Viktor Berdnikov: There must be order everywhere and in everything. Evening rumors

President Medvedev fired the first general in the Central Urals Central Internal Affairs Directorate. And the church medal did not help ...

Still, the Ural security officials did not manage to sit quietly during the attestation of police officers taking place throughout the country when they were transferred to the police structure. As the correspondent reports "VEDOMOSTEY Ural" with reference to the official website of the Kremlin, today by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev the deputy head of the Sverdlovsk Region Main Directorate of Internal Affairs, who for many years headed the department for work with the personnel of the regional militia headquarters, was dismissed from his post.

For a long time, Berdnikov was considered one of the key figures in the Sverdlovsk GUVD. The popular expression “Cadres decide everything” with him acquired an additional meaning: everything is decided by the personnel management. And although there are other "heavyweights" in the building at 17 Lenin Street in Yekaterinburg (the same first deputy chief Vladimir Filippov, who is credited with a colossal influence), the role of Berdnikov could not be underestimated. There are legends in the head office about his resource in relation to many leading employees, not to mention the rank and file. The assignment of titles, the issuance of characteristics, the presentation for awards directly depended on Berdnikov's visa - in a word, something without which, in principle, normal service in the internal affairs bodies is impossible.

For many, Berdnikov is one of their own, a native of Sverdlovsk. Viktor Yurievich was born on January 22, 1959 in Alapaevsk. In 1992 he graduated from the Yekaterinburg Higher School of Police, and in 1999 the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He has been working in the authorities since July 1983. He began his career as a policeman - the duty department of the interior of the Alapaevsky district of the Sverdlovsk region. From April 1995 to June 2000 he headed the Department of Internal Affairs of Asbestos. They say that in Alapaevsk and Asbest, Berdnikov retained the strongest ties. In January 2002, he was appointed deputy chief of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for personnel.

According to a widespread tradition, a career was also provided for the son of the general, who holds a leading position in the system of the Department of Economic Crimes in Yekaterinburg. The year before last, during an interview with one of the Internet portals, Viktor Berdnikov was asked whether he plans to send his son to serve in the army or take advantage of his official position. The general avoided a direct answer: "I am not ashamed of my son."

Due to his position, Berdnikov often had to comment on scandals involving the Sverdlovsk policemen. He did this, as a rule, violently and emotionally, not bothering to study the facts and not wanting to admit the obvious. So, in the "case of the Ural Yevsyukov" - an operative of the Uralmash OBEP (who worked under the leadership of the chief of OM? 15), who left duty in January 2011 and, in a state of alcoholic intoxication, shot his neighbor on the staircase, Berdnikov first tried to expose the policeman almost a victim of circumstances and only then made a reservation that "it is too early to draw conclusions."

Berdnikov also behaved strangely in the case of the scandalous "case". A traffic police sergeant from Verkhnyaya Pyshma was found guilty by the court of first instance of abuse of office, committed with the use of violence (clause "a", part 3 of article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Around this case, an information rush was organized, accompanied by "angry" publications in defense of the accused and even a small rally. Apparently, succumbing to this resonance, the deputy chief of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate for personnel announced that he would appeal the verdict in the "Goryunov case." Thus, the general caused complete bewilderment in the legal community, because, according to the law, the GUVD has no procedural opportunities to intervene in such criminal cases.

Many remember the scandal of 2009, when Viktor Berdnikov became the hero of the Internet exposure of an anonymous blogger "Dead_moros"... On the page of this user, an ironic congratulation was posted on behalf of Berdnikov, which began with the words: My dear Personnel of the Sverdlovsk garrison of militia! I think that I will confidently take everything old that was acquired by overwhelming labor with me in the New Year, in which, I hope, I will have to earn even more ”. Further, the "general" described his exploits, and the text was composed in the same emotional manner, which is characteristic of Berdnikov himself.

Despite all the "buts", many assess the retired general very flattering. Viktor Yuryevich is called sincere, militant, with a cheerful and kind character, "a man with charisma." He is not indifferent to any question, therefore, of course, he allowed excesses. “How else can you tell me otherwise, with our cadres, with a shortage of professionals and a total shortage?” One of Berdnikov's colleagues asks rhetorically in a conversation with a reporter "VEDOMOSTEY Ural"... With the departure of the general, it is not just the Berdnikov style of work that is leaving - the almost 10-year era of a kind of personnel leadership in the regional headquarters is coming to an end.

