Autumn nature is cold. Nature in autumn: a series of amazing metamorphosis

October. A month starts from the Golden Autumn period. If in the first half of October the Fox appears in all its glory of the Golden Autumn, then from the second half of the month the letters quickly fall, they charge rains, and the earth becomes raw and dirty. Here is the name of the month - the dirty.

Golden October: Paints on the canvas

Description of the Golden Autumn of October (I - II Week)

There is the brightest time of the autumn - golden autumn. Tree before immersed in a long sleep, sketching gold clothes with rapid yellow letters. Autumn forest is covered with picturesque painting. Shines in the sun, overflowing with gold birch. With a light wind drops the maple letters. November, circling dizard, eliminated letters moisture from frequent rains. The forest of the trails form a yellow corridor, the water from the shore of the pond is sprinkled by the mildings of the fallen letters. The tree in the forest is filled with the Red Golden Autumn, that's just the oak before everyone ran down completely and, talking his dry areas, before everyone was prepared by Kizim.

The wind with noise is circling November, the latter clouds swim in the sky. The thundering rains no longer happen, and the temperature begins to rapidly decrease simultaneously with the advent of thick and protracted precipitation. In the rays of the cool October Sun in the sky, which pigeon, the birds of birds are rising. Suggesting in big flocks they want south to warm. Many sieve birds are already on the way to the warm edges, and the starlings with the rivors will even win for a while here, and they are already pulling them in a flock. Very soon the first serious frosts

Forest food to the wintering of the animal. Who does not know Belkini nuts? Toads are buried in lead to sleep under the ice all winter. Herbs-perennials collected all the necessary substances in roots and bulbs to wait for the next spring for a new growth. So the warmth of the last days, which go, long-term female litas is replaced by the rain. Great golden autumn weather, pile clouds and the sun swollen cloudy and gray heavenly curtain. Meanwhile, the starlings are ready for the flight, they are waiting for the first cold and on the road. Following them, feeling early frosts, rummaged to the south and raghoz.

Golden October in the folk calendar

"Batty of the cover, cutting a lace snow, and I'm a bright"

It starts the countdown of October, the People's Calendar from the Crane Lita - from the first days of October. The sooner the cranes are flying, the sooner the first frosts roll stronger. Following Zosimia in early October, Astafyevi winds will be blown up, bearing cold air. Over the strength of the wind, you can say about winter. Cold wind from Severe - to fitness, western or oriental winds - to the rain, and the southern - to long-term warmth. October 7 - Fekla-Zarennitsa, nights will change faster at night. On Sergius - October 8, the first early snow, and when so, then and winter be from late November

So in the air, then see, air drops will change on white snowy dots, though, still difficult to water. October 14 Notable Day cover, changes the course from autumn for the winter. The first snow is for the cover. By the winter, of course, there will be no more distant, the earth did not cooled, the snow does not follow the winter, and the rain is raining quickly. Now dry autumn will change the cool and wet october. Recent rustle letters will change the wet dirt that sticks out. In the villages, all cookings for winter are ready, the right time to decide their fate and the young holiday to play. October - the month of weddings of stormy, bright celebrations and dosvilnikovstolev.

October: cold turns

Description of the second half of October (III - IV week)

Calm, overwhelmed by the sun, the days are changed unexpectedly windy bad weather and raw raw rains, and then again looks at the sun. The people said - "in the autumn seven weather in the yard." If the sun shines, the day is clear and clean. Beautifully overflowing yellow deciduous forest on the background of purity of a cool blue sky. And if the day is charged with rain, then the ugliness of autumn sorrow gives a cloudy day

The air in the sun is no longer so warm, as in September, the sun's rays from the second half of the month becomes much smaller. Daytime temperature is approaching a cold night, the soil graves everything less often from frequent rains, and the average air temperature in October is located near + 4 ° C. Mets significantly earlier, and the duration of the daylight is noticeably decreasing. Until the end of October, possible reduction in night temperatures up to 0 ° C, and even lower, therefore, the first snow falls until the end of the month, but after not yet cooled land, the snow melts quickly and more often.

