How does a female peacock differ from a male? Gender differences between male and female peacock

Many people consider the peacock a bird of paradise, given its beauty, but the female peacock has nothing to do with it. We are talking about males. Although many, admiring the magical plumage of the bird, did not even think about its gender. Now that there is a reason to reflect, for sure everyone will be interested in what a female peacock looks like. Despite such a divine appearance, this bird, ironically, belongs to the order of chickens.

Many consider the peacock a bird of paradise

The wild peacock and pava, as the female is called, live in natural conditions in Sri Lanka and India. This bird does not like open areas. Often, peacock and pava choose thin forests or shrubs for life. But it can also happen that the birds wander into agricultural plantations located in the vicinity.

For males, one female is not enough, because by nature they are polygamous. Therefore, in the wild, you can watch them gather in small flocks. In the daytime, it is possible to observe peacocks hiding in shady bushes. After dusk falls, birds start looking for a place to sleep - tree crowns. They sleep constantly under the same tree, so peacocks can be called constant animals. The same goes for places to eat. Birds prefer to search for food exclusively in places that are familiar to them.

As for food preferences, the male peacock, like the peacock, mainly feeds on cereals. Sometimes small vertebrates, insects and young greens can serve as food.

Gallery: peacocks (25 photos)

Peacock seduces a female (video)

Description and lifestyle of the female

Female peacocks are slightly smaller in size than males. And the colors of the plumage and tuft on their heads are characterized by uniformity. If we talk about the color of the feathers of the falcon, then in females the neck is painted green, the abdomen is white, and all other parts of the body cannot be called bright. Nature gave the peaa such a color so that it was possible to hide from predators and thereby protect their offspring. In general, the color of the female's feathers can vary depending on the type of peacock and color mutations.

The wild peacock and pava, as the female is called, live in natural conditions in Sri Lanka and India

I must say that pava until the moment of its maturity was and remains the same as the peacock. In males, the color of the plumage begins to change approximately 3 years after birth. Nature has endowed the males with such colorful plumage in order to be able to attract the falcon and seek their location.

In pavs, sexual maturity occurs in the second year of life. Male peacocks have a reproductive function by the second year of life. A male individual in adulthood lives simultaneously with several peavas, the number of which ranges from 3 to 5.

You can observe how the female begins to lay eggs from April until the very end of September. Pava can lay up to 10 eggs at a time. In captivity, the female breeds offspring up to 3 times per season. The eggs are incubated for about 28 days. It should be noted that the pava is a very caring mother and does not leave her brood for a long time, during which she takes care of the chicks.

It should be remembered that during the mating season, males are best kept in separate cages so that they do not manage to harm the rest of the birds. After all, males during this period are aggressive. For the pavs, special places are equipped where in the future they can wait for the hatching of their offspring.

During courtship, peacocks spread their magic tail in front of females, thereby trying to attract attention to themselves. If the pava expresses a desire to get closer, then the male will wait for the right moment for the female to yield.

However, as noted by zoologists, peasants do not pay much attention to the loose tail of males. Paws "peck" on the male loin, thus assessing the state of his health, age and presence of strength. In general, the peacock's mating dance lasts about 20 minutes.

Peacock in a rural courtyard (video)

Keeping birds at home

As you know, peacocks have been domesticated since ancient times. In those days, they were kept for the purpose of decorating the gardens and parks of noble people.

As for our contemporaries, they are engaged in the withdrawal and maintenance of these birds of paradise in order to decorate the estates and sites. Peacocks are unpretentious in care. Over time, they become attached to their owners and no longer leave their place of residence.

In pavs, puberty begins in the second year of life.

In order for peacocks to reproduce successfully in captivity, they need to create appropriate conditions, which implies:

  1. Good nutrition.
  2. Avoiding mating of related individuals. Otherwise, it may happen that it will not be possible to wait for the offspring.
  3. In the wild, pava is a wonderful mother. In the aviary, the female sometimes forgets or refuses to care for the offspring.
  4. During the period of caring for the chicks for the pea, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions, since the babies are very demanding.
  5. When the female refuses to hatch eggs, they can be placed under the chickens or turkeys. They will perfectly replace their mothers.