Shortly before today's resignation, the head of the department for work with the personnel of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk Region again distinguished himself. On March 25, he received from the hands of the Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye Vincent Medal of the Holy Royal Passion-bearers of the II degree. “Thus, the diocese noted the personal work of Viktor Berdnikov in the patriotic and spiritual and moral education of his subordinates,” the press service of the regional police department said. “In the certificate for the medal of Viktor Berdnikov, words are written from the rite of prayer singing -“ may the Lord give those who bear this reward this spirit of courage, diligence, justice and care for the common good ”.

The ambiguous role of Berdnikov as "chief of personnel" in the regional police headquarters, one way or another, will be remembered by many, including the editorial staff "VEDOMOSTEY Ural" who are closely following the fate of former, current and future Sverdlovsk generals.


In the alma mater of the Sverdlovsk policemen, the jubilee graduation of the fifth year students took place. For the 25th time, young employees of the internal affairs bodies leave the walls of the UrJUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

223 police lieutenants received diplomas of higher education on the parade ground of their native institute, 28 of which are red. 4 police officers completed their studies and service brilliantly, for which they received gold medals for diplomas of graduation from the university.

The Ural Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a classical educational institution, the hallmark of which is the combination of scientific research with practical specialized education.


After that, words of congratulation were voiced by the Director of the Department of Administrative Bodies of the Governor of the Sverdlovsk Region Valery Aleshin. He, a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a retired major general, knows like no one else what difficulties and discoveries await the graduates of police universities in their professional activities, and therefore wished not to become callous and remember that the main task of law enforcement officers is to protect people.


The most long-awaited and pleasant congratulations for boys and girls in uniform were, of course, from their parents. Tears of joy glisten on the faces of happy parents, and pride in their child is breathtaking.

The last pass and that's it! Coins and caps fly skyward. A beautiful end to a difficult study. But, as they say, it is hard in training, easy in battle. Bon voyage, dear graduates!

Press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region,

photo - UrYuI Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, press service Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region

  • January 30th, 2014, 05:55 pm

Sverdlovsk policemen went on another business trip to the North Caucasus
A combined detachment of officers from the Sverdlovsk police garrison went on a business trip to the North Caucasus region. For six months, over a hundred people from the territorial subdivisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the municipalities of the Middle Urals will provide assistance in maintaining law and order to their colleagues from Dagestan.
The head of the Personnel Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region, Major General of the Internal Service Viktor Berdnikov, arrived to say the words of farewell to the departing on a long business trip. At the formation of the personnel, the head of the personnel apparatus of the police headquarters noted that he respects and supports the decision of the employees to go to bear this difficult watch. "It'll be hard! But the tasks assigned to you are quite feasible, just do what is prescribed for you by the instructions, not one step away from the letter of the Law. And most importantly - be a hundred times more attentive and careful. Do not forget that the situation in the Serevo-Caucasian region remains tense. "
Before departure, the rear units provided everything necessary for the ATS officers departing to serve in another region. General Berdnikov reminded the police that they all underwent special training in emergency situations, so in cases of possible emergency, one should not panic and act as taught.
- Your relatives, friends and relatives stay here. Don't forget to call them. We have already established good traditions in the department where you are to serve. I would like you to keep them, - General Berdnikov admonished his subordinates.
After that, the rector of the Church of Innokenty of Moscow, Father Ilya (Alexandrov), blessed the departing ones to keep watch, sprinkling holy water on the personnel.
During the entire journey to the destination, the detachment will be accompanied by an experienced officer - the head of the professional training department, Colonel Vladimir Lemeshchuk. After several days of "shift change", the police will return to the Urals, whose business trip to the North Caucasus has ended.

