Effergangan instruction for children. Effergangan Syrup: Indications, Application Instructions, Composition, Dosage and Side Effects

Among the antipyretic drugs and drugs and analgesics, children are most often prescribed to paracetamol preparations, since they are very effective and safer. One of these drugs is "Efferulgan".

Form release

For many decades, Efferoralgan has been produced by the French company "UPSA", which since 1994 owns the American company Bristol-Myers Skwibb. The drug is presented in several dosage forms:

  • Syrup.Such "Efferoralgan" is a yellowish brown, a little viscous fluid that smells like a vanilla and caramel. It is sold in plastic bottles of 90 ml along with a measured spoon.
  • Rectal candles.They are released in three different dosages and sell 10 pieces in one box (5 suppositories in one contour package). They have a white shade and a smooth glossy surface.
  • Swiming tablets.This form "Efferulgana" is placed in strips of 4 pieces and sold 16 tablets in a pack. Tablets are flat, round shape and white. On one side of the medicine there is a risk to divide the tablet on the halves.


The main ingredient of any of the forms of Efferulgan is paracetamol, which is contained in medication in such dosages:

  • in 1 millilitress of syrup - in the amount of 30 mg;
  • in one suppository - at a dose of 80, 150 or 300 mg;
  • in one hip tablet - in the dosage of 500 mg.

In addition to paracetamol, the syrup includes potassium sorbate, macrogol 6000 and citric acid, as well as purified water. Such a medicine is sweet, sugar syrup and sodium saccharinate are added to it, and caramel-vanilla flavoring is included in its composition.

Rectal candles are distinguished by a simpler composition. In addition to the active ingredient, they contain only semi-synthetic glycerides, which form the suppository. Sodium carbonate, sodium hydrocarbonate, and some other connections are auxiliary components of effervescent tablets.

Operating principle

Efferelgangan has a pronounced analgesic effect, as well as the ability to lower an elevated body temperature. Such therapeutic effects of the drug are associated with its impact on enzymes, which are called cycloxygenases (they "lead" synthesis of prostaglandins). Since the influence of the medication extends to those enzymes that are in the central nervous system, it causes the preferential impact of Efferhalgang on the cerebral centers responsible for thermoregulation and the response to pain.

When the medication enters the inflamed tissue, it is neutralized by cell peroxidases. Because of this, anti-inflammatory effect in syrup, tablets or candles is almost completely absent. But since "Efferoralgan" does not affect the synthesis and the release of prostaglandins outside the central nervous system (in peripheral tissues), it does not damage the gastric and intestine mucous membrane, and also does not provoke violations of water and electrolyte metabolism (it does not delay water and sodium).

The active substance "Efferulgana" is completely absorbed, and the action manifests itself depending on the form of the drug. The maximum level of the current ingredient in the blood after taking the syrup is detected after 30-60 minutes after the introduction of the suppository - after 2-3 hours, after receiving a solution made of a hip tablet - in 10-60 minutes.


The antipyretic effect "Efferulgan" is in demand with different states that are manifested by fever. Medication is used for influenza, many infectious diseases, after vaccination or in other situations. As analgesic, Efferoralgan is prescribed with moderate or weak pains, for example, in Malgia, after any injury, with a small headache, and so on.

From what age are prescribed?

At different forms of Efferulgangan, age restrictions differ. Syrup is allowed to give children older than one month with a weight of more than 4000. Such a sweet medicine is used to 12 years of age or while the mass of the child's body will not exceed 32 kg. Filty tablets, on the contrary, due to the high dose of paracetamol, write only to those patients who already have 12 years.

For suppositories, because of different dosages, also have their own age framework. So, if there are 80 mg of active substance in the candle, such a medicine is written to the smallest patients - babies aged three to five months, whose body weight is 6000-8000.

Candles with dosage 150 mg are shown for symptomatic therapy in children over six months to 3 years of age. Given the body weight, the medication with this dose is suitable for small patients who weigh 10-14 kilograms. Suppositories with the greatest content of paracetamol (300 mg) are assigned to children from five to ten years, the mass of the body is from 20 to 30 kilograms.


