Phytosedan: plant assistance in the treatment of nerve diseases. Phytosedan: Herbal assistance in the treatment of nerve diseases Soothing collection 3 How much time to drink

What is a herbal collection "Phytosedan number 2"? Instructions, feedback on its effectiveness and testimony to use will be considered below. You will also learn what ingredients are part of this natural tool and is there any contraindications.

The composition of the medicinal collection and its packaging

What components includes phytosedan number 2 tea? Professionals claim that this is a completely natural tool, which includes a whole group. It should be immediately noted that the ingredients of this medicinal collection were selected very competently with the participation of experienced phytotherapists.

Thus, the sedative fee contains 40% of the herbs of the dyeing, 20% hops, 15% of the leaf of peppermint, 15% of valerian roots and 10% licorice roots.

On sale this drug enters in cardboard boxes. No. 2 can be produced by the scatter, and may be packed in 2 g of filter bags.

Medicinal properties of herbal collection

How does the Herbal collection "Fitosedan No. 2" affect the patient? Instructions, reviews say that it is extremely plant origin. The infusion made from the collection has a temperate antispasmodic and soothing effect. You can apply it without appointing a doctor, but strictly according to the testimony. It should also be carefully familiar with the attached instruction, since the preparation in question has a number of contraindications.

What is the purpose of natural origin?

What is the herbal collection "Phytosedan number 2"? Instructions, reviews report that it is actively used in the complex therapy of the following states:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased patient excitability;
  • the initial stage of the development of arterial hypertension.

It is impossible not to say that the sedative collection No. 2 is often used in the muscles of the muscles of the digestive tract (in complex therapy).

Bans to the use of herbal means (infusion)

In what cases is a sedative collecting contraindicated to use? According to experienced specialists, such a drug is undesirable to use when:

  • breastfeeding;
  • increased sensitivity to herbs included in the collection;
  • pregnancy;
  • in childhood up to 12 years.

Crumpled herbal collection "Phytosedan number 2": Instruction

Professional reviews report that the effectiveness of the drug in question is in the event that it has been acquired in the form of crushed raw materials. How to cook it? To obtain a medicinal infusion of 10 g or 3, large spoons of crushed grass are placed in the enameled container and poured 1 cup or 200 ml of boiled water (hot). The resulting mixture is tightly closed with a lid and put on a weak fire. If desired, enameled dishes can be placed on a water bath. Such thermal processing will be more gentle and retain all the useful collaboration properties.

Withstanding the infusion in the water bath about the ¼ hour, it is removed from the stove and cooled at room temperature for 45 minutes.

The constraint of the contents of the enameled dishes through the fine sieve, the remaining raw materials are squeezed with their hands. After that, the volume of the obtained herbal infusion is brought with warm boiled water up to 200 ml.

How to use the product under consideration? It is taken inward in warm form. Dosage of the medicinal infusion is 1/3 cups twice a day half an hour before meals. Take such a tool for 2-4 weeks.

How to brew "phytosedan number 2" in filter bags?

The preparation form considered is more simple to use.

Collection of powder in the amount of 1 filter bag (2 g) is placed in an enameled or glass dishes, after which approximately 100 ml of boiling water (about 1/2 cup) are poured. After that, the ingredients are tightly closed and insisted for half an hour. It should be especially noted that for the preparation of such an infusion, very many mistresses use thermos. Such devices allows to obtain a more concentrated drug.

After the specified time, the boiled filter package is strongly pressed and discarded. As for the obtained infusion, its volume is adjusted to 100 ml by adding boiled water.

How to take this tool? It is prescribed inside (in warm form) in the amount of 1/2 cup twice a day 25-30 minutes before metrase. Take this preparation for 2-4 weeks.

If necessary, the course of treatment "Fitosedan No. 2" can be repeated, but only on the recommendations of the doctor.

Sidey reactions after receiving infusion

Could the development of negative reactions of the receipt of the drug under consideration? Specialists argue that in general, such infusion is transferred to patients well. Although sometimes he still causes signs of allergies. Also, adverse reactions are observed in those who took this means, despite the existing contraindications.

Cases overdose

What signs of overdose may occur when the means under consideration is incorrect? With a long-term reception of herbal infusion in doses, which significantly exceed the recommended, patient may have muscle weakness, reduced performance and drowsiness.

