General and special abilities talent and giftedness. Correlation of the concepts of "giftedness", "talent", "genius


The topic of giftedness and genius in psychology is considered quite widely. "... the following classification of the levels of development of abilities is most often encountered: ability, giftedness, talent, genius" (Yu.B. Gippenreiter).

Relevancethe topic of our course work is revealed by the following provisions. A few decades ago, S. L. Rubinstein wrote: “A lot of works are devoted to the study of giftedness. However, the results obtained are in no way adequate to the amount of labor expended on these works. This is due to the erroneousness of the initial attitudes of many of the studies and the unsatisfactory nature of the methods that were used in them for the most part. "

Unfortunately, sometimes, with the help of inexorable analysis, they destroy and destroy, one after another, those bright, rainbow illusions with which a person deceives and exalts himself. So we come to the conviction that love is, in essence, nothing more than the mutual attraction of stamens and pistils ... and thoughts are a simple movement of molecules. Even genius - this is the only sovereign power that belonged to a person, before which, without blushing, you can kneel - even many psychiatrists put it on the same level with a penchant for crime, even in it they see only one of the teratological forms of the human mind, one of the varieties madness.

The issues of giftedness, talent, genius, as was correctly noted above by Rubinstein, despite the regularity of the study, remain not fully understood, with so many different variants of cause-and-effect relationships that it is difficult to talk about any logical connection between these theories. For example, in the psychological literature, the question of the relationship between the concepts of giftedness, talent and genius often has very contradictory answers. In many sources, the concepts of "giftedness" and "talent" are interpreted as synonymous and are not separated, and genius is considered the highest degree of manifestation of talent or giftedness.

The lack of development and at the same time the importance of the topic of the course work also emphasizes the relevance of our theoretical research.

Research object are such psychological concepts as giftedness, talent, genius.

Research subject - features, time of appearance, development, disclosure of such aspects of the psyche as giftedness, talent, genius.

goal of our course work - to study the features and conditions of the appearance, development and disclosure of such aspects of the human psyche as giftedness, talent, genius.

The goal is realized by the following tasks:

Give a general description of a person's abilities, describe the levels and development of special abilities, the relationship between abilities and age;

To study the general concept of giftedness, the peculiarities of children's giftedness and its types, the influence of the social environment on giftedness;

Study the theoretical and psychological foundations of talent;

To reveal the general concept of genius, the similarity between genius people and madmen;

Describe the intermediate stage of genius - mattoids (according to C. Lombroso);

In the process of disclosing the stated topic, we studied the work of such psychologists as: Ananiev B.G., A.V. Petrovsky, Gardner G., Gippenreiter Y.B., Leites N.S., Luria A.R., Matyushkin A.M., Nemov R.S., Popova L.V., Rubinstein S.L., Teplov B M., Shcheblanova E.I.

Our work is written on 36 pages, consists of an introduction, 5 points with subparagraphs, a conclusion, a list of used literature (30 sources) and is purely theoretical in nature.

The first chapter of our course work is devoted to abilities as the basis of the processes we study, the 2nd chapter describes giftedness, the 3rd is talent, the 4th is genius and its intermediate stage, in the 5th chapter we give general recommendations for working with gifted children ...

1. Abilities

1.1 General characteristics of human abilities

M. Teplov made a great contribution to the study of abilities by domestic psychology. In addition, the theory of abilities was created by many other Russian psychologists: Vygotsky, Leontiev, Rubinstein, Ananiev, Krutetsky, Golubeva.

Teplov singled out 3 main features of abilities:

· Individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another;

· Features that are related to the success of an activity or several activities;

· Features that are not limited to available knowledge, skills, skills, but which can explain the ease and speed of acquiring knowledge and skills.

According to S. L. Rubinstein, "abilities are a complex, synthetic formation, which includes a whole series of data, without which a person would not be capable of any specific activity, and properties that are developed only in the process of a certain way of organized activity" ...

V.S.Yurkevich understands the types of activity by abilities, V.D.Shadrikov - the properties of functional systems that implement individual mental functions, etc. But we will focus on the definition of Teplov. Summing up all the above features, we get the following definition:

« Abilities - individual personality traits, which are subjective conditions for the successful implementation of a certain type of activity. Abilities are not limited to the individual's knowledge, skills, and abilities. "

It should also be noted that abilities can only exist in a constant process of development. Without development, the ability is lost. That is why the success of this or that activity depends on the development of the ability necessary for this activity.

Allocate natural (or natural) and specific abilities. Natural abilities are biologically determined and associated with innate inclinations. Many of the natural abilities are common in humans and animals, especially the higher ones, for example, in monkeys (for example: memory, thinking, the ability to elementary communications at the level of expression). These abilities are formed through learning mechanisms such as conditioned reflex connections.

