1+3+1+6 + 4+7+9+6= 37

Month of conception


4+6+3+9+1+4+3= 30

After counting, it turns out like this: 28 + 37 +30 \u003d 95 - the resulting result should be divided by 7, it turns out 95 / 7 \u003d 13 (remainder 5).

If the resulting number turns out to be odd, then it will turn out to be a boy, if it is even, wait for the girl. This method is correct if you plan to give birth to one baby, and not a pair of twins or twins.

Second way

The method for calculating the remainder - for this, you should divide the real age of the woman planning a pregnancy by the number 3 - ri and the father's age by the number 4 - pe, after which you need to compare the resulting balances - this is how you can determine the sex of your future child. The concept of the method is as follows - the renewal and restructuring of the human body (renewal of the mucous membranes and the formation of plasma) occurs at certain time intervals: for women, once every three, and for men, once every four years. As a result, that organism dominates, in which the residue is smaller, that is, the organism has recently been updated. If the mother has less balance, then expect a girl, if dad has a boy. It should be remembered that if the balances are approximately the same, then parents can expect twins - this must be taken into account so as not to risk it later, because the birth of two babies is much more unexpected than the appearance of one.

3 way


To the usual number three, we add the month of conception of the unborn baby, plus the month of birth of the expectant mother, plus the full years of the mother at the particular moment of conception. If the resulting number is even, then you should meet a girl from the hospital, if not even, then meet a boy. Most parents are 100% identical.

4 way

You should add the month of conception to your female age: the number is even - expect a boy, if odd - then wait for a girl.

5 way - the most popular method

From the number 49 subtract the age of the father + one minus the month of conception + three. The result is a number, and if it is even, then a boy should be expected. When the number is odd, expect a girl.

It should be noted that a certain calculation may not completely affect the result, so there is no need to be upset in the event of a reverse turn of events. After all, the appearance of any baby, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl, is always a great joy for very loving parents.

Are you expecting a baby and want to quickly find out if it's a boy or a girl? Or maybe you are just planning to conceive? In any case, numerology will come to your aid. With a simple calculation, you can. Your name and date of birth contain information about the future, which can be easily found out using ordinary mathematical calculations. So, how to determine the sex of the unborn child?

How to find out the gender of the unborn child by the numerology of the date of birth

Write your date of birth and the date of your partner's birth on a piece of paper. Next, indicate the day of the month when the conception occurred, or is still planned. Add the numbers of your date of birth and the numbers of your partner's date of birth. Then divide the result by the month of conception. If you get a value with a remainder, then it should not be taken into account. If during the numerological calculation you get an even number, then a girl will be born, and if it is odd, then a boy.

Here's an example:

  • Your date of birth: 05/23/1963 = 2+3+0+5+1+9+6+3 = 29
  • Date of birth of your partner: 11/2/1963 = 2+1+1+1+9+6+3 = 23
  • Month of conception: June - 06

29+23 = 52 ; 52/6 = 8,6

Since the remainder is not taken into account, it turns out just 8. The number is even, which means in this case a girl will be born. However, the remainder can also determine the probability of having a child of one sex or another. In the above example, the remainder is greater than five, which means there is a small chance that a boy will also be born. If the remainder was less than five, or the number turned out without a remainder at all, then in this case it is safe to say that a girl will be born. Thus, the remainder is a kind of percentage of the probability of having a child of one sex or another.

How to determine the gender of the unborn child by the numerology of the name

With the help of name numerology, you can find out the gender of the unborn child, even without knowing the time of conception. This option is suitable for those who do not yet plan to have children and are not even married. Only your full name is taken into account. With it, you can find out the gender of your unborn child, which is destined for you by Fate.

Write your full name on paper. Count the number of all letters in the name, the number of vowels and consonants. As a result, you should get three numbers. Add the first number to the second and subtract the third from the result. Subtract the number 7 from the value obtained. If the number is even, then a girl will be born, if odd - a boy.

Let's give an example: Zakharova Tatyana Ivanovna

  • Number of letters in the name: 23
  • Number of vowels: 11
  • Number of consonants: 12

Add up the numbers: 23+11=34 ; 34–12=22; 22–7=15.

In this example, the number is odd, which means a boy will be born. Women with a maiden name need to remember that after the wedding, as soon as they take their husband's surname, the prediction of the sex of the unborn child may change. This is quite understandable, because by changing the name and surname, a person changes his Destiny.