The second half of October in the folk calendar

"From trifon-palages in the yard is still colder"

Passed cover, snow on the trees sketched. Someone cannot be kept snow - melted. Letters are wet, which has not yet burned, already under the first wet snow, fall faster from trees. Wet snow breaks with a crunch area, breaks down the last surviving sheets. Crack of trees accounted for Erofey - October 17, the winter in the fur coat is dressed up. On this day did not go from the forest, they were afraid of Leshely to meet. Rumors walked about the fact that the slave on this day breaks up for the winter with the forest, the trees break with a cracking, scatters the animals and go through the ground, leaving the forest empty. The next day, October 18, Haritini, and next Denis-Intrimity. We can assume that from this day not to see more bunch clouds, and twilight comes before. Faster mapping day at night

Another sign of the future winter is October 20 - Sergius. If the snow in Sergius will cover completely land, then in a month winter will stand on mature. By the way, it was interesting to show the intelligence in the storage of the solutions in times when there were no refrigerators. To keep saline cucumbers, the men hid them at the barrel and lowered the river to the river before she dragged into ice. In winter, the water does not freeze water, and the temperature below is +4 degrees does not ignore, and in the spring, those barrels received. Better repository will not come up with. Until October 21, it was time to cook boots and a fur coat, the first cold begins from the trifon. Here and the Paraskeva-dirty, here, like here, still a little and snow, the whole earth-Mother will wave

The people say that autumn time of wisdom, and describing and characterizing autumn can be said with confidence, the autumn time does not leave any of us indifferentShe will pull even the optimists and the happiest people in the world to think about the transfer and meaninglessness of our existence. Great time - the autumn time is charm, one of the four times of the year, find out about the autumn pore, holidays and autumn signs, poems, the weather in autumn.

Autumn, probably, the most charming and mysterious, marked by special colors time of the year. Poets and artists of different generations devoted to the autumn their inspired poems and paintings, helping to reveal this course of the year, in all its magnificent paints.

Autumn has three autumn months - affectionate, velvet September, rainy and rainy October and piercingly cold November. Nature is preparing for a long winter holiday. And if in September, autumn is friendly ascend us and nature, the gentle rays of the Babiy summer, enchanting their beauty, then with the onset of the second half of autumn, the weather begins to hint to us that the winter is soon, and the sky is increasingly tightened with gray, rainy clouds.

In the fall, all, trees and flowers, fly to the warm edges of the bird, and low and cloudy sky mourns the summer tears of cold rains.

The autumn is a great time - one of the four times of the year, find out about the autumn and autumn, holidays, autumn signs, poems, weather in autumn ...

In the autumn season, the lonely birch trees and aspen are trembling in the winter hibernation of hedgehogs, bears, snakes and many other animals and insects. Ulocked by cold autumn wind, fly away from us cranes in the southern countries, mahind us on the farewell wings ...

The arrival of the autumn affects us in the very heart, the root sorrow and generating endless longing in the summer. Autumn is a favorite time of the great Russian poets and artists who came up in the Council the deadly beauty of autumn in their numerous and immortal works. website / Node / 2820

Autumn time - time for artists and photographers who lose peace, capturing the beauty of autumn in parks, squares and forests, trying to kidnap the autumn a piece of her beauty.

Autumn in our country is divided into several seasons:

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In the old days, autumn met three times:

In the autumn period, it is possible to distinguish a woman summer, which begins at the end of the summer from August 28 and continues until September 21, and the bare summer is divided during the periods:

In an astronomical calendar - autumn originates from September 22, from the day of autumn equinox.

The beginning of the fall on a phenologic calendar is associated with the beginning of the fly of birds, as well as with the extinguishing of yellow leaves and the beginning of the first frosts. There are two periods of beginning of autumn:

From the onset of the first frosts and before the end of the leaf fall;

From the end of the leaf fall until the beginning of the winter.

Fall- lasts 93 days, begins on August 27 - and continues until November 26.

Folk signs of autumn

If autumn is warm - there will be a long winter.

If there is a lot of rowan in the forest - it means that the autumn will be rainy if the rowabins are little dry.

Urodil the big harvest of Ryabina - wait for big frosts.

Large harvest of nuts, and mushrooms uroded a little - it means that winter will be snowy and harsh.

