Male dignity structure and shapes. Anatomy of men's genital organs: external and external organs

The men's field system consists of two main parts - external genital organs outside, and internal genital organs, which are communicated with the outer. Men's outdoor genitals They are arranged so that they allow him to lead a sex life and take part in the continuation of the kind.

Prostate - Iron, which highlights liquid with nutrients for spermatozoa, which is the main component of sperm.

Urethra - Channel for which the sperm will be released at the time of ejaculation.

Penis - The organ designed for the copulation in order to introduce sperm emitted at the time of ejaculation, in the vagina of a woman.

Testicle - Men's iron producing sperm (gamets, or male sex cells) and generating men's hormones (androgens).

Seed bubble - Iron generating a secret that is part of the sperm and employee of the habitat of spermatozoys, the secret contains nutrients for spermatozoa.

Seeding duct. - The channel intersecting the prostate through which spermatozoa from the seed range and secretion from the seed bubble to the urethra.

Appendage - The tube in which the spermatozoa ripen, developed in the testicles, before emissions outwards.

Scrotum - Skin pocket, located for a sexual member in which the testicles are located.

Sex member is a cylindrical organ located at the bottom of the torso, within which the urethra passes. It shares three departments: the root, a place in which the penis is connected to the torso; The body of the penis, or its central part, and the end, or extreme flesh, at the end of which there is a hole of the urethra. Outside, the sex dick is covered with skin; The skin of the root and body of the penis is no different from the usual, but the surface of the penis head is very sensitive and covered with mucous membrane. The skin covering the head is called extreme flesh and can move.

The feature of the penis consists in its ability to change the size and density when it is in an excited state. This is possible due to three cylindrical bodies inside the penis and consisting of special erectile fabricwhich includes numerous partitions of conjunctive and muscle fibers separating the set of small connecting cavities, which under certain conditions, for example, in response to a sexual pulse, are filled with blood with a subsequent increase in the size and density of erectile tissue. Two of the three bodies - cavernic symmetric bodies located one near the other in the upper part of the body of the penis; The third is the spongy body, located in the center behind the cavernous bodies, where the urethra passes, the end of which is expanding in such a way that it takes all the inner space head.

The scrotum is the type of skin pocket hanging from the root of the penis, in which the testicles are located. The testicles should be in this position, because in the abdominal cavity the temperature is higher than that at which the testicles can produce sperm. Therefore, the wall of the scrotum consists of several layers, the external of which is formed by thin folded skin with more or less deep wrinkles, under which the muscular layer is located; The degree of reduction or relaxation changes the depth of wrinkles on the scrotum, which contributes to the thermoregulation of the testicles.

Secondary sexual signs appear during puberty under the influence of hormones. On the one hand, the hormones are responsible for the exhaust: men are higher than that of women, and the hair grows on the chest; The plot covered with pubic hair acquires a diamond shape and almost reaches a navel; The hair line on the forehead becomes straight; A mustache and beard begged on the face. Musculatures in men develop stronger, shoulders and spin are wider than women, and hips, on the contrary, already. On the other hand, there is a deposition of subcutaneous fat in different places: men, he basically accumulates on his stomach, and in women - on the hips and muscles. Finally, under the influence of men's sex hormones, men are rebuilt with larynx and the voice becomes lower than women.

9 facts about penis

Nine facts about penis

1. Penis does not have bonesSo how does he harden?

The monkeys have bones in the penis, but it does not apply to people. The penis has fibers of the fabrics, which swell with blood, as a result of which the body becomes so solid. If you heard about people, "broken penis", you should know that the cause of the gap is actually the result of damage to its outer tissue. If the problem is not eliminated, scar tissue can form and cause Peyroni's disease. This disease causes pain, erectile dysfunction and damage in the form of a penis.

2. Size has meaning only for men

Studies show that the average length of the ereginated male penis is 13.12 cm, but the researchers also found that this information does not calm many men, even if they have a longer size. A study conducted in the Royal College in London found that concern about the size of the penis is associated with a non-diagnosed depression.