Do not forget that with the help and name you can only predict what is written in your family. Your life is constantly changing. Each time, making this or that decision and performing some actions, we can either deviate from the will of Fate, or vice versa, follow it. It is simply impossible to predict everything with accuracy in advance. These numerological methods for determining the sex of a child will allow you to know the future only on the basis of what is destined for you by Fate. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press and

The long-awaited two stripes are only the beginning of the questions, events and joys of parents. There are accurate medical methods for determining the sex of a child, but there is not enough patience to wait so long before an ultrasound. Therefore, mothers are trying to satisfy the interest with folk methods, signs, observations. After all, even our grandmothers knew the secrets of how to find out the sex of the unborn child.

At what time can you determine the sex of the child

Many parents ask the question "How to find out the gender of the unborn child." It is generally accepted that such a period is 18 weeks or even later. It has to do with development. By the right time, the baby has its own unique fingerprint, legs, arms and sexual characteristics have already been formed. The exact answer to the question "Who is mom waiting for?" will give a high-tech ultrasound and a qualified doctor.

Of course, many pregnant women, tormented by curiosity, besiege hospitals earlier. An ultrasound can also be performed at 9 weeks, but one can only guess who is hiding inside, since at this time the sexual characteristics are just emerging. Until 9 weeks, the genitals look the same, and trying to find out the sex of the child earlier is pointless. The reliability of diagnosis is growing every week. By the 11th, for example, the chances of finding out the truth are 50% more likely. Ultrasound will show a new family member, maturation features, health status, exclude or confirm anomalies. From the labioscrotal folds in this period, the penis and scrotum are more and more clearly visible. The testicles themselves do not appear outside until 7 months.

If you wait a couple more weeks, then other signs will appear that help solve the mystery. The sex glands of the baby begin to secrete hormones. Girls and boys are different. Which ones are more in the blood - by that one can guess who will be born.

The boy is easier and faster to determine in time. Parents of girls often remain in the dark until 20-25 weeks. Large labia in a swollen state, visually they can be confused with the organ of a boy. Toddlers tightly squeeze their legs, which also misleads ultrasound doctors. It is easy to confuse the boy's organ, because the device does not give a clear picture. An unsuccessfully lying hand, finger, umbilical cord may look like a sexual organ.

The fetus will take the correct position with the head down by 24 weeks. The kid will show everything himself. At this time, ultrasound and the doctor are unlikely to be mistaken.

How a child of a certain gender is formed

Who the baby will be is decided by the male and female cells. They have a different set of chromosomes, and the gender of the child depends on this. Women have only one type - X, men - owners of both Y and X chromosomes. When two Xs meet, expect a girl. If Y joins X, a small man will definitely be born. The sex is determined immediately after conception, but who will be born into the world, neither the parents nor the doctors will yet know. It is impossible to influence the change of sex in the womb. Then we just observe and wait for the baby to discover the secret.

The organs that distinguish children acquire features already in the second month. The cells that make the glands work are functioning at the same moment of development.

From 5 to 7 weeks, the testicles, scrotum, and labia acquire a characteristic appearance. But it is still easy to confuse because of their puffiness.

A week later, the boys have an understandable bulge. The hormone testosterone begins to be produced. The genital area acquires the correct shape.

Externally, the organs of the embryo will begin to appear at 9 weeks. From that moment, curious mothers are trying to see something on the monitor of the device.

Some women believe that by following non-traditional methods, it is possible to “order” an unborn child. Some try even before conception, others try to turn the tide when the baby is already in the stomach.

What affects the gender of the baby

Medicine has established factors as a result of which parents themselves "order" the gender of the baby. One of the factors is the time of conception. The chances of having an heir increase if sexual intercourse took place at the time of ovulation. Male-type chromosomes are faster and more active, but do not live long. Therefore, the first to get to the "hot time" to the egg. If you make love a few days before, then the female chromosomes are more likely to win, since they live longer in the genital tract, despite the slowness.

Posture also matters. The deeper the penetration, the more partners help the conception of a boy. A calmer process entails the birth of a little lady.

An active sex life is another factor. The more often parents make love, the more they help male chromosomes. The cells responsible for the girl survive and are fertilized with weak sexual activity.

Many believe that there is a connection between the mother's nutrition and the gender of the desired baby. Some adhere to special diets, others eat sour foods. But none of these tips have been scientifically proven yet.

Calculation of gender by blood renewal

The meaning of this method: whose blood is fresher, younger, updated later, that one affects the sex of the child. In men, renewal occurs every three years, in women - a little less often. Not only the natural state of the body is taken into account, but also injuries, events accompanied by the loss of a vital organ. If, for example, a husband or wife had an operation, there was a blood loss, or there was a recent physiological renewal of the blood, you can be sure that a boy will be born.