Squirrels make a large stock of nuts - Winter expect cold.

The skin on the lows is a few - winter will be soft, the skin on the bulbs is a lot and it is rough - winter will be harsh.

The more ants create heaps of anthills, the harsh will be the winter.

Many cobwebs foreshadowed the Indian summer - and to a clear autumn with a cold winter.

If the autumn of the web is steel on plants - it will be warm.

Bees in the fall of the flyer of the hive plum the wax, leaving a slightly prominent hole - it means that winter will be cold, and if the bees leave the pilot open - winter will be warm.

If autumn is gray, wait for a red day. Website / Node / 2820

If the leafflower goes quickly, it is worth expecting the boards of winter.

Wait for a harsh and long winter - if the late leavefall.

Leaves on the trees Although the wishes, but falling weakly - frosts will not come soon.

If on the birch in the fall, the leaves will begin to turn on top, then the spring will be early, and if yellow is shrouded - then later.

In the fall, the chickens begin to lift early - there will be a warm winter.

You will see the mosquitoes in the late autumn - there will be a soft winter.

In the hares a lot of fat - wait for the harsh winter.

Holidays in autumn

Orthodox holidays in autumn

The Christmas of the Virgin, the Exaltation, Pokrov, Kazan, the beginning of the Christmas post;

Autumn - Public and Professional Holidays

Day of People's Unity, Day of Knowledge, Oil and Gas Industry Workers, Tankists, Machine Builder, Forest Workers, Motorist, Autumn Equinox and others.

Folk sayings of autumn

Spring red flowers, and autumn snaps.

Spring is hungry, though red, and autumn, though the rainy, and satisfy.

In the fall and sparrows are singing.

Autumn - Weather Change Eight.

Spring rain rain, autumn wet.

In the spring of the rain, the river is shed - you will not see the drops, in the fall, the calm is asked, and the water is at least a bucket.

Autumn is when the horizon is lowered low, autumn cuts off, makes us look at things a little bit differently, as if through a colored glass. Autumn, like a color glass - paints our world, in one color - first in blue, then in red, and after in dull gray. website / Node / 2820

Autumn, like a light cool breeze, accelerates air locks and returns us after hot summer from heaven to the ground, yes, we think - autumn cuts us out.

With the onset of autumn in our forests, you can collect good crops of mushrooms and berries.

Autumn - one of the most beautiful times of the year and, to our regret, the most fast, because in the fall, we begin to notice how time rapidly flows: you look, only yesterday the trees were green, and through their numerous foliage, shone the gentle sun, and today leaves Wishes and began to face the land together. Autumn - it's time for the solemn, beautiful, though fleeting, time of inspiration and the creation of artists and poets.

Autumn and autumn poems


Poems about autumn

Autumn time - Love charm!

Autumn time -
Love charm!
Alpassed Mila
Fights of fading.

Autumn time,
You have become a chrysanthemum!
Famous Solve.
Already runs for you.

Autumn time!
As if drove
Nature sleep juice,
Love -not broke.

Autumn River
Tired, cooled.
Mutna Vodice
It flows sadly.

"Autumn time
Ocho charming! "
For what
Are you expelling summer?

Autumn time -
Poetry calling!
Decent pen
Great creation.

Autumn time!
Summer went to legend.
Poems wrote in vain -
Do not see them edition.

Autumn time
The Law of the Universe -
Calm - already winter
It comes out of exile.

Woman named autumn

Wanks over the abandoned giving.
Maybe good luck brings
Maybe the sneak will pay.

Take up windows and doors.
The woman is tired, probably.
It is autumn, it is a loss,
Or just weak nerves.

Who she looks like that
Reflecting in dusk night?
And - frost, suddenly, - on the skin!
After all, we are very close to very much.

And again questions, questions,
As if overflowing wine ...

Woman named autumn
It will become young in spring.


A. S. Pushkin

The sky is breathing in autumn,
Sometimes the sun shone,
In short, it became a day,
Forests mysterious Sen.
With sad noise naked.
Went to the field fog,
Gusey criquid caravan
Stretched south: approached
Pretty boring time;
There was no yard.

