Peacock the girl is called. Name of Pavley

Many consider Pavlin by a paradise bird, taking into account his beauty, but the female of Pavlin has nothing to do with it. We are talking about males. Although many, admiring the magic plumage of the bird, did not even think about her sexuality. Now that there is a reason to reflect, it will probably be interesting to everyone as a female peacock looks like. Despite the divine appearance, this bird is ironically refers to the chicken detachment.

Many consider Peacock to be a paradise bird

Wild Peacock and Pava, namely, so called the female, live in vivo on Sri Lanka and in India. This bird does not like open territories. Often Peacock and Pava choose sparse forests or shrubs. But it can happen that the birds will get acquired on agricultural plantations located next door.

For males of one female, it is not enough, because by nature they are polygamins. Therefore, in wildlife conditions, it is possible to observe how they are going to small flocks. In the daytime, it seems possible to observe peacocks hiding in shady shrubs. After the twilight is lowered, birds begin to look for a place for the night - the crowns of trees. They are sleeping constantly under the same tree, so peacocks can be called animals constant. The same applies to food places. Birds prefer to look for food solely in well-known places for them.

As for food preferences, the peacock-male, as well as the Pava, are mainly feeding with grain crops. Sometimes small vertebrates, insects and young greens can serve as food.

Gallery: Peacocks (25 photos)

Peacock seduces the female (video)

Description and lifestyle females

Female peacocks in size a little less than male individuals. And the colors of the plumage and the cockpit on their head is characterized by uniformity. If we talk about the color of Fe Feather, then the females of the neck is painted in the green color, the abdomen - in white, and all other parts of the body can not be called bright. Nature presented with such a color so that you can hide from predators and save your offspring. In general, the color of female feathers may vary depending on the type of peacock and color mutations.

Wild Peacock and Pava, namely, so called a female, live in vivo on Sri Lanka and in India

It must be said that the Pava was until the moment of her maturity and remains the same as Peacock. In males, the color of the plumage begins to change approximately 3 years after birth. Nature endowed males with such a colorful plumage in order to be possible to attract surfactants and seek their location.

Has Paving, sex maturity comes in the second year of life. Pavlinov's males have a reproductive function for the second year of life. The individual of the male floor in adulthood lives simultaneously with several paws, the number of which ranges from 3 to 5.

You can observe how the female begins to postpone the eggs starting from April to the very end of September. Pava is capable of postpone up to 10 eggs. In the conditions of unbeasies, the female dismisses the offspring to 3 times. The deadline for sitting eggs lasts about 28 days. It should be noted that Pava is a very caring mother and leaves his brood for a long time during which the chicks take care.

It should be remembered that during the marital games of men's individuals it is better to contain in individual cells so that they do not manage to harm the rest of the birds. After all, males in this period are distinguished by aggressiveness. For surfactants, they equip special places, where in the future they will be waiting for the withdrawal of their offspring.

During the period of courting, Pavlin flashes their magic tail in front of the females, thereby trying to attract attention to themselves. If the Pava expresses a desire to get closer, then the male will wait for the appropriate moment to give way to the female.

However, as zoologists say, the Pavits do not pay special attention to a dissipated tail of male individuals. Paving "pecks" to the fillet part of the male, thus evaluating the state of its health, age and the presence of forces. In general, the marriage dance of Peacock lasts about 20 minutes.

Peacock on a rural compound (video)

Birds content at home

As you know, Pavlins are domesticated with deep antiquity. In those days, they were kept for the purpose of decorating gardens and parks of noble people.

As for our contemporaries, they are conclusion and content of these paradise birds in order to decorate the estates and sites. Peacocks are unpretentious in care. Over time, they are tied to their owners and no longer leave the place of residence.

Paving sex maturity comes in the second year of life

In order for the peacocks successfully multiply in captivity, they need to create appropriate conditions for them, which implies:

  1. Full nutrition.
  2. Preventing mating related individuals. Otherwise, it may not be possible to wait for the offspring.
  3. Under the wildlife conditions, Pava is a wonderful mother. In the aviary, the female sometimes forgets or refuses to care for the offspring.
  4. During the care period of chicks for Pava, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions, as the kids are very demanding.
  5. When the female refuses to smoke eggs, they can be posed under the chicken or indeek. They will greatly replace mother chicks.

