Notes on bread. How to cut bread correctly Why does a neighbor ask for sliced ​​bread

"Bread is the head of everything" our ancestors said. Since ancient times, people have revered bread and considered it the main treat in the house. Where there is bread, there is goodness. This product was considered a gift from God, so they showed special respect for it.

For many centuries, many signs and customs have developed about bread, which dictated the correct attitude to this product and suggested how to use it to bring prosperity and good luck to the house.

Notes about bread

  • You can’t start a new loaf after sunset - this is to poverty.
  • You can’t leave a knife stuck in bread - luck will leave the house.
  • It is believed that those who love white bread are vulnerable and subtle natures, and people who prefer brown bread are strong in spirit, more determined and strong-willed.

  • Leave half-eaten bread at the table - leave your happiness. And the one who ate it, took away luck and happiness for himself.
  • You can’t eat bread behind a person’s back - you can steal his strength.
  • If a piece of bread fell on the floor - wait for the guests.
  • You can’t throw away half-eaten, moldy or stale bread - there will be no peace, no health, no money in the house.
  • It is believed that a person who eats stale and moldy bread will never die from water.
  • You can not turn bread upside down - to trouble and disease.
  • You can’t cut bread on weight - there will be no money.
  • Those who love to eat rinds and peas are considered lucky and happy people.
  • It is impossible to cut a loaf with different knives during a meal - there will be a quarrel in the family.

customs associated with bread

A family member going on a trip was always given bread with them. Not only to satisfy hunger on the way, but also as a talisman. It is believed that a loaf of bread from home keeps the warmth and energy of the whole family and is able to protect against troubles on the road.

Before the meal, one had to first eat a piece of bread and salt. This should be the end of the meal.

If someone asks for bread, then it must be given, even if the last piece remains. It is believed that such an act attracts happiness and abundance to the house. It’s just that you can’t pass a loaf across the threshold, this can attract need and hunger.

Respect for bread was considered one of the main laws in any family. Observing Folk signs "> signs and customs, our ancestors showed respect for higher powers, since bread was considered a gift from the Almighty. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

12.06.2015 09:08

Christmas Eve is the day before the feast of the Nativity of Christ. The very name Christmas Eve comes from the word "sochivo" - that's how it is called ...

On April 7, Orthodox Christians celebrate one of the main church holidays. This event was a turning point for...

