Skies on teeth as they do. Installation of skies

For some people, a bright, snow-white smile is not enough for various reasons, and they strive to make it truly dazzling. To achieve this goal, ornaments on teeth can serve, the role of which can be played by different products. Installation of jewelry is currently a very popular and demanded procedure that has managed to outshine even piercing, but it should be remembered that it is quite traumatic for the tooth, therefore, deciding to decorate teeth with stones must be carefully weighed all the pros and cons.

Types of jewelry

There are several types of dental jewelry based on the use of various precious elements, in particular:

  1. Inlaid products.
  2. Rhinestones.
  3. Skies.
  4. Twinkles.

As mentioned above, not everyone decides to put rhinestones on their teeth or other types of jewelry. This is due to the fact that such a procedure is unsafe for the teeth, because you have to drill the enamel at a very small distance, less than one millimeter, which is necessary in order to place the back of the stone used.

Indications and contraindications

The decision to put rhinestones or skies on the teeth is made not only by young people who want to stand out or emphasize their individuality, older people also resort to a similar procedure. Here, not only the desire to stand out among the people of their age group, but also purely practical considerations can act as incentives. For example, with the help of this kind of jewelry, you can mask small defects in tooth enamel, for example, cracks or chips, plus, it is possible to install them not only on living teeth, but also on crowns or implants.

In general, the most common indications for installing rhinestones, twinkles or skies would be:

  • stains on the enamel;
  • hypoplasia of the tooth;
  • cracks or chips in the enamel.

It is worth noting the fact that not everyone can put jewelry on the teeth, there are certain contraindications in this matter:

  • malocclusion in any of its forms;
  • an allergic reaction to the materials used in the manufacture of jewelry;
  • the age of the child is less than 12 years old, since up to this mark it is impossible to install any types of decorative ornaments due to the threat to his health.

The history of dental jewelry

It is not possible to establish reliably who and when began using precious stones as dental jewelry. It is only known that the Mayan Indians were the first to inlay teeth with precious stones, at least this fact is recorded in historical sources as the very first in time that has come down to us. Many centuries ago, representatives of this tribe used the practice of grinding teeth and giving them a triangular shape, which was considered unusually beautiful and fashionable at that time. The grinded teeth were subsequently covered with rivets made of turquoise or jade, for which small holes were drilled in the teeth and jewelry was inserted and fixed in them with the help of a material similar to modern cement. Considering that this procedure was rather painful, an infusion of medicinal herbs was used as an anesthetic.

Over the centuries, grinding of teeth has become a thing of the past, but inlays using precious materials, on the contrary, have become more and more popular. If earlier jewelry on teeth in the form of precious stones was a sign of a person's wealth and status in society, since only a select few could afford such pleasure, today we are talking about reflecting a person's preferences and his ideas about beauty, because now such a procedure is not so worth it expensive and many can afford it. Naturally, if a person wants to put diamonds as jewelry, then he will have to fork out for a very significant amount, but not because of the procedure itself, but due to the fact that the raw materials will initially have a high cost.

What manipulations are performed before decorating a tooth?

The main purpose of using any jewelry is to make a person's smile even brighter, more beautiful and radiant, but even the use of the most beautiful and expensive diamonds will not help if they are installed on crooked, yellowed teeth or teeth affected by caries and plaque. Accordingly, before the procedure for installing jewelry, it is necessary to prepare the teeth, in particular, to analyze their condition and, if necessary, correct it towards improvement. In any case, it is recommended to carry out the whitening procedure, which is necessary even if no problems with the teeth have been identified, this will further emphasize the aesthetic component of the process of wearing precious materials on the teeth.

The customer decides which tooth to put the decor on, but it should be remembered that it is not rational to do this on the lower teeth, since the decoration simply will not be visible to others, therefore it is placed mainly on the upper row. In addition, it will not be superfluous to listen to the opinion of a specialist, since his experience will tell the customer the most successful solution for the latter.

The factor of the correct choice of the size of the stone to be installed is of great importance, here only the wishes and preferences of the client are few. For example, if you put a large stone on small teeth, then it will not look very nice and even rough, in addition, do not forget about the need for very significant damage to the teeth in this case. Based on these considerations, it is rational to still listen to the opinion of a professional.

Who chooses teeth decoration most often?