Effergangan cannot be given to children with:

  • hypersensitivity to any component of the medicine;
  • severe liver diseases;
  • lack in the body of the enzyme "glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase";
  • blood diseases;
  • grave pathologies of kidneys.

The use of rectal candles is additionally contraindicated for the diseases of the rectum and diarrhea.

Side effects

In the treatment of "Efferulgana", allergic reactions may appear, for example, urticaria or swelling. The medicine can also adversely affect the digestive system, provoking diarrhea, nausea, spasms in the stomach and other symptoms. Occasionally under the action of "Efferelgangan" may vary the pattern of blood - the number of cells decreases and the prothrombin index changes. In addition, individual patients have a toxic effect on the liver and kidneys.

Instructions for use

Dosage syrup

To find out the amount of liquid Effergangan for a particular child, you should multiply its weight in kilograms by 10-15 mg. So calculate the one-time dose of the medicine and give it to children 3-4 times a day (the break between the receptions is from 4 to 6 hours). To calculate the maximum daily dosage of the sweet preparation, weight in kilograms is multiplied by 60.

To accurately measure syrup, use a measuring spoon, which is sold along with the bottle. It has divisions from "4" to "16", which correspond to the weight of the patient in kilograms. For example, if the kid weighs 8 kg, then the measured spoon is filled with a medicine to the label "8".

If the baby's mass of the child is more than 16 kg, the medication needs to be dialed twice. For example, the weight of the patient is 24 kg, then first the spoon fill in completely to the mark "16" and give a drink syrup, and then pick up the medicine to the mark "8" and immediately give the child to swallow.

Syrup is usually given under undiluted form, but if necessary, the drug may be divorced in a small amount of any liquid - juice, water, milk. If the child swallowed an undelivered syrup, he can offer to put the medicine of any non-neural liquid.

How do candles apply?

Such a form of "Efferhalgan" is released from packaging and neatly introduced rectally, preferably after natural emptying or enema. The dosage of the drug is the same as in a syrup - 10-15 mg per kilogram of the weight of a small patient. Candles use three times a day with an interval of six hours or four times a day, but every 4 hours. Depending on the content of paracetamol in one suppository, the medicine is prescribed in such one-time doses:

  • 80 mg - kids 3-5 months, if their weight is 6-8 kg;
  • 150 mg - children older than 6 months of age up to three years with a weight of 10-14 kg;
  • 300 mg - Little patients 5-10 years, which weigh 20-30 kg.

The maximum number of apartments suitable for the age and weight of the suppositories per day is 4 candles.

How to give a tablet?

To prepare a healing drink from the solid form "Efferulgan", you need to throw a tablet in 200 milliliters of water. From it, bubbles will begin to stand out and soon the drug is completely dissolved, after which the medicine should be given to a child.

A single dose of the medication is a whole tablet or half, but sometimes the doctor prescribes and 2 tablets immediately. Such "Efferoralgan" can be given to children over 12 years old twice or three times a day, and the pause between reception of the drug should be more than 4 hours. The maximum allowed daily dose is 8 tablets.

How long can you use?

The duration of the use of any form "Efferulgan" depends on the symptom at which the drug is appointed. If the medication is given on temperature, it can be taken no longer than three days. In a situation where three days have passed since the acquisition of the medication, and the fever still has, you need a doctor inspection.

If Effergangan was discharged to get rid of pain, it is possible to use the drug a little longer, but not more than 5 days. When saving pain syndrome five days from the beginning of use, you also need to consult with the doctor.


With a significant exceeding the dosage "Efferulgana", pain in the abdomen, the pallor of the skin, vomiting and other negative symptoms appear. Medicine poisoning is dangerous to its toxic effect on the liver, which is not manifested immediately, so when an overdose is detected, you should immediately show the child to the doctor. Usually, a small patient is hospitalized, sorbents and antidot (acetylcysteine) give it, and then observe its condition.

Interaction with other medicines

In order not to accidentally provoke an overdose, it is impossible to use "Efferulgan" simultaneously with other drugs that include paracetamol. It is not recommended to also give children other antipyretic agents or analgesics ("Nurofen", "Analgin", "Naz", "Feppy", "Ketorol", "Mig 200", "Voltaren", etc.). Combining them with the reception of "Efferulgana" is permissible exclusively on the prescription of the doctor.