Peacocks are truly insanely beautiful. Observing them gives a person incredible pleasure. Males are able to delight with their plumage, while females evoke a feeling of tenderness in humans. Paws are very cute and touching birds. Both breeding and raising peacocks does not require any special efforts, because this animal is unpretentious in food and care. Therefore, lovers and those wishing to have such an animal in their yard will not be difficult to acquire a "paradise" pet.

Many people are wondering, are female or male peacocks prettier? Probably, there is no person on Earth who would not know about the existence of peacocks, despite the fact that their natural habitat is only India and nearby countries. Many consider them to be the most beautiful birds. This glory for peacocks was fixed for their magnificent tail, long greenish feathers with large spots at the ends in the form of a bright eye. To whom - female or male - belongs this miracle, which so adorned the representatives of the pheasant family? And which of them - females or is it the males of the peacock - more beautiful?

Probably, there is no person on Earth who would not know about the existence of peacocks

Female and male peacock

What do peacocks look like? There are peacocks of various colors, even white ones, but it is better to describe what Indian peacocks look like, the most common species. The peacock is a typical male from the genus of those who conquer the female with the beauty of their plumage.

And he has it really fantastic:

  • on the head, chest and neck - bright blue feathers;
  • on the back - green;
  • below the body - black;
  • at the ends of the wings - red.

The graceful long neck ends in a small head adorned with a crown-like crest. But his main pride is his fan-shaped tail, which he can fold and then dissolve, especially when he wants to impress the female. This is not the tail itself, but the feathers growing above the tail, which serves as their support. The tail is about 0.5 m long, and the upper tail is much longer - up to 1.5 m.

The female peacock, or, as it is also called, pava, looks much more modest, is smaller in size, has plumage of brown and brownish shades, may have a blue-green color in the neck, but not in all individuals. The crest on her head is also brown. This has a logical explanation: the main task of the pea is to breed, and sitting on the nest, it is much safer to have an imperceptible color, merging with the surrounding landscape. Yes, she can not be called completely ugly - large expressive eyes, a sedate gait. It is interesting that the peacock, like the pava, has a brown-gray color of feathers up to 1.5 years of age, and then the color changes and reaches full beauty by about 3 years, when the male is already fully ripe for reproduction.

Perhaps such a beautiful bird also has an angelic voice? The voice of the peacocks is rather unpleasant and resembles the cry of a cat. It is curious that they especially like to scream in anticipation of rain.

In nature, everything is harmonious, and the mating behavior of peacocks is quite naturally determined by the bright outfit of males. In rare cases, males fight to drive off a competitor, while the female watches. But the main action begins later. The male walks around his chosen one with an outstretched tail, showing off and trying to lure her with an incomparable look. It's not just one show. Slightly tilting the feathers forward and lowering the wings, he vibrates with his whole body so that the feathers of the upper tail rustle, from time to time spreading them on the ground with a carpet.

If the female shows counter interest, then the boyfriend immediately turns away, as if ignoring her and showing the back, faded part of the feathers. Soon it turns again, shaking its tail. This continues several times, and the female accepts the "game" until the peacock and pava come together completely. It is not that simple. In fact, just the spectacular component of his appearance is not too important for the female. She only ensures that the male does not go unnoticed in the tall grass. But on the back, she assesses his age and health. Peacocks use polygamy, one female lays an average of 5-7 eggs.

After the end of the mating period, the male sheds his "train", numbering to 200 feathers. Previously, they were picked up by residents of neighboring villages and sold to Europe, but now this trade is prohibited in order to avoid uncontrolled extermination. By the beginning of the new mating season, by April, the uppertail grows back again.