Medicinal interaction

Is it permissible to combine the reception of infusion "phytosedan number 2" with other drugs? According to experts, the collection in question is capable of strengthening the therapeutic effect of sleeping pills and other drugs that inhibitly affect the CNS.

Special Information

Purchase the collection "Fitosedan No. 2" in pharmacies can be without a doctor's prescription.

During the period of treatment, this means must be taken care during driving vehicles, as well as in class with potentially hazardous mechanisms requiring clarity of mind and increased concentration of attention.

general characteristics:

Basic physico-chemical properties: crushed mixture of inhomogeneous particles of gray-green vegetable raw materials with white, whitish yellow, pinkish-purple, brown-purple brilliance; The smell is strong, fragrant; The taste of water extraction is bitter, spicy;

Structure: 1 g of collection contains a 25% herbs latch, a 25% grazing souls, a 25% grasses, valerian rhizomes with roots of 17%, grass finishes 8%.

Form release. Chopped vegetable raw materials in powder.

Pharmacotherapeutic group. Sleeping and sedatives.

PBX code N05cm50 **.

Pharmacological properties.

Pharmacodynamics. Collection components contain alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, tanning substances, essential oil, organic acid, mineral salts, terpeenoids, isovalaric acid and other substances. This complex of biologically active compounds has a sedative effect, reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, has antispasmodic properties.

Pharmacokinetics. Not studied.

Indications for application. Increased nervous excitability, sleep disorders, early stage of arterial hypertension, gastrointestinal spasms.

Method of application and dose. 2 filter-packages (4 g) are placed in glass or enameled dishes, 200 ml (1 cup) boiling water, heated and insist 15 minutes, periodically pressed on the bag with a spoon, then pressed it. The volume of the obtained infusion is brought with boiled water up to 200 ml.

Take inside in warm form 1/3 cup 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Course treatment - 10 - 14 days. A break between treatment courses - 10 days.

Children aged 3 to 12 years old, the dose is established individually depending on body weight. Children with body weight up to 25 kg - ½ cup (100 ml), prepared infusion from one bag, children with body weight up to 40 kg - 1 cup (200 ml), prepared infusion from one bag.

Side effect. Allergic reactions (hyperemia, rash, itching, photosensitization) are possible.

Contraindications. Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug. Children's age up to 3 years.

Overdose. In case of overdose, fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness may be observed, which requires the abolition of the drug, and in the severity of these effects - the appointment of caffeine.

Features of application.

Pregnancy and lactation.

The use of the drug during periods of pregnancy and lactation is possible only when the expected benefit for the mother exceeds the potential risk to the fetus / child.

Impact on the ability to drive a car or work with complex mechanzims.

With caution, apply the drug when driven by transport and work with complex mechanisms.

Interaction with other medicines. Enhances the effect of sleeping preparations; Infusion can be combined with other soothing and cardiovascular means.

Storage conditions. Store in an inaccessible for children, dry, protected from light place. Cooked infusion - in the cool (8 - 15c) place no more than 2 days.

Shelf life - 2 years.

Keywords: sedative fee number 3 instruction, sedative fee number 3 Application, sedative fee number 3 Composition, sedative fee number 3 Reviews, sedative fee number 3 Analogues, sedative fee number 3 Dosage, medicine Singing collection number 3, Soothing fee number 3 Price , Soothing collection number 3 Instructions for use.

Publication Date: 03/30/17

Soothing collection number 3 - a medicinal product of the so-called plant origin. I will consider the pharmaceutia in detail specifically for readers "Popular about health".

So, the instruction "Successive collection number 3":

What is the collection number 3 composition and form of release?

Fit-consumerism is multicomponent. As part of the collection contains several different representatives of the flora: the rhizomes of Valerians of the drug, the grass of the Donnik and Oblinitsa ordinary, in addition, there is a herb of mother-in-law and crawling thyme.

The phytopreparation is sold without a recipe. It is manufactured by the pharmacy in filter packages that are packaged in cardboard packaging. In addition, the collection goes on sale in the form of chopped vegetable raw materials placed in a small box of cardboard, on which the date of pharmaceuticals and the implementation of this means is visible.

What a collection number 3 action?

Vegetable remedy Successful collected No. 3 contains some biologically active compounds, which are found in the herbs and roots of plants that are part of medicinal phyttogencies, in particular, contains kumarins, some essential oils, there are flavonoids.