Since decorating is a procedure, first of all, of an aesthetic nature, it is not surprising that the main customers are representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, who want to emphasize and enhance their appearance in order to make the desired impression on others. The installation of jewelry on the teeth often serves image purposes; they form an idea of \u200b\u200ba person who is successful and accomplished in his business. That is why very often representatives of show business and people of creative professions, representatives of bohemia resort to such a procedure. You can see the incrustation with precious materials in many singers, the same rap culture is hard to imagine without such jewelry, you can even say that it was rappers who introduced the fashion for inlaid teeth. Looking at their idols, other people who have nothing to do with the world of fashion or show business come to similar decisions, but it should be remembered that jewelry for teeth is not only beauty and aesthetics, it is also the need for proper care, refusal some joys in life, for example, from foods with dyes, from seeds and sweets, as well as smoking.


It should immediately be stipulated that the installation of such products does not take much time and consists of the following procedures:

  • sanitation of the oral cavity, its complete cleaning;
  • processing with a special gel of a place intended for installing a decorative product;
  • applying bonding having a reflective effect and polymerizing it using directional light;
  • installing a reflective composite material and fixing the decoration on it;
  • enamel polishing (this is done as needed).

The service life of dental jewelry and the consequences of wearing them

The service life of such products can vary, up to several years, although installation is possible for several weeks - it all depends on the wishes of the client. Naturally, you can remove the jewelry at any time, but you shouldn't do it yourself at home, you need to contact a specialist who can do everything carefully and without a threat to the tooth.

If the installation was carried out at the proper level of quality, then neither the shape nor the color of the tooth after removing the decorative element, and most importantly, its integrity, will not change in any way. But it should be borne in mind that during the period of wearing the jewelry, you need to take care of the oral cavity with special care and attention. Teeth cleaning should be carried out in a timely manner and on a regular basis; the decorative element itself will need to be polished by a specialist at least once a month.

Achievements of modern dentistry allow potential clients not to be afraid of damage to their teeth as a result of wearing decorative jewelry on them. However, it must be remembered that using the cheapest options, the same veneers or twinkles, can cause problems, since they are made from iron or nickel, respectively, there is a risk of oxidation and allergies.

Lovers of such products, who prefer to install them several times, need to remember that re-installing the element in the same place is undesirable, since thinning of the enamel can lead to serious violations and reduce the level of protection of the tooth from possible damage. So it makes sense to think over everything well and make a firm decision for yourself about the need for such a procedure.

How to care?

Having decorated your teeth, you should remember about caring for them, including at home. There is nothing difficult in this, it is enough to adhere to these simple things:

  • brush your teeth regularly and in a timely manner;
  • at regular intervals, show up to the dentist and carry out professional cleaning;
  • regularly polish decorative elements in order to prevent them from tarnishing.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this, moreover, it often happens that jewelry on teeth becomes an additional incentive for a person to pay more attention to oral hygiene.

How much do the items cost?

With all the availability of such jewelry, it should be understood that cheap prices for such procedures are out of the question, on average, the cost of one installation will start at 50 euros.

We offer an overview of turnkey prices in Moscow clinics for skies:

On rhinestones:

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Hello everyone! Today there will be a slightly unusual review, I want to talk about skies on teeth... I will show many photos, as well as instructions on how to glue skies at home. Everything is as easy as shelling pears!

Price: 1500-10000 (depends on the material of the skies itself and the clinic). I naturally did it myself, that is, for free


While still in my second year at the institute, my mother told me that at their place of work someone had installed a diamond in his tooth. It was a novelty for me. And I just caught fire, too, to put a pebble on my tooth. Mom had several skies (at that time I did not know their correct name), and she glued it to my second tooth. But my bryulik quickly fell off ... When I ... kissed (that guy on purpose tore it off). But thank God I didn't swallow it, I brought it to my mother, and she glued it to me again. But again, it did not last long, and this time it came off when I ate crackers. Well, then I forgot about them, because I thought that I had some special teeth, to which nothing sticks.

I am happy with crooked teeth (no, they are terribly crooked), but this is my highlight, so do not be scared (I chose the most watchable photo).

3 years ago, having already got a job myself, I remembered about the teeth on my teeth. I googled it and found out that it was called Skies. And again I lit up to decorate my tooth with a pebble) Buying nothing was included in my plans (at least one pebble in medical equipment at that time cost about 100 rubles). I just ripped off a small shiny pebble from the T-shirt, peeled it off and glued it to myself. I went away with him for several months, and I wanted more. Then I ripped off a blue pebble from the same T-shirt and glued it next to the white one. It looked very cool. It seemed to me a little, and I glued the third pebble, already pink next to it. But after a few months they fell off ... Well, without hesitation, I broke off the biggest pebble from the same T-shirt and glued it to the same tooth) And now we have been inseparable for 2.5 years)


In the vastness of the market, you can buy skies of any shape and material, be it stars, circles, hearts, bears and so on. Also, according to the method of attachment, there are simply flat skays, and there are diamonds that are placed inside the tooth, in a pre-prepared cavity. But I think this is the height of idiocy, to spoil your teeth for the sake of good.