Peacock - mating dance (video)

Gallery: peacocks (25 photos)

The purpose of the peacock's miracle tail

These birds live in the forest and in the bushes. With a long tail plume, they are quite maneuverable, but they still avoid dense thickets. The ability to fly is not deprived, and despite the fact that they do it reluctantly, they look quite graceful in the sky.

The male needs an elegant tail not only in mating dances, it performs two more functions:

  • serves as protection from predators;
  • can serve as a means of communication.

Lots of bright, orange-black eyes scare off enemies. The female does not have the opportunity to defend herself in this way and flees, her legs are very strong. True, when chicks are around, she never abandons them, even if it is associated with a risk to her life.

Many of us are familiar with the expression "Walks like a pava", but few people think that this name means a female peacock. Yes, indeed, if you watch these birds for a long time, then we will see that they are very graceful, calm and even a little slow. By the way, the peacock is the largest bird species among chickens. And also the most beautiful. Therefore, if someone tells you that you are Pava, do not be offended. This is a wonderful compliment! Check out their beauty in the photo.

Are there any differences from the male?

Like chickens, the female peacock is very different in beauty from the male. The first is that it does not have a beautiful multi-colored plumage on the tail, the second is a duller and more monotonous color. So, for example, females of the most common species of peacocks - common blue, have a uniform grayish plumage, while males flaunt in different colors. The head and neck of the masculine are painted bright blue, the back shimmers with green and golden feathers, and the ends of the wings are orange. The only thing that is present in both sexes is a beautiful crest on the head in the form of a small crown. Only in females it also has a gray-brown color, and in males it is blue.

However, it cannot be said that the females are less beautiful, they are also very cute and attractive, as seen in the photo. For example, the same common blue species has a shiny top and chest, and a beautiful combination of colors on the head and neck. In the black-winged species, the pava has a yellowish-brown plumage on the upper body. But you can talk about it for a very long time. It is a special species with extraordinary beauty.

It is known that the tail of a male is a kind of attraction for girlfriends. Many people know that he fluffs it up and waves it in order to draw the attention of the female. But as it turns out, in fact, peaaws do not really pay attention to their tail feathers. This statement was recently made by American scientists from Duke University in Durham. After several studies and observations of these birds, they learned that females are attracted by an exceptionally bright color and even at a great distance.

When they meet, peas do not look at the beauty of the tail, but evaluate the lower part of the male. It is assumed that birds use it to determine the age of the partner. But a bright tail is a guarantee that in the thick grass the fallow that you like will examine and notice the male.

Video "Walking peacocks"

In this video, you can take a closer look at these birds in detail, as well as see how the female differs and what plumage they have.

Peacocks are wonderful birds. Despite the fact that they are painted brightly and elegantly, they are representatives of the chicken order. Actually, wild chickens were the distant ancestors of feathered dandies. Long beautiful tails attract everyone's attention to peacocks, but all this applies to males. What does a female peacock look like? Who paid attention to the modest companion of the bright handsome man?

The female peacock has a nondescript plumage

Modest girlfriend

It is hard to imagine that such a brightly colored male could have such a grayish and inconspicuous girlfriend. The female peacock is called pava. The color of her plumage is monotonous and dull. She does not have a long iridescent tail. Color highlighting can be seen only on the neck, it can be blue or green feathers. And the head of the pea is crowned with a pretty crest. But even he is inexpressively brown in color, while the peacock has a tuft-crown of beautiful blue feathers on his head.

Pava is not an ugly bird. She just does not need to attract the attention of others. Its main task is to make a clutch and hatch healthy offspring. It is much safer to sit in the nest with plumage merging with the surrounding branches and bushes.

Although we got excited about the tail. The tail of a peacock and a peacock is exactly the same. The pride and adornment of the male is the long tail feathers. They are brightly colored and end with a multi-colored eye.

The female peacock is easy to distinguish from the male.

Types of peacocks and peacocks

Wild peacocks are found only in India and Sri Lanka. These birds do not like open areas. Shrubs and sparse forests are considered ideal for them. These birds appeared in the process of crossing wild chickens and pheasants. In total, two independent species of these chickens are known.