Calculation of sex by blood type of parents

Knowing the blood group, you can calculate the sex of the unborn child. The result depends on the combination and connection of the blood groups of the parents. The method is based on possible combinations. The first group guarantees the birth of a small copy of the mother. The fourth is rare, more often boys are born. But this method is considered controversial.

By update date

The calculation system is based on two dates of blood renewal and the date of conception. If one of the parents does not know when fresh blood entered the body, you just need to enter the date of birth, guided by the formula.

By Rh factor

There is an opinion that when the Rh factors coincide, a couple has children of a certain gender. With both negative or positive - girls. Plus and minus give girls. The question arises, how are children of different sexes born in the same families?

Calculation of sex according to the Rh factor of parents

In a special table, everyone enters blood readings and the possible options are calculated. This calculation was created for couples in which the Rh factor is different.

Determining the gender of a child using numerology

Another calculation based on the moment of birth of the spouses and the date of conception. It's simple: add up the numbers, divide by the month when the baby was born in the womb. Rate on even or odd numbers. H - to the appearance of a daughter, N - expect a boy.

Determining the sex of the child using the table

Without sarcasm and smiles, many try to have a child according to the table. Numerology was created rather to entertain future dads and moms. But why not try? Each letter of the alphabet has its own numerical expression. We write down the signs of the names of the parents and the month when the baby is conceived. We calculate the amount and divide by 7. If the result is even - wait for a daughter, if odd - an heir. The remainder in the calculation means an increase in the probability fraction.

Budyansky method

The Budianskys have compiled a table whose method is based on coincidence. Start - the date of birth of the mother, we calculate the rest from her. Approximate date of conception of the woman herself. Following the schemes, we make the same calculation for the unborn child. We compare the results. If the same - a girl, and differences with the mother's indicators mean the birth of a son.

Chinese table

The date of birth of a person is not the day when the mother first picks up, but the day when he is conceived. The Chinese believe in this. Knowledge formed the basis of the method of calculation. They increase the age of the mother by 9 natural months. Just see in which window of the table the maternal age and the month when the embryo was born converge.

Vanga table

The graph of indicators is compiled in the same way as the Chinese table. There are two initial indicators: the age of the mother and the period when the baby is “made”. Compare and select the desired window. Following Vanga's table, it is possible to choose the month that you like for your daughter and son to be born. There are also errors, because cycles often go astray, women are born at the junction of months, etc. Then we look at the values ​​closest in the column.

Japanese table

In the Japanese method, the father appears, or rather the date of his birth. In the first scheme, we visually connect two lines: from the date of birth of the mother and from the date of birth of the father. Find the total. And we look at the result in a separate table, where the Japanese painted when, in their opinion, sons and daughters will be born.

Calculation of the floor according to the Freiman-Dobrotin method

The authors of the method, Mikhail Freiman and Svyatoslav Dobrotin, compiled 12 tables: 6 for ladies, 6 for partners. We need the full dates of birth of both parents, the number of days in the months when they were born. We are looking for the intersection of indicators in the table, calculate the final number and look at the result. It is difficult to calculate, but the method is praised for its reliability.

Gender of the child by date of conception and age of the mother, ancient Chinese calendar

The oldest way to influence the birth of children dates back to the 12th century. There are legends that the rulers used the scheme in order to continue the desired gender. At the same time, no science has substantiated the method. It is important how old the mother is, and you need to know the exact day of conception. We visually combine these indicators, look at the sex of the child by months. We count 9 months ago from a certain month. This is the answer to the question.

Folk signs for determining the sex of a child

There are a lot of signs that our grandmothers believed in. They tried to determine the sex of the child without ultrasound. So, for example, they advised a woman to eat spicy and salty before conception - this is for a boy. Sweets were on the table for those who wanted a daughter.

  • A wooden spoon and scissors were placed under the mattress, a pink bow - under the pillow, when they thought of an heiress.
  • The gender of the child is determined by the partner who behaved more passively during sex.
  • With guys, expectant mothers eat more, and mothers of daughters are very sick.
  • If mom sleeps on her left side, expect a boy, and vice versa.
  • You can ask the pregnant woman to show her hands. The position is palms up - to the little princess. Closed pose - a son will be born.
  • A pregnant woman is given a key and judged by the place for which it is taken. If a round part is in the hands, it is waiting for a son. The sharp end of the key is a girl. The clasped middle - twins will be born in the family.
  • Roasted bread crust and crumb are also folk omens. A soft tender place in a piece is more often chosen by the parents of girls. What is tougher is eaten by mothers of sons.
  • If a woman starts coughing at dinner, ask her to say any number. Calculate which letter corresponds to its expression. And then ask them to say a name starting with that letter. Thus, the gender will be revealed, and at the same time the name of the future baby will be thought up.
  • In the old days, they also played numerology. They compared the age of the mother and the year of conception of the child. The coincidence of even or odd numbers meant that there would be a girl. Different numbers - son.