A. S. Pushkin

October has come - the grove docks
The last sheets with the naked branches;
Duffled the autumn chlad - the road freezes.
Zhurch still runs for the mill of the stream,

But the pond has already frozen; My neighbor is hurry
In the departure of the field with her hunt,
And they will be guided by Ozimi from mad fun,
And wakes up the dogs asleep dubrava.

Queen Autumn

Royal gait again comes autumn,
Queen - autumn does not ask for anything.
Proud posture, view of heavenly blue,
Golden dress, thin mill goddess.
Cobweb lace, view from under veil,
And the sounds in the Royal Hall are migrated.
Sophisticated admiration, holders, maples,
Holding, tilted heads in the bow.
Birch reneranous make, embarrassed,
Golden fan timidly covered.
Lace leaflets in the air spin
The shoulder is trusting himself sits down.
Golden leaf, I will not throne you,
Only I will correct the carefully autumn crown.

That no day is a sharp wind

River in the forest foliage with branches ......

That no day - then before the evening,

And the lights all late.

Medlit Sunny, as if

Climb, no strength ....

Therefore, it's morning over the ground

Almost at lunch.


A. Mikikov
Autumn landscape

I love the Forest Travel,
Not knowing himself where, breast
Double deep collage
You go - and no end of the way ...
Circle Miscellaneous Forest;
Already rash autumn cock,
A. Yelnik Green and Tenimist;
Osiennik Yellow beats alarm;
Calculated with birch leaf
And, like a carpet, has relieved the road ...
You go, as if on the waters -
Noga noise ... and ear
The slightest rustle in more often, there,
Where the magnificent fern is dorm
And red amansor row
That Karlya fabulous, sleep ..
Sun ray lies oblique.
The river looked away ...
On the shallow mill of wheels
Already noisy from afar ...


I. Bunin

Forest, exactly led painted,
Purple, gold, crimped,
Cheerful, pesting the wall
It is standing over a light polar.

Birchie yellow threads
Shine in blue lazuries,
Like tows, chips are darker,
And between klyans blue
Then there, here, in foliage through,
Summets in the sky, that shell.

The forest smells oak and pine,
For the summer he dry he from the sun
And autumn quietly widow
It comes to the Pierce Terem your own.
Today on empty glade,
Among the wide yard,
Air web fabric
Brilliate as a network of silver.

Today all day plays
In the yard the last moth
And, exactly white petal,
On the web freezes,
Sunny warm ...


A. Shibitskaya

Holiday in autumn in the forest
And light, and fun.
Here are some decorations
Autumn burned here.
Each golden leaf -
Small sunny,
Colon in the basket I,
Put on the bottom.
Shore I leave ...
Autumn continues
At home, at home
The holiday does not end.


Yu. Kapustina

In a gold carrier,
That with a horse is playful,
Skipped autumn
In forests and funds.
Good wizard
Everything reincarnated:
Bright yellow
The earth was degraded.
From the sky is sleepy month
The miracle is surprised.
Everything is sparkled around
Everything overflows.


Boris Pasternak

Golden autumn

Fall. Fabulous pane
All open for review.
Forest roads,
Looking into the lake.

As at the picture of the paintings:
Halls, halls, halls, halls
Elm, aspen, Osin
In the gilding is not enough.

Linden hoop gold -
As a crown on the newlywed.
Birch Face - under Fata
Wedding and transparent.

Buried land
Under foliage in the ditch, pits.
In yellow maples of the flaghel,
As if in gilded frames.

Where are the trees in September
At the dawn stand in pairs,
And sunset on their kore
Leaves an amber footprint.

Where you can not step in the ravine,
So that everyone knows everyone:
So raging that neither step
Under the legs sheet wood.

Where he sounds at the end of Alley
Echo have a cool descent
And dawn cherry glue
Throws in the form of a clock.

Fall. Ancient corner
Old books, clothes, guns,
Where is the treasure catalog
Ships the sizzle.


I gave home to home
All close to a long time in the breakdown,
And loneliness is always
Full all in the heart and nature.

And here I am here with you in the guardhouse.
In the forest is silent and deserted.
Like in a song, stitches and tracks
Forged half.

Now we are alone with sadness
Loose log walls.
We did not promise the barriers
We will die frankly.

