Started and wrinkled & nbsp. Why and where does Pavel Astakhov leave Astakhov Pavel Alekseevich resignation

Book by Masha Traub "Extra Children" What do children feel? Breastfeeding babies announce their desires by crying. And those who are older? What are they thinking at six, seven? What is betrayal for them? What are they afraid of? We, adults, are moved by looking at plasticine bears and hares. We laugh and cry when we watch the children dance at the matinee. But do we know what's going on on the other side of the kindergarten fence? And, most importantly, do we guess at what moment our children learn not to live, but to survive? Masha Traub's book "Extra Children" is an alternative view of the kindergartens that most people attended and attend. The book is about how it is to be a child unnecessary for your mother. After reading it, you seem to see the old Soviet kindergartens, in which children were not even needed by the educators. They so wanted to just go home, and not sit at work - with these children. Playing in the duties of everyone managed to get and make everyone be gloomy and unhappy forever, starting from myself and ending with everything that was nearby. The main character is a serious and early adult girl Rita, who very early had to learn to be independent, go home from kindergarten alone, or even get used to being on a five-day school day, just because her mother had her - khakhal. Reading about the girl, you sincerely worry about her, hoping that over time she will grow into a good person, despite the mother's indifference in childhood. But the mother of the heroine also makes her to reconsider her attitude towards her child, to be with him more often, at the same time to remember herself, her desires and dreams. To become, so to speak, a more reliable shoulder to the child than her mother to the heroine. Writer Masha Traub Masha Traub started out as a journalist, having worked for several years in the capital's publications, but at one point she decided to become a writer. Having started to print emotional and ironic stories from life, Masha could no longer stop. Yes, and readers are unlikely to forgive if she pauses creativity, because they are used to waiting for a woman to tell a new story about themselves - ordinary, strange, funny and causing sadness. The author has dozens of novels and stories that do not claim to be the ultimate truth and do not teach how to live, but fascinatingly and vividly tell about the most ordinary things that, under the eyes of the writer, acquire a unique charm. Masha was born on October 8, 1976 in Moscow, but spent her childhood against the background of the Caucasus Mountains, in an Ossetian village. Traub is a creative pseudonym, the real name of Maria is Kiselev. The girl absorbed love for the word from a young age. The influence of my grandmother is great here, she has worked in the regional newspaper all her life. The writer says that she grew up in the editorial office under the clatter of a typewriter and absorbed the romance of the typography, where streams of new words appeared on sheets of white paper right before our eyes. The most important impression of childhood was a fairy tale published on the pages of the "district", which was written by a young writer. The Kiselev family had a chance to live in the Far North, but in the end they returned to Moscow, where the girl began to attend courses at the Literary Institute. A creative atmosphere reigned here, where young people wrote poetry and could not imagine themselves without poetry. However, Masha decided that she would choose a different path, and entered a journalist. At the same time, she chose the university on the advice of her mother, who dreamed of her daughter studying at MGIMO. Traub's biography of writing began with the 2006 book Get Ready, We're Leaving. Each subsequent book of Mary was in demand among the reader, and the woman writes several volumes a year, coming up with a sequel to some stories. In 2008, "All la vie" came out, and a year later two novels - "The Diary of a First Grader's Mother" and "House in the South", and both later formed the basis of film adaptations. After graduating from the institute, Maria began to cooperate with the capital's publications, including Izvestia, Novoye Vremya, and Nedelya. I also managed to work in gloss - Bosco, Magazine and Officiel. The writer is close to the theme of childhood, and the works "Through the eyes of a child", "What babies talk about", "Lesha the clown" meet the constant reader's response. Not all of the author's stories are sweet and touching, as evidenced by the novel "Keyhole", which reveals Traub as a master of a complex story with a "double bottom". Maria presents stories about difficult destinies simply and convincingly, as in the book “I owe nothing to anyone”. The bibliography of Masha Traub is numbered in dozens of works, including “On the verge of divorce”, “My grandmother - Lermontov”, “Second life”. Masha Traub makes no secret of her personal life, and photos of her family can be easily found on the Internet. With her husband Andrei Kolesnikov they were united by a common cause: a man - writer and journalist, works as editor of Novaya Gazeta and writes columns in Vedomosti and The couple have been together for many years and are raising two children. Maria borrowed her pseudonym from her mother-in-law, whose maiden name is Traub. This word is translated into Russian as "vine" or "bunch".