  • August 19th, 2013, 06:35 pm

The head of the personnel apparatus of the Sverdlovsk police, Major General Viktor Berdnikov, became an honorary citizen of the city of Alapaevsk
On August 17, a solemn event dedicated to the City Day celebration took place in Alapaevsk at the Central Stadium. The official part began with a speech by Stanislav Shangin, head of the Alapaevsk municipality.
Since 1998, the annual awarding of the title "Honorary Citizen of the Municipal Formation of the City of Alapaevsk" has become a good tradition. This year Stanislav Vladimirovich for “special merits in the field of public and state activities for the protection of human rights, strengthening peace, contributing to the all-round development of the municipality, the Sverdlovsk region and the Russian Federation, the growth of the population's well-being, increasing the popularity and authority of the Municipal formation of the city of Alapaevsk in the Sverdlovsk region ", Presented the badge of the honorary citizen to Major General of the Internal Service Viktor Berdnikov, head of the personnel management department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Sverdlovsk Region.
Viktor Berdnikov was born on January 22, 1959 in the city of Alapaevsk, Sverdlovsk Region. In 1976 he graduated from high school and in 1977 he was called up for military service in the Russian Navy. In 1992 he graduated from the Yekaterinburg Higher Police School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in 1999 he graduated from the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
He began his service in the internal affairs bodies in July 1983 as a policeman - the duty department of the internal affairs of the Alapaevsky district. In the position of the head of the personnel apparatus of the garrison of the internal affairs bodies of the Sverdlovsk region - since January 2002.
Repeatedly performed service and combat missions on the territory of the North Caucasian region.
In the period from December 25, 2000 to March 30, 2001, he was on a business trip in the area of ​​the counter-terrorist operation on the territory of the TFR in the position of deputy head of the management group of the temporary operational grouping of bodies and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for personnel and educational work.
For the courage shown in the performance of his duty in the North Caucasus region, by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the medal of the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, II degree.
On March 25, 2011, General Berdnikov received from the hands of the Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye Vikentiy the Medal of the Holy Royal Passion-bearers of the II degree. Thus, the diocese noted his personal work on the patriotic and spiritual and moral education of his subordinates. The certificate for the medal contains the words from the rite of prayer singing - "may the Lord give those who bear this reward a spirit of courage, diligence, justice and care for the common good."
And now Major General of the Internal Service Viktor Yuryevich was also awarded public recognition at home - the residents of Alapevsk are proud of their fellow countryman and this was confirmed in the awarding of him the title of "Honorary Citizen of the Municipal Formation of the City of Alapaevsk."


  • August 10th, 2013, 04:24 pm

An employee of the local police department who was lost the day before was found safe and sound in the forest near Nizhniy Sergi

August 10 at about 12.30. In the forest near Nizhniye Sergi, a senior lieutenant of the internal service born in 1967, a communications engineer of the local police department was found alive and well.

Immediately after receiving the alarming message, the entire personnel of the Nizhneserginsky inter-municipal department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was raised on the signal "Collection", and this is about 80 employees, none of whom went home and stopped searching even after 24 hours. 20 dog handlers with specially trained dogs, riot policemen, came to the rescue promptly from Yekaterinburg. About 10 rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations took part in the events.

More than 40 volunteers responded to the police request for help.

To coordinate the actions of the search groups, immediately after receiving the information, the head of the personnel management department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region, Major General of the Internal Service Viktor Berdnikov, arrived.

The hunters, having learned from the ATS leadership about the missing person, phoned each other and took an active part in the search, both independently and as part of formed groups, on foot, on ATVs - as best they could.

The forest in the search area was literally combed through with a chain, in addition, cars equipped with loudspeakers drove along country roads, employees gave sound signals, and through SSU asked the missing mushroom picker to respond.

This is what ultimately played a decisive role in the success of the search. The man heard the beeps and went out onto the road himself.

As expected, he got lost in a young forest that had grown on the site of the clear-cut - the terrain is almost the same, very difficult to navigate. He walked around it in circles, but he could not get out on the road, he spent the night under the trees. Fortunately, everything ended well, and the tired and slightly thinner mushroom picker was taken home to the family, which was very worried all this time.

The Sverdlovsk police expresses enormous gratitude to the volunteers who did not stay away from human grief and immediately rushed to help.