But all this does not mean that skies need to be bought in specialized stores, dental exhibitions and medical technicians. Do you know where the largest selection of inexpensive (or rather penny) skies is? In the departments "Everything for sewing". Here you can buy stones of any color, any size and any shape. Only the main thing is that the reverse side of them is flat and not convex.


I'll make a reservation right away, I did not install skyes at home. I did it at work. But theoretically, it's easy to do it at home. But some materials are needed, without which skyce cannot be installed.

We need:

  1. skies (a flat pebble from a jacket, or from the "Everything for sewing" store)
  2. dental gloves
  3. syringe with clean water
  4. if there is some device that can dry (hairdryer, cold air or something)
  5. polishing paste (preferably professional). I like Super Polish
  6. bond (this, in fact, is the so-called "glue" for the seal / skies). There are two types of bonding systems. The first one is older, like in my photo Single bond... Before him, we must etch the tooth enamel with phosphoric acid, then rinse everything, and only then apply the bond. At home, this is not so convenient. The second type of bond is Ivoclar Tetric N-Bond Self-Eatch, for its application does not require etching of tooth enamel. Therefore, for home use, this is a great option.
  7. orthophosphoric acid Scotchbond Universal Etching gel
  8. brush / applicator (or just a small piece of sponge, or a cotton swab, only there is a minus in it that the villi can get in. Well, it will do fine)
  9. polymerization lamp (as far as I know, the analogue is a lamp for shellac manicure)
  10. tools (dental mirror, probe, tweezers)
  11. a couple of cotton rolls


I will not describe in what position it is better to do this, because hardly anyone will do it himself, especially at home. I will just describe the whole process in detail. As I did. The difference between a home and an office is the presence of a water / air gun. The rest of the house I have everything.

  1. we clean the tooth surface with polishing paste, rinse with water
  2. completely isolate the tooth from moisture with a cotton roll (put it under the lip)
  3. dry the tooth
  4. apply etching gel (orthophosphoric acid) to the area where we are going to glue skyce + 1mm around for insurance, wait 15-20 seconds
  5. carefully remove the remaining gel with a cotton swab (ideally, do not touch the tooth and rinse everything with water. But this can only be done in the office). We rinse with water from a syringe to make it convenient. The gel tastes very sour.
  6. further, holding the lip with a mirror, with tweezers change the cotton roll to a dry one.
  7. dry the tooth without touching it.
  8. apply a small amount of bond to the applicator (cotton swab), and rub into the area on which we will put skies. Next, blow a little air (cool), and rub in the bond a second time. We blow with air.
  9. and finally, neatly with a probe or tweezers or whatever is convenient, we take our skies and glue it where we planned. Do not be afraid, you can take your time. Without a lamp, nothing will freeze. We press our pebble well. In no case should you touch the tooth with foreign objects, except for Skies.
  10. we put on protective glasses and polymerize with a light lamp. Exposure 20 seconds.
  11. now again we take a drop of bond and apply it over the sky and lightly around, blow with air, shine again for 20 seconds.
  12. that's all)


Yes, skies were popular 8-10 years ago. Now you rarely meet anyone with a pebble on their teeth. But believe me, this is very eye-catching. Moreover, skies is not always placed for beauty, sometimes with the help of it they cover any defect in the tooth (darkening, crack, etc.).

My stone has been holding for 2.5 years. I didn't even count on such a period. It does not bother me at all, although at first the first two days it feels like a foreign object on the lip.

No care is required, I brush my teeth as before. I eat croutons, I bite hard fruits. Skies does not darken, does not fall off and it feels like he has already grown together with a tooth, and I am so used to him. I am not working yet, and there is no way to get into the office. But as soon as I plan to glue a small blue, pink or purple next to my pebble.

Many people ask: "Do you have a crown or a gold tooth?" It amuses me, and I show my stone.

Thank you for reading my review.

The desire to stand out from the gray mass is quite natural, therefore each of us, one way or another, seeks to find a zest in his image, thanks to which he could declare his “uniqueness”. And if you can hardly surprise anyone with fashionable clothes and accessories now, then jewelry inlaid in your teeth is easy.

Rhinestones on the teeth immediately attract attention, which is why the procedure for installing them is rapidly gaining momentum.

Dental rhinestones - what is it?

Rhinestones or skies - tiny products that can be made from various materials in almost any shape.