From this phytopreparation it is recommended to prepare a decoction and infusion that have a sedative effect, and also have antispasmodic effects. Thanks to which the collection action removes excessive excitement, normalizes the patient's sleep, as well as to some extent lowers blood pressure, especially at the initial stage of hypertension.

What is the collection number 3 of indications for use?

In the testimony of the collection, its application instructions ranges:

Effectively phytosteria in sleep disorders;
A vegetable remedy for mental excitation is used.

In addition, the phytopreparation can be used in combination therapy of the initial stage of arterial hypertension after a preliminary examination of the patient with a specialist.

What are the collection number 3 of contraindications for use?

In contraindications, collecting abstract bans on the use of those patients who have been identified by hypersensitivity to some active components of this pharmaceutical. Before using the drug during pregnancy, a woman needs to receive consultation from the doctor.

What collection number 3 Application and dosage?

To prepare from the phytopreparation, the calming collection number 3 of the decoction will need a tablespoon of this vegetable collection, which is placed in a small enameled dishes. Next to the container is poured boiling water in the amount of 200 milliliters. After that it is recommended to install the container on the prepared so-called water bath.

After 15 minutes, it is recommended to remove the decoction with water bath and it is necessary to cool it at least 45 minutes in room temperature. Next, the phytopreparation is filled through a small strain, or twice the folded gauze. After that, the volume of the beam is adjusted to the initial, which is 200 milliliters.

Using filter packets Soothing collection number 3 you can cook infusion. To this end, one bag of vegetation raw materials is recommended to be placed in the enameled or glass dishes, where 100 millilitres of the so-called cool boiling water are then poured.

Infusion need to insist for fifteen minutes, and then it is recommended to press the so-called filter bags well. After that, the phytosteria is ready for use with therapeutic goal.

Take a rejuvenating collection number 3 in the form of a decoction or phytoness at half a glass up to four times a day about minutes Thirty to the start of the meal. In the middle course, two weeks can continue. You can conduct a repeated course after ten days on the recommendation of the doctor.

What collection number 3 side effects?

The known side effect of the collection is to provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions. In such a case, from further reception of the plant drug, it is necessary to refrain, in addition, it is necessary to consult a specialist for possible antihistamine (anti-allergic) therapy.

Collection number 3 - overdose

Currently, symptoms are not known that may arise in response to excessive use of the phytopreparation (overdose) of collection No. 3. However, if such a situation occurs, it is better to wash the patient with a stomach, and when the so-called uncomfortable state occurs, the patient should contact the doctor.

special instructions

During the period of treatment with vegetable pharmaceuticals, the patient must comply with the so-called caution while driving vehicles, as a sedative impact will be observed, which can be negatively affected by the concentration of attention, and a psychomotor reaction may decrease.

It is necessary to store a vegetable collection in dry conditions, if the humidity will be increased, it will lead to the rotation of the phytopreparation, respectively, its further use will be unacceptable, such a drug is subject to the so-called utilization.

How to replace the collection number 3, it has analogs?

Fitosedan pharmaceuticals No. 3 refers to the analogues of collection number 3.


Use the phytopreparation is preferably after prior consultation with the attending doctor. The reception of the plant pharmacy does not exclude the possibility of appointing with other medicines, which the doctor recommends.

And there I advised the budget and effective substitute - the sedative herbal collection of phytosedan. After that, I sprinkled with clarifying issues in a personal - which fee I advise, No. 2 or No. 3. So I decided to write a separate feedback on my experience in the use of phytoshedan.

Usually I buy exactly the collection number 3, about the fact that there is also the second - I even did not know.

I already buy a third package for a third, for the tool is cheap and really beneficially affects the nervous system. Phytosedan serves me by sedative, when the world is injected around, and there is no recipe for antidepressants at hand. Yes, and I have a certain recipe now, a familiar doctor stayed far away, and through the Internet I do not know how recipes are discharged. And what I want to say - it would seem simple, banal herbs - and the effect of them like a medium tranquilizer!

Effect of application I feel already for dinner after the first brewed package - I become calmer ... oh here I do not like these common phrases - I become calmer - in fact it's not such a stupid calm, no. I focus, I can get behind the wheel (that is, my attention is not lost), but at the same time I do not shake hands, the tears of the eyes are not rolling, and the traumatic life situations (which I constantly think) do not cause me a desire to go and win . Phytosedan does not force me to sleep and walk autumn fly, and gives a quiet calm confidence - "You will cope with everything."