Peacocks are really insanely beautiful. Observation of them gives a person an incredible pleasure. The males are able to cause delight with their plumage, while females cause a sense of tenderness in people. Saws are very cute and touching birds. And breeding, and the cultivation of peacocks does not require any particular effort, because this animal is unpretentious in food and care. Therefore, lovers and wishing to have a similar animal in their yard will not be difficult to acquire a "paradise" pet.

Peacocks are wonderful proud birds that can boast a luxurious plumage. Children love to look at these birds in zoos and every child will be interested to know why the peacock female is so pludiously different from the male. Yes, and ordinary people who are interested in ornithology will be interested in this issue. In general, the differences between individuals of the male and female kind are quite obvious, but in this article we will consider them in detail, emphasizing the attention mainly on the modest satellite of the Great Peacock.

Few people know, but correctly called the female of Peacock - Pava, and the name it has long become a symbol of gracefulness and ease, because everyone probably becomes familiar to the expression "acts like a pava." Sometimes they call the paws of truly graceful girls, in which each movement is distinguished by extraordinary smoothness. So here is the name of the nondescript (on the background of a bright male) female became the name of the nominal one, and what else!

Distinctive features

While male peacocks are typical of a transfusing plumage and a luxurious tail, the female has a pretty flexible color. The most common type of feathers are painted in a grayish tint and only in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck and chest can be auxiliary emerald or pinkish shade. The males, as we know, the plumage can connect absolutely unthinkable colors: blue, green, orange, golden. It is not surprising that on the background of the "Male Half" will noticeably flex.

In addition, Pavits cannot boast a long chic tail, while a peacock boy is able to turn his long multi-colored tail in the likeness of a huge fuel. But they also find a common line - a hokholok on the head, resembling the crown.

True, Peacock-male has a well-visible blue tank, but the female boasts only a modest gray-brown.

However, it is not necessary to think that Pava ugly. Compared with a rather catchy and bright coloring of their relatives, their color looks quite elegant, without frills. In addition, as in most bird species, all this is due to the fact that the main function of the females is the surgery of eggs, and this will be much easier to do if the color is not too bright. In addition, during the marriage games they do not need to attract the attention of males - they themselves are interested in the possibility of being with a dip. And the brightest tail is a distinctive feature of Peacock - this is just a way to attract the attention of the partners to not be unnoticed.

Types of Pavlinov

The habitat of wild representatives of these birds is India and Sri Lanka. There are the following types of peacocks:

  1. Ordinary. The males have a feature of beautiful blue, on the back - golden-green overflows, and the tips of the wings are painted in orange. The birds themselves are quite large - the length of their body is about 120 cm. Pava is much miniature, there are no supremes, and the plumage is grayish. True, in the area of \u200b\u200bbreast and neck, you can find beautiful emeraldens. Harshologists in female brown individuals.
  2. Magnifier. In fact, it is not a separate type - this is just a mutation of the color of its Indian fellow, but for a long time they were allocated in a separate appearance. From Indian is distinguished by the color of the wings - they are Iscin-black. But the ladies of this species have a light beige plumage, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tail it is light brown.
  3. White. Another example of a mutation that gave us creatures with such a wonderful color of plumage. Representatives of both sexes have a luxurious snow-white color, but are not at all albinos. So, male individuals have blue eyes, and female - blue. In general, absolutely snow-white female looks unimaginably touching, so this kind is very often containing at home, without crossing white peacocks with their collections of other colors.
  4. Green. Very large can reach up to 3 m in length. The main color of the plumage in males - blue with green tump. There may be splashes of red and brown. It is engaged that the coloring of the Oil is not too different, but it is two times less (and is inferior by mass four times).

Video "Painting content"

In this video, you will hear useful peacock care tips.