They are used in dentistry for "Decorating" teeth. Nice accessories are made with a special non-smooth backing, thanks to which the jewelry is securely fixed on the enamel.

This type of dental services is widespread in more than 30 countries around the world, because, according to experts, decorating teeth with skays does not harm the enamel and does not affect the acidity level in the oral cavity.

TO "Dental decoration" usually young people and teenagers who are distinguished by creativity and a desire to stand out.

What was the impetus for the trend inception?

It is believed that it was Madonna who "introduced" the fashion for decorating tooth enamel with rhinestones. In one of her solo concerts, the pop diva simply blinded the fans with a radiant smile, after which skies could be found in many Hollywood stars and media people. Of course, in the United States, this way of self-expression is no longer unique, but in our country it is only gaining momentum.

For the first time, skies were made by Ivoclar Vivadent, which produced products made from Swarovski crystals. After that, such famous personalities as Lady Gaga, Riana, Heidi Klum, Katti Perry and others wanted to boast of a radiant smile. Of course, Swarovski crystals on the snow-white teeth of everyone's favorite pop idols look simply amazing, especially if they are made of blue sapphire or ruby. But not everyone can afford such accessories.

Pros and cons of installing dental accessories

Skies are used not only to show off a dazzling smile. Often, this method is resorted to to mask defects on the enamel: small cracks, fillings, darkening, etc.

In addition, the product is attached to a special compound that has very valuable properties:

  • prevents the development of caries;
  • prevents the growth of bacteria;
  • neutralizes unpleasant odors.

All this is possible due to the high content of fluorine in the binder, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the enamel.

But the very installation of skies can have a negative side.

Firstly, over time, the decoration fades, so the smile ceases to be so radiant, and secondly, if the decoration is inlaid, and not glued, the enamel is damaged, which somewhat increases the chances of caries development.

Varieties of skies

Despite the fact that precious stones are not affordable for everyone, anyone can afford to "sparkle" with a beautiful smile.

There are several types of skies, among which there are both expensive and budget options for products.

  1. Twinkles. Accessories are made of precious metals and stones: diamonds and rubies, sapphires and emeralds, gold and platinum. Moreover, the shape of the product can be almost any: stars, flowers or even hearts;
  2. Skies. The skays themselves are made from ordinary glass or crystal. The accessories are specially given a beautiful cut, which makes it almost impossible to distinguish a product from a precious stone;
  3. Rhinestones. This version of the accessory will be the most budgetary, since rhinestones are made of glass, but the shape of the products can be any;
  4. Stickers. Also an inexpensive version of the product, the installation of which does not even require inlay. The sticker is simply glued to the enamel, so that the very structure of the enamel is not damaged.

How are rhinestones installed?

The procedure to improve the "aesthetics" of the teeth is performed on an outpatient basis. Direct installation of a rhinestone on a healthy tooth takes a maximum of 15-20 minutes.

The whole process can be conditionally divided into the following stages:

  • The dentist cleans the enamel surface using an abrasive gel;
  • After that, the enamel is illuminated with a UV lamp to eliminate pathogenic microflora;
  • Then the dentist applies a fixative made of photopolymer to the installation site of the accessory;
  • Next, the rhinestone is cleaned and treated with a degreaser, after which it is glued to the composite material (fixer);
  • The installed product is shone through with a polymerization lamp, which makes the photopolymer solidify;
  • At the final stage, all remnants of the composite material are polished.

It should be noted that the decoration of teeth with glass rhinestones does not imply inlaid accessories. But in the case of installing precious stones, the procedure will be somewhat more complicated. In such a situation, the dentist drills a hole on the surface of the tooth, into which skays is then inserted. In addition, jewelry can be fused into artificial crowns or veneers, which are then placed on the teeth.

How to glue skies yourself?

It is impossible to install rhinestones on your own teeth at home, because even with a strong desire, you will not be able to comply with the following conditions:

  1. to ensure reliable fixation of jewelry on the enamel;
  2. relieve yourself of the discomfort caused by placing a foreign body in the oral cavity;
  3. prevent injury to the gums and oral mucosa.

In addition, in dentistry, skies are used, made using a special technology. Therefore, accessories purchased in the jewelry department should never be put into your mouth. They are absolutely not meant to be "Inlaid" in enamel even at home. And if you don't follow the advice, be sure that in the next half hour or hour, the non-professional skyce will fall off.

Contraindications to the installation of dental products

Despite the fact that this procedure is practically harmless, the dentist will not take up work in such cases:

  • enamel hypoplasia;
  • bleeding gums;
  • increased acidity in the mouth;
  • malocclusion;
  • inflammatory processes in the gums;
  • dentition defect;
  • caries.