This collection includes:

That's all - the composition is not wisdom, if you wish, you can buy herbs separately and make a decoction yourself, but the use of herbs in filter bags personally is preferable to me.

About the taste of tincture - This is not a cup. It will not work with pleasure. The taste of infusion is wildly bitter, just Fu. I drink a volley, clamping my nose - so bitterness is not felt. You need to drink three or four times a day, preferably before meal.

Regarding the dosage. I drink it more than it is necessary. The manufacturer advises to drink on a third of a glass several times a day, and I drink on a glass of trial three times a day (and sometimes four). Well, this dosage is helped by me - perhaps someone will have a third glass for the desired effect.

Well, that's all, I hope my review will be useful. Seriously, than buying this tenoten for non-day money, try the phytosedan for 50 r - worse it will not make sure, and the benefit will be!

The composition of the phytoshedan number 2 includes the grass of the mother-in-law 40%, hopnation of hop 20%, peppermint and rhizomes valerians 15%, licorice roots 10%.

Form release

Crushed vegetable raw materials in a pack of 50 g.

Filter bags 2 g №20 in the package.

pharmachologic effect

Soothing, light spasmolitical.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


Sedative (sedative) Collect number 2 has a sedative and moderate antispasmodic effect.
Lattice having a flavonol glycosides , saponins , carotene and alkaloid Stakhidrin , medicine is used to treat neuroses , including climacteric , epilepsy For decline arterial pressure and reducing vessel spasms as a diuretic.

Substances that determine the properties of hops are phenolic compounds , bitterness and essential oil. It has a soothing, antispasmodic, diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Valerian is distinguished by a multilateral effect: a moderate sedative effect, reduces excitability CNS. , eliminates the spasms of smooth muscles, strengthens the bile and secretion of the gastrointestinal tract.

The peppermint has a sedative effect with neurotic states, increased excitability and insomnia . The licorice root has an anti-inflammatory effect, in this composition is in the smallest quantities and is used to give the inferior taste, neutralizing the bitter taste of the dyeing.


Data is not provided.

Indications for use

Complex treatment:


  • increased sensitivity;
  • pregnancy ;
  • lactation;
  • age up to 12 years.

Side effects

Soothing collection number 2, instructions for use (method and dosage)

Infusions take inside. The preparation method depends on the form of release.

Ground raw materials. Take 3 tbsp. Spoons of vegetable raw materials are poured 200 ml of hot water, heated on a water bath for 15 minutes. The resulting decoction is filtered, pressed and bring the volume with water to 200 ml. Take in warm form 1/3 cups 30 minutes before meals, twice a day. Before use shabby. Course treatment from 2 to 4 weeks.

Powder in filter bags. 2 filter packets are poured 100 ml of boiling water, they insist half an hour, pressed, and the volume of infusion of water to 100 ml is adjusted. Drink in warm form 100 ml twice a day. The duration of the course of treatment is the same. The repetition of the course can only recommend a doctor.

With long-term reception in overestimated doses, a decrease in the reaction rate may be observed, which affects working with moving mechanisms and driving transport.


Manifests itself with allergic reactions, reduced performance, drowsiness Muscular weakness.


Infusion or decoction of collection enhances the effects of sleeping pills.

Terms of sale

Without recipe.

Storage conditions

Temperature up to 25 ° C.

Shelf life

Cooked infusion store no more than two days.

Soothing collection number 2 for children

Cheerfully affect the baby evening baths with soothing herbs. You can take individual herbs or ready-made pharmacy fees - "Children's Soothing" , Soothing fee number 2.. For swimming, it can be applied from birth, but you can take inside only for 12 years, because the dyeing contains alkaloids . For the baths take 4 bags brewing 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist and poured into a children's bath. The duration of the bath is 15 minutes, and the course of treatment is 10 days. According to the reviews of the parents, the effect was noted, but not always.

  • « ... the child after these baths sleeps very well until the morning».
  • « ... very nice herbs, we bathed in them from 1 month».
  • « ... Neurologist advised us, they advised these baths - it is very helpful with a bad dream».
  • « ... they did them regularly, but no sense. The child did not calm down».

In the pubertal period, the collection of phytosedan number 2 can be prescribed only to girls, since hops, licorice and mint hambranes have high content phytoestrogen - The boys can break the puberty.


Coincidences on the ATX 4 level code:

Phytosedan number 3. , Soothing , Zetral , Notta , Valericel , Nervohel .

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