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Peacocks belong to the detachment of churo-shaped, and in the circle of close relatives on the beauty of this bird there are no equal. Yes, and among other types of feathers, I also need to look for rivals. But the delights belong to the males, but what about the female Pavlin? Why do you talk about it less, how to distinguish from the handsome male a modest girlfriend?

Pavlin's female does not have such a beautiful tail like a male, but also worthy of attention.

Everyone knows the saying "He acts like a pava," but not everyone guess that this name of the female Pavlin. The people have long been noticed that Peacock is a graceful bird, important, moves slowly, with dignity, therefore an association has arisen.

How to distinguish from Peacock a female? Surprisingly, such a magnificent handsome "wife" has a modest dim color. It does not have a long and beautiful tail, the plumage is not as bright, does not transfix the variety of colors. The only one on the neck, depending on the breed, is isolated a section of green or blue. Khokholok is also not so expressive, the color is brown, and in the male on the head of the crown of bright feathers.

The tail in the village and Peacock, in principle, the same, the difference lies in long and beautiful cascading feathers over the tail in the male. They are inherent in bright color, decorated with multicolored "eyes".

But about the female it is impossible to say that they are ugly. Although the beauty of their nonsense, they are very pretty. Little graceful head, great bright eyes also attract attention.

Little elegant bird head and beautiful Pavlin female expressive eyes attract no less attention than the tail of the male.

Yes, and the magnificent plumage of the paws, Nature took care of them, because the task of the female individual is to make a nest, to sit and grow offspring, protecting him from predators. Therefore, the color of the feathers should merge with shrubs and grass. The modest colors helps hide during egg sitting and walking with chicks.

What females are

The birthplace of exotic birds is India and Sri Lanka Island. Peacocks prefer to settle in the forests and thickets of shrubs, open areas for living are not suitable. Two types of peacocks are common in the wild.

  • Peacock ordinary. Men's individuals demonstrate a magnificent blue plumage. The head and neck are cast a bright blue, on the back are gorgeous golden green overflows, and the tips of the wings are orange. With the length of the body in 120 cm, the length of the feather of the dummy is 160 cm. Movement is much smaller, there are no supremes, painted into a modest homogeneous gray color. For both sexes, a khokholok is characteristic of the head, resembling the crown, but the surfactant is brown, and in males blue.
  • Magnifier Pavlin. Refers to the options for mutation of the color of Indian varieties, but for a long time standing out in a separate look until Charles Darwin denied the erroneous theory. His difference - Iscin-black wings. Savings have a beige, not gray, on the back, near the tail. The plumage is darker: light brown.
  • White peacock. Also, the color mutation, peacocks do not belong to albinos. The dominant gene gives an unusual white color to both floors. Only the males have blue eyes, and the Supvah are blue. Females resemble tender princesses, very beautiful and touching.
  • Peacock green Indian. The bird is larger: males from 2 m, some individuals reach a length of 3 m. The ability to grow to 169 cm. For this species, the predominance of blue color is characteristic, but with a green tide, sometimes brown with green, there are red splashes. The cockpit on the head is presented not to the crown, but a bunch of feathers of different lengths. The female of the species is not very distinguished by the plumage, the supreme feathers are also present, but not so long.

The appearance of the female depends on the species of peacock.

Crossing peacocks inside the species, breeders have created many color options. Coloring birds are diverse, and it is impossible to predict what color it turns out when experiment. By the way, the result is not always successful, so real connoisseurs of peacocks prefer natural colors.

Marriage games

For the handsome male, the main task is to attract the female, but the "last word" remains behind it. Pava will prefer the strongest and interesting partner to extend the genus, and children inherited the power and health of the best manufacturer.

A beautiful tail in the male is created by nature to attract a girlfriend. He reveals a magnificent fan, shakes them to make attention to him. The duration of the marriage dance is 20 minutes, the rest of the time he walks in front of her, demonstrating his beauty.

But, as scientists from the American city of Durham have found out, Pava is not interested in the tail itself. Bright coloring - a deposit that the female will consider in the thick grass a noticeable plumage.

As soon as she pay attention to the future partner, he turns his back and demonstrates the rear bottom. According to a famous female, it defines the age of Pavlin, decides whether he will suit her in "Husband".