Specific the same abilities have a socio-historical origin and ensure life and development in a social environment. In turn, specific abilities can be divided into 3 more types:

Theoretical, which determine a person's inclination to abstract logical thinking, and practical, which underlie the inclination to concrete practical actions;

· Educational, which affect the success of pedagogical influence, the assimilation of knowledge, skills, skills by a person, the formation of personality traits, and creative, associated with success in creating works of material and spiritual culture, new ideas, discoveries, inventions.

· Ability to communicate, interact with people.

We also note that theoretical and practical abilities are not combined with each other, unlike natural and other specific ones. In this case, most people have either one or another type of ability. Together, they are extremely rare and mainly among gifted and versatile people. Abilities help a person develop and, with a certain combination of various well-developed abilities, determine the level of development of abilities, in general, in a particular person.

The prerequisite for this development of abilities is the innate inclinations with which the child was born. However, abilities are not determined by biologically inherited properties. The brain contains only the ability to form these abilities. How abilities will develop depends on:

1) on the quality of available knowledge and skills, on the degree of their integration into a single whole;

2) from the natural inclinations of a person, the quality of innate nervous mechanisms of elementary mental activity;

3) from more or less "training" of the brain structures themselves involved in the implementation of cognitive and psychomotor processes.

1.2 Levels and development of special abilities

Abilities have a complex structure, which depends on the development of the individual. There are two levels of development of abilities:



A person at the reproductive level only displays a high ability to assimilate knowledge, master activities and carry them out according to a given model. At the creative level, a person creates a new, original.

If humanity was deprived of the opportunity to create or did not have educational (reproductive) abilities, then it would hardly be able to develop. Therefore, some authors believe that reproductive abilities are, first of all, general abilities, and creative abilities are special ones that determine the success of creativity. And their interaction determines the development of mankind.

It should be borne in mind that these levels are interconnected, any creative activity includes reproductive, and reproductive - creative. Also, both levels are quite dynamic. They are not something frozen. In the process of mastering new knowledge or skills, a person moves from one level to another, the structure of his ability changes. It is known that even extremely gifted or even brilliant people started out with imitation.

The development of this or that ability takes place in several stages:





Makings - these are only a kind of anatomical and physiological prerequisites for the development of abilities. Abilities can be formed from the inclinations only during activity and under favorable conditions. In addition, any deposit is multi-valued, i.e. under different conditions, different abilities can be formed from it.


Intellectual skills, creative tasks of a person, potential are explained by different concepts used in scientific works. The terms are of interest to scientists, psychologists and educators. The opinions of researchers are the basis for creating pedagogical and psychological methods that allow people to find directions for development.


Scientists have not established a universally accepted term that would be used in all classic textbooks. Scientific books use a variant proposed by the psychologist V. Stern.

Giftedness is a person's ability to adapt to emerging needs, to act to achieve the assigned tasks, perceiving external factors, and this is done consciously with the help of developed thinking.

Despite criticism of the concept by some scientists, the term is still used for interpretation. It is generally accepted that this is a natural gift that is not capable of being conditioned by heredity. Giftedness is a function of the living conditions of a person, a function of a developed personality, therefore, it manifests itself at every stage of development, is directly related to the life of an individual.

Natural potential cannot be determined by a person's giftedness. The inclinations constitute the spectrum of conditions that is required for the development of personality. Giftedness is used not to express internal inclinations for self-improvement, but to characterize the personality, internal abilities, and internal abilities and external manifestations are closely related.

The manifestation of the inherent potential is possible under favorable conditions for development, achievement of the tasks set. It is used to express the potential that a person possesses, the psychological components that make it possible to create a reality that meets the wishes, to take the necessary actions. A suitable environment for dynamic change is imperative. For example, a student needs a curriculum. Stimulating development requires serious demands that are met with effort.

Giftedness is special. In this case, the relationship between the internal potential, the characteristics of the psyche and the requirements of a certain area, which the individual chooses, is considered. The ratio manifests itself not only at the abstract level, but also in the events taking place, as a result of which a person's abilities are formed. An individual may be capable of performing assigned tasks. At the same time, it is assumed the manifestation of general giftedness, which must be assessed taking into account external factors that affect a person's life.

In the scientific literature, the term is actively debated. Many scientists are convinced that there is no general endowment, by which it is necessary to understand intellectual potential, memory, and the ability to solve assigned tasks. For the ratio of mental and real age, an intellectual coefficient is used, which is denoted by IQ and allows you to determine the capabilities of an individual. IQ determines the inherent potential from nature and the speed with which a person develops, as a result of which the level of development is established at a certain stage of life.

In the psychological sphere, giftedness is part of a person's structure, so it has a close connection with character. It is assumed that the features are manifested under the influence of upbringing and external conditions, the favorableness of which varies. Psychologists consider the type of thinking, temperament, trying to determine the capabilities of individuals.