Showman Pavel Astakhov in the position of children's ombudsman is replaced by a modest United Russia philanthropist Anna Kuznetsova. The President continues to change the showcase of power, removing irritants of public opinion. Amateurs are no longer needed in politics.

The ombudsman for the rights of the child still resigned. She was replaced, before she worked as the head of the Penza branch of the "Popular Front" and the head of the Association of Companies in Defense of the Family and the Fund for the Support of Family, Motherhood and Childhood "Pokrov".

Quite an unexpected choice, but on the other hand - firstly, Anna Kuznetsova's "Pokrov" was the operator of the distribution of presidential grants, secondly, she won the primaries of United Russia in the Penza region, thirdly, she is married to a priest and a mother of six children. In social networks, they congratulate her, referring to "mother Anna". It fits perfectly into the framework of the requirements now imposed by the state on public figures.

Pavel Astakhov also, as they say, "corresponded": he graduated from the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR. But in the future he was a purely secular person; having made a name as a lawyer, on the job he retrained as a showman, becoming a TV show host and writer. In 2007, he was keenly aware of the wind of change and realized that it was time to lead the For Putin movement. The next year he became a member of the Public Chamber, a year later, in 2009, he was appointed to the post of children's ombudsman under the president.

They were surprised at the appointment, but what is there to be surprised at - at that time, demonstrative loyalty and a history of special services were valued above all else. Pavel Astakhov himself clearly felt in perfect order and perceived his work as a service, first of all, a state service, and not a human rights one. Everyone should implement the general line in his place, and if you got the sphere of child protection, then in the sphere of child protection, something like this.

The pinnacle of Pavel Astakhov's work was, of course, the law banning the adoption of Russian orphans, first by Americans, and then by citizens of other countries that have joined the sanctions. "Any foreign adoption is harmful to the country," the children's ombudsman said categorically and devoted his activities to looking for cases of violation of the rights of adopted Russians in the United States, each time making loud statements. Sometimes, however, he got into a puddle: for example, he accused the American family of torturing and murdering Maxim Kuzmin, and then it turned out that there was an accident. Pavel Astakhov just shrugged his shoulders.

In addition, he was remembered for his PR. Visiting the Chechen Republic, Pavel Astakhov did not skimp on enthusiasm and praise for the "blessed land of Chechnya", which he sets as a "good example" in all other regions. His love for Ramzan Kadyrov later brought him to a scandal: while the public was vigorously discussing the wedding of the elderly chief of the police department, Nazid Guchigov, with a minor Kheda Goilabieva (according to some sources, he took her second wife), Astakhov rushed to defend the mountain customs, stating that In the Caucasus, in general, puberty occurs earlier and "there are places where women at the age of 27 are already shriveled." With this phrase, he blamed himself throughout the country,.

The last straw was a tactless question to schoolchildren who survived the tragedy on Syamozero in Karelia. Killed 14 children, caught in a storm on boats, and Pavel Astakhov did not find anything better than to ask: "Well, how did you swim?" This episode aroused anger (the ombudsman himself confirmed that he was "blown in by the president"), and it was after a meeting with Putin, at the very end of June, that Astakhov submitted his resignation letter, which was satisfied only now.

In principle, Vladimir Putin himself allowed himself such remarks. In 2003, while visiting a children's hospital (coincidentally, in the capital of Karelia, Petrozavodsk), he said to a boy on crutches who was hit by a car: "Well, you won't break the rule anymore." Journalist Elena Tregubova spoke about this.

Because of one phrase, an official who had served faithfully for so many years could hardly be dismissed. The President did not care about his previous shocking statements, did not care about criticism of human rights activists, did not care about demonstrative consumption - Pavel Astakhov has a chic estate in Nice, which he does not hide, against the background of which his constant anti-Western attacks looked utterly cynical and hypocritical.

Rather, it is a convenient pretext - recently, the president has been reformatting the "showcase" of power, replacing not everyone, but those who are in sight and who are the main objects of criticism. replaces, -, Pavel Astakhov - Anna Kuznetsova. All the dismissed were marked by odious foreign policy statements, their successors are not connected with the KGB, they will only deal with their direct duties and will not go anywhere with their opinions.

Politics will now be dealt with by Putin himself and a narrow circle of professionals, maybe one or two more people. Volunteers are no longer needed; the situation is too complicated, and amateurs, whose mistakes are sometimes costly, began to annoy the president.