In the marriage games of Pavlins, a beautiful tail of the male plays a decisive role.

main destination

Peacocks create families, one of the male in the family can be from 3, a maximum of 5 females. Girls are non-conflict and perfectly get along together. But males, especially in the marriage period, are aggressive and the opponent will not be allowed to the territory.

Pavlin's wife begins to carry eggs from April, with favorable conditions until September it will make three masonry. In a secluded place of Pava, the nest of a simple design. This is usually a slight recess in the ground, laid out by grass. The female pulls down the fluff from the chest and abdomen, carefully wipes them the nest. After 28 or 30 days, chicks will be hatched with gray down.

It is easy for you to distinguish the floor of young people after three: males grow faster, so they will be much larger.

In the second year, the female's life is ready for reproduction, unlike males, the maturity of which comes in a biennium.

Pavlin's female reproduce reproductive age on the second year of life.

It is peculiar and completely does not fit with the appearance of the bird's bird scream. They scream very loud - before the rain or when they are alarmed. Sounds sharp and unlight, people say that "the peacock of the cry is worse than cat screams."

Pavlinov are set to decorate estates and plots. Contain them is easy, they do not require special care. Birds are tied to a person, recognize their owner and do not fly away from the place of residence.

But the aviary must be spacious, so that a big family can move freely, and the male did not damage his magnificent tails feathers. Additionally, there is enough space for walking.

Usually the family consists of three female and male individuals, but it happens that in captivity he prefers one of them, leaving others without attention. This situation is impossible for freedom.

In order for the bird safely multiply in captivity, you should create certain conditions.

  • First of all, it is high-quality and full nutrition.
  • A pair does not make up from nearby individuals, otherwise the offspring does not wait.
  • In the wildlife of Pava - a good mother, but in the aviary she sometimes forgets about her duties, refuses to care for chicks. But if the female sat down, under it you can put up to 15 pieces of eggs.
  • When Pava continues to take care of the offspring, she needs help and good conditions, because the chicks are very demanding of care.
  • When the festival does not want to sit, the eggs are put under chickens or turkeys, they will become beautiful moms for chicks.
  • From 8 months, males sit down in individual enclosures so that they do not fight, otherwise during the clarification of relationships can damage each other.

For the reproduction of peacocks in captivity, they need to create suitable conditions.

Look at the peacocks pleasure, males admire the beauty of plumage, and female die with modest beauty, grace and firmness.


  • The name of the female individual Pavlin - Pava.
  • The plumage of females is more modest than that of men's individuals, but not devoid of attractiveness.
  • The peacocks of different types and color mutations are different colors of females.
  • Beautiful plumage of males is necessary to attract a friend.
  • The modest appearance of the surfactant is due to their destination: the elimination and preservation of the offspring.
  • The reproduction of peacocks at home is possible when creating favorable conditions.

Peacock rightly consider one of the most beautiful, if not the most beautiful, birds on the planet.

His appearance causes admiration and some amazement when it becomes known that we are talking about the nearest relative of ordinary chicken.

This bird is a mandatory resident of any zoo.

But all of the above applies to males, but we know much less about females.

Peacock female: what is called and what a bird looks like

Pava, namely the so-called female peacock, looks less colorful than her spouse. There are no bright tones in its color and it is deprived of a luxurious tail.
From jewelry, you can only select the similarity of a colorful necklace on the neck of blue or green (depends on the breed). Unlike a bright crown, the head of the male's head, on the head of the female just a modest dull crown.

However, it should not be considered that Pava Ugraciva is simply not so bright as the male. Especially beautiful is the large expressive eyes of the Pava on a neat head. To distinguish it from male work will not be: dim color, the absence of supreme feathers, smaller sizes.

Did you know? In the countries of the East, Pavlin is a symbol of immortality, magnificence and pride. In eastern fairy tales and legends, they are often referred to as messengers of the gods.