Press Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region

  • July 17th, 2013, 10:50 am

The issues of patriotic education of youth were discussed by veterans of law enforcement agencies and the vice-governor of the Sverdlovsk region
Today a meeting of veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB of Russia of the Sverdlovsk region with the vice-governor of the region Yakov Silin took place. This event was dedicated to the patriotic education of young people, which is an extremely important issue for discussion for respected veterans. We prepared thoroughly for the meeting, retired officers prepared many questions for the representative of the authorities.
The event was held in the museum of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Sverdlovsk Region, therefore, taking the opportunity, the guests were pleased to see the exhibits presented in the exhibition hall. We were amazed by the scale of the presented collection. The colorfulness and accuracy with which each exposition was selected did not leave anyone indifferent. Vladimir Raldugin, Chairman of the Regional Council of Veterans of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region, was pleased to conduct an excursion for our dear guests. Each presented exhibit is interesting and exclusive in its own way, the guests wanted to hear the story of each one, but the meeting had to be started, and Vladimir Raldugin invited everyone to the conference hall.
The round table brought together veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region, chairmen of the councils of veterans of various power structures, and their assistants. Places at the head of the table were taken by Yakov Silin and Major General of the Internal Service Viktor Berdnikov, the head of the personnel division of the head office. Yakov Silin noted the importance of the issue raised for discussion: “Patriotic“ trends ”should be present not only in the field of education, but practically in all branches of the life of boys and girls. In the region there are specialized programs dedicated to this direction, the problem of patriotic education of young people is being dealt with at the federal level. There is a lot of work, but the work is noble! " In response, Vladimir Raldugin spoke about the activities of the Council of Veterans in this direction. The museum has become a favorite meeting place for veterans with young people, schoolchildren and students. “After such meetings, we can see a clear improvement in the attitude towards veterans and towards the police in general. Representatives of the younger generation feel proud of their employees, and many express a desire to enter the service in the police department in the future. Children can listen for hours about the hostilities that took place in the North Caucasus, about the skillfully conducted operational-search measures, well-planned operations to arrest and neutralize criminals, ”said Vladimir Raldugin.
Major General of the Internal Service Viktor Berdnikov noted the importance of increasing the authority of the police officer and service in the internal affairs bodies: “It is necessary to explain and show young people that police officers perform feats every day, risk their lives every day for the sake of peace and tranquility of citizens”.
After the speeches, a heated discussion of the topic raised began. The veterans heatedly discussed and suggested ways of solving urgent problems. Yakov Silin received various requests and suggestions. Almost all of the organizations raised the financial issue in the first place. We talked about the proper material support of the ongoing actions and programs for the patriotic education of young people. The vice-governor listened attentively to the speakers and said that the issue of financing would definitely be resolved.
The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere, the veterans are glad that their opinion is being listened to, they are ready to share their experience, knowledge, and take an active part in the patriotic education of modern youth., 02:31 pm

"Serving the Law - I serve the people." Graduates of the Professional Training Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region took the Oath

On June 5, a solemn ceremony was held to swear in the police officers of the Sverdlovsk region who had just started serving in the internal affairs bodies.
38 young police officers have successfully completed their training at the Professional Training Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Sverdlovsk Region. The end of the training was the oath "To serve the law - to serve the people." According to recent tradition, the venue for such an important event was the memory hall of the Museum of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Sverdlovsk Region, which was opened about a year ago. The place was not chosen by chance. The exhibits of the museum - documents, items reminiscent of the exploits of police officers, make yesterday's cadets feel pride in their chosen profession, and adds celebration to this event.
Over the course of four months, the students were trained at the CPP in legal foundations, fire, psychological, medical, forensic, special and combat training. Particular attention was paid to the study of ethics and culture of communication with citizens, as well as the formation of an anti-corruption standard of behavior. At the end of the training, all students successfully passed the exams.
The swearing-in ceremony was attended by the head of the department for work with the personnel of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region, Major General of the Internal Service Viktor Berdnikov, who addressed the graduates with a congratulatory speech. Viktor Yuryevich emphasized the importance of the Oath, recalled the responsibility that it entrusts to police officers.
The guys prepared for a long time and rehearsed the solemn formation many times, the correct breakdown. Excitedly, the graduates of the Center took turns taking an oath of loyalty to the people of Russia, the law and the interests of the service. The police have vowed to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, to sacredly observe the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to be courageous, honest, vigilant, to fulfill their official duty with dignity, to keep state secrets.
The ceremony ended with the Anthem of the Russian Federation.
The most honored guests at the taking of the Oath by young employees were veterans of the internal affairs bodies: retired police colonel, former head of the non-departmental security department Leonid Nikitovich Andriyanichev, retired police colonel Anatoly Ivanovich Burdin, who headed the forensic center for many years, and retired lieutenant colonel of the internal service Anatoly Ogorodnikov, ex-head of the communal logistics department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region.
Leonid Nikitovich wished the young employees not to forget the precepts of the older generation and to be proud of their service in law enforcement agencies.
In conclusion, the teachers of the center were encouraged by the rights of the Council of Veterans, who taught their wards for four months, and the graduates received commemorative cards.
After the end of the ceremony, young police officers shared their impressions and experiences. Everyone already wants to get to work, to apply all the acquired skills in practice. Graduates expressed their gratitude to all faculty and commanders for their patience and understanding.