How to determine the sex of a child by external signs

Despite modern medical technologies, folk signs for determining the sex of a child are still relevant. Someone waiting for an ultrasound, solving a secret, while away the time. Someone does not want to expose the fetus to “shine” at all and, out of principle, does not go for diagnostics. In any case, grandmother's signs add special colors and moods to the process of waiting for your favorite miracle.

Belly shape

Grandmothers love to watch their belly. It is from the female ancestors that this sign is transmitted to the next generations. If a sharp upturned belly is seen, this indicates the expectation of a tomboy. If you turn your back on a pregnant woman, the stomach will be completely invisible. A rounded belly that spreads to the sides indicates that a little princess lives inside.

Pay attention to the symmetry of the abdomen. There is an opinion that with the boys it shifts a little to the right, and the bevel to the left is created by the little ones.

You can judge by the strip on the stomach, which every pregnant woman has. When the strip just darkens and remains outwardly neat - a sign of expectation of a small mother's copy. If a path of hair has grown - a characteristic sign of the release of male hormones.


Each pregnant woman changes the color and shape of the nipples: with girls it is clearly expressed, the breast grows by leaps and bounds, and the nipples are several shades darker. With boys, the changes are not so visible, the halo around the circles remains pale.


There is an old saying: "The daughter takes away the beauty of the mother." When carrying a boy, the shape of the face, skin color do not change. On the contrary, a woman seems to be transforming and blooming. Waiting for a daughter spoils the beauty, the nose becomes wider, the face is blurred, covered with age spots, the skin dries. The gait of a pregnant woman while waiting for her daughter becomes smooth and graceful. But boys are carried by outwardly clumsy pregnant women. In part, this folk sign is explained by medicine. The fetus secretes hormones that affect the appearance of mothers. With boys - the hairline increases. When the body has a double portion of female hormones - this is expressed in pigmentation, mothers become pale, red.

Taste preferences

The first thing in the diet is meat? So, wait for the heir. With boys, you want sour and salty dishes, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, and also a hard crust of bread. I want a tart, maybe coffee. But babies ask their mothers for a completely different food set: more sweets, fruits, pastries, cereals and bread crumbs. Strange taste preferences, not even related to cooking, are also tricks of girls.

Emotional background

The fact that a woman's behavior changes in a position has long been known. Relatives are trying to understand here who is expected in the family. They observe and notice features, associate this with the influence of the baby on the behavior of the mother. Whether the pet is bullying in the stomach or, conversely, sleeping all the time, it means that he himself will be obedient and quiet.

Too calm

Folk signs associate calmness with the sex of the child. Despite the fact that the expectant mother is experiencing severe stress, inconvenience, nervousness, it happens the other way around. Softness, silence, laziness are characteristic of mothers who wear boys. As if submitting to a male strong-willed character.

Excessive emotionality

But abrupt mood swings: either tears or laughter - this is the female temperament. According to signs, capricious ladies, unexpected mental manifestations, incomprehensible desires - this is the guarantor of the birth of a female child. Kind of like pampering for two.

Is it possible to predict the gender of the child with 100% probability

To the disappointment of dads and moms, there is still no reliable way from those considered. No calculation calculators will calculate what miracle to expect. The ultrasound machine remains close to the ideal, but it also makes errors.

Doctors who carry out the IVF procedure will tell you exactly who to expect. When the fetus is introduced into the uterine cavity, they already know the sex of the child.

Intrauterine tests also allow you to get an accurate answer. But not every woman dares to make them. These are mini-sampling operations that carry a risk for the baby.

No matter how skeptical medicine is about beliefs, every mother turns to them again and again. Curiosity and interest are stronger than scientific explanations. The benefits are obvious - mothers have a good time in anticipation of childbirth, cheer themselves up and loved ones, love a still tiny baby.

Probably, there are no parents who would not want to know who will be born to them. For this purpose, a Chinese table was created to determine the sex of the child. It is she who will help everyone to find out who to expect: a son or a daughter.

Table how to find out the expectation
according to the shape of the abdomen to help ultrasound
the doctor has an apple
who will be signs pregnant

If you also do not have enough patience and want to know what color sliders to choose, then the table for determining the sex of the child will answer your questions.

ancient chinese table

The ancient Chinese table for recognizing the sex of a child was first discovered in Beijing more than 700 years ago. She was in the tomb of a hermit monk. When archaeologists studied the find in detail, they came to the conclusion that they had a lunar calendar in their hands, which could indicate the sex of the unborn baby with a high reliability of the result.