Indian peacock ordinary has a blue color with a tint. Neck and head more pronounced blue, and the back is distinguished by a green tint. The ends of the wings are painted in orange. The length of the body of the bird reaches 1.2 m, and the length of the tail plumage is 1.6 m. Khokholok blue.
Pava is much less in size, there is no supremeness at all, the color of the feathers throughout the body - gray, and a crested - brown. Sale of a blue color with a beautiful steel tide.

There are two more varieties of Indian peacock - black or black and white. Previously, they were allocated in a separate breed, but Charles Darwin proved that these are only color mutations.

There are no differences in the sizes of the bird's body, and as for the color, the black peacock has a churred wing. The female of such a peacock is painted in a beige color, the zone near the tail is slightly darker.

White peacocks are not albinos, although they have an amazing white color. The males have blue eyes, and in females - blue. We can say that Pava White Peacock is a blue-eyed blonde.


This variety is noticeably larger than Indian Peacock. The male can be a length of 2-3 m. Beautiful tail feathers reach 1.65 m in length. Bird's color can not be called green in the literal sense of the word, he, rather, blue with a pronounced green tint. There may be splashes of a brown-red spectrum.
The color of females is about the same color, but they are smaller in size, even have a supreme plumage, but much shorter. Out of the head there is a hooker, but small and dull.

Important!Peacocks with proper content and feeding can live in captivity up to 20 years. The females become half-on-way to 3 years, the supreme feathers of males are completely growing to the same time.

Congolese or African Peacock is the only endemic in Africa from the phecking subfamily. The bird has not yet been domesticated, i.e., as a result of many years of existence, it did not have any evolutionary change near the person.
The male reaches 65-70 cm long, the female is 60-62 cm. The male is painted into green with a bronze color, a black neck with a red throat, a black head with a kerch. Above feathers have an eye similar to the one that is available from Indian relatives.

Pava is painted in green with a tump and light stripes. The neck is red, the head has no plumage, brown color.

Lifestyle and habitat surfactant

Pava dwells there, where and males-peacocks, and feed, respectively, the same. But the image of their lives is different, depending on the species.

Indian (Peacock ordinary)

Bird's birthplace is India and Ceylon Island. There, so far, they can be found in a wild form, although the feathers prefer to hide from a person. Their beloved area of \u200b\u200bhabitat - thickets of bushes or a root forest. You can meet these birds on various plantations, where they will raise to enjoy the cereals.
Live with flocks, since one male needs a few surfactants. In the afternoon, they are hidden in shady thumps, and with the onset of the evening they are looking for overnight on the trees.

From the diet, cereals are most preferable for them. Since India is a rice country, it is easy to guess what kind of grade the most chopped these birds. Although they can eat and other cereals, as well as greens, small vertebrates or insects.


The view was distributed in Indonesia (Java), in Indochite, in the north and east of India, in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand and some other parts of Southeast Asia.
The population of green peacocks is significantly less than representatives of the form of ordinary. Currently, 16-32 thousand individuals are left by extinct species.

Quite often in nature, 8-10 females are content with one male. The Picks of this species differ little from Indian in public issues: preferred the same grain, greenery, etc. For habitats, forest arrays are chosen, can fly for short distances, it is quite quick to run.

Did you know? There are 3 varieties of green peacocks: Indochinese, Burmese and Javanese, the last of which in 1940 became the national symbol of Myanmar (previously Burma).

It dwells in the Congo pool in wet mountain forests. Type of monogamen. Near prefer to shut down in stumps, tree branchings. Pava postpones from 2 to 4 eggs and sits on them. The male at this time takes care of her and protects offspring. Incubation term - 25-27 days.

Features of breeding and marriage games

Birds of puberty reach 3 years. At this time, Pavitsa are ready for mating. Females for breeding The most suitable afternoon of spring and summer. In captivity, with proper content, each Pava can bring 6-12 eggs.

When Pava is ready for mating, the male begins to show her his beautiful marriage dance. It is believed that the female does not necessarily choose the most beautiful male. Peacock dance is a kind of sign showing that with the male everything is in order.

In order to finally convince the lady, the male turns back to her, demonstrating its advantages. If the Pava finds it suitable, the feathers start mating.