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A source close to the Duma leadership for RBC and confirmed by two interlocutors close to the Kremlin. According to one of them, Astakhov wrote a letter of resignation. journalist Anastasia Kashevarova also reported on Astakhov's statement on her Facebook. She claims that, according to sources in the Russian presidential administration, Pavel Astakhov wrote a letter of resignation after he discovered a conflict of interest in connection with the activities of his son's company. She also noted that the question asked by Astakhov to children who survived on a lake in Karelia did not influence this decision.

The son of the child rights ombudsman Pavel Astakhov Anton commented to Gazeta.Ru on the message about the possible resignation of the Ombudsman.

“To be honest, I can't really comment on it, since I'm not in Moscow myself. Obviously nothing is connected with me, this is utter nonsense. And you have to ask Pavel Alekseevich himself. If there were any things connected with me, I would be the first to know, ”said Anton Astakhov.

A source close to the Kremlin told RBC that there have been many complaints lately against Astakhov. We are talking about his communication with the injured children, and about his statements about the "shriveled" women. " "The petition demanding the resignation has received more than 150 thousand signatures," - said the interlocutor of RBC.

“We do not confirm this information,” Renat Abdeev, the adviser on information policy of the ombudsman for the rights of children, commented. - Now Pavel Astakhov is at an event at the Foreign Ministry together with the President "

So far, there have been no decrees about Astakhov, said presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov. He added that he had not seen the resignation letter from the commissioner.

Gazeta.Ru sources close to the Kremlin confirmed that Astakhov had already written a letter of resignation of his own free will. One of the sources linked the resignation to the recent high-profile scandals around Astakhov's statements. The final decision on dismissal will be made by President Vladimir Putin. “This has been discussed since Thursday morning. A presidential decree is expected in the near future. The Kremlin is discussing a list of five possible candidates for the position of the children's ombudsman, ”the source said.

The collection of signatures on the Internet continues on the petition for the resignation of Pavel Astakhov because of his phrase "Well, how did you swim?", In a conversation with children who survived on Syamozero in Karelia. More than 100 thousand people signed up for the demand. At the same time, the collection of signatures began against the resignation of the Ombudsman. Astakhov himself, after the publication of the petition, said that he would continue his work.

Earlier, in 2015, commenting on the wedding of the head of the Chechen police department and a 17-year-old girl, Pavel Astakhov said: “There are places where women are already shriveled at 27, and by our standards they are under 50”. He later apologized for talking about "shriveled" women.

Pavel Astakhov is a Russian lawyer and politician known all over the world far beyond his professional activities. He gained fame as the best lawyer in Russia, which he won thanks to participation in high-profile trials, representing the interests of show business stars, famous politicians and businessmen. From 2009 to 2016, the lawyer was appointed the Presidential Commissioner for Children's Rights.

Childhood and youth

Astakhov Pavel Alekseevich was born on September 8, 1966 in the capital of Russia in an intelligent family. His father was an official in a printing institution, and his mother was a teacher. According to the lawyer himself, he got a craving for the law enforcement environment from his grandfather, who was a prominent Chekist and at one time collaborated with the organizer of Stalin's repressions, Vyacheslav Menzhinsky.

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Pavel Astakhov

The childhood of the lawyer was spent in Zelenograd, where Astakhov graduated from the local secondary school No. 609. He was a diligent student. After graduating from school, he immediately went to serve in the border troops of the KGB of the USSR and spent the next 2 years on the border of Finland, which became the starting point for his future biography.

After graduating from the service, he entered the KGB Higher School at the "counterintelligence" faculty, as the lawyer calls the faculty of jurisprudence. After that, he began his legal activity, first in Spain, and then in the Moscow Bar Association.

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Pavel Astakhov in his youth

In 2000, Astakhov moved to America and decided to continue his studies in the chosen specialty. He enrolled in a magistracy at the University of Pittsburgh as a lawyer, and in 2006 in Russia he defended his doctoral dissertation and received a doctorate in law.


Pavel Astakhov's career started with the legal profession, which he carried out in Russia and abroad. The man became famous thanks to the high-profile lawsuits of famous people, which were discussed in society. His clients were Valentina Solovyova, the founder of the Vlastilina financial pyramid, who defrauded 17,000 depositors in the amount of 530 billion rubles. Then the "machinator" was sentenced to 7 years in prison, but later Astakhov helped her to be released on parole.