  • Do not stealthily eat in the dark children will become thieves.
  • You can not eat, crossing the threshold: the unclean can take possession of you.
  • Who eats during the exercise: eats what is learned.
  • The bread split in two in the oven to the departure of one of the household.
  • If the bread is not baked and remains raw - to separation or ruin.
  • Great harvest of bread - to close hunger.
  • Cut off a slice of bread do not stick a knife into the loaf - this is to hunger.
  • Do not eat from a knife - you will be evil.
  • Who eats stale bread he swims well and is not afraid of thunderstorms.
  • throw away bread big sin. Whoever throws half-eaten pieces, and does not feed the birds, will become poor.
  • The first pancake is a deadly one. They put it on the windowsill, saying: "Our honest parents! Here's a pancake for your soul!" Whoever bakes pancakes for the wake, he bakes about the saturation of the soul of the deceased.
  • When you bake pancakes: do not let strangers look, they can jinx it, and pancakes will not work.
  • Do not eat peas on an empty stomach - screw someone up.
  • The pot of porridge cracked in the oven - not good.
  • The porridge comes out of the pot to the exit from the furnace - this is unfortunately, and if to the far wall - to abundance.
  • Forget the spoon on the table after dinner - to the guest.
  • If corned beef is cooked during the new moon, it will soon deteriorate.
  • Do not drink in an attack (that is, lying or kneeling), otherwise the devil will push with a spatula.
  • Who fasts all four fasts, for that all four evangelists pray to God. During the fasts, you can’t say the word “meat” - you have to say “quickly”. Whoever eats fast during fasting will have a pockmarked bride. Whoever fasts before the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos, he will be saved from the attempt of the evil one. Whoever fasts on the Friday before Ascension will be saved from drowning. Whoever fasts on Friday before the descent of the Holy Spirit will be saved from the sword. Whoever fasts before the day of Kozma and Demyan will be saved from mortal sin. Whoever fasts on Friday before Elijah's day will be saved from eternal torment.
  • Wipe the table with paper to a quarrel.
  • You can not brush bread crumbs with your palm from the table, otherwise you will have to ask for crumbs with the same palm.
  • Preferably at the beginning and end of lunch eat a piece of bread with salt - fortunately.
  • Shed tea - to a misunderstanding.
  • A teaspoon floats in a glass - to a gift.
  • An apple fell off the table to meet your lover.
  • The shell of an eaten egg should be crushed into small pieces. If it falls into the water, then the mermaids will build boats out of it. If you leave an uncrushed shell in the yard, forty of it will drink water, and you will have a fever.
  • A woman is salting food - it means she's in love.
  • Who are you drinking for? that sins you accept.
  • Sprinkle salt - to a quarrel. Collect the sprinkled salt in a pinch and throw it over your left shoulder, laughing at the same time - then everything will work out ..
  • If at the table they ask you to pass the salt, be sure to smile, passing, - otherwise you will quarrel.
  • Sprinkle salt into the fire - to a quarrel.
  • Drinking containers must not be left open. the enemy force will settle. In an open container with a drink left for the night, evil spirits frolic.
  • Choked at the table - It means someone is in a hurry for dinner.
  • Do not clean the house when the bread is in the oven - there will be no prosperity.
  • Sauerkraut won't go bad if you put an aspen branch in it.
  • Don't eat in front of a mirror otherwise eat your beauty
  • Having cut off a chunk, do not stick a knife into the loaf - this is to hunger
  • Enter every room with a loaf of bread and a saucer of salt to bring happiness to a new home
  • Eating pancakes and peas contributes to the multiplication of wealth
  • On Vozdvizhenye, pickles should be shaken in a tub - then they will be better stored
  • After dinner, a spoon forgotten on the table to the guest
  • When the sun went down do not start a new rug, poverty will overcome
  • accidentally spilled tea to surprise (more often, to pleasant)
  • Bread is not baked remains raw - to separation or ruin
  • Throw away pieces of bread to a lack in the house; better feed to birds, animals
  • Who eats stale bread he swims well and is not afraid of thunderstorms
  • The loaf breaks in the hands when cut, this portends a family quarrel
  • Biting your tongue while eating means you told a lie
  • Empty egg shell it is necessary to press so as not to leave evil
  • Vodka served in a glass drink to the bottom otherwise you will be rich, but there will be no happiness in life
  • At the beginning and end of lunch eat a piece of bread with salt - fortunately
  • Woman piercing bread with a fork or with a knife - she forever deprives herself of happiness
  • A pot of porridge in the oven cracked - not good
  • Accidentally spilling sugar to good
  • The apple fell off the table- a date with a lover
  • First time eating at someone's house folding a napkin means never visiting this house again
  • Meat swells in a pan - this portends success
  • Choked at the table- the guest is in a hurry
  • No laughing at the table- the demon in the dish will spoil
  • Who bakes pancakes for the wake, he cares about nourishing the soul of the deceased
  • Who eats fast - he works fast
  • A teacup floats in a glass- for a gift
  • Do not eat from a knife - you will be angry
  • Don't eat peas on an empty stomach- jinx someone
  • Peas on removal from fire boils- good sign
  • Women do not eat berries until Ivan's Day, otherwise children will die
  • Don't start eating fish from the head - otherwise you will call trouble
  • Who changes glasses during a meal - it will not be good for him
  • Spill tea - to a misunderstanding
  • I didn’t finish the bread and took another piece unnoticed by myself - one of the relatives in the distance is hungry
  • Great harvest of bread- near hunger
  • Leaving uneaten pieces of bread on the table from your slice you leave your happiness there
  • If you cook corned beef during the new moon, then it will soon deteriorate
  • Don't leave in the bedroom cold boiled water - you will anger the devil, and you will be unhappy
  • Don't leave the knife in the bread - you will know the hunger
  • After eating at the table, do not unbelt - you will become a widow
  • The meat is heavily boiled in a pan is a bad sign
  • Two spoons in one gravy boat - for the wedding
  • Salt is damp - to bad weather
  • No matter how little in the house of oven bread, but if a neighbor asks to borrow it, you should not refuse him, you need to share at least the last piece with him - in this case, there will always be plenty of bread in the house.
  • If someone has eaten a piece bitten by another person, then the thoughts of this person will become known to him, or the health and strength of that person can pass to him. And if this piece is given to an animal, then the diseases of the person who ate this piece will be transferred to the animal.
  • Sprinkle salt - to a quarrel. Collect the sprinkled salt in a pinch and throw it over your left shoulder, laughing at the same time - then everything will work out.