In order to find out who you are waiting for, a son or a daughter, you need to find the month of the intended conception in the left column of the Chinese table for determining the sex of the unborn child, and in the top line - the girl's age at the time of conception. The intersection point will indicate the gender of the baby.

ancient chinese table

Application of the Pythagorean system

There is another equally well-known way to find out who settled in the tummy of the future mother - this is the determination of the sex of the fetus according to the Pythagorean table. Numerology has gained great popularity in all spheres of human life, therefore, a considerable number of future parents trust the Pythagorean system.

According to this method, each word, including the name, corresponds to a certain number, which can be obtained using a special table.

  1. It is necessary to write the full name of the future mother, which is registered on the birth certificate (respectively, the maiden name), and after the future father.
  2. After that, you should write down the month of conception of the unborn child.
  3. From all the resulting numbers, calculate the total amount, and then divide the resulting number by 7.
  4. If the final number is even - wait for a girl, if odd - a boy.

It is worth knowing that this method is ideal for cases where the addition of one child is expected, and not twins or triplets.

According to the Pythagorean table

Blood renewal method

This method involves using the blood update table of future parents to recognize the sex of the fetus depending on the date of their birth.

  1. Such cycles differ in men and women, and also consist of certain periods, starting from the date of birth.
  2. The full age of the expectant mother must be divided by 3 (since the blood in women is renewed once every three years), and the future father by 4 (in men, the blood is renewed once every four years).
  3. A prerequisite is the knowledge of the approximate day of conception.
  4. When calculating, it is necessary to count the full age (even if you are 30 years old the next day, you need to count 29 full).

Comparing the remainder of the division of the father and mother, we can conclude - whose remainder is larger (respectively, the blood is stronger), of this gender and wait for the baby.

But it should be noted right away that blood is always renewed during operations, during donation, and abortions. In this case, it is necessary to start counting from the date of the last blood loss.

Use only if mother is Rh positive

According to some data, a table for determining the sex of a child by age “works” only if the expectant mother has a positive Rh.

If the mother has a blood group with a negative Rh factor, then everything will be the other way around: whoever has the blood is “older” on the day of conception, the baby will be born of this gender.

Maternal age and the French diet

Elena Shamrina conducted her research for more than 20 years and was able to establish that in nature there is a certain dependence of the conception of a child on the even / odd age of the expectant mother.

  1. In order for a girl to be born, you need to “engage in the creative process” in even months of the year (February, April, June, August, October), if the woman has an even age. For odd ages, respectively, for odd months of the year.
  2. For a boy to be born, a woman of even age must conceive in odd months, and a woman of odd age must conceive in even months. Thus, if a woman has an odd age, then it will be easier for her to conceive a boy, if an even age, a girl.

Another method has been known for many years. It was called the "French diet", since it was the French who found that the probability of having a boy or a girl is determined by the nutrition of the expectant mother during the period of menstruation, which precedes the subsequent conception.

The researchers concluded that boys' parents consumed more foods rich in sodium and potassium, and girls - calcium and magnesium.

In order to plan the gender of the child, two diets were offered, which contained a set of certain products. For two months, future parents had to follow the specified diet. The success was amazing - up to 80% of cases, the spouses received exactly the one they wanted more.

If young people dream of a boy, you need to eat more:

  • potatoes;
  • mushroom and meat dishes;
  • cherries, bananas, oranges, peaches.

It is necessary to exclude all dairy products, nuts. It will be useful to lightly salt the food.

If parents want a daughter, then the future mother should:

  • adhere to a dairy diet;
  • eat beets, carrots, cucumbers, green peas, onions, nuts.

Avoid plums, bananas, melons, potatoes and citrus fruits.

The most accurate way

Which of the existing tables for determining the sex of a child is the most accurate? Of course, the surest way to find out who will be born is an ultrasound scan, which the doctor will prescribe when contacting him.

However, there is another method not discussed above that allows you to predict as accurately as possible who will be born to you - this is the Japanese conception table to determine the gender of the future heir.

Such a table is the most truthful and popular way of planning, as well as establishing the gender of the unborn child. Many geneticists claim that this process cannot be predicted. However, Japanese scientists boldly refuted this theory and proposed their own method, which is based on simple calculations.

Japanese method

They are confident that the combination of chromosomes is easy to predict using the month of birth of both parents, as well as the exact time of fertilization. In other words, the male body produces spermatozoa with a specific set of chromosomes at specific intervals of time. Thanks to this approach, you can reliably find out who settled in the tummy.

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