Peacock Common. The plumage of the male is bright blue, turning into a golden-greenish feather on the back. The length of its body is about 120 cm. The length of the tail feathers is 160 cm. Females are gray, smaller in size. They have no upper tail.

Peacock Green Indian. This bird is larger than the first species. The body length of the male is 190-300 cm. The length of the uppertail is more than 169 cm. Its main plumage is blue, but with a noticeable greenish tint. Blue-green and green-brown can be diluted with red spots. The crest on the head of this species does not look like a crown. This is a dense bundle of different heights. Females do not differ much in plumage. They are also smaller in size and lack an attractive tail, that is, elongated tail feathers.

The Indian peacock has a distinctive tail

Indian peacocks are divided into 3 subgroups, the name of which is:

  • peacock Indo-Chinese green;
  • javanese green;
  • burmese green.

For a long time, black-winged or black-shouldered peacocks were singled out as a separate species. But then it was proven that this is a mutation of the Indian species. Peavas of the black-winged subspecies are slightly yellowish, not gray. And their back is generally closer to a yellow-brown color.

White peacocks are incredibly beautiful. It is not a separate species, but a color mutation of the Common species. But white peacocks are not albinos at all. The dominant gene is responsible for the color of their plumage. The eyes of the white handsome men are blue. This great variation is often kept at home.

The female white peacock is also completely white. Unlike her partner, she has blue eyes and looks very touching. Experts do not recommend crossing white females with partners of the usual blue color. The result of this crossing will be unpredictable. Plumage in birds can be faded or with white bald patches.

Snow-white pava hatches offspring for 30 days. Chicks have yellow down on the back and abdomen, but their wings are white at once.

The female white peacock is very beautiful

Mating games

The main goal of a partner is to attract attention. Instinctively, the pava chooses the most handsome male so that her children will inherit the genes of the best representative of the species.

The mating dance of the male lasts about twenty minutes. He freezes for a long time in advantageous positions and shakes his tail. Dance steps at other times of the year are simpler and shorter. Males perform mating dances most actively in cool weather. During courtship, the male opens his tail in front of the fallow fan. But the female does not evaluate her partner by him. Bird watchers who have watched the peacocks for a long period have noticed that the tail is not very important for pairing. Rather, it is a guarantee that the bird's dance will be seen in the tall grass. As soon as the young lady became interested in the marriage performance, the peacock turns away from the chosen one and shows her his back. Experts suggest that the female determines his health, age and strength by the type of the “sirloin” part.

Peacock performs a mating dance in front of the peacock

Main job

The inconspicuous pava builds a nest in a quiet place to lay 5-7 eggs in it. The nest itself has no complex structure. This is a shallow fossa lined with dried grass and fluff from the female's chest and abdomen. Incubation lasts a month, and then chicks appear. Once after birth, it is difficult to understand that you are facing future kings and fashionistas. Chicks are speckled with a dominant gray color. The chicks have no feathers on the tailtail. They grow up later.

But it will be possible very soon to distinguish where the male is and where the female is among the chicks. Males grow much faster. But the peacock beauty blooms completely closer to three years. But the little pava reaches puberty by two years.

Peacocks are polygamous birds. Their family consists of a group of females and one male. Pav in this group can be 4 or 5 individuals. Females get along easily in a group, but two males will behave aggressively.

About 5 females can live with one peacock

Peacocks in the yard

Peacocks are often brought up to decorate their yards. They are no more difficult to keep than chickens, but they need a lot of space. The family should have a large aviary to walk and move around. At home, the family usually consists of three females and a male. But sometimes the male chooses one female, and only court her. This does not happen in the wild.

For a female to be able to produce offspring, certain conditions must be met. A pair is never made up of adult birds of the same brood. The female and the male should not have family ties, otherwise there will simply be no offspring.