Press Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region

Information war against the Sverdlovsk police? Another open letter from "residents of Yekaterinburg"

The Sverdlovsk police were once again criticized: this time, the authors of the third open letter were residents of the city, who addressed their appeal directly to Russian President Vladimir Putin. In the letter, Yekaterinburg residents sharply criticized the work of the security forces in general, and in particular the head of the department for work with the personnel of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Sverdlovsk Region, General Viktor Berdnikov. In the regional headquarters, open letters are considered a targeted information attack, while they do not know who needs it and why.

Another open letter with harsh criticism of the Sverdlovsk police came to the editor On the eve.RU by mail from the post office No. 52, PO Box 73. At the same time, the appeal indicates that copies of the letter were sent to the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Mativenko, Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Human Rights Ombudsman in the Russian Federation Vladimir Lukin, as well as public organizations and the media. The main addressee of the message is Russian President Vladimir Putin. The appeal was signed by 51 residents of Yekaterinburg, indicating the place of registration and passport data. It should be noted that all the signatories are residents of one microdistrict of the city - Elmash. At the same time, the handwriting is the same everywhere, only the signatures differ. It is noteworthy that among the signatories there is also a 103-year-old (!!) woman.

In their appeal, residents of Yekaterinburg express general dissatisfaction with the Sverdlovsk police, while the authors note that the reason for writing the letter was the recent event in Revda, when a policeman shot the company commander from his service weapon and fled the scene of the crime. The man is still wanted.

"The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs promised the people that after the reform there will be a strict selection of personnel from the police to the police. They promised that the most worthy and educated professionals will serve. In fact, in the Sverdlovsk region, not only has nothing changed, but it is getting worse. Everyone is ashamed. day to read and hear about our police ", - the letter says. It is noted that cases of crimes committed by police officers have become more frequent.

If in the last open letter, allegedly written by the police, most of all went to the leadership of the city police, this time the head of the department for work with the personnel of the regional central administration General Viktor Berdnikov became the "hero". As the authors of the message note, "the figure of General Berdnikov raises many questions," while the townspeople refer to the facts of his professional biography.

“Suffice it to recall how in 2004 the whole country thundered the case of selling 49 service pistols and more than 2 thousand cartridges to the side of a 28-year-old employee of the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Asbest, whom Berdnikov recruited as the head of the Asbestos Department of Internal Affairs.<…>In 2007, an officer of the forensic center of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk Region was detained, who sold a combat pistol and was trying to sell another one. In 2004, everyone was shocked by the massacre committed by Criminal Investigation Major Vladimir Kazarov in the Turin region. The major first killed the district police officer, and then shot four people, including students, in the hunting lodge. After committing a crime, Kazarov shot himself<…>The heads of the regional militia-police changed, and General Viktor Berdnikov remained in his leadership chair, "the appeal says.

In conclusion, the authors of the letter summarize that there is no work with the police personnel, leading positions are allegedly occupied by people without higher education who have not served in the army, moreover, more employees are dismissed than are accepted in the service, hence the "shortage".

It was not possible to talk with Viktor Berdnikov himself, since the general is in the hospital, however, in all likelihood, he is already aware of what happened. "I am now in the hospital under an IV. As soon as I leave the hospital, I will explain everything," he promised the reporter On the eve.RU.

Meanwhile, in the regional headquarters another open letter from "well-wishers" is considered an "order" - an information war is being waged against the head office. The letters will not affect the work of the Sverdlovsk security forces.