3. Body health and penis are connected

If you are a man and you had problems with erection lately, you must study your lifestyle. Do you sleep enough? Did you add in weight? Men who are overweight typically have a lower level of testosterone in the body, and therefore may suffer from erectile dysfunction. Men who do not sleep enough or are moving little, can harm their erection.

4. He can grow

A pair of Italian urologists from the University of Turin, who were not satisfied with the size of their members, conducted a study on a system known as "stretching". The system was supposed to help increase penis size without surgical intervention. Men who participated in the study stretched penis a few hours a day for four months. The results showed an increase of 1.5-2 cm. If you are looking for an easy way to make your body more, another study showed that during oral sex, the penis increases more than in other types of excitation.

5. He is more flexible than you think

In the course of the study conducted in 2002 at the University of Stanford, scientists analyzed the pairs of pairs during sexual intercourse inside the MRI machine. They found that in the missionary position, the penis bends into the boomerang-shaped form when he is in the vagina.

6. Cigarettes can reduce it.

Studies show that cigarettes not only reduce the libido of a person, they can also lead to a weaker erection. The reason is that smoking narrows the artery, thereby preventing the process of erection.

7. This is actually a big clitoris

Want to believe, you want, no, but when we are still in the womb, we appear at the beginning of the vagina. After Testosterone dies, genitals become male.

8. Appearance is directly related to the quality of sperm.

During the study conducted in Spain, the researchers showed women photographs of men with a high, medium and low number of spermatozoa, and asked them to choose the most attractive. Most women have chosen photos of men with a higher spermatozoa, Do not deceive nature.

9. Ejaculation does not come from the brain

The ejaculate team does not come from the brain, it gives a reflexive response to a signal that comes from the spinal cord. After the team leaves, the brain receives a notification and only then the feeling of orgasm occurs.

Nine facts about women's vagina

Women know that the vagina is a body that brings strong impressions - it can bring pleasure, pain and is the main body in the birth of a child, but there are quite a lot of facts about which you probably did not know before.

1. The body grows during the act

In a relaxed state, the vagina is about 10 cm deep in average, but during intercourse it can grow and deepen up to three times in size. When a woman is excited, the muscles in her belly are compressed, pulling up the uterus when the vagina disclosure.

2. Not all women are born with virgin phlegm

All women vagina changes in thickness, and also expands the areas that it covers. This mainly means that it is impossible to determine the woman's virgin or not, checking the virgin splas.

3. The desire to go to the toilet during intercourse is normal

Even if I am obsessed before a sexual act, you can feel the need to urinate again during sexual intercourse. There are several reasons for this: vaginal stimulation can cause irritation in the urethre and even a bladder, resulting in urinary urinary. Another reason is nervous irritation.

4. In women, orgasm lasts longer than in men, but it happens less

Middle male orgasm lasts only six seconds. In contrast, the female orgasm is about 23 seconds. On the other hand, the researchers found that 30% of women experience orgasm only once for four sex acts, and 16% of women reported that orgasm.

5. Condoms do not affect the quality of sex

At the University of Indiana conducted a study and found that women argue that the likelihood of achieving orgasm had nothing to do with the use of condoms. The possibility of orgasm depends only on changes during sexual intercourse. When women get oral or manual stimulation during sexual intercourse, they have a higher likelihood of orgasm.

6. The smell of the vagina changes during the day

Various vagina has different odors, and during the day these smells change. After the shower, the vagina, as a rule, does not smell at all, and after exercise, a musky fragrance receives. During ovulation, the smell is metallic, and after sexual intercourse it can smell chlorine (due to sperm aroma). And the "fish" odor, as a rule, is the result of bacterial growth and the presence of a disease.