Thus, the male's beautiful color is needed to attract females, but he herself for anything. Such a color would go to her only to harm at the moment when she sits on eggs, because a bright plumage can attract predators.

4 weeks after the masonry of the eggs, chicks are hatched, not similar to those handsome people, which they will become. Chicks develop much faster than their peers brought by another poultry. After 7-9 days, the chicks are already on the wing.
For normal development, they need proper feeding and fresh water. Young peacocks feed on the same food as their parents, although at first it will be not bad to introduce fermented milk products, eggs and oatmeal. Up to 6 months, young people preferably give vitamins and anti-coldious means.

Brief form named after Peacock. Pau, Pauli, Lina, Linucchcha, Lynetta, Pavlinka, Pavlinyka, Pavlinochka, Pavel, Pavlun, Paul, drink, Pavlyun, Pava, Pavolya, Pash, Pasha, Fields.
Synonyms named after Pavlin. Paulina, Paulina, Paulino, Polina, Polin, Powlene.
The origin of Peacock. The name of Peacock is Russian, Catholic.

The name of Pavlin occurred from the Roman generic name of Paulinus, originally derived from the Kohnomen Paulus. The name of Peacock is the female form of the male name of Peacock, as well as a Russified version of the European name of Paulina. Therefore, the translation named after Pavlin sounds like "small", "modest".

Peacock's name is a related name for the names of Polina, Paula, since the initially male names, from which they were formed (Paul, Peacock, Paulin) are related to each other. Often these are considered to be options for each other, often used as affectionates.

In Russian, the name of Pavlin is considered one of the forms of the name of Polina, which in modern times is used much more often than the name of Peacock. Reducturally, Lina's dimensional appeal is also an independent name.

Among Catholics, several Roman martyrs with the name of Pavlin, as well as the peacock nuns of the suffering heart of Christ, are revered. The name of Pavlin is not mentioned in Orthodox sacraticles, the Catholic Names will be indicated for this name.

Description of Peacock name - see Polina's name.