In addition, the simultaneous use of "Efferelgangan" and anticooms, chloramphenicol, anticoagulants, salicylates and many other drugs is not recommended. A complete list of medicines that are not prescribed along with paracetamol preparations can be seen in the paper instructions to all the forms of Efferhalgan.

Terms of sale

Any of the types of "Efferulgana" can be easily bought in a pharmacy, since all forms of this medication refer to non-prescription. The average price of one syrup bottle or candle packing with a dosage of 80 mg is 90-100 rubles. For 16 effervescent tablets you need to pay about 150 rubles.

Storage conditions

Holding syrup, effervescent tablets or suppositories at home is recommended at temperatures below +30 degrees. The medicine should lie where it will be inaccessible to children. The shelf life of any form "Efferulgana" - 3 years.

p-R d / intake inside 30 mg / ml: 90 ml FL. in a set with Mern. spoon
Reg. №: 6488/96/03/06/09/10/13/14/17/19 dated March 29, 2019 - the validity period is reg. UD. is not limited

Ingestion In the form of a slightly viscous solution of yellow-brown with caramel-vanilla smell.

Excipients: macrogol 6000, sugar syrup (sucrose, water), potassium sorbate, caramel-vanilla flavoring, purified water, sodium saccharinate.

90 ml - plastic bottles (1) complete with a measuring spoon - cardboard boxes.
150 ml - plastic bottles (1) complete with a measuring spoon - cardboard boxes.

Description of the medicinal preparation Effergangan syrup Created in 2013 on the basis of the instructions posted on the official website of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus. Renewal date: 01/24/2014


Paracetamol absorption during oral administration occurs quickly and completely. C max in plasma is achieved 30-60 minutes after reception.

Paracetamol is quickly distributed in all tissues. Concentration in blood, saliva and plasma are comparable. Bonding with plasma proteins is weak. Paracetamol is mainly metabolized in the liver and is displayed with urine. 90% of the adopted dose is excreted by the kidneys within 24 hours, mainly in the form of glucoroneid conjugates (60-80%), as well as sulfate conjugates (20-30%). Less than 5% is output unchanged. T 1/2 - 4-5 h.

An insignificant part of paracetamol with the participation of cytochrome P450 turns into a metabolite that comes into connection with gluticion and is derived from the urine.

With overdose, the amount of this metabolite increases.

In the case of severe renal failure (creatinine clearance below 10 ml / min), the removal of paracetamol and its metabolites slows down.

Dosing mode

This dosage form is a solution, designed for children with a body weight from 4 to 32 kg (approximately 1 month - 12 years).

The solution can be taken inside under undiluted or diluted in a small amount of liquid (for example, water, milk, juice). Children should keep dosing in accordance with the mass of the child's body. The age and the corresponding body mass is given in approximately. The recommended daily dose of paracetamol is about 60 mg / kg / day. The average one-time dose depends on the mass of the child's body and is 10-15 mg / kg of body weight every 6 hours 4 times / day.

For convenience and accuracy of dosing, it is necessary to use a graded dimensional spoon attached to the drug. On a measuring spoon, divisions are applied, denoting a one-time dose for a child with an appropriate body weight: 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 kg. Unchecked divisions correspond to the intermediate mass of the body:

  • 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 kg.

The measuring spoon is filled in accordance with the mass of the body of the child and adjust the level of fission fluid.

For a child with a body weight from 4 to 16 kg: It is necessary to fill the measuring spoon according to the division corresponding to the mass of the child's body, or use the division, the nearest to the mass of the child's body.

For example, when the body is mass of a child from 4 to 5 kg:

  • fill the measuring spoon before division corresponding to 4 kg. If necessary, receiving the drug can be repeated after 6 hours.

For a child with a body weight from 16 to 32 kg: First, you should fill the measuring spoon to a certain division, and then re-fill the measuring spoon before the division required to obtain the desired body weight of the child.

For example, when the body is mass of a child from 18 to 19 kg, first fill the measuring spoon to the graduation of 10 kg, and then the second time is filled to graduation 8 kg. If necessary, receiving the drug can be repeated after 6 hours.

Regular use allows to avoid vibrations of pain intensity or temperature. Children should keep the regular interval between receptions during the day and night, preferably 6 hours.