In the wild, peaaws look after chicks well, but at home they often refuse to sit on the clutch and look after the young. If the pava has laid a clutch and sat on the eggs, then up to 8 additional eggs can be placed under it. Otherwise, eggs will have to be placed under the chicken or turkey. Even if a mother is ready to raise offspring on her own, the owners are obliged to help her. Chicks have fragile health. Starting from the eighth month, males from one brood are distributed to different enclosures. They begin to sort things out and may suffer in fights. But females can be kept together longer, they are not at all aggressive.

Peacocks are very beautiful. Watching them in the wild or growing them at home is a pleasure. Males delight, and females tenderness. Despite their simple "dress" they are very cute and touching.

The short form of the name of the Peacock. Pau, Pauli, Lina, Linuccia, Lynetta, Pavlinka, Pavlinoka, Pavlinochka, Pavel, Pavlunya, Pavlusya, Pavlyusya, Pavlyunya, Pavlunya, Pavusya, Panya, Pasha, Fields.
Synonyms for the name of the Peacock. Paulina, Pauline, Paulino, Pauline, Pauline, Pauline.
The origin of the Peacock name. Peacock's name is Russian, Catholic.

The name Peacock comes from the Roman family name Paulinus, originally derived from the cognomen Paulus. The name Peacock is the female form of the male name Peacock, as well as the Russified version of the European name Paulina. Therefore, the translation of the name Peacock sounds like "small", "modest".

The name Peacock is a related name for the names of Pauline, Paula, since the originally male names from which they were formed (Paul, Pavlin, Paulin) are related to each other. Often these me are considered options to each other, often used as affectionate addresses.

In Russian, the name of Peacock is considered one of the forms of the name Pauline, which in modern times is used much more often than the name of Peacock. Lin's diminutive is also an independent name.

Among Catholics, several Roman martyrs with the name Peacock are revered, as well as the nun Peacock of the Suffering Heart of Christ. Peacock's name is not mentioned in the Orthodox calendar; Catholic name days will be indicated for this name.

Description of the name of the Peacock - see the name Pauline.