Special abilities directly depend on the field of activity in which a person is included. The activity must be active and effective for the manifestation of the properties that are characteristic of the person.

As a result, between giftedness and special abilities there is an opportunity to correlate the level of a person's development, the rate of improvement. These aspects are considered by educators who are responsible for the future of children.

Genetically, the relationship between general and special development is stable. For this reason, geneticists and scientists believe that the future of a person is determined not only by external conditions, but also by natural potential, which is determined by genetics. Understanding giftedness depends on the significance of the chosen direction of activity, the success of other people who show their inclinations.

Scientists believe giftedness is a quantitative concept. A qualitative approach cannot be fully used. The question regarding the definition of inherent abilities remains open.

At the same time, C. Spearman notes that mental giftedness should be determined by mental energy, which is characteristic of a person. Such a quantitative approach to interpretation is correct, because it allows you to assess the prospects for the development of an individual.

Abilities differ on a qualitative level: one person has the capabilities and potential for one area, and another person - for another area. External conditions affect the degree of manifestation of internal potential, so they deserve attention.

Psychologists evaluate qualitative differences to open up people's perspectives. Researchers study information, experimental materials to create an assessment of the abilities of individuals. The goal is to determine the human abilities that will enable them to achieve success.


Talent is a person's ability to areas where initial potential is realized, success and recognition.

The degree of inherent potential determines the ability to act in an original and independent way, to solve the assigned tasks, regardless of their specificity and complexity. Talent assumes the potential to show inclinations in the field, offering new ideas, realizing original and perfect actions, and achieving respect at the public level.

The child shows the first signs of inherent talent, which is realized in a certain direction. In some cases, manifestation occurs later, for example, in adulthood, under significant events. and is realized if favorable conditions develop in culture, history, social order, if a person receives a full-fledged upbringing.

Talent manifests itself in any area, not just in art. Realization takes place in organizational work, pedagogy, technology and science. The sphere is determined by the inherent inclinations.

The development of talent requires persistence in the search for areas of self-improvement, the manifestation of the first works. For this reason, talented people should be drawn to business, without which it is impossible to imagine life.

Ability, potential is the foundation of talent. The range of inclinations, the possibility of implementing original and promising ideas are inherent in the individual, therefore they are considered a unique gift.

The results of actions, the heights that a person reaches, making efforts, make it possible to understand the presence of talent or disprove an assumption. Results that are novel and original are the basis for an affirmative opinion.


Genius is a person's giftedness, which manifests itself in creative works.

The results of the work are of great importance for the people, historians and subsequent generations. Geniuses create new eras, push the world to progress. Among the differences are productivity in creativity, understanding of cultural heritage, the ability to overcome old standards and create new traditions.

What is the difference between talented people?

Researchers interact with talented individuals, understanding how they differ from ordinary citizens. Talented individuals are dissatisfied with the results of work, as a result of which they strive for self-improvement, self-education and a change in thinking in order to achieve the assigned tasks. Geniuses turn down many offers, concentrating on the desired results.

The pianist G. Neuhaus noted that geniuses and talents are born. Despite this, people create a culture that varies in breadth, democracy and loyalty of manifestations. Favorable conditions allow people with inherent potential to become geniuses, talents, and achieve success. For this reason, a social society, the specifics of upbringing determine the possibilities for the manifestation of the inherent potential, talent.

There is an opinion that nature rests on the children of talented parents. This opinion is confirmed by experience. Talent is inherited to a small extent. Research has led to the following conclusions: mental skills are close to biological parents, which is due to the inherited pattern, and not to adoptive parents. The similarity in potential, inherent inclinations is not manifested in every situation, and the similarity decreases as a person grows up, who is faced with a different upbringing scheme, experiences personal events, undergoes changes based on external factors.

Results are achieved not only on the basis of natural abilities, but also under the influence of motivation, conditions for the manifestation of existing potential. Retirees get a chance to show talent, although there were no favorable factors for opening the makings during their life. Over time, retirees achieve success they never dreamed of.


Scientists argue about the nature of human potential. Disputes are developing actively. Is potential an inborn gift? Does potential development take place during one's lifetime? Is it noteworthy to say that showing talent is one percent natural ability and 99 percent sweat? Each point has adherents and opponents.

The biological influence on abilities and their manifestation depends on genetic inheritance. Education, favorable factors show the inclinations, accelerate development. The potential will manifest itself without teachers and psychologists, but later.

Other scientists are convinced: the psyche, character develop in the process of education. For this reason, the makings are formed in people. Children of primitive peoples received training, after which they corresponded to the educated principles. Mowgli children, under the influence of adverse conditions, lose contact with society.

Abilities are formed and developed on the basis of inclinations, hereditary and congenital. Potential, knowledge and skills characterize a person as an individual, a subject of activity.