7. The clitoris has more nervous endings than any other part of the body

The clitoris contains more than 8000 nerve endings.What can cause pleasure and even pain in stimulation. For comparison, the penis has only 4000 nerve endings. Intensive stimulation of the clitoris can even affect 15,000 more nerve endings in the entire pelvis area.

8. Vagina will give a better time for ovulation

If you pay attention to your body, your vagina will let you know about the best time to get pregnant. During ovulation, vaginal walls become more rubber and can stretch more.

9. Frequent cleansing of the vagina can lead to damage

If you are worried about personal hygiene, you should know that the vagina is cleaned by itself. Just as tears help with cleansing eyes, the vagina produces their fluids for the same reason. If you wash the vagina, it can lead to the loss of its natural flora, leaving it vulnerable to infections, such as imp, bacterial vaginosis and other diseases.

For most men, the most important and significant part of the body is a penis. What advantage depends?

This question is interested not only by the power of the floor, but also the main share of the female population. There is a huge number of beliefs and will adopt that allegedly explain from which the size of the member in men depends. Below will be considered the most common of speculation and will also be confirmed, or will be refuted.

How does the men's intermission system arranged

Children's organs of the strong half are divided into internal and external. The first consist of eggs, seedy ways and seed bubbles, and the second - from the scrotum and penis, or penis. Their main function is reproductive.

Properties of penis

Men's flesh is a sexual organ that is designed to transport sperm into the vagina during the copulation period, as well as the withdrawal of urine from the body.

The phallus consists of the base, body and head. The base consists of 2 parts, or two bodies - the cavernous and spongy containing a lot of lacuna filled with blood. At the end of the spongy body there is a thickening - the head, the edge of which closes the end of the cavernous bodies. It is closed with a gentle skin (extreme flesh) having an abundance of glands responsible for SMEZMU.

The type of penis every man is unique, alone is direct, but during the erection has a strong bend.

Member Size Standards

The magnitude of the critical organ in men in inactive state is small - from 5 to 10 cm, but during the excitation reaches 14-16 cm, which corresponds to the size of the female vagina. Interestingly, shorter phalluses increase with erection more than long. But form and slope during this period are individual. Penis, whose length in the erected state ranges from 16 to 18 cm, is considered to be large, and the one that reaches 18-20 cm and more, and at all giant. The diameter of this organ usually varies in the range from 3 to 4 cm.

At the time of birth, the length of the penis in boys is from 2.5 to 5.5 cm, B is about 6 cm, then this body is actively growing up to the age of majority, and after 18 and up to 25 years it increases not much.

At the time of excitation, the size of the phallus increases from 2 to 8 times due to the outflow of venous outflow while reducing special muscles near the base.

So what does the member size depends on men?

Basic delusion

The most common mistake is the opinion that the size of male dignity depends on the length of the nose. But this is absolute not true. Scientists have proven that the main respiratory body has no relation to the magnitude of the penis. It is also assumed that the length of the sexual organ in men is directly proportional to the length of the foot, which is also completely incorrect.

Another error is a comparison of the distance from the base of the thumb to the tip of the middle with the length of the penis. This judgment has long been refuted by scientists and completely safely.

The researchers were also unable to prove that there is any relationship between the growth of a man and the size of its childbearing authority. Therefore, this criterion is also considered erroneous.

Recently there is an opinion that representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation Fallos have more impressive sizes than heterosexuals, but this is an absolute untruth, which has proven Richard Edwards, in the study of which 1768 people took part.

Weight category matters?

The next question is: "Does the size of the member depend on the weight?" Let's deal with.

When a man has a large amount of fatty deposits in the pelvic area, because of this, the visible genital size decreases. But when returning to normal body weight, the size of the phallus becomes the same. So what does the member size depend on men actually?

Factors affecting the size of male flesh

First of all, the length and thickness of the male penis (as well as the rest of the body) determines heredity! Genes are the most important factor of influence on the appearance and features of the structure of the body as a whole.

Of course, they play their role and features of growth and development. If even before the birth of a boy or by the time of puberty, there was a failure of testosterone formation, then the formation of genital organs can be incorrect.