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Lawyer Pavel Astakhov with colleagues

The lawyer also helped the head of the Media-Most holding Vladimir Gusinsky to avoid criminal liability, who was accused of embezzling state property worth $ 10 million. Pavel Alekseevich's clients included former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, Kommersant publishing house, Minister of Culture Mikhail Shvydkoy and Russian pop stars, and others.

The next step in Astakhov's career was television, on which the lawyer appeared as a TV presenter of popular judges' shows. In 2006, he became a “justice of the peace” in the television project “Hour of the Court”, as well as - the host of the social and political show “Three Corners with Pavel Astakhov”. In 2009 he created his own projects on television called "The Astakhov Case" and the show "On Minors' Affairs".

Along with television, Pavel Astakhov took up teaching and literary activities. He wrote a series of novels, the hero of which was Artyom Pavlov. These included criminal detectives "Raider", "Mayor", "Spy", "Producer" and others. Later, the writer's piggy bank was replenished with a number of books of educational and legal content.

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Tiana Ustinova and Pavel Astakhov

The lawyer's publications also included a series of works "To Children about the Right", which was subsequently reprinted 15 times. In the book "I and the State" the lawyer in an accessible form told young readers about the rights and obligations of every citizen. Together with Tatyana Ustinova, Pavel Astakhov became the author of the series of detective stories "I am the judge".

The man was leading legal columns in the popular publications "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", "Medved", "Itogi", "Autopilot". The lawyer also gave master classes at higher educational institutions in Moscow, sharing with students of MGIMO, Moscow State University, Russian State University and the State University of Professional Skills Management.

Pavel Astakhov's political activities started in 2007, which came as a surprise to everyone. Then he headed the all-Russian movement "For Putin", justifying this decision with a desire to change the legal life of the state and society. At the same time, the lawyer was included in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and the coordinating council of supporters of the United Russia party.

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Lawyer Pavel Astakhov

In 2009, then-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev appointed Pavel Astakhov to the post of Ombudsman for the Rights of Children of the Russian Federation, and in 2011 the lawyer was awarded the highest class rank in the civil service - he was awarded the rank of Actual State Counselor of the Russian Federation, 1st Class. After the mandate of the children's ombudsman expired in May 2012, the Russian president extended the term of Pavel Alekseevich for another 3 years.

During the first 6 months in his new position, he inspected more than 1000 orphanages in all regional constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and also made an impressive contribution to the work of schools and hospitals, mother and child homes, health and sports camps, boarding schools and children's colonies.

Astakhov oversaw the charity events "Products - to help mom", "School for parents of children with chronic progressive diseases." Together with he organized concerts "Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Friends for Children", the funds raised from which went to the treatment of more than 100 children.

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Helping young mothers has led to the fact that during the 4 years of Pavel Astakhov's office as ombudsman, the number of abandoned newborns has decreased by a third. Thanks to Astakhov, Russia underwent a reform in the legislation regarding the adoption of children by foreign citizens. At the same time, the official paid attention to the fate of Russian children living abroad.

On September 9, 2016, Vladimir Putin relieved Astakhov of his duties, appointing Anna Kuznetsova to replace him. After the resignation, Astakhov's name often appeared on the pages of the media due to the ambiguous statements of the Ombudsman and claims against him from the Anti-Corruption Department.

Personal life

Pavel Astakhov's personal life is stable and transparent. Back in 1987, the then young lawyer, who was still beginning, got married and has been happily married for more than 30 years. Astakhov's wife Svetlana supported and helped her husband at all stages of her activity - she became the general producer of several television projects of Pavel Alekseevich and for many years headed the public relations department at the Pavel Astakhov Bar Association.

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Pavel Astakhov with his eldest son

The man has 3 sons - Anton, Artem and Arseny. The eldest and middle sons of Astakhov followed in the footsteps of Pavel Alekseevich and, having received a higher education, began to work in the government apparatus of their father. Astakhov's youngest son was born in 2009 in Nice, where he still lives with his mother.

The Astakhov family has sometimes become the object of criticism in society, since the children and the spouse of the children's rights commissioner of the Russian Federation live abroad and own elite real estate. In 2013, the family was forced to move from Nice to Monaco, as the French authorities banned Astakhov from entering the country due to the official's support of the Dima Yakovlev Law, which provides for a complete ban on the adoption of Russian orphans by foreigners.