Psychologists and scientists have not come to a single concept within the framework of the theory of personality, but in every era geniuses and talents are born, gaining popularity, achieving success.

January 19, 2014 6:26 pm

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"Giftedness and Talent"

karaganda, 2008

Definitions of "ability"

Before sanctifying the issue of abilities, it is worth giving their definition:

Abilities are individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from others, determining the success of an activity or a number of activities, not reducible to knowledge, skills and abilities, but determining the ease and speed of learning new methods and techniques of activity (B.M. Teplov).

Abilities can also be defined as the properties of psychological functional systems that implement individual mental functions that have an individual measure of expression and are manifested in the success and originality of assimilation and implementation of a particular activity.

In a more special sense of the word, ability is usually understood as a complex formation, a complex of mental properties that make a person fit for a certain, historically established type of socially useful activity. (S.L. Rubinstein)

Abilities are a system of generalized mental activities fixed in an individual. Unlike skills, abilities are the results of consolidating not modes of action, but mental processes through which actions and activities are regulated. Likewise, character is a generalized and fixed in the personality of not modes of behavior, but the motives that govern it.

Abilities are individual psychological characteristics that are formed in activity on the basis of inclinations, on which the possibility of implementation and the degree of success of the activity depend.

Formation and development of abilities

Psychology is faced with the problem of identifying the mechanisms of formation and development of abilities. The subtle processes of such a mechanism are still unknown. However, some information can be involved in the discussion of this issue.

Abilities are formed in the process of interaction of a person with certain natural qualities with the world. The results of human activity, being generalized and consolidated, are included as "building material" in the construction of his abilities. These latter form an alloy of the original natural qualities of a person and the results of his activities. Genuine achievements of a person are deposited not only outside of him, in certain objects generated by him, but also in himself. Human abilities are equipment that is not forged without his participation. A person's abilities are determined by the range of those opportunities for mastering new knowledge, their application to creative development, which opens up the development of this knowledge. The development of any ability takes place in a spiral: the realization of the possibilities that the ability of a given level represents opens up new opportunities for the development of abilities of a higher level. The ability most of all affects the ability to use knowledge as methods, the results of the previous work of thought - as a means of its active development.

All abilities in the process of development go through a number of stages, and in order for a certain ability to rise in its development to a higher level, it is necessary that they have already been sufficiently formalized at the previous level. For the development of abilities, there must initially be a certain basis, which is made up of inclinations. The starting point for the development of diverse human abilities is the functional specificity of various modalities of sensitivity. So, on the basis of general auditory sensitivity in the process of a person's communication with other people, carried out through language, a person develops a speech, phonetic hearing, determined by the phonemic structure of the native language. The most essential "mechanism" for the formation of speech (phonemic) hearing - as a fixed ability in individuals, and not just one or another auditory perception as a process - is the generalized system of certain phonetic relationships fixed in hearing. The generalization of the corresponding relations, which is always broader than the generalization of its members, makes it possible to separate the general properties of sensitivity from these specific perceptions and to consolidate these properties of sensitivity (in this case, auditory) in the individual as his ability. The direction of generalization and, accordingly, the differentiation of those and not other sounds (phonemes), inherent in a particular language, determines the specific content or profile of this ability. Not only generalization (and differentiation) of phonetic relations plays a significant role in the formation of the ability to master the language. The generalization of grammatical relations is of no less importance; an essential component of the ability to master languages \u200b\u200bis the ability to generalize the relations underlying word formation and inflection. A person capable of mastering a language is one who easily and quickly, on the basis of a small number of tests, generalizes the relations underlying word formation and inflection, and as a result, transfers these relations to other cases. Generalization of certain relations naturally presupposes appropriate analysis.

... Not a single ability is an actual ability to perform a certain activity until it has absorbed, incorporated a system of corresponding operations, but the ability is in no way reduced to just such a system of operations. Its necessary initial component is the processes of generalization of relations, which form the internal conditions for the effective development of operations. Actual ability needs to include both of these components. Productivity directly depends on the availability of relevant operations, but the functioning of these operations themselves, in turn, depends on the above internal conditions; the effectiveness of the assimilation and functioning (application) of operations that are part or structure of the ability depends on the nature of these latter. This structure of abilities explains the difficulties that people face in judging their abilities. A person's abilities are usually judged by their productivity. The latter directly depends on the presence of a well-coordinated and well-functioning system of appropriate operations or methods of action in this area. But, observing people in life, one cannot get rid of the impression that the productivity and giftedness of people do not directly, not mechanically coincide, that people, as if extremely gifted, sometimes turn out to be not very productive, give not as much as they promised, and, on the contrary, people as if not very gifted, turn out to be very productive. These discrepancies are explained by different relationships between the perfection with which the processes of analysis and generalization of relations that are essential for a given field of activity are carried out in a person, and the processing, coherence of the operations that are built on this basis, mastered by the individual. In some cases, it happens that on the basis of generalized processes that open up great opportunities, a poorly processed and well-coordinated system of operations is built on top and, due to the imperfection of this component of abilities, productivity turns out to be relatively insignificant; in other cases, on the contrary, on the basis of generalized (analytical-synthetic) processes of a low level, a relatively high productivity is achieved due to the great development of operations based on this base. Productivity, of course, is important as such, in itself, but it does not directly, does not uniquely determine the inner capabilities of a person.