In the case of severe renal failure (creatinine clearance below 10 ml / min), the interval between the drugs should be at least 8 hours.

Duration of treatment:

  • 3 days - as an antipyretic agent, 5 days - as an painful agent.

special instructions

In order to avoid the risk of overdose before using the drug, it is necessary to make sure that other medicines applied together do not contain paracetamol.

  • in children with body weight up to 37 kg The total dose of paracetamol should not exceed 80 mg / kg / day;
  • in children with body weight from 38 to 50 kgthe total dose of paracetamol should not exceed 3 g / day;
  • in adults and children with body weight more than 50 kgthe total dose of paracetamol should not exceed 4 g / day.

In the treatment of a child, a paracetamol dose of 60 mg / kg / day, the concomitant use of another antipyretic agent is justified only in the event of the ineffectiveness of paracetamol.

Patients suffering from diabetes or observing a diet with low carbohydrates, when calculating the daily consumption of sugar, sugar contained in the preparation should be taken into account:

  • 0.67 g of sugar in the dose of the drug coming on every 4 kg of body weight, according to the graduation on the measuring spoon.

The drug does not affect the ability to control the vehicle and potentially hazardous mechanisms.


Symptoms: Nausea, vomiting, anorexia, abdominal pain, usually appearing in the first day.

Overdose over 10 g of paracetamol at one time in adults and 150 mg / kg body weight at one time in children can cause hepatocyte necrosis, leading to hepatocellular insufficiency, metabolic acidosis, encephalopathy and fatal outcome. After 12-48 hours, after an overdose, an increase in the level of hepatic transaminases, lactate dehydrogenase and bilirubin, as well as a decrease in the level of prothrombin, may be occurred.

Treatment: When symptoms appear an overdose, immediate hospitalization is necessary. The blood test is recommended for determining the level of paracetamol in plasma, washing the stomach, the reception of the antidote N-acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bintravenously or orally for 10 hours after receiving a drug, symptomatic treatment.

There is a risk of poisoning from elderly people and, especially, young children who can be life-threatening.

Medicinal interaction

Oral anticoagulants

When taking maximum doses of paracetamol (4 g / day) for at least 4 days there is a risk of enhancing the effect of oral anticoagulant and an increased risk of bleeding. Therapy should be monitored in terms of MHO (international normalized ratio) at regular time intervals. If necessary, the dose of oral anticoagulant should be adjusted for the treatment of paracetamol and after the cancellation of paracetamol.

Impact on the results of laboratory tests

With abnormally high concentrations, paracetamol can affect the results of determining blood glucose by means of a peroxidase glucose oxide reaction.

The use of paracetamol may affect the results of the determination of the blood urea by the method in which phosphorus organframic acid is used.

Syrup "Efferulgan" is a popular efficient antipyretic and painful agent, which is often appointed by pediatricians to improve the well-being of small children with a cold or when the first teeth are cut. In our article, we consider the syrup "Efferulgan" in more detail and its action on the child's body, as well as dosages and side effects.

Respiratory diseases in children

Since the kids at an early age only the immune system begins to form, they are subject to frequent colds. The reasons for the appearance of the ARZ can be drafts, wet boots, hypothermia or pathogenic pathogens. Young parents should be remembered that colds proceed in children somewhat differently than adults. Children cannot say for sure that they have and cannot describe their state in detail in one way or another. Therefore, parents can often miss the initial stage of the development of the disease.

Alert follows in such cases:

  • The child loses interest in toys.
  • There is a constant apathy and a bad mood.
  • The child climbs, loses appetite.

Such symptoms indicates an impending cold. The above-mentioned signs may add an increase in body temperature up to 38-39 degrees, the lymph nodes increase, cough and sneezing begins. The eyes of a child can blush without reason.

Indications for use

Children's Syrup "Efferulgan" is appointed to children aged one month to 12 years. But since the drug is safe and at the same time efficient drug, doctors prescribe syrup and children over 12 years old, and even adult patients.

The drug is used to reduce the high body temperature of the child with different colds, flu, children's infectious diseases, and also if the post is observed. Syrup will be effective as an anesthetic agent with pains of moderate and strong intensity, with dental and headaches, with neuralgia, with pain in muscles, with burns and injuries.