"This is an information attack, and not the first. The Sverdlovsk police, as they have worked, will continue to work, and they do it well. It is worth noting that Viktor Yuryevich (Berdnikov) is subjected to such attacks every New Year, this can be easily verified by opening the archive. In all likelihood, this year was no exception. We know about these strange letters, we have a suspicion that the signatures collected by the authors were not put on this appeal. We ourselves have not received such letters, but if they give it to us, we It is difficult to say how it will be qualified, but at the present time, at least, General Berdnikov has the right to go to court if these letters are made public - libel, it’s a public act, as long as it is not published, it seems to be not. This is an unambiguously targeted informational blow, someone does not like the way we work, maybe for whom we work ", - commented on the situation to the correspondent On the eve.RU Deputy Head of the Press Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region Nina Pelevina.

In the next issue of "Evening Rumors" you will find out who is leaving the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Yekaterinburg, how Viktor Berdnikov shocked the police operatives, where they began to share the "funeral", who will be punished by Alexander Bastrykin and much more.

The chief police officer of the personnel officer of Yekaterinburg leaves for "civilian life"

Zoya Zakharova, head of the personnel management department of the Russian MIA Administration for Yekaterinburg, wrote a letter of resignation this week. According to rumors, the colonel was unable to work in the conditions created by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Sergei Kulagin. The leadership of the city police allegedly signs characteristics and attestation reports that do not correspond to reality, as a result of which incompetent employees get to positions. And if earlier in personnel matters Zakharova was assisted by the head of the department for work with the personnel of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Sverdlovsk Region Viktor Berdnikov, then with the departure to the civil service he lost his former influence. Under his patronage, Zakharova could express her opinion, but now such an opportunity has been missed - in the new conditions Zakharova is not ready to work.

Retired Sverdlovsk general shocked former colleagues

By the way, about Viktor Berdnikov. Employees of the regional UEBiPK were extremely surprised and shocked when they came to the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development to pick up the answers to the requests, and, opening the door of Viktor Berdnikov's office, they were frightened at first, thinking that they had not left the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Viktor Yuryevich, who holds a position in a private commercial company, was rumored to be sitting at his workplace in a general's uniform. To ask why the retired general walks in police uniform, the operatives were ashamed, making the assumption that Berdnikov was either trying to make himself significant, or was going to an official event with former colleagues.

In the subdivision of the Sverdlovsk Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - service Love Story

Denis Skurikhin, Deputy Head of the Information Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Sverdlovsk Region, is rumored to have built a "family nest" in the workplace. Gossipers whisper that his wife allegedly works with him in the same department. True, with a different surname - Elena Nikiforova, who occupies one of the leading positions. The leadership of the central administration is also aware of the conflict of interest, but no measures are being taken. According to one version, the patronage of Viktor Berdnikov helps again - at one time the general placed his people wherever possible.

Business on inquiries

And more about the Information Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Rumor makers talk about the business that has been established in the division to provide certificates of no criminal record in an extremely short time. Several people are leading it. According to rumors, this is the senior inspector Olga D. and Evgenia P. (all coincidences are accidental), who, among other things, issue certificates for driving schools in batches. In conjunction with them - either Serebrennikov, or Serebryakova from the personnel department. For a small fee, again, according to the gossips, a certificate can be obtained in just 2-4 days, whereas if you go the official way, you will have to wait a whole month.

The "funeral" is being shared in Pervouralsk

In Pervouralsk, a redistribution of the funeral business has started, built around the municipal government institution "Ritual". In January, Anatoly Nikitin, a former individual entrepreneur working in the funeral organization market, was appointed to the place of director Svetlana Kobyakova. He liquidated the sole proprietor only in December 2018, and a month later he headed the municipal "cemetery" office. According to rumors, former police officers came with him to the MKU, who, using their connections in the security environment, will help restore their order in the interests of friendly businessmen, in cooperation with whom the funeral services are promised no problems and all sorts of liberties.