Name Day Pavlin

Famous people with the name Peacock

  • Poulin Frederick Maria Württemberg ((1810 - 1856) Princess Württemberg, Duchess-Consort Nassau)
  • Princess Paulina Ida Maria Olga Herretta Katerina Sakgen-Weimar-Eisenakha ((1852 - 1904) Crown Princess Saxen-Weimar-Eisenakh)
  • Princess Powlina Teresa Louise Württemberg ((1800 - 1873) Duke of Duke Ludwig Württemberg and Princess Henrietta Nassau-Walburg. Queen-consort of Württemberg.)
  • Poilina Rubio, also known under the nickname La Chica Dorada ("Golden Girl") ((Row.1971) Mexican singer, Latin Pop Music Star)
  • Paulina Musters ((1876 - 1895) Citizens of the Netherlands, had a height of 23 inches (58 centimeters), recognized as the Guinness Book of Records as the lowest woman in the entire history of mankind about which there is reliable information)
  • Polina Oliveros ((Row.1932) American accordionist and composer. Since the beginning of the 1960s. Active participant of experiments to expand electronic music capabilities held in the San Francis Center for Music Records. In 1962, Oerilyos became a laureate of the international competition of young composers Gaudeamus ( Netherlands) From the late 1980s. The most prominent part of the musical activity Oliveros passes within the framework of the Music team "Deep Listening Band", which is engaged in musicalizing and recording music in the spaces with reinforced resonance (caves, giant tanks, etc.) .)
  • Pavlin ((Um.ok.302) Roman martyr)
  • Powlina Petrel Krakow ((1813 - 1882) Need - Radzayevskaya; writer, journalist, teacher, editor of the periodicals for children. For many years, he was heading for a female guesthouse in Warsaw. Test and stories of embrace, intended for children and youthful age, kept for several publications and translated To other languages. Written by an elegant syllable, imbued with a kind attitude to life and people, the works of Krakow deservedly became the favorite reading of Polish youth.)
  • Paulina (Polina) Macabi ((Row.1986) French biathlete)
  • Powlina Matsyushki ((Row.1985) Famous Polish skier, participant of the Olympic Games in Vancouver. Specializes in remote racing.)
  • Paulina (Polina) Parizkova-Okaysek ((Ry.1965) Czech top model, actress and writer)
  • Paulina Maria de Ana ((1863 - 1950) in marriage - Paulina Strauss; German singer (soprano). The daughter of the Bavarian General Adolf de Ana, the niece of Henry De An Ana and the Opera Singer Eleanora de Ana. Wife of Composer Richard Strauss. Sing Career Paulina Strauss continued until 1906, mainly in the chamber repertoire; Many strauss songs are written for her. In addition, the relationship with his wife, distinguished by his own way, served for a straw in an inexhamable source of inspiration - right up to the Opera "Intermezzo", the libretto of which created by the composer himself, quite accurate Reproduces the actual episode of his family life, when a strauss delivered to the house by mistake, into bendingly on tour, a note from an unfamiliar woman prompted his wife to start a broken-water process.)
  • Paulina d'ambrosio ((1890 - 1976) Brazilian violinist and musical teacher. Paulina D'AMBrosio was considered an outstanding performer of the works of Eitator Villa Lobos, there are several writings of Villa Lobosa, including a duet for violin and alta (1946). 42 years old taught at the National School of Music. Among the students d'ambrosio - Composer Cesar Herra Peisha, Conditioner Enrique Morelanbaum, violinist Nathan Schwarzman and Maruchika Yakovino and other notable Brazilian musicians. In 2003, a trio named D'AMBrosio was created in Brazil, The composition of which entered her student of the violinist aisik geller, the harpist Maria Selia Machado and Pianist Maria Helena de Andrad. Her name is called the street in Rio de Janeiro.)
  • Paulina Ligutskaya ((R.1984) Polish snowboarder serving in Haf Pipe. Ligatskaya began performing since 1998 in various snowboarding disciplines, including Snowboardcross and various types of slalom, but most often competed in Haf Pipe. In 2000, it ranked ninth At the World Junior Championship. For the first time, Ligatskaya became the highlight of the World Cup stage in the 2002-2003 season, showing the third result in the Competitions in Serrier Chevalé. Next year, in the Junior world championship, she won two medals - Gold in Big Air and Silver in Haf Pipe. After a year she won at the Universiade 2005, passing in Innsbruck. In the Olympic season 2005-2006, Ligatskaya won at one of the stages of the World Cup, and also ranked the second and third places, showing its best result on the World Cup in Haf PiPu is second place, and she qualified for the Winter Olympic Games in Turin. She was chosen by the Znamensky of the entire Polish national team at the opening ceremony, and on the competitions themselves she took 17- E place. After that, Ligatskaya became twice became a bronze medalist World Championship 2007 and 2009, won at the 2007 Universiade and at one of the stages of the World Cup.)