The concept of giftedness

V.A. Averin made a very accurate conclusion about the problem of giftedness in psychology: “Among the most interesting and mysterious phenomena of nature, children's giftedness traditionally occupies one of the leading places. The problems of its diagnosis and development have worried teachers for many centuries. Interest in it is currently very high, which can be easily explained by social needs. "

“The unreliability of conclusions on the study of giftedness is largely due to the narrowness and mechanism of the methods used. The most commonly used tests are quantitative rather than qualitative. The methods of biographical, analysis of the products of activity, school observations and natural experiment have been completely insufficiently used. " - criticized many years ago the methods of identifying and studying this issue S.L. Rubinstein. Have the methods of studying this phenomenon changed since then? What approaches have emerged?

Let's define the concept of "giftedness":

Giftedness is the next level of development of abilities. Giftedness is called a kind of combination of abilities that provides a person with the opportunity to successfully perform any activity. It is not the successful performance of an activity that depends on giftedness, but only the possibility of such a successful performance.

General giftedness is an integral level of development of special abilities, which is associated with their development, but is quite independent of them. (F. Galton)

General giftedness is the level of development of general abilities, which determines the range of activities in which a person can achieve great success. General giftedness is the basis for the development of special abilities, but it is itself a factor independent of them. For the first time the assumption of the existence of common giftedness was put forward in the middle of the 19th century. English scientist F. Galton. (V.N.Druzhinin)

Giftedness is a general ability that reveals itself in higher results when performing tasks, as well as ability in various fields.

Special giftedness is a qualitatively unique combination of abilities that creates the possibility of success in activity, and general giftedness is a gift for a wide range of activities or a qualitatively unique combination of abilities, on which the success of various activities depends.

Imagination as a component of talent

ability giftedness talent imagination

Imagination is not the ability to fantasize without a goal, but an intuitive ability to see the essence of parameters - their natural logic. It combines images of something that does not yet exist from the materials of memory and feelings, creates an image of the unknown as known, that is, creates its objective content and meaning, considers them valid. Therefore, imagination is the self-movement of sensory and semantic reflections, and the mechanism of imagination unites them into integrity, synthesizes feelings into thought, as a result of which a new image or judgment about the unknown as known is created. And all this takes place not materially - in the mental plane, when a person acts without practically working.

A person's imagination is his ability to look ahead and consider a new object in its future state.

Therefore, the past at every moment of a person's life must exist in accordance with one or another purposefulness towards the future. If memory claims to be active and effective, and is not just a repository of experience, it should always be directed to the future, to the shape of the future self, its abilities and what a person seeks to achieve. Such imagination always works: a person transforms objects and raw materials not just in imagination, but really with the help of imagination, paving the way to the desired object. Surprise is of great importance in enhancing the work of the imagination. Surprise, in turn, is caused by:

The novelty of the perceived "something";

Awareness of it as something unknown, interesting;

The impulse, which sets the quality of imagination and thinking in advance, attracts attention, captures feelings and the whole person.

Imagination together with intuition is able not only to create an image of a future object or thing, but also to find its natural measure - a state of perfect harmony - the logic of its structure. It gives rise to the ability to discover, helps to find new ways of developing technology and technology, ways to solve problems and problems that arise before a person.

The initial forms of imagination first appear at the end of early childhood in connection with the emergence of a role-playing game and the development of the sign-symbolic function of consciousness. The child learns to replace real objects and situations with imaginary ones, to build new images from existing ideas. The further development of the imagination goes in several directions.

Along the line of expanding the range of substituted objects and improving the substitution operation itself, merging with the development of logical thinking.

On the line of improving the operations of the recreational imagination. The child gradually begins to create increasingly complex images and their systems on the basis of existing descriptions, texts, fairy tales. The content of these images is developed and enriched. Personal attitude is introduced into the images, they are characterized by brightness, saturation, emotionality.

Creative imagination develops when the child not only understands some techniques of expressiveness, but also independently applies them.