Instructions for use

In each case, the dosage of the drug is selected individually, taking into account the age of the baby and its weight. It is important to ensure that during therapy is not exceeded the rate of syrup. Doctors advise to give a child "Efferulgan" 1-2 hours after the main meals. On average, the dosage is calculated on the basis of such a proportion: 10-15 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Take syrup is necessary 3-4 times a day.

It is important to remember that the daily dosage should not exceed 60 mg per 1 kg of the child's weight. Young parents must ensure that the time interval between the syrup techniques is not less than or more than 4 hours.

A big advantage is the presence of a measuring spoon, which greatly simplifies the process of determining the dosage. Special marks are applied on a measuring spoon, which note the standard dose of 15 mg.

Detailed instructions for the use of Effercorgan children's syrup:

  • From one to three months - on the recommendation of the pediatrician.
  • From three to five months - 3 ml of syrup.
  • From five months to one year - 4 ml.

The required amount of drug syrup increases directly proportional to the age of the child, for example, 1-2-year-old baby recommended a dose of 5 ml, 2-3-year-old children are prescribed 6-7 ml, etc.

Composition of syrup

Before giving children a sweet drug, be sure to explore the composition, which will avoid the appearance of an allergic reaction. The main operating component of the syrup for Children "Efferulgan" is paracetamol, which allows you to quickly and painlessly remove the heat and clean pain.

The auxiliary components of the drug are:

  • macrogol 6000;
  • purified water + sucrose;
  • food additive E954;
  • potassium sorbate;
  • caramel-vanilla flavoring;
  • purified water;
  • lemon acid.

Syrope description: a viscous brown solution with a delicate caramel odor. A remedy for plastic bottles to which a measured spoon is attached and the instruction towards the Effercorgan children's syrup. The medicine is fusing in cardboard boxes of blue.

Suction and distribution of syrup components

The absorption of the body tissues of the main component of the drug occurs quickly and fully. Already 30-60 minutes after the reception, the maximum saturation of the child's body paracetamol occurs.

Newly-made mothers can be confident that Effercorgan syrup, the instruction to which is presented in our article, does not disturb the water-salt exchange, and also does not have a negative impact on the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract of the child.


To make the treatment brought the maximum effect, attention should be paid to the health of the baby. The drug is not prescribed in the following situations:

  • Zhilbera disease.
  • Diseases that directly affect the blood formation process in the body.
  • Breast kids under one month.
  • Serious disorders in the work of the kidneys and liver.
  • Hypersensitivity of the child's body to paracetamol and other syrup ingredients.

Side effect

In case of non-compliance with the dosage of the Syrope Efferulgan in the process of treatment, children may have such side effects:

  1. Nausea, which may be accompanied by vomiting.
  2. Pain feelings in the abdomen, diarrhea, teensa.
  3. Allergic symptoms that can manifest themselves depending on the degree of severity, ranging from skin rashes, ending with nafilactic shock and swelling.
  4. A sharp decrease in blood pressure.
  5. Leukopenia, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia.

Under the overdose of syrup, the child may have a nephrotoxic and hepatotoxic effect. Many of the above states and diseases, as side effects, represent a serious threat to the life of the child.

If there are signs of overdose by the drug, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor and take all measures to clean the stomach of the child. To do this, wash the stomach. Also, the child should give enterosorbents that will allow you to quickly eliminate signs of poisoning. In more rare cases, antidote can be applied.

special instructions

Since the main active component is paracetamol, and its oversuetting causes strong side effects, it is not allowed to take drugs with a high content of paracetamol together with the children's syrup "Efferulgan".

It is impossible to prolong the course of receipt of the drug. If you neglect the prescriptions of the doctor, then independently appointed treatment may adversely affect the health of the child. In the case when a long course of treatment is supposed to be held, it is important to monitor the condition of the liver and blood in order to avoid unwanted complications.

According to the instructions for use, Efferulgan syrup is not recommended to receive children who have previously diagnosed with diabetes mellitus. The drug is prescribed by a pediatrician, which can also stop or extend treatment.