The Investigative Committee will take over the company from Rezh

The management of the Ecoprom enterprise (Rezhevsky district of the Sverdlovsk region, the company is engaged in the development of peat deposits) can repeat the fate of the "greyhound director" from Nizhny Tagil. According to rumors, about 50 employees of the company have been complaining about non-payment of wages since September 2018, receiving only formal replies and promises from local law enforcement officers. Desperate, they turned to the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Dmitry Ionin, who had already prepared an inquiry addressed to the chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia, Alexander Bastrykin. Now there is a hope that the workers will still wait for the money they have earned, and the businessmen will have to talk to the investigators.

Policemen-drug fighters "stuck" because of the witnesses

The criminal case initiated against the Yekaterinburg policemen Anatoly Diordiy and Dmitry Izibaev shook the city's MIA Administration. According to rumors, their accomplices from among civilians (attesting witnesses and not only) surrendered to the security forces on the day of their arrest, and will go in the case rather as witnesses in connection with their active assistance in the investigation of the crimes imputed to the police - kidnapping and bribery. They have already given all the necessary evidence and are free to move around the city.

Earnings on drug couriers

Although Anatoly Diordy was considered a decent operative, some of his developments reached the court, so to speak, in a truncated form. According to rumors, some of the criminal cases initially initiated under Art. 228.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Illegal production and sale of drugs") during the investigation were retrained to Part 1 of Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("Illegal possession and purchase of drugs"). The retraining allowed those under investigation to avoid harsh punishment, and in a number of cases, even to confine themselves to a "conditional". Given the scale of the drug business in Yekaterinburg, such retraining tricks could bring in up to five million rubles in a “harvest” month. It is not known whose pocket the bills were replenished.

Deputy attorney

Rumor makers advise paying special attention to Anatoly Diordia's wife Oksana, who is engaged in law practice. It is known that in 2014 she defended the deputy of the Degtyarsk City Duma Ilya Khisamov after the searches in the house of the people's deputy that thundered throughout the region. Operational search activities were carried out with the participation of employees of the Investigative Committee and operatives of the UBEP with the assistance of SOBR fighters. What role she performed, and whether she performed her husband's work, is unknown, but, according to data to date, the investigating authorities and the FSB have no complaints against her.

The media do not believe that the Yekaterinburg administration will not pay

The statement of the adviser to the head of Yekaterinburg, Aleksandr Vysokinsky, Yekaterina Kuzemka, that the mayor's office will no longer pay the media, made some directors and editors-in-chief of newspapers and news agencies smile. Most of the smiles were those who had already received contracts or they had unofficial agreements with the city administration for further financial cooperation.

The fact is that the Yekaterinburg administration has a significant amount of money for loyal media, which will be spent. The money is spent on positive information and the fight against the negative, which has recently hit the "gray house".

Moscow is ready to allocate funds for the Yekaterinburg metro. Waiting for the project

Rumor has it that Moscow is ready to make a gift to Yekaterinburg and allocate funds for the construction of a second metro line. The ceremony is to take place in 2023, the year of the city's 300th anniversary.

However, there is one catch. The federal center is ready to give money only for a ready-made project that has not yet been developed. And the longer the local authorities drag out with it, the more ghostly the chances of the capital of the Urals to get a second metro line will be.

Rumor-makers say that they understand this not only in the city administration, but also in the office of Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev, so now several hundred million rubles are being sought for the project of the second branch.

The Mayor's Office slows down the mass development of Yekaterinburg

Builders are sounding the alarm - the administration of Yekaterinburg has slowed down the issuance of permits and other documents for the construction of apartment buildings in developing neighborhoods of the city. The reason is the lack or even the absence of kindergartens and schools in the housing estates. Allegedly, earlier the mayor's office openly did not care about social facilities, but now it has become important for her.

Developers who have not yet received the documents are now forced to revise their projects, and some are even thinking about reducing the number of storeys in order to fit into the standards.

The administration of Yekaterinburg is looking for money to clean the streets

The desire of the head of Yekaterinburg, Alexander Vysokinsky, to completely clean up the city by March 15, was accepted with a bang by the officials of the mayor's office. But for this it is necessary to increase the staff of DEU, the number of equipment, it is better to monitor contractors and management companies.

But the money for these initiatives is not included in the city budget, rumor makers say. For their implementation, an additional 30 million rubles are required.