Imagination becomes mediated and deliberate. The child begins to create images in accordance with the set goal and certain requirements, according to a previously proposed plan, to control the degree of compliance of the result with the task

Energy potential in the structure of talent

The definition of energy potential, in my opinion, was introduced into the structure of talent by Igor Akimov and Viktor Klimenko by no means accidentally. There is in this concept a direct connection with psychodynamic concepts of personality, for example, with Freud's idea that talent is a product of libido sublimation, the discharge of psychic energy through special channels, to maintain personality homeostasis, in some way a self-preservation mechanism for a high-energy system, “an emergency valve ". Thus, one can imagine talent as a functional system, a happy result of the combination of personality components, in which information coming from the outside via sensory channels is processed due to the presence of those same excess resources of latent energy.

One might get the impression that only internal genetic factors allow a person to be talented, but this is undoubtedly wrong. After all, the main qualitative difference between talent lies in its implementation in the process of activity. What allows the talent to be realized, and not just remain a potential opportunity, as is often the case with people with just high abilities? To answer this question, it is necessary to consider will as one of the key elements of the structure of talent.

Talent and will

S.L. Rubinstein, describing the nature of will, uses the concept of volitional action.

Any volitional action is a purposeful action. Volitional action was formed in a person in the process of labor aimed at the production of a certain product. Going towards a specific goal, the action in its course is regulated by conformity with this goal. The goal pursued by the acting subject must be realized as a result of his action. Specifically, all human actions are volitional in this broad sense of the word. However, the awareness of the single goal of one's desire, generated by the impulse, which at the given moment possesses a person, is still a very low level of consciousness. A conscious person, starting an action, is aware of the consequences that the implementation of the goal set before him will entail, as well as the motives that prompt him to take this action. As a result, a discrepancy between the desired goal and the undesirable consequences or difficulties with which, due to objective external conditions, its implementation is associated, may be revealed. This is a volitional action in a more specific sense of the word due to the contradictory nature of reality, as well as the complex hierarchy of various and often contradictory motives of a person. This, in principle, a special case is quite common. It gives the volitional action a special direction.

In the system of attitudes and motivations of a talented person, there are undoubtedly those that are never consciously perceived. Those who have received a conscious connection with the object of reality often find themselves in conditions of both subjective, internal resistance, and external resistance. When the conflict of contradictory tendencies turns out to be super difficult, unbearable for a person, volitional action turns into affective or impulsive action, discharge. Maybe it is thanks to the affective state that the talent gets the ability to translate into reality those intentions that seem practically unrealizable to us? This is probably how it happens in some cases. But still, most talented people solved the hardest tasks thanks to long and hard work, which was possible only with strong willpower. Everyone knows the expression "torment of creativity", but few realize that a complex volitional creative act is as difficult as the physical stress of a weightlifter. This applies equally to the activity of a scientist and to the work of an artist. Distinguishing volitional processes, we do not oppose them to intellectual and emotional; we do not establish any opposition between feelings, intellect and will. One and the same process can be (and usually does) be intellectual, emotional, and volitional.

List of references

1. Akimov I., Klimenko V., On the nature of talent. vol. 1, St. M, 1994

2. Gilbukh Yu.Z. Attention: gifted children. M. Knowledge, 1991

3. Klimenko V.V. Psychological tests of talent. Kharkiv. Folio, 1996

4. Korshunova L.S. Imagination and its role in cognition. M. Ed. Moscow State University, 1979

5. Leites N.S. About mental giftedness. M. Pros., 1990

6. Matyushkin A.M. Riddles of giftedness. M., School-press, 1993

7. Rubinstein S.L., Fundamentals of General Psychology in 2 t, t 2.M., Pedagogy, 1999

8. Teplov M.B. Selected Works. In 2 volumes, (v. 1.) M. Pros., 2000

9. Efroimson V.P. The mystery of genius. M. Knowledge, 2001

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    Changes in the social situation and psychological difficulties affecting the development of primary school children. Conditions for the formation of abilities and giftedness. Studying the features of mental representations in gifted and ordinary primary schoolchildren.

    thesis, added 04/16/2012

    Giftedness as a level of development of general abilities, which determines the range of activities in which a person can achieve great success. Psychological characteristics of current giftedness and its relationship with abilities. Types and diagnostics of giftedness.

The development of abilities is non-linear, there are three levels of their development: giftedness, talent, genius.

A person capable of various types of activity and communication has a common endowment, that is, the unity of common abilities, which determines a wide range of intellectual capabilities, a high level of development of activities and the originality of communication.

Definition. Giftedness - a high level of expressiveness of abilities, providing the opportunity to successfully perform an activity.

Thus, giftedness is the first level of development of abilities that many children have at the beginning of development due to their individual psychological characteristics and inclinations.

The next level of expression of abilities is characterized by the concept of 'talent'. "

Definition. Talent is a combination of abilities that gives a person the opportunity to successfully, independently and in an original way perform any complex activity.