The causes of the small size of the penis may be injuries, operations, epispadiadia, hypospadia.

The scandalous well-known professor spent a very interesting study and gave his answer to the question of which the size of the member depends on. It turns out, from racial affiliation!

So, according to the results of the test, the leading position is occupied by residents of Africa, namely, men from in this country have most representatives of the strong floor length of phallus amounts to 18.0 cm. Next is the Ecuadorians - 17.77 cm. In third place, men from Ghana are in third place.

Europeans are followed only from 10 lines in this list, and the Hungarians are leading among them (16.50 cm). And in Russia, the average size of the penis - 13.21 cm. This figure is generally an indicator of the standard size of the penis throughout the world. So to speak, the golden middle. Residents of North and South Korea, or rather, the male part of them, possess "dignity", the length of which does not exceed the average of 9.66 cm. Asians occupied all the last places in the Richard Lynna table.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the researcher is right, and the nationality of a man plays a considerable role in the amount of such an important body.

The opinion of the sexologist on this issue

From the point of view of the sexologist Salova Pavel Pavlovich, the main factor on which the amount of penis depends, is still the genetics. He also explains the desire for men to have "great dignity" by the fact that for the strong half of the population, the phallus is their pride and ego. Such perception is present at each Son Adam at the subconscious level, and such a state of things existed for the impact of centuries.

Just men with outstanding size ambitious, that's why they are so popular among women. In fact, the sexologist assures, there is nothing terrible in a small sexual penis (if it is not pathology), the main thing is to be confident in yourself and their own forces, then definitely will not be problems with the representatives of the fine sex.

Well, finally, we will discuss whether men are worth worrying about the affairs of the Amur, and whether orgasm depends on the member size.

More - better?

Most women do not answer that the size of the "dignity" of the partner does not play a special role in delivering pleasure. The main criteria are skills and skills!

As you know, Grigory Rasputin and Kazanova were the owners of phallos very modest sizes, but women, nevertheless, went crazy. Why? The whole secret is in the ability to bring the beloved to orgasm!

Sexologists assure: to a partner just need to find the right approach, do not be shy in the process of intimate games and the act. A huge role in such a delicate situation is played by the psychological factor: the smaller the man is complex about the size of the penis, the fact that he behaves in bed, pays more attention to the lady, feels relaxed and conquers a woman with his skills.

Sexual member are not in vain called male dignity. Indeed, the size of this body often affects the self-esteem of the male representative, and its small size can cause serious psychological discomfort. But is there always a perpetual idea of \u200b\u200bthe normal sizes of a childbearing body in men complies with strict scientific data? Perhaps this question needs to be understood.

The structure of Penis

The structure of the penis is due to its main functions. First, it is a function of childbearing, participation in sexual intercourse and sperm output, and secondly, urine isolation.

Semi-member has a cylindrical shape. Its main parts are the base, head and trunk. In an erectable state, the volume of the organ increases several times. This function is ensured by special formations, which consists of penis - cavernous and spongy bodies connected to a single integer. With sexy excitation, blood fills these bodies, resulting in an erection. Inside the spongy body passes the urethra, the end of which is located in the middle of the head. However, the channel function lies not only in the output of urine, but also in the output of sperm.

For food, a member of blood is intended for the developed network of arteries and veins located at the bottom of the abdominal cavity. The innervation of the male genital body carries out the dorsal nerve, branching from the stenot nerve.