  • Princess Paulina Clementina Metternley background ((1836 - 1921) Born - Shandor; At the same time, the granddaughter and daughter-in-law of the Metternich Chancellor, the famous secular lioness at Napoleon's courtyards III and Franz Joseph. In 1856, a wedding of Paulina and her uncle Richard, who after three years The Austrian Ambassador was appointed in Paris. Quincing quickly in the French capital, the princess became a close friend of Energér Evgenia and started a prestigious salon in his house. She taught the Frenchwoman to smoke cigars and skate, and also introduced them to Vagner's outfits and music. In view The abbreviated versions of the Wagner Opera, and the Princess, and the Princess, and the Princess, and herself were finished to fulfill the Opera Party. Another composer, who is obliged to princess with his fame in Europe, is its compatriot of disgraced sour cream. After taking Paris by Prussians in 1870 The prince of metternals was withdrawn to Austria, and the princess managed to take out of the jewelry Empress Evgenia in a bag with diplomatic mail. In the Vienna Palace of Metternichs, she resumed her salon, however, without being successful. After the death of the princess of metternal in 1921, two books of her memoirs were published.)
  • Paulina onuconok (participant in the legendary storming of the Winter Palace. In 1929, he was appointed head of the 11th division of the Military Militia of the city of Leningrad. She was the first woman - the head of the police department. Known in that for several months she committed with famous Ligovsky crime. In 1933, among the number The groups of the first Soviet women were awarded the Order of the Labor Red Banner.)
  • Paulina Banes (1922 - 2008) English designer, author of the illustrations to more than 100 books, including the works of Klyiva Staiplza Lewis and John Ronalda Ruel Tolkina. Banes is most famous for his illustrations to the "Narnia Chronicles" Clive Staiplza Lewis. Her works also appeared In the works of John Ronald Ruel Tolkina "Farmer Giles from Hema", "The Adventures of Tom Bombadila", "Blacksmith from Big Vutton", "Tree and Leaf", as well as in the "last song Bilbo" (reached as a poster in 1974, and As a book - in 1990).)
  • Paulina de Han-Manipharges ((1872 - 1954) Netherlands chamber and concert singer (contralto). The wife of Brother Cerizer Willem de Hana. At the age of 20, he spoke in Zurich with the performance of Johannes Brahms songs, accompanied by the composer. Later became famous for duets on the other The Netherlands Singer, Alty Nordesir Reddingius, and participation in the Amsterdam performances of the Bakhakh Passion on Matthew under the control of Willem Mengelberg; Among other major parties de Han - Altovaya Party in Requiem, Vocal Solo in the symphones of Gustav Maler. In 1907, made several records. In 1927 she completed the performing career, completely devoted himself to teaching activities.)
  • Paulina von Malinkrode ((1817 - 1881) Blessed Roman Catholic Church, a nun, founder of the women's monastic congregation "Sisters of Christian Love")
  • Paulina Hull ((1890 - 1969) Norwegian composer and musical critic. The influence of French music (first of all, Debussy and Ravel) and in general, French culture has become decisive for Hull: So, one of its most important works - "Verlenovskaya Suite" for the orchestra (1929 ). Over the years, the DagBladet musical browser has also performed - one of the largest newspapers of Norway. In 1938 he founded and headed the Norwegian society of new music (Nyv. NY Musikk) - the national section of the International Society of Modern Music, and led them until 1961. In 1952-1953. President of the International Society of Modern Music.)
  • Powelina Maria Zhariko ((1799 - 1862) Catholic religious activity, servant of God, candidate for tapping, the founder of the Catholic organization "Society for the spread of faith" and the Catholic movement "Living Rosary")
  • Paulina Borovik ((1905 - 1943) in monastic - sister Maria Felicita; Blessed Roman Catholic Church, nuns of the Women's Monastic Congregation "Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth" (Nazaretanki), Martyrs. One of the eleven Novogrudsky Martyrs.)
  • Paulina Niery Kanheya (Kenyan Runcher for Long Distance. Champion of Africa 2011 on Cross In the Command Championship. At the World Championships in the 2012 semi-marathon, it ran 6th place in the personal championship and 2nd place in the team competition. Winner of the Parisian semi-marathon 2012 with Record of the track - 1: 07.55.)
  • Pavlin Shapovalenko ((Row.1949) Operator of the machine milking SEC "Agrofirma" The first May "", (Sumy region, Ukraine). Hero of Ukraine. For almost 35 years, worked as an operator of the agricultural milking cooperative "Agrofirm" First May "." The first milkmair -Chestain, the organizer and honorary president of the six-thousandth club (according to the milk from one cow per year). Currently is retired. The 55th anniversary of the birth of Peacock Mikhailovna was solemnly. Awards and awards: Hero of Ukraine (2001, for many years of selfless Labor in agriculture, achieving high in the region of indicators with milk pumping), was awarded by the Soviet orders of Lenin (1976) and a working red banner (1973).)
  • Pavlina Madylka ((1893 - 1974) Honored Worker of Culture of Belarus (1966). Made a significant contribution to the development of Belarusian theatrical arts, thereby contributing to the Belarusian national-cultural development. It was personally familiar with Ya.Kupali, who dedicated several poems. Is the author Memoirov about the cultural life of the pre-revolutionary time "trails of life" (1974, 1993).)
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