Use and Reprint of Materials

Old as the world superstition. After the invention of the yeast-based method of making bread, bread is shaped in a very specific way during baking. Below - a caked crust, and above - a ruddy crust, like a convex lid. Old, kind, round loaf. One of the most ancient forms of yeast bread. So it was considered a bad omen to put bread on the table with the top crust. In some cases, this reached the level of prohibition.

For example, it was completely unacceptable to turn a loaf upside down in some fishing villages in Northern England.

It was believed here that with every overturned loaf in the sea, a ship overturns. Turning the loaf upside down was also considered a great sin, since bread is a gift from God and such a disrespectful attitude towards it could entail a corresponding punishment from the Almighty. It is also believed that the bread has a "head" - the upper crust, so turning it "upside down" was perceived as a gross obscenity. Let's try to understand the origin and reason for such a long existence of this superstition.

The bottom crust of bread baked in the oven was often, if not always, burnt, and was not eaten. In addition, it could have caked ash on it. Therefore, she played the role of a kind of stand, bottom. The upper beautiful crust was used for food. And even for reasons of hygiene wrong. There are other explanations as well. For the peasant, especially those who lived in the old days, the process of maturation, upward growth, had great religious significance. Everything around the peasant is alive and, with proper care, growing.

Bread, it is also alive - it ripens in the oven and grows up. This is the magical power of nature, one of the most important and powerful ancient cults. Therefore, putting the bread upside down meant turning everything upside down, interrupting the growth, the flow. The old Russian name for bread is zhito. From the word "live". Great meaning is invested in this, and its significance is also huge. And there is also such a Russian proverb: "Bread is the head of everything." That's right, because how much needs to be done in the peasant economy, how much long and hard work needs to be done in order to finally bake bread.

And then take a loaf that gives life, this pinnacle of so many things, and turn it over. Bread, round, light, warm, absorbed so much sun when the wheat ripened, which is no wonder - it became one of the sun. So you have to be especially careful with turning the bread, just like turning the sun! Bread is also a symbol of the fraternal circle, the family. Remember these sayings: meet with bread, break bread with friends. All this meant that if you tried my bread, you became your own, entered our circle. In light of this, turning bread on the table is a magical symbol of rejection of the common circle, family significance. Such a step can have a very negative impact on the family itself.

The process of cutting bread is also covered with many superstitions, for example: if a loaf breaks in the hands when cut, this portends a family quarrel. After all, cutting bread is actually the business of the owner of the house, he gives everyone his share, and if he does it nervously, carelessly, everything will affect his household, everyone will start to get nervous. Well, if the owner does not know how to cut bread, then it’s really bad: what kind of owner he is - he’s just clumsy.

Or: if a person cuts bread unevenly (one piece turns out to be thin in places, and in places with thickenings), then his life will be just as uneven and difficult. And vice versa, if the cut piece is even, then the life of such a person will be smooth and calm. This, its meaning is that, when slicing bread, you must remember that you give everyone sitting at the table from your share. In this case, bread is your share. Your life - as you cut, so you live.

Folk omens have their roots in the depths of centuries and times. The signs associated with bread can be considered the most ancient, because since ancient times in every culture and every people there have been rituals and signs for the harvest. Signs and customs about bread carry the meaning of continuing life. And if you respect and observe the signs and traditions associated with bread, you can ensure yourself a happy, well-fed life in abundance, among the love and respect of your friendly family.

You always need to share bread, if a hungry person asks, even the last piece - in this case, there will always be a lot of bread in the house, which means that the family life will be rich.

If someone is met with bread just taken out of the oven - to wealth.