Section of penis

The length of the penis can vary from different men. It should be borne in mind that it can be about the length of the penis in inactive state and about the length in the erectated state. If we talk about the length of the penis in a state of rest, it must be laid at the range of 7-10 cm. If the penis is less than this value, it can talk about deviation from the norm. But the exceeding value is also not considered a normal phenomenon. The average value is considered to be 8.5-9 cm. Meet, of course, microscopic members 2 cm long. The cause of such an anomaly can be various pathologies, for example, an insufficient amount of testosterone in the body during sexual development.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the measurements of the penis should be carried out according to a certain technique. It is necessary to measure the length of the penis from the place where its base is attached to the groin. The end of the penis should be considered the tip of his head. It is also important to take into account the measurement conditions. Even in a calm state, in the absence of sexual excitement, the member does not have a permanent length. In the cold air there is an outflow of blood from the cavernous bodies, and the penis is slightly reduced in size, and in warm air, on the contrary, its dimensions increase. Therefore, it is best to measure the length of the member in the comfort of comfort, at room temperature and normal humidity.

The length of the penis changes in different periods of life of a man. In newborns, a member has tiny sizes, but since 12 years old, it begins to grow rapidly and for three years almost reaches adult length. After 18 years, the length of a member may increase, but slightly. The maximum length of the penis reaches the end of sexual development, approximately 20 years. It has been established that adult men who have reached the age of Andropause, he tends to reduce. Also, the length of the penis depends on the body mass index - than it is more, the less the length of the male genital organ. Thus, overweight usually leads to a decrease in male dignity. But in tall men, you can more often find big penises than in men low growth. There is some, although relatively weak, the relationship between the length of the penis and the race. Residents of Africa, the smallest - Asia are the greatest length of the penis. Europeans in this plan are somewhere in the middle.

At the same time, it is worth noting that an important circumstance that the dimensions of the penis do not affect the process of urine release or sperm. In addition, another parameter is much more important for sexual life - the length of the penis in the erection state. As a rule, this parameter is located between the values \u200b\u200bof 12 and 16 cm. The value of the average length is approximately 14 cm, and only 4% of men have a member of 18 cm long and more. The maximum fixed length of ereginated male dignity is 30 cm.

And then an amazing fact is found. According to numerous studies, there is no obvious dependence between the length of the penis in an inactive state and its length in the erected state. In other words, the owner of a modest size of male dignity at the time of the erection may be among the leaders at its length. Conversely, many men, with erection, there is no significant lengthening of the penis.

These circumstances suggest that many representatives of the strong half of humanity give an unjustifiably much meaning of their degenerate organ in passive state. It is extremely little reflected in the possibility of conducting a full sex life. Not to mention that the small amount of dignity does not testify to insufficient potency and lack of male qualities among a separate male individual.

Enlargement operation - is needed or not?

Meanwhile, many surgeons engaged in the operations on the genital organs are very often encountered with men experiencing complexes about the allegedly minor sizes of their penis. And, based on these complexes, insist on an increase in its increase.

But the operation to increase male dignity is not always simple and safe, and it can not always lead to the necessary consequences. Some types of operations, despite the visible increase in the size of the penis, may adversely affect the erection. Experts also negatively refer to the use of silicone or fillers of other types. The operation is shown only to those men who truly have a small size of the penis - 5 cm and less in calm state (8 cm and less in the erected state). Such men are actually only a few percent. The rest is recommended to consult a psychologist and a sexologist who must convince the patient in the embossing of his problem.

However, according to polls, more than 45% of representatives of strong sex believe that their member is significantly less than the average parameters. This leads to a large number of completely unjustified operations in the medical plan. Such a situation is also explained by an aggressive advertising campaign conducted by many manufacturers of pharmaceutical products offering goods to increase the size of male dignity.

It is necessary to take into account the elementary psychological self-deception. After all, when looking at your own member from top to bottom, many men seem to be less than in fact. Meanwhile, if you look at it in front or in the mirror, this effect is not observed.

Female look at the problem

Most women do not impose such high requirements for the size of the penis compared to men. According to research, most women (85%) are satisfied with the size of the penis of their partner.