Children's Ombudsman Pavel Astakhov still resigns, a senior Kremlin source told reporters on Saturday. The human rights activist was demanded to be fired for his careless "How did you swim?" in a conversation with children injured on Syamozero, but similar punctures happened to him before. Experts admit that Astakhov, apparently, is simply not created for this position. How he got to this post and why he was dismissed, "" figured out.

Meanwhile, a petition for the ombudsman's resignation continued to gain votes on The initiators called the reason for it a replica in a conversation with children who survived the storm on Syamozero. Astakhovskoe "Well, how did you swim?" in a matter of hours, it turned into a meme and caused a wave of criticism against the ombudsman for the rights of the child.

By Sunday afternoon, when a Kremlin source had already determined the fate of the human rights activist, about 156,000 citizens had signed up for his resignation.

According to media reports, Astakhov admitted that he was "really seriously blown away" by the president for his inaccurate statement. But doctors rushed to the rescue, explaining that the would-be ombudsman acted in accordance with the recommendations of the psychologist. The human rights activist himself also referred to some special psychological techniques that were supposed to make the conversation with the injured children more relaxed, but this is far from Astakhov's first public punishment. He was immediately reminded of last year's statement in connection with the marriage of a minor in the Caucasus: "There are places where women are wrinkled at the age of 27 and by our standards they are under 50." Then the Internet was buzzing no less, and the official is being dismissed only now. So what happened - an inappropriate phrase against the background of the death of children overwhelmed the cup of patience, or are there any other reasons for dismissal?

In a Tom Ford suit, with a touch of cynicism

“It is unlikely that he had a falling out with anyone,” says political analyst Yevgeny Minchenko. “I think that Astakhov found himself in this position quite by accident: there was a well-known media figure, with high recognition, he speaks smartly, and besides, a lawyer.” But according to the expert, it has now become clear that the child human rights activist “does not fulfill his main function”. “Given the abundance of claims against him, he still did not fit into this role, did not merge with it,” Minchenko said.

In the biography of Astakhov, nothing really speaks in favor of the fact that the protection of the family and childhood was his vocation. His maternal grandfather worked in the state security agencies, the human rights activist himself graduated from the KGB High School in 1991. A decade later, he studied at the University of Pittsburgh in the United States.

And yet, for the accidental appointment of Astakhov at the end of 2009, a place was vacated under rather mysterious circumstances. The previous Ombudsman Aleksey Golovan, according to official information, resigned of his own free will, but his colleagues were perplexed. “I can't even imagine what made him write such a statement,” said Ella Pamfilova, then head of the Presidential Council for the Promotion of Civil Society Institutions and Human Rights. At the same time, a Kommersant source in the presidential administration emphasized that child protection is a priority for the president and “in this sense, Golovan was very much in line with the tasks set.”

Photo: Dmitry Lebedev / Kommersant

Unlike Golovan, who came to the post of federal "children's" ombudsman from a similar post in Moscow and is known mainly in the professional environment, Astakhov has become a real guest star in the office of the commissioner. Since 2004, he has hosted the country's first court show, Court Hour, and several other television and radio programs. In addition, the media human rights activist published books on quite pressing legal issues: “How to get an inheritance” or “Consumer rights. Legal assistance from the peak of legal professionalism. " There is also fiction in the asset - the books "The Mayor", "The Producer" and the novel "Raider", on which they even made a movie.

In the professional world, however, lawyer Astakhov is known for other merits. For example, he defended the leadership of the Vlastilin financial pyramid and the American Edmond Pope, accused of espionage for the United States, and took part in the case of Vladimir Gusinsky, head of the Media-Most holding.

“There are two types of attorneys in American films. One is a well-groomed, sleek lawyer in a Tom Ford suit, with a touch of cynicism. The other is drinker, wrinkled, compassionate. Astakhov is the first type, - outlines the president of the communication holding Minchenko Consulting, Evgeny Minchenko, the main problem of the now almost former children's ombudsman. - Astakhov still did not have the image correspondence of this position ”.

Looked at the problem differently

Actually, the position of the ombudsman for the rights of the child was formed “from below”, starting from the regional level. In 1998, the position was established in the Kaluga, Volgograd, Novgorod regions, as well as in St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg: this happened as part of a pilot project of the Ministry of Social Development and the UNICEF Children's Fund. New subjects were gradually connected, and in September 2009 the position was brought to the federal level by a corresponding presidential decree.