To avoid the appearance of the risk of overdose, it is important to comply with the following precautions:

  1. For kids with a weight of up to 37 kg, the dose of paracetamol should not exceed 80 mg / kg per day.
  2. For children with a weight of 37-50 kg, the total dosage of the main component of the drug should not exceed 3 g / day.
  3. For adults and adolescents with a mass of more than 50 kg, the total dose should not be more than 4 g / day.

Increasing the allowable dosage as a reception of additional antipyretic drugs is permissible only in the case when the treatment of Efferhalgan is considered ineffective. The drug does not have a negative impact on the ability to control the vehicle and a potentially dangerous mechanism.

Treatment with syrup during pregnancy and lactation

Treatment with syrup for children "Efferelgangan", the instructions for the use of which accurately describes the therapy scheme, should be carried out under the permanent control of the doctor. So, during the pregnancy and lactation, paracetamol is capable of penetrating the placental barrier and even stands out with breast milk. Therefore, if the treatment of "Efferulgana" is still worth carrying out, the dosage is selected with extreme caution so as not to create a potential risk for the child's born or fetus.


It is important to draw attention to that the tool is in a free sale and is released without a doctor's prescription in almost every pharmacy. The cost of a vial of 90 ml is about 100 rubles. Such a price is considered to be quite democratic in comparison with similar antipyretic and painful drugs for children.

Storage of syrup

In the process of treatment based on syrup, it is necessary to adhere to its storage time. Effergangan remains effective for three years after opening. Store the drug is necessary in a dark cool place at ambient temperature not higher than 30 ° C.

The drug is prescribed inside 1-2 hours after meals.

The average one-time dose depends on the mass of the body's body and is 10-15 mg / kg of body weight 3-4 times / day. Maximum daily dose - 60 mg / kg. The interval between the techniques is 4-6 hours.

For the convenience and accuracy of dosing, use a measuring spoon. On a measuring spoon, divisions are applied, denoting a one-time dose (15 mg / kg) for children with body mass 4, 8, 12 or 16 kg respectively. Notworked divisions correspond to body weight 6, 10 or 14 kg.

The age of the child Child's Body Mass (kg) Label
(Paracetamol content /
volume volume)
1-3 months On the recommendation of the doctor.
3-5 months 6-8 6 (90 mg / 3 ml)
5 months-1 year 8-10 8 (120 mg / 4 ml)
1-2 years 10-12 10 (150 mg / 5 ml)
2-3 years 12-14 12 (180 mg / 6 ml)
3-4 years 14-16 14 (210 mg / 7 ml)
4-6 years old 16-20 16 (240 mg / 8 ml)
6-7 years old 20-22 16 + 4 (300 mg / 10 ml)
7-8 years old 22-24 16 + 6 (330 mg / 11 ml)
8-9 years old 24-26 16 + 8 (360 mg / 12 ml)
9-10 years old 26-28 16 + 10 (390 mg / 13 ml)
10-11 years old 28-30 16 + 12 (420 mg / 14 ml)
11-12 years old 30-32 16 + 14 (450 mg / 15 ml)

The ratio of age and body weight of the child is given approximately.

Children aged 3 months to 6 years (body weight 6-20 kg): Fill the measuring spoon to the tag in accordance with the table. For example, if the baby's body is from 6 to 8 kg, then the dimeric spoon should be filled to a label corresponding to 6 kg.

Children aged 6 to 12 years (body weight 20-32 kg): Fill the measuring spoon to the label corresponding to 16 kg, then re-fill the measuring spoon to the tag in accordance with the table. For example, if the baby's body is from 20 to 22 kg, then the measuring spoon should be filled to a label corresponding to 16 kg, then re-fill the measuring spoon to a label of 4 kg.

The drug can be given to a child without dilution or after dilution with water or milk.

The duration of treatment is 3 days when applying as an antipyretic agent and up to 5 days - as an analgesic agent. If necessary, a longer reception of the drug requires a doctor consultation.

On our site you will find detailed information about the Effercomeran (syrup) preparation and its instructions for use in Russian. Instructions for use contains information about the composition, indications for use, contraindications, dosage, features of admission in children, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, interaction with other drugs, on side effects and overdose of Efferoralgan medication. You can also familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions for the storage of Effercomehangan and its counterparts.

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