In addition, in this regard, another question arises - is it important to the length of the penis for successful sexual life? As it turns out, and then many representatives of the strong half of humanity are victims of delusions. After all, many believe that the longer a member, the greatest success they enjoy in women. But actually it is not. As studies show, women are far from so much worries the length of the sex member of the partner as the thickness of the penis. The greater the thickness of the member at the time of the erection, the greater pleasure receives a woman from Koitus. Meanwhile, the interrelation of the thickness of the penis with its length is also far from obvious. There are several types of penis - some men can have a long and slim dick, others are fat and short. The proportions of the penis can be different. One member has a cylindrical shape, others are thickened at the base, thirdly the most fat part is located near the end of the penis.

What are the average penal width parameters? The average length of the circumference of the nonrealed penis in most men is about the same - 9-10 cm. The average length of the interface of the penis in the erection state is 12 cm, and the maximum fixed circle length reaches 18 cm.

It should also be borne in mind that most of the problems on sexual soil and divorce occurs not due to the insufficient magnitude of the male genital organ, but due to the illiteracy of partners in sexual matters.

Egg (Testis; Greek. Orchis, s.didymis) - steam men's sexual gland. The function of the testicles is the formation of male sex cells and hormones, therefore the testicles at the same time also glands of external and internal secretion.

Sperm and spermatogenesis

Male sex cells - spermatozoa - are movable cells with a length of about 70 microns. The spermatozoid has a kernel, cytoplasm with organelles and a cell membrane. Spermotozoa distinguishes rounded headand thin long tail.The head contains the kernel, in front of which is the structure that called the Acrosoma.

Appendion Yachka

Egg appearance (Epididymis) is located along the rear edge of the egg. Distinguish the rounded extended top - the head of the appendage of the Egg (Caput Epididymidis), which goes into the middle part - the body of the epididymidis (Corpus epididymidis). The body of the appendage of the egg continues in the narrowing bottom - the tail of the appendage of the egg (Cauda Epididymidis).


The seed-winning duct (Ductus Deferens) is a paired organ, is the immediate continuation of the duct of the appendage of the egg and ends at the fusion site with the seed bubble duct. The length of the seed-winning duct is about 50 cm, the diameter is about 3 mm, and the size of the lumen does not exceed 0.5 mm. The wall of the duct has a significant thickness, so it does not fall down and easily tested in the composition of the seed rope.

Seed bubble

The seed bubble (vesicula, s.glandula seminalis) is a paired organ, located in the cavity of the small pelvis laterally from the ampoule of the seed-handing duct, from the top of the prostate gland, behind and on the side of the bottom of the bladder. The seed bubble is a secretory authority. Its ironic epithelium highlights the secret containing the substances necessary for nutrition and activating spermatozoa.


Prostate iron (Prostata, S.Glandula Prostatica) is an unpaired muscle-iron organ. Iron highlights the secret, which is part of the sperm. The secret dilutes cum, contributes to the mobility of spermatozoa.

Bulgoboretral glands

Bulgoorethral Iron (Glandula BulboureThral, \u200b\u200bIron Cooper) - a paired organ that isolation of a viscous liquid that protects the mucous membrane of the wall of the male urination channel from irritation to it with urine. Bulbouretral glands are located behind the connecting part of the male urethra, thicker in the deep transverse muscle of the crotch.

Outdoor men's genitals

Outdoor male genitals are represented by sexual member and scrotum.


Sexual member (Penis) serves to remove urine from the bladder and throwing a seed into the genital paths of a woman. The penis consists of anterior free part of the body (Corpus Penis), which ends with the head (Glans Penis), which has a sliding left hole of the male urethra (Ostium UreThrae Externum) on its vertex. The head of the penis is distinguished by the greatest wide part - the crown of the head (Corona Glandis) and the narrowed - the neck of the head (Collum Glandis). The back is the root of the penis (Radix Penis) is attached to the pubic bones. The upper front surface of the body is called the back of the penis (Dorsum Penis).

Scrotum (Scrotum) is a protrusion of an anterior abdominal wall having two broken cameras for male sex glands. The scrotum is a book and behind the root of the penis. Inside the scrotum and in each her cell there is a male flooring.

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