We will sit in an hour and stand in the third,
I'm with a book, you are with embroidery,
And you will not note at dawn
How to kiss.

Still lush and reckless
Lump, shive, leaves,
And bitter bowl yesterday
Today's longing exceeds.

Affection, climb, charm!
Scatter in the September noise!
Burnt all in autumn rustle!
Zamri or Loomes!

You also drop the dress,
How grove resets the leaves,
When you fall in the arms
In a bathrobe with a silk brush.

You are the benefit of a disastrous step,
When the life of the sickel of illness,
And the root of beauty - courage,
And it pulls us to each other.


Vladislav Khodasevich

Golden light in the altar,
In the windows - flowery glasses.
I come to this temple at the dawn,
In the fall, the heart is blocked ...
The heart is stuffed ...

Sad. Autumn fears
Autumn milked red cloth,
Refractors ...
Wind - like a moan of late sobs.
The leaves are rustling and, taking off, dancing.

Bright morning. I am in the church. So early.
The gold in the slow sounds of the organ,
Heart sighs submissive, dimension,
Torn needles exposed
Turning needles autumn ...
Turning - autumn.


Valery Bryusov


Early autumn love dying.
Finely love gold colors
Autumn early, love dying.
Branches are transparent, Alley is empty,
In blue pale, having fun
Strange quiet, beauty, cleanliness.

Leaves with a sigh, under the wind, their gentle,
Quietly take off and roll away
(Duma about the past in the vision of non-fit).
Live and not live - good and not sorry.
Sharp sickle, painless cutting,
Compressed in the shower and delight and sadness.

Clear sun - without the same rebel,
Rain - Like a drop of flowing grew
(Languid caresses without the same rebel),
The smell in the gardens of amusement roses.
In the heart of the spring of the soothed tenderness,
Happiness - without jealousy, passion - without threats.

Hello, blue days, autumn,
Gold Lip and Osin Bagryman!
Hello, days before separation, autumn!
Pale - Above Bright Days - Crown!
Days of underwent words and moments

Autumn has come. The sun shines not so bright, cool notes appeared in the air. The sky, as if he feels and hang over her head. The air has become somehow transparent and clean. Sometimes he lights fine rain, blowing a cool breeze ... But all this are little things compared to being around, extraordinary beauty, nature.

Autumn is the time of mushrooms, berries and, of course, a rich richness of paints. Nature is painted in golden, brown and bright crimsons, which are mixed with each other. There is a special aroma in the air - the smell of dry grass and fallen foliage.

An early autumn can be observed a little more green grass, only beginners to be covered with gilding leaves and knocked in flocks of migratory birds. Animals are preparing for wintering. Sometimes nostalgic moments occur. A quiet whisper of falling leaves, makes plunge into your thoughts and dream a little.

The leaves fall on the ground and make the carpet, which you want to lie down and relax. The sun's rays, falling on brown and yellow leaves, give them an incredible beauty and gold radiance. Such a splendor will not see at another time of the year. Therefore, you need to enjoy every moment and every new day.

Despite the scarce of vegetation, autumn is the time of romanticism. As a pleasant stroll through the park or forest, while listening to the crunch of leaves under the legs, collect a magnificent bouquet of a variety of leaves, adding a rowan twig into it.

Or go to the river and there to observe how small ships from bright leaves and beautiful pairs of graceful swans are floating in a quiet flow.

At this time of year, you can see a stunning sunset that complements all the paints of autumn. The sky becomes so deep, and the clouds are heavy that you want to stretch your hand and touch.

Gradually, all this charm to change frequent rains, mud and slush. The leaves with trees and bushes disappear, leaving only bare branches.

Days will become all shorter. The air will be filled with dampness, and in the mornings on the ground, a white vest will be a fog. At such moments, it is also nice to watch the nature, for example, sitting by the window to look like a drop of rain drops.

November - Late Autumn

November-list. It becomes cold. , increasingly charges the rain small without a breather, fogs are tightened. The name of the month is a sheet, because the trees drop their last leaves. The weather, especially, it seems cold with rain and wet snow. Nature is ready for winter. That's the snow.