He who did not take food in the morning should not give bread to a stranger, otherwise he himself will be left without food.

Should not lend leb at sunset, otherwise you yourself will be in debt.

After sunset, a new loaf of bread must not be cut, otherwise you yourself will become a beggar.

Elijah the prophet knocks out bread from those who deceive the buyer when selling bread.

If you take bread with unwashed hands, there will be heartburn.

Bread must not be baked in the house where a person has died: this will lead to another death.

You can’t bake bread on Sundays or holidays, if necessity forces you to bake bread on such a day, then you need to salt the dough, and then there will be no sin.

If in the evening whole bread is brought and the half-eaten bread is left overnight, then the souls of dead ancestors, who have taken the form of mice, will gather for such bread all night.

It is a bad omen if the bread lies with the bottom crust up: there will never be prosperity in the house or someone from the family will leave the house.

If you eat a crust with bread, then the wife (husband) will quarrel.

The loaf of bread must be cut from the edge that protrudes, uneven.

You can’t cut bread with different knives during dinner - there will be a quarrel in the house.

It is impossible for bread to have two knives while eating - this portends a quarrel.

When bread is on the table, salt and a bread knife, which are intended only for bread, must always lie. If the bread knife needs to be removed or taken away from the table, then bread and salt must also be removed from the table with it.

If a piece of bread falls out of your hands during a festive meal, this means that an honored guest will soon arrive.

If a piece of bread falls out of your hands during an everyday lunch, then this portends the arrival of a fool or an unnecessary person.

If someone, while having lunch or supper, takes a piece of bread and, without finishing it, takes another piece of bread, this means that one of his relatives is starving.

Whoever does not eat up bread at the table and leaves leftovers, he will see disturbing, painful dreams.

Whoever eats other people's leftovers will get a toothache.

The rest of the road bread should not be eaten at home and even brought into the house, as this can lead to night blindness. It is best to divide this bread evenly among the pets.

From time immemorial, bread was considered the main food in the house. Because of this, he was always treated with great respect. Particular attention was paid not only to the process of its manufacture, but also to its handling, and if the loaf suddenly fell, there was always an explanation for this. And the signs associated with what bread falls on the floor have not lost their relevance in our days.

Dropped a loaf of bread on the floor - soon a scandal will break out in your house


The meaning will take about bread is closely related to the circumstances under which it fell.

  1. If you find yourself on the floor during the celebration of an event - expect an important status person to visit. It is possible that he will bring very interesting news with him.
  2. Half the bread that fell to the floor during a family dinner promises that a person will soon appear on the doorstep of the house, whose visit will not lead to anything good. Most likely, you will hear unpleasant news from him.
  3. Bread slices fell from the table - the sign says that financial difficulties await you. In this case, the sign associates events with problems at work that will lead to a decrease in income.
  4. If bread leftovers, such as crumbs and crusts, are scattered, diseases are possible that will fall on family members. According to this sign about bread, the treatment will be difficult, and recovery will not come soon. Signs are advised to pay attention to the state of health, and at the slightest ailment, consult a doctor.
  5. They dropped a loaf on the floor - soon a scandal will break out in your house. According to another sign, such an event promises a poor harvest this year and famine. However, if she finds herself on the floor during a feast, there will be drastic changes in life that promise to be prosperous.

At the wedding

There are also signs about wedding bread - loaf. There has always been a reverent attitude towards him, since this product, according to ancient beliefs, could tell how the life of a new family would develop.

  • If a piece of loaf falls on the floor, then this is an unpleasant omen. It says that your authority in the family will be hopelessly lost, and you risk taking a weak position for many years: you will be subordinate to your soulmate.
  • A bad sign is the situation when there is a part of the loaf on the floor, from which they have already managed to bite off a little. This promises a person trouble, it can happen to him to attack.
  • But worst of all, if a loaf of wedding bread falls on the floor. According to the sign, this promises a lot of quarrels and conflicts in the family. Scandals and showdowns will happen so often that ultimately this will lead to the dissolution of the marriage.

Bread is a product that should be handled with care. After all, if he is on the table, then there is prosperity and satiety in the house. But at the same time, you should not take to heart the bad omens associated with him. To prevent trouble, be careful and treat bread with respect.

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