Talent manifests itself in specific activities and, as a rule, arises and develops in that share of gifted children who begin to actively learn and engage in activities that contribute to the disclosure of their talent. If in talent, inclinations are combined with inclinations, then the child has an impulse to continue to engage in activities in which he is successful. However, this may not happen and then the talent turns out to be unclaimed by the social situation or by the person himself; with the further development of talent, the highest level of manifestation of abilities arises - genius.

Definition. Genius is the highest level of development of abilities, which creates an opportunity for a person to achieve such results that open a new era in the life of society, in the development of science and culture.

Talented people are often found in various fields of activity, they successfully realize themselves, but genius is an exceptional rarity, this is reflected in the saying “geniuses are born once every hundred years”.

Thus, in the process of developing and improving their abilities, only a few people reach the highest point of their development, therefore one of the tasks of differential psychology is to identify gifted children as early as possible in order to continue their special education and upbringing in order to further develop their abilities.

The creative level, in turn, is divided into the following levels:


  • genius.

Giftedness it is a qualitatively unique combination of abilities that give a person the opportunity to successfully engage in one or several types of activity.

The term "giftedness" is ambiguous. Giftedness can be general and special. General is sometimes called mental. The range of special endowments is quite large.

When they talk about giftedness, they most often mean children, since it is a little late to talk about the available opportunities in relation to the activities of an adult, it's time to turn them into talent.

Talent this is a high level of development of abilities, especially special ones in their aggregate, which makes it possible to create original results in human activity that are distinguished by fundamental novelty.

Most talented people have several highly developed abilities. Lermontov and Pushkin painted, chemist Borodin wrote music, etc.

Genius this is the highest level of development of abilities, which allowed the individual to achieve such results of creative activity that constitute an era in the life of society, in the development of culture, are of historical importance and create new directions in science, art, technology.

Geniuses are characterized by work in a large number of directions, where they create their works (Leonardo da Vinci, MV Lomonosov).

A genius is characterized by:

1) work in different areas of science and art and the creation of completely new discoveries and works of art;

2) high labor productivity (their productivity is colossal);

3) extensive knowledge of the scientific and creative heritage, i.e. genius grasps, separates the essence from everything that was discovered before them;

4) a genius always creatively recycles the main ideas, concepts of previous generations and, if necessary, very harshly discards outdated ideas and concepts. He can always prove his point of view, explain why he rejects. Unrecognized geniuses cannot convince the people that they are right, do not recognize any authorities and often deny without knowing the depth of the issue.

5) the results of the creativity of a genius should help the progress of mankind (in order to reject the "evil genius"). But this feature is not required.

Development of abilities.

All theories of ability can be summarized in three groups:

1. Heritability of abilities. Already in the genetic apparatus one or another level or area of \u200b\u200babilities is transmitted. (Galton)

2. Acquired ability. Dependence of the emergence of abilities and the degree of its development on the method of teaching.

3. The ratio of natural and acquired. Abilities are formed and developed in activity.

Any inclinations, before developing into abilities, must go a long way of development. In the process of developing abilities, a number of stages can be distinguished:

1. Preparation of the anatomical and physiological basis of future abilities is underway.

2. The makings of a non-biological plan are being formed.

3. The required ability folds and reaches the appropriate level.

All these processes can proceed in parallel, overlapping to one degree or another.

Rubinstein S.L. said that the development of abilities takes place in a spiral : Realizing opportunities, which represent abilities of the same level, open up opportunities for further development of abilities of a higher level.

The development of abilities is directly dependent on specific techniques, techniques aimed at the formation of relevant skills, abilities and knowledge transfer. The most effective way to develop abilities is the development of the child's personality, his needs, interests, levels of aspirations, etc. impact on the whole personality of the child. It is necessary to take into account the sensitive periods that favor the development of certain abilities. Most abilities begin their development during preschool age.

Requirements for the activity, developing ability: a) the creative nature of the activity, b) the optimal level of its difficulty for the performer, c) proper motivation and d) ensuring a positive emotional mood during and at the end of the activity.

Significant difficulties in defining the concepts of ability and giftedness are associated with the generally accepted, everyday understanding of these terms. If we turn to explanatory dictionaries, we will see that very often the terms "capable", "gifted", "talented" are used as synonyms and reflect the degree of expression of abilities. But it is even more important to emphasize that the concept of "talented" emphasizes the natural qualities of a person. So, in V. Dahl's explanatory dictionary, "capable" is defined as "fit for something or inclined, dexterous, handy, fit, convenient". Along with "capable", the concepts of "capable" and "capable" are used. A capable person is characterized as resourceful, resourceful, capable of contributing, and contributing, in turn, is understood as the ability to cope, manage, arrange a business. Able is actually understood here as skillful, and the concept of "skill" is not in the dictionary. Thus, the concept of "capable" is defined in terms of the ratio with success in activity.