Birthday Peacocks

Famous people named Peacock

  • Pauline Frederica Maria of Württemberg ((1810 - 1856) Princess of Württemberg, Duchess Consort of Nassau)
  • Princess Paulina Ida Maria Olga Henrietta Catherine of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach ((1852 - 1904) Crown Princess of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach)
  • Princess Pauline Teresa Louise of Württemberg ((1800 - 1873) daughter of Duke Ludwig of Württemberg and Princess Henrietta of Nassau-Walburg. Queen Consort of Württemberg.)
  • Paulina Rubio, also known by the nickname La Chica Dorada ("Golden Girl") ((born 1971) Mexican singer, star of Latin pop music)
  • Paulina Musters ((1876 - 1895) Dutch citizen, 23 inches (58 centimeters) tall, recognized by the Guinness Book of Records as the shortest woman in the history of mankind for whom there is reliable information)
  • Polina Oliveros ((born 1932) is an American accordionist and composer. Since the early 1960s, an active participant in the experiments on empowering electronic music at the San Francisco Recording Center. In 1962, Oliveros became a laureate of the international competition for young composers Gaudeamus ( Since the late 1980s, the most notable part of Oliveros's musical activity has been within the Deep Listening Band, which she founded, which deals with music making and recording in spaces with high resonance (caves, giant cisterns, etc.) .)
  • Peacock ((d. \u200b\u200bC. 302) Martyr of Rome)
  • Paulina Petronela Krakow ((1813 - 1882) nee - Radziejewska; writer, publicist, teacher, editor of periodicals for children. For many years she was in charge of the women's boarding house in Warsaw. Stories and stories by Krakow, intended for children and adolescents, were published in several editions and translated in other languages. Written in an elegant style, imbued with a kind attitude towards life and people, the works of Krakow have deservedly become the favorite reading of Polish youth.)
  • Paulina (Pauline) Maccabi ((born 1986) French biathlete)
  • Paulina Maciuszek ((born 1985) famous Polish skier, participant of the Vancouver Olympic Games. She specializes in distance racing.)
  • Paulina (Polina) Porizkova-Okeisek ((born 1965) Czech top model, actress and writer)
  • Paulina Maria de Ana ((1863 - 1950) married to Paulina Strauss; German singer (soprano). Daughter of the Bavarian general Adolphe de Ana, niece of violinist Heinrich de Ana and opera singer Eleanor de Ana. Wife of composer Richard Strauss. Singing career of Paulina Strauss continued until 1906, mainly in the chamber repertoire; many of Strauss's songs were written for her.In addition, the relationship with his wife, who was distinguished by waywardness, served as an inexhaustible source of inspiration for Strauss - right up to the opera Intermezzo, the libretto of which, created by the composer himself, is quite accurate reproduces an actual episode of his family life, when a note from an unknown woman, brought to Strauss's house by mistake, while he was on tour, prompted his wife to start a divorce proceedings.)
  • Paulina d'Ambrosio ((1890 - 1976) Brazilian violinist and music teacher. Paulina d'Ambrosio was considered an outstanding performer of the works of Heitor Villa-Lobos, several works by Villa-Lobos are dedicated to her, including Duet for Violin and Viola (1946). for 42 years she taught at the National School of Music.Among the students of d'Ambrosio - composer Cesar Guerra-Peixe, conductor Enrique Morelenbaum, violinists Nathan Schwarzman and Mariuccia Yacovino and other prominent Brazilian musicians.In 2003, the Trio named after d'Ambrosio was created in Brazil, which included her student violinist Aizik Geller, harpist Maria Celia Machado and pianist Maria Helena de Andrade (a street in Rio de Janeiro is named after her.)
  • Paulina Ligotskaya ((born 1984) is a Polish snowboarder who competes in a half-pipe. Ligotskaya started competing in various disciplines of snowboarding in 1998, including snowboardcross and various types of slalom, but most often competed in a half-pipe. In 2000 she took ninth place at the World Junior Championships. For the first time Ligotskaya became the medalist of the World Cup stage in the 2002-2003 season, showing the third result at the competitions in Serre-Chevalier. The next year at the Junior World Championships she won two medals - gold in Big Air and silver in Half-pipe. A year later she won the Universiade 2005, held in Innsbruck. In the 2005-2006 Olympic season, Ligotskaya won one of the World Cup stages, and also took second and third places, showing her best result in the World Cup in half-pipe. Paipu came second and qualified for the Winter Olympics in Turin. She was chosen as the standard-bearer of the entire Polish national team at the opening ceremony of the Games, and in the competition itself she finished 17th e place. After that, Ligotskaya twice became a bronze medalist at the 2007 and 2009 World Championships, won the 2007 Universiade and at one of the World Cup stages.)