Some sources explained the appointment of Astakhov by rather close relations with the entourage of the current Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev; subsequently, the ombudsman at least attended the events of the foundation, which works under the patronage of the prime minister's wife. But Minchenko disagrees: in his opinion, explaining the subsequent resignation by the weakening of one or another clan is too complicated and tense version. On the one hand, Astakhov has a really good relationship with lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky, who is considered a "representative of Medvedev's group." On the other hand, the clan affiliation of a person in the current system is changing rapidly. Replacing Golovan, who had worked in office for only a few months, Astakhov promised not to make any revolutions. The lack of an appropriate background did not bother the human rights activist. “My predecessor is a professional with extensive experience in protecting the rights of the child. I didn’t work with children, although I was engaged in family law for sixteen years, so I look at the problem from a slightly different perspective, ”he told Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

According to Astakhov, it was "important for him to work with performers," for example, law enforcement agencies, which also have to protect the rights of children, but do not want to "deal with other people's family squabbles." Almost a year and a half after taking office, Astakhov presented to the president a report on the observance of the rights and interests of children in Russia. The document consisted of three volumes, one of which was in the format of a photo album. Colleagues of the human rights activist complained that the text of the report was not available to a wide audience.

Although this did not mean that the public was not familiar with Astakhov's activities. He published some of his statements on Instagram, for example, he offered to protect children from destructive information.

From time to time, he deviated slightly from the sponsored topic, going into socio-economic issues. In particular, he called for the distribution of unclaimed products to the poor instead of destroying them.

Photo: Gennady Gulyaev / Kommersant

Nevertheless, according to the presidential decree, the duties of the ombudsman look somewhat different and lie far beyond the media field. First of all, the Commissioner is focused on working with government agencies whose activities affect the interests and rights of children.

The decree states that the ombudsman has the right to request information from federal government bodies, independently or together with specialized structures to check the work of government agencies and officials, and also send them recommendations on restoring the violated rights of a child.

I'm just hanging out on the Cote d'Azur

The human rights community rarely commented on the essence of Astakhov's work, and even more so on its compliance with official tasks. But on the other hand, my colleagues had claims of an image character. Thus, a member of the European Institute of Ombudsman Seyran Davtyan in one of his publications criticized the tone of materials posted on the Ombudsman's website. "Pavel Astakhov gave the region a rating of" good with a minus "," Davtyan quoted a post on the website from April 2011 about the visit of the ombudsman to the Pskov region.

“I don’t know what the style of correspondence between the presidential ombudsman for children's rights and the ombudsman for children in the regions looks like, but the style of messages posted on the information website of the presidential ombudsman testifies to the feeling of superiority of the ombudsman P. Astakhov over his colleagues,” wrote Davtyan ...

In the State Duma Committee on Ethics

Photo: Dmitry Korotaev / Kommersant

Astakhov's attributes of "stardom" were really visible. The magazine "7 Days" devoted detailed photo reports to his family. Astakhov complained that "generally from Moscow," where they live with their middle son, does not leave for a long time. “I just hang out almost every weekend here, on the Cote d'Azur, otherwise, I'm afraid the kid will get out of the habit of me,” he shared with the magazine. And about the birth of his wife in France, he said that “we really occupied the largest ward in the hospital,” where Angelina Jolie had given birth before.

“He is a wealthy man, a lawyer in the past, and this his personal well-being can be read in his eyes, in his statements and actions,” political scientist Dmitry Orlov admitted to Astakhov's image features in a conversation with

Evgeny Minchenko notes that Astakhov was already “held for a long time” in this position, although there was clearly something to fix in his work. According to the expert, at the next appointment, the image component should be taken into account. “Some compassionate middle-aged woman would come up here, such as Liza Glinka,” says Minchenko. "Or you can clone Pamfilov here."

Instead of Pamfilova, however, they have already proposed Senator Elena Mizulina: according to Irina Chirkova, a member of the Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children, a woman must certainly be a children's ombudsman, and Mizulina can appeal both to the ruling party in parliament and to the executive structures.

Further political career for Astakhov does not yet shine, Minchenko is sure. The human rights activist did not make it to the party lists in the elections to the State Duma in time, and in single-mandate constituencies, where it is necessary to meet face to face with the voter, he has few chances. But the political scientist is not worried about the fate of the lawyer: “He is a rich man. Will not be lost. "

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