From what has been said, we can conclude that abilities, on the one hand, giftedness and talent, on the other, are distinguished, as it were, for different reasons. Speaking of ability, they emphasize the ability of a person to do something, and speaking of talent (giftedness), emphasize the innate nature of this quality (ability) of a person. At the same time, both abilities and giftedness are manifested in the success of the activity.

In Soviet psychology, primarily by the works of S. L. Rubinstein and B. M. Teplov, an attempt has been made to classify the concepts of "ability", "giftedness" and "talent" on a single basis - the success of activity. Abilities are viewed as individual psychological characteristics that distinguish one person from another, on which the possibility of success in an activity depends, and giftedness - as a qualitatively unique combination of abilities (individual psychological characteristics), on which the possibility of success in activity also depends.

Abilities, giftedness and talent, interconnection and differences in these phenomena. Many believe that a person's talent is predetermined from above, and it is impossible to influence its development in any way - it either exists or it does not. Psychological research shows that everyone on earth has the potential to develop talent. The inclinations are given to a person from birth or arise due to the natural development of the body. In order to have the makings, a person does not need to make any efforts on his part. What inclinations mom and dad laid in the child, he will live with them. But one cannot say that if there were no famous artists in the family, and the parents simply know how to draw pictures from children's magazines well, then their family will never have a talented child. If the inclinations are given to us by nature and we begin to develop them, then we can already note the emergence of abilities for the chosen activity in the child. The giftedness of the child has attracted the attention of philosophers and teachers for many centuries.

Even in ancient times, a lot of attention was paid to the problem of giftedness. So, for example, Confucius reflected on especially gifted children and proposed to select them and develop them intensively. Plato demanded that education be completely transferred into the hands of the state and advocated the power of the spiritual aristocracy, under which intellectually gifted people, after intensive studies of mathematics and philosophy, would be accepted into the ruling circles. Plato believed that it was necessary to specially select and develop the most capable children. In his opinion, society should force gifted people to study everything that is useful to the state. Pedagogy developed and interest in gifted children grew. Teachers have different opinions about children: for example, J. Locke believed that a child is a blank sheet on which the teacher writes knowledge. J.-J. Rousseau, on the contrary, believed that the child is gifted by nature, and the goal of the teacher is not to interfere with his development.

The analysis of the problem of the development of abilities and giftedness will largely be predetermined by the content that we will invest in these concepts.

The trouble is, modern psychological science is analytical. Behind the inclinations - the anatomical and physiological capabilities of a person and the abilities that meet a narrow range of requirements for a specific activity, there is no real - an acting person. In this regard, I would like to refer to the works of V.V. Klimenko. According to him, the inclinations (human sensitivity) provide about 10 billion sensory channels of one-way communication with the environment. Such sensitivity is achieved by the extraordinary equipment of the human body: a receptor that perceives energy and information both from outside and from the body itself; a conductor - a conductor of the perceived; a part of the brain where it is carried out (or is not carried out - it is simply preserved) their transformation into a fact of consciousness. Thus, potentially from the inclinations of a person, as many working abilities can be created as there are communication channels between the environment and a person with his inner world. However, in reality, the number of abilities depends on the organization of teaching and human activities. A simple example can serve as an illustration: a person has muscles that can wiggle his ears, but one in a thousand can actually do it, for all the rest this deposit is a potential unrealized ability. Many people suffer from hearing loss, etc.

Thus, in spite of the traditional delusion, genius, by and large, does not depend on genes; numerous facts prove that ordinary children grow up in families of geniuses who do not know special or any special methods of upbringing. Modern observations in the beginning era of artificial insemination of children conceived from the sperm of Nobel laureates and pop and movie stars lead to the same conclusions. Today, there are tens of thousands of such children in the world, and many have already become adults. And, on the contrary, where in ordinary families they found and were able to apply special techniques for unleashing human potential, talents, outstanding people and geniuses grew up. Hundreds of animal rearing cases over centuries of observation have shown an absolute loss of human intelligence and ability in the offspring of any parent, regardless of genes. This also clearly demonstrates the predominance of the phenotype, that is, the environment and conditions of upbringing over the genotype, and the differences in genes in humans.

Nevertheless, outdated views will continue to influence the thinking of all educators and scientists - all those who have received traditional pedagogical education for a long time. Therefore, they will never be able to bring up their children gifted: this is contrary to their worldview. Only when parents understand this main truth, they will be able to free the abilities of their child, to protect his giftedness.

Of course, it would be wrong to deny that there are some differences in the initial inclinations. But, you see, having received enough building material for the construction of, say, the Sheremetyevo international airport, careless owners may completely lose it and be unable to build even an ordinary warehouse. Even a simple assumption in favor of genetic talent turns out to be completely unclear for other reasons. It turned out that from the moment a child is born, even with a certain genotype, to the moment when giftedness can be identified, the distance is enormous. For example, not only does the brain's weight almost double, but neurons seem to be renewing according to data from the last decade.

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