November: Cloudy days

Description of the nature of the late autumn of November (I - II Week)
All silent and sadness becomes autumn. It's time for late autumn - month November. The sun quite rarely appeared. Cummy clouds in the sky replaced the dull gray film. The heat is not very left. Snow is small, if it falls, the snow cover is unstable, from which the weather seems very cold. Herbal grass adjusts wet snow. On the water formed a thin ice frame. That rain with the snow whirlpool twists, it's just a small frost incessantly pouring all day, and then the sun looks a little and immediately hide behind the rain line.

The trees were almost completely freed from the leaves, somewhere else disrupts the lonely sheet with a strong wind and carries it in a watery vest. For the winter during the field of cold, the trees are hardening, providing protection from ice wind, ice and snow. In the forest, then in one, in another place you can find a winter guest of bulging. Together with bulkings by November, flocks of chutes and chests arrive. Forest beasts are already fully prepared for winter, dressed in winter coats, and here they also have grown up in a wild forest and fox jogs from a tree to a tree looking for mice and badgers hidden in minks. Kaban is heard in a dry forest, the crack branches makes his way to his stack. In winter, wild boars are trying to keep together, prepare their stay from the voroch of old leaves. The forest fell asleep, but the beasts do not sleep, ahead is not a slight test of long winter.

November in the folk calendar
"It's not winter to Kazan yet - no fall from Kazan"

Month of November Surov and is cold in the absence of snow. It happens occasionally and the sun, but it almost does not heat, and if the wind overtakes, it gives an arctic cold from the legs to the head. November begins in the folk calendar from the main date on November 4 - the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Not for the weather now to work, now all November and all winter is sitting at home, but warm the sleeves to the warmth. It is frozen on the Kazan puddle, are covered with a thin ice, and here and Dmitrov's day - November 8 came up. It was noted that the autumn remained to Dmitrov's Day. November 10 - Nenila-flaxic, baked flax for buckle. Nastasya-sheepnitsa accounted for 11th month, thanked the shepherds for the fact that sheep was protected all year. Zinovy \u200b\u200b- November 12 - the feast of birds-pancakes, to this day they arrive with flocks of bullfinch, fuses and many other winter guests.

November: Winter Meeting

Description of the nature of the late autumn of November (III - IV Week)
It's closer to winter. The clouds are solid and gray, there is a foggy haze in the air, and in the mornings, the puddles are covered with ice crusts. By the end of the month, the ponds freeze, tightening completely even ice. The average air temperature of October 2-3 degrees below zero Celsius. Outward November gray and sad month, only the last week of November can be painted in white Fresh-haired snow, which will finally grumble firmly on the soil and branches of trees.

The water temperature is reduced and many fish are already buried in il, soma, karasi, carps spend winter in a hibernation. For the winter in the river there are many floating fish, perch, rams, pikes. The thermometer column by the end of the month is already firmly lowered below zero, it remains only in the snow falling as winter starts.

And so, suddenly, as they say - on the head, the snow falls. In a few moments, it covers a white bedspread field, the banks of rivers and trees. Everything is shrouded in snow, as if it becomes warmer and joy from white flakes, slowly falling from the sky. Winter comes slowly and sharpes in the ice shadles of nature.

The second half of November in the folk calendar
"Fedor Studit - Earth Studit"

The people meet the winter of fun and holidays - November 14, Kuzma-Demyan's Day, also called this day - Kuzminki. Now the rays of the sun are not capable of warming. And from the next day - on November 15, Akundin day, was taken for work on the house. The range of fabrics, rushed, embroidered, and men bread Moli. By November 19, the hennosta woven the winter of the ponds and rivers with ice, because already on November 20 - Fedot, about him and said - on this day Ice on the ice rises.

Winter inhaled the cold, and suddenly, as if stuck, retreated a step back - the Mikhailovsky thaw on November 21th. Maja managed to fasten the snow on the ground, on the roads dirty and slippery. But it is not for long, Matrena comes on November 22 and winter, it shows its strength, there are frosts. November 25 Fedor Studit. Knowing talked if it rains on this day, then to be long thawed with mud snow under their feet, and if it was firmly snow, it will be a long and snowy winter. By November 29, the winter rises firmly on his feet, the time of blizzards and the enhancement of frosts. Sanya enters Russia.

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