  • Princess Pauline Clementine von Metternich ((1836 - 1921) nee Sandor; at the same time the granddaughter and daughter-in-law of Chancellor Metternich, a famous socialite at the courts of Napoleon III and Franz Joseph.In 1856 Pauline and her uncle Richard were married, who three years later was appointed Austrian ambassador in Paris. Quickly settling in the French capital, the princess became a close friend of Empress Eugenie and started a prestigious salon in her house. She taught French women how to smoke cigars and skate, and also introduced them to Wort outfits and Wagner's music. tense Franco-German relations, shortened versions of Wagner's operas were staged right in her salon, and the princess herself was not averse to performing the opera part. Another composer who owes Princess Metternich his fame in Europe is her compatriot Bedrich Smetana. After the capture of Paris by the Prussians in 1870 year Prince Metternich was recalled to Austria, and the princess managed to take out of the country jewelry Empress Eugenie in a bag with a diplomatic mail. In Vienna's Metternich Palace, she resumed her salon, albeit without previous success. After the death of Princess Metternich in 1921, two books of her memoirs were published.)
  • Paulina Onushonok (a participant in the legendary storming of the Winter Palace. In 1929 she was appointed head of the 11th police station in Leningrad. She was the first woman to be the head of a police department. She is known for ending the famous Ligovskaya crime within a few months. In 1933, among group of the first Soviet women was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.)
  • Pauline Baines ((1922 - 2008) English graphic designer, illustrated more than 100 books, including works by Clive Staples Lewis and John Ronald Ruel Tolkien. Baines is best known for her illustrations for The Chronicles of Narnia by Clive Staples Lewis. Her work has also appeared in the works of John Ronald Ruel Tolkien "Farmer Giles of Ham", "The Adventures of Tom Bombadil", "Blacksmith of Big Wootton", "Tree and Leaf", as well as "The Last Song of Bilbo" (published as a poster in 1974, and as a book in 1990).)
  • Paulina de Haan-Manifarges ((1872 - 1954) Dutch chamber and concert singer (contralto). The wife of the conductor's brother Willem de Haan. At the age of 20 she performed in Zurich performing songs by Johannes Brahms, accompanied by a composer. Later she became famous as duets with another a Dutch singer, Altje Nordewier-Reddingius, and participation in the Amsterdam performances of Bach's St. Matthew Passion under the baton of Willem Mengelberg; among other important parts of de Haan - alto parts in Verdi's Requiem, vocal solos in symphonies by Gustav Mahler. In 1927, she completed her performing career, devoting herself entirely to teaching.)
  • Pauline von Mullinkrodt ((1817 - 1881) blessed Roman Catholic Church, nun, founder of the female monastic congregation "Sisters of Christian Love")
  • Pauline Hull ((1890 - 1969) Norwegian composer and music critic. The influence of French music (first of all, Debussy and Ravel) and French culture in general became defining for Hull: for example, one of her most important works - "Verlaine Suite" for orchestra (1929 For many years she also worked as a music columnist for Dagbladet, one of the largest newspapers in Norway. In 1938 she founded and headed the Norwegian Society for New Music (Norwegian "Ny Musikk") - the national section of the International Society for Contemporary Music, and directed it until 1961. In 1952-1953 President of the International Society of Contemporary Music.)
  • Paulina Maria Zhariko ((1799 - 1862) Catholic religious activist, servant of God, candidate for beatification, founder of the Catholic organization "Society for the Propagation of Faith" and the Catholic movement "Living Rosary")
  • Paulina Borovik ((1905 - 1943) in monasticism - Sister Maria Felicita; blessed of the Roman Catholic Church, nun of the female monastic congregation "Sisters of the Holy Family from Nazareth" (Nazarethans), martyr. One of the eleven Novogrudok martyrs.)
  • Paulina Nieri Kakhenya (Kenyan long distance runner. 2011 African Champion in cross country in the team event. At the 2012 World Half Marathon Championships she took 6th place in the individual event and 2nd place in the team event. Winner of the 2012 Paris Half Marathon with track record - 1: 07.55.)
  • Pavlina Shapovalenko ((born 1949) operator of machine milking SPK Agrofirma Pervoy Maya ", (Sumy region, Ukraine). Hero of Ukraine. For almost 35 years she worked as a machine milking operator of the agricultural production cooperative Agrofirma Pervoy Maya". The first milkmaid - six-thousanders, organizer and honorary president of the six-thousanders club (milk yield from one cow per year). Currently retired. The 55th anniversary of the birth of Pavlina Mikhailovna was solemnly celebrated. Awards and prizes: Hero of Ukraine (2001, for many years of selfless labor in agriculture, achieving high indicators in the region with milk yield), awarded the Soviet Orders of Lenin (1976) and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1973).)
  • Pavlina Myadelka ((1893 - 1974) Honored Worker of Culture of Belarus (1966). Made a significant contribution to the development of Belarusian theatrical art, thereby contributing to the Belarusian national and cultural development. Was personally acquainted with Y. Kupala, who dedicated several poems to her. memoirs about the cultural life of pre-revolutionary times "Paths of Life" (1974, 1993).)
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