Jewelry service life

If the oral cavity is regularly and properly looked after, the inlaid skies will last about a year or a little more.

But so that the jewelry does not fall out prematurely, you should use these tips for caring for the oral cavity:

  1. Brush your teeth at least a couple of times a day (ideally after each meal);
  2. To get out stuck food debris, use a special thread;
  3. In case of gum inflammation, purchase special soothing balm-mouth rinses;
  4. See your dentist at least once every 5-6 months.

It may seem ridiculous to some, but some experts, after installing the jewelry, do not recommend chewing too hard food. This can lead to premature loss of skies, especially if it has been placed on an incisor tooth.

Dental health and beauty are inextricably linked - the fewer dental diseases and the better the care of them, the more beautiful our smile will be. However, for many, only snow-white teeth are not enough.

People have always sought to decorate their bodies. Now the turn has come to the teeth. In addition to the treatment and prevention of the oral cavity and teeth, modern dentistry is also engaged in their decorative decoration.

The most popular among patients is the installation of rhinestones on the teeth. They are not too conspicuous and, at the same time, give the owner a special charm and zest.

What is it, how is the installation procedure going, how harmful it is and how else can you decorate your teeth - all this is in our article.

Where did this fashion come from?

Tooth jewelry came to us from the ancient world... In some places it was available only to the nobility, as well as to royal persons, as a special insignia.

However, for example mayan tribes any sufficiently wealthy person tried in this way to distinguish himself and demonstrate high status and wealth. Here, small precious stones were fixed on the surface of the teeth - rubies, emeralds and so on.

In the modern world, as is often the case, pop and movie stars are becoming trendsetters. Rhinestones for teeth are no exception.

For the first time, a legendary pop singer adorned herself in this way Madonna... From the very beginning of her career, the singer was famous for her eccentricity, and it was she who first adorned her teeth with a sparkling pebble.

This was the beginning of the fashion trend. Following Madonna, many stars of TV screens and show business began to sparkle with "precious" teeth. Among them are Lady Gaga and Katy Perry.

However, now such jewelry has become available to absolutely everyone, not only in the west, but also in our country.

Difference between the terms skays and rhinestones

Many people think that the terms "rhinestones" and "skies" are identical. However, there is a difference between them and it is quite large.

Rhinestones are jewelry made from various materials.... They are named after the German inventor G. Strass.

Most commonly used special lead glasswhich has a very high refractive index and dispersion. Because of these properties, rhinestones are considered to be imitations of precious stones.

Sometimes semi-precious and semi-precious stones of different colors can be used. Very popular rock crystal (amethyst)which has tremendous strength.

Also, in some cases, the so-called doublets can be used, when the upper part of the jewelry is made of a precious stone.

The name "skays" comes from the name of the company that was the first to make such dental jewelry - SKYCE. Today skays are called small (up to 2.5 mm in diameter) gemstones, processed in such a way as to adhere well to the teeth and not interfere with their owner.

So, the main difference is that the "rhinestones" are not precious stones, but simply imitate them, and the "skies" are.

What other decorations are there?

  • Twinkles, original name - Twinkles. This is one of the varieties of rhinestones. However, instead of glass or stones, a small figurine of precious metal is used here. In some cases, the metal serves as a frame for a small stone.
  • Stickers - a thin film with a printed pattern.
  • Tattoo - use a special permanent paint for drawing.
  • Grilzy - metal (precious and non-precious metals) decorative "covers", onlays for teeth. The design is adjusted to the size and shape of the dentition.

Indications and contraindications for installation

Since rhinestones appeared in dentistry for decoration, their main function is enhancing aesthetics... The bulk of people who are interested in the possibility of installation are modern youth.

This type of jewelry, although not overly bright, allows you to stand out from the crowd, give your appearance a zest.

therefore the main indication for installing rhinestones is the patient's desire... However, in addition to this, with the help of rhinestones you can "Hide" small defects of the enamel on the outer surface of the teeth in the smile zone.

These can be small darkening and spots that do not violate the integrity of the surface and do not threaten the development of caries, fillings that have changed their color and stand out on the surface, cracks. All these defects are preliminarily eliminated with fillings.


It is much more important to know when doctors do not recommend installing rhinestones, as well as other types of jewelry.

  • The presence of caries.
  • Various dental diseases.
  • Dental calculus.
  • Pathologies and significant bite defects.
  • Children's age, when the dentition is not fully formed yet - up to about 12 years.
  • Tooth hypersensitivity.
  • Hypoplasia or small thickness of the enamel layer.
  • Crowns and implants.
  • Veneers.

From the above, we can conclude that installation should only be performed on healthy teethpossibly with minor cosmetic defects that need to be closed. It is preliminarily recommended to undergo a professional teeth cleaning procedure, and sometimes also whitening.

In addition, there is a possibility of installation on a crown. But only when this is done in advance - the crown is placed already with decoration.

Detailed description of the installation procedure

There are two main methods of installation, which differ in the degree of invasiveness - intervention. This is applique and inlay. The choice of method depends on many factors, including the choice of jewelry - its shape, size and material.


The first is the most widespread and popular due to its simplicity and almost complete absence of damage to the integrity of the enamel... You can also find another name for it - "dent-art". The basis of the procedure is gluing rhinestones to the surface.

This technique involves the use of stones of a special shape - flat and thin, with a small diameter - up to 2 mm. Their surface should fit snugly against the enamel to avoid peeling off when worn later.

The upper part of the decoration should also not be sharp or very convex. This will prevent injury to the tongue and oral mucosa. Rhinestones are applied in several stages.

  • Preliminary preparation consists in cleaning, disinfecting and drying the enamel area where it is planned to glue the stone.
  • After that, processing is carried out using a special gel, the composition of which makes it possible to enhance the adhesion of the surface with other materials to increase the adhesion strength.
  • Then a special glue containing fluorine is applied to further strengthen the enamel. Most often, light-curing composites are used as glue.
  • The decoration is installed in a prepared place, after which the material is polymerized for fastening using special lamps.
  • The last step is polishing the enamel around the installed rhinestone to enhance the shine and remove excess adhesives.


In most cases applies when setting precious stones... They have a greater weight and convex shape, which is explained by the peculiarities of cutting.

Doctors advise using this method only for initially damaged teeth, which have enamel defects that must be hidden in any case.

For installation in the surface of the tooth, a small hole is made with dental instruments, which in shape and size exactly matches the lower part of the jewelry. The physician must achieve maximum identity. Only then will the stone hold firmly.

For attachment, a composite material is used, which, after polymerization, becomes incredibly strong. The composite is applied to a prepared (created, disinfected and dried) cavity to place the decoration on top.

Advantages and disadvantages of wearing

Among the advantages, one can note the special aesthetics and originality of such jewelry, which gives an unusual shine and radiance to a smile. In addition, it is a convenient way to correct small defects in the front and posterior teeth, which greatly spoil the impression of a smile.

Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages. This is especially true of the second installation method - inlay. In this case, there is a need to violate the integrity of the enamel.

Accordingly, after removal, the hole will need to be additionally closed in order to avoid caries and tooth decay, as well as to restore beauty to the smile.

  • Particular attention should be paid to hygiene procedures at home, since the area around the jewelry is difficult for a complete cleansing.
  • Use additional hygiene products and tools, for example, an irrigator.
  • Do not eat foods that are too hard so as not to damage the rhinestones. These include also nuts.
  • Do not use your teeth as a bottle opener.
  • Get regular check-ups with your dentist.

Price examples

Now let's figure out how much it costs to put rhinestones on your teeth.

The average cost is for original swarovski crystals: near 3000 rublesif it is a special glass, and more expensive - about 5000 rublesif artificial diamonds or semi-precious stones are used as a material.

Be sure to ask about the product quality certificate, since in rare cases you can get a less expensive and less durable analogue, the cost of which usually does not exceed 300 - 500 rubles.

Skies, which are precious stones, will cost more - up to up to several thousand in view of the high cost of materials.

Stickers Is the most affordable way to decorate a tooth. You can buy them at a price of about 500 - 1000 rubles and they stick to the surface much less than rhinestones.


Rings and earrings are familiar and familiar to everyone. But rhinestones on the teeth are an unusual decoration that will give the whole look a touch of unforgettableness.

In conclusion, you will find a video about dental rhinestones:

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  • Ioannina

    May 3, 2016 at 09:29 PM

    For more than a year now, I have had an obsessive desire to glue a strass on my tooth. but everyone around is discouraged, convincing that it is very harmful to the enamel. So I calmed down, but summer was ahead and I again remembered my desire, this time I approached this matter seriously. I decided to read on the Internet the pros and cons of such a procedure, as a result I came across this site, only 5 minutes and I learned a lot of new things for myself. And she was determined to go to the dentist, even more fired up to make such an unusual decoration, especially since it would not bring harm.

  • Elena

    May 4, 2016 at 09:45 PM

    For a very long time I have been living with the idea of \u200b\u200bputting rhinestones on the tooth. Both unusual and unique, not everyone decides on such a procedure. I used to think that there are some nuances, consequences. Of course, there are still doubts, but, thanks to the information above, I already at least clearly understand what this procedure is. I still want to change something in my image, so one of these days I will go to the dentist!

  • June 24, 2016 at 05:02 PM

    For a long time I wanted to put rhinestones on my teeth, but still could not dare. I've heard that this is a waste of money and, over time, bad teeth. And yet I did it recently and did not regret that I made my dream come true) The procedure is absolutely painless and high-quality materials are selected that do not harm the enamel. My friends are jealous, and I am glad that I cause such emotions in people)

  • elena

    January 7, 2017 at 04:37 AM

    I myself did a skyce on my front tooth. When I smiled, everyone who noticed him liked it. But you should only do it if you have everything in order with your teeth, because on yellow and crooked teeth it will look disgusting .If you smoke, also forget about decorating the tooth - after removal, a stain may remain .. And so, if you want to do it, do not be afraid, there will be no harm to your teeth from it.

  • Marina

    March 30, 2017 at 7:35 AM

    The first time I saw skies on my teeth at school, 13 years ago. And I also wanted such a rhinestone on my teeth. But since my bite is wrong, and the enamel is not blindingly white, I forgot about my dream for a long time. Now I have seriously taken care of my teeth and soon a pebble will shine on my teeth. I believe that it is not vulgar, but gives some zest to a person.

  • November 2, 2017 at 10:26 PM

    I have been wearing crystals on my teeth for over ten years. No problem. They do not feel or interfere in any way. I'm waiting for them to fall off (and they don't come off in any way) to change to another color. It looks beautiful and very aesthetically pleasing, but this is provided that you have beautiful, even teeth, on crooked teeth they draw attention to the curvature.

Every social person has to regularly change, improve his appearance, which allows him to stand out from the crowd and be remembered by people.

In modern aesthetic dentistry, there are many techniques for whitening enamel, giving it a luxurious Hollywood gloss. But many clients do not stop there and ask the dentist to fix flickering stones on their teeth.

In the article, we will consider what a skies for a tooth is (photo below), its types, methods of installation and care, as well as the pros and cons of wearing.

The most important reason why young people resort to this service of aesthetic medicine is the desire to give the style individuality, to focus on the snow-white well-groomed enamel, that is, to emphasize a beautiful smile.

Moreover, the procedure is available for a wide variety of social strata, regardless of lifestyle, gender, age and financial situation.

Skies on teeth

Skays are a generalized name for stones and rhinestones, which in one way or another are fixed on the surface of the tooth. The size, volume, thickness and shape of jewelry can vary greatly, so that each client can choose the option to his liking.

The adhesion of the stone to the enamel occurs due to several principles:

  • the product is given many facets;
  • the volume and shape is adjusted exactly to the hole made in the tooth;
  • the stone is attached with a special composite or glue that allows it to remain on the surface for a long time.

The many facets of the product allow the color to be refracted, creating different shades. Also, reflecting from the stone, sunlight illuminates the smile, creating the effect of "radiance", drawing the attention of everyone around.

There is another service that costs extra money. Skies faceting is performed using a laser, as a result of which an individual angle of refraction of color is laid in the facet. This will draw attention to the main advantages of a person's smile.

The jewelry is installed mainly on the frontal part of the front teeth. and canine teeth, which will allow the light to reflect more clearly, "highlighting" the whiteness of the enamel. This effect is extremely difficult to achieve if the client has ordered a stone to be placed on the chewing teeth.

Modern technologies allow diamonds to be mounted without drilling a through hole in the tooth, which also significantly reduces the cost of the process, preserves the health of the enamel and allows you to abandon or replace jewelry at any time.

According to statistics, the specified procedure is more often ordered by the following groups:

  • young people from 15 to 25 years old who want to emphasize their individuality;
  • everyone who wants to cover pathologies and defects in the surface of the teeth (for example, white or dark spots, cracks);
  • older clients pursuing youth fashion trends, which allows you to pay attention to a smile even in retirement;
  • showmen, socialites, stars (actors, singers, dancers, etc.).

Types of skies

Teeth decoration (sticker)

The first products were made exclusively from natural raw materials and required installation in a drilled tooth cavity. Nowadays, rhinestones are produced from materials of various quality, shape, texture and price, which allows you to choose an option for every age and wallet. Also, products are simple (made from one type of raw material) and combined (different types are combined).

Consider the most popular types of skies for teeth ( a photo higher).

  1. Rhinestones... An inexpensive option for jewelry, produced in a variety of shapes, cuts and shades. Manufacturing material - transparent or colored glass.
  2. Stickers... The most affordable and common options in financial terms, as they allow you to quickly and safely decorate the enamel, and in the future, quickly change or remove the jewelry.
  3. Skies... Beautiful stones with a shimmering effect, which are made of glass or more expensive crystal. Their shape is standard - round with a large number of facets, which visually resembles a diamond or other precious stone. The stones' thickness and diameter range up to 0.2 cm.
  4. Twinkles... An expensive option for jewelry, as it is made from precious and semi-precious stones and metals. Gold, platinum and silver are successfully used in manufacturing, and rubies, emeralds, diamonds and sapphires have gained popularity among stones. Jewelry is often given an intricate shape (heart, star, cross, drop, etc.) in addition to the classic round one.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

It would seem, whether to decorate your enamel or not, the client reserves the right. However, there are certain medical contraindications that make the procedure impossible for some people.

The indications for the procedure are intuitive:

In what cases skays are not installed:

  • deformity of the jaw due to injury, fall, dislocation or fracture;
  • bite pathology;
  • an allergic reaction to the dental materials used, as well as to the raw materials from which the decoration is made;
  • children under a certain age (12 years old);
  • the patient does not conduct thorough and regular oral hygiene;
  • relapse of certain dental diseases, including caries;
  • the tendency of the dentition to form microbial plaque and dark calculus;
  • installation on artificial crowns (implants, prostheses, etc.), as well as next to orthopedic and orthodontic structures (plates, braces, mouth guards, etc.);
  • thinned and weak enamel, the presence of microcracks and chips on it.

How is the procedure

At the reception, the dentist determines the condition and health of the enamel, the absence of contraindications. Together with the client, a healthy part of the tooth is selected, which will allow you to close the defect with a stone or simply give it individuality.

As we mentioned above, the installation of the product is undesirable on artificial teeth and veneers, however, with the permission of the dentist, the procedure can be performed. In some cases, the rhinestone may be included in the composite filling.

The procedure takes up to half an hour and is absolutely safe, painless and prompt. After it, the rhinestone can be easily changed or removed on a permanent basis.

Installation of skies on the tooth (photo below) begins with the preparation of the entire row. Oral cavity sanitation is performed, microbial yellowish plaque, hard and dark dental calculi are removed. If necessary, light enamel whitening, remineralization, fluoridation is carried out. Then the surface of the selected tooth is thoroughly dried.

Before installing skies, the oral cavity is sanitized and the enamel is whitened

The dentist places a small drop of dental glue in the selected part and bond - reflective composition. For adhesion and hardening, a lamp is used to catalyze the processes in the glue (a couple of seconds is enough). Then the doctor applies a special composite, fixes the decoration on top and allows it to harden under the lamp.

Gemstone twinkles are usually placed in a drilled niche in the enamel or embedded in the composite of the filling; in some cases the dentist will polish the enamel next to the fixed skies.

Installation ends with processing the productand the attachment points with a special tool for a long service life.

The care of the product is the responsibility of the patient himself, who should purchase a special means for cleansing Skies.

Forget about abrasive toothpastes or tooth powderthat can polish the glossy surface of the sticker or rhinestones, making it matte and unaesthetic.

If for some reason the jewelry needs to be removed or replaced, then the doctor using ultrasound can easily perform this procedure without consequences for the health of the tooth. You should also contact the dentist if the product falls out.

Pros and cons of installing skies

In addition to the standard purpose - to decorate the surface of the tooth, stones and rhinestones have "bonuses" and disadvantages.

As for the positive qualities, it should be noted that it is possible to hide visual defects and pathologies of enamel, traces of hypoplasia, etc. Also, the dental glue used to fix the rhinestones contains fluoride, which strengthens the enamel and prevents caries.

Plus, half of the jewelry options are available for the average budget. And another important advantage is the service life of the product - if the doctor's recommendations are followed, the rhinestone remains in place for up to 5 years.

The procedure has several disadvantages:

Subject to the requirements of the dentist, the stone will "highlight" the smile and shimmer in the face of the entire service life, that is, for several years.

The aesthetic functions of the stones are preserved throughout the entire period of wear, but at the same time you can easily replace the product with a new one or a completely different one.

To prolong life, regularly and gently clean your dentition, rinse your mouth with antimicrobial solutions, use floss and irrigators, and follow the diet above.

Do not forget to visit the dentist once every 6 months for hygienic cleaning and teeth whitening, because the jewelry looks only on a healthy, snow-white smile.

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