The Yekaterinburg diocese is outraged by the mayor's plans for parking under 1905 square

The Yekaterinburg diocese began to look for allies in order to influence the Yekaterinburg administration, which began to think about creating a parking lot under the 1905 square. Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church did not like this idea, and they are going to do everything possible to prevent this construction.

Rumor makers report that not only the very fact of the construction of the parking lot causes discontent, but also the fact that the Yekaterinburg diocese was not even asked about it. In addition, earlier on the square in 1905 there was a cemetery, which also causes concern among representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church.

They say that the diocese is going to ask for help from the regional government, as well as from representatives of big business, which helps it to "restore" the Cathedral of St. Catherine.

A "war" has begun for the Gorod FM radio station

The creation of a media holding by the Yekaterinburg administration was not to everyone's liking. The current employees of Vecherny Yekaterinburg, Studio-41, the Gorod FM radio station, the press service of the mayor's office have a lot of questions, and not all of them get answers.

So far, harsh changes have begun only at the radio station, which was headed by Inna Boeva. According to rumors, there are going to lay off almost half of the employees. Several people have already left the radio station.

Not everyone in the Yekaterinburg administration agrees with these permutations, so so far it does not come to mass layoffs. Most of the team manages to keep, despite the plans of the new director. Moreover, as they say, the head of Yekaterinburg, Alexander Vysokinsky, who is not ready for the drastic changes of Inna Boeva, stands for the old employees.

Oddities were found in the behavior of Alexander Ivachev

The leader of the Sverdlovsk communists, Alexander Ivachev, probably overheated on the Sochi coast. On February 28, he wrote an appeal to the chairman of the Legislative Assembly, Lyudmila Babushkina, demanding that he be included in the working group on the development of changes related to the garbage reform, although he had the opportunity to appear on February 14 at a meeting of the ZSSO council. But, either hearing problems, or some other difficulties then prevented him from joining the group, and he regained his sight only after 10 days. Observing voters ironically that Ivachev's similar problems began exactly from the moment he toned his Volvo SUV - apparently, the light transmission of the car's windows violates the established norms.

Sverdlovsk deputy squandered party money

Among the Sverdlovsk communists, there are very unflattering gossips around the person of the deputy of the Legislative Assembly, Alexander Ladygin. A couple of years ago, the regional branch of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation allocated party funds to pay for his training at a driving school, but the young politician did not receive his driver's license at that time, and therefore now he is forced to travel by taxi and on public transport, as well as to use an official car.

Lumberjacks for China were found at a budget expense

The initiative of the regional Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology, which agreed to lease 220 thousand hectares of territory in Alapaevsky, Berezovsky and Kushvinsky forestries for deforestation, caused indignation among environmentalists and social activists, turning into hysterical laughter. They remembered the Russian Championship among fellers "Lesorub-2018", which was held in Yekaterinburg with the support of the authorities at the expense of budget funds. Allegedly, then it was specially carried out in the Ural capital in order to select masters of their craft, and subsequently promptly cut down the Sverdlovsk forests, which will then be exported to China.

Heading "Rumors" is formed according to the own sources of the online newspaper "Vechernie Vedomosti"

© "Vecherniye Vedomosti"

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Head of the Department for Work with the Personnel of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Viktor Berdnikov retires

Head of the Department for Work with the Personnel of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region, Major General Viktor Berdnikov Press Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region

Major General Viktor Berdnikov, head of the personnel management department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region, will soon leave the service in connection with his retirement. As the correspondent of the site reports, the security officer is now on vacation, from which he will not return to service.

Berdnikov himself has already confirmed this information, noting that he had given 34 years to serve in the internal affairs bodies.

Now the duties of the head of the department for work with the personnel of the police headquarters are performed by one of two deputies of Berdnikov - Colonel Vladimir Tiryaev.

We recall that Viktor Berdnikov was born on January 22, 1959 in Alapaevsk. He served in the navy. He began working in the internal affairs bodies in July 1983 as an officer on duty at the Department of Internal Affairs for Alapaevsk. From April 1995 to June 2000 he headed the Department of Internal Affairs of Asbestos. In January 2002, he was appointed Deputy Head of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate - Head of the Personnel Department. Several times he went on business trips to the combat zone in the North Caucasus. Has awards. In the Sverdlovsk police headquarters, General Berdnikov enjoyed a